Purchasing Policy and Procedures
Purchasing Policy and Procedures
Purchasing Policy and Procedures
1. Purpose
This policy defines the requirements and procedures for purchasing activities at the S P Jain
School of Global Management (S P Jain / the School).
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3. Policy Principles
a. Operating Expenditure
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viii. All unbudgeted operating expenditure above $10,000 will be approved by the
b. Capital Expenditure
i. Budgeted capital expenditure per single item up to $5,000 will be approved by Select
Department Heads designated jointly by Vice President- Administration and Director
– Finance/Chief Financial Officer.
ii. Budgeted capital expenditure per single item up to $50,000 will be approved by the
Director – Finance/Chief Financial Officer/Vice President- Administration or his or her
delegate based on the Head of Accounts’(location specific) recommendation.
iii. Budgeted capital expenditure per single item above $50,000 will be approved by the
President or his or her delegate based on the Director – Finance /Chief Financial
Officer’s recommendation.
iv. All unbudgeted capital expenditure up to $10,000 will be approved by the Director –
Finance/Chief Financial Officer/Vice President – Administration based on the
recommendation of the Finance Manager (Head of Accounts - location specific).
v. All unbudgeted capital expenditure above $10,000 will be escalated to the Director –
Finance /Chief Financial Officer for his or her decision and will be approved by the
President based on the Director – Finance /Chief Financial Officer’s recommendations.
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Amount Budgeted Approving Authority
(All amounts are stated in
Australian Dollars and its
equivalent in local currency will
apply in other campuses)
Employee Payouts
Monthly Salary Yes Regular Salary on approval of Finance
Manager (Head of Accounts-location specific)
and Director – Finance / CFO / Vice President
Bonus or Incentives Yes President /CFO / Vice President -
Capital Expenditure – Budgeted
Up to $5,000 or equivalent Yes Select Designated Department Heads
Up to $50,000 or equivalent Yes Director – Finance /Chief Financial
Officer/Vice President Administration
Above $50,000 or equivalent Yes President
Capital Expenditure– Adhoc
Up to $10,000 or equivalent No Director – Finance /Chief Financial Officer/
Vice President (Administration)
Above $10,000 or equivalent No President
d. All expenditure outside of pre-approved budgets must follow the below procedure:
i. Before committing to any expenditure, staff members must ensure they have the
required approval in writing. “In writing” includes email approval; approval via a
School policy; a petty cash voucher, quotation or contract signed by a person with
appropriate financial authority; or approved within the thresholds below.
ii. In their interactions with students, staff members must also be cautious not to
commit, either in writing or verbally, any expenditure that has not received
appropriate prior approval.
iii. This process also applies to staff reimbursements. Accordingly, staff members must
ensure they have appropriate approval before undertaking any activity for which they
will later seek reimbursement from the School.
iv. In particular, non-routine infrastructure, repairs, maintenance and other expenses
whether operational or not will
• Need accounts approvals at the proposal stage
• After due approval from Accounts the same will require 3 quotations
• Internal audit will review the quotations check with market and choose the best
• This will be then included in the monthly budget
• Purchase orders can then be placed
• Accounts will make the necessary transfer
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e. In addition, the following monthly purchases limits will apply:
i. The Administration Department is authorised to purchase essential stationery each
month up to a maximum value of $1500, after which further approval is required.
ii. The Facilities and Accommodation Department is authorised to purchase essential
items for the repairs and maintenance of campus and accommodation facilities up to
a maximum value of $1500 per transaction, after which further approval is required.
iii. The IT Department is authorised to purchase essential computer and telephone
hardware for staff members, in particular when a new staff member joins. The IT
Department is also authorised to purchase essential items for the repairs and
maintenance for campus, IT and accommodation facilities up to a maximum of AUD
$100 per transaction, after which further approval is required.
iv. The Library is authorised to purchase essential subject resources once the final subject
outline is received. The quantity of any one resource purchased will align to the class
size and is set by the Library Collection Development Plan.
v. All payments made by electronic funds transfer will be submitted by the Finance
Manager and released by the Head – Finance & Accounts, to ensure a dual-approval
process when releasing money from the School’s bank accounts.
vi. All expenses that exceed $5,000, whether capital or operations, must receive
endorsement from the Head – Finance & Accounts and be approved by the
President/Vice President (Administration) or Director – Finance/Chief Financial
f. Any unavoidable emergency approvals done in exceptional circumstances when the
authorised staff is not contactable/available will need to be ratified by the approving
5. Purchasing Procedures
a. Purchase procedures aim to secure services, materials, supplies and equipment from a
responsible and responsive vendor who offers the lowest cost.
b. The Finance Manager will oversee, and coordinate purchasing and will be supported by
accounts/purchasing executives for this purpose.
c. As a general rule, and where applicable, all purchases above $1500 will be made through
a purchase requisition and after obtaining a minimum of two bids.
d. All expenses that are expected to exceed $5,000 must be accompanied by three written
quotations unless it is of the nature of regular purchases.
e. It is understood that there are occasions when more than one quotation is not possible.
Examples include specialised products not available elsewhere and agreements with
preferred suppliers.
i. In these instances, an appropriate justification must be provided, and the Finance
Manager will use his or her discretion for such amounts up to $ 1,000.
ii. For any amounts above $ 1,000 any waiver to the procedures of obtaining two
quotations will be approved by the Director – Finance /Chief Financial Officer or his or
her delegate.
f. Appendix 1 provides detailed purchasing procedures and processes which must be
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6. Conflict of Interest Declaration
a. Purchasers must not be involved in transactions with any suppliers where a conflict of
interest, real or perceived, may exist. If, in the normal course of a staff member's duties,
he/she is confronted with a purchasing decision where a conflict of interest may exist with
a supplier, the member of staff is to advise his/her supervisor of the conflict and take no
further part in the transaction.
b. Supervisors are to allocate the purchasing decision to another member of staff in such
circumstances. The staff member to whom the conflict relates to is to stand down from
the purchasing decision and take no further part in the transaction.
c. Examples of conflicts of interest include, but are not limited to:
i. A transaction between a staff member and a member of his/her family or close
friend or associate.
ii. A staff member being a director, officer, employee, agent, partner, associate,
trustee or consultant to an entity which enters into a contract or transaction with
the School.
iii. Accepting gifts, entertainment, discounts or other favours from any individual or
entity that is seeking to do business with the School.
Related Documents
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Appendix 1: Detailed Purchasing Procedures and Processes
Function Responsibility
Purchaser/Originator Raise Purchase Requisitions
Budget Manager/Approver Approves PRs
Checkers /Accounts Head and
Purchaser/Originator Checks and approves invoices
Account Payable Process payment for approved invoices
1. Purchase Origination
a. Appropriate pre-purchase strategy (e.g. solicitation of written quotes, request for
quotation, request for tender).
b. Step 2: Purchase Requisitions.
c. Step 3: Purchase Orders (including, where relevant, Open Purchase Orders).
d. Step 4: Purchase Approval Gate.
2. Purchase Requisition (PR)
a. Purchase requisitions (PR) must be raised online for all goods and services on a separate
email, except for:
i. Routine utility bills, rent, stationery where there is no increase
ii. Variable photocopier costs ("Click" rates, staples, etc.) where there is no increase
iii. Student refunds and prizes where there is no increase
iv. Bank Drafts and Telegraphic Transfers required in foreign currency where there is
no increase
v. Memberships and subscriptions where there is no increase
vi. Library stock acquisitions where there is no increase
b. Under no circumstances should the School receive goods or services without an approved
PR and an approved Purchase Order (PO) unless specifically exempted as above.
c. The person raising an online PR may not approve the requisition. Similarly, the person
approving a new supplier addition may not also be responsible for setting up the financial
and banking detail. Segregation of duty must be maintained at all time to ensure integrity,
respect and transparency.
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f. When POs are raised as part of the awarding of a contract, such POs must not be released
until the contract or relevant written document has been completed and formally
executed in accordance with the School’s Contract requirements.
5. Payment Terms
a. The payment terms in the Purchasing Terms and Conditions, attached to each PO,
supersede all payment terms specified unless prior approval is obtained from
Procurement or a Contract Agreement following Contract Agreement Policy is signed with
a different payment term.
c. Wherever Precoro flow is available, we are going to use the automatic workflow of
Precoro and it is advisable to put all approvals in Precoro rather than manual mails.
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ix. Mitigation of risk to the School and compliance with requirements of the School’s
Risk Management Policy including a risk assessment and consultation where
x. Compliance with relevant Australian Standards (AS) where applicable or an
acceptable international equivalent
xi. Quotations for routine items will be reviewed yearly
d. An evaluation matrix will be generated for each category of purchase by Procurement
through consultation with the purchaser to ensure all needs from the purchasers are
captured in the evaluation of suitable suppliers. It should be noted that the mandatory
criteria provided in the matrix must be evaluated as part of the evaluation process. The
variable criteria may be tailored to suit the requirements of the individual tender.
8. Purchasing Procedure
a. The preferred methods of purchasing, in order of preference, are corporate credit card,
electronic funds transfer, staff member reimbursement and petty cash. The School
entirely understands that staff members may wish to opt for petty cash as opposed to
reimbursement and no explanation will be sought if this is the staff member’s preference.
b. To receive petty cash, staff members must complete and sign a petty cash voucher and
submit it to the Finance Manager. The Finance Manager will not issue cash unless they
are satisfied that appropriate approvals have been sought.
c. All requests routed through precoro system need to be aligned with the budget.
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