Section 4 A
Section 4 A
Section 4 A
Section 4
Ocean Geologic Features
Major Ocean Features: Two major ocean features are shallow continental
Continental Margin margins and the deep sea. Sea level changes through
and Deep Sea time have exposed and submerged the upper portion
of continental margins, called the continental shelf.
Continental shelves of the world vary greatly in their
width from a few kilometers to a hundred or more, but
are relatively shallow in depth. Most extend offshore to
water depths of 100 to 200 m. Just beyond the shelf, the
sea floor slope is much steeper. This is the continental
slope. At the base of the slope lies the continental rise,
which is less steep and quite broad in places. The shelf,
slope and rise together make up the entire continental
margin. Many continental margins have steep-walled
submarine canyons cutting through them. Some canyons
may have formed during lowered sea levels as rivers ran
out across the shelf, cutting into it. Submarine canyons
are also channels for turbidity currents—water that
carries sediment down slope—and continues the erosion
that formed the canyon.
Learning Ocean Science through Ocean Exploration
Section 4: Ocean Geologic Features
Shelves and Sediment The shelf is generally a broad, gently slopping platform
that extends from the shoreline to the continental slope.
It has thick accumulations of both coarse and fine-grained
sediments. Since fine particles remain suspended in the
water column longer than larger or denser particles, finer
and lighter particles are carried farther, often to the edge
of the shelf, before they settle. Consequently, slope and
deep-sea sediments tend to be finer grained.
Submarine Canyons Submarine canyons cut into the shelf. They usually have
v-shaped profiles, steep walls, rock outcrops, flat floors,
strong currents, and deep-sea sediments fans at their
base. Most are on the upper, steeper part of the slope.
They run perpendicular to the shelf, across the continen-
tal shelf and slope. Generally submarine canyons are
associated with major rivers.
Learning Ocean Science through Ocean Exploration Section 4: Ocean Geologic Features
Learning Ocean Science through Ocean Exploration
Section 4: Ocean Geologic Features
Cold Water Seeps and Gas hydrate is an ice-like substance that forms in deep
Gas Hydrates sea sediments when gas molecules, primarily methane,
are trapped in a lattice of water molecules, forming a sta-
ble solid at temperatures above 0°C and pressures above
1 atmosphere. Gas hydrate deposits along ocean margins
are estimated to exceed known petroleum reserves by
about a factor of three. There is at least twice as much
carbon locked up in hydrates as in all other fossil fuels on
the Earth. There is commercial interest in mining meth-
ane from hydrates on the part of a number of countries.
Learning Ocean Science through Ocean Exploration Section 4: Ocean Geologic Features
The outer shell of the Earth, the lithosphere, has about Active Margin Process
a dozen large plates of rock called tectonic plates. Each
moves several centimeters per year relative to adjacent
plates. The plates that make up the lithosphere move
on a hot flowing mantle layer called the asthenosphere,
which is several hundred kilometers thick. Heat within
the asthenosphere creates convection currents (similar
to the currents that can be seen if food coloring is added
to a heated container of water). These convection cur-
rents cause the tectonic plates to move. Plates move in
several ways in relation to each other.
Plates slide horizontally past each other at transform Transform Plate Boundaries
plate boundaries. Friction may lock plates temporarily
as they try to move past each other, creating huge stress
Learning Ocean Science through Ocean Exploration
Section 4: Ocean Geologic Features
in the boundary. If the force becomes too great, the
plates may move abruptly, creating earthquakes. Places
where breaks occur are called faults. A well-known
transform plate boundary is California’s San Andreas
Divergent Plate Boundaries Where tectonic plates move away from each other,
divergent plate boundaries form. Here magma—molten
rock—rises from deep within the Earth and erupts,
forming new crust in the lithosphere. Most divergent
plate boundaries are underwater. Iceland is an exception.
The boundaries form submarine mountain ranges called
oceanic spreading ridges or rifts. These underwater
ridges may be substantial—as much as 2,000 to 3,000 m
high. They form the longest mountain chain in the world.
As new oceanic crust forms at the ridges, older crust is
progressively moved farther and farther from the ridge,
creeping along at a rate of a few centimeters per year. As
the new oceanic crust moves away from the ridge, it cools
and contracts, decreasing the ridge height.
Learning Ocean Science through Ocean Exploration Section 4: Ocean Geologic Features
Hydrothermal vents form at ridges. Ocean water per- Deep Hydrothermal Vents
colates down into rock fractures and encounters rising
magma. Super-heated water, gases, and minerals escape
from deep within the Earth. These vents provide the
raw materials for communities whose primary producers
are chemosynthetic bacteria—both endosymbiotic and
free-living—enabling rich assemblages of organisms to
live in deep water, far from sunlight.
Yet another plate boundary is convergent. Here tectonic Convergent Plate Boundaries
plates are pushed together. Usually one plate moves un-
der the other—it is subducted. Deep trenches often form
where one tectonic plate is being pushed beneath a sec-
ond plate. Volcanic activity and earthquakes are common.
As the sinking plate moves deeper into the mantle, the
overlying mantle partially melts, forming new magma.
It rises, erupting as a volcano. Island arcs produced by
volcanic activity often form along a convergent boundary.
Learning Ocean Science through Ocean Exploration
Section 4: Ocean Geologic Features
Where to Find More Activities There are seven activities in this section that use in-
on Ocean Geologic Features quiry-based experiences to introduce your students to
some of the earth science discussed above. There are a
number of Ocean Exploration Expedition Activities from
2001 and 2002 exploration on the OE CD and web site.
Their topics appear below:
• Let’s Bet on Sediments from Deep East 2001 and
Hudson Canyon 2002
Learning Ocean Science through Ocean Exploration Section 4: Ocean Geologic Features
Plate Tectonics
• The Biggest Plates on Earth from Submarine Ring of
Fire 2002
Learning Ocean Science through Ocean Exploration
Section 4: Ocean Geologic Features
Lesson Plan 6
50 50
Learning Ocean Science through Ocean Exploration Section 4: Ocean Geologic Features
Continental shelf 3. When they have finished discussing Part II, you,
Continental slope THE TEACHER ONLY, turn a hair dryer on and
Continental rise use it to produce surface currents in the aquarium
Submarine canyon (alternately use an aquarium filter to produce
Graded bedding currents). SAFETY PRECAUTION: DO NOT DROP
Background Information
Review information in Section 4 of this Curriculum 4. While the class is watching, pour all three
on sediments and passive margins. sediment samples into the aquarium, starting with
the most coarse.
Learning Procedure
Part I Discussion 5. Observe how the water currents affect the types of
Using information from the Mission Plan for the sediment.
Hudson Canyon Cruise 2002, http://oceanexplorer., 6. Discuss with the class why the Hudson Canyon
discuss the features of a passive continental margin. has fine sediment deposits on and around it and
Introduce submarine canyons and the location of not coarse sediments. Use this demonstration as
Hudson Canyon. Challenge the students to test evidence.
sediments for settling rates and other features related
to continental shelf and submarine canyon geology. 7. Discuss turbidity currents and how they form
deep-sea fans.
Part II Activity
1. Have student groups gather the materials listed The BRIDGE Connection
above for Part II.
Location=archive1103.html – Activity about ocean
2. Ask the students to predict which sediment type sediments and diatom oozes
will reach the bottom the fastest and which the
slowest on the Sediment Analysis Worksheet. The “Me” Connection
Have students walked along a shallow stream or
3. Working independently in their groups, have the river where they can see the bottom? What were
students observe and analyze the three sediment the bottom sediments like? Can they explain their
types using the Sediment Analysis Worksheet. observations in relation to speed of the water flow?
Learning Ocean Science through Ocean Exploration
Section 4: Ocean Geologic Features
52 52
Learning Ocean Science through Ocean Exploration Section 4: Ocean Geologic Features
Student Handout
Sediment Analysis Worksheet
Part I:
1. Collect materials:
3 jars filled with water
3 1/4 cup sediment samples
1 plastic spoon
4. Sketch each of the three sediment samples and indicate scale in the boxes below:
Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
b. Are each of your samples the same color throughout or are they made up of
various colors?
Sample 1:
Sample 2:
Sample 3:
6. If you were to drop each of these samples into water, which one would fall to the
bottom the fastest? The slowest?
Learning Ocean Science through Ocean Exploration
Section 4: Ocean Geologic Features
Student Handout
7. Using your jars, add one spoonful of each sediment to each jar and record the
time it takes the entire sediment sample to reach the bottom, using the watch.
Settling time may take as much as 24 hours.
8. Using the observations from above, predict what would happen if you added all
three samples at once to the large jar.
9. Using one jar add 2 spoonfuls of each of the other sediment samples. Then tighten
the lid on the jar. Shake the jar to make a sediment-laden suspension and observe
what happens with all the sediments. Sketch your observations below.
10. Based on your observations above, explain what graded bedding means.
Learning Ocean Science through Ocean Exploration Section 4: Ocean Geologic Features
Student Handout
2. Write a short essay comparing an underwater turbidity current avalanche to a
snow avalanche found in the mountains.
Learning Ocean Science through Ocean Exploration
Section 4: Ocean Geologic Features
Lesson Plan 7
56 56
Learning Ocean Science through Ocean Exploration Section 4: Ocean Geologic Features
5. If you need to use an overhead, make overheads “A Profile of Savannah Scarp”, NOAA Ocean
of the figures for each question on the Sediment Exploration Web Site (2001) George R. Sedberry,
Comparison Worksheet and use them to take the Senior Marine Scientist, Marine Resources
students through the worksheet. For example: Research Institute, South Carolina Department
Question 1 refers to Figures 1 and 2. Put them of Natural Resources –
both on one overhead so they are next to each explorations/islands01/background/islands/sup7_savannah.html
other and easily compared.
“A Profile of the Charleston Bump”, from NOAA
The BRIDGE Connection Ocean Exploration Web Site (2001) George R. Sedberry, Senior Marine Scientist, Marine
Location=archive1103.html – Activity about ocean Resources Research Institute, South Carolina
sediments and diatom oozes Department of Natural Resources – http://
The “ME” Connection islands/sup11_bump.html
(See Extension #2) Have the students describe what
organisms can best survive in the soil in their back- “Getting to the Bottom of a Rocky Rubble Reef”,
yard versus the organisms that may live in the other from NOAA Ocean Exploration Web site (2001)
habitat from which they gathered soil. Dr. Leslie R. Sautter, Dept. of Geology and
Environmental Sciences, College of Charleston,
Connections To Other Subjects Charleston, SC –
Oceanography, Geology explorations/islands01/log/sep9/sep9.html
58 58
Learning Ocean Science through Ocean Exploration Section 4: Ocean Geologic Features
If you are doing this activity on the web refer to the following key for the proper images:
Figure 1 = Bump Image #4
Figure 2 = Scarp Image #7
Figure 3 = Bump Image #1
Figure 4 = Scarp Image #5
Figure 5 = Bump Image #15
Figure 6 = Scarp Image #3
Learning Ocean Science through Ocean Exploration
Section 4: Ocean Geologic Features
Student Handout
Figure 1
Figure 2
60 Figure 3
Learning Ocean Science through Ocean Exploration Section 4: Ocean Geologic Features
Student Handout
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6 61
Learning Ocean Science through Ocean Exploration
Section 4: Ocean Geologic Features
Student Handout
Sediment Comparison Worksheet
If you are doing this activity on the web refer to the following key for the proper images:
Figure 1 = Bump Image #4
Figure 2 = Scarp Image #7
Figure 3 = Bump Image #1
Figure 4 = Scarp Image #5
Figure 5 = Bump Image #15
Figure 6 = Scarp Image #3
3. Figure 1 was taken from the Charleston Bump. Figure 2 was taken from the
Savannah Scarp. How would you classify each of them in terms of their basis
of origin (i.e., what is the primary composition of each?)
Learning Ocean Science through Ocean Exploration Section 4: Ocean Geologic Features
Student Handout
5. Figure 3 is from the Bump. Figure 4 is from the Scarp. Using the 3-mm scale
bar in each figure, determine which of these samples has the larger grain size.
What do you think is the main reason for this?
7. Using Figures 5 (Bump) and 6 (Scarp) as well as all the previous figures, describe
any similarities in the two sediments.
9. Again using all of the figures, what are some other differences you notice?