Design Based Implementation Research - Fishman Penuel
Design Based Implementation Research - Fishman Penuel
Design Based Implementation Research - Fishman Penuel
University of Colorado Boulder
University of Colorado Boulder
SRI International
National Society for the Study of Education, Volume 112, Issue 2, pp. 136-156
Copyright © by Teachers College, Columbia University
Design-Based Implementation Research 137
This National Society for the Study of Education Yearbook presents an over-
view of an emerging model at the intersection of policy, research, and
practice called design-based implementation research (DBIR). DBIR applies
design-based perspectives and methods to address and study problems
of implementation. As the chapters in this volume illustrate, DBIR chal-
lenges education researchers to break down barriers between sub-disci-
plines of educational research that isolate those who design and study
innovations within classrooms from those who study the diffusion of in-
novations. It also aims to reconfigure the roles of researchers and prac-
titioners in bringing about systemic change in ways that make it more
likely that practitioners can adapt innovations productively to meet the
needs of diverse students and that durable research–practice partner-
ships can sustain innovations that make a difference.
Three different models of evaluation research align closely with the aims
of DBIR. One is utilization-focused evaluation, which directs evaluation
researchers to consider intended uses of research by intended users in
the design and conduct of evaluation (Patton, 1997, 2000). Like DBIR,
utilization-focused evaluation emphasizes uses of research findings for
programs, and it highlights the ways that stakeholder involvement in the
process of evaluation can support the design and development of both
programs and organizations (Patton, 2000). A second strand of evalua-
tion research includes participatory models of evaluation (e.g., Cousins
& Earl, 1992; Fetterman, 2001), in which stakeholders are involved in
all aspects of evaluation research, from formulating questions to inter-
preting results. This model presumes that the knowledge people use to
guide decision making within organizations is socially constructed and
that participation in all aspects of the process of evaluation helps prac-
titioners develop shared understandings of program goals, effects, and
conditions for success (Cousins & Earl, 1992). Finally, theory-driven eval-
uation (Donaldson, 2007) emphasizes the importance of using a combi-
nation of social science and stakeholder theories in designing evaluation
studies and of using evaluation to support program planning. A prem-
ise behind this model is that to be effective, interventions need to be
grounded in theory and evidence from relevant social science disciplines
(e.g., learning sciences, psychology, public health). Supovitz (2013, this
Yearbook) explores the relation between DBIR and different models of
evaluation, pointing out both intersections and conflicts between DBIR
and traditional evaluation of educational innovations.
Within the learning sciences, design-based research offers a model for the
design and testing of innovations within the crucible of classrooms and
other contexts for learning (Cobb, Confrey, diSessa, Lehrer, & Schau-
ble, 2003; O’Neill, 2012). As a model that emphasizes iterative cycles of
design and testing, design-based research is particularly well-suited to
making evidence-based improvements to innovations, in which evidence
from both implementation and outcomes informs changes that design
teams make to innovations for learning (see, e.g., Fishman, Marx, Best,
& Tal, 2003). The potential utility of design research to support imple-
mentation also derives from its commitment to developing both theory
that guides design decisions and practical tools that can be used to sup-
port local innovation and solve practical problems (Cobb et al., 2003). As
in community-based participatory research, the collaborative nature of
much design research positions practitioners as codesigners of solutions
to problems, which can facilitate the development of usable tools that
educators are willing to adopt (Penuel, Roschelle, & Shechtman, 2007).
& Means, 2004; Penuel & Yarnall, 2005). Implementation research is of-
ten conducted within larger outcome studies, with the aim of analyzing
how and how much variations in implementation matter for innovation
effectiveness (e.g., Furtak et al., 2008; Lee, Penfield, & Maerten-Rivera,
2009; O’Donnell & Lynch, 2008). Notably, the study of implementation
among policy researchers in education and sociologists of education has
given an important context for theory development in these fields, from
new institutionalism (Meyer & Rowan, 2006) to the diffusion of innova-
tions (e.g., Frank, Zhao, & Borman, 2004). Implementation research stud-
ies conducted as part of policy and evaluation studies have yielded impor-
tant practical insights over the years, notably about the inevitability of local
adaptation and the need to support local actors’ sense-making in shaping
implementation of innovations (e.g., Berman & McLaughlin, 1975; Dat-
now, Hubbard, & Mehan, 1998; Means, Padilla, DeBarger, & Bakia, 2009).
The aim of a social design experiment is to develop new tools and prac-
tices that produce new learning arrangements, especially for students
from nondominant communities (Gutiérrez & Vossoughi, 2010). As in
other forms of design research, researchers work in close partnerships with
practitioners to develop these arrangements. In addition, consistent with
DBIR, a focus is on transforming learning arrangements across different
settings and levels. A key aim is to develop so-called third spaces, in which
hybrid cultural practices enable students to bridge everyday and academic
literacies (Gutiérrez, Baquedano-Lopez, & Tejada, 2000). Doing so often
requires engaging community members in partnerships to ensure that the
voices, tools, and practices of nondominant communities become integral
to new learning arrangements. These partnerships, moreover, may incor-
porate cultural practices and beliefs of members of the community as a
means to ensure that the design process becomes a third space (Bang, Me-
din, Washinawatok, & Chapman, 2010). A number of scholars are develop-
ing approaches to designing learning environments that engage commu-
nity members and that attempt to help students relate everyday cultural
practices to disciplinary ways of thinking and reasoning (Bang & Medin,
2008; DeBarger, Choppin, Beauvineau, & Moorthy, 2013, this Yearbook;
Kirshner & Polman, 2013, this Yearbook; Tzou & Bell, 2010).
The principles that we outline next are heuristics for guiding the orga-
nization of DBIR (Penuel, Fishman, Cheng, & Sabelli, 2011). We gave
the authors of the chapters in this Yearbook guidance to use, adapt, and
extend them to illustrate what DBIR is now and might be in the future.
To provide readers with a sense of where we began, however, it is useful
to describe the principles we think make a particular research project,
program of research and development, or infrastructure for collabora-
tion an example of DBIR. The four key principles are:
improvement: (1) the need to identify theories and methods that are ap-
propriate for research that focuses simultaneously on classroom teaching
and learning and on the policies and systems that support those improve-
ments at scale; (2) the need to develop cross-setting, cross-sector perspec-
tives on improving teaching and learning; (3) the need to develop meth-
ods for working in partnership with practitioners to negotiate the focus of
their work and to organize design to include a wide range of stakeholders
in schools and communities; (4) the need to develop standards of evidence
appropriate to the questions we pose in research; and (5) the need for
policies and infrastructures that help sustain partnerships and grow our
capacity for continuous improvement and sustainable change.
A key construct emerging within both the learning sciences and policy re-
search in education is the importance of considering learning as unfold-
ing over time across multiple settings (Banks et al., 2007). Learning is
not bounded by the classroom, and it does not take place only in formal
settings. Improving student learning outcomes depends on taking into
account learners’ history of engagement with particular content areas,
the forms their engagement with that content takes in different settings
of their lives, and the organization of learners’ access to opportunities to
engage with specific domains. This broadened perspective on where and
Design-Based Implementation Research 147
how learning takes place is an important anchor for DBIR as a model for
developing partnerships to improve the design and implementation of
educational interventions.
The chapters in this section both outline this life-long, life-wide per-
spective on learning and present examples of research–practice part-
nerships in which cross-setting interventions are being developed and
their implementation is being studied and promoted through partner-
ship activity. In the first chapter in this section, Milbrey McLaughlin and
Rebecca London (2013, this Yearbook) describe the work of the Youth
Data Archive (YDA) at Stanford University’s John W. Gardner Center.
The YDA makes it possible for people from different sectors to orga-
nize knowledge from diverse sources in order to gain new insight into
persistent problems and to identify new problems that can be addressed
through coordinated cross-sector efforts. In their chapter, Ben Kirsh-
ner and Joe Polman (2013, this Yearbook) take up the question of what
happens when innovations themselves move across different settings. In
contrast to approaches that emphasize adherence or fidelity to program
components, Kirshner and Polman discuss the need to authorize local
adaptation and for designers to provide “signature tools” that enable
productive—as opposed to maladaptive—adaptations of innovations.
and evidence change in a DBIR approach and what challenges this pres-
ents to established views of validity and evidence in program evaluation.
This chapter considers the utility of identifying what evidence is needed
for an intervention on the basis of its location of an intervention along a
hypothetical “intervention development curve” as a framework for judg-
ing the adequacy of evidence in DBIR.
Just as the DBIR approach seeks to foster the creation of scalable and
sustainable educational innovation through new combinations of re-
search and practice partnerships, DBIR itself requires a different way to
conceive of, fund, and support the ongoing conduct of research and de-
velopment. This is an infrastructural challenge. The current policy and
funding environment frames the research enterprise in particular ways,
and DBIR challenges that framing. For instance, policy makers will need
to broaden conceptions of evidence beyond focusing on “what works”
to encourage researchers to develop evidence related to what works for
whom, when, and under what conditions.
The final section of this Yearbook comprises chapters that present
examples of new organizations and organizational structures for pur-
suing the work of DBIR and that critically examine existing infrastruc-
tures for supporting research in terms of what is needed for DBIR to
be fully realized. The Strategic Education Research Partnership (SERP)
was chartered by the National Academy of Sciences specifically to de-
velop new working relationships between research and practice and to
address pressing educational problems, and in many ways it exemplifies
the DBIR principles. Suzanne Donovan, Catherine Snow, and Phil Daro
(2013, this Yearbook) describe the history and work of SERP, with a fo-
cus on how that organization identifies important problems of practice
and brokers relationships between practice and research to address those
problems. Jimmy Scherrer, Nancy Israel, and Lauren Resnick (2013, this
Yearbook) describe the Institute for Learning (IFL), an organization with
a long history of focus on school reform. They examine work on both
teacher effectiveness and student learning from the perspective of insti-
tutions, employing a metaphor of “nesting” to describe organizational
structure. IFL has worked to design supports for “boundary crossers”
who communicate new information across contexts, and the chapter
explores how IFL has evolved over time and, with each iteration, has
moved toward DBIR principles. Jon Dolle, Louis Gomez, Jennifer Rus-
sell, and Tony Bryk (2013, this Yearbook) describe a radically different
approach to cross-boundary collaboration and improvement focused on
networked improvement communities. They describe how the Carnegie
150 National Society for the Study of Education
The workshop and development of materials in this volume were funded by the
National Science Foundation under award no. 1054086. The authors would,
in particular, like to thank Janice Earle of the NSF for helping to shape the
ideas that led to the workshop, and Denise Sauerteig of SRI International for
Design-Based Implementation Research 151
invaluable support of all aspects of this work. The views represented in this chap-
ter and in this volume are those of the authors and not of the funding agencies or
the authors’ respective institutions.
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