Newsletter Shabbat Sukkot 5771
Newsletter Shabbat Sukkot 5771
Newsletter Shabbat Sukkot 5771
Exodus Chapter 33 Verse 12 to Chapter 34 Verse 26. A total of 38 Verses and 3 Spaces. There is also a Large
Nun and Resh xxx and a Shin at the beginning of a column- an event that only happens 6 times in the whole
Haftarah is Ezekiel Chapter 38 Verse 18 to Chapter 39 Verse 16 for a total of 22 Verses and 3 Spaces.
Shabbat Sukkot Chol HaMoed is an amazing experience when one understands the message in the reading.
The essence of this reading is balance. That is why the last phrase in the last verse of the reading is the
famous verse of "do not cook a calf in its mothers milk.". This is the essence of the laws of Kashrut. Most
people are never informed that these regulations help us maintain balance in our lives by not eating things that
have too much mixed energy. This is explained by this phrase dealing with Milk a food that has the energy of
continuity and cooking a slaughtered cow which represents the energy of death or end. When this is done
people with Jewish souls find it difficult to balance these two energies.
We also get this message when we look at 38 לחverses in the reading. The word Lach means freshness,
vigor, moisture, or virility. When we add the 6 verses of the Maftir we get 44 which is the Hebrew word blood or
dam דם. Do you see how these words are opposites?
Finally the 240 verses in Kohellet represent (Gematria) the word Suffek which is doubt. It is also the gematria
of the nation of Amalek. The 17 spaces represent (Gematria) the word Tov which means Good. Again the
balancing of the two kinds of energy. Doubt can never be good, which is why Hashem is at war with Amalek
throughout the generations.
Finally an amazing revelation. There are 2 large letters in Kohellet. A Tet (Chapter 7 Verse 1) and a Samek
(Chapter 12 Verse 13). This word Tos spelled טוסmeans to speed or to fly. In reverse spelled סוטSot means
"to deviate". When thought of as an Acronym Tet means Good and Samek means Somack or Support. We
learn from these letters it is Good to Support others.
The 22 verses relate to the 22 Hebrew Letters. The 3 spaces represent the 3 columns from the Tree of Life. I
have discussed this before but to make it easy for those of us with bad memories. The 3 columns are Right
which represents Sharing; Left which represents receiving; and the Central column which balances the two
aspects of Sharing and Receiving. When we have the 22 Letters in the format of the 3 columns we have the
Tree of Life.
To truly understand Sukkot and Shabbat Chol HaMoed we need to understand about the 70 sacrifices which
are read by the daily readings of the Torah read during Sukkot.
There are 3 rituals associated with Sukkot. 1) is the Sukkah which represents and actually is an antenna to
draw the energy of Chesed (Mercy or Loving Kindness) of the energy store named Binah. We make much use
of the Energy store, Binah, on Yom Kippur, when we create the year of our desires. 2) The Shaking of the 4
species ( Arba Minim) which represents the drawing of the energy of Chesed of Zeir Anpin. 3) The Hakafot or
circles that we do each day and multiple circles on Hoshana Rabba. These circles are Antenna for the energy
of Chesed of Malchut.
We can see now, how these rituals unite the 3 levels of Binah, Zeir Anpin, and Malchut. When we unite 3 they
become one. This is really the secret of Jacob marrying both Leah and Rachel. These 2 sisters are chariots
(channels) for Binah and Malchut while Jacob represents Zeir Anpin. This is why the 12 Tribes of the Children
of Israel came out of these 3 Chariots which are really 1 Jewish Nation.
On the first day of Sukkot the Maftir reading is about 13 Parahs (bulls). On the second day we decrease by
one to 12 Parah (bulls) and on the 3rd day we come down again to 11 Parahs (bulls). This continues till we
reach 7 Bulls on the 7th day. Guess what 13+12+11+10+9+8+7 adds up to? 70. One Parah (bull) is sacrificed
for each of the 70 Nations. When the Temple existed the Sacrifice was done by the Cohenim (Priests). After
the destruction of the Temple the Sages teach us that the reading/hearing of the Torah portions replaces the
sacrifices and does what the actual sacrifice did in the Temple. This of course must be done by each member
of the Tribe of Jewish souls. Even if one person is missing the other 70 nations feel a lack from this sacrifice.
Yet the more Jews who hear the readings the less lack they feel. When this lack is too large (due to not
enough Jews doing their spiritual work) the nations do actions of antisemitism to wake up the Jewish Nation.
This is the reason that Anti antisemitism exists in the Physical World.
Let me explain further! When the Jewish nation is doings its spiritual job and sharing from these sacrifices with
the 70 other nations, These nations do not feel any lack in the area that relates to its relationship with the
Jewish Nation. (Each Nation has a unique relationship with the Jewish Nation. That unique relationship is
different for each nation and it feels the lack in a different way than every other nation.) Each year, there are 7
days of Sukkot. When we do these sacrifices correctly, on a given day those nations connected to the
Sacrifices for that day (No Sage has written about which Nations connect with which day and Parah (Bull) do
not feel as strong a lack and there is no outbreak of Anti Semitic acts of violence from them. On Years and
days when we do not do our work correctly the lack that these nations feel is overwhelming and the result are
acts of antisemitism. Don't believe me? Follow the statistics that are kept by people who track the results of
antisemitic actions for yourself and you will see i am correct.
I hope you will join in keeping Antisemitc acts to a minimum. I hope you will share with the other Nations by
listening to the Torah each day during the week of Sukkot!
Kol Tuuv
Shabbat Shalom
P. S. I really suggest you read last years email to help you understand this years. The link is on the left near
the top. It will help you to understand what is written here.
Shabbat Shalom
Are you interested in learning more Hidden Wisdom? This link will bring you to the mp3 files for the first
classes of Spiritual Laws. Feel free to download them, listen to them, and forward the link to your friends and
If you are interested in Participating in the class click here to find out how! SPIRITUAL LAWS and How to use
them in Your Life!
Kol Tuuv
Shabbat Shalom
P. S. It is my intention to automate the return of verses from the Torah based on your name. This will include a
full Hebrew and English translation as well as Translations in other Lanuguages. To do this we need significant
donations. Please contribute and share in the revelation of light associated with the spreading of this
information. Go to and click on the send money link. Type in and
give what you can afford or if you want to truly understand Tzedakah more than you think You can afford.
HaShem will replace this money 10 fold when you need it.
P.S.S. I am looking for volunteers to translate our recordings into many other languages. Come share in the
revelation of wisdom. Use your native language skills. All you need is a cell phone that has unlimited long
distance and approx 3 hours a week. Write to if you are interested. You will be
amazed how your life improves by this sharing!
Announcement 1:
Kabbalah Classes: Tuesday at 7:30 PM and Wednesday at 9 PM. Conference call to listen to the class is 309-
946-5100 and the entrance code is 911904. These classes are recorded and available to download and hear
repeatedly at your leisure. The link to download is Class Recordings and Handouts.
Announcement 2:
Kabbalah teaches that 10% of the money you earn belongs to someone else. There is no fulfillment from this
money for you. This is why you get traffic tickets and major car repairs and other unexpected expenses.
Instead of having those expenses why not donate to where your money will be used to
eliminate chaos in the world. Don't believe me but see if it works for you.
Announcement 3: This is a weekly e-letter about the Parasha. Sometimes there will be all of the links -
sometimes due to time limitations there will not be be all of the links.
Announcement 4:
One of the main purposes of the Mitzvah of Hearing the Torah on Shabbat Morning is to receive the
Metaphysical Energy we will need during the next week. Please strive to hear the Torah Reading each week
for this benefit.
Kol Tuuv