Surgery Exam 20203

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Alneelain University – faculty of dentistry

Batch 10

5th year - Final exam 2020

Oral surgery

Section (A):

1- Zygomatic complex #.
a. What’s the x-ray of choice?
b. What’s the management?
c. Mention associated injuries?
d. Numerates three approaches of treatment?
2- Parotid tumor.
a. Mention two most common malignant tumor of parotid gland.
3- Buccal space infection. Fever pain history of tooth decay in lower 7 No trismus extend
from zygomatic arch till lower margin of mandible.
a. Name space involved in this infection.
b. What’s the management?
4- Unilocular radiolucency assoaiated with tooth in posterior mandible.
a. Mention 3 differential diagnoses.
b. If eggshell appearance in x-ray, what’s the spot diagnosis?
5- Case of dry socket.
a. What’s the management?
b. Mention risk factors.

Section (B):

1- Sjogren syndrome is potentially associated with which one of the following malignancies:

A. kaposi sarcoma

B. Squamous cell carcinoma

C. Basal cell carcinoma

D. Lymphoma

E. Melanoma

2- Regarding odontoma all of the followings are true except:

A. Most common odontogenic neoplasm in children

B. Typically found incidentally in radiographic surveillance

C. It is mixed in origin

D. It is usually cause bone expansion

E. Enculation is treatment of choice

3- A patient complains of an ulcer on their tongue. Which one of the following features of the
ulcer would make you suspect that it is malignant:

A. Indurated

B. Healing & recurring

C. Severe Pain

D. Size

E. A whole crop of ulcers appearance

4- Which of the following has the lowest risk of developing into squamous cell carcinoma?

A. Non homogenous leukoplakia

B. Erythroplakia

C. Homogenous leukoplakia

D. Proliferative verrucous leukoplakia

E. Hairy leukoplakia

5- Secondary bone graft reconstruction of the cleft maxilla and alveolus is undertaken:

A. At the time of the palate repair during infancy

B. When the maxillary central incisor is 2/3rds formed

C. When the maxillary canine is 2/3 developed

D. After partial eruption of the maxillay canine

E. When the maxillary 1st premolar 2/3 formed

6- In an infant born with a unilateral complete cleft lip and palate, primary repair of the cleft
lip should be carried out when the child is:
A. 1 week of age and weight 10 Ibs

B. 10 weeks of age and weighs 10 Ibs

C. 10 months of age and weighs 10 Ibs

D. 1 months of age and weighs 10 Ibs

E. 10 years of age and weighs 10 Ibs

7- A 40 year-old African female presents for evaluation of mixed radiolucent/radiopaque,

round, non-corticated lesions involving the apices of the anterior mandibular teeth. The
patient is asymptomatic. All of the mandibular anterior teeth test vital. Which of the following
would be the recommended management?

A. Obtain a CT scan to further evaluate the extent of the lesion

B. No treatment is necessary

C. Obtain a tissue biopsy to confirm the diagnosis

D. Perform curettage of the lesions and send tissue for pathologic diagnosis

E. Incision & Drainage

8- When the mandibular teeth are to be extracted, the patient should be positioned in such a
way that occlusal plane of mandibular arch is:

A. Parallel to the floor when the teeth are closed together

B. Parallel to the floor when the mouth is wide open

C. Perpendicular to the floor when the teeth are closed together

D. Perpendicular to the floor when the mouth is wide open

E. Above the level of the operator elbow

9- Treatment of state T3N1 of squamous cell carcinoma in floor of the mouth is:

A. radiation therapy only

B. chemotherapy only

C. surgery and radiation

D. chemotherapy and radiation

E. surgery only
10- Which of the following represents the most common site for oral squamous cell

A. Tip of the Tongue

B. Junction of the posterior part of the Tongue with the anterior part

C. Lateral Border of the Tongue

D. Lingual plica of the Tongue

E. Midline Dorsal Surface of the tongue

11-The majority of orofacial clefts are non syndromic, but when a syndromic diagnosis is made
it is frequently associated with:

A. Cleft palate only

B. Unilateral Cleft lip only

C. Cleft lip and palate

D. Alveolar cleft only

E. Bilateral cleft lip only

12- In adults, the normal range of vertical mandibular opening is from:

A. 10 to 20 mm

B. 20 to 30 mm

C. 30 to 40 mm

D. 40 to 50 mm

E. 50 to 60 mm

13- A patient presents with a non vital tooth and swelling in the labial sulcus. On aspiration
straw coloured fluid is present, a definitive diagnosis would be:

A. Nasopalatine cyst

B. Solitary bone cyst

C. Keratocyst

D. Radicular cyst

E. Nasolabial cyst
14- You notice radiolucent area close to the apex of central incisor, on a second x ray the
radiolucent area moves away from the apex of central incisor; this is likely to be:

A. Cyst

B. Abscess

C. Granuloma

D. Osteopetrosis

E. Incisive foramen

15- Which one of the following types of mandibular fractures can lead to a potential life-
threatening situation?

A. Bilateral parasymphsis

B. Condylar

C. Angle

D. Body

E. Coronoid

16- Snow storm appearance on x-rays is associated with which one of the following diseases:

A. Sialolithiasis

B. Sialoadenitis

C. Sialoatresia

D. Sjogren Syndrome

E. Parotid gland

17- Principles of flap design:

A. Allows surgical access to the original position

B. Carries its own blood supply

C. Wide flap base

D. Can be replaced in the original position

E. All of the above.

18- An edentulous 40-year-old man sustains a mandibular fracture in a motor vehicle accident.
Which of the following methods can be used to best determine the maxillo-mandibular

A. Analysis with a face-bow

B. CT scans of the face

C.Pretraumatic photographs

D.Use of the patient’s dentures

E. All of the above

19- Bone heating up to ___________for 1 minute is sufficient to impair bone formation:

A. 32˚C

B. 37˚C

C. 44˚C

D. 47˚C

E. 27˚C

20- One of the following is not associated with sialorrhoea:

A. Rabies

B. Foreign body

C. Painful oral lesions

D. Atropine drug

E. Pilocarbine drug

21- A 4-year-old boy has pain and swelling of the face after falling on his chin. Which one of
the following sites most likely expected to be fractured?

A. Body

B. Angle

C. Condyle

D. Ramus

E. Mid symphysis
22- (Gillies) approach is used for reduction of:

A. Zygomatic arch fracture

B. Lacrimal bone fracture

C. Nasal bone fracture

D. Frontal bone fracture

E. Temporal bone fracture

23- One of the followings is an expected complication of mumps in males:

A. Steven johnson syndrome

B. Orchitis

C. Brain abscess

D. Paraplegia

E. Quadriplegia

24- Marsupialisation is a technique used in the treatment of:

A. Pericoronitis

B. Abscess

C. Ameloblastoma

D. Oral cancer

E. Cyst

25- Which one of the following is expansile lesion of jaw bone?

A. Odontogenic keratocyst

B. Lateral Periodontal cyst

C. Dentigerous cyst

D. Radicular cyst

E. Acute osteomyelitis

26- Which one of the following types of mandibular fracture causes parasthesia of the lower




E. Alveolar part

27-Which of the following craniofacial synostosis syndromes is characterized by the following

anatomical features: craniosynostosis , Brachycephaly , shallow orbits with eyes proptosis,
maxillary hypoplasia and absence of syndactyly.

A. A pert s syndrome

B. Treacher Collin s syndrome

C. Gardener s syndrome

D .Carpenters syndrome

E. Crouzon s syndrome

28- In depressed zygomatic arch fracture difficulty in opening of the mouth is caused by
impingement of

A. Condyles

B. Ramus

C. Petrous temporal

D. Coronoid process

E. Sigmoid notch

29-The dangerous triangle of the face consists of the area from:

A. Corner of the mouth to the bridge of the nose

B. Corner of the mouth to supra-orbital rim

C. Nasal bridge to tip of nose

D. Supra-orbital rim to philtrium

E. Skin over the parotid gland

30- Which of the following is false in regards to Cleft-Palate?

A. May be submucous

B. More common in males than females

C. Predispose to speech defects, orthodontics problem and hearing loss

D. Patients are more likely to have cardiovascular defect than the general population

E. Need a team for management

31- The most serious complication of untreated infection from canine space is:

A. Cavernous sinus thrombosis

B. Ludwig angina

C. Infra temporal space

D. Pterygo-mandibular space

E. Mediastenitis

32- Craniofacial disjunction is the term used to describe:

A. Le fort I fracture

B. Zygomatic complex fracture

C. Naso-orbito ethmoidal fracture

D. Le fort III fracture

E. Le fort II fracture

33- Dental implant planned to be placed in front of the mental foramen should be at least 5
mm from the foramen to prevent the encroachment of:

A. Mental foramen

B. Sublingual artery

C. Anterior loop of the inferior alveolar nerve

D. Incisive canal

E. a & b

34- Among the important lesions to be considered in differential diagnosis of dentigerous cyst
arising in body/ramus region include:
A. Unicystic Ameloblastoma

B. Stafen idiopathic cyst

C. Eruption cyst

D. Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor

E. Acanthomatosis

35- In pediatric patients, abnormalities in mandibular growth are most closely associated with
fractures involving which of the following regions of the mandible?

A. Body

B. Angle

C. Mid symphysis

D. Ramus

E. Condyle

36- If patient comes with history of cardiac problem and he is taking aspirin 75 mg daily, for
the past 5 years what will be the possible complication if you perform tooth extraction:

A. Increases bleeding time

B. Increases prothrombin time

C. Increases clotting time

D. Increases partial thrombin time

E. Decreases bleeding time

37- A 16-year-old boy is brought to the emergency department after sustaining blunt trauma
to the mandible in a motor vehicle accident. Radiographs show a displaced fracture of the
mandibular body with the teeth in the line of the fracture. Which of the following is an
indication for extraction of the involved teeth?

A. vertical fractures of the teeth

B. Loose teeth

C. Mixed dentition

D. Molar or premolar teeth

E. Enamel infarction

38- Regarding Ameloblastoma all of the followings are true except:

A. Benign locally invasive odontogenic tumors

B. Of epithelial origin

C. Often present as painless, slow growing tumors

D. Differentiated between solid and cystic types can made only histological sample

E. Intraoral cystic Ameloblastomas have higher tendency to recur than solide Ameloblastomas

39-The Primary goal in treatment of odontogenic infection is:

A. Removal of the cause

B. Drainage

C. Esthetic incision placement

D. Removal of Pain

E. Debridement

40- Which of the following are likely signs or symptoms of zygomatic bone fracture?

A. Diplopia

B. Limitation of mouth opening

C. Numbness

D. Enophthalmus

E. All of the above

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