Presentation Rubric 2024

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Communication for Academic Purposes (CAPF05X/COEF05X)


STUDENT NUMBER : _______________________________________

SURNAME AND INITIALS : _________________________________

Category Scoring Criteria Points Score
Introduction is attention-getting, lays out the problem 5
Structure well, and establishes a framework for the rest of the
(30 points) presentation. Effective introductory techniques are used.
The body of the presentation contains accurate and 15
valuable information.
There is sufficient evidence that the topic has been
The presentation has an exceptional amount of valuable
material and was extremely beneficial to the audience.
The material presented is relevant to the topic.
The presenter has used the correct concluding 5
techniques to indicate that this is the conclusion.
Presenter speaks clearly and audibly. 5
Non-verbal The speaker is portraying confidence during the 10
communication presentation. Usage gestures and correct posture.
(25 points) Eye contact is maintained with the audience/monitor 5
throughout the presentation.
The presenter is appropriately dressed for the 10
Language usage The language (register and tone) used by the presenter is 5
(15 points) appropriate for the presentation.
Good language skills and pronunciation are used. 5
The presenter used own words for explanation. There 5
was no direct reading from notes/notecards.
PowerPoint Presentation The design of the slides is appropriate for the 5
(15 points) presentation. The chosen colours and font size work
well for the presentation.
There are no grammatical errors on the slides. 5
The slides are easy to read – sufficient details are put on 5
each slide. The slides are not too detailed.
Question and Answer The presenter used the TRACT formula to answer the 5
(10 points) questions.
The response given by the presenter is satisfactory. 5
Duration Length of presentation is within the assigned time limits 5
(5 points) (10 minutes)
Total Points 100

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