06-C-Omb-I.01, R.01 (30 Aug 24)
06-C-Omb-I.01, R.01 (30 Aug 24)
06-C-Omb-I.01, R.01 (30 Aug 24)
ISS. 01 REV. 01
5.1.1GENERAL 5-1
(b) Any proposed amendment should be forwarded through the [QM] & [SM] on
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annotated to show the effective date. the amendment list number and the portion
of the text which has been revised, as indicated by vertical marginal lines adjacent
to the changes. Each amendment will be accompanied by a revised list of effective
pages, with the effective date and will be maintained at the front pages of each
(c) The system of amendment and revision apply to entire TSP manuals. Revision
is numbered in sequence and may be carried out a long-term application regularly
and permanently incorporated into the manual.
(e) The Normal Revision time frame to review and revise TSP’s manuals is 12
calendar months or sooner in case of reasonable cause.
(f) Document Control Officer [QDC] shall process and submit to CAAT for
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G Normal acceleration
GMM General Maintenance Manual
hPa Hectopascal
HAT Height Above Touchdown
HF High Frequency (3-30 MHz)
HIRL High Intensity Runway Edge Lights
IA Intermediate Alternate
IAF Intermediate Approach Fix
IAS Indicated Airspeed
IATA International Air Transport Association
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
ID Identity
IF Initial Approach Fix
IFR Instrument Flight Rules
ILS Instrument landing system
IMC Instrument meteorological conditions
inHg Inch of mercury
IOE Initial Operating Experience
ISO International Organization for Standardization
ISS Issue
Kg Kilogram
kHz Kilohertz
Km Kilo Meter
Kts Knots
Lbs Pounds(s)
LDA Landing distance available
LDP Landing decision point
LDR Landing distance required
LED Light emitting diode
LH Left Hand
LLZ Localizer
LOPA Layout of Passenger Accommodation
m Meter(s)
M Mach number
MAC Mean Aerodynamic Chord
MAP Minimum Approach Point
MAX, Max Maximum
Mb Millibars
MDA Minimum Descent Altitude
MDA/H Minimum descent altitude/height
MDH Minimum Descent Height
MEA Minimum Enroute Altitude
MEL Minimum Equipment List
MHz Megahertz mm Millimeter
MLS Microwave landing system
MMEL Master minimum equipment list
MOCA Minimum Obstacle Clearance Altitude
MORA Minimum Off Route Altitude
MOPS Minimum operational performance specification
MSA Minimum Safe Altitude
PA Public Address
PANS Procedures for Air Navigation Services
PANS-OPS Procedures for Air Navigation Services–Aircraft
PAPI Precision Approach Path Indicator
PAR Precision Approach Radar
PAX Passenger
PBC Performance-based communication
PBN Performance-based navigation
PBS Performance-based surveillance
PIC/P-I-C Pilot in Command
PF Pilot Fly
PM Pilot Monitor
PNR Point of no return
psi Pound per square inch
R Rotor/ Radius
R/T Radio Telephony
RA Radio Altimeter
RCAB Regulations of the Civil Aviation Board
RCP Required communication performance
REF Reference
REG Registration
REV Revision
RH Right Hand
RNAV Area Navigation
RNP Required Navigation Performance
ROC Rate of Climb
RPL Repetitive Flight Plan
RSP Required surveillance performance
RTB Return to Base
RVR Runway Visual Range
RVSM Reduced Vertical Separation Minima
°C Degrees Celsius
% Per cent
Accelerate-Stop Distance Available (ASDA) means the length of the take-off run
available plus the length of Stopway, if provided.
Acts of Unlawful Interference means acts or attempted acts such as to jeopardise
the safety of civil aviation and air transport, i.e.
(a) Unlawful seizure of aircraft in flight;
(b) Unlawful seizure of aircraft on the ground;
(c) Hostage-taking on board an aircraft or on aerodromes;
(d) Forcible intrusion on board an aircraft, at an airport or on the premises of an
aeronautical facility;
(e) Introduction on board an aircraft or at an airport of a weapon or hazardous
device or material intended for criminal purposes; and
(f) Communication of false information as to jeopardise the safety of an aircraft in
flight or on the ground, of passengers, crew, ground personnel or the general
public, at an airport or on the premises of a civil aviation facility.
Aerodrome means a defined area on land (including any building, installation and
equipment) used or intended to be used either wholly or in part for the arrival,
departure and surface movement of aircraft.
Aerodrome Operating Minima in relation to the operation of an aircraft at an
aerodrome, means the limits of usability of an aerodrome for:
(a) Take-off, expressed in terms of runway visual range or visibility, or both, and
cloud conditions where necessary;
(b) Landing in 2D instrument approach operations, expressed in terms of visibility
or runway visual range, or both, minimum descent altitude/height (MDA/h) and, if
necessary, cloud conditions; and
(c) Landing in 3D instrument approach operations, expressed in terms of visibility
and/or runway visual range and decision altitude/height (DA/H) as appropriate to
the type or category of operations, or both.
Aerial work means an aircraft operation in which an aircraft is used for specialized
services such as agriculture, construction, photography, surveying, observation and
patrol, search and rescue, aerial advertisement, etc.
Agreement means a formal agreement, between an operator and an external
services provider, that identify the document of measurable specifications that can
be monitored by the operator to ensure requirements that affect the quality, safety
and security are being fulfilled by the service provider or contracted organization or
Alternate Aerodrome means an aerodrome to which an aircraft may proceed
when it becomes either impossible or inadvisable to proceed to, or to land at, the
aerodrome of intended landing and which meets all of the following requirements:
(a) The necessary services and facilities are available;
(b) The aircraft performance requirements can be met;
(c) The aerodrome is operational at the expected time of use. Alternate aerodromes
include the following:
Take-off Alternate means an alternate aerodrome at which an aircraft would be
able to land should this become necessary shortly after take-off and it is not possible
to use the aerodrome of departure.
En-Route Alternate means an alternate aerodrome at which an aircraft would be
able to land in the event that a diversion becomes necessary while en-route.
Destination Alternate means an alternate aerodrome at which an aircraft would
be able to land should it become either impossible or inadvisable to land at the
aerodrome of intended landing.
Note:- The aerodrome from which a flight departs may also be an en route or a
destination alternate aerodrome for that flight.
Altimetry System Error (ASE) means the difference between the altitude indicated
by the altimeter display, assuming a correct altimeter barometric setting, and the
pressure altitude corresponding to the undisturbed ambient pressure
Aeroplane means a power-driven heavier-than-air aircraft, deriving its lift in flight
chiefly from aerodynamic reactions on surfaces which remain fixed under given
conditions of flight.
Aircraft means any machine that can derive support in the atmosphere from the
reactions of the air other than the reactions of the air against the earth’s surface.
Aircraft Operating Manual means a manual, acceptable to the State of the
Operator, containing normal, abnormal and emergency procedures, checklists,
limitations, performance information, details of the aircraft systems and other
material relevant to the operation of the aircraft.
Note:- The aircraft operating manual is part of the operations manual.
Aircraft Tracking means a process, established by the operator, that maintains and
updates, at standardized intervals, a ground based record of the four-dimensional
position of individual aircraft in flight.
Flight Crew means a crew member, including the pilot, flight engineer, flight
navigator and flight radio operator who is charged with duties essential to the
operation of an aircraft during a flight duty period.
Flight Crew Member means a licensed crew member charged with duties essential
to the operation of an aircraft during a flight duty period.
Flight Data Analysis means a process of analysing recorded flight data in order to
improve the safety of flight operations.
Flight Dispatcher/Flight Operations Officer means a suitably qualified person
designated by the operator of the aircraft to provide:
(a) briefing and/or assistance to the Pilot-in-Command in the safe conduct of the
flight, including pre-flight preparation for the dispatch release; and
(b) control and supervision of flight while acting as a close link between the aircraft
inflight and the ground services, and between the flight crew and the operator’s
ground staff.
Flight Duty Period means a period which commences when a flight or cabin crew
member is required to report for duty that includes a flight or a series of flights and
which finishes when the aeroplane finally comes to rest and the engines are shut
down at the end of the last flight on which he/she is a crew member.
Flight Manual means a manual, associated with the certificate of airworthiness,
containing limitations within which the aircraft is to be considered airworthy, and
instructions and information necessary to the flight crew members for the safe
operation of the aircraft.
Flight Plan means specified information provided to air traffic services units
relating to an intended flight or portion of a flight of an aircraft.
Flight Recorder means any type of recorder installed in the aircraft of the purposes
of complementing accident/incident investigation.
Flight Safety Documents System A set of interrelated documentation established
by the operator, compiling and organizing information necessary for flight and
ground operations, and comprising, as a minimum, the operations manual and the
operator’s maintenance control manual.
Flight Simulator means a type of apparatus that provides an accurate
representation of a flight deck of a particular aircraft type to the extent that the
mechanical, electrical, electronic and other aircraft systems control functions, the
normal environment of flight crew members, and the performance and flight
characteristics of that aircraft type are realistically simulated;
Flight Simulation Training Device means an apparatus in which flight conditions
are simulated on the ground and includes a flight simulator, a flight procedures
trainer and a basic instrument flight trainer.
Flight Time - Aeroplanes means the total time from the moment an aeroplane first
moves for the purpose of taking off until the moment it finally comes to rest at the
end of the flight.
Note:- Flight time as here defined is synonymous with the term “block to block”
time or “chock to chock” time in general usage which is measured from the time
an aeroplane first moves for the purpose of taking off until it finally stops at the
end of the flight.
Flight Time - Helicopters means the total time from the moment a helicopter’s
rotor blades start turning until the moment the helicopter finally comes to rest at
the end of the flight, and the rotor blades are stopped.
Note:- This definition is intended only for the purpose of flight and duty time
General Aviation Operation means an aircraft operation other than a commercial
air transport operation or an aerial work operation.
Ground Handling means services necessary for an aircraft’s arrival at, and
departure from, an airport, other than air traffic services.
General Maintenance Manual means a document which describes the operator’s
procedure necessary to ensure that all scheduled and unscheduled maintenance
is performed on the operator’s aircraft on time and in a controlled and satisfactory
Human Performance means human capabilities and limitations which have an
impact on the safety and efficiency of aeronautical operations.
Incompatible means in relation to dangerous goods, if mixed, would be liable to
cause a dangerous evaluation of heat or gas or produce a corrosive substance.
Instrument Approach Operations means an approach and landing using
instruments for navigation guidance based on an instrument approach procedure,
executed either by a 2D or 3D instrument approach operation.
(a) A Two-Dimensional (2D) instrument approach operation means an
instrument approach operation using lateral navigation guidance only; and
(b) A Three-Dimensional (3D) instrument approach operation means an
instrument approach operation using both lateral and vertical navigation guidance.
Note:- Lateral and vertical navigation guidance refers to the guidance provided
either by:
Landing Distance Available (LDA) means the length of runway which is declared
available and suitable for the ground run of an aeroplane landing. Large Aeroplane
means an aeroplane of a maximum certificated take-off mass of over 5,700 kg.
Maintenance means the performance of tasks on an aircraft, engine, propeller or
associated part required to ensure the continuing airworthiness of an aircraft,
engine, propeller or associated part including any one or combination of overhaul,
inspection, replacement, defect rectification, and the embodiment of a
modification or repair.
Maintenance Programme means the maintenance schedule and related
procedures, such as a reliability programme, necessary for the safe operation of
those aircraft to which it applies.
Maintenance Release means a document which contains a certification
confirming that the maintenance work to which it relates has been completed in a
satisfactory manner in accordance with appropriate airworthiness requirements.
Maintenance Schedule means a document which describes the specific scheduled
maintenance tasks and their frequency of completion necessary for the safe
operation of those aircraft to which it applies.
Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL) A list established for a particular aircraft
type by the organization responsible for the type design with the approval of the
State of Design containing items, one or more of which is permitted to be
unserviceable at the commencement of a flight. The MMEL may be associated with
special operating conditions, limitations or procedures.
Maximum Diversion Time means the maximum allowable range, expressed in
time, from a point on a route to an en-route alternate aerodrome.
Maximum Mass means maximum certificated take-off mass.
Minimum Equipment List (MEL), A list which provides for the operation of aircraft,
subject to specified conditions, with particular equipment inoperative, prepared by
an operator in conformity with, or more restrictive than, the MMEL established for
the aircraft type.
Meteorological Information means a meteorological report, analysis, forecast, and
any other statement relating to existing or expected meteorological conditions.
Minimum Descent Altitude (MDA) or Minimum Descent Height (MDH) means a
specified altitude or height in a non-precision 2D instrument approach operation
or circling approach operation below which the pilot-in-command must not
continue the descent without the required visual reference.
Note 1:- Minimum Descent Altitude (MDA) is referenced to mean sea level and
Minimum Descent Height (MDH) is referenced to the aerodrome elevation or
to the threshold elevation if that is more than 2 m (7 ft) below the aerodrome
elevation.A minimum descent height for a circling approach is referenced to
the aerodrome elevation.
Note 2:- The required visual reference means that section of the visual aids or of
the approach area which should have been in view for sufficient time for the
pilot to have made an assessment of the aircraft position and rate of change
of position, in relation to the desired flight path. In the case of a circling
approach the required visual reference is the runway environment.
Note 3:- For convenience when both expressions are used they may be written in
the form “Minimum Descent Altitude/Height” and abbreviated “MDA/H”.
Navigation Specification A set of aircraft and flight crew requirements needed to
support performance-based navigation operations within a defined airspace. There
are two kinds of navigation specifications:
RNP Specification A navigation specification based on area navigation that
includes the requirement for performance monitoring and alerting, designated by
the prefix RNP, e.g. RNP 4, RNP APCH.
RNAV Specification A navigation specification based on area navigation that does
not include the requirement for performance monitoring and alerting, designated
by the prefix RNAV, e.g. RNAV 5, RNAV 1.
Note:- The Performance-based Navigation Manual (Doc 9613), Volume II contains
detailed guidance on navigation specifications
Night means the hours between the end of evening civil twilight and the beginning
of morning civil twilight or such other period between sunset and sunrise, as may
be prescribed by the appropriate authority.
Obstacle Clearance Altitude (OCA) or “Obstacle Clearance Height (OCH) means
the lowest altitude or the lowest height above the elevation of the relevant runway
threshold or the aerodrome elevation as applicable, used in establishing
compliance with appropriate obstacle clearance criteria.
Note 1:- Obstacle clearance altitude is referenced to mean sea level and obstacle
clearance height is referenced to the threshold elevation or in the case of non-
precision approaches procedures to the aerodrome elevation or the threshold
elevation if that is more than 2 m (7 ft) below the aerodrome elevation. An obstacle
clearance height for a circling approach is referenced to the aerodrome elevation.
Operating Base means the location from which operational control is exercised.
Note:- An operating base is normally the location where personnel involved in the
operation of the aircraft work and the records associated with the operation are
located. An operating base has a degree of permanency beyond that of a regular
point of call.
Operation An activity or group of activities which are subject to the same or similar
hazards and which require a set of equipment to be specified, or the achievement
and maintenance of a set of pilot competencies, to eliminate or mitigate the risk of
such hazards.
Note:- Such activities could include, but would not be limited to, offshore
operations, HELI-hoist operations or emergency medical service.
Operational Control means the exercise of authority over the initiation,
continuation, diversion or termination of a flight in the interest of the safety of the
aircraft and the regularity and efficiency of the flight.
Operational Flight Plan means the operator’s plan for the safe conduct of the flight
based on considerations of aeroplane performance, other operating limitations and
relevant expected conditions on the route to be followed and at the aerodromes
Operations Manual means a manual containing procedures, instructions and
guidance for use by operational personnel in the execution of their duties.
Operator means the person, organization or enterprise engaged in or offering to
engage in an aircraft operation.
Operations Specifications means the authorizations including specific approvals,
conditions and limitations associated with the air operator certificate and subject
to the conditions in the operations manual
Outsourcing see definition in Service Provider
Passenger Aircraft means an aircraft that carries any person other than a crew
member, employee of the operator in an official capacity, an Authorised Officer or
a person accompanying a consignment or other cargo.
Performance-Based Communication (PBC) means communication based on
performance specifications applied to the provision of air traffic services.
Note:- An RCP specification includes communication performance requirement
that are allocated to system components in terms of the communication to
be provided and associated transaction time, continuity, available, integrity,
safety and functionality needed for the proposed operation in the context of
a particular airspace concept.
R* = 8.31432 JK1mol-1
Psychoactive Substances means alcohol, opioids, cannabinoids, sedatives and
hypnotics, cocaine, other psychostimulants, hallucinogens, and volatile solvents,
but excludes coffee and tobacco.
Public Transport has the same interpretation as commercial air transport.
Qualification Test Guide (QTG) The primary reference document used for the
evaluation of a FSTD. It contains test results, statements of compliance and the
other prescribed information to enable the evaluator to assess if the FSTD meets
the test criteria.
Quality Management System (QMS) means a management system that directs
and controls an organization with regard to quality activities generally include the
(a) Establishment of A Quality Policy and Quality Objectives;
(b) Quality planning;
(c) Quality control;
(d) Quality assurance; and
(e) Quality improvement.
Required Communication Performance (RCP) Specification means a set of
requirements for air traffic service provision and associated ground equipment,
aircraft capability, and operations needed to support performance-based
Required Surveillance Performance (RSP) Specification means a set of
requirements for air traffic services provision and associated ground equipment,
aircraft capability, and operations needed to support performance-based
Repair means the restoration of aircraft, engine, propeller or associated part to an
airworthy condition in accordance with the appropriate airworthiness
requirements, after it has been damaged or subjected to wear.
Rest Period means a continuous and defined period of time, subsequent to and/or
prior to duty, during which flight or cabin crew members are free of all duties.
Runway Visual Range (RVR) means the range over which the pilot of an aircraft on
the centre line of a runway can see the runway surface markings or the lights
delineating the runway or identifying its centre line.
Safe Forced Landing means unavoidable landing or ditching with a reasonable
expectancy of no injuries to persons in the aircraft or on the surface.
Safety Management System means a systematic approach to managing safety,
including the necessary organizational structures, accountabilities, responsibilities,
policies and procedures.
Serious injury. An injury which is sustained by a person in an accident and which:
(a) Requires hospitalization for more than 48 hours, commencing within seven days
from the date the injury was received; or
(b) Results in a fracture of any bone (except simple fractures of fingers, toes or nose);
(c) Involves lacerations which cause severe haemorrhage, nerve, muscle or tendon
damage; or
(d) Involves injury to any internal organ; or
(e) Involves second or third degree burns, or any burns affecting more than 5 per
cent of the body surface; or
(f) Involves verified exposure to infectious substances or injurious radiation.
Target Level of Safety (TLS) means a generic term representing the level of risk
which is considered acceptable in particular circumstances.
Technical Instructions (TI) means the technical instructions for the safe transport
of dangerous goods by air (Doc 9284), approved and issued periodically in
accordance with the procedure established by the ICAO Council.
Threshold Time means the range, expressed in time, established by the State of
the Operator, to an en-route alternate aerodrome, whereby any time beyond
requires a specific approval for EDTO from the State of the Operator
Total Vertical Error (TVE) means the vertical geometric difference between the
actual pressure altitude flown by an aircraft and its assigned pressure altitude (flight
Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC) means meteorological conditions
expressed in terms of visibility, distance from cloud, and ceiling, equal to or better
than specified minima.
Wet Runway means the runway surface is covered by any visible dampness or
water up to and including 3 mm deep within the intended area of use.
The following illustration shows the typical style and setting of a manual page.
17 CM
2. Page number
a. Page number of each Section, Clause and Sub-Clause found on the
right side of Table of Content body.
b. Page number format is “Chapter - Page number of this Chapter”.
Maximum demonstrate crosswind velocity for Takeoff & landing……………….15 Kts.
(not limitations)
Cruise: Conservative cruise torque settings shall be used at all times. The
“middle” settings as per the AFM Cruise torque settings are preferred. Max
Cruise torque shall only be used when the aircraft is behind schedule.
Maximum cruise ITT shall be 700 degrees. If the maximum cruise settings as
per the AFM would cause ITT to be exceeding 700 degrees, maintenance must
be notified.
Descent: Throughout descent the power lever shall be left at the cruise power
setting, until within 5 knots of the maximum speed or the speed trend vector
exceeds 175 KIAS or less to prevent an overspeed. If the aircraft encounters
moderate or stronger turbulence the aircraft shall be flown at the maneuvering
speed appropriate for the weight.
THAI SEAPLANE Caravans are NOT authorized to operate in icing conditions.
Icing conditions are defined as: Visible moisture: clouds, rain, snow, ice crystals
with an OAT of 5°C or less. This temperature is likely to occur at flight altitudes
approaching 14,000 ft. in Thailand
THAI SEAPLANE CO., LTD. shall ensure that all aircraft in the fleet are equipped
with all requirements and conditions of the company’s AOC
(1) Instrumentation, and or avionics readily visible to the intended pilot and
appropriate flight crew and that are necessary to conduct operations and
meet applicable flight parameters, maneuvers and limitations.
(2) Equipment necessary to satisfy applicable operational communications
requirements including emergency communications.
(3) Avionics, equipment and/or components necessary to satisfy applicable
navigational requirements, provide necessary redundancy and as
applicable and where authorized by the State.
(4) Avionics, instrumentation and/or radio equipment necessary to satisfy
applicable approach & landing requirements.
(5) Other components and/or equipment necessary to conduct operations
under applicable flight conditions including Instrument Meteorological
Conditions (IMC).
1.3.1 ENGINE
• Engine type: Turbo Prop Engine Pratt & Whitney model PT6A-114A with
Free turbine, two shafts engine utilizing, a compressor section having
three axial stages and one centrifugal stage, an annular reverse flow
combustion chamber, a one stage compressor turbine, and a single
exhaust. The power turbine drives the propeller through a two stages
planetary gearbox at the front of engine.\
• Engine control operating limits: Flight operation with the power lever
retard below the IDLE position is prohibited.
• Engine starting cycle limits: Using the airplane battery, the starting cycle
shall be limited to the following interval and sequence:
30 seconds on, 60 seconds off.
30 seconds on, 60 seconds off.
30 seconds on, 60 minutes off.
*Repeat the above cycle as required.
• Using the external power, the starting cycle shall be limited to the
following intervals and sequence:
20 seconds on, 120 seconds off.
20 seconds on, 120 seconds off.
20 seconds on, 60 minutes off.
*Repeat the above cycle as required.
Maximum 1865
765 101.6 1900 85 TO 105 0 TO 99 675
1970 (4)
Maximum 1865
740 101.6 1900 85 TO 105 0 TO 99 675
cruise 1970 (4)
-40 TO
Idle - 685 52 (MIN) - 40 (MIN) -
1865 805 101.6 1826 85 TO 105 0 TO 99 675
Reverse (5)
1090 - 40
Starting - - - - -
(6) (MIN)
10 TO
Continuous 1865 805 101.6 1900 85 TO 105 675
(8) 99
(1) Per the Engine Torque for take off figure of section 5
(2) For every 10 C (18 F) below -30C (-22 F) ambient temperature, reduce maximum allowable N
(3) Normal oil pressure is 85 to 105 psi at gas generator speed above 72% with oil temperature between 60
and 70 C (140 and 185 F). Oil pressure below 85 psi is undesirable and should be tolerated only for the
completion of the flight, preferably at the reduced power setting. Oil pressure below normal should be
reported as an engine discrepancy and should be corrected before next take off. Oil pressures below 40
psi are unsafe and require that either the engine be shut down or landing be made as soon as possible
using the minimum power required to sustain the flight.
(4) Propeller rpm must be set so as not to exceed 675 hp with torque above 1865 ft-lbs. Full 675 hp rating
is available only at rpm setting of 1800 or greater.
(7) For increase oil service life, an oil temperature between 74 and 80 C (165 to 176 F) is recommended. A
minimum oil temperature of 55 C (130 F) is recommended for fuel heater operation at take-off power.
(8) Use of this rating is intended for abnormal situations ( i.e. maintain altitude or climb out of icing
condition) The maximum allowable hp is 675. Less than 675 hp is available under certain temperature and
altitude conditions as reflected in take-off, climb and cruise performance chart.
• Propeller System Operating Limits: An over speed governor check
shall be performed before the first flight of the day, after engine
control maintenance, or if adjustment has been made.
1.3.3 FUEL
• Approved fuel grades (specifications):
JET A ASTM-D1655 - 35 °C
JET A-1 ASTM-D1655 - 40 °C
JET B ASTM-D1655 - 45 °C
JP-1 MIL-L 5616 - 35 °C
JP-4 MIL-T 5624 - 54 °C
JP-5 MIL-T 5624 - 40 °C
JP-8 MIL-T 83133A - 40 °C
Fuel Capacity:
Fuel Capacity:
Usable fuel:
Both tanks on 332 U.S. gallons
Single tank on 165 U.S. gallons
Unusable fuel:
Both tanks on 3.6 U.S. gallons (14 Liters)
Single tank on 2.8 U.S. gallons (11 Liters)
This chapter covers:
• An introduction to the normal procedures philosophy and assumptions
• Step by step normal procedures
This section, in conjunction with the rest of the Cessna Operations Manual and
Flight Crew Training Manual is intended to provide the necessary techniques
and system handling information needed by the flight crew to safely and
efficiently operate the airplane during normal operations. Where there is a
difference between the normal procedures and other Cessna Operations
Manual or the Flight Crew Training Manual, the normal procedures reflect
company policies.
The Normal, Abnormal and Emergency checklist being used by the flight crew
is in POH. However, for convenience, A laminated normal checklist is available,
must be the same revision with normal checklist in POH or SOP and with
authority stamp
Crew Responsibilities
CAPT is the captain, sat in the left-hand seat .Designated by the company for
flights requiring more than one pilot, Responsible for conduct and safety of the
flight .
FO is First Officer in the right-hand seat
PF is the Pilot Flying, Controls the aircraft with respect to assigned airway,
course, altitude, airspeed, etc., during normal and emergency conditions,
accomplishes other tasks as directed by the captain.
PM is the Pilot Monitoring .Maintains ATC communications, copies clearances,
accomplishes checklists and other task as directed by the captain.
Procedure (Flow) Introduction
This term is used to describe crew action sequences which shall be carried out
at prescribed stages of the operation .Procedures (flows) are a logical way of
completing tasks BEFORE the respective checklist is called for, thereby allowing
the checklist to serve as a backup .Each phase of flight has a flow shown .Flows
may vary from those shown as long as they are logical and carried out in a
consistent manner commensurate with safety.
Checklist Format
Checklists are presented in three formats as follows:
Preflight internal and external checks are designed to be carried out by one
crewmember working independently.
The Before Start and Shutdown Checklists are to be carried out by the
Captain independently.
The After-Takeoff Checklist is to be carried out by the PM as CHALLENGE /
RESPONSE silently.
1 .Captain.................................................CAPT
2 .First Officer.................................. ......FO
3 .Both....................................................BTH
4 .Pilot Flying......... ....................... ........PF
5 .Pilot Monitoring………………............ PM
Where both) BTH (crewmembers are to respond, the PF shall respond first
followed by the PM.
attention, it will show red color in Crew Alert System (CAS) messages.
The Power lever is to be operated by the PM from 1500 ft/lbs to takeoff torque,
throughout the climb until the setting of cruise power is completed.
The Prop lever is to be operated by the PM when “climb power” and “cruise
power” are called for.
The AFCS mode selector panel is to be controlled by the PF when the autopilot
is engaged and by the PM when the Autopilot is not engaged.
In low workload environments i.e) .cruise with the autopilot engaged (it is
acceptable for the PF to make selections with the avionics.
For example: using the weather radar to better interpret the weather, route
modifications, etc. This however must not be at the expense of monitoring the
flight path.
Procedures are classified in three parts: Emergency, Abnormal and Normal
while performing procedures, crew will comply with the following hierarchy
The most important thing to remember is to Aviate, Navigate, Communicate
in that order.
When actioning checklist items remember that you should action only those
items in your area of responsibility as outlined in Figure 3-1 Area of
responsibility, Section 3.5.1 Task Sharing
• The PF shall then call for the appropriate Memory Items followed by the
appropriate checklist .If there are no memory items he /she shall call for the
In order to ensure a safe, correct and fast handling and operation under different
conditions, flight crew members shall use the latest normal, abnormal and
emergency checklists from the aircraft manufacturers or modified normal
checklists approved by the CAAT. Normal checklist shall be used on all flights and
non-normal checklist when situation so required.
If a situation is not covered in the checklist of the POH, the course of action is left
with the commander.
The checklist items shall be read in chronological order. Some items may be read
and not preformed. This requires that the checklist is placed in a conspicuous place
and that the pilot reading the checklist calls “Checklist to … e.g. altimeter”. When
completing the checklist, it must be reread with the required action to ensure that
it is completed.
All items from “Preflight Inspection” until “Securing Airplane” read/reviewed and
ensure that all items are carried out, as appropriate.
When a check item is called a concerned shall look at the switch, control lever, gage
etc. set it and read it as appropriate and ensure actions have been taken as required.
The action relating to an item may, for practical reasons, be performed in advance
and when later that check item is called, the appropriate setting or action shall be
It is necessary take time to check each item properly.
After each “Checklist completed”, the checklist shall be returned to the appropriate
checklist holder.
*Refer to Company SOP C208B, Chapter 3 Normal Procedures and POH section
The Normal Procedures are comprised of the following:
● Pre-flight inspection
● Before start engine
● Starting engine
● Taxiing
● Before Take off
● Take off
● En route Climb
● Cruise
● Descent
● Before Landing
● Landing
● After Landing
● Shutdown and securing the airplane
● System checks
2.1.1 BRIEFING Fuel Planning
The Pilot-in-command can request extra fuel for any reasons which conduct flight
to safety (see Notes below) but the Pilot-in-command has to confirm that
calculated minimum fuel from FOO plus extra fuel must not be over MTOW.
(1) When there is a good chance of having to divert i.e., weather below non-
precision minima or no weather forecast available fuel should be loaded to
land with no less than 400lbs at the alternate.
(2) The above are minimum fuel requirements and must be applied with
(3) All flights arriving within 30 minutes of official night must carry IFR fuel.
(4) Once the aircraft has dispatched the fuel may be used at the discretion of the
i.e., The PIC may elect to use alternate fuel to hold at destination if it is obvious
the airport will be available for landing in a safe amount of time.
For example: After fueling, fuel dip conducted. Fuel quantity 1300 lbs.
Flight conducted,
Calculated fuel burns 300 lbs.
Landing fuel 850 lbs.
Discrepancy 150 lbs.;
Therefore, a dip must be conducted
When refueling, conduct a gross error check using the following formula.
A particularly important item to be included in the daily briefing is the roles of the
pilots during an emergency. The captain should decide and define if he will
automatically take immediate control as PF in an emergency situation (if first officer
lacks sufficient experience) or if first officer can continue as PF in such a case.
Emergency Brief
PF: Emergencies during the PM: Advise ATC “…c)all sign(…
takeoff stopping”.
prior to being committed and I
will call
"Reject" and simultaneously
select Beta, apply max braking
and Reverse as required. You will?
PF: Engine Failure after airborne PM: Call the memory items and
with Advise ATC call
flaps 20 I will pitch the nose “Mayday Mayday Mayday..…..”
for 85 knots and feather the prop.
You will?
Any special procedures for the airport and runway
(1) Baggage - CHECK SECURE (through cargo door)
(2) Gear Hydraulic Fluid Level - CHECK (check every 25 hours)
(3) Cargo Door - CLOSED & LATCHED
(4) Horizontal Stabilizer Leading Edge - CHECK (verify condition, security and
verify 18 vortex generators on the upper side of each horizontal stabilizer)
(5) Control Surfaces and Elevator Trim Tabs - CHECK (verify condition, security,
freedom of movement and tab position)
(6) Static Wicks (14 total) - CHECK (verify condition and security; verify 4 static
wicks per elevator half, 5 on the rudder, and 1 on the stinger)
(7) Auxiliary Finlets - CHECK security and condition
(8) Rudder Gust Lock – UNLOCK
(9) Tail Tie Down – DISCONNECT
(10) Oxygen Filler Door (if installed) – SECURE
(11) Passenger Entry Door - CHECK (closed and latched)
(3) Air Inlets - CHECK (check starter/generator blast tube opening and oil cooler
inlet (right) and engine induction air inlet (left) for condition, restrictions and
(4) Propeller - CHECK (inspect blades for nicks, gouges, looseness of material,
erosion, cracks and lightning strike (darkened area near tips); inspect boots
for security, condition and evidence of grease and oil leaks)
(5) Propeller Spinner - CHECK (verify condition and security)
(6) Air Conditioning Louvers (if installed) - CHECK (clear of obstructions)
(7) Engine (left side) - CHECK (verify general condition, security, fuel, no oil
leakage, and no damage to any components)
(8) INERTIAL SEPARATOR Bypass Outlet - CHECK CLOSED (verify duct free of
(9) Engine Oil:
(a) Oil Level Sight Glass - CHECK (verify oil level within green band range)
(b) Dipstick/Filler Cap – SECURE
Fill to within 1 ½ quarts of MAX HOT or MAX COLD (as appropriate)
on dipstick. Markings indicate U.S. quarts low if oil is hot.
(10) Electrical Power Box Circuit Breakers and Diodes - CHECK (verify all circuit
breakers, including standby alternators are IN and diodes are clear)
(11) Standby Alternator and Belt - CHECK (verify condition and security)
(12) Air Conditioner (if installed)
(a) Compressor - CHECK (verify condition and security)
(b) Drive Belt - CHECK (verify condition and security)
(c) Hoses - CHECK (check hoses for evidence of damage or leaks from
compressor to the condenser and evaporators)
(d) Condenser Inlet/Outlet - CHECK (lower left side of cowling) (check
installation, condition and blockage)
(13) Brake Fluid Reservoir - CHECK (fluid level and cap secured)
(14) Oil Breather Drain Can – DRAIN (until empty)
(15) External Power Receptacle - CHECK (condition and security) Fueling
General guidelines on fueling procedures can be found in the Company Operations
Manual. The following is to supplement those existing policies and procedures for
the G1000 Caravan.
● If the crew is present when fueling is taking place, they shall ensure they
check the fuel cap security (preferably while the ladder is still present). If a
ladder is not available; by standing in the captain’s doorway and grabbing the
handle on the inside of the cabin above the door.
● Fuel dips shall be conducted by aircraft mechanic on the first flight of the day
and after every refueling. If fuel burn does not correspond to gage readings, a
dip must be conducted (see gross error check).
If ground crews are conducting fuel draining, it must be in the presence of one of
the pilots to ensure:
(1) All drain points have been checked
(2) No contaminants exist
The lower half of the cargo door may not be open during boarding or disembarking
of the passengers.
The First Officer is to ensure all doors including the cargo pod doors (for C208B
version) are closed prior to being seated even if ground crews are available. Before
the engine is started the DOOR UNLATCHED CAS message must be extinguished
to ensure the cabin doors have been properly closed.
The map is particularly useful when the inbound course does not align with the
runway centerline and allows the pilot to clearly determine the type of alignment
maneuver required.
The WX radar shall be selected to standby before commencing taxi. The WX radar
shall be turned to standby whenever not required (VMC). When using the weather
radar, enable WATCH® and Weather Alerts. For more information on these features
refer to the G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide.
The map display with TAWS overlay shall be selected whenever in IMC and not
using the weather radar.
Selecting the WX Radar and TAWS to the same range and cycling back and forth
between the displays is an effective way of distinguishing weather from ground
9. Switches OFF
10. Confirm Gear Selector Position (DOWN - Land, UP - Water)
11. Ignition Switch NORM
12. Circuit Breakers CHECK IN
13. Fuel Tank Selectors LEFT ON, RIGHT ON
14. Radar (if installed} OFF
15. Air Conditioner (if installed} OFF
16. Bleed Air Heat Switch OFF
Power Lever – IDLE
When practical, try to park the aircraft into the wind. Strong tailwinds during a
ground start can create excessive propeller loads. In addition, tailwinds may cause
the ingestion of exhaust gases causing higher start temperatures.
If the propeller is in flat pitch before start-up, the propeller blades are held in
position by the start-locks and the power control lever is aft of the IDLE position.
The power lever must be moved slightly farther aft Into the REVERSE range after
engine start to assure that the blades become unlatched before moving the power
lever to IDLE or forward.
If the propeller is feathered and the propeller control is in the feathered position,
move the propeller control forward to allow the propeller to move into flat pitch
before moving the power lever forward. This allows the propeller to move into the
flat position when the engine is only developing idle power. which prevents the
airplane from surging forward rapidly as the propeller pitch changes.
Monitor the STARTER ON CAS message because that will be the first
indication of the GPU dropping off line followed by possible high ITT and a
hung start prior to reaching 46% when it is automatically cut out by the GCU.
With external power available, the fans and avionics can be left on.
When starting using a battery pack, the starting time limitations with a battery
In case Use Inertial Separator on Ground Operation, Inertial Separator will be set to
Normal for engine start. Captain will immediately set to bypass after the start is
complete before reading any checklist. Inertial Separator will remain in Bypass for
all ground operations until engine is shut down.
- Listen&Record ATIS
- Request Departure &
Start-UP clearance
Boarding Do Do
Completed “Clear Left” “Clear Right” or
Engine Starting Do Do
- Continue Before - Monitor Engine
starting checklist Parameter
- “Starting Engine”
The only indication of a suction failure on the G1000 Caravan is the GYRO flag on
the standby AI.
Both the CAPT and FO PFD’s must be on independent AHRS and ADC’s prior to taxi.
Refer to the POH for guidance on resolving these issues.
2.5 TAXI
The before first flight checks are to be carried out before the first flight of the day or
after maintenance.
Propeller Control Lever FULL FORWARD
Overspeed Governor Test Switch PRESS and HOLD
Power Lever ADVANCE
Propeller should stabilise at 1750 ± 60 RPM
Power Lever IDLE
Overspeed Governor Test Switch RELEASE
Engine Softkey SELECT SYSTEM
Generator Switch TRIP
ALT AMPS CHECK - Verify Load
White STBY PWR On Annunciator ON
Generator Switch RESET
White STBY PWR On Annunciator OFF
Push Both Sides of Trim Switch TRIM DOWN
VERIFY Correct Trim Wheel & Pointer Movement
The aircraft is normally to be stationary and the PARK BRAKE – SET prior to
conducting the checks.
(1) Ensure the aircraft is moved to a position where the propeller will not be
damaged by loose debris.
(2) Other aircraft, or ground equipment will not be damaged by prop wash.
(3) Ground personnel are not in danger of prop wash.
(4) The aircraft could safely be stopped in the event of a brake failure.
Approach to the head of the ramp should be made at a normal taxy speed, not
greater than a fast walking pace, power should be at just above idle power and
water rudders retracted. Forward speed on the downward slope of the ramp may
be controlled by the judicious use of power or beta/ reverse power settings. Entry
to the water should be made with a positive forward rate of speed. As soon as the
rear of the floats is clear of the ramp water rudders shall be lowered by the PM to
provide directional control and the landing gear retracted by the PM.
Further taxi shall be in accordance with water taxiing instructions below. Pre Ramp
Entry Flow Items PF/PM
(1) Water depth Sufficient
The PF is to taxi the aircraft.
When ready to taxi, ensure that the Parking Brake is released. As the aircraft begins
to move forward, test the brakes by pressing each brake pedal and checking travel,
feel the performance. PF shall call “Brake Check”, the PM shall test the brakes not
bringing the aircraft to a stop but just checking stopping ability followed by the PF.
Taxi at a moderate speed and avoid making sharp turns, as this will put unnecessary
side loads on the undercarriage. Taxi speeds shall be moderate. The GS on the GPS
can be used as a reference. Turning speed shall not exceed 10 knots. Taxi speed on
long straight taxiways or runways shall not compromise controllability of the
aircraft, not to exceed 15 knots. When maneuvering to park or in the vicinity of
obstacles, limit speed to below 5 knots. Use of Beta will greatly reduce the need for
braking and extend brake life.
Using Reverse Power to back the aircraft up is strictly prohibited.
Due to the design of the braking system, it is more difficult to taxi from the right
seat due to brake effectiveness. In tight areas it is recommended the Captain taxi.
● Taxiing On Water
Pilots shall have regard to the right of way rules When ready to taxi, ensure that the
water rudders are extended.
If pitch locks have not been set , then there will be a delay before forward or reverse
thrust is available ( as the propeller comes out of ‘feather’).
Once clear of obstacles , water rudder authority for turns both left and right should
be checked.
The aircraft should take a taxi path which takes it clear of all obstacles and clear of
other vessels. At no time should the aircraft be placed in a position where it is relying
upon another vessel to give way in order to provide adequate clearance from that
Use of beta or reverse thrust should be used as necessary to provide a safe taxi path.
Pilots should anticipate the required position of the aircraft and make turns at a
rate which does not require full rudder deflection , particularly approaching a dock
or vessel
● Navigation:
CDI................... (GPS/ VOR) and Intial Course
BRG 1.............. (NAV 1/ 2/ GPS/ None) and frequency if app
BRG 2................ (NAV 1/ 2/ GPS/ None) and frequency if app
Initial Alt............. clearance altitude which received from ATC
Squawk............. as filed in FPLN
Anytime the flight director guidance is not being followed, it must be turned off.
At or above 5,000 feet elevation the air conditioning MUST BE OFF
(1) Water Rudders - UP (retraction lever full aft)
(2) Wing Flaps - 0°-20° (20° recommended)
(3) Elevator Trim - RECHECK set for takeoff
(4) Rudder Trim - SET at Floatplane Takeoff index
(5) Power - SET FOR TAKEOFF (Observe Takeoff ITT and Ng limits) (refer to
Section 5 for takeoff power)
(6) Annunciators - CHECK
(7) Rotate 70-75 KIAS
(8) Climb Speed - 85-95 KIAS
(9) Wing Flaps - RETRACT alter reaching 90 KIAS
(10) Landing Gear - RETRACT
(11) Gear Lights - 4 BLUE, (Red OFF)
Rolling takeoffs are preferred for passenger comfort and to minimize propeller
chips if ample runway is available. Advance the power levers smoothly ensuring
that the oil temperatures and pressures are rising normally, the propeller rpm
stabilizes at 1900 RPM, and that the Torque, ITT and the %Ng remain within limits.
Once the aircraft has been taxied to the desired position for take off and line up
checks completed ; both pilots shall :-
Determine an aiming point on the horizon and scan the proposed take off path and
an arc 45o each side of the nose of the aircraft , to ensure that the proposed take off
path is and will remain clear of obstacles during the take off. Once the PF is satisfied
that the take off area is clear , he shall say the words :-
During takeoff, torque increases by 30-40 ft/lbs from 0 to 60 knots. An increase in
torque at a fixed power lever position is normal and need not be reduced provided
the torque limit (1865 ft/lbs) is not exceeded. (i.e. If the power is set below 1830
initially, there should be no reason to have to move it aft during the takeoff roll to
The EIS torque gage on the G1000 lags behind the commanded setting. To
prevent over torque conditions, slowly advance the power lever and allow
time for stabilization.
Conservative power settings in takeoff, climb, and cruise, still assuring safe mission
accomplishment, will increase engine reliability and save in long-term operational
The PF shall line the aircraft up with the runway ensuring the nosewheel is straight
and slowly advance the power lever until the prop RPM reaches 1900 RPM. The PF
will then call “set power” while advancing the power lever faster to about 1500 ft/lbs.
Once approaching 1500 ft/lbs. the PM shall gently bump the PF‘s hand from below
at which point the PF will raise his/ her hand from the power lever and hold it above
the power lever in case of a rejected takeoff. After bumping the hand of the PF, the
PM shall set takeoff power using the stem of the power lever and call “power set”,
Once the airspeed shows a positive indication the PM calls: “airspeed alive”.
On passing 60 knots IAS, the PM shall call “sixty” at which point the PF shall check
his/ her airspeed indicator and confirm the IAS by calling “checked”. A difference of
10 or more knots at this point requires the takeoff to be aborted. The PM shall keep
his/ her hand on the power lever until the flap retraction sequence has begun.
When reaching 70 KIAS PM call “Seventy” then PF reply and action “Rotate”.
*NOTE – If the AP or FD is in use, press the XFR Button. The other pilot
will then need to reselect modes as the AF/ FD will default to ROL and
PF makes AP PF "Heading, PM checks PM "Check"
mode Flight Level AP mode
Change, ALT annunciation
armed" after as called out
(AP engaged) ensuring
s correct
1000 feet from PF/PM "3000 climbing Ensure ALT is PF/PM "Check"
cleared altitude 4000" armed if AP
Cruise climb airspeed is 105 to 110 knots. The speed may be varied for reasons of
terrain, weather, ATC, or time saving.
If climbing towards rising terrain requiring a steeper climb angle, 80 knots climb
airspeed should be used.
The stall warning is designed to go off between 5 and 10 knots before the stall.
The stall warning must be respected at all times.
(1) ITT shall not exceed 700 °C (see company limitations)
(2) 2. Ng shall not exceed 101.6% Ng
(3) The above settings are for standard temperatures in Thailand. It is the crew
responsibility to ensure max cruise torque is not exceeded.
(4) Refer to the POH for more information on cruise power settings.
When crews have a strong tailwind, they are encouraged to use the Max Economy
setting to save on fuel costs as long as the schedule is not compromised.
When crews are behind schedule, Max Cruise may be used to make up time. The
POH cruise charts in section 5 must be referred to when selecting max cruise power.
Trend capturing is automatic. If desired you can manually select a trend by pressing
the TRND/ACK softkey which monitors EIS trends for 5 seconds and saves the
average and maximum values (if no ADASd - generated alerts exist). If ADASd alerts
exist it acknowledges generated alerts.
If the engine readings are abnormal use the CAPTURE softkey. This captures EIS
data for the previous 2 minutes of ADASd history and continues capturing EIS data
for 2 minutes after softkey selection.
If descent clearance is delayed or VPTH wasn’t acknowledged in time, VPTH
remains armed and can be recaptured using V/S, PIT, or FLC as appropriate. If there
is any ambiguity or confusion as to what the VNAV function is doing, crews
must not hesitate to revert to conventional means of profile management.
It is recommended that the VNAV function be used to cross the IAF at the
prescribed altitude allowing for time to decelerate if required for instrument
approaches and from the airport - 2 miles at 1000 ft. AAE for visual conditions.
When be vectored to final has been selected, VNAV, VSR (vertical speed required) is
no longer available.
All approaches for the Caravan are CAT A
Range of
V at Range of final
speed for Max speed
Category (Threshold approach
initial for circling
speed) speed
A <91 90/150 (110*) 70/100 100
*Max speed for reversal and racetrack procedure
● Garmin 1000:
Whenever approaches are in the database they shall be loaded to aid in situational
awareness. Additionally GPS guidance can be used for procedure turns, holds
(procedural, otherwise use OBS function), distance from threshold and missed
approach point as long as raw data is monitored. Aside from NDB approaches the
Final approach course must be flown with the CDI selected to NAV 1 or NAV 2 and
the appropriate navaid. NDB approaches may be flown using either a loaded
approach or in absence of that by using the OBS function.
Whenever being radar vectored, select the vectors to final function to aid in
situational awareness of the final approach course.
● VOR:
For VOR approaches, it is recommended GPS guidance is used until on an intercept
heading to the final approach course while bearing 1 or 2 are used to monitor raw
data. Once on an intercept heading Select the CDI to NAV 1 or NAV 2 confirm the
inbound course is set.
● ADF:
The G1000 does not have an ADF. To simulate an ADF needle, select direct to the
appropriate NDB on the flight plan and select BRG 1 or BRG 2 to GPS. OBS mode
using the GPS is highly recommended for accuracy and reduced workload.
For every instrument approach the barometric minimums must be set. Select
TMR/REF softkey and under minimums ensure BARO and select:
● For ILS approaches set MDA.
● For Non precision approaches set MDA.
● For visual approaches follow from approaches chart.
If a complete arrival procedure has been selected via the GPS, the initial approach
phase may be completed using the GPS for guidance (if the approach is in the
database). Raw data must be monitored.
3.Brakes....................................................Check 3.Brakes...................................................Check
The PM shall call out exactly what he/ she sees when visual contact is established with the
runway environment. e.g. Runway lights in sight, threshold in sight, approach lights in
sight, markings etc.
● Procedure:
o Set 1000 ft on the Altitude Selector
o Select V/S -900 FPM
o Once GS captures, set missed approach altitude
If GS isn‘t captured by 1000ft and in IMC, carry out a missed approach.
If GS hasn‘t captured by 1000ft. and VMC, the approach may be
continued to 300ft; however, if not stable by then the approach must be
o Reducing speed to minimum approach speed will help increase the descent
o The PM must crosscheck the next crossing altitude to prevent a false GS
In IMC, descent below the last ATC cleared altitude shall be commenced only if
established on the localizer.
● Altitude Selector Use on ILS Approaches
On procedure turns, the next limiting altitude may be set once ALT annunciates as
the active pitch mode while using either the AP or FD. If using raw data, the next
limiting may not be set until reaching the next stepdown fix on the approach
Once the GS has been captured the missed approach altitude shall be set by PF.
These traditional methods involve changing the flight path at low altitudes and are
not similar to methods for flying ILS approaches. Further, these traditional methods
often require of the crew a higher level of skill, judgment and training than the
typical ILS approach.
The following sections describe methods for flying constant angle non precision
approaches (CANPA). These methods provide a constant angle approach, which
reduces exposure to crew error and CFIT accidents. These methods also make it
much easier for the crew to achieve a stabilized approach to a landing once suitable
visual reference to the runway environment has been established.
A typical Instrument Approach using V/S assumes all preparations for the approach;
such as review of the approach procedure and setting of minima and radio tuning
have been completed.
The procedures illustrated focus generally on crew actions and avionics systems
information. The flight pattern may be modified to suit local traffic and air traffic
requirements. The following discussions assume a straight-in instrument approach
is being flown.
If the descent profile is approximately 3 degrees,
Take your ground speed X 5 to calculate your required rate of descent.
When on an intercept heading and cleared for the approach, select APR and
observe the VAPP mode annunciation is armed (for VOR approaches).
For NDB Approaches using either OBS, or a loaded approach, ensure CDI is set to
GPS and the NDB is the active waypoint. Follow the same procedure as outlined
Several techniques may be used to achieve a constant angle path that arrives at
MDA (H) at or near the VDP:
o Desire Descend rate is calculated by your groundspeed x 5 (for a 3° slope).
o Using 300 ft. per 1 NM for a 3° glide path, determine the desired HAA which
corresponds to the distance in NM from the runway end. The PM can then
call out recommended altitudes as the distance to the runway changes, for
example: at 3 NM desired HAA = (300 x 3) = 900 ft, 2 NM desired HAA = (300 x
2) = 600 ft., etc.
The descent rate should be adjusted in small increments for significant deviations
from the nominal path.
A normal landing cannot be completed from the published missed approach point
on many instrument approaches.
Leaving the MDA (H), disengage the autopilot. Complete the landing.
When suitable visual reference is established, maintain the descent path to the
flare. Do not descend below the visual glide path.
Crews should initiate the missed approach at MDA (H) to prevent descent below
MDA (H).
The table assumes the Autopilot is in use.
If descent is flown correctly, the aircraft should not have to level and all restrictions
should be made.
Use the RWY XX waypoint on the FPL if available to give you distance from
Example: Using Cat A minimums, do not start the turn to downwind until the RWY
XX waypoint shows 1.68 miles or less.
● Circling Category
Circling approaches can be either Cat A or B for THAI SEAPLANE Aircraft. If Cat B is
used, ensure the Cat B minimums are used (which may be more restrictive. See
figure 2-11 for an example of this). Additionally the intended Category shall be
included in the approach brief. Categories are based on PANS OPS criteria as
indicated on the bottom left corner of the approach chart.
Figure 2-12 PANS-OPS shown on bottom left corner of approach chart along
with categories
Adjust airplane heading and timing so that the airplane ground track does not
exceed the obstruction clearance distance from the runway at any time during the
circling approach.
It is recommended that at minimums turn 45° left or right as appropriate and time
for 30 seconds before turning to the downwind heading. Once abeam the landing
threshold time for 20 seconds before beginning the turn to base. This should ensure
the aircraft stays within the protected area. Before turning base or when initiating
the turn to base leg, select flaps full and begin decelerating to the approach speed
plus wind correction. Complete the Finals checklist. Do not descend below MDA (H)
until intercepting the visual profile to the landing runway. Leaving MDA (H),
disengage the autopilot (if engaged).
It is recommended that pilot with the runway on his/her side maintains visual
contact with the runway while providing instructions to the other pilot. The PF
should stay mostly “inside” and fly the vectors, speeds and altitudes provided. If the
FO is PM, he/she shall use the TMR on the PFD to assist in determination of turns
while the Captain as PF shall use the timer to the left of the flight instruments.
When turning base and the “original PF“(the pilot who was PF during the initial
phase of the approach) has the runway in sight, he/she may take control and
continue the approach and land.
For circling procedures, DO NOT press the XFR key when transferring control
temporarily as this will add to workload and could lead to errors.
● Missed Approach-Circling
If a missed approach is required at any time while circling, make a climbing turn in
the shortest direction toward the landing runway. This may result in a turn greater
than 180° to intercept the missed approach course. Continue the turn until
established on an intercept heading to the missed approach course corresponding
to the instrument approach procedure just flown. Maintain the missed approach
flap setting (20) until close-in maneuvering is completed. Different patterns may be
required to become established on the prescribed missed approach course. This
depends on aircraft position at the time the missed approach is started. The
following figure illustrates the maneuvering that may be required. This ensures the
aircraft remains within the circling and missed approach obstruction clearance
In the event that a missed approach must be accomplished from below the MDA
(H), consideration should be given to selecting a flight path which assures safe
obstacle clearance until reaching an appropriate altitude on the specified missed
approach path.
The visual approach must be backed up by all relevant navigational aids relative to
any associated instrument approach if applicable. All minimum instrument
approach altitudes must be respected.
An altitude of 1,000 ft above aerodrome elevation is used for the downwind leg for
Caravan. On selection of flaps Full the finals checks shall be completed. To
compensate for winds, half the wind gust speed, not to exceed 15 KIAS will be added
to finals speed. Any adjustment to the glide path should be made as early as
possible to avoid high rates of descent close to the ground.
2.15 FINAL
Figure 2-14 Finals Flow Diagram
7. Groundspeed.........................................Check
Failure to ensure the Yaw Damper is disengaged prior to landing can result in
loss of directional control on landing.
The PF may also call for the wind component from the PFD to be read. Option 1
allows for direct headwind/tailwind and crosswind readings.
As the threshold is crossed the power lever should slowly be reduced toward
idle and the pitch attitude adjusted to effect a smooth touchdown on the main
gear. The nose gear should be lowered to the runway before elevator control is lost.
Immediately BETA range shall be selected, and if landing on a limiting runway,
immediately select reverse. As soon as a safe stop is assured, the PF will move the
power lever out of reverse to minimize debris damage to the propeller.
For all normal operations, landings are to be made with Flaps 30.
(1) Landing Gear - DOWN
(2) Gear Lights - 4 GREEN
(3) Water Rudder Position - UP
(4) Wing Flaps - FULL DOWN
(5) Airspeed - 80-85 KIAS
(6) Touchdown - SLIGHTLY NOSE UP
(7) Control Wheel - EASE FORWARD to lower bow wheels gently to runway
(8) Power Lever - BET A RANGE after touchdown
(9) Brakes - AS REQUIRED
Should it be necessary to carry out a rejected landing, the PF should announce “Go
Around, set power, flaps 20” while simultaneously advancing the power lever
toward takeoff power and rotating the aircraft to a normal takeoff attitude (initially
8° nose up). The PM shall ensure that maximum power is set and call “power set”,
retract the flaps to 20 and call “flaps 20”.
After a safe altitude is reached and all obstacles cleared the flaps shall be retracted
as per the normal schedule outlined in the normal take off.
After a Go Around the “Climb”, “Approach” and “Final” Checklists all need to be
completed. The Captain may elect to fly the circuit with flaps set at 10 degrees.
● A navigation radio or flight instrument failure occurs which affects the ability
to safely complete the approach.
● The navigation instruments show significant disagreement.
● On ILS approach and the localizer or the glide slope indicator shows full
● On a VOR approach and the course shows full deflection.
● On an NDB approach and the aircraft is beyond 5 degrees of the final
approach course.
● On a precision approach radar (PAR, usually limited to military aerodromes)
approach and radio communication is lost.
*If approach was conducted with less than flaps 20, flaps stay where they are until
passing 400 ft. AGL. PM then sets Missed Approach Altitude
Water Landing
As the aircraft approaches the water surface the aircraft shall be rotated to the
landing attitude and ‘flown‘ onto the water surface.
As soon as the aircraft has slowed to taxi speed the PM shall lower the water rudders
and advise the PF “Water Rudders extended”
Once the aircraft is slowed to taxi speed the condition lever should be set to low
idle. The PF shall place his/her finger over the cut off gate for the fuel condition lever
and then call for “low idle, flaps 20”. The PM shall then select low idle and flaps 20
and respond “low idle, flaps 20”.
On the last flight of the day, the flaps shall be selected UP.
Great care must be taken by the PM to avoid placing the condition in the
CUTOFF position when moving it to LOW IDLE. If this ever happens, the
condition lever MUST be left in the CUTOFF position and in no circumstance
may be placed back into LOW IDLE because this will cause extensive engine
situation PF PM
Landed Call
“low idle, flaps 20” Do
Condition lever …...…. Lo idle
Flap ………………………. 20
Landing time………checked
Air Con....…Cool or Ventilate
Vacate runway Do (* is done by CAPT)
Standby Power*….OFF
Landing Light*……OFF
Strobe Light*……..OFF
“After Landing
Checklist” Call&Read
“After Landing Checklist”
refer to Normal Checklist
“After Landing Checklist
Taxi to Bay Do
Passenger Annoucement
Taxiing on Water
Pilots shall have regard to the right of way rules as defined in rules of the air (annex
2; Rules of the Air).
After landing and once the aircraft has slowed to taxi speed , water rudder authority
for turns both left and right should be checked.
If the aircraft is to be moored on water for an extended period, any slight weight
asymmetry will cause one float to be lower in the water and therefore may induce
fuel transfer from the higher to the lower side wing tank. This transfer will occur at
an increasing rate as the asymmetric weight condition increases. At least one fuel
selector and preferably both selectors should be selected off while the aircraft is
Figure 2-15 Shutdown Flow Diagram
To prevent damage to the propeller, the fuel condition lever shall first be
selected to cutoff followed immediately by the prop lever to feather.
The Captain must remain seated until the aircraft is secured and should exit the
aircraft after the last passenger has disembarked to assist with unloading. Before
leaving the aircraft after the last flight of the day when away from main
maintenance base (or anytime when leaving the aircraft unattended) the Captain
shall ensure that the following has been completed:
The emergency checklist has priority over the normal checklist. If a situation arises
during the normal operations, the emergency procedures shall have higher priority.
The emergency procedures shall be followed before reverting to the one of lower
priority. The emergency procedures determine the position of a switch, selector,
lever or control and this position cannot be changed by subsequent, normal
procedures. A “memory” item shall be performed without reference to the checklist,
normally not below 500 ft AGL.
The pilot shall follow the emergency procedures at the following situation:
(a) Engine Failures
(b) Engine Failure During Takeoff Roll
(c) Engine Failure Immediately After Takeoff
(d) Engine Failure During Flight (Restart Procedures)
(e) Forced Landing
(f) Emergency Landing without Engine Power
(g) Precautionary Landing with Engine Power
(h) Ditching
(j)During Start on the Ground
(k) Engine Fire in Flight
(l)Cabin Fire
(m) Wing Fire
(n) Landing with a Flat Main Tire
(o) Landing with a Flat Nose Tire
(p) Electrical Power Supply System Malfunctions
(q) Ammeter Shows Excessive Rate of Charge (Full Scale Deflection)
(r) Low Voltage Annunciator (VOLTS) Illuminated During Flight (Ammeter
indicates Discharge)
(s) Vacuum System Failure
Maneuvering Speed:
8750 lbs.................................................................................................................154 KIAS
7750 lbs.................................................................................................................145 KIAS
6750 lbs.................................................................................................................135 KIAS
Maximum Glide:
8750 lbs 105 KIAS
7750 lbs 99 KIAS
6750 lbs 92 KIAS
1. FUEL CONDITION LEVER ……………….………………….………........… CUTOFF
2. For engine restart, refer to Airstart Starter Assist Procedure or Wind
milling Airstart Procedure
● Remain in brace position until aircraft comes to a complete stop there may
be several impacts.
● After the aircraft has come to a complete stop and Captain has ordered
evacuation, direct to passengers by shouting:
Ladies and Gentlemen, This is Your Captain Speaking. I wish to inform You a state
of emergency exists. It will be necessary to make an emergency landing/ ditching
in…mins. I will instruct you to brace for impact just prior to landing. Remain in a
brace position until the aircraft stops. Then, Evacuate to exits as directed. follow
captain instructions carefully. Your co-operation is essential. Thank You.
Generally, vortices descend at an initial rate of about 300 to 500 ft/min for about 30
sec. the descent rate decreases and eventually approaches zero between 500 to 900
ft below the flight path. Flying at or above the flight path provides the best method
for avoidance. Maintaining a vertical separation of at least 1000 ft when below the
preceding aircraft may be considered safe.
Cessna C208 is in Light aircraft Category
To prevent a wind shear accident from occurring, obey the following wind shear rules.
● Avoidance
o Visual Identification of severe weather
o LLWAS )Low Level Wind Shear Alert System(
o Other aircraft PIREP
o Reported winds on the field
o WX Radar
- Before takeoff
- On approach
o GS monitoring
o Brief wind shear escape maneuver as part of “Threats.”
● Recognition
Indicated airspeed variations in excess of 15 knots
o PM deviation callouts
o Vertical speed excursions of 500 fpm or more
o glideslope deviation of one dot or more
o Pitch attitude excursions of 5 degrees or more
o Unusual power setting/ power lever position )normal fully configured
approach power setting 450 - 500 ft./ lbs.(
o Groundspeed variations
o Heading Variations of 10 degrees or more
Crew Coordination
Either pilot announce “WINDSHEAR”
1.MAX Power 1. Ensure MAX Power set
2.Disengage Autopilot 2. CALL OUT OMITTED ITEMS
● Do not use the terms “negative” or “positive” when describing wind shear.
● Negative” has been incorrectly interpreted to mean no wind shear on final.
● State loss or gain of airspeed and the altitudes at which it was encountered.
● Pilots who are not able to report wind shear in these specific terms are
encouraged to make report in terms of the effect upon their aircraft.
The secondary stall is a premature increase in angle of attack that results in another
stall event during stall recovery, prior to establishing stable flight conditions.
For the Cessna C208 has stall warning at 5-10 knot before the stall occurs.
Natural or artificial clues maybe detected as a consequence of an approaching or
imminent stall:
● Buffeting
● Reduced roll stability and aileron effectiveness
● Low airspeed visual of aural indications
● Reduced elevator)pitch( authority
● Inability to maintain altitude or rate of descent
Stall recovery
Release back pressure ( nose down), full power apply, then bank correction to wing
level, finally pitch correction to maintain altitude.
Bounce landing results from either too much speed of too high slope, or both of
them, on final approach.
To avoid bounce landing, decide to go-around if the plane is not stabilized. Refer to
stabilization policy for detailed stabilization criteria.
● Apply an immediate go-around
● Never try to land
● Never push the control column forward
3.8.2 UPSET
An upset is generally defined as unintentionally exceeding the following conditions:
Such situations rarely occur, but maybe encountered when flying into large aircraft
wake vortex, a rotor downwind of a mountain, severe turbulence or mechanical
When the aircraft enters an unusual pitch attitude, red extreme pitch warning
chevrons pointing toward the horizon are displayed on the Attitude Indicator,
starting at 50˚ above and 30˚ below the horizon line.
If pitch exceeds +30˚/-20˚ or bank exceeds 65˚, some information displayed on the
PFD is removed. The Altimeter and Airspeed, Attitude, Vertical Speed, and
Horizontal Situation indicators remain on the display and the Bearing Information,
Alerts, and Annunciation windows can be displayed during such situations.
The following information is removed from the PFD )and corresponding soft keys
are disabled( when the aircraft experiences unusual attitudes:
• Traffic Annunciations • System Time • Minimum Descent
• AFCS Annunciations • PFD Setup Menu Altitude/Decision
• Flight director Command • Windows displayed Height readout
Bars in the lower right • Vertical Deviation,
• Inset Map corner of the PFD: Glideslope, and
• Outside air temperature – Timer/References Glidepath Indicators
(OAT) – Nearest Airports • Altimeter Barometric
• DME Information Window – Flight Plan Setting
• Wind data – Messages • Selected Altitude
• Selected Heading Box – Procedures • VNV Target Altitude
• Selected Course Box – ADF/DME Tuning • Selected Heading Box
• Transponder Status Box • Selected Course Box
Do not use TAWS information for primary terrain avoidance. TAWS is
intended only to enhance situational awareness.
The TAWS use Geometric Altitude as its reference altitude )GPS calculated
altitude(This reference altitude will often differ from cockpit displayed barometric
It is essential crews are aware of the color coding in relation to terrain clearance. )see
● In VMC Conditions
If any terrain warning sounds in VMC conditions, the crew shall determine the cause
for the warning, and visually avoid any terrain or obstacles. If applicable, the terrain
warning may be inhibited if continued VMC flight is to be maintained.
A “Caution Terrain” warning may develop into a “Terrain Pull Up” warning. If this
happens you must level your wings and carry out the “Terrain Pull Up” maneuver.
4. Airspeed 72 KIAS
Additionally, the stall warning may occur before reaching 72 KIAS (Especially
if the aircrafts wings are not level)
Traffic (optional) is displayed symbolically on the Inset Map (PFD), the Navigation
Map Page (MFD), and various other MFD page maps. When a Traffic Advisory (TA)
is detected, the following automatically occurs:
• The PFD Inset Map is enabled, displaying traffic
• A flashing black-on-yellow ‘TRAFFIC’ annunciation (Figure 4-4) appears to the top
left of the Attitude Indicator for 5 seconds and remains displayed until no TAs are
detected in the area
• A single “TRAFFIC” aural alert is generated
If additional TAs appear, new aural and visual alerts are generated.
Crew Coordination
On Ground
Crews shall look for and identify intruder traffic before lining up or taxiing
on or across an active runway
In Flight
Both pilots shall look outside to
1. All forward lights – ON
attempt to identify the traffic but
2. Do not change configuration
shall not maneuver unless visual.
Reduce the range of the MFD or Garmin map display to gain a more
accurate view of the intruder traffic.
Flight through light turbulence can be done without any changes to normal
● For flight in light or moderate turbulence, the captain may use the autopilot
at own discretion. For flight in severe turbulence, the autopilot must be OFF.
Fly the aircraft manually. Maintain attitude control with the attitude indicator,
accepting altitude changes and speed variations whilst keeping the attitude
within safe limits. Roll must be closely controlled, because if a large bank
angle is allowed to develop, recovery can be delayed by turbulence.
Company policy is that Captains will try to avoid severe turbulence; particularly that
associated with Cumulonimbus activity whenever possible.
Takeoff and landings should not be attempted when CB activity is present within
5 nm of an airfield. All CB activity should be avoided by at least 5 nm, and this
should be increased to 10 nm for any thunderstorm identified as severe or giving
an intense radar echo. Regard as extremely hazardous any CB with tops higher
than 35000 ft. whether the top is visually sighted or determined by radar.
Hail may be encountered in clear air several miles from a thunderstorm, usually on
the downwind side of an anvil. Rain at the surface does not mean the absence of
hail aloft. Anticipate the possibility of hail with any thunderstorm.
Captains must also be aware of the possibility of winds hear associated with
microbursts from large CB’s and large CU’s. If encountered near the ground, these
can have catastrophic results.
THAI SEAPLANE aircraft is not to attempt a takeoff or an approach when
there is a winds hear alert or a preceding aircraft has reported winds hear
until the condition causing this condition has ceased (i.e. thunderstorm
over the airport).
The Company’s aircraft is equipped with one engine and two floats. Thus the
following content is pertaining to one engine operating. When aircraft is line up for
departure, power lever is positioned to GROUND IDLE and condition lever is at HIGH
IDLE, flaps are set for 20 degrees and hold wheel brakes.
After clearance is received, advance power lever to 1,900 RPM or 1,680 LBS. Release
wheel brakes check torque/temp and NG are within limits. Let aircraft accelerate.
At VR of 70-75 KIAS initiate a smooth, positive rotation to initial pitch attitude of 8-
10 degree. Early, abnormally fast, or over rotation could cause the tail to strike the
runway, and also adversely affect the takeoff performance. Maintain airspeed 83
KIAS until clear of obstacle.
Allow the aircraft to accelerate in the initial pitch attitude until the airspeed is
approaching 90 KIAS and retract wing flaps to 10 degrees, at airspeed of 95 KIAS,
retract wing flaps to full up position.
Maintain airspeed of 105-115 KIAS and MAX TORQUE PER RPM at 1,600-1,900 RPM,
check torque/temp and NG are within limits during climb until reaching desired
Throughout the initial climb, which should basically be flown on attitude, monitor
the flight instrument avoiding concentration on one instrument. Always check
control position indications (flaps) after making selection.
During the brief period below 500 feet, only an emergency requiring immediate
attention should be allowed to interrupt the close monitoring of the flight
instruments by the Pilot Monitoring (PM).
ACFT Aircraft
OAT Outside Air Temperature is the free air static temperature and is
expressed in either degrees Celsius or degrees Fahrenheit.
Pressure Altitude Pressure Altitude is the altitude read from an altimeter with its
barometric scale set to 29.92 inches of mercury (1013.2 mb).
ISA International Standard Atmosphere is the atmosphere in which:
(1) The air is a perfect dry gas.
(2) The temperature at sea level is 15°C.
(3) The pressure at sea level is 29.92 inches Hg (1013.2 mb).
(4) The temperature gradient from sea level is -1.98°C per 1000 feet of
Demon- started Crosswind Velocity: Demonstrated Crosswind Velocity is the
velocity of the crosswind component for which adequate control of the airplane
during takeoff, landing & taxi was demonstrated during certification tests. The value
shown is not considered to be limiting.
g g is the acceleration due to gravity.
NMPG Nautical Miles Per Gallon is the distance which can be expected per
gallon of fuel consumed at a specific engine power setting and/or flight
GPH Gallons Per Hour is the amount of fuel consumed per hour.
Unusable Fuel: Unusable Fuel is the quantity of fuel that cannot be safely used in
Usable Fuel: Usable Fuel is the fuel available for flight planning.
The flight plan data for pre-flight and in flight presented in this chapter are
presented so that pilots may know what to expect from the airplane under various
conditions, and also to facilitate the planning of flights in detail and with reasonable
accuracy. The data in charts has been computed from actual flight test with the
airplane and engine in good condition and using average piloting techniques.
It should be noted that the performance information are provided in various graphs
and tables to approximate performance with the inertial separator in BYPASS
and/or cabin heat ON. The effect will vary, depending upon airspeed, temperature
and altitude. At lower altitudes, where the operation on torque limit is possible, the
effect of the inertial separator will be less, depending upon how much power can
be recover after the separator vanes have been extended. In some case,
performance charts in this section include data for temperature which are outside
of the operating limits. This data has been included to aide in interpolation.
The approximation method of solving for data is the easiest and perhaps the most
frequently used method. The concept is to merely round all variable to the next
highest increment. This will naturally yield a conservative value, allowing for
deficiency of equipment, pilot proficiency and change of atmospheric conditions.
CLEAR 50 FT 50 FT 50 FT 50 FT 50 FT
50 FT
8750 SL 1307 2236 1389 2359 1473 2485 1560 2613 1648 2743 1894 3157
1000 1376 2366 1463 2496 1552 2629 1643 2765 1748 2925 --- ---
2000 1450 2504 1541 2642 1635 2783 1731 2927 1893 3189 --- ---
3000 1528 2651 1625 2798 1723 2947 1825 3100 2040 3460 --- ---
4000 1611 2808 1713 2964 1817 3123 1928 3293 2200 3758 --- ---
5000 1700 2976 1807 3141 1916 3310 2097 3608 2384 4104 --- ---
6000 1793 3156 1906 3331 2022 3510 2283 3960 --- --- --- ---
7000 1893 3348 2012 3534 2214 3876 2505 4381 --- --- --- ---
8000 1998 3553 2152 3804 2430 4292 2753 4858 --- --- --- ---
9000 2110 3773 2363 4215 2670 4755 3024 5383 --- --- --- ---
0 2307 4159 2601 4681 2939 5281 3329 5979 ---- ---- --- ---
11000 2539 4619 2862 5195 3231 5858 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
0 2801 5143 3155 5781 3559 6513 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
This table is the distance for take off weight 8750 pounds, can see the data for other
take off weights in section 5, POH/AFM supplement C208 with wipline 8750 floats.
(1) Obstacle takeoff technique as described in Section 4 POH/AFM
supplement C208 with wipline 8750 floats.
(2) If brakes are not held, distances are from point where takeoff power
is reached.
(3) Decrease distances 10% for each 13 knots headwind. For operation
in tailwinds up to 10 knots, increase distances by 10% for each 2
(4) For operation on dry, grass, hard runway, increase distances by 15%
of the “ground roll” figure.
(5) With takeoff power set below the torque limit, increase both ground
roll and total distances by 1% for the inertial separator system in
(6) For operation in air colder than this table provides, use the coldest
(leftmost) data for takeoff distances.
(7) For operation in air warmer than this table provides, use extreme
(8) Dashed entries indicate atmospheric temperatures above
limitations on airplane.
4000 7 98 902 4 32 7
6000 3 95 869 7 48 11
8000 -1 92 787 9 65 16
10000 -5 89 675 12 84 21
1900 RPM 1600 RPM
24,000 30 132 91
20,000 25 113 75
16,000 20 95 59
12,000 15 72 43
8,000 15 48 28
4,000 5 25 14
SL 0 0 0
CONDITION: 8750 LBS. (FLAP UP) 140 KIAS above 16,000 feet and 160 KIAS below
20 c 30 c 40 c
distances which are included but the operation slightly exceeds the
temperature limit are provided for interpolation purpose only
Arm is horizontal distance from the reference datum to the center of gravity of an
Basic Empty Weight is standard empty weight plus weight of optional equipment.
Center of Gravity is the point at which airplane would be balance if suspended. Its
distance from the reference datum is found by dividing the total moment by the
total weight of the airplane.
C.G Arm is the arm obtained by adding the airplane’s individual moments and
dividing the sum by the total weight
C.G. Limits are the extreme centers of gravity locations within which airplane must
be operate at the given weight.
Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC) Is the chord of imaginary airfoil which
throughout the flight range will have the same force vector as those of the wing.
Maximum Landing Weight is the maximum weight approved for the landing
Maximum Ramp Weight is the maximum weight approved for ground maneuver.
It includes the weight of start, taxi, and ramp fuel.
Maximum Takeoff Weight is the maximum weight approved for the start of the
takeoff roll.
Moment is the product of weight of an item multiplied by its arm. Moment divided
by the constant 1000 is used in this manual to simplify balance calculations by
reducing the number of digits
Reference Datum is an imaginary vertical plane 100 inches forward of the front face
of the fire wall.
Standard Empty Weight is the weight of the standard airplane including unusable
fuel, full operating fluid, and full engine oil.
Station is a location along the airplane fuselage given in term of the distance from
the reference datum.
Tare is the weight of chocks, blocks, stands, etc. used when weighing the airplane
and it’s included in scale readings. Tare is deducted from scale reading to obtain
the actual net airplane weight.
assembly attached to the four pilot and front passenger rails at the bottom of
station 153 and to the cabin top structure at approximately station 166. The cargo
barrier net consists of the three nets: one for the left sidewall, one for the right
sidewall and one for the center.
The left and right nets fill in the space between the barrier assembly and the
airplane sidewalls. The side nets are fasten to airplane sidewalls and the edge of the
barrier with six quick release fasteners each, three on each side. The center net fills
in the opening in the top center of the barrier. The center net is fastened with four
fasteners, two on each side. Horizontal lines, labeled” 75% are marked on the aft side
of the cargo barrier. Placards above the horizontal lines caution that the maximum
allowable load behind the barrier is 2,900 pounds for the 208. Also, the zone forward
of the last zone must be at least 75% full by volume.
The load must be tied down if the zones are not at least 75% full. Refer to the
following table 1 for maximum zone loading.
NOTE: In case of, at the duration one hour before and one hour after the
estimated time of arrival, the weather conditions at the intended estimation is
below planning minima, or no weather forecast is available, or crosswind exceed
limit, the flights shall be planned with two alternates
Contingency Fuel = 5% of trip fuel; but not less than fuel for 5 minutes at
holding speed at 1,500 feet above the ground with
consideration for deviations from individual airplane
consumption, meteorological conditions, routing
Taxi Fuel = Amount of fuel expected to be consumed prior to
take- off
It shall be five percent (5%) of the planned trip fuel or of the fuel required from
the decision point of in-flight re-planning based on the consumption rate used
to plan the trip fuel but in any case shall not be lower than the amount required
to fly for five minutes at holding speed at 1,500 feet above the destination airport
in standard conditions.
Such factors include, but are not necessarily limited to deviations from flight
plan that could influence the total fuel consumed enroute to the destination
such as:
o Deviations of an individual airplane from the expected fuel
consumption data;
o Deviations from forecast meteorological conditions; and
o Deviations from planned or unanticipated routings and/or cruising
Note: Unforeseen factors are those which could have an influence on the fuel
consumption to the destination aerodrome, such as deviations of an individual
airplane from the expected fuel consumption data, deviations from forecast
meteorological conditions, extended taxi times before takeoff, and deviations
from planned routing and/or cruising levels/altitudes.
For Turboprop Aero plane: fuel to fly for 45 minutes at holding speed at 1500ft
above the alternate under ISA +15 at maximum landing weight and estimated
landing weight.
• Additional fuel
This shall be the supplementary amount of fuel required if the minimum fuel
calculated in Trip Fuel, Contingency Fuel, Destination Alternate Fuel and Final
Reserve Fuel is not sufficient to:
o Allow the aero plane to descend as necessary and proceed to an
alternate aerodrome in the event of engine failure or loss of
pressurization, whichever requires the greater amount of fuel base
on the assumption that such a failure occurs at the critical point
along the route;
o Fly for 15 minutes at holding speed at 1500ft above aerodrome
elevation on standard conditions; and
o Make an approach and landing;
o Meet additional requirements not cover above;
Basic fuel planning represented by the sum of trip fuel + contingency fuel +
destination alternate fuel + final reserve fuel is predicated on the termination of
a flight at the destination or destination alternate. As such, it only takes into
account foreseen and unforeseen factors (excluding system failures) that could
influence fuel consumption to the planned destination or destination alternate.
The “additional fuel” required to protect against the very unlikely event of an
engine failure or de-pressurization at the most critical point in the flight and
presumes that the majority of the fuel used in basic fuel planning will be
available for use in proceeding to the enroute alternate.
The sum trip fuel + contingency fuel + destination alternate fuel + final reserve
fuel forms the equation used for comparison purposes with additional fuel to
determine if indeed the basic flight plan fuel is sufficient to account for the
critical fuel scenario(s) or if “additional fuel” is required.
Note: that some of the contingency fuel may be used on the ground.
• Extra Fuel
Shall be the extra amount of fuel to be carried at the discretion of the pilot in
Facilities VIS
A diversion is a flight to any airport that is not the destination originally
designated in the flight plan or dispatch release. The airport to which such a
flight is diverted is the diversion airport. Each employee involved in a diversion,
must be concerned with providing our customers the best service possible
under the circumstances,
Diversion shall be made early enough to ensure that the flight arrives over the
initial approach fix at the alternate with sufficient fuel for a safe approach and
landing plus at least final reserve fuel.
This section contains weight and balance information to be use for preparing
load sheet. The information presented in compliance with the relevant
regulations and requirements is to enable pilot as well as operations staff to
operate the aircraft safety and efficiently.
(a) The aircraft must be loaded in accordance with an approved loading
schedule (Load Sheet) based upon authorized weights and associated
Centre of Gravity limits.
(b) Special attention should be paid to ensure that the loading limitations in
relations to the floor and compartment strength for the configuration
concerned are not exceeded.
(c) Ensure a planned flight does not exceed maximum performance takeoff
and landing weight limits, based upon environmental conditions
expected at the times of departure and arrival.
(d) Ensure a planned flight does not exceed maximum aircraft structural
takeoff reroute and landing weight limits.
(e) Ensure the weight and balance calculations are performed.
(f) The maximum traffic load an aircraft can carry is determined by the
different between:
(i) The maximum allowable taxi weight of the aircraft.
(ii) The weight of the aircraft itself with all its standard and
additional equipment necessary for the flight.
(g) Normally for separated limitation have to be taken into account when
establishing the maximum allowable traffic load:
(i) The maximum design Taxi Weight.
(ii) Maximum weight for ground maneuvers as limited by aircraft
strength and airworthiness requirements. It includes weight of
taxi and run up fuel.
(iii) The maximum design Takeoff Weight.
(iv) Maximum weight for takeoff as limited by aircraft strength and
airworthiness requirements. This is the maximum weight at
start of takeoff.
(v) The maximum design Landing Weight.
(vi) Maximum weight for landing as limited by aircraft strength
and airworthiness requirements.
(vii) The maximum design Zero Fuel Weight.
(viii) Maximum weight allowed before usable fuel and other
specified usable agents must be loaded in defined sections
of the aircraft as limited by strength and airworthiness
(1) Dimension shown are based on standard empty weight and proper
inflation of nose and main gear tires.
(2) Wing span dimension includes strobe lights.
(3) Maximum height shown with nose gear depressed as far as possible.
(4) Wheel base length is 10’ – 8”.
(5) Wing area is 279.4 square feet.
(6) Minimum turning radius (* pivot point to outboard wing tip strobe lights)
is 31’ – 6”.
(7) Propeller ground clearance: 4’-2”
Weight is a measure of the attractive force of the earth's gravity on any material
body, and it is therefore an indication of the heaviness of that body.
The total force of gravity (weight) acting on an aircraft in flight, tends to pull the
aircraft down to the earth, and is only counter-balanced by the total lift
produced by the airfoils. Weight reduces the flying capability of any aircraft. The
heavier the aircraft is, it results in:
(a) Long takeoff distance.
(b) Long landing distance.
(c) Higher takeoff Speed.
(d) Higher Landing Speed.
(e) Lower rate and angle of climb.
(f) Lower maximum operating altitude.
(g) Lower aircraft’s maneuverability.
(h) Shorter range/distance.
(1) Basic Empty Weight: The weight which includes all fixed equipment,
system fluids, unusable fuel and configuration equipment including
galley structure.
(2) Dry Operating Weight (DOW): The basic weight of aircraft plus
operational items, e.g. crew, flight equipment, pantry and standard AMK
and is equivalent to Operational Empty Weight or the aircraft prepared
for service weight.
(3) Landing Weight (LDW): A legal requirement that aircraft will not
normally take off at any weight in excess of that which will permit the
aircraft to land at destination or alternate at weight less than Maximum
Landing Weight. Landing Weight is either Zero Fuel Weight plus Reserve
fuel or Takeoff weight minus Trip Fuel.
(4) Standard Weight: The statistically arrived at weight approved by
government authorities for weight and balance purpose for items of load
regularly carried.
(5) Takeoff Weight (TOW): Zero Fuel Weight +Takeoff Fuel.
(6) Zero Fuel Weight (ZFW): Equivalent to Dry Tank Weight. The
combination of Dry Operating Weight plus Traffic Load or Takeoff Weight
minus Takeoff fuel.
(7) Maximum Ramp Weight: The maximum weight approved for ground
maneuvering. It includes the weight of fuel used for start, taxi and run up.
Balance is a prime importance to any aircraft's stability, maneuverability and
safety in flight and in this sense refers to the location of the aircraft's Center of
Gravity (CG). The CG is the actual point where any aircraft is perfectly balanced,
regardless of the actual configuration.
• Aircraft configuration: Planned utilization layout of aircraft interior
• Aircraft equipment:
Standard equipment: Equipment independent of aircraft version and
route to be flown, but must always be carried, includes e.g.:
o Aircraft document briefcase
o Compartment nets
o Standard Airborne Maintenance Kit (AMK)
Version equipment: Equipment belonging to a certain cabin version,
such as passenger seats
Route equipment: Equipment required for a special route, includes e.g.
additional Airborne Maintenance Kit,
• ARM (Moment ARM): The horizontal distance in inches from the
reference datum line to the center of gravity of the item. The algebraic
sign in plus (+) if measure aft of the datum, and minus (-) if measured
forward of the datum.
• Baggage: Equivalent to the term Luggage. Such articles, effects and
other personal property of a passenger as are necessary or appropriate for
wear, use, comfort, or convenience in connection with the trip.
• Checked baggage (also known as Registered): Equivalent to registered
Luggage means baggage of which the carrier takes sole custody and for
which carrier has issued a baggage check.
• Cabin baggage: A baggage of which the passenger retains custody (also
known as Hand and/ or Unchecked).
Note: Crew baggage is baggage which is the property of operating crew and is
separately identified.
• Center of gravity range: The distance between the forward and aft CG
limits indicated on pertinent aircraft specification.
• Datum (Reference Datum): An imaginary vertical plane or line from
which all measurements of arm are taken. The datum is established by
the manufacturer. Once the datum has been selected, all moment arms
and the location of permissible CG range must be taken with reference to
that point.
• Dead load: Baggage, cargo, mail, ballast and equipment in
compartments not included in Dry Operating Weight of the aircraft.
• Dead load index (DLI): Center of Gravity at Dry Operating Weight plus all
dead load in compartments, used by flight crew to reseat passengers in
case of emergency.
• Dry operating index (DOI): Center of gravity at Dry Operating Weight
• Dry Operating Weight (DOW): The total weight of the airplane ready for
a specific type of operation excluding all usable fuel and traffic load. This
weight includes items such as:
a. Crew and crew baggage;
b. Catering and removable passenger service equipment; and
c. Potable water and lavatory chemicals.
• Equipment in compartment (EIC): Equipment which is carried on the
aircraft but which is not manifested and which is not, elsewhere, included
in the weight composition. EIC includes e.g.
o Additional Airborne Maintenance Kit (AMK)
o Loading Accessories
o Unmanifested catering equipment and food supply loaded in
o ULDs not belonging to the basic aircraft equipment, e.g. when
forwarded to a station, transported on top of pallets installed in the
loading system (Piggy Back)
Each EIC shipment must be labelled with a complete EIC tag, except
loading accessories and lashing material in use.
• G Forces: Increased/decrease of gravity forces exerted upon load during
flight. Acceleration or deceleration can cause the weight of a load to
increase or decrease and the change is expressed in "G". Thus, 2g would
indicate that an item is, or must be, capable of withstanding, double the
• Load index zero fuel weight (LIZFW): An expression of the CG of an
aircraft after it has been loaded and passenger weight included.
• Loading accessories: Includes tie down equipment, seat container (for
the carriage of load on passenger seats in the cabin of the aircraft),
containers for carriage of load which have been installed after removal of
seats, ballast bags, stretchers, any containers used for isolation or
protection of goods e.g. plastic bowls or plastic bags, garment racks,
supporting planks and platforms, equipment for valuable cargo
(pouches), collecting nets and bags, kennels for live animals, covers of any
Note: Unit Load Devices are not loading accessories.
• Maximum Structural Landing Weight: The maximum permissible total
airplane weight upon landing under normal circumstances.
• Maximum Gross Weight: The maximum permissible weight of the
• Maximum Take-off Weight: The maximum permissible total airplane
weight at the start of the takeoff run.
• Maximum Ramp Weight: The maximum weight approved for ground
maneuvering. It includes the weight of fuel used for start, taxi and run up.
• Maximum Zero Fuel Weight: The maximum permissible weight of an
airplane without usable fuel. The weight of unusable fuel contained in
particular tanks must be included in the zero-fuel weight when it is
explicitly mentioned in the Airplane Flight Manual limitations.
• Mail: Goods carried under the terms of an international postal convention.
o Diplomatic Mail: Governments' property carried under special
o Service Mail: Correspondence inter-airline or intra-airline which is
carried on an aircraft under special permission from postal
• Mean aerodynamic chord (MAC): The average distance from the leading
edge to the trailing edge of the wing. The MAC is specified for the aircraft
by determining the average chord of an imaginary wing which has the
same aerodynamic characteristics as the actual wing.
Note: LEMAC is the leading edge of the mean aerodynamic chord.
• Moment: The product of the weight of an item multiplied by its arm.
Moments are expressed in pound-inches or inch-pounds. Total moment
is the weight of the aircraft multiplied by the distance between the datum
and the CG.
• Moment index: A moment divided by a constant such as 100, 1,000 or
10,000. The purpose of using a moment index is to simplify weight and
balance computations of large aircraft where heavy items and long arms
result in large, unmanageable numbers.
• Operational Weight Empty: The basic empty weight of the airplane plus
the weight of the pilot. It excludes payload and usable fuel.
• Operational Gross Weight: The weight of the aircraft loaded for take-off.
It includes the basic weight empty plus the useful load.
• Payload: The load available as passengers, baggage, freight, etc., after the
weight of pilot, crew, usable fuel has been deducted from the useful load
• Standard Weight Empty: The weight of the airframe and engine with all
standard equipment installed. It also includes the unusable fuel and oil.
• Station: A location in the aircraft which is identified by a number
designating its distance in inches from the datum. The datum is,
therefore, identified as station zero. The station and arm are usually
identical, an item located at station plus 50 would have an arm of 50
• Traffic load (Payload): The total weight of all passengers, baggage, cargo,
mail and extra equipment that may be carried on the aircraft, and also the
difference in weight between. Dry Operating Weight and Zero Fuel
• Tare Weight: The weight of empty unit load device. It includes all liners
and/or fittings, etc., when these are required by the specification or as
registered with IATA as integral components.
• Useful Load (or Disposable Load): The difference between gross take-off
weight and basic weight empty. It is, in other words, all the loads which
part of the aircraft is not permanently. It includes the usable fuel, the pilot,
crew, passengers, baggage, freight, etc.
• Usable Fuel: Fuel available for flight planning.
• Unusable Fuel: Fuel remaining in the tanks after a run-out test has been
completed in accordance with government regulations.
• Version: The designator used to indicate the aircraft configuration
together with the details of the equipment carried.
• Zero Fuel Weight (ZFW): The combination of Dry Operating Weight plus
traffic load or Take-off Weight minus take-off fuel.
OPERATING ITEMS include the total weight of technical and cabin crew with
their baggage, food and drink, oil, all full fluid systems, water and all other
removable equipment (spare parts, emergency equipment, life rafts and
It is normal airline practice to publish the total weight of the OPERATING ITEMS
as one weight, in order to simplify weight calculations prior to any particular
Zero Fuel Weight (ZFW) = DOW + Traffic Load or Takeoff Weight – Takeoff fuel
If we add the weight of Traffic Load to the Dry Operating Weight, we will get the
value of Zero Fuel Weight which must not exceed the Maximum Zero Fuel
As Dry Operating Weight is fixed for each flight, the actual traffic load may be
limited by any or either of
(a) Maximum Zero Fuel Weight.
(b) Maximum Take off Weight.
(c) Maximum Landing Weight.
(d) Maximum Tank capacity.
(e) Aircraft compartment loading limitation.
The Zero Fuel Weight is the weight of the aircraft with all loads except fuel.
When the aircraft is filled up with the Takeoff fuel, we will get the value of the
Takeoff Weight which must not exceed the Maximum Takeoff Weight.
To fly from one place to another, a certain amount of fuel call Trip Fuel will be
used. To get the value of Landing Weight, we have to subtract the Actual Takeoff
Weight with the Trip Fuel. From this calculation, the Actual Landing Weight
obtained must not exceed the Maximum Landing Weight.
All mentioned above is the Weight Control. For Balance Control, the
concentrated area should be in the lower part of the aircraft which is
compartment area. Since all loads in the cabin tend to be the same for every
flight, therefore, we have to make pre-loading before so as to gain the Balance
Control of the aircraft before the departure time.
Empty Weight
+ Standard Items
+ Operational Items
+ Block Fuel
= Operational Weight
+ Payload
= Taxi Weight
- Taxi Fuel
= Takeoff Weight
- Trip Fuel
= Landing Weight
- Reserve Fuel
- Payload
As it is impracticable for the PIC to check all details of the loading, he/she is
entitled to make the following assumptions:
(a) That the aircraft weight schedule showing the weight and basic
index of the empty aircraft has been correctly compiled by the
ground staff concerned;
(b) The baggage has been correctly weighed and the actual weight
passengers weight has been made by ground operations;
(c) That the load has actually been loaded in accordance with the load
distribution of Balance Chart issued by ground operations.
If satisfying him/herself that the loading is correct, the PIC is however personally
responsible for checking that:
(a) Sufficient fuel and oil the correct grade is onboard;
(b) The load sheet produced and signed by flight crews does in fact
correctly include the items referred to above;
(6) PIC may be asked to make necessary alterations to the aircraft copy when,
by this action is a late departure may be avoided.
Leadership is one of the keypoints of survival a good leadership is able to double
the chances of survival
(1) The pilot should keep commands simple and concise, since it is likely that
passengers will cease to listen much beyond the initial order to evacuate.
Passengers respond to very short instructions, i.e., “stop,” “leave it,” and “come
here.” Pilots should issue commands and make decisions in a positive,
confident, and expeditious manner.
(2) After completion of the emergency landing, the first important point is the
evacuation of the aircraft. The time it takes to evacuate all occupants of an
aircraft should not be underestimated. Particularly when a fire breaks out
after the landing, a speedy evacuation is of prime importance. Although a
ditched aircraft may float for a while.
(3) After an emergency landing on terrain, all occupants shall leave the vicinity
of the aircraft.
(4) Although panic may occur, experience has shown that shock is a more
important factor to be dealt with. Shock makes people apathetic and makes
them react slowly. but they will usually defer to what the pilot instructs. In
their eyes, the pilot knows what to do.
(5) When all occupants of the aircraft have been evacuated and collected at a
safe distance, cared must be taken of the wounded.
The air-to-surface and surface-to-air visual signals. They shall be used only for the
purpose indicated and no other signals likely to be confused with them shall be
Upon observing any of the signals aircraft shall take such action as may be required
by the interpretation of the signal given in next section.
1 Require assistance V
3 No or Negative N
Yes or Affirmative Y
No. Message
Note 1 – Symbols may be formed by any means such as: strips of fabric, parachute
material, pieces of wood, stones or such like material; marking the surface by
tramping or staining with oil.
Note 2 – Attention to the above signal may be attracted by other means such as
radio, flares, smoke and reflected light.
Rescue is largely dependent on the effort and ingenuity in surviving until the
rescuers have arrived. However, you must be spotted by the rescuers first. It is
therefore mandatory that you ease the task of spotting the place where you are.
There are many ways of attracting the attention of the search parties.
Try to put as many into operation as possible. Some of the methods of signaling are
described below. If local circumstances make other signals more effective, do not
fail to use them. All available signaling devices shall be put to readiness immediately
after landing.
9.5.8 RADIO
Try to get a fix and transmit your position using the aircraft's radio equipment if the
radio is still serviceable. However, do not waste the battery on long transmissions.
Use the emergency radio. For better radar detection, erect the corner reflector, if
available. Use the transmitter at 15 past or before the hour when all radio stations
should listen on the emergency frequency for emergency calls for 3 minutes (radio
silence for ships).
9.5.9 SMOKES
Fire and smoke make good signals. Have fires ready to light when search aircraft
are heard or sighted. Keeps some fire going all the time. Use smoke by day, bright
flame by night. Engine oil, rags soaked in oil, pieces of rubber or insulation material
produce black smoke, green leaves, or a little water produce white smoke.
9.5.10 MIRRORS
Mirrors and bright pieces of metal make good signals that can be seen for many
Air/Ground Signals
When it is necessary for an aircraft to convey information to survivors or to ground
search parties, and two-way radio communication is not available, it shall, if
practicable convey the information by dropping a message or by dropping
communication equipment that would enable direct contact to be established.
When a ground signal has been displayed and is understood, the aircraft shall
acknowledge the signal by the means described above or, if that is not possible, by
rocking the wings of the aircraft. When a ground signal has been displayed and is
not understood, the survivors or ground search party shall be so informed by a
direct message except that, if that course is not practicable, failure to rock the wings
will indicate that the message is not understood.
Note: Note:
An adult life vest may be This is a preparation for when the company
used for a child, provided the starts allowing infants to fly with company
straps are securely fastened flights in the future.
to the child's body.
(1) Features
● ON/OFF Knob
● Shoulder strap
● Pressure gauge
● Two constant flow outlets
It is used in a smoke-filled cabin or in darkness.
(1) Features
The extinguisher is fitted with an assembly head, which is made up of a discharge
nozzle, pressure gauge, safety pin, seal and a handle/trigger.
(2) Pre-flight Check
● Secured in proper location.
● Ensure plastic seal across the safety pin intact.
● Pressure gauge needle in green zone.
● Check Validity.
(3) Operation
● Remove extinguisher from bracket.
● Pull safety pin out to break seal.
● Hold extinguisher in the upright position.
● Aim nozzle to the base of fire.
● Squeeze trigger to discharge.
● Fight fire in sweeping motion.
(1) Features
(5) Duration
● 121.5 MHz and 243 MHz –50 hours minimum
● 406.025 MHz –24 hours minimum.