Walk in Interview

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aftao, arfr s, Tytci-462 038 (HI.

1CAR (An ISO 9001:2015 Certifled Institute)
Tel 0755-2521015. 2733226, Fax: 2730984, 2734016, Email: no ndmo ciaeoicar, gov. in

F.No.13-100/2020-RECTT./ KISAN HUB/ Dated: 04.10.2024

The Walk-in-Interview will be conducted for
recruitment of Senior
Professional-Il and Young Professional-I (purely time bound/non-regularResearch Fellow, Young
engagement and co-ternminus with the concerned project) on various dates attemporary/ contractual
10:30 AM at ICAR
Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Nabi Bagh, Berasia Road,
projects/ schemes at this Institute. The particulars are as follows: Bhopal under various
S. Post Name of Qualification
No. Emoluments Date of
Project Interview
Young Expansion of Essential: Graduation in Rs. 30000/
professional-I activities of
(Four Posts) DBT Kisan Agricultural Engg. consolidated 16.10.2024
(4 Nos.) Agriculture, Computer per month
hub project in science/application/IT, (10:30 AM)
eight E&TCEngg.
aspirational /Instrumentation Engg.
districts of from a recognized
Madhya university with
Pradesh first/second division or
Phase-II 50% marks or equivalents.

Desirable: Working
experience in ERP system,
testing/ demonstration of
agricultural machinery,
experience in field work,
proven records for
2. Office Assistant Assessment of Essential: Graduate in Rs. 15,000/
(One Post) Farm any discipline with at least consolidated 21.10.2024
(01 Nos.) Mechanization 60% from any recognized per month
Status and University along with the (10:30 AM)
Prospects of working knowledge of MS
Custom Hiring Ofice, Word, Excel etc.
in India at

o 4 h o J 2 4
3. Senior Research Assessment of Essential: Masters degree Rs. 31,000/- +
Fellow Farm in Agricultural HRA* per 22.10.2024
(Two Posts) Mechanization Engineering with month
Status and specialization in Farm consolidated (10:30 AM)
(02 Nos.) Prospects of Machinery and Power
Custom Hiring with 4 or 5
in India at years of Bachelor's
AICRP on FIM degree from a recognized
Desirable: Working
experience in design,
development and testing
of agricultural
machineries, Proven
records of publishing
report/training manuals/
research papers and
computer applications.
Experience in working at
field level, conduct and
analysis of field survey
will be preferred.
Note: Candidate without
experience can be also
considered for the post of
4. Young NAIF-ABI Essential: Graduates with Rs. 42,000/
Professional-II at least 60% marks in consolidated
(IT) Computer per month
(10:30 AM)
(One Post) Application/Information
(01 Nos.) Science/ Artificial
Intelligence/ Operating
Systems/ Software
Engineering/ Computer
Graphics with one-year
experience in the relevant
Masters in Computer
Intelligence/ Operating
Systems/ Software
Engineering/ Computer
Any change in walk in interview date will only be notified on Institute web site
https://ciae.icar.gov.in/. The candidates are strictly advised to visit website before attending the

(Ashish Sahu)
Assistant Administrative Officer (Admn.)
Terms and Conditions
1. The above posts are purely time bound/non-regular temporary/contractual engagement and
co-terminus with the concerned project. The selected candidate will have no right what so
ever for absorption/ regularization at ICAR-CIAE,Bhopal or any other ICAR Institute.

For Sr. Research Fellow 35 yrs. For Men

40 yrs. For Women

For Research Associate 40yrs. For Men

45 yrs. For Women

For Young Professional-II : Minimum 21 years

Maximum 45 years.

For Young Professional-I/

Office Assistant Minimum 21 years
Maximum 45 Years

Interested candidates should bring the following documents with them at the time of
a) Bio-data should contain particulars of age, qualification, subjects taken, year of passing,
marks obtained, address proof, photograph should also be pasted on the top right side on the
application/ Bio-data.
b) Original certificates &their attested copies.
) Relevant publications (if any).
d) Experience certificate in original, if any.
3. NoTA/DA is admissible for attending the interview.
4. Persons already employed should bring NOC of the present employer at the time of
attending interview.
5. Candidate will not be permitted to appear in the interview without original certificates of
educational qualifications.
6. Written test may beconducted before the Oral interview for the post.
7. Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidature.

8. The candidate intending to appear for interview, if any of his near or distant relative is an
employee of the ICAR/CIAE, has to declare his/her name, designation, nature of duties and
relationship in writing.
The candidates are strictly advised to visit website before attending the interview.

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