Ecodesign of Photovoltaic Grid-Connected Systems
Ecodesign of Photovoltaic Grid-Connected Systems
Ecodesign of Photovoltaic Grid-Connected Systems
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5 authors, including:
Stéphan Astier
University of Toulouse, Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse
All content following this page was uploaded by Jorge Raul Perez-Gallardo on 07 September 2020.
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Optimization approaches for PV grid-connected system (PVGCS) have focused on optimizing the tech-
Keywords: nical and economic performances. The main objective of this study is thus to propose an integrated
Optimum system sizing framework that manages simultaneously technical, economic and environmental criteria. Life Cycle
Photovoltaic grid-connected system Assessment (LCA) is applied for the evaluation of environmental impacts of PVGCS. The proposed
Environmental impact framework involves a PVGCS sizing simulator involving the computation of solar irradiance coupled to an
Life cycle assessment outer optimization loop, based on a Genetic Algorithm. The objective is to maximize the annual energy
Genetic algorithms
generated by the facility. The analysis was carried out for different types of solar panel technologies:
monocrystalline silicon (m-Si), polycrystalline silicon (p-Si), amorphous silicon (a-Si), cadmium telluride
(CdTe) and copper indium diselenide (CIS). The environmental impact assessment was achieved by use of
the IMPACT 2002þ method embedded in the SimaPro software tool with Ecoinvent database. The other
chosen criteria based on technical and economic aspects concern the payback time of investment (PBT)
and energy payback time (EPBT).
To select the best option among the five choices under study, a weighted evaluation is performed on all
criteria in order to obtain a score for each technology. The technology with the lowest total score is the a-Si
technology. A more relevant analysis is then performed taking into account the environmental impacts per
kWh produced, as new criteria. In this case, the CIS PV module technology best meets the objectives.
single objective evaluation, usually based on technical or economic Isotropic models assume that the intensity of the sky-diffused
criteria, and in few cases, on environmental criteria. radiation is uniform over the sky dome. Hence, the diffuse radiation
The goal of this work is to propose a system for generating incident on a tilted surface depends on the fraction of the sky dome
alternative configurations of PV power plants, taking into account seen by it. The most widely used model belonging to this category is
simultaneously three criteria based on technical, economic and the one developed by Liu and Jordan (presented in Ref. [23]).
environmental aspects, while considering different types of PV The second group of models assumes both, the anisotropy of the
solar technologies through an optimization method. In the first part sky diffused radiation in the circumsolar region (sky near the solar
of this paper, the analysis of a literature review reports the different disc) and, an isotropically distributed diffuse component from the
studies and tools that enable the modeling and design of a PVGCS. rest of the sky dome.
Secondly, the optimization approach is described in detail. Then,
the results obtained after the proposed methodology was tested 2.3. Output energy estimation
into single-objective studies are discussed. Finally, the major
contribution of this work is highlighted along with some ideas that The design of PVGCS must take into account the dimensions of
could be implemented in the future. the field, the balance of system components and, solar radiation
data. In addition, shading and masking affect the collector
2. Literature review deployment, by decreasing the incident energy on collector sur-
faces of the field.
System modeling forms a key part of the PV system design. It can In a solar field, an array of PV modules (collectors), are deployed
provide answers to a number of important issues such as the overall in different rows with spacing; this allows tilting and facilitates
array size, orientation and tilt, and the electrical configuration. The maintenance. In this arrangement, a collector may cast a shadow on
design criteria depend generally on the nature of the application. the adjacent row during the day, thus decreasing the amount of
The applications of PVGCS vary from small building integrated collected energy. This shading effect depends on the spacing be-
systems to PV power plants. Modeling tools are available to provide tween the collector rows, the collector height, the tilt angle, the row
solar radiation data, assess possible shading effects and produce the length and on the latitude of the solar field. The use of many rows of
resulting electrical layout of the array as presented in what follows. collectors, densely spread, not only increases the surface available
to transform solar irradiation, but also increases the shading.
2.1. PV system design and sizing tools The spacing, and consequently, shading has also an influence on
local environmental since it does not allow grass or farm crops to
When designing a PVGCS, it is very difficult to make an accurate grow between the PV panels. This aspect will not be studied in this
assessment of the power generation through photovoltaic conver- paper.
sion because it depends on many uncertain parameters. A wide The balance of system (BOS), that encompasses all the compo-
variety of software tools now exist for the analysis, simulation and nents of a photovoltaic system besides the photovoltaic panels, also
sizing of photovoltaic systems. These tools present different de- influences the estimation of the annual energy generated by the
grees of complexity and accuracy depending on the specific tasks facility because of the efficiency of the electrical components.
that each tool had been developed for. Examples of these sizing and
simulation tools are given in Table 1. In general, they involve the 2.4. Techniques for sizing PV systems
estimation of solar radiation (using a meteorological database or a
mathematical model) and/or the estimation of the energy gener- In any PVGCS, sizing represents an important part of the design.
ated by the system taking into account the characteristics and Besides being an economic waste, an oversized system can nega-
location of the PV components in the field (e.g. modules, the bal- tively affect further utilization of solar cells and energy generation.
ance of system), weather consideration and solar radiation. Undoubtedly, at the present stage of development of PV technology,
the major impediment to a wider market penetration is the high
2.2. Solar radiation investment costs of the PV systems [2].
The solar field design problem may be described by mathe-
Solar radiation on tilted surfaces is a very important aspect in matical expressions. The configuration of PV is based on criteria
the design of flat plate PV collectors for power plants. To eliminate such as the minimum field area required for producing a given
the effects of local features, solar radiation is measured on hori- amount of energy, the maximum energy generated from a given
zontal surfaces, free of obstacles. Consequently, solar radiation data field or minimum cost of investment.
is most often given in the form of global radiation on a horizontal There are recent methods developed for sizing the parameters
surface. Since PV modules are usually positioned at an angle to the for PVCGS based on Artificial intelligence (AI) and Genetic algo-
horizontal plane, the radiation input to the system must be calcu- rithm (GA) techniques [6,15,26e29].
lated from this data.
Global radiation on a tilted surface consists of three compo- 2.4.1. Genetic algorithm
nents, i.e., beam radiation, diffuse radiation and reflected radiation. Genetic algorithms (GA) are inspired by the way organisms
The calculation of irradiance arriving on a tilted surface, used as adapt to the harsh realities of life in a hostile world, i.e., by evolu-
input global horizontal data, raises two main problems, firstly, the tion and inheritance. The algorithm imitates, in the process, the
separation of the global horizontal radiation into its direct and evolution of population by selecting only fit individuals for
diffuse components and secondly, the estimation of the irradiance reproduction.
components incident on an inclined surface. GAs were envisaged by Holland in the 1970s as an algorithmic
Over the years, different models have been developed to esti- concept based on a Darwinian-type survival-of-the-fittest strategy
mate solar radiation over tilted surfaces [23e25]. These models can with sexual reproduction, where stronger individuals in the pop-
be classified as isotropic or anisotropic models. However, a large ulation have a higher chance of creating an offspring. A genetic
majority of these models use the same method of calculating beam algorithm is implemented as a computerized search and optimi-
and ground-reflected radiation, the main difference being the zation procedure that uses principles of natural genetics and nat-
treatment of the diffuse radiation. ural selection. The basic approach is to model the possible solutions
Table 1
System sizing and simulation programs.
Program Source Objective Type of system Main characteristics Resultants Advantages Inconvenient
CalSol Institut National Simulation and data Grid-connected, - Economic analysis tool - CO2 balance - Easy to handle - Only French meteorological
de l’Energie Solaire analysis stand-alone and - Report of yield production - Pre-sizing database
(INES), France of PV system DC-grid system and monthly irradiation - Available online - No PV components database.
- Economic report - Insufficient energy loss
calculation and
economic analysis
- No interconnection with
another program is
PVGIS Institute for Estimation of solar radiation Grid-connected - Meteorological database - Report of yield production - Easy to handle - Exclusive to Europe and Africa
Energy and simulation of a PV - Interactive maps - Monthly or daily radiation - Import meteorological - No PV components database
and Transport e system data - No energy loss calculation and
European - Available online economic analysis
Commission - No interconnection with
another program is
PVSOL Solar Design Design, simulation and Grid-connected - Extensive meteorological - Report of yield - Easy to handle - No interconnection with
Company, data analysis of PV and stand-alone and PV components database. production, efficiency "3D animation another program is
UK system - Calculation of shading losses of system and losses - Import of meteorological allowed
"3D design tool - Economic report data
- Economic analysis tool - Possibility of parameter
- Good quality results
PVsyst University of Sizing, design, simulation Grid-connected, - Extensive meteorological - Report of yield - Import of meteorological - Unfriendly use
Geneva, and data analysis of stand-alone and and PV components database. production, irradiation, data - Sizing restricted to collector
Switzerland PV system DC-grid system - Calculate shading losses efficiency of system "3D animation configuration
"3D design tool and losses - Possibility of parameter - No interconnection with
- Economic analysis tool - Economic report settings another program is
- Good quality results allowed
SolarPro Laplace System Design and simulation Grid-connected - Meteorological and PV - Report of yield - Easy to handle - No energy loss calculation and
Co., Japan of PV system components database production economic analysis
"3D design tool - No interconnection with another
- Calculation of shading losses program is allowed
to the search problem as binary strings. Various portions of these
bit-strings represent parameters in the search problem. If a
problem-solving mechanism can be represented in a reasonably
compact form, then GA techniques can be applied using procedures
to maintain a population that represent candidate solutions, and
then let that population evolve over time through competition
(survival of the fittest and controlled variation). A GA will generally
include the three fundamental genetic operations of selection,
crossover and mutation. These operations are used to modify the
chosen solutions and select the most appropriate offspring to pass
on to succeeding generations. GAs consider many points in the
search space simultaneously and have been found to provide a
rapid convergence to a near optimum solution in many types of
problems: in other words, they usually exhibit a reduced chance of
converging to local minima.
GA applications are appearing as alternatives to conventional Fig. 1. Functional flow diagram of the proposed methodology.
approaches and in some cases are useful where other techniques
have been completely unsuccessful. GAs are also used with intel- the system components and limitations on the design of the
ligent technologies such as neural networks, expert systems, and installation.
case-based reasoning. c) The evaluation of economic, technical and environmental
d) The optimization of the above criteria in order to generate
3. PVGCS optimization approach alternatives for the optimal configuration of PVGCS.
3.1.1. Components of hourly radiation on horizontal surface 3.1.2. Components of hourly radiation on tilted surface
Hourly irradiance received on the horizontal surfaces may be The most appropriate procedure to calculate the global irradi-
expressed by: ance on a tilted surface is to obtain separately the components to be
defined after, as expressed by:
G ¼ Gb þ Gd (2)
Gb ¼ Gb;b þ Gb;d þ Gb;r (5)
Presented in Ref. [23], Miguel et al. establish a correlation be-
tween the diffuse fraction of hourly global horizontal irradiance and
the clearness index. This correlation is given by the following Beam irradiance. The amount of beam irradiance on a tilted
expressions: surface can be calculated by multiplying the beam horizontal
irradiance by the beam ratio factor (rb).
0:995 " 0:081Kt if Kt < 0:21
Gd < Gb;b ¼ Gb rb (6)
¼ 0:724 þ 2:738Kt " 8:32Kt2 þ 4:967Kt3 if 0:21 $ Kt $ 0:76
0:180 if Kt > 0:76
(3) cos q
rb ¼ (7)
Then, the beam irradiance can be calculated by reformulating cos qz
Eq. (2) as follows: One consideration must be taken into account in calculating this
component, when the sun shines on the back of the surface (cos
q < 0) the irradiance on the PV modules is normally not utilized,
Gb ¼ G " Gd (4)
Gb,b ¼ 0. A factor max (0, cos q) is introduced in Eq. (7).
H ¼ Nr Hm (15)
The variables considered in this model are b, D, K, H where K is a Hsin b $ Emax (18)
discrete variable. The following constraints are also involved:
) The collector height H itself can be limited by the solar field
) The variation of the collector parameter values and distances are construction, maintenance and by PV module manufacturer, i.e.:
considered by the field width, i.e.:
) The space between collector rows D is less than the distance ) The collector tilt angle may vary in the range of 0' e90' :
Dmin, i.e.:
Fig. 5. Solar collector field. a) Position of two tilted collectors b) Solar collector configuration.
Fig. 8. Life Cycle Assessment framework.
Fig. 6. Shading by collectors in a stationary solar field [9].
1 if module in column j and row k is unshaded at hour t in day n
Mðj; k; t; nÞ ¼ (22)
0 if module in column j and row k is shaded at hour t in day n
365 X
X 24
Tm ðtÞ ¼ 20 þ 0:035Gb ðtÞ (24) Qout ¼ Nr Nc Qm ðt; nÞ
n¼1 t¼1
Nr X
365 X
X 24 X
þ ðK " 1Þ Mðj; k; t; nÞQm ðt; nÞ
Qm ðt; nÞ ¼ hAGb ðt; nÞ½1 þ Tk ðTm ðt; nÞ " 25Þ, (25) n¼1 t ¼1 k¼1 j¼1
The integration of eq (25) over a year predicts the annual energy The first part of the equation (26) represents the energy pro-
produced by a module. duced by the unshaded first collector and the second part com-
The yearly incident solar energy of the field is given by: prises the energy produced by the K"1 shaded collectors.
Human Toxicity
Respiratory effects
Human Health
Ionizing radiation
Photochemical oxidation
Terrestrial ecotoxicity
Inventory results
Aquatic acidification
Aquatic eutrophication
Climate Change
Terrestrial acid/nutri
Land occupation
Global warming
Non-renewable energy
Mineral extraction
Fig. 10. IMPACT 2002þ framework: Mid-point and End-point categories [42].
Table 3
Typical features of various commercial PV modules technologies.
each category. The computed relative impacts represent the ratio 5. Conclusions
between the environmental impact and this maximum value.
The result analysis shows that among seven of the 12 categories, The goal of the present work was to develop a new approach for
the highest impacts occur when m-Si technology is used to build generating alternative configurations of PV power plant by adding
the PV power plant e.g. in Global Warming category, where the CO2 an environmental assessment to the traditional way of determining
in the air is the reference flow, the installation with PV modules the optimum PV power plant configuration. An integrated frame-
based on m-Si, generates more kg of CO2 after the characterization work based on a PVGCS sizing simulator involving the computation
of all inventory flows. Likewise, for the Non-renewable Energy of solar irradiance coupled to an outer optimization loop was thus
category, the most MJ of non-renewable primary energy consumed designed and tested.
by the entire process evaluated within the boundaries set for the Our approach was applied to the maximization of annual energy
LCA study was found at installations with m-Si based PV modules. generation by the facility as the objective function. The analysis was
In spite of its low EPBT, the solar plant with CdTe modules has a carried out for different types of solar panel technology, with only
significant impact within the category of Non-carcinogens, i.e., the one technology assumed per field: monocrystalline silicon (m-Si),
characterization of the different flows in the inventory for CdTe polycrystalline silicon (p-Si), amorphous silicon (a-Si), cadmium
module installation results in a large amount of chloroethylene telluride (CdTe) and copper indium diselenide (CIS). The environ-
C2H3Cl into the air, a substance that affects human health. The mental impact assessment was achieved by use of the IMPACT
potential consequence is not related with carcinogenic effects. 2002þ method embedded in the SimaPro software tool with
To select the best compromise among the five alternatives Ecoinvent database. The 12 main midpoint impact categories were
proposed by our model relative to the set of possibilities, a computed for each configuration as well as PBT and EPBT. The result
weighted evaluation is performed for the 15 goals (maximizing analysis shows that among seven of the 12 environmental cate-
final energy generation output, minimizing PBT, minimizing EPBT gories, the highest impacts occur when m-Si and p-Si technologies
and minimizing 12 environmental impacts). First, a classification are used. Despite a low EPBT value, CdTe modules have a significant
for each solar plant configuration at each goal was made giving a impact within the category of Non-carcinogens.
value of 1 to the choice that best meets the objective and 5 the To select the best compromise among the five options proposed
worst. The value assigned to each choice in a given goal is multi- by our model, a weighted evaluation was then performed on all
plied by a weighting factor. This factor depends on the importance criteria in order to obtain a score for each technology. The alter-
of each of the goal for the person responsible for making the final native with the lowest total score was the a-Si technology. A similar
choice. An equal factor was assigned to the 15 goals. Then, the analysis was then performed by taking into account the environ-
scores obtained by each alternative are added to give a cumulative mental impacts per kWh produced as new criteria. In this case, the
score. As can be seen in Table 6, the alternative with the lowest total CIS PV module technology best meets the objectives.
score is the a-Si technology. Finally, this investigation highlighted that the early design stage
Another analysis is then performed taking into account the of PVGCS should take into account not only economic performance
energy generated by each configuration. This new analysis consists but also the environmental impacts as those proposed in LCA
in assessing the environmental impact per kWh produced, as methodology. The proposed framework is now extended to the
follows: multi-objective optimization case by considering simultaneously
the conflicting criteria. For this purpose, the selection of GAs will
facilitate an easy extension to a multi-criteria investigation, as
index ¼ (30) already carried out in previous investigations [32]. Another sug-
gestion is to extend the system boundaries to consider the recycling
The weighting factor is the same for all objectives. The results phase of the module.
are presented through radar charts normalized to unity (Fig. 13). It
can be highlighted that the PV technology with the higher ratio is Nomenclature
the one based on p-Si modules (7 of 12 categories). Although the
environmental impacts of m-Si based technology are higher, these A PV module area, m2
are offset by the large amounts of energy generated annually. D distance between collector rows, m
The same weighted evaluation is made for this analysis and the Dmin minimum distance between collector rows, m
results are reported in Table 7. The CIS PV module technology best E equation of time, min
meets the objectives. Emax maximum collector height above ground, m
Reviewing the results obtained from the weighted evaluation in FIs,i characterization factor
Tables 6 and 7, if all criteria have the same weights, the conversion Go extraterrestrial irradiance, W/m2
efficiency of PV module takes an important role depending on the Gon normal extraterrestrial irradiance, W/m2
form of the evaluation of the environmental categories. It may G global irradiance, W/m2
serve as a mitigating circumstance to the values reported for the Gb beam irradiance, W/m2
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