ANPPC-KNO Everyday Actions

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“Sometimes I will post things on advice from


“We are committed to having family-style dinners parents you

social media to see if other

and using language that encourages kindness.” notice doing a

parents relate and have

feedback. This helps me great job. It's

“I let my child help me with household chores. He

important to


feel I am not alone and


loves to stir, scoop and mold food in the kitchen, ˆ


 share the
have options to discuss  

as well as help with cleanup. This gives us an



spotlight with


opportunity to talk about healthy food, bond and these things if I choose.”

parents when

take pride in the meal we will eat together. It also


“A local nonprofit helped †    they are

helps him develop a passion for a life skill he will

identify tasks I was  

need to be a successful adult.”

naturally doing that benefited my child's

development. When I had a concern or “Help parents realize
“I spend one-on-one quality time with each of my
questioned my parenting, they were able to they don't have to be perfect to be a
guide me and reinforce my decisions. This was good parent. Some days are better
crucial during my early days of parenting.” than others. The important thing is to
do your best every day.”
For more parent-to-parent tools visit “My child's school has connected me with a network of parents I consistently turn to when I
anppc/#resources need advice – as our children
have grown together.”

Copyright © 2018 ALLIANCE Resource from the ANPPC

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Copyright © 2021 ALLIANCE

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