Legal System Cote Divoire - Adama Kone 2021
Legal System Cote Divoire - Adama Kone 2021
Legal System Cote Divoire - Adama Kone 2021
Cote d’Ivoire
By Adama KONE,
Parlementary Librarian
Main objective :
Presidential System
2 Duality of jurisdiction
3. The main institutions of the Ivorian judicial system
The President of the Republic is elected for five years by direct universal suffrage.
He may be re-elected only once.
The Government is composed of the Prime Minister, Head of Government, and the ministers.
The Government is responsible for the implementation of national policy, such as is defined
by the President of the Republic.
The Prime Minister organizes and coordinates government action.
The Prime Minister presides over the Council of Government, a preparatory meeting of the
Council of Ministers.
The Prime Minister replaces the President of the Republic whenever the latter and the Vice-
President of the Republic are outside of the national territory.
The current government has 41 members including 37 ministers and 4 Secretaries of State
3. The different institutions of the Ivorian judicial system
Parliament enacts legislation and approves taxes.
It monitors the government’s action and assesses public policy.
The deputies in the National Assembly are elected by direct universal suffrage for five years.
The Senate ensures the representation of territorial communities and of Ivoirians established
outside of Côte d'Ivoire.
- Ex amination in committee :
- Allocation of texts to committees ;
- Ex amination in the presence of the representative of the President of the Republic
- Adoption of the committee report;
- Promulgation by the President of Republic : Transmission of the text to the PR, Assignment of number;
The Constitutional Council is the organ regulating the functioning of public bodies.
The Constitutional Council is the judge of the conformity of the law with the
constitutionality block.
The Constitutional Council is the judge of the supervision of the presidential and
parliamentary elections.
3. The different institutions of the Ivorian
judicial system
The Constitutional Council is composed of:
• a President;
• the former Presidents of the Republic, with the exception of an express waiver on their part;
• six councilors, three of whom are appointed by the President of the Republic, two by the
President of the National Assembly and one by the President of the Senate.
The President of the Constitutional Council is appointed by the President of the Republic for
a non-renewable period of six years among persons recognized for their proven competence
and expertise in legal or administrative affairs.
3. The different institutions of the Ivorian
3.6 The Judicial power
Justice is served throughout the national territory, on behalf of the Ivoirian people, by the
Court of Cassation, Court of Auditors, Courts of Appeal, Courts of First Instance,
administrative courts and Regional Audit Chambers.
The Court of Cassation, the Council of State and the Court of Auditors are the representative
jurisdictional institutions of the judicial power.
The Court of Cassation ensures that the law is applied by the courts of the judicial order.
judicial order.
The Council of State ensures the application of the law by the administrative administrative
3. The different institutions of the Ivorian
Relative to Article 101 of the Constitution, the law covers the following domains: citizenship,
civil and political rights, fundamental guarantees for the exercise of public liberties,
nationality, state and capacity of persons, matrimonial regimes, successions and liberalities
with procedure, and various other laws including organic laws and ordinary laws.
The body of legislation in force in Côte d'Ivoire is composed of texts promulgated by the
colonial government either on Ivorian territory or in relation to it.
It also includes the texts that the country's Parliament has adopted since 1960
5. Sources of applicable law in the
Ivorian legal system
Contrary to the system in use in the United States, where treaties and Congressional laws are
at the same level in the legal hierarchy, in Côte d’Ivoire treaties regularly ratified are, upon
publication, a superior authority to domestic law, so long as the treaty is also applied by the
other party.
Treaties of peace, international organizations treaties, and those modifying Côte d’Ivoire
internal laws can be ratified only following a law. It is the President of Republic who
negotiates and ratifies treaties and international agreements. The Minister of foreign affairs
is the only one in charge of the preparation of the ratification and publication of conventions,
agreements protocols, and international rules signed by Côte d’Ivoire or in which Côte
d’Ivoire is engaged.
6. Acces to legal informations
Thank you !