Unit - 6 Logical Reasoning
Unit - 6 Logical Reasoning
Unit - 6 Logical Reasoning
Institute of UGC
PDF Notes Academy Logical Reasoning
What is Argument?
An argument is a set of statements, one of which, the conclusion is taken to be supported by the
remaining statements, the premises.
For example;
Conclusion:Socrates is
In the above example, there are three statements, 1) All men are mortal, 2) Socrates is a
man, and 3) Socrates is mortal. The premises of the Argument is the first two statement,
and the last statement is a Conclusion. The statements of premises support the statement
of conclusion. This type of arrangement is called an Argument.
Forms of Arguments
1. Deductive Arguments
2. Inductive arguments, and
3. Abductive arguments
1. Deductive Argument: an argument where the conclusion follows validly from the premises. In
other words, an argument where the truth of the premises guarantees the truth of the conclusion.
Premises: All men are mortal
Socrates is a man
In the above example, the premises, all men are mortal, and Socrates is a man, give a guarantee the truth
of the conclusion; Socrates is mortal. The conclusion follows the validity according to the premises.
2. Inductive Argument:
An argument where the premises point several cases of some pattern and the conclusion states that this
pattern will hold in general.
An inductive argument will not be deductively valid, because even if a pattern is found many times,
that does not guarantee it will always be found. Therefore, an inductive argument provides weaker, less
trustworthy support for the conclusion than a deductive argument does.
For Example:
In the above example, we have seen just 1000 swans (not all in the world), and all of them have been
white. But it does not mean that all swans in the world are white. White swans are a case of a pattern in
those particular circumstances. Hence, we have concluded in general that all swans are white. But it might
not be true actually. This type of arrangement of premises and conclusion is an example of an Inductive
An argument that (i) points out a particular fact, (ii) points out that if a particular hypothesis were true,
we would get this fact, and so (iii) concludes that the hypothesis is indeed true.
Abductive arguments seem to make an even bigger jump than inductive arguments. Inductive arguments
generalize, while abductive arguments say that successful predictions “prove” theory is true. Abductive
arguments are not deductively valid because false theories can make true predictions. So, true predictions
do not guarantee that the theory is true.
These coins conduct electricity (fact)
If these coins are made of gold (hypothesis),
then they would conduct electricity (prediction).
A proposition is simply a claim about the world that has truth value. Every proposition can be expressed
as a declarative (i.e., not a question or command) sentence.
Categorical Proposition is any statement which relates two classes or categories of entities. In other words,
a categorical proposition is a proposition that relates two classes of objects. A class is a group of objects.
Here, a class or category (Cats) are related to another class or category (Mammals). So, “Cats are
mammals” is a Categorical proposition.
1. Universal:
a. Affirmative: ‘All’ (includes all of a class)
b. Negative: ‘No’ (excludes all of a class)
Quality: The quality of a categorical proposition is determined according to whether the proposition
asserts of denies an overlap between the classes.
Affirmative: if a proposition asserts an overlap between the classes or category named, the quality of the
proposition is affirmative.
Negative: In this, a proposition denies an overlap between the categories or classes named,
Distribution: If the proposition refers to the entire class named by a term, that term is distributed and if
it does not refer to the entire class named by a term, then the term is undistributed.
1. Universal Affirmative (A- Propositions): In a proposition, if every member of the subject class is
also a member of the predicate class, then it is called Universal Affirmative Proposition. In other
words, whole of one class is included or contained in another class.
In an example “All politicians are liars”, every member of the class of politicians, is a member
of another class of liars.
A universal affirmative proposition can be written as: All S is P
S and P represent the subject and predicate terms, respectively. Such a proposition affirms that the
relation of class inclusion holds between the two classes and says that the inclusion is complete,
or universal.
2. Universal Negative (E- Proposition): The proposition in which no members of the subject class
are members of the predicate class.
In an example “No politicians are liars”, no member of the class of politicians, is a member of
another class of liars.
Such a proposition affirms that the no relation of class inclusion holds between the two classes and
says that the exclusion is complete, or universal.
3. Particular affirmative (I-proposition): The proposition in which at least one members of the
subject class is also a member of the predicate class.
In an example “Some politicians are liars”, some member of the class of politicians, is a member
of another class of liars.
4. Particular negative (O-proposition): The proposition in which at least one members of the
subject class is not a member of the predicate class.
In an example “Some politicians are not liars”, some member of the class of politicians, is a
member of another class of liars.
A All S are P
I Some S are P
Type Quantifier Subject Copula Predicate Quantity Quality Subject Term Predicate Term
are not
E All (No) S P Universal Negative Distributed Distributed
It is important to remember this chart because the properties of categorical propositions are used as
one method of determining the validity of a categorical syllogism.
The opposition is an immediate inference grounded on the relation between propositions which have
the same terms but differ in quantity or quality (or both).
For any formal opposition between two propositions, it is essential that their terms should be the same.
There can be no opposition between two such propositions as these:
Contradictories: Two propositions are said to be contradictories if both cannot be true, and both cannot
be false at the same time. In other words, if the opposition is between two propositions, which differ both
in quantity and quality.
Here, A - All politicians are liars and O - Some politicians are not liars, and similarly, E and I propositions
are contradictories.
Contraries: Universal propositions are said to be contraries because they cannot both be simultaneously
true. In other words, the opposition is between two universals which differ in quality.
A- All politicians are liars is true, the E- No politicians are liars must be false. Simalrly, if the E-
proposition is true, then the A-proposition is false.
Subcontraries: If the two particular propositions can both be true but cannot both be false. In other words,
the opposition is between two particulars which differ in quality. It means that they cannot both be
simultaneously false.
Subalternation: The universal to particular and particular to universal inferences are called
subalternation. In other words, the opposition is between two propositions which differ only in quantity.
These inferences are valid if the superaltern (A or E) is true, then the subaltern (I or O) is true. If the
subaltern is false, then the superaltern is false.
Categorical Syllogism
A syllogism is an argument containing two premises and a conclusion.
Categorical syllogisms: A categorical syllogism is a syllogism whose premises and conclusion are
categorical propositions.
For example:
• The kind of standard form categorical proposition which appears as its first (i.e., major) premise,
• The kind of standard form categorical proposition which appears as its second (i.e., minor)
premise, and
• The kind of standard form categorical propositions which appears as its conclusion.
Mood: When the major premise, the minor premise, and the conclusion of a categorical syllogism
arrange in a series of three letters (A, E, I, or O) corresponding to the type of categorical proposition is
called MOOD of an argument.
In another example, to figure out the FORM of the premises and the conclusion in the following example:
1.No S are P (E-propostion)
2.Some S are P (I-Proposition)
3. Some S are not P (O-Proposition)
Thus, the mood of this Argument is “EIO”.
When you have to determine the mood of a categorical syllogism, you need to find out which of the four
forms of categorical proposition each line of the Argument is (A, E, I, or O).
The figure of a categorical syllogism is a number which corresponds to the placement of the two middle
Notice that the middle term in the major premise is on the LEFT, while the middle term in the minor
premise is on the RIGHT. Whenever this happens, we say that the argument has figure “1.”
Figure1: When the middle term is on the left in P 1, and on the right in P 2.
Figure4: When the middle term is on the right in P 1, and on the left in P 2.
1. Unconditionally Valid Forms: There are fifteen combinations of mood and figures that are valid
from the Boolean standpoint, and we call these “unconditionally valid” argument forms. The chart below
depicts ALL of 15 the unconditionally valid argument forms.
2. Conditionally Valid Forms: There are some inferences that are NOT valid from the Boolean
standpoint, which is valid from the Aristotelian standpoint. In addition to the fifteen unconditionally valid
argument forms, there are nine conditionally valid argument forms for categorical syllogisms:
A standard form categorical syllogism is valid on the modern theory if and only if each of the following
five propositions is all true of it. A standard form categorical syllogism is valid on the traditional theory
if and only if each of the first four propositions is true of it.
2. If a term is distributed in a conclusion, then that term is distributed in one of the premises.
Simply, a fallacy is a mistake in reasoning. In other words, a defect in an argument that misleads the mind
is called a fallacy.
Formal Fallacies: A fallacy in which there is the involvement of an error in the form, arrangement, or
technical structure of an argument is called Formal Fallacy.
Informal Fallacies: Informal fallacies are a matter of unclear expression that deal with the logic of the
meaning of language. Opposite to it, formal fallacies deal with the logic of the technical structure.
1. Informative,
2. Expressive and
This kind of use of language presumes that the content of what is being communicated is true, so it
will be our main focus in the study of logic.
When a sentence is used informatively, it reports that something has some feature or that something lacks
some feature. Consider the following two sentences:
Two main aspects of this function are generally noted: (1) evoking certain feelings and (2) expressing
Expressive discourse, qua expressive discourse, is best regarded as neither true or false.
2. Expressive use of Language: This type of language is often used to express our emotions, feelings,
or attitudes. For example: It’s too bad! It’s wonderful! etc.
3. Directive uses of language: When the use of llanguage is often to give direction as Commands,
requests, instructions, questions etc., to do or not to do something.
Denotation is the dictionary definition or literal meaning of a word only. Not emotions or feelings are
associated with the word.
Ex: The teacher walked into the classroom. This example does not have any hidden meaning. A teacher
simply walked into a classroom.
Connotation: A word’s emotional meaning; suggestions and associations that are connected to a word.
Words can be positive, negative, or neutral. Words can also connote specific feelings or emotions.
Lexical: The purpose of a lexical definition is to report the way a word is standardly used in a language.
Most definitions found in a dictionary are lexical definitions.
Persuasive: The purpose of a persuasive definition is to influence people’s attitudes, not to neutrally and
objectively capture the standard meaning of a word.
Stipulative: A stipulative definition stipulates (assigns) a meaning to a word by coining a new word or
giving an old word a new meaning. A stipulative definition is neither true nor false; it is neither accurate
nor inaccurate.
Theoretical: Theoretical definitions can explain concepts theoretically. Sometimes definitions are given
for terms, not because the word itself is unfamiliar, but because the term is not understood. Such concepts
require theoretical definitions, which are often scientific or philosophical in nature.
For example, when your chemistry teacher defines water by its chemical formula H2O, he is not trying to
increase your vocabulary (you already knew the term water), but to explain its atomic structure.
Accepting a theoretical definition is like accepting a theory about the term being defined. If you define
spirit as “the life-giving principle of physical organisms,” you are inviting others to accept theidea
that life is somehow a spiritual product.
Precising: A precising definition takes a word that is normally vague and gives it a clear precisely defined
Reasoning: According to the Oxford Dictionary, Reasoning can be defined as “the action of thinking
about something in a logical, sensible way.”
Merriam-Webster dictionary defines as “the process of thinking about something in a logical way in
order to form a conclusion or judgment. Or, the ability of the mind to think and understand things in a
logical way.”
We can say that reasoning is a process of using existing knowledge to draw conclusions, make
predictions, or construct explanations in a logical way.
There are two major types of reasoning, deductive and inductive. The third type of reasoning is
Abductive reasoning. We will discuss only the first two.
Deductive reasoning: Deductive reasoning is an argument in which widely accepted truths are
being used to prove that a conclusion is right. The truths can be the recognised rules, laws, theories, and
others. In other words, deductive reasoning starts with the assertion of general rule and proceeds from
there to a guaranteed specific conclusion.
In practice, syllogism is the most basic form of deductive reasoning, where two premises that share
some idea support a conclusion. It may be easier to think of syllogisms as the following theorem: If A=B
and C=A, then B=C.
Deductive reasoning is meant to demonstrate that the conclusion is absolutely true based on the logic of
the premises.
We will understand the deductive reasoning by comparing the following example of syllogisms:
Example A:
You can more easily imagine the above arguments like this:
Inductive Reasoning
“Inductive reasoning is a method of argument in which the premises are viewed as supplying some
evidence for the truth of the conclusion.”
Most of the dictionaries define inductive reasoning “as the derivation of general principles from specific
Inductive reasoning begins with observations which are specific and limited in scope and then proceeds
to a generalised conclusion that is likely, but not sure, in light of accumulated evidence. You could say
that inductive reasoning moves from the specific to the general.
Example A: The cost of education has been increasing over the past several decades.
Therefore, higher taxes on the rich Indian are probably the best way to help middle class Indians.
Example B: The past two Dabangg movies have been incredibly successful at the box office.
Therefore, the next Dabangg movie will probably be successful.
The reasoning in example A is weak while example B is strong. In example A, the two statements made
are likely true on their own, but the first premise does not predict the second to be true. Since there is no
obvious correlation between the two, the argument is weak.
In the example B, the premise identifies a pattern, and the conclusion provides a logical continuation of
this pattern without exaggeration. Thus, the argument is strong
The followings are the differences between deductive and inductive reasoning
Starts from Deductive reasoning starts from Inductive reasoning starts from
Premises. the Conclusion.
Validity The conclusion must be true if the the truth of conclusions does not
premises are true. guarantee by the truth of
A given question consists of words, letters or numbers related to each other based on some logic and it is
required to identify a word, letter or number analogous to those given in the question.
In above illustration, the relation of No. 3 to No. 4 or No. 4 to No.3 is in the same pattern as the relation
of No.1 to No. 2 or No. 2 to No. 1
Here in the illustration, the relation of ‘2’ to ‘4’ or ‘4’ to ‘2’ is the same as the relation of ‘1’ to ‘3’ or ‘3’
to ‘1’.
B. Teacher : School
A teacher works in a school. It means school is the working place for a teacher. Hence, Teacher and
School have a worker and working place relationship.
It is observed that in both cases A and B, the relationship is in a similar pattern, that is, the relationship
as a worker and working place. Therefore, we can say that the above examples are analogical pairs.
There are several categories of questions under Analogy; Some of them are as follows:
We don’t need to go to a deep study of analogies. The simplest form of questions is asked in UGC NET
Ans. (d) ‘Leaf’ is the part of ‘Tree’ and similarly ‘Page’ is the part of ‘Book.’
Ans. (a) “Melt” is associated with “Liquid” because after melting, we obtain liquid. Similarly, the state
of “Water” after freezing is ‘Ice.’
Double Analogy
In this case, 2 words are given on both the left and right side of the sign of double colon (::). On both
sides, one of the two words is left out marked as A and B or I and II. The question is followed by four
options from which a candidate is required to find out the correct pair of words. The selected pair will
make an appropriate analogical relationship between the two words to the left and similarly two words
to the right of the sign of double colon (::).
A : Wheat : : Brick : B
Ans. (a) ‘Wheat’ is used to make ‘Bread’. Similarly, ‘Clay’ isused to make ‘Brick’.
Ans. (c) Mumbai, Lucknow, and Kolkata are the capitals of 3 Indian states. Similarly, Patna is the
capital of Bihar.
Analogy Detection
In this analogy, the candidate is required to identify the common feature among the given words and
pick the right alternative that mentions the properties common to the given words.
Nose : Eyes : Ears
Options: (a) They are parts of the body below waist
(b) They are not the external part of human body
(c) They are internal part of human body
(d) They are parts of the body above neck
Ans.(d) ‘Nose,’ ‘Eyes,’ and ‘Ears’ are the parts of the human body above the neck.
In this case, a group of 3 or 4 inter-related words is given. To solve the analogy, the right group of words
is required to choose from the options provided. The relationship among these words should have
similar relationships as words inter-related in question.
Furniture : Table : Almirah
Options: (a) Building : Wall : Brick
(b) Fruit : Orange : Apple
(c) Mother : Father : Sister
(d) Sea : Road : City
Ans.(b) ‘Orange’ and ‘Apple’ are both ‘Fruits’ as similar relation of ‘Table’ and ‘Almirah’ with
Venn diagram: Simple and multiple uses for establishing the validity of
Venn Diagram
Venn diagram is an illustration of the relationships between and among sets, groups of objects that share something in
A Venn diagram uses overlapping circles or other shapes to illustrate the logical relationships between two or more sets of
items. They serve to graphically organise things and highlighting how the items are similar and different.
The main aim of the Venn Diagram is to test the validity of arguments through the relation between premises and
conclusion by diagrams.
For example:
Source: lucidchart
In this example, Whales and Fish belong to two different groups, but there is something common between them. The
common feature is, they live in the ocean, and it has easily represented by two circles overlapping to some extent.
There are TEN conditions by which we can test the validity of arguments. The conditions are followings:
Condition 1: If all the items are of different groups, then they will be shown by the diagram as given below.
These animals are of three different groups; there is no relation between them. Hence, they will be represented by three
different circles.
Condition 2: If the first word is related to the second word, and the second word is related to the third word. Then
the representation will be shown by diagram as given below.
Ten units together make one Ten (in one ten, the whole unit is available), and ten tens together make one hundred.
Condition 3: If two different items are entirely related to the third item, they will be shown as below.
E.g., Pen, Pencil, Stationery
Condition 4: If there is some relation between two items, and these two items are completely related to a third
item, they will be shown as given below.
E.g., Women, Sisters, Mothers
Some sisters may be mothers and vice-versa. Similarly, some mothers may not be sisters and vice-versa. But all the
sisters and mothers belong to women group.
Condition 5: Two items are related to a third item to some extent but not completely, and the first two items
totally different.
E.g., Students, Boys, Girls
The boys and girls are different items, while some boys may be students. Similarly, among girls, some may be students.
Condition 6: All the three items are related to one another, but some extent, not completely.
Boys Students
Some boys may be students and vice-versa. Similarly, some boys may be athletes and vice-versa. Some students may be
athletes and vice-versa.
Condition 7: Two items are related to each other completely, and the third item is entirely different from the first two.
E.g., Lions, Carnivorous, Cows
Condition 8: The first item is completely related to the second, and the third item is partially related to the first and
second items. Eg. Females, Mothers, Doctors
In the example, all Mothers belong to Females, but some Mothers are Doctors, but not all.
Condition 9: First item is partially related to the second, but the third is entirely different from the first two. E.g., Dogs,
Flesh-eaters, Cows
Some dogs are flesh-eaters, but not all while any dog or any flesh-eater cannot be a cow.
Condition 10: The first item is wholly related to the second, and the third item is partially related to the first and second
E.g., Males, Fathers, Children
• Ancient
• Medieval
• Modern
However, tark-vidya was not received with favor by the particular section of the Brahmanas. In the
Ramayana, Valmiki discredits those who are indulged in the seriousness of the science of Logic. Vyasa
in Mahabharata, says that who has the addiction to logic, will be turned into a jackal in his next birth.
Several stories of inflicting of penalties on those given to the study of Tark- Vidyā are found in plenty
in the Skandapurāna and other works.
Despite of it, Ānvīsikī was held in very high esteem due to the authority that it attaches to the vedas.
Kings were trained in logic, and the entity of reasoning was acknowledged in the administration of
Kautilya, in his arthaśāstra characterises Ānvīshikī (logic) as the lamp of all sciences. It seems that the
unfavorable criticism to which Ānvīsikī had long been exposed, terminated practically in the first century
A.D. under the name of Nyāya- Sāstra.
Between 1 A.D. and 100 A.D., there was the growth of the name Nyāya (‘right’ or ‘justice’). Nyaya-
Sastra is, therefore, the science of right judgment or valid reasoning. It is the science of inference for
the sake of others. It is also the science of demonstration.
The first regular work on the Nyāya Sāstra is the Nyāya Sūtra or “aphorism on true reasoning.” The
book is divided into five other books, each book containing two chapters called āhnikas (diurnal portion).
It contains the references to the Sānkhya, Vaiśesika, Yoga, Mimāṃsā, Vedānta and Buddhist System
of philosophy. The Nyāya sūtra consists of sixteen categories, which comprise all the topics of the
course debate.
The categories are:
1. The right means of knowledge (pramāna)
2. The object of right knowledge (prameya)
3. Doubt (samśya)
4. Purpose ( prayojana)
5. Example (drastānta)
6. Tenet (sidhānta)
7. Members (avayava)
8. Confutation (tarka)
9. Ascertainment (nirnaya)
10. Discussion (vāda)
11. Wrangling (jalpa)
12. Cavil (vitaṇḍā)
13. Fallacy( hetrābhāsa)
14. Quibble (chhala)
15. Analogue (jāti)
16. The point of defeat (nigrahasthāna)
Perception, inference, comparison, and a word or verbal testimony are the means of right knowledge.
Soul, body, senses, intellect, mind, activity, fault, transmigration, fruit, pain, and emancipation are the
objects of the right knowledge.
According to the Jains, logic was called ‘hetu’. Hetu as similar with valid knowledge is stated to be of
four kinds:
1) Knowledge derived from perception (pratyaksa)
2) Knowledge derived from inference (anumana)
3) Knowledge derived from comparison (upamana)
4) Knowledge derived from verbal testimony (sabda)
The main categories, in the course of study of logic according to the Jain school are:
• Valid knowledge (pramāna): This is the knowledge which ascertains the nature of what was
uncertain to one’s self.
• Syllogism (Vyāpti): This is the inseparable connection between two terms.
• Reason (hetu): Reason is divided as (a) perceptible and (b) imperceptible.
• Example (dṛṣṭānta): For the sake of explaining matters to men of small intellect,the example
becomes a part of inference.
• Inference (anumāna):
• Verbal testimony (āgama): This the knowledge of object derived from the words of reliable
persons or scriptures in virtue of their natural fitness or suggestiveness.
• Scope of valid knowledge (viṣaya)
• Fallacy (ābhāsa)
Since the Brāhmaṇas did not differ in respect to their social practices from the Jains, Brāhmaṇas attack
on Jain Logic was not as violent as that on the Buddhist Logic. In fact, the logical theories of the Jains
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are in many cases similar to those of the Brāhmanas. The different categories of logic as described in
the Nyāya Sutra are very much similar to the Jain school but differ significantly from the Buddhist
Modern School of Indian Logic
In the Deccan regions of India, the decline of Buddhism commence in the seventh century A.D. The
Brāhmaṇas, borrowed the Budhist logic from the work of the mediaeval school, but for other matters
they went back to the works of the ancient school.
The works so composed in the modern period were technically called “Prakaraṇas” or Manuals of logic.
The manuals are remarkable for their accuracy and lucidity.
The main categories of the cause of logic as identified in the manuals are:
1. Pramāṇa (valid knowledge): which can be classified into:
• Perception (pratyaksha)
• Inference (anumāna)
• Verbal Testimony (āgama)
3. Example (udāharaṇa)
4. Verbal Testimony(āgama)
5. Emancipation (Mokṣha)
The modern school of Logic suggests that the soul is of two kinds, viz. the individual soul (aparaātma)
and the supreme soul (para ātma). With the knowledge of the supreme soul, the individual soul attains
final emancipation.
The “tarka” is an important component of Logic. But it does not provide any originality in information.
It only proves what has already been known by regular syllogism. The sānkhya, Yoga and Vedānta
believe in buddhi but the Nyāya and the Vaiśesika do not consider Budhhi as reason. It is only an
adventitious consciousness that arises like a spark or light when mind (manas) comes into contact with
the aatman.
The Sabda (word) is derived from the Veda, which is considered to be inherently valid. Some
philosophers include the statements of reliable persons (apta-vakya) in the concept of Word (sabda), and
add two additional means of obtaining knowledge:
• Upamana (Analogy): enables one to hold on the meaning of a word by analogy, and
• Arthapatti (postulation or Implication): appeals to common sense according to circumstances.
The ancient and medieval Indian books identify six Pramanas, including Anupalabdhi (non-
perception, negative/cognitive proof) as correct means of accurate knowledge and to truths.
Anumāṇa (inference)
Śabda (word, testimony)
Upamāṇa (comparison, analogy)
Arthāpatti (postulation, presumption)
Advaita Vedanta and Bhatta Mimamsa Pratyakṣa (perception)
schools Anumāṇa (inference)
Śabda (word, testimony)
Upamāṇa (comparison, analogy)
Arthāpatti (postulation, presumption)
Anupalabdi (non-perception, cognitive proof
using non-existence)
The Advaita Vedanta recognizes six pramanas, namely, Pratyaksa(perception), Anumana (inference),
Sabda or Agama (verbal testimony), Upamana (comparison), Arthapatti (presumption) and Anupalabdhi
or Abhava(nonapprehension).
Pratyakṣa (Perception)
The word ‘pratyaksa' consists of two parts viz. “prati” meaning near or before or related to and “aksi”
meaning eye. So, it means the process through which immediate knowledge of an object arises or it
means the instrument by which the object is conceived.
Perception or pratyaksa is the most important and fundamental source of valid knowledge. It is
accepted by all the philosophical schools both vedic and non vedic. It is first and foremost of all the
sources of valid knowledge as it is the most powerful, most fundamental and root of all other sources.
Perception gives a direct or immediate knowledge of reality of an object and therefore it is the root of all
other pramanas. According to the Nyaya, perception is not the only source of our knowledge, but it is
the basis of all other sources or means of knowledge. Hence, it has been said that all the other means of
knowledge presupposes perception and must be based on knowledge derived from perception.
Perception is the final test of all knowledge. Perceptual verification is thus the final test of all other
knowledge and as such, perception is the chief of all the sources of human knowledge.
Types of Pratyaksha
Pratyaksha is broadly divided into two types:
Direct perception (Anubhava): In this type of perception, the knowledge of an object arises when it
comes in contact with sense organs; smell (nose), touch (skin), form (eyes), sound (ears) and taste
Remembered perception (smriti): The knowledge of an objects is based on the memory (smriti). Once
we have seen a table, it is memorised and when the table again appear in front of you, you can easily
recognised, what is this?
Alternatively, it can be divided into indiscriminate perception (nirvikalpa) where perception of the
object is made without recognizing distinguishing features; and discriminate perception (savikalpa)
where distinguishing features are observed.
Anumāṇa (inference):
Anumana literally means such knowledge that follows some other knowledge. Anumāṇa (inference) is
the knowledge of an object due to a previous knowledge of some sign or mark. In Anumana Pramana,
we arrive at the knowledge of an object through the medium of two acts of knowledge or propositions.
Inferential knowledge is produced not by direct apprehension but by means of some other knowledge.
The “other” is interpreted in different ways as perceptive knowledge of probans. All systems of Indian
philosophy agree in holding that anumana is a process of arriving at truth not by direct observation but
by means of the knowledge of vyapti or a universal relation between two things.
There are definite steps to be followed in all inferential knowledge. The following steps are accepted for
logical deduction of knowledge by the teachers of Advaita Vedanta :
I. Perceptual evidence: We see smoke on the hill
II. Invariable concomitance: Wherever there is smoke, there is fire, as seen in kitchen.
III. Conclusion: Therefore the hill has fire
A universal way of communication is either an oral or written message, and we learn mostly through
words. We continuously get various information, direction, and knowledge through words. Since school
days, we use words as a valid and effective means of bringing about awareness of things, ideas, or
emotions. Books, magazines, newspapers, letters, conversations, chats, radio, TV, movies, songs, etc.,
all depend on words.
A verbal statement conveying valid knowledge must have an authentic source and free from defects.
Only a competent person possessed of knowledge can impart accurate knowledge. Such knowledge
needs no verification unless, of course, there is doubt about its reliability. If all that we know from
verbal testimony were to await confirmation, then the bulk of human knowledge would have to be
regarded as baseless.
The process of verbal knowledge (Sabda) can not be clubbed with inference. Sabda does not involve any
knowledge of invariable concomitance, as is the case in inference.
A lot of work has been done in regard to the derivation of the meaning of a sentence, especially by the
Mimamsakas. Only that combination of words is called a sentence when four factors are taken care.
They are:
• Expectancy (Akanksha),
• Consistency (Yogyata),
• Contiguity (asatti), and
• Knowledge of the purport (tatparya-jnanam)
For example, a person who has seen his cow in a town goes to a forest and sees a wild cow (gavaya).
The person sees the similarity “This wild cow is like my cow”, and on this basis, he also concludes the
opposite to be equally true, that “My cow is like this wild cow”. Thus, by upamana he gains the
knowledge of his cow’s similarity to the wild cow from the perception of the wild cow’s similarity to his
Upamana is a distinct means of knowledge, and it can not be clubbed under Anumāṇa (Inference). We
cannot have a universal proposition that a thing is similar to whatever is identical to it. Such knowledge
can not be gained without the observation of the two same things together.
One of the classic examples of this method of knowledge is Shyam; a fat person says that he never eats
during the day time, then we can easily postulate that he eats in the night. For the simple reason that
without this assumption, his fatness and also his getting fatter cannot be explained.
By not seeing a jar in a place, one knows that it is not there. We use this method of knowledge also very
often, and this is evident from statements like: ‘There is no teacher in the classroom,’ There is no sound
It may seem paradoxical that non-apprehension of a thing is a means to the apprehension of its non-
existence (Abhava). Both non-perception, as well as perception, serve as a means to get various
knowledge. The knower is conscious of both. They lead to positive and negative experiences.
Direct or indirect knowledge can be the basis of the knowledge of the non-existence of a thing. It could
either be based on our immediate non-perception of a thing or even based on inference or verbal
testimony. In the former Pramanas, the knowledge is immediate, while in the latter case, which is
applicable in supersensual objects, the knowledge of Abhava of a thing is mediate.
The Sanskrit word “Anumana” is the combination of two words, “Anu” means ‘after’ and “mana” means
measurement. The whole word literally means measuring after something. According to Indian Philosophy,
Anumana is a knowledge that is obtained after proof. We know by now that knowledge derived through
“anumana” is not direct since it makes use of previous knowledge obtained from other sources of knowledge like
perception, testimony, etc., and enables one to explore further knowledge. Not all the major Indian philosophical
systems accept all the pramanas.
Structure of Anumana
Although all the major schools accept Anumana as a valid source of knowledge, the understanding and
the explanation of each school will have certain variations according to their understanding of knowledge.
In Indian philosophy, the inference is used for oneself and inference for others. When inference is used
for oneself the propositions are not well structured since its primary aim is the acquisition of personal
knowledge without error. In contrast, inference for others has to be well structured because it is used to
convince the other of the truth. We shall concentrate mainly on the understanding of Nyaya School
because it is well known for its logic.
They define the inference as “a process of reasoning in which we pass from the apprehension of some
mark (linga) to that of something else under an invariable relation (vyapti) that exists between them.”
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PDF Notes Academy Logical Reasoning
Vyapti is essential in Indian philosophy for making a valid inference: however, it is good to know that
different schools had different names for vyapti; For example, Vaisesikas called it Prasiddhi and Samkhya
called it pratibandha.
Nyaya proposes a longer syllogism; it has five propositions. An argument, according to them, has
five parts: Paksa or Pratinjna, hetu, drastanta, upanaya and nigamana.
Here is a standard example to understand this;
Types Examples
1. Paksa (The Thesis / Pratijna – The hill has fire
2. Hetu (Reason or the ground) Because it has smoke
3. Drstanta (the corroboration) Wherever there is smoke there is fire, as in
the kitchen
4. Upanaya (The application) the hill is so
5. Nigamana (the conclusion) Therefore, the hill has fire
In this process, we begin asserting something. We provide the reason / the ground for the assertion and
make a universal proposition that shows the concomitant relationship between the two with an example
then we apply the universal proposition to the present case and make a conclusion from the preceding
propositions. This type of syllogism is said to have anvaya vyapti – since it denotes a positive
concomitance – if there is smoke then there is fire.
We shall give a specimen from the western example:
1) Ram is mortal
2) Because he is a man
3) All men are mortal like my grandfather
4) Ram is also a man
5) Therefore, Ram is mortal.
The purpose of giving this example is also to show how Indian philosophy combined both induction and
deduction together in the same syllogism. The first three propositions (1 – 3) form inductive syllogism,
while the last three (3 – 5) form as a deduction. Proposition no. 3 is the conclusion for the induction and
the major premise for the deduction.
When it denotes negative concomitance, it is said to have vyatireka Vyapti. An example of this is the
opposite of what we have stated above. The hill has no smoke; because there is no fire; wherever there is
no fire, there is no smoke as in the lake (because water and fire are opposed substances); there is no fire
in the hill; therefore, the hill has no smoke.
Classification of Inference (Anumana)
Inference here is classified based on the nature of vyapti between hetu (smoke) and sadhya (fire). Vyapti
denotes a correlation between two facts of which one is pervaded and the other which pervades.
E.g. Smoke is pervaded by fire and fire pervades smoke. Vyapti is established based on its presence of
both in all such events (wherever there is smoke there is fire) and the absence of both (wherever there is
no fire there is no smoke).
The classification is based on the relationship (causal uniformity or non-causal uniformity) between the
reason and what is inferred.
There are three types of inference:
1. Purvavat inference: An inference in which we infer the unperceived effect from a perceived cause.
E.g., we infer of future rain from the appearance of dark heavy clouds.
2. Sesavat inference: An inference in which we infer the unperceived cause from a perceived effect. E.g.
we infer of the past rain from a swift muddy current of water in the river.
3. Samanyatodrasta inference: An inference in which we infer not based on causal relation but the
experience of uniformity. E.g., on seeing the different positions of the moon at long intervals, we infer
that it moves although we might not have perceived the motion.
Most of the Indian thinkers, who regard inference to be a means of knowledge, unanimously accept the
principle of invariable and the way of its ascertainment. Kumārila states, Vyāpti is not a simple assertive
judgment but a necessary judgment. Jaya Tirtha, in his Nyāya Sudhā, defines “inference” as a flawless
reasoning from a mark to a certain conclusion on the basis of an invariable relation that subsists between
them. This invariable relation between the reason (Hetu) and the probandum (Sādhya) is the essential
determinate of inference that distinguishes it from other forms of cognition, viz, perception, and testimony.
Vyapti is an important factor in attaining inferential knowledge. There is a diversity of opinion among the
scholars about Vyapti. The nature of an inference cannot be known without the knowledge of the nature
of Vyapti or invariable concomitance.
Vyapti is the uniform, unconditioned, or natural relation between reason and predicate. The reason must
be known to be invariably concomitant with the predicate in Vyapti. The universal relation of the reason
with the predicate is the Logical ground of inference.
No inference (Anumana) is possible unless there is an invariable concomitance (Vyapti) between the
mark and the character inferred Vyapti between the middle and major terms means generally a relation of
Vyapti of co-existence (Sachacarya) between the two, e.g. wherever there is smoke, there is fire. Previous
knowledge is the knowledge of the Linga or mark as having a universal relation with the Sadhya or major
term and as being present in the Paksa or minor term.
Though there is a difference of opinion among the philosophers of different schools in respect of the
definition, functions, and nature of Vyapti (i.e., invariable concomitance), all of them are of the view that
inference is not possible without the proper knowledge of it and hence it has been considered as a special
cause (karana) of inference by the Logicians.
Types of Vyapti:
(iv) Prakaranasama (counterbalanced or opposing reason): It is that which is opposed by another reason
which proves the existence of the opposite of the proposed probandum. For e.g., the sound is non-eternal
as it is devoid of all qualities of eternal things. This is opposed by “sound is eternal because it is devoid
of all qualities of eternal things.” This is also called satpratipak§a one having an adversary.
(v) Kalatyayapadista (stultified or belated reason): It occurs when the opposite of the proposed
probandum is known to exist in the subject by any other more trustworthy means of cognition. It is also
called badhita.
For e.g., the syllogism, “fire is not hot, because it is a product like water’. Here, the probandum proposed
to be proved by the reason “being a product” is “absent of heat.” But it is opposite “presence of heat” in
the subject is already ascertained through perception, as heat is experienced through tactile perception.
11. The relationship between premises and conclusion in (a) Sufficient evidence
a deductive argument is basically (b) Critical thinking
of (c) Seeing logical relation
(a) Cause–effect (d) Repeated observation
(b) Analytic–synthetic
(c) Implication–entailment 20. A fallacy is a
(d) None of the above (a) True argument
(b) False argument
12. In inductive reasoning, the conclusion is (c) Valid argument
(a) Probable (b) Certain (d) Invalid argument
(c) Definite (d) Predictable
21. Inductive reasoning is based on
13. Certainty is (a) Uniformity of nature
(a) An objective fact (b) God created the world
(b) Emotionally satisfying (c) Unity of nature
(c) Logical (d) Laws of nature
(d) Ontological (June 2010)
22. If it is possible for the premises of a deductive
14. Inductive arguments are properly characterized argument to be true and its conclusion to be false that
as (a) Valid–invalid argument is
(b) Strong–weak (a) Valid (b) Invalid
(c) Definite–indefinite (c) Indescribable (d) Sound
(d) Certain–uncertain
23. Consider the following propositions:
15. In logical reasoning, truth or falsehood is usually A is human and mortal
associated with B is human and mortal
(a) Arguments (b) Inferences C is human and mortal
(c) Propositions (d) Syllogism D is human and mortal
Therefore, ‘All humans are mortal’ is an
16. Validity or invalidity may be predicted of example of
(a) Deductive arguments (a) Deductive argument
(b) Propositions (b) Inductive argument
(c) Terms (c) Syllogistic argument
(d) Concepts (d) None of the above
17. The falsehood of a valid deductive argument’s 24. Which of the following describes a valid deductive
conclusion guarantees that argument with true premises?
(a) The argument is sound (a) Sound (b) Unsound
(b) At least one of the premises is false (c) Fallacious (d) Ambiguity
(c) Premises are true
(d) The validity is uncertain 25. A deductive argument is sound if and only if
it is
18. To be critical, thinking must be (a) Valid and all its premises are true
(a) Practical (b) Invalid and all its premises are true
(b) Socially relevant (c) Is valid and one of the premises is false
(c) Individually satisfying (d) Is valid and its conclusion is false
(d) Analytical
Answer Key
19. Deductive argument involves 1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (c) 5. (b)
6. (b) 7. (a) 8. (b) 9. (d) 10. (b) (a) Subject (b) Predicate
11. (c) 12. (a) 13. (c) 14. (b) 15. (c) (c) Object (d) Copula
16. (a) 17. (b) 18. (d) 19. (c) 20. (b)
21. (a) 22. (b) 23. (b) 24. (a) 25. (a)
35. A deductive argument is valid if
(a) Premises are false, and conclusion is true
26. Lakshmana is a morally good person
(b) Premises are false, and conclusion is
also, false
(a) He is religious. (b) He is educated.
(c) Premises are true, and conclusion is false
(c) He is rich. (d) He is rational
(d) Premises are true, and conclusion is true
27. In terms of nature, both the premises and
conclusion of an argument are
36. Which of the following statements are false?
(a) Commands (b) Propositions
I. Inductive arguments always proceed
(c) Exclamations (d) Questions
from the particular to the general
II. A cogent argument must be inductively
28. Which of the following denotes a statement of relation
between two terms?
III. A valid argument may have a false
(a) Proposition
premise and a false conclusion
(b) Denotation
IV. An argument may legitimately be spoken
(c) Syllogism
of as true or false
(d) None of the above
(a) II, III, and IV (b) I and III
29. Structure of a logical argument is based on
(c) II and IV (d) I and II
(a) Formal validity
(b) Material truth
37. The sum total of the objects to which the
(c) Linguistic expression term can be applied is its
(d) Aptness of examples (a) Connotation (b) Denotation
(c) Meaning (d) Function
30. In a deductive argument, conclusion is
(a) Summing up of the premises
38. Denotation is the same as
(b) Not necessarily based on premises
(a) Extension (b) Intension
(c) Entailed by the premises
(c) Value (d) Dictionary
(d) Additional to the premises
39. The function of suggesting qualities possessed
31. Syllogistic reasoning is
by the objects is known as
(a) Deductive (b) Inductive (a) Evaluating (b) Denoting
(c) Experimental (d) Hypothetical (c) Connoting (d) Meaning
57. Universal affirmative proposition distributes 64. Which of the following terms show the relationship
(a) Subject between two propositions having
(b) Predicate the same subject, but differing in both quality
(c) Both subject and predicate and quantity?
(d) Neither subject nor predicate (a) Contrary opposition
(b) Contradictory opposition
58. Universal negative proposition distributes (c) Sub alternation
(a) Subject (d) Sub contrary
(b) Predicate
(c) Both subject and predicate 65. The relation between two particular propositions
(d) Neither subject nor predicate having the same subject and predicate
but differing in quality is
59. Particular affirmative proposition distributes (a) Contrary (b) Contradictory
(a) Subject (c) Sub alternation (d) Sub contrary
(b) Predicate
(c) Both subject and predicate 66. Which of the following shows that an opposition
(d) Neither subject nor predicate is the relation between two propositions
having the same subject and predicate
60. Particular negative proposition distributes but differing in quantity only?
(a) Subject (a) Contrary (b) Contradictory
(b) Predicate (c) Subaltern (d) Sub contrary
(c) Both subject and predicate 67. If one of the contraries is true, the truth
(d) Neither subject nor predicate value of the other is
(a) True
61. The process of passing directly from a single (b) Partially true
proposition to a conclusion is (c) False
(a) Immediate inference (d) Neither true nor false
(b) Mediate inference
(c) Definition 68. If one of the contraries is false, the truth
(d) Classification value of the other is
(a) True
62. Which of the following asserts the agreement (b) False
or disagreement of a subject and (c) Neither true nor false
predicate after having compared each with (d) Doubtful
middle term?
(a) Immediate inference 69. If one of the contradictories is true, the other
(b) Mediate inference must be
(c) Definition (a) True
(d) Classification (b) False
(c) Doubtful
63. Which of the following shows the relationship (d) Neither true nor false
between two universal propositions having
71. Of the two sub contraries if one is false, the 77. The quantity of the proposition is determined
other is necessarily by the extension of the
(a) True (a) Subject
(b) False (b) Predicate
(c) Doubtful (c) Both subject and predicate
(d) Neither true nor false (d) Copula
72. If one of the two sub contraries are true, then 78. In a conditional proposition, the part which
the other one is expresses the condition by ‘if’ or its equivalent
(a) True is
(b) False (a) Antecedent (b) Consequent
(c) Doubtful (c) Opposite (d) Meaning
(d) Neither true nor false
79. Which of the following terms describe the syllogism?
73. Between sub alternations, if the universal is (a) Mediate and deductive
true, the particular is (b) Immediate and deductive
(a) True (c) Mediate and inductive
(b) False (d) Immediate inductive
(c) Doubtful
(d) Both true and false 80. The major term is the
(a) Subject of the conclusion
74. If the particular proposition of a sub alternation (b) Copula
relation is false, its corresponding universal (c) Predicate of the conclusion
proposition will be (d) Predicate of the minor premise
(a) True
(b) False 81. The minor term is the
(c) Both true and false (a) Subject of the conclusion
(d) Doubtful (b) Predicate of the conclusion
(c) Subject of the major premise
75. If the particular proposition of a sub alternation (d) Predicate of the major premise
relation is true, the truth value of the universal proposition
is 82. That term which occurs in the premises and
(a) True not in the conclusion is
(b) False (a) Major term
(c) Both true and false (b) Minor term
(d) Doubtful (c) Middle term
(d) None of the above
Answer Key
51. (a) 52. (b) 53. (c) 54. (d) 55. (c) 56. (a) 57. (a) 58. (c) 83. Which of the following performs the function
59. (d) 60. (b) 61. (a) 62. (b) 63. (a) 64. (b) 65. (d) 66. (c) of an intermediary?
67. (c) 68. (d) 69. (b) 70. (a) 71. (a) 72. (c) 73. (a) 74. (b) (a) Major term (b) Middle term
75. (d) (c) Minor term (d) Copula
76. The proposition, ‘Chanakya is wise’, is an example of
84. How many times each term occurs in the
(a) Negative proposition
(c) Represent but not assess the validity of 101. Determine the nature of the following definition,
elementary inferences with the help of ‘Abortion means the ruthless murdering
Boolean Algebra of classes of innocent beings’
(d) Assess but not represent the validity of (a) Lexical (b) Persuasive
elementary inferences with the help of (c) Stipulative (d) Theoretical
Boolean Algebra of classes
102. Which one of the following is not an argument?
96. ‘A is true because B is true; B is true (a) Abhimanyu does not eat in the day so he must be
because A is true’. This type of argument is eating at night
termed as (b) If Abhimanyu is growing fat and if he does not eat
(a) Inductive argument during the day, he will be eating at night
(b) Deductive argument (c) Abhimanyu eats in the night so he does not eat during
(c) Circular argument the day
(d) None of the above (d) Since Abhimanyu does not eat in the day, he must be
eating in the night
97. Which of the following is an example of
circular argument? 103. If P is true, Q is true. If P is false, Q is
(a) God created man in his image and false. The relation of this proposition is
man created God in his own image (a) Independent (b) Equivalent
(b) God is the source of scripture and the (c) Sub contrary (d) Contradictory
scripture is the source of our knowledge
of God 104. Two propositions with the same subject
(c) Some of the Indians are great because and predicate terms but different in quality are
India is great (a) Contradictory (b) Contrary
(d) Rama is great because he is Rama (c) Subaltern (d) Sub contraries
98. All students are not geniuses (June 2003) 105. ‘No men are mortal’ is contradictory to
(a) Many students are not genius (a) Some men are mortal
(b) All geniuses are students (b) Some men are not mortal
(c) No student is a genius (c) All men are mortal
(d) None of the above (d) No mortal is man
99. Determine the nature of the following 106. Which of the following statements are always true?
definition, ‘poor’ means having an annual I. A wooden table is a table
income of `1,000. II. Now, it is raining or not raining
(a) Persuasive (b) Precising III. The sun rises in the East every day
(c) Lexical (d) Stipulative IV. A chicken comes out of hen’s egg.
100. In the expression, ‘Nothing is larger than (a) I and III (b) I, III, and IV
itself’, the relation ‘is larger than’ is (c) I and II (d) II and III
(a) Antisymmetric (b) Asymmetrical
(c) Intransitive (d) Irreflexive 107. Persons educated through a foreign language
are sure to be unpatriotic. Mark
Answer Key (a) If the statement is a fact
76. (b) 77. (a) 78. (a) 79. (a) 80. (c) 81. (a) 82. (c) 83. (b) (b) If the statement is an advice
84. (b) 85. (c) 86. (a) 87. (b) 88. (c) 89. (d) 90. (a) 91. (b) (c) If the statement is an opinion
92. (b) 93. (a) 94. (a) 95. (b) 96. (c) 97. (b) 98. (a) 99. (b) (d) If the statement is a prejudice
100. (d)
108. Statement: ‘Decline of British Empire
112. Education and socio-economic development 118. Information: NET test is conducted for
are postgraduates.
(a) Related in a direct proportion Inferences:
(b) Related in an indirect proportion (a) Kumar is a postgraduate, so she should have
(c) Sometimes related and sometimes not related undertaken the test
(d) Not related (b) Kamal is a graduate. She cannot take the NET
113. Bats are mammals because bats suckle (c) All postgraduates can take the NET examination
their young and (d) No other agency can take the NET examination
(a) All those who suckle their young are mammals
(b) All mammals suckle their young 119. For a proposition to be true, it is necessary
(c) Some of those who suckle their young are mammals. that it should have all the following characteristics
(d) All of the above EXCEPT
(a) It must be objective
114. ‘A single shelf of a good European Library (b) It must be in tune with accepted beliefs
is worth the whole native literature of India (c) It must be consistent
(d) It must be testable (a) All workers in the factory are graduates
(b) Everybody in the factory has a graduation certificate
120. Four inferences are drawn from the statement (c) Some of the factory workers have higher qualification
given below, which one can be the correct inference? (d) Only one worker in the factory is a graduate
People in Australia generally speak English. 125. All that glitters are not gold
Inferences (a) Many things that shine are other than gold
(a) Rosy speaks English. So she is from Australia (b) Whatever shines is other than gold
(b) Rahim knows English. That is why he is going to (c) Gold is not the only glittering substance
Australia next month (d) All of the above
(c) Rahul has been living in Australia, most probably he
can speak English Answer Key
(d) Ramesh does not know English. He cannot talk to 101. (b) 102. (b) 103. (c) 104. (d) 105. (b) 106. (b) 107.
anyone if he goes to Australia (d) 108. (c) 109. (c) 110. (c) 111. (d) 112. (a) 113. (a) 114.
(d) 115. (a) 116. (d) 117. (b) 118. (c) 119. (b) 120. (c)
121. (c) 122. (b) 123. (a) 124. (d) 125. (d)
Directions (Questions 121–135): In each of
the questions below, a proposition is followed
126. Most dresses in that market are expensive means
by four answer choices. Match the proposition
(a) There are no cheap dresses available in that market
with one of the choices that seems to be the most
(b) There are some cheap dresses also in that market
justified or applicable.
(c) Some dresses in that market are expensive
(d) None of the above
121. The spread of the Internet for higher education
is premised on
127. Every library has books
(a) Research and development are vital
(a) Books are only in library
(b) Browsing encourages critical thinking
(b) Libraries are meant for books only
(c) Easy management and dissemination of knowledge
(c) No library is without books
(d) India should be second to none in the world
(d) Some libraries do not have readers
Reason (R): ‘Green Belt’ is an integral component of a 213 – c, 214 – d, 215 – b, 216 – d, 217 – a, 218 – a, 219 –
planned city. c, 220 – c, 221 – d, 222 – b, 223 – c, 224 – c, 225 – c, 226
– c, 227 – c, 228 – d, 229 – d, 230 – d, 231 – a, 232 - a
226. Assertion (A): The import of Chinese toys
was recently banned by the Government of India. Deductive and Inductive
Reason (R): The plastic materials used to 1. The validity of an argument depends on
make the toys are not biodegradable. a. the form of the argument
b. the content of the argument
227. Assertion (A): Conversion of coal to diamond c. the truth of premises
is a physical change. d. the truth of the conclusion
Reason (R): Physical change does not change the Answer: A
composition of materials.
2. Which term is distributed in a universal proposition?
228. Assertion (A): Caste involves a system a. both subject and predicate
consisting of many castes arranged in a hierarchy of rank b. neither subject nor predicate
and status. c. subject
Reason (R): The hierarchical ordering of castes is based d. predicate
on the distinction between purity and pollution as per Answer: C
ancient literature.
3. The obverse of "No tiger is a pet" is
229. Assertion (A): Seasonal employment a. "All non-pets are non-tigers."
results in large-scale migration of agricultural b. "All tigers are non-pets."
labourers from agriculturally backward regions to that of c. "No tiger is a non-pet."
developed regions. d. "No pet is a tiger."
Reason (R): In seasonal unemployment, Answer: B
once the seasons are over, the agricultural
workers, especially landless labourers and 4. Which of the following states a valid rule of syllogism?
marginal farmers remain unemployed. a. The minor term must be distributed at least once in the
230. Assertion (A): Intensive cultivation accelerates land b. No conclusion follows from two negative premises.
degradation. c. If both the premises are particular the conclusion must
Reason (R): Second Green revolution be particular.
emphasizes on the improvement of mechanism d. No term can be distributed in the premise if it is not
to stop land degradation. distributed in the conclusion.
Answer: B
231. Assertion (A): Division of work is the separation of
work processes into a number of 5. The fallacy of undistributed middle occurs in a
tasks with each task performed by a separate syllogistic argument, if
person or a group of persons. a. the middle term is undistributed in both the premises
Reason (R): Division of labour is a complex b. the middle term is undistributed at least in one of the
web of independent and isolated work. premises
c. the middle term is undistributed only in the major
232. Assertion (A): One of the important decisions premise
of the framers of the constitution of India was to d. the middle term is undistributed only in the minor
guarantee every adult citizen in India the right to vote. premise
Reason (R): The universal adult franchise is not Answer: b
consistent with the principle of equality.
6. When we assume the truth of the very point we have
Answer Key set out to prove, we are committing a
4. The Jaina Philosophy advocates 11. According to Ramanuja, the relation between Brahma
a. Monism and Isvar is -
b. Dualism a. Difference
c. Pluralism b. Identity
d. None of the above c. Identity-in-difference
d. Identity and Difference 108. The indirect proofs for the existence of self,
Answer - c according to the Jain philosophers, are
(a) Soul is mover.
(b) co-ordinator.
(c) Efficient cause,
Pramanas and Types
(d) All of these.
(Answer Key is Highlighted in Dark) 109. The Jains have refused the Charvaka view of self
103. While, according to Samkhya, Philosophy effect is on the basis of
the real modification of cause, according to Samkara, (a) No evidence.
it is (b) Against causation.
(a) Real. (c) Illogical.
(b) Unreal. (d) All of these.
(c) Indescribable. 110. Buddha’s theory of self is known as
(d) None of these. (a) Theory of no-soul.
104. The theory of causation advanced by Samkara (b) Immutable self.
has been proved by (c) Eternal self.
(a) Experience. (d) None of these.
(b) Logic, 111. Buddha’s theory of self is similar to the theory
(c) Scriptures. propounded in the West by
(d) All of these. (a) William James.
105. The relation between the Jiva and Brahman, (b) David Hume,
according to Samkara, can be explained as (c) Bertrand Russel.
(a) Identity. (d) All of these.
(b) Reflection. 112. The existence of soul in Indian philosophy has not
(c) Emanation. been accepted by the schools known as
(d) Evolution. (a) The Charvakas.
106. According to the theory known as (b) The Buddhists,
Avacchedavada, causation means (c) Both.
(a) Destruction. (d) None of these.
(b) Annihilation, 113. Man, according to Charvaka philosophy, is
(c) Reflection. (a) The physical body.
(d) None of these (b) The self.
107. Ramanuja’s theory of causation is known as (c) The consciousness.
(a) Vivartavada. (d) None of these.
(b) PrakrtiParinamavada. 114. Happiness and sorrow and other mental
(c) Brahman Parinamavada. activities, according to Charvaka, are the attributes of
(d) Asatkarayavada. (a) Body.
Q11) If Dust is called Air, Air is called Fire, Fire is called A. saturnine: energy
Water, Water is called colour. colour is called Rain and B. principled: method
Rain is called Dust; the where do fish live? C. inquisitive: science
A. colour D. boundless: expanse
C. Water A. incinerate: heat
D. Fire B. animate: enervate
Q13) COACH: TEAM:: C. contest: decry
A. groupie: band D. acknowledge: apprehend
B. foreman: jury Q23) In a certain code, FHQK means GIRL. How will
C. diplomat: country WOMEN be written in the same code?
D. senator: senate A. VNLDM
A. confederation: state C. XPNFO
B. trepidation: courage D. VLNDM
C. serenity: equanimity Q24) The letters in the first set have certain relationship.
D. computer: hard drive Based on this relationship, what is the right choice for the
A. jeer: fan A) ORW B) MPU
B. correct: charlatan C) MRW D) OPW
C. retreat: champion
Q25) In a certain code, PAN is written as 31 and PAR as
D. moderate: arbiter
Q16) SENTEN CE: WORDS:: 35. In this code PAT is written as:
A. album: guitar A. 30
B. paragraph: punctuation B. 37
C. novel: index C. 38
D. collage: paper strips D. 39
Q17) PARRY: BLOW:: Q26) If in a certain language PUN C-TUAL is coded as 1
6 5 9 8 6 2 3, how would ACTUPULN be coded?
A. Equivocate : question
B. cower : start A. 8 3 4 5 3 6
C. boomerang: backlash B. 2 9 8 6 1 6 3
D. cast: invective C. 8 3 4 5 3 0
Q18) DISQUIETUDE: ANXIOUS:: D. 8 3 4 5 3 9
A. isolation: sequestered Q27) Choose the odd word:
B. cupidity: bellicose A. Nun
C. embellishment: overstated B. knight
D. nonplus: perplexed C. Monk
Q19) MILK: DRAIN:: D. Priest
A. insult: commend
Q28) If the radius of a circle is in-creased by 50 per cent.
B. abstract: distend
Its area is increased by:
C. extend: disregard A) 1.25
D. exploit: employ B) 1
Q20) ABSTRUSE: CLEAR:: C) 0.75
A. nondescript: conspicuous D) 0.5
B. highbrow: indifferent
C. affable: agreeable Q29) Ina certain code, GAMESMAN written as
D. prominent: manifest AGMEMSAN. How would DISCLOSE be written in that
A. Wood
B. Sword Q51) Mother: Daughter:: Father:?
C. Iron A. Son
D. Hammer B. Brother
Q49) Crime: Punishment:: Deed:? C. Boy
A. Pleasure D. Sister
B. Hatred
C. Sin Answer Key
D. Prize
Q1) B, Q2) A, Q3) C, Q4) A, Q5) B, Q6) A, Q7) D, Q8)
Q50) Air: Atmosphere:: Water:? A, Q9) C, Q10) B, Q11) A, Q12) C, Q13) B, Q14) B, Q15)
D, Q16) D, Q17) A, Q18) D, Q19) D, Q20) A, Q21) D,
A. Island Q22) B, Q23) C, Q24) D, Q25) B, Q26) B, Q27) B, Q28)
B. Earth A, Q29) A, Q30) D, Q31) C, Q32) C, Q33) C, Q34) B,
Q35) C, Q36) C, Q37) C, Q38) B, Q39) B, Q40) B, Q41)
C. Ocean
A, Q42) A, Q43) A, Q44) C, Q45) D, Q46) B, Q47) D,
D. Drop Q48) D, Q49) D, Q50) C, Q51) A,