2. Development Team
Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 3
2. MEANING OF ICT .................................................................................................................... 3
3. NATURE OF ICT ........................................................................................................................ 5
4. CONCEPT OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY ................................................................ 6
5. MEANING OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY ................................................................ 7
6. NATURE OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY ................................................................... 8
7. SCOPE OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY ...................................................................... 9
8. APPROACHES OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY ...................................................... 10
9. HARDWARE APPROACH ...................................................................................................... 11
10. SOFTWARE APPROACH.................................................................................................... 12
11. MULTIMEDIA APPROACH ................................................................................................ 12
12. MASS MEDIA APPROACH ................................................................................................ 13
13. SUMMARY .................................................................................................................................. 14
In this digital era, we cannot think of any field where we are not using
information and communication technology. We use information and
communications technology to support, enhance, and optimize the delivery of
information in education. Today ICT has become an essential and
indispensable tool for teaching and learning. It is a well-known fact that ICT
can provide more flexible and effective ways for improving pre-service and in-
service teacher training programmes and promote professional development
of teachers. Integrating ICT to the education leads to improvement in student
learning and teaching methods. Students who use technology judiciously in
their learning have better knowledge, presentation skills, innovative
capabilities, and are ready to take more efforts into learning as compared to
their peer group. To use ICTs effectively and efficiently teachers need to have
knowledge and skills about them.
According to UNESCO, “Measuring ICT in education is therefore important to
inform policy makers in setting national priorities and developing ICT in
education policy.”
For a wider use of the information, it must be communicated to people. It is
only when the information reaches the intended audience; the purpose of
creation of information as well as its communication would be served.
For example, in our institution we can create a worksheet for a class and can
transfer the worksheet template to our mail or carry it in a pen drive. In other
words, you have stored the information either in a cloud storage service (mail
cloud) or in a storage device (pen drive). Now to check students’ progress we
can transfer the information of student responses into a spreadsheet to
analyze. Further we can record these developments in the students’ e-portfolio
and can communicate students’ progress to their parents through mail.
Here we found that the information in digital form is created, stored,
processed, transmitted, displayed and shared through electronic media. The
technologies used in these processes are Information and Communication
With this example, let us try to arrive at a definition of ICT.
UNESCO has defined ICT as forms of technology that are used to transmit,
process, store, create, display, share or exchange information by electronic
means. It includes not only traditional technologies like radio and television,
but also modern ones like cellular phones, computer and network, hardware
and software, satellite systems and so on, as well as the various services and
applications associated with them, such as videoconferencing.
Basically, ICT (information and communications technology - or technologies)
is an umbrella term that includes any communication device or application,
encompassing: radio, television, cellular phones, computer and network
hardware and software, satellite systems and so on, as well as the various
services and applications associated with them, such as videoconferencing
and distance learning.
Having learnt that ICT has penetrated every walk of our life, it is important
to understand why ICT has such a penetration? Some features of ICT have
facilitated this widespread use. Let us see some of them.
Speed: The innovations in internet and broadband have made the
communication instantaneous. Modern mobile applications have
allowed people to communicate with each other in real time. There is
no time lag between two places which are thousands of kilometers
Precision: The information that is communicated through ICT is very
precise. Since there is no time lag in the communication, there is less
chances of miscommunications.
Versatile: ICT can help in doing multiple tasks. Data can be gathered,
verified, processed, and managed. Information can be communicated.
ICT provides a multi-media platform for such communication.
Cost: ICT tools seem very expensive. But when we account for their
reach, they come out to be very cheap. For example, the cost involved
in printing text books is very high economically as well as
environmentally. On the other hand, preparing and using digital form
of the book need high one-time investment in creating. But once
created, it can be used by any number of users without incurring
additional cost.
Here is a YouTube link of video giving additional information on ICT:
For more detailed visual description of ICT, please visit the following sites:
In the early period of human civilization, when writing was unknown, verbal
presentation on the part of the teachers and memorization on the part of the
students were the common practices adopted in education. With the initiation
of writings as the means of communication, the next advancement was the
use of writing technology for teaching and learning. It provided great
momentum for printing materials and textbooks, a great scientific and
technological advancement.
The use of writing and printing technology then took its next in the creation
and use of the instructional resources like chalkboard, pictures, chart,
models, maps, diagrams and other graphic material. Later on with the
technological advancement, sophisticated scientific instrument, mass media
and educational materials such as radio, television, tape recorder, films,
transparency, etc. were used in the field of education.
Further the concept of programmed instruction and theories added another
aspect to the concept of educational technology. This was again broadened
when the new approaches in the form of system approach, microteaching,
interaction, analysis and computer assisted instruction came into
existence. With the result of electronic revolution there came an era of
sophisticated hardware and software like projectors, television and computers
as the means for presenting instructional material.
In brief, Educational Technology is not restricted to the use of audio-visual
aids, software materials and hardware tools but a sensible and well thought-
out application of the available human and non-human resources for
improvement of the teaching-learning process and to offer suitable solutions
to the problems in education.
According to Council for Educational Technology, UK “Educational
Technology is the development, application and evaluation of systems,
techniques and aids to improve the process of human learning.”
National Centre for Programmed Learning, UK defined Educational
Technology as the application of scientific knowledge about learning, and the
conditions of learning, to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of teaching
and training. In the absence of scientifically established principles,
educational technology implements techniques of empirical testing to improve
learning situations.
According to S.S. Kulkarni “Educational Technology may be defined as the
application of the laws as well as recent discoveries of science and technology
to the process of education.” -
Further, S.K. Mitra defined Educational Technology as a science of techniques
and methods by which educational goals could be realized.”
From the above definitions we can conclude educational technology as a
organized way, a process or an application of the scientific knowledge, to
improve the effectiveness of the process of teaching and learning.
Improving the educational system: Educational technology facilitates effective
communication between the teachers and students, in order to accomplish
learning objectives.
Based on research: Educational Technology makes use of the research
findings of psychology, sociology, engineering, physical sciences and social
psychology and applies the same to the field of education.
Practical discipline: Educational Technology provides hands-on experience to
both the teachers and the learners.
A mean: Educational technology is a mean to achieve an end but is not an
end in itself.
Improvement of Teaching-Learning Material: This area of educational
technology is concerned with the production and development of the suitable
teaching-learning material in View of stipulated objectives, design curriculum
and available resources.
Teaching-Training: Teacher is a key figure in any process of teaching and
learning. Educational technologies take care of the proper preparations of
teachers for exercising their complex responsibilities.
Development and Selection of the Teaching-Learning Strategies and
Topics: This aspect deals with the central problems of teaching-learning act.
Educational technology tries to describe the ways and discovering, selecting
and developing suitable strategies and tactic of teaching.
Development, Selection and Use of the Appropriate Audio-Visual Aids:
Teaching learning is greatly influenced and benefited by the use of appropriate
audio-visual aids. Educational technology covers this aspect by discussing
various types of audio-visual aids used for educational purpose, their proper
selecting suiting to a particular teaching-learning situation.
In above discussion, an attempt has been made to identify the scope of
educational technology by mapping out its field of operation, but in true
sense, it is injudicious to enclose such a developing and fast growing subject.
Here is a YouTube link of video giving additional information on Educational
Technology: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIH-ODOgpGg
For more detailed visual description of meaning and scope of educational
technology, please visit the following sites:
technology is likely to play a different role in students’ learning. There are
several educational approaches in technologies and there is great overlap
among them. The educational process does not remain untouched by these
advances. It has necessitated introduction of these approaches in technology
in the field of education.
The hardware approach refers to the use of machines and other mechanical
devices in the process of education. It is based on the application of
engineering principles for developing electro-mechanical equipment for
instructional purposes. Silverman, called this type of educational technology
‘Relative Technology’. Motion pictures, tape recorders, television, teaching
machines, computers are called educational hardware.
Hardware approach mechanizes the process of teaching so that teachers
would be able to deal with more students with less cost in educating them.
Human knowledge has three aspects: Preservation, Transmission and
The history of preservation of the knowledge is believed to exist since the
printing machines started. The knowledge is preserved with these machines
in the form of books.
The second aspect of human knowledge is its transmission. Now a day,
transmission of the knowledge is supported by machine like mike, radio and
television. With these, thousands of students can enjoy home-delivery of such
The third aspect of human knowledge is its development. For this aspect,
provisions are made for research work. In the research programmes, the main
function is the collection and analysis of data. For this purpose, presently the
researcher uses the electronic machines and computers.
Hence, all the three phases of knowledge allow the use of machines. In short,
the teaching process has been mechanized. The mechanization of teaching
process is termed as the Hardware Approach.
The pioneering work in software approach was done by Skinner and other
behaviorists. The programmes which such a technology produces are often
called software. Software Approach is also termed as Instructional Technology
or Teaching Technology or Behavioural Technology. Silverman termed this
educational technology as ‘constructive educational technology’ and also
known as ‘Management Technology’.
The software approach used the principles of psychology for building in the
learners a complex repertory of knowledge or modifying his behavior.
Psychology of learning provides solid technology for bringing desirable
behavioral changes in the pupils and serves the cause of education of laying
down definite instructional procedure, teaching behaviour and behaviour
modification devices.
Newspapers, books, magazines, educational games, flash cards may also form
part of software. Software approach is characterized by task analysis, writing
precise objectives, selection of appropriate learning strategies, immediate
reinforcement of responses and constant evaluation.
Software approach refers to the application of teaching- learning principles to
the direct & deliberate shaping of behavior. Its origin lies in the application of
“behavior science” to the problems of learning & motivation.
Software approach tries to develop all the three basic components of
technology, i.e. Input, Process and Output.
The provision of interaction is the biggest advantage of the digital media in
comparison with other media. It refers to the process of providing information
and response. Interactivity allows control over the presented content to a
certain extent: learners can change parameters, observe their results or
respond to choice options. They can also control the speed of applications and
the amount of repetition to meet their individual needs.
Furthermore, the ability to provide feedback tailored to the needs of students
distinguishes the interactive multimedia from any other media without a
human presence.
The interactive opportunities of multimedia lead to high flexibility, which can
be very helpful for students with special needs. Dyslectic students can use
synthetic speech in order to become familiar with the content of digital texts.
Autistic children show an increase of phonologic awareness and word reading
by using multimedia. Students with severe speech and physical impairments
gain from learning with multimedia, because the computer is flexible enough
to meet individual needs – they can repeat as oft en they want, can hear it
loud, etc. For deaf students, the visual presentation of content improves their
motivation to learn.
For more detailed visual description of Multimedia - Understanding
Technology, Please visit:
magazines, radio, television, and the Internet. The general public typically
relies on the mass media to provide information regarding political issues,
social issues, entertainment, and news in pop culture.
Wimmer, R. and Dominick, J. (2013, p. 3) defines “mass communication,
which is any form of communication transmitted through a medium (channel)
that simultaneously reaches a large number of people. Mass media are the
channels that carry mass communication.”
Education today, therefore, has a far greater responsibility than it had ever
before. It has to meet the demands of a dynamic world which change its
character every day. Contemporary education has to be more comprehensive
and complete than it was ever before. The role of the various agencies of
education like home, society, community etc. has consequently increased, so
has the role of the mass media like television, radio, cinema, newspaper
increased. So now-a-day, press, radio, cinema, television, etc. are becoming
more and more important in an individual’s life.
ICT is evolving in a very fast pace. Education is one major sector which has
undergone the influence of innovations in ICT. ICTs are basically the scientific
integration of information technology and communication systems for the
transmission of information in multimedia formats. Educational technology
is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving
performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological
processes and resources. It is concerned with the application of modern skills
and techniques to the requirements of education and training. The
characteristics of educational technology are closely linked with its concept of
educational technology. The scope of educational technology refers to the
jurisdiction, the limits or the boundaries within which it works.
Various approaches of Educational technology deliver different kinds of
content and serve different purposes in the classroom. Each approach of
technology is likely to play a different role in students’ learning. The hardware
approach refers to the use of machines and other mechanical devices in the
process of education. Its origin lies in the application of “physical science” to
education and training system. Software approach refers to the application of
teaching- learning principles to the direct & deliberate shaping of behavior.
Its origin lies in the application of “behavior science” to the problems of
learning & motivation. The concept of multimedia is defined in many ways.
Most of the definitions agree on the characteristic that multimedia contains
texts, graphics, animations, video and sound in an integrated way and the
content can be structured and presented differently. The interactive
opportunities of multimedia lead to high flexibility, which can be very helpful
for students with special needs. Mass media means technology that is
intended to reach a mass audience. It is the primary means of communication
used to reach the vast majority of the general public. Now-a-day, press, radio,
cinema, television, etc. are becoming more and more important in an
individual’s life.
Bent B. Andresen and Katja van den Brink (2013). Multimedia in Education
Curriculum. Pp21-27. UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in
UNESCO (2006) Introduction to Information, Communication and
Technologies: Teacher's Guide - Module 1, Available at Introduction to
information and communication Technology accessed on 15 Oct., 2018.
Zengestrom, J. 2005. Why Some Social Network Services Work and Others
Don’t. www. zengestrom.com.
Answers: (1) D; (2)D; (3) A; (4) A; (5) B; (6) (D); (7) False; (8) True;
(9) False; (10) True; (11) True