MYP3 Properties of Colour Unit Plan
MYP3 Properties of Colour Unit Plan
MYP3 Properties of Colour Unit Plan
Human Ingenuity
Specific Objectives:
Objectives which are addressed in, and pertinent to, this unit
Be able to mix a certain colour Understand the properties of colour and the relationship between different colours.
Complete final pieces, showing the ability to make an interesting compositions. B Use subject specific vocabulary in class discussions. A Demonstrate ability to accurately follow a task sheet with all stages complete. B Engage fully in the project. D
Stage 2
Knowledge and/or skills used to develop the significant concepts of stage 1 and to enable the student to answer the unit question
Unit Planner
Competence in handling, and familiarity with the materials. An enhanced understanding of colour theory. Competence in mixing colours in order to achieve chosen hues and values. Group introduction and instruction in English, reinforced with French. Initial task sheet. Demonstration Individual support and instruction. Group discussion. Peer feedback. Written and verbal evaluation. (Written in English, verbal may be in French) Formative and summative assessment. DWBs A2 paper Acylics Pencils Colour theory handout and exercises
Development of subject-specific and general ATL skills
Organisation: Be able to independently organise drawing and painting materials for each class session of the Unit. Collaboration: Through experimentation, be able to identify and resolve problems of colour mixing to produce a final piece. Communication: Demonstrate a sequential progression through judicious use of the DWB Information literacy: Use both books and the internet to research the theory learned in class. Find evidence of art theory principles in their environment (evtl. take pictures) Reflection: Evaluate their work process and document feedback clearly in DWBs. Thinking: (Brainstorm not applicable for this unit.) Transfer: Show clearly that the understanding of the learned theory has lead to a successful final piece.