CST 03 Solutions
CST 03 Solutions
CST 03 Solutions
CST-3 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions) Intensive Program for NEET-2022
13/06/2022 CODE-A
1 1 6. Answer (2)
ne = =
ee 1.5 1.6 10 –19 0.14 Q1 = 1000 cal
= 2.97 ×1019 m–3 W=?
From nenh = ni T1 = 827 + 273 = 1100 K
(1.5 10 ) 16
2 T2 = 27 + 273 = 300 K
nh = = 0.756 10
W T T – T2
2.97 1019 = = 1– 2 = 1
Q1 T1 T1
nh 7.6 ×1012 m–3
4. Answer (4) T1 – T2
W = Q1
R 2C RC M0L0 T
= =
L L M0L0 T 1100 – 300
= 1000
R = 727.27 cal
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• For 3
= 5 10 –4
( – 1) = 3 ×10–4 T
P1 =
R emf = Bvlv
P = 3 ×10–4 × 0.5 × 10 × 10–2
P1 =
= 15 V
CST-3 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions) Intensive Program for NEET-2022
Li = – Mvaiˆ
Lf = Mvaiˆ
L = 2Mvaiˆ
16. Answer (3) 20. Answer (3)
Limiting coefficient of friction for
Solid sphere = R
1+ 2
Rnet = 10 + 10 + 10 = 30
tan 21. Answer (1)
= 5
2 Rate of heat produced in the wire = i2R
5 l
= i 2
2 r 2
= tan
7 Rate of heat produced in the wire = Rate of heat
Given coefficient of friction is more than required convected/radiated out of the wire
to pure roll, therefore, it will start pure rolling. i2R = hAT ( A = 2rl)
17. Answer (2)
i2 r3
Area of a – t graph on time axis = change in
i r2
adt = v f – vi 22. Answer (1)
0 adt = vmax – 0
At 2 s, particle has maximum speed.
18. Answer (4)
The maximum distance covered by bullets from
point of projection will act as radius of circular
R =
A =
Resultant force will act along northeast direction.
Intensive Program for NEET-2022 CST-3 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions)
02 r 3
= (to decay 63%)
gp = T
24. Answer (3) =
vmax A
= 0.693 0.693
v A2 T1/2 = =
A − 2 1
4 10
v0 A T1/2 = 7 seconds
v 3 28. Answer (3)
( )
2 2
= i A B = 8 5 sin90
3 2
v= v
2 0 = 10 N m
25. Answer (3) = I
T As the rotation is about axis which is in plane of
V= ( = mass per unit length)
MR 2
ring so I →
Considering an element of length x from bottom 2
MR 2
10 = 4
= 80 rad/s2
29. Answer (3)
Tension, T = xg = 0.001 × x × 10 Charge on an object doesn’t change with speed.
x It is relativistically invariable.
T = 30. Answer (2)
x F=
100 = 10 x
1 9 109 15 10 –13
= N
1000 2
= 10 x
dt = 36 × 15 ×10–4 N = 5.4 × 10–2 N
CST-3 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions) Intensive Program for NEET-2022
Intensive Program for NEET-2022 CST-3 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions)
A = (A0 – kx)
1 Q2
tan = + 2gh = c
( A0 – kx )
CST-3 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions) Intensive Program for NEET-2022
v2 gR 2
– gR = –
2 (R + h )
h = R 2 – 1
49. Answer (1)
( )
Speed at x = 1 v = 8 12 = 8 ms–1
Speed at x = 4 v = 8 ( 4 ) = 64 ms
2 –1
240 D d
=2 – 1 = 2
120 6 D
Sixth bright fringe =
47. Answer (2)
3 D
Third bright fringe =
Distance between sixth and third bright fringe
6 D 3 D 3 D
= – =
d d d
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SECTION - A = 100 + im (K b + K f )
51. Answer (2)
1 1000
Refractive index is an intensive property. = 100 + 2 ( 0.52 + 1.86 )
40 99
52. Answer (2)
= 101.2
Co(en)2 ClBr Cl x + 2(0) + ( −1) + ( −1) + ( −1) = 0 60. Answer (4)
53. Answer (2)
• Carbon atom forming one and three bonds
is sp2 hybridised.
• Carbon atom forming two and two bonds 4-Bromo-1-chloro-3-methylcyclohexane
is sp hybridised. 61. Answer (1)
54. Answer (1) Above reaction will undergo SN2 mechanism
Pepsin found in stomach converts proteins into which will give inverted product which is known as
amino acids. Walden inversion.
55. Answer (3)
k = Ae RT
Ea 1
lnk = ln A − 62. Answer (3)
Since NH3 can form hydrogen bonding, it will have
1 −Ea maximum intermolecular interaction hence will
Slope of lnk Vs is
T R give maximum deviation from ideal behaviour.
56. Answer (3) 63. Answer (4)
Due to complex formation i.e., Ag (NH3 ) the Since Sc3+ has no d electrons therefore, will not
2 show d–d transition hence will be colourless.
solubility of AgCl is maximum in 0.1 M NH4OH.
64. Answer (4)
57. Answer (2)
Chlorine water on standing loses its yellow colour
For minimum molar mass, atomicity of nitrogen due to the formation of HCl and HOCl.
should be one
65. Answer (1)
Atomic mass × atomicity
% Composition = 100 2Pb (NO3 ) ⎯⎯⎯⎯
673 K
→ 4NO2 + 2PbO + O2
Molar mass 2
CST-3 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions) Intensive Program for NEET-2022
Intensive Program for NEET-2022 CST-3 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions)
• 0.693
Half-life for first order is equal to therefore,
does not-change with time.
• Methane cannot be prepared by this method.
91. Answer (1)
84. Answer (2)
Synthetic soaps is principal emulsifying great of
O/W emulsion.
92. Answer (1)
van der Waals real gas equation
P + 2 ( V − nb ) = nRT
85. Answer (1)
For 1 mol
P + 2 ( V − b ) = RT
At very high pressure P
P+ P
P ( V − b ) = RT
86. Answer (4) − =1
Pt (NH3 ) (H2O ) ( en ) Cl Br
= 1+ = Z (compressibility factor)
93. Answer (3)
CST-3 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions) Intensive Program for NEET-2022
log (K c )
0.03 =
dxy, dxz and dyz have zero electron density log K C = = 0.5
along the axes.
95. Answer (3) 98. Answer (3)
Electron gain enthalpy becomes less negative on Meq of H2SO4 = meq. of NH3
going down the group because size of the atom Meq. of NH3 = 15 × 2 = 30
increases and added electron experiences less Mass of nitrogen in NH3 = 30 × 14 × 10–3
nuclear charge.
Percentage of nitrogen = 30 × 14 × 10–3 × 100
96. Answer (1)
= 42%
• Oxides : O2– : x = – 2
2− 99. Answer (1)
• Peroxides : O2 : 2x = −2 x = −1
Terminal alkynes contain acidic hydrogen. These
1 compounds liberate H2 gas on reaction with Na
• Superoxides : O2− : 2x = −1 x = −
2 metal.
• Dioxygen : O2 : 2x = 0 x = 0 1
CH3 − C CH + Na ⎯→ CH3 − C CΘNa + + H2
97. Answer (4)
100. Answer (4)
EoCell = Eo + − Eo 3+ 2+
Ag / Ag Fe /Fe The compound which does not contain
= 0.8 – 0.77 enolisable hydrogen will not show keto enol
= 0.03 V
SECTION - A 106. Answer (1)
101. Answer (3) Dinoflagellates have cell wall with stiff cellulose
Abscisic acid stimulates the closure of stomata in plates on outer surface.
the epidermis and thus increases the tolerance of 107. Answer (4)
plants to various kinds of stresses.
Sexual reproduction is seen in Agaricus. Morels
102. Answer (2) and truffles are sac fungi.
In Bryophyllum, adventitious buds arise from the
108. Answer (3)
notches present at margins of leaves and help in
vegetative propagation. Couples with blood group AB and O respectively
cannot have child with blood group O. They can
103. Answer (4)
have child with blood group A and B only.
Inner wall of pollen grain is called intine and it is
thin and continuous layer made up of cellulose 109. Answer (4)
and pectin.
104. Answer (2)
Cyclosporin A is used as an immunosuppressive
agent in organ transplant patients. It is produced
by fungusTrichoderma polysporum.
105. Answer (2)
Three domain system divideds kingdom Monera
into two domains Archaea and Bacteria.
Intensive Program for NEET-2022 CST-3 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions)
CST-3 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions) Intensive Program for NEET-2022
Cytokinin help to overcome the apical dominance According to CPCB, particulate size 2.5 m or less
and it promote nutrient mobilization which help in in diameter are responsible for causing greatest
the delay of leaf senescence. harm to human health.
137. Answer (2) 148. Answer (2)
In primary treatment, sedimentation and filtration Rhizophora grows in swampy areas. In this plant,
of solid particle will occur. many roots come out of the ground and grow
In secondary treatment or biological treatment, vertically upwards. These roots are called
flocs are formed with the help of aerobic bacteria. pneumatophores.
Intensive Program for NEET-2022 CST-3 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions)
SECTION - A 161. Answer (4)
151. Answer (1)
Both neural signals from sympathetic nerves and
• The nasal cavity leads to the pharynx, an adrenal medullary hormones increase the heart
intersection where the paths for air and food
beat rate.
162. Answer (2)
• Larynx is a cartilaginous box which helps in
sound production and hence, called the sound Coronary circulation is the circulation of blood in
box. the blood vessels that supply the heart muscles.
152. Answer (4) 163. Answer (2)
Hydra uses its tentacles for capturing its prey and
Taenia – Organ level of organisation
also use them for locomotion.
153. Answer (3) Pheretima – Organ-system level of organisation
Passage of ova through female reproductive tract Sycon – Cellular level of organisation
is facilitated by the ciliary movement.
154. Answer (2) Obelia – Tissue level of organisation
CST-3 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions) Intensive Program for NEET-2022
Transferases catalyse the transfer of specific Oparin and Haldane proposed that the first form of
groups other than hydrogen between a pair of life could have come from pre-existing non-living
organic molecules and that formation of life was
substrate for e.g. Kinase, Transaminase. Amylase
preceded by chemical evolution. “Inheritance of
is a hydrolase.
acquired character” was important point of
178. Answer (3) Lamarckism theory.
Ligase – DNA ligase SECTION-B
Lyase – Carbonic anhydrase
186. Answer (3)
Oxidoreductase – Peroxidase
Testes are situated outside the abdominal cavity.
Hydrolase – Lipase Each testis contains about 250 lobules and each
179. Answer (1) lobule contains one to three highly coiled
seminiferous tubules.
GLUT-4 enables glucose transport into the cells.
187. Answer (4)
180. Answer (3)
Chitinous exoskeleton and presence of jointed
To create recombinant vector, one should cut the appendages are characteristic features of
vector and the source DNA with the same arthropods. Comb plates are locomotary
restriction enzyme. structures present in ctenophores.
Intensive Program for NEET-2022 CST-3 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions)
Antennal glands or green glands perform the There must be a genetic basis for getting selected
and to evolve.
excretory function in crustaceans like prawns.
199. Answer (3)
192. Answer (2)
Stanley Cohen developed a method of removing
When a pregnancy has lasted more than 12
plasmids from the cell and then reinserting them
weeks, but fewer than 24 weeks, two registered in other cells. Plasmids are circular dsDNA
medical practitioners must be of the opinion that molecules.
the required grounds exist for MTP.
200. Answer (1)
193. Answer (2)
Selectable marker genes like ampR and tetR genes
Human alpha-lactalbumin is a human protein help in identification and selection of
which is more balanced for human babies. transformants.
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