Instructions AS IK 10 English - 2.0 - SW 6.01

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Pattern control AS-IK 10

Edition 2.0

Translation of Original Instructions

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Manufacturer Robatech AG
Pilatusring 10, CH-5630 Muri, Schweiz
Description Pattern Control
Machine type AS-IK (entire series)
Software version 6.01
Complete Documentation Part. No. 144021
Instructions Part. No. 155453


Robatech AG, Pilatusring 10, CH-5630 Muri, Schweiz

Phone +41 56 675 77 00

Fax +41 56 675 77 01

Date of issue December 2009

© Copyright by Robatech AG

All rights reserved. Without Robatech's written approval it is not permitted to copy and
distribute this instructions or parts thereof in any form whatsoever, or to transmit it by means
of electronic systems.

The illustrations and information contained in this instructions are subject to technical
alterations necessary for the enhancement of the appliance.
Table of contents

1 Product description _________________________________________________________________ 3

1.1 Use for intended purpose .............................................................................................................................. 3
1.2 Prohibited applications ................................................................................................................................. 3
1.3 Operating Manual ......................................................................................................................................... 4
1.3.1 How this manual is to be used......................................................................................................... 4

2 Safety _____________________________________________________________________________ 5
2.1 General safety regulations ............................................................................................................................ 5
2.2 Responsibility of the operator....................................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Qualified personnel ...................................................................................................................................... 6
2.4 Personal protection equipment ..................................................................................................................... 6

3 Controller construction and specifications _______________________________________________ 7

3.1 Description ................................................................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Functional description .................................................................................................................................. 7
3.3 System drawing ............................................................................................................................................ 7
3.4 Technical specifications ............................................................................................................................... 8

4 Installation ________________________________________________________________________ 9
4.1 Special notes prior to installation ................................................................................................................. 9
4.2 Wiring ......................................................................................................................................................... 10
4.3 Parameter 900…912: Activating controller ................................................................................................ 11
4.3.1 General .......................................................................................................................................... 11
4.3.2 Parameter 900: Access code.......................................................................................................... 11
4.3.3 Parameters 901, 902: Experimental operation .............................................................................. 11
4.3.4 Parameters 903…907: Software key ............................................................................................. 11
4.3.5 Parameter 912: AS-IK10 .............................................................................................................. 11

5 Operation ________________________________________________________________________ 13
5.1 Start of automatic operation ....................................................................................................................... 13
5.1.1 Checks before the first start........................................................................................................... 13
5.1.2 Start of automatic operation .......................................................................................................... 14
5.2 Malfunction ................................................................................................................................................ 15
5.2.1 Error messages .............................................................................................................................. 15
5.2.2 Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................ 15
5.3 Manual valve activation.............................................................................................................................. 17
5.3.1 Switching ON via pattern controller ............................................................................................. 17
5.3.2 Switching ON via solenoid valve key ........................................................................................... 17
5.4 System parameters ...................................................................................................................................... 18
5.4.1 Access lock ................................................................................................................................... 18
5.4.2 Overview diagram of system parameters ...................................................................................... 18
5.4.3 Parameter 100: Program number .................................................................................................. 19
5.4.4 Parameter 101: Switch on time delay tON .................................................................................... 19
5.4.5 Parameter 102: Switching OFF time delay tOFF .......................................................................... 19
5.4.6 Parameter 105: Machine speed ..................................................................................................... 20
5.4.7 Parameter 107: Evaluation G-ENABLE ....................................................................................... 20
5.4.8 Parameter 108: Trigger input ........................................................................................................ 21
5.4.9 Parameter 109: Offset-Distance .................................................................................................... 21
5.4.10 Parameter 110: Trigger input locking length ................................................................................ 21
5.4.11 Parameter 112: Operating mode trigger input ............................................................................... 22

AS-IK10 / v2.0 Table of contents 1

5.4.12 Parameter 119: Controller activation ............................................................................................ 22
5.4.13 Parameter 122: Configuration manual valve activation ................................................................ 22
5.4.14 Parameter 131: Channel allocation application head output 1 ...................................................... 23
5.4.15 Parameter 132: Channel allocation application head output 2 ...................................................... 23
5.4.16 Parameter 140: Trigger distance for switching ON and OFF point .............................................. 23
5.4.17 Parameters 160…165: Palletising function / counter function...................................................... 24
5.4.18 Parameter 160: Palletising function .............................................................................................. 24
5.4.19 Parameter 161: Palletising function sequence ............................................................................... 24
5.4.20 Parameter 162: Number of products with glue application n1 ...................................................... 24
5.4.21 Parameter 163: Number of products without glue application n2 ................................................. 24
5.4.22 Parameter 164: Counter reading of products with glue application .............................................. 24
5.4.23 Parameter 165: Counter reading of products without glue application ......................................... 25
5.4.24 Parameter 567: Product counter reset input .................................................................................. 25
5.4.25 Parameter 180: Display application head status ............................................................................ 25
5.4.26 Parameter 181: Current program number...................................................................................... 25
5.5 Select program numbers ............................................................................................................................. 26
5.5.1 Selection via the keyboard ............................................................................................................ 26
5.5.2 Selection via the device interface .................................................................................................. 26
5.6 Programming application patterns .............................................................................................................. 27
5.6.1 Different type of application ......................................................................................................... 27
5.6.2 Pre-defined glue pattern ................................................................................................................ 28
5.6.3 Glue application at beginning and end of product ........................................................................ 29
5.6.4 Deleting application pattern .......................................................................................................... 30

Parameter table ______________________________________________________________________ I…IV

2 Table of contents AS-IK10 / v2.0

1 Product description

1.1 Use for intended purpose

The pattern controller »AS-IK10« is a simple time-
based glue application pattern controller for constant
machine speeds. It is integrated into the basic controller
of the glue melting units of the type Concept-A, -B and
Under consideration of the technical specifications
(refer to Chapter 3.4) the controller is designed to
control up to two glue application heads for applying
melting glue with different programmable patterns. The
release of the glue is performed via a trigger signal (via
photo sensors etc.).
The controller may only be used to control solenoid
valves on Robatech glue application heads.

1.2 Prohibited applications

The following activities of the owner or operator of the device are some, but not all of the examples for
prohibited applications:
– Without written permission from the manufacturer any other use than the »Intended operation«, or the
operation outside of the technical specifications, count as prohibited applications.
– The use and operation of the device by unqualified persons is prohibited.
– The non-adherence to the safety and operating warnings, as well as the work protection and accident
protection regulations and local and statutory regulations are prohibited applications.
– The controller may not be operated in a defective system or in an explosive atmosphere.

AS-IK10 / v2.0 Product description 3

1.3 Operating Manual
The specifications in this Operating Manual refer to:

The integrated »AS-IK10« pattern controller for glue melting devices from Robatech with the
program ICS-MAIN or CLS-MAIN as of version 6.01

– This manual is available in the German, English, French, Italian and Spanish languages; other languages
available on request.
– The operating manual is an integral part of the system. Please keep this manual readily available until the
system is disposed of so that you can quickly take reference to it at any time. When selling or renting the
system out, this manual should be forwarded with it.
– This manual must be understood and observed in all parts by those persons responsible for the transport, the
installation, the operation, the maintenance and the repair of the device.
– You are explicitly requested to contact Robatech if you do not clearly understand any part of the operating
manual. We are also grateful for any suggestions and criticisms.

1.3.1 How this manual is to be used

Chapters 1 to 4 provide the required basic knowledge that every user needs to know for his work with the
Chapter 5 contains information that describes the normal operation of the device, which means operation
without malfunctions.

Read through the manual carefully. Especially observe Chapter 2 - Safety so that
the device can be used safely and without accidents.

4 Product description AS-IK10 / v2.0

2 Safety

To be able to work with the glue melting system safely and without accidents,
definitely read Chapter 2 »Safety« in the basic unit operating manual. There you will
find all important information about the dangers of the unit, the safety devices, the
personal protection equipment and the procedure in the event of an emergency.

The pattern controller AS-IK10, in the following termed as device, is designed according the current state of
technology and the accepted technical safety requirements, and can be used easily and safely by a qualified
operator. Inadequately trained operators can however cause damage to property or limbs due to mistakes. This
chapter informs about the safety concept and the requirements for a safe and optimum usage.
All personnel authorized for installation and operation are required to read this chapter.

2.1 General safety regulations

Adhere specifically to the following general safety regulations:
– The device may only be operated, maintained and repaired by authorized and trained personnel.
– The device may only be operated in perfect working condition and under observance of this operating
manual. If the safe operation can no longer be guaranteed, the system must be taken out of operation and be
secured against unintentional switching ON.
– In addition to the operating manual, please observe the statutory requirements and regulations for accident
prevention and environmental protection in your country.
– Without written consent from Robatech, it is prohibited to undertake structural modifications.
– If during operation serious technical malfunctions, deficiencies and abnormal technical loads are observed,
then the operator must report these to Robatech without delay.

2.2 Responsibility of the operator

– The operator is under obligation to only allow personnel to work on the device that are authorized and trained
to do so. In addition, these persons are familiar with the generally valid rules and regulations regarding work
safety, accident prevention and environmental protection.
– The device may only be operated in a safe and fully functional condition and under observance of this
operating manual. If the safe operation can no longer be guaranteed, the system must be taken out of
operation and be secured against unintentional switching ON.

AS-IK10 / v2.0 Controller construction and specifications 5

2.3 Qualified personnel
All persons that have been assigned to work on the device are under obligation to read the relevant chapter for
their work in this manual beforehand, especially the safety regulations.
The device may only be installed and operated by authorized and trained personnel. Due to their physical
aptitude, training and experience these persons are capable to safely perform the installation and operation of the
device. The qualified personnel must be familiar with the safety and accident prevention regulations, and be
knowledgeable about the internal company work instructions. The device operator is responsible for training the
personnel. The status of the training can be verified and firmly established with a product-specific training
course by Robatech.

Device operator
The operator should be so familiar with the device, that he can operate it without difficulty during production,
together with the installed accessories. For this a good technical understanding is required, as well as having read
and understood at least Chapter 1, 2, 3 and 5 of this operating manual.

The technician must have extended knowledge about the device. He must have completed a
mechanical/electrical basic education, as well as have basic knowledge about pneumatics and hydraulics, so that
he can install the whole system and adjust, maintain and repair it. He must read and understand all chapters in
this manual.

2.4 Personal protection equipment

Danger through hot device components and hot glue splashes! When
working on the device it is compulsory to wear work clothes that cover
arms and legs.

During all work on the hot and pressurized device components, especially
during installation, maintenance and repair work, it is compulsory to wear
protective gloves and protective goggles. Danger of splashes and burns!

For this purpose Robatech offers special protective accessories: Art.-No. 100660:
consisting of a pair of protective gloves, a pair of protective goggles and 6 nozzle cleaning needles.

6 Controller construction and specifications AS-IK10 / v2.0

3 Controller construction and specifications

3.1 Description
– The AS-IK10 is a time based glue application pattern control for constant machine speeds.
– The control can run on Concept-A, B- and C- glue melting devices.
– The control is directly integrated into the CLS-MAIN or ICS-MAIN-A main print controller, and can run
from program version 5.00 upwards.
– A maximum of two glue application heads and two photo sensors (triggers) can be connected.

3.2 Functional description

The machine transports a product to be glued on a conveyor belt to the glue application heads. As soon as the
product reaches the photo sensor (trigger) the emitted light is reflected and the pattern controller AS-IK10 starts
to execute the programmed glue application pattern. Thereby, under consideration of the programmed transport
speed and offset distance, the pattern controller calculates the switching ON and OFF points of each individual
application head.

3.3 System drawing

AS-IK10 / v2.0 Controller construction and specifications 7

3.4 Technical specifications
Number of programs > 70 programs
Selection via parameter 100
or via freely programmable inputs PROG1...PROG8
Speed range constant speed between 5.0…300.0 m/min
Recommended speed up to 150 m/min
Precision ± 4 ms

Valve outputs
Connections 2 freely allocated outputs, via parameter 510…516
Head 1 recommended on output X20.3, parameter 514 = 17
Head 2 recommended on output X20.5, parameter 515 = 18
Output voltage 24 Volts DC
max. 0.5A = max. 12 Watts
Allocation Free allocation of the application outputs to a user-defined application
channel, selectable in parameter 131 and 132.
Switching ON and switching 0.0…30.0 msec
OFF compensation individually adjustable per application head output

Trigger inputs
Connection 2 freely allocated inputs, via parameter 565 and 566
Trigger 1 recommended on input X20.8, parameter 565 = 24
Trigger 2 recommended on input X20.6, parameter 566 = 12
Supply voltage 24Volts DC
Current of all inputs max. 750 mA
Distance between trigger and max. 9999 mm
application head individually programmable for every application head output
Products within the range max. 31
Trigger - Application head

Glue application
Application mode Programmable in parameter 112. Selectively:
– Application of a defined glue pattern, start with positive trigger flank
– Application of a defined glue pattern, start with negative trigger flank
– Continuous application as long as trigger is switched ON (direct control
of the application head outputs)
– Length measurement of the product with dynamic adaptation of the
glue application length to the product length
Glue lengths max. 9999 mm total pause and glue length
Glue lines per program max. 31

Machine contacts
Release input freely allocated input, via parameter 554
G-ENABLE Function programmable in parameter 107

8 Controller construction and specifications AS-IK10 / v2.0

4 Installation

Electrical shock
Danger Operating voltage 230 or 400 Volts. Danger to life if conducting components are
touched. The protective covers on the glue melting device may only be removed
after the device has been disconnected from the mains power supply.
The wiring of the controller may only be performed by trained personnel, such as
e.g. company electricians. Apart from the warnings in this manual, the generally
accepted safety and accident prevention regulations are to be observed.

4.1 Special notes prior to installation

– The wiring of the pattern controller must be

performed with shielded cables. Incorrectly
connected or unshielded cables can disrupt the
correct functioning of the device or negatively
influence other devices (electromagnetic
disturbances). The correct wiring is described in
Chapter 5 of the basic unit operating manual.
– In order for the pattern controller to operate, at least
one trigger (photo sensor etc.) and one glue
application head are required.

Interference-free wiring with shielded cable

AS-IK10 / v2.0 Operation 9

4.2 Wiring
– The triggers (photo sensors etc.) and the applicator heads can theoretically be connected to any freely
programmable input, or respectively, output.
– Due to the maximum current, the overload protection and the short circuit protection, Robatech recommends
connection to plug X20. For this plug a terminal set is available that permits easy wiring of the components
(see pictures). They are as follows:
§ for Concept A: Art. 138456
§ for Concept B, C: Art. 135875

Terminal of X20 on Concept A Terminal of X20 on Concept B and C

Trigger inputs:
The activation of the glue application is generally
performed via a photo sensor or light barrier, can
however also be implemented with a proximity
– Power supply 24 Volts DC
– Trigger 1: Signal input on connection 8 and set
parameter 565 to 24
– Trigger 2: Signal input on connection 6 and set
parameter 566 to 12

Application head outputs:

A maximum of two glue application heads can be
– Power output 24 Volts DC, maximum current
0.5 A = maximum continuous power 12 Watts
– Head 1 to connection 1 and 3
– Head 2 to connection 1 and 5
– Configuration of outputs: set parameter 514 to 17
and parameter 515 to 18

For connecting the application heads and the photo sensors, please also refer to the
respective operating manuals or data sheets.

10 Operation AS-IK10 / v2.0

4.3 Parameter 900…912: Activating controller

4.3.1 General
– The AS-IK10 glue application controller is implemented in all Concept glue melting devices from software
version 5.00 upwards. In the standard version however, the controller is not activated and must be purchased.
The controller is activated by means of the input of a software key in parameters 903...907.
– The software key is a 20 digit number and is allocated upon order by Robatech via the serial number of the

4.3.2 Parameter 900: Access code

The parameters 901 to 912 are protected via an access code in parameter 900. The access is permitted as follows:
• Deactivation of access lock »Loc2«.
• In parameter »900« select the value »5630«. Now the parameters 901…912 can be selected and edited.

4.3.3 Parameters 901, 902: Experimental operation

In experimental operation the customer can test the optional glue application controller AS-IK10, or the service
technician can switch the controller ON without software key after replacing a defective MAIN-Print.
After activation of experimental operation a counter is activated. After 310 operating hours the experimental
operation expires. To be able to further use the pattern controller, now the software key can be purchased and

Para. Input area Function Default

OFF Switching OFF experimental operation
901 OFF
ON Switching ON experimental operation
902 0…310 hours Display of the remaining hours of experimental operation

4.3.4 Parameters 903…907: Software key

– The software key to activate the glue application controller AS-IK10 is a 20 digit number and is entered in
the five parameters 903 to 907.
– The software key is allocated via the MAIN-Print serial number (parameter 93 and 94) by Robatech.
– After correct input of the key the device must be switched OFF and switched ON again. The pattern
controller is now activated and can be operated normally (refer to Chapter 5, Operation).
– With an invalid key (no options can be activated) the error message E90 is displayed for 2 seconds when the
device is started. The parameters 100…181 do not appear!

4.3.5 Parameter 912: AS-IK10

Parameter 912 displays whether the glue application controller AS-IK10 is activated.
ON = activated, OFF = not activated

AS-IK10 / v2.0 Operation 11

12 Operation AS-IK10 / v2.0
5 Operation

In this chapter you will find the following information:

– Chapter 5.1: Start of automatic operation
– Chapter 5.2: Error messages and malfunctions
– Chapter 5.3: Manual release of the application heads
– Chapter 5.4: Setting parameters in the controller before glue application
– Chapter 5.5: Selecting the programs in which all data is to be stored
– Chapter 5.6: Programming application patterns

5.1 Start of automatic operation

5.1.1 Checks before the first start

Before the first start the following installations and adjustments must be performed or verified so that the perfect
functioning of the controller is possible:

– With the recommended add-on kit (Concept A: 138456, Concept B,C: 135875) the inputs and outputs of plug
X20 on the MAIN-Print are routed to an external terminal clamp (refer to Chapter 4.2)
– The maximum two triggers (photo sensors etc.) are correctly installed. Operating power 24 Volts DC (refer to
Chapter 4.2).
– The maximum of two application heads are correctly installed. The operating voltage of the solenoid valves
is 24 Volts. The power rating of all the solenoid valves is maximally 12 Watts (refer to Chapter 4.2).
– The required inputs and outputs are correctly configured. Parameter 565 = 24, parameter 566 = 12, parameter
514 = 17, parameter 515 = 18 (refer to Chapter 4.2).

Setting parameters:
– In parameter 100 the desired program is selected under which all adjustments are saved.
– The speed of the production device was measured and entered under parameter 105.
– The distance between the trigger and the application heads was selected large enough, measured and entered
under parameter 109.
– The desired operating mode is selected under parameter 112.
– An application pattern was entered (depending on the operating mode under parameter 112).

AS-IK10 / v2.0 Operation 13

5.1.2 Start of automatic operation
The pattern controller executes the programmed glue
application pattern when the following conditions are
• The glue melting device is ready for operation. The
green LED »Ready« is illuminated.
• The trigger and an application head are correctly
installed and programmed.
• As soon as a photo sensor (trigger) detects a
product and issues the respective signal the pattern
controller starts to execute the glue application
• With consideration of the programmed transport
speed and the offset distance, the pattern controller
calculates the switching ON and OFF points for
each individual application head.

14 Operation AS-IK10 / v2.0

5.2 Malfunction

5.2.1 Error messages

Apart from the following messages for the pattern controller AS-IK10, also observe
the standard device messages as described in the manual of the basic unit.

Display Cause Remedy

E 08 Outputs of the device interface X1, X8…X11 or X20 Use solenoid valve with less
overloaded. Current > 0.5 A power rating
E90 Experimental operation of AS-IK10 controller has expired Purchase valid software key and
or incorrect software key input under parameters 903…907
Application pattern deleted because lengths or pauses too Adjust glue lengths and pauses
short (confirm by pressing key) accordingly

5.2.2 Troubleshooting
Problem Possible cause Remedy
Application heads Device is not ready for operation. Check status or error messages on the device.
do not apply glue LED »Ready« is not illuminated Undertake appropriate measures
Pump not switched ON. Press key on pump field. LED »I(ON)« must be
illuminated green
Application head is switched Set parameter 108 for each head to »1«
No trigger signal available Check trigger input. With the product recognition the
respective LED (Concept A: D40, Concept B, C: D10)
on the MAIN-Print must light up and extinguish (or
extinguish and light up). Check the wiring of the
trigger. Connection to input X20.8. Operating voltage
Trigger is mounted too near to application head.
Switching ON and OFF times cannot be compensated.
Mount trigger with larger distance to head.
Optics on trigger contaminated. Clean lens.
Solenoid valve incorrectly Press the manual activation button on the solenoid
connected or valve. The valve must switch audibly. Otherwise check
defective solenoid valve compressed air supply.
Manually switch the solenoid valve ON via the pattern
controller. The valve must switch audibly. Otherwise
check wiring.
Problems with the glue melting Check temperatures of all heating zones
device Check screw connections and hose pipes for escaping
Check power cable, connection cable and pneumatic
hose pipes

AS-IK10 / v2.0 Operation 15

Problem Possible cause Remedy
Application heads Trigger is faultily mounted or Install trigger according to manufacturer's
do not always adjusted. Certain products are recommendation. Definitely observe sensing distance.
switch ON detected, others are not Determine location on the machine through
Avoid transmission of vibrations to the trigger. Select
mounting accordingly.
Too many products between the A maximum of 31 products are possible. Otherwise
trigger and the application head. mount the trigger nearer to the application head.
The speed of the machine Allow machine to run with constant speed. Otherwise
changes continuously upgrade to ICS-IK pattern controller for variable
speeds with encoder measuring.
Nozzle or filter blocked Check nozzle and filter for blockages. Possibly clean or
Applied glue Incorrect offset distance Measure distance between trigger and application
pattern does not heads and enter values under parameter 109.
correspond to the Incorrect machine speed Allow machine to run with constant speed Measure
programmed pattern speed precisely and enter in parameter 105.
Incorrect values for the switching Input correct values in parameter 101 and 102 for each
ON and OFF compensation of application head. Basic value 6.0 msec.
the solenoid valves

16 Operation AS-IK10 / v2.0

5.3 Manual valve activation
– In manual operating mode the application heads can be tested for their functioning and a residual glue
pressure can be released whilst the pump is switched OFF.
– During manual mode the normal glue application is interrupted and the trigger input is locked.

Danger of splashes and burns

With manual activation of the application heads there is danger through hot
splashes. The operator is responsible that no persons are located in the slash area of
the application heads. During adjustment work on the application heads it is
mandatory to wear protective goggles and protective gloves.

5.3.1 Switching ON via pattern controller

• By pressing the key (1) change into manual mode.
The LED in the key lights up and » - - - - « appears
on the display (2).
• With the keys (3) select the desired head or »A« for
all heads. Display in the field (4).

• The displayed application head output is switched

ON as long as the key (5) is pressed (default), or
remains switched ON until the key is pressed again
(when parameter 122 = ON). Condition: the device
is ready for operation, the LED »Ready« lights up.

• In the event the device is not ready for operation

(LED «Ready» not illuminated) and the parameter
119 is set to OFF, then »-Lo-« appears on the
display (2) when the key (5) is pressed. The manual
switching ON is locked.

• By pressing the key (1) again, the manual mode is

exited again.

5.3.2 Switching ON via solenoid valve key

The solenoid valve can also be switched ON manually

without the pattern controller:
• Press in the activation button directly on the
solenoid valve (refer to picture). With button
pressed the solenoid valve switches ON.

AS-IK10 / v2.0 Operation 17

5.4 System parameters
Before glue patterns are programmed and applied, correct parameters must be entered into the controller. With
the parameters 100…140 the basic settings of the controller are entered.

Setting the parameters may only be performed by an experienced technician.

Incorrect entries lead to device malfunctions or to failure of the device.

5.4.1 Access lock

To prevent unintentional or unauthorized change to the data, all data can only be changed after deactivating the
access lock »Loc1« or »Loc2«.

»Loc1« deactivation »Loc2« deactivation Activating access lock

Press these keys simultaneously: Press these keys simultaneously: Press these keys simultaneously:

– By deactivating Loc2, Loc1 is also always deactivated.

– If a key is not pressed within two minutes the access lock is automatically activated again.
– The data access can be locked via a key switch (refer to basic unit).
– Only Concept A and B: With an installed PROFIBUS board the access lock LocE is displayed. The entry of
data via the operating console is locked. Set parameter 400 to OFF! (refer also to Profibus manual)

5.4.2 Overview diagram of system parameters

18 Operation AS-IK10 / v2.0

5.4.3 Parameter 100: Program number
– The pattern controller is equipped with more than 70 programs for saving the patterns together with their
parameters. All inputs always refer to the current program number.
– The program number is selected via parameter 100.
– In the event that the program selection inputs PROG1…PROG6 are switched ON, then the program selection
is performed via these inputs (the program selection is also described in Chapter 5.2). If the program
selection is performed via the inputs, a red decimal point lights up on the program display.

Input range Function Default

P 0…P 69 Active program number P0

5.4.4 Parameter 101: Switch on time delay tON

The controller compensates the switch ON delay of the application head by already switching the corresponding
solenoid valve ON before the actual start of the glue application. The switching ON time delay tON [msec] can
be entered individually for each individual application head.

Input range Unit Function Default

0.0…30.0 msec Switch ON time delay tON 6.0

5.4.5 Parameter 102: Switching OFF time delay tOFF

The switching OFF time delay tOFF [msec] can be entered individually for every application head. The
controller compensates the switch OFF delay of the application head by already switching the corresponding
solenoid valve OFF before the actual start of the glue application.

Input range Unit Function Default

0.0…30.0 msec Switching OFF time delay tOFF 6.0

Functional description of the time delay for switching ON and OFF:

All solenoid valves have a constant inertia-dependent reaction time. The glue characteristics and the distance
between the nozzle and the product lead to an additional extension of the delay time. In order for the application
pattern to still conform to the programmed distances also during high machine speeds, it is absolutely necessary
to compensate these timings.

1 Effective glue application

2 Switching ON time of the solenoid valve

Basic settings for 4 Watt MacJac solenoid valves:

tON = 6.0 msec, tOFF = 6.0 msec

AS-IK10 / v2.0 Operation 19

5.4.6 Parameter 105: Machine speed
– The pattern controller AS-IK10 is a time based glue application controller for constant machine speeds.
– In order for the applied glue pattern to correspond with the programmed pattern, the machine speed must be
measured and recorded in parameter 105. Using the defined machine speed the controller calculates the
switching ON and OFF timings of the solenoid valves.

With a defined machine speed of 60 m/min, 1 millimeter glue length corresponds to a

switching time of 1 millisecond (1 mm = 1 ms at v 60 m/min). Example: to switch the
application head ON for 0.5 seconds (= 500 ms) a glue grub length of 500 mm must
be programmed.

Input range Unit Function Default

5.0…300.0 m/min Machine speed 150.0

5.4.7 Parameter 107: Evaluation G-ENABLE

Via the freely configurable input G-ENABLE (refer to parameter 554 in the manual for basic unit) the glue
application can be terminated and the use of the still pending trigger signals can be defined. The adjustment can
be made for each application channel.

Input range Condition Behavior Default

G-ENABLE will not
be evaluated
G-ENABLE will not
be evaluated
− Application head output will be switched OFF
G-ENABLE is − Glue application will be terminated, stored triggers
switched OFF will be deleted.
− The triggering will be locked
− Application head output will be switched OFF
UI − in case the G-ENABLE input is active, the glue
switched OFF
application will be continued
− Application head output will be switched OFF
G-ENABLE is − Glue application will be terminated, stored triggers
switched OFF will be deleted.
− the triggering will be locked
− Application head output will be switched OFF
I I − in case the G-ENABLE input is active, the glue
switched OFF
application will be continued

20 Operation AS-IK10 / v2.0

5.4.8 Parameter 108: Trigger input
Every application head output can be activated by one of the two trigger inputs. With OFF the application head
output is switched OFF.

Input range Function Default

OFF Activation locked
1 Activation through trigger input 1 1
2 Activation through trigger input 2

5.4.9 Parameter 109: Offset-Distance

The distance between trigger and application head is
called the offset distance and can be defined
individually for every application head output. By this
means the glue application for each application head
can always be calculated based on the product edge..

In variance to all the other parameters, the changed value of the offset distance is
only accepted after the parameter input is closed!

Input range Unit Function Default

0…9999 mm Distance between trigger and application head 200

Calculation of offset distance:

The length should be selected sufficiently long so that the reaction times of the application heads can be taken
into consideration. An offset distance of approx. 1/5 of the machine speed can be presumed - e.g. machine speed
= 100 m/min, recommended offset distance = 20 mm

The minimum offset distance (without safety reserve) can

also be exactly calculated:

The minimum distance between trigger and application head is dependent on the
machine speed and the switching on compensation ton.

5.4.10 Parameter 110: Trigger input locking length

The trigger input can be locked for a certain stretch after activation by a photo sensor. Independent of the locking
length, the trigger input is always locked from the product begin up to the end of the glue application.

Input range Unit Function Default

0…9999 mm Locking length of the trigger input 0

AS-IK10 / v2.0 Operation 21

5.4.11 Parameter 112: Operating mode trigger input
The activation of the glue application is performed via a signal from the trigger input. The parameter 112
determines the evaluation of the trigger signal flank.

Input range Function Remarks Default

Application of a defined glue pattern
_ _| ¯ For programming
Activation with increasing signal flank (ON-OFF)
refer to Chapter
Application of a defined glue pattern
¯ ¯| _ 5.3.2
Activation with decreasing signal flank (ON-OFF)
Continuous glue application as long as trigger signal Example 5.3.1 _ _| ¯
available. Direct control of the application head outputs
Length measurement of the product with adaptation of the For programming
|–| glue application to the product length. Continuous glue refer to Chapter
application. 5.3.3

5.4.12 Parameter 119: Controller activation

Normally the pattern controller is locked as long as the device is not ready (LED »Ready« is not illuminated).
With the parameter 119 the pattern controller can be activated independently of the operational readiness.

Input range Function Default

OFF Activation only when ready ( when LED »Ready« is illuminated)
On Activation independent of operational readiness

5.4.13 Parameter 122: Configuration manual valve activation

Function of the key during manual activation of the application head (refer to Chapter 5.4).

Input range Function Default

OFF Application head is active as long as key is pressed
On Application head remains active until switched OFF with the key again OFF

22 Operation AS-IK10 / v2.0

5.4.14 Parameter 131: Channel allocation application head output 1
5.4.15 Parameter 132: Channel allocation application head output 2

Adjustments to these parameters are only to be performed for complex applications!

For normal cases the basic settings are sufficient!

With this allocation it is possible to address both application head outputs under one channel. In the basic
settings the following applies: application head outputs = channel. The allocation can be programmed for each
application head individually. The parameters 101, 102, 107, 108 and 109 are specific to channel and can, in the
event they are defined here, refer to both application heads. The manual activation of the heads and the
programming of application patterns are also performed in reference to channels.

Input range Function Parameter Application head outputs Default

Channel that addresses 131 VALVE 1 1
1…2 the application head
output VALVE x 132 VALVE 2 2

5.4.16 Parameter 140: Trigger distance for switching ON and OFF point
Display and use only in operating mode »Automatic glue length compensation, parameter 112 = I–I«. The
distance between the switching ON and OFF point of the trigger can be adjusted and compensated. This
adjustment is taken into account in the calculation of the length measurement. The value must approximately
correspond with the size of the sensor light spot.

Input range Unit Function Default

0…70 mm Distance between switching ON and OFF point of the trigger 0

AS-IK10 / v2.0 Operation 23

5.4.17 Parameters 160…165: Palletising function / counter function
Normally after the glue application has been activated by a trigger input, every product is glued. The palletising
function starts a counter when the trigger input occurs. This makes it possible to glue a specific number of
products and also not to glue a specific number of products. The sequence »Glue – Don’t glue« is reversible and
defined by parameter 161.

5.4.18 Parameter 160: Palletising function

Switches the palletising function on and off.

Input range Function Default

OFF Function switched off
On Palletising function switched on

5.4.19 Parameter 161: Palletising function sequence

Sets the sequence of the items to be glued and not to be glued

Input range Unit Function Default

The first n1 items are glued, the following n2 items are not
0 item
The first n2 items are not glued, the following n1 items are
1 item

5.4.20 Parameter 162: Number of products with glue application n1

Sets the number of products with glue application.

Input range Unit Function Default

1…1000 item Number of products with glue application 1

5.4.21 Parameter 163: Number of products without glue application n2

Sets the number of products without glue application.

Input range Unit Function Default

0…1000 Item Number of products without glue application 1

5.4.22 Parameter 164: Counter reading of products with glue application

Displays the number of products which have been given a coating of glue

Input range Unit Function

0…1000 item Counter reading of products with glue application

24 Operation AS-IK10 / v2.0

5.4.23 Parameter 165: Counter reading of products without glue application
Displays the number of products which have not been given a coating of glue

Input range Unit Function

0…1000 item Counter reading of the number of products without glue

5.4.24 Parameter 567: Product counter reset input

The product counter can be reset via a freely selectable input defined in parameter 567. Assignment see
operating manual of the Concept basic unit.

5.4.25 Parameter 180: Display application head status

The status of the selected application head output is displayed.

Display Function
Glue application normal, trigger input released
xx = number of objects in waiting line
Glue application terminated, trigger input locked
xx = number of objects in waiting line
Glue application trigger input
xx = number of objects in waiting line
Device not ready for operation (LED »Ready« not illuminated)
Glue application terminated, trigger input locked

5.4.26 Parameter 181: Current program number

The current program number is displayed. If the program is selected via the interface inputs PROG1...PROG6,
then the red decimal point illuminates. Display area P 0…P 69.

AS-IK10 / v2.0 Operation 25

5.5 Select program numbers
More than 70 programs are available for saving the programmed glue application patterns. Before input or access
to the application patterns the program number under which it is to be processed must be selected. For this
purpose several possibilities are available:

All displays and input of application patterns always refer to the currently selected
program number.

5.5.1 Selection via the keyboard

• With the keys (1) select the Parameters function.

• With the keys (2) select the parameter number 100.
The display (3) confirms the selection.
• The display (4) now shows the currently selected
program number. After releasing the access lock
Loc1 a new program number P0…P69 can be
determined with the keys (5). The change of
program is performed immediately.

5.5.2 Selection via the device interface

If the program selection is performed via the freely programmable interface inputs PROG1...PROG7 (only
Concept-A and -B series, refer to manual of adhesive melter) a decimal point illuminates right on the program
display. Via the inputs a maximum of 27= 128 programs [P0…P127] can be selected. During a change of
program a possibly current input is terminated and a new program number »P XX.« is displayed for 2 seconds.
The status of the inputs PROG1…PROG7 can also be queried via the parameter 181.

When using the inputs PROG1…PROG7 the program selection via the keyboard has
no effect.


Value #1 #2 #4 #8 # 16 # 32 # 64

26 Operation AS-IK10 / v2.0

5.6 Programming application patterns

5.6.1 Different type of application

The parameter 112 (refer to Chapter 5.1.10) determines the type of application, that means the operating mode of
the application heads. They are as follows:

Parameter 112 Function and programming Example

Continuous glue application as long as the

trigger input remains switched ON.
For this type of application no length
programming is required.

Application of a defined glue pattern.

Activation through change in the signal flank
_ _| ¯ on the trigger input.
or Up to 31 freely programmable glue lines are
¯ ¯| _ possible, starting at the beginning of the
For programming refer to Chapter 5.3.2

Activation of the glue application by switching

the trigger input at the beginning and end of the
A glue line at the beginning and end of the
|–| product is possible. The distances are the same
at both sides. If the application length is
selected long enough, a continuous glue
application is also possible.
For programming refer to Chapter 5.3.3

AS-IK10 / v2.0 Operation 27

5.6.2 Pre-defined glue pattern Basics
This operating mode permits the application of a programmed glue pattern consisting of up to 31 different glue
lines. The glue application is activated by a change in the signal flank on the trigger input (parameter 112 = _ _|
¯ or ¯ ¯ | _).

Before entering the data, the number and position of the glue applications based on the product beginning must
be determined. The data is to be calculated as follows:
L1 Distance product beginning - 1. application
A1 Length 1. glue application
L2 Distance product beginning - 2. application
A2 Length 2. glue application
Lx Space product beginning - x. Application
Ax Length x. glue application Input of the application patterns

Condition: The input of a glue pattern is only possible if the operating mode in
parameter 112 is set to »_ _| ¯ « or »¯ ¯ | _«.

• Press the key (1) on the control panel.

• With the keys (2) the application head is selected
and displayed in the field (3). If an application
pattern is already programmed the LED's in field
(6) blink.
• Press the key (4). The number 1 appears on the
display (5) for the first glue application. On the
display (6) two LED's blink for »Distance product
beginning application«.
• With the keys (7) the desired distance is entered
and displayed in the field (8).
• Through repeated pressing of the key (4) the next
dimension is called up, which is then entered with
the keys (7).
• Deleting: Individual glue applications are deleted
by resetting the last length.

28 Operation AS-IK10 / v2.0

5.6.3 Glue application at beginning and end of product Basics
Depending on the programming, two application variations are possible with this operating mode:

1. One glue application each at product beginning and end

The distance from product edge up to the glue application is the same on both sides and also the application
L1 Distance from product edge to glue application
A1 Length glue application
Conditions: Product length > 2 × (L1 + A1)
Offset distance > L1 + A1

2. Continuous glue application with automatic compensation of the application length

If the application length is selected large enough, which means larger than the maximum glue application length,
then a continuous glue application is possible. The distance L1 at the beginning and end of the product is always
adhered to, independent of the application length A1.
L1 Distance from product edge to glue application
A eff length of glue application (effective)
A1 Length of glue application (programmed)
Conditions: A1 > A eff
Offset distance> L1 Input of the application pattern

The input of both the length dimensions (L1 und A1) is extensively described in Chapter

AS-IK10 / v2.0 Operation 29

5.6.4 Deleting application pattern
To delete the whole application pattern of an application head, proceed as follows:

• Press the key (1) on the control panel.

• With the keys (2) select the respective application
head. Display in the field (3)
• No application should be selected on the display
(4), the display must be empty.
• First press the key (5) and then key (1) and hold
together for at least 4 seconds. The three LED's (6)
go out and thereby confirm the deletion process.

30 Operation AS-IK10 / v2.0

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