Cambridge O Level: Economics 2281/11
Cambridge O Level: Economics 2281/11
Cambridge O Level: Economics 2281/11
Paper 1 Multiple Choice May/June 2024
45 minutes
There are thirty questions on this paper. Answer all questions.
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2 A firm is deciding whether to produce good X or good Y for the next five years. The predicted
revenue for good X is $20 000 per year and for good Y is $18 000 per year.
good Y
O good X
What is the reason for the economy moving from point M to point N?
4 What is not held constant when drawing a demand curve for a good or service?
A consumers’ incomes
B tastes and preferences
C the price of substitutes
D the price of the good or service
5 The diagram shows a shift in the supply curve for New Zealand’s airlines from S1 to S2.
price S2
O quantity
7 A firm changes the price of its product and finds that its revenue increases.
Which combination of price change and price elasticity of demand would have caused this?
price elasticity
of demand
10 Within the same firm, one employee is paid a higher wage than another employee.
Which reason for the difference in their wage could be considered discrimination?
11 The diagram shows the demand and supply curve of labour for a firm. The initial wage rate is given
by W0 and the equilibrium quantity of labour employed is L0.
A trade union that represents all of the workers negotiates a rise in wage rate to W1.
wage S
O L1 L0 L2
quantity of labour
What is the amount of unemployment that results from this wage rise?
12 A farmer introduces machinery to help workers at harvest time. The farmer also reduces the number
of workers by 50%. As a result, the total harvest increases by 25%.
13 A firm has fixed costs of $20 and the following total variable costs.
output 10 20 30 40
total variable costs ($) 40 60 80 100
A It falls continuously.
B It falls then rises.
C It rises continuously.
D It rises then falls.
A backward vertical
B conglomerate
C forward vertical
D horizontal
17 Which macroeconomic aim, if achieved, is most likely to increase a government budget surplus?
A full employment
B income redistribution
C low inflation
D balance of payments stability
18 The table shows the income tax rate paid by workers at different levels of income in selected years
for a developed economy.
What is most likely to have been the economic objective of the government in changing the tax
rates between year 1 and year 2?
19 A government attempts to raise economic growth with a policy of reduced interest rates.
Which other government objective is most likely to be helped in the short run?
A lower unemployment
B price stability
C reduced income inequality
D reduced trade deficit
21 Subsistence farming is the practice of growing crops and raising livestock sufficient only for one’s
own use without any surplus for trade.
Why is it difficult for a government to measure economic growth in an economy based on subsistence
A yes no no
B yes no yes
C yes yes no
D yes yes yes
23 What is most likely to increase when the rate of inflation gradually changes from 2% to 8% in one
24 The introduction of a minimum hourly wage in an industry aims to reduce poverty among low-paid
female group male
6 4 2 0 0 2 4 6
population / millions
What is most likely to cause the population pyramid to be shaped in this way?
A low low
B low high
C high low
D high high
A 100 800 51
B 200 6000 62
C 300 600 48
D 1000 1600 63
29 In the diagram, curves D1 and S1 relate to the demand and supply of the US dollar ($) against
the Chinese yuan.
price of $
(in yuan) S1
What is most likely to cause the demand curve for US dollars to shift from D1 to D2?
Which policy is most likely to reduce the current account deficit in Brazil?
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