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Proceedings of the International Conference on Research DOI: 10.

in Management & Technovation pp. 315–319 ISSN 2300-5963 ACSIS, Vol. 28

Leadership Styles and Talent Retention from

Higher Education Institutions in Viet Nam
A Conceptual Framework
Bui Thi Hoang Truyen Nguyen Phu Phuong Trang
Property and Engineering Department Faculty of Aviation Economics
Saigon Post-Telecommunication Insurance Company Viet Nam Aviation Academy
Ho Chi Minh, Viet Nam Ho Chi Minh, Viet Nam
truyenbui82.ck28@st.ueh.edu.vn trangnpp@vaa.edu.vn

Abstract—In recent years, several universities have imple- knowledge treasure. Many recent researches have found that
mented the accomplishments of the industrial revolution (4.0) type of leadership such as transformational leadership and
in education. This demonstrates the importance of talent reten-
transactional leadership have a significant positive impact on
tion in the workplace, and brilliant individuals are seen as one
of competitive advantage. Managers should have suitable talent lecturers' work satisfaction [4]. Lecturer job satisfaction is
management plans because talented individuals are scarce, linked to retention in a number of ways, including satisfac-
valuable, and hard to substitute. Through the characteristics tion with university leadership [5]. Much prior research has
that leadership styles will affect, such as reward and recogni- demonstrated that leadership behavior has separate effects on
tion, learning orientation, and organizational justice, it will rewards and recognition (RAR), organizational justice (OJ),
provide the organization with a perspective on the members'
and learning orientation (LO) and, revealing it as a factor in-
feelings about the factors affecting the intention to work long-
term at higher education institutions. As a result, the authors fluencing the decision to work at an organization for a long
propose exploring the talent retention model through leader- time.
ship styles, which will impact the aspects that employees in an Although the terms "leadership" and "talent retention"
organization feel would be interesting and relevant to them. have been researched for decades and in a variety of sectors,
The authors to guide this study will conduct two phases: quali- leadership and retention of talent in higher education organi-
tative research and quantitative research. To investigate the
zations is a relatively new subject of research that has re-
fundamental factors of leadership style behavior, relating to the
talent retention strategy of university leaders in Vietnam, qual- ceived little attention. Furthermore, throughout the protracted
itative research will be conducted on 8 universities in three re- impact of the covid-19 pandemic, higher education institu-
gions. North, Central, and South of Vietnam by semi-struc- tions will face a challenge in determining a more appropriate
tured interview method after interview questions with 8 leaders leadership style to guide the development of employees and
representing higher education institutions. Quantitative re- organizations. The author's intent in this study is to propose
search will be conducted by gathering data from lecturers, re-
an exploratory model and explore the role of RAR, OJ, and
searchers from organizations in order to test hypotheses based
on the findings of qualitative research. LO as intermediate variables in order to confirm the strong
Index Terms—Leadership styles, talent retention, reward impact of two leadership styles on activities connected to the
and recognition, learning orientation, organizational justice. organization's talent retention. The study focuses on the lead-
ership behavior of leaders in higher education institutions to
I. INTRODUCTION address this issue. The authors intend to increase knowledge
of higher education leadership and present new findings on
L EADERSHIP is frequently mentioned in human re-
source management as a vital aspect in retaining talent
[1]. The leader or manager must have in his hand an impor-
the leadership behavior's impact on strategic success in re-
taining talent in higher education institutions. The current
tant weapon: a suitable leadership style that allows him to study's goal was to look at the impact of two elements on tal-
fulfill both the demands of employees and the needs of the ent retention from their employment: the impact of leader-
employee's personal and organizational strengths. There are ship styles (transformational or transactional) and the mediat-
many elements that influence talent attraction and retention, ing roles of reward and recognition, organizational justice,
but the two most essential sets of factors that each organiza- and learning orientation in university.
tion must pay special attention to are factors connected to the
organization and its group of people [2]. Employee retention II. LITERATURE REVIEW
depends on the role of leadership and supervision, argues
A. Leadership styles and talent retention
that employees leave managers, not the organization [3]. As
a result, in order to be successful in its operations, a company Reference [6], leadership is the art of inspiring and assist-
must place a premium on the human component. ing others to accomplish things on their own initiative, rather
In today's educational environment, lecturers are a group than because they have been asked or are terrified of the
of highly educated individuals who teach as well as conduct repercussions of non-compliance. Influential leadership does
research. As a result, higher education institutions are contin- not imply that the leader has the ability to manage or direct
ually on the lookout for individuals who can contribute to personnel toward the goals that the leader desires; rather, the
both the organization's performance and the educational results are influenced by the leader's activities. employee ac-

©PTI 2021 315


tivities and conduct [7]. Research on employee talent reten- motivation, reward, recognition, passion, and effective talent
tion strategies by [8] indicates that the decision of employees management are some of the factors that leaders consider to
to engage with the organization is often strongly related to be effective businesses must address in order to mitigate
the type of leadership. This research proposes to investigate turnover rate and retain talented employees in the organiza-
the role of different leadership styles in influencing talent re- tion. [21]. Through previous studies, we have clarified the
tention including two styles transformational leadership and impression in a type of leadership on reward and recognition
transactional leadership. Transactional leadership is defined and shown the correlation between reward and recognition
by an exchange process in which followers comply with the and talent retention. This study proposes to examine the me-
leader's demands but fail to raise in inspiration and dedica- diating correlation between the type of leadership and talent
tion for a mission goal. [9]. On the other hand, according to retention through reward and recognition.
[10] transformational leadership is where the leader inspires,
C. Leadership styles and talent retention through
motivates, and encourages subordinates to always be deter-
mediating role organizational justice
mined and passionate about their work. Previous research has
highlighted the link between transformational leadership and One of management's most essential responsibilities is to
talent retention. [11, 12, 13]. establish a positive work environment for employees, which
This study uses the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire influences their decision to commit and stay with the com-
(MLQ-5X) as the specific tool to evaluate the behavior for pany even when alternative job prospects exist outside of it.
transformational and transactional leadership models [14]. [22]. Equity in the organization is demonstrated as the em-
The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ-5X) has ployee's perception of the perceived fairness that occurs in
been translated into many languages and used by scholars in the organization [23]. It is very important to perceive some-
their research around the world. In which, MLQ-5X evalu- thing that feels fair or unfair to an employee, which will af-
ates the behavior of transformational leadership based on 5 fect employee behavior i.e., desire to leave a job, job satis-
aspects including, idealized influence attributed; idealized in- faction of employees, commitment to work, and participation
fluence behavior; inspirational motivation, individualized in work [11]. There are many approaches to aspects of orga-
consideration and intellectual stimulation. In contrast, MLQ- nizational justice, but in this study, the authors will exploit
5X evaluates transactional leadership on four dimensions in- organizational justice from three aspects: interactional jus-
cluding laissez-faire; contingent reward; passive management tice, distributive justice, and procedural justice. Procedural
by exception; active management by exception. One of the Justice addresses perceptions regarding the fair rules and pro-
most essential concerns in today's organizations is retaining cedures governing a process [24]. The existence of this type
competent people. According to [15], The loss of highly of justice makes satisfaction with the organization [25], [26].
competent and well-trained employees is the most significant The perception of fairness is referred to as interactional jus-
cost associated with employee turnover. These expenses in- tice in treating individuals with each other [20]. It has to do
clude recruitment expenditures as well as other expenses with people's perceptions of compassion and respect when
made by the company to guarantee that a substitute employee making conclusions and looking at information. [27]. Dis-
is properly addressed and developed inside the company tributive justice addresses employees' perceptions of the fair-
[16]. In the field of education, especially in higher education, ness of the reward system [20]. Compared to other employ-
organizations are always looking for talented graduates from ees, an employee must believe that awards are distributed
home and abroad or with high academic qualifications to fairly and without discrimination, i.e. in proportion to their
work at universities. Therefore, retaining talent, even more, point of giving and effort. [28]. In particular, the authors be-
emphasizes its role after attracting talent to work for the or- lieve that in an academic environment, employees are con-
ganization. Organizations can have measures to attract talent, sidered as one of the most knowledgeable and highly quali-
but it does not mean that they will retain talented people who fied workers, therefore, the perception of organizational jus-
are committed to the organization in the long run. tice plays an important role in employing and retaining peo-
ple of the organization. Highly qualified workers, especially
B. Leadership styles and talent retention through in the field of education such as lecturers, will tend to move
mediating role reward and recognition to other educational institutions if they do not feel organiza-
Individuals are motivated to work better in the organiza- tional justice because they have enough knowledge and sen-
tion when they are rewarded and recognized. Whereas, com- sitivity to feel it justice where they work. Through previous
pliments, group celebrations, and written acknowledgment studies, we have clarified the influence of the type of leader-
are some examples of non-monetary rewards that might ben- ship and organizational justice [29] and showed the correla-
efit a group or team formation [17]. When an organization tion between organizational justice and talent retention [24],
has a good reward system in place, the employee is moti- [30]. This study proposes to examine the mediating role be-
vated to achieve high-level organizational goals, who feel tween leadership styles to talent retention through organiza-
safe and know that continual learning and career advance- tional justice.
ment are valued and encouraged [18]. According to, man-
D. Leadership styles and talent retention through
agers should build and implement efficient reward and
mediating role learning orientation
recognition systems for individuals to establish a balance be-
tween mutual aims, keeping employees with high morale to Learning orientation is defined as a fundamental attitude
encourage optimal organizational performance [19], [20]. toward learning, as well as organizational and managerial
Furthermore, a number of academic studies have found that traits that support learning in the organization. [25]. Learning
orientation provides potentially behavior-changing insights

[31] by impressing employees with their aspiration to contin-

uously build up and broaden their knowledge and abilities
[32]. Organizations want to keep their employees, it's critical
to pay attention to their learning and development goals. Al-
lowing employees to do more and learn more of what they
excel at motivates them to stay with the company. [33].
Higher education institutions are places where the learning
orientation of workers should be taken into account. Lectur-
ers are subjects who both play two important roles: teaching
and research. Therefore, the study orientation for this group
of workers is aimed at expanding knowledge, improving ex-
pertise in teaching, and supporting lecturers in conducting re-
search. Learning orientation is measured from four dimen-
sions including shared vision, intra-organizational knowl-
edge-sharing, commitment to learning and open-mindedness,
and [34], [35].
Leadership has an important role in sharing organizational
Fig.1.Conceptual Framework
learning, acquiring new knowledge, and applying this knowl-
edge to improve organizational performance [36]. Leadership ior; inspirational motivation, individualized consideration
creates an atmosphere of openness and mental safety for or- and intellectual stimulation. [46] . The scale has four factors
ganizational learning [37], [38], [39]. By modeling learning for transactional leadership: contingent reward; active man-
behavior, encouraging employees to offer new ideas, and as- agement by exception; passive management by exception;
suring knowledge distribution to stimulate creativity, trans- laissez-faire [46]. Research is divided into two processes in-
formational leaders provide critical support to employee cluding qualitative research and quantitative research. Quali-
learning and growth. Transformational leaders treat employ- tative research explores how leadership styles influence tal-
ees as independent individuals who show interest in their em- ent retention. Quantitative research based on qualitative re-
ployees' unique problems and approaches to work and create search is conducted based on a formal questionnaire with the
opportunities for growth. They transfer autonomy to their form of data collection from the responders who meet the
staff and use their superior knowledge and expertise to help conditions before entering the official data collection to meet
them grow. [40]. A positive association between transac- the level of satisfaction exactly that the research scope of the
tional leadership style and organizational learning has been topic is formed. In addition, quantitative research will test the
found in several researches [41], [42] , [43]. There’s a point relationships proposed in the research model through support
illustrating that transactional leadership behaviors improve tools.
and extend existing knowledge structures [42]. However,
other studies have shown a negative correlation between A. Qualitative Research
transactional leadership and learning [44]. Although there are many ways to collect data in qualitative
In addition, a number of researches have also shown the research, according to [47], the in-depth interview method is
relationship between learning orientation affecting talent re- the method used mainly and popularly in qualitative re-
tention, arguing that this is one of the vital elements for re- search. An in-depth interview is an exchange of views be-
taining talent in organizations [45]. Through previous stud- tween two people on an issue, in which the interviewer tries
ies, we have clarified the influence of the style of leadership to understand the issue based on the interviewee's point of
on learning orientation and showed the correlation between view. The semi-structured question-based in-depth interview
learning orientation and talent retention. This study proposes method gives the interviewer the freedom to dive deeply into
to examine the mediating role between leadership styles to the responders' thoughts, feelings, and motives in relation to
talent retention through learning orientation. the study problem [48]. On the other hand, it helps naturalize
From theoretical arguments, the authors propose to study the interview, enabling responders to express their experi-
the leadership styles relationship model to talent retention ences, ideas, and feelings more honestly.
through testing the mediating role of the following three Purposeful sampling is the purposeful selection of infor-
components: reward and recognition, organizational justice, mation-rich subjects [49], [50] to assist the researcher in best
learning orientation. In which leadership styles include trans- understanding the research question and phenomenon [47]
formational leadership and transactional leadership. and enables the researcher to meet the research topic's spe-
cific requirements. Therefore, in this study, the authors select
III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY the subjects to interview are 10 leaders with 5 years of man-
This study aimed to explore leadership styles that impact agement experience or more in higher education operating
talent retention through exploring mediating effects including for 5 years or more. The subjects that the authors propose to
reward and recognition, organizational justice, learning ori- conduct in-depth interviews should include leaders or man-
entation. By using a multifactor leadership questionnaire agers of both male and female genders, diverse professions,
(MLQ) to explore the behavior of two types of leaders. The and diverse ages. Through qualitative research, the authors
scale has five factors for transformational leadership includ- aim to receive sharing from school leaders in talent retention
ing idealized influence attributed; idealized influence behav- behavior through their organizations. Thereby discovering

more factors constituting leadership styles, affecting the that a leader needs to make to retain talent in a higher educa-
components considered as important strategies in retaining tion institution. However, the limitation of the model is that it
talent, including reward and recognition, organizational jus- has not exploited all aspects based on the characteristics con-
tice, learning orientation. stituting leadership styles, the model only clarifies the impact
Potential responders to interview in this research will be between leadership styles on talent retention through mediat-
selected on the basis of the following classification character- ing roles. Future framework research is proposed to explore
istics: (1) working in higher education institutions (2) experi- more factors affecting talent retention that this study has not
ence managing or leading for 5 years or more (3) higher edu- mentioned. In addition, the future research model should co-
cation institutions that have been inactive for more than 10 ordinate to explore the role of demographic variables that
years. After introducing the content and purpose of the study play the role of moderator variables in the model. Further-
and receiving the consent of the responders, the researcher more, the function of mediator factors can be investigated to
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