Mystery at The Beach LVL U Running Record

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Benchmark Passage Running Record Mystery at the Beach U

Name Date Word Count: 178

Have the student read as you record notes for errors, self-correction, Assessed by
and other observations to target the student’s needs.
E = Errors S-C = Self-correction E S-C Notes

9 “Melissa!” shouted Malik. “A bear is walking on the

10 beach!”

20 Melissa sprinted down the sand to catch up with her

29 younger brother, who was examining a pair of wavy

37 parallel lines that resembled animal tracks. The marks

47 looked as though a creature had dragged itself along the

52 sand, away from the water.

61 “I don’t see footprints,” Melissa said. “A bear would

72 leave footprints, and the only bears around here live in the

77 forest. Think of another idea.”

83 “Maybe it’s a four-wheeler!” Malik said.

94 “In that case, its wheels are so wobbly, they’re about to

101 fall off. Look how the lines zigzag.”

107 “Maybe it’s a walrus,” Malik surmised.

115 “Walruses don’t migrate this far south,” Melissa said.

125 By this time, Dad had joined them. “What have you

127 discovered, kids?”

135 “Look!” Malik shouted suddenly, pointing to the sand

136 dunes.


WCPM Error Rate: 1:

Accuracy Rate: % Self-Correction Rate: 1:

© Learning A–Z All rights reserved. 1 of 2

Benchmark Passage Running Record Mystery at the Beach U

Name Date Word Count: 178

Have the student read as you record notes for errors, self-correction, Assessed by
and other observations to target the student’s needs.
E = Errors S-C = Self-correction E S-C Notes

143 There, volunteer workers from a loggerhead turtle

153 rescue team had cordoned off a nesting area with yellow

162 tape. Now the mysterious marks made sense. A giant

173 female turtle had pulled herself out of the sea overnight to

178 lay eggs in the sand.


WCPM Error Rate: 1:

Accuracy Rate: % Self-Correction Rate: 1:

© Learning A–Z All rights reserved. 2 of 2

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