Unit 20 Student's Book PP 94-78
Unit 20 Student's Book PP 94-78
Unit 20 Student's Book PP 94-78
Getting started
Work with a partner. Look at the information and discuss the following questions.
Businesses always have a number of costs when they start up. Some of the most obvious include:
• premises costs • insurance
• legal costs (e.g. for a partnership agreement) • staff costs
• utilities (e.g. electricity bilis) • advertising and stock
1 How can you keep each of these initial expenses low?
2 What are some possible ways of getting the money to start up a new business?
3 Which do you think are the most common ways to fund a new business in your country?
Business support
1 Complete the definitions (1-5) with the words and
phrases from the box.
marketing director of 'a business support service The bo..nlc wilL look for rwJi,stic wge.ts, s~
called Entrepreneur. How many ways to get rnoney growtl1 AAci o.. strong ~ .
for a new business does she mention? T!:lPe.s of o..sse.ts to g(,(o..rAAtee bo..nlc loAAS:
7 ..
H~.H.H.H.H.H.~~.H.~~ S.
3 1 3 Listen to the interview again and complete the A c.ompAA!:lwl1i.cl1 provi.<ie.s sto..rt;-(,(p mon~ is o..
notes. c.oJ.Led..o.. ~ . firm.
A o(,(sine.ss AAgeL ~s o.. 10 . . H ••••
94 Starting up
Teenage entrepreneurs 2. Work in pairs. Take it in turns to tell each other in
your own words about the entrepreneur you read
Reading about, using questions (1-5) to help you.
1 Work in pairs. Each of you is going to read an
article about a teenage entrepreneur who set up his Grarnrnar workshop
own business. One student reads Text A, and the
other Text B on page 120. First ski m your text, and Which/who/that/where c1auses
then look at questions ,(1-5) below and make notes 1 Study the information and answer the questions
on the answers. (1-5).
1 What difficulties did the entrepreneur face when
which/who/that/where clauses
he was a child?
The words in ltalics are relative pronouns. They are
2 What projects or activities was he involved in
used in place of he, she, it or they to join two sentences
before he set up the business?
3 When did he get the idea for the business?
4 How did he raise the money to start up? Subject relative clauses
S How has the business grown? He was invited to attend the Chocolate Experience
It was held in Mexico.
He was invited to attend the Chocolate Experience
oel Mwale was born in Kenya. His father died when he
~ was seven and his family moved into a house with no He borrowed $5,000 from a rich farmer who/that lived
electricity or running water. The water that people used nearby.
In his village was often polluted and many people caught
diseases from it. In 2007, Joel beca me ill from drinking
Object relative clauses
polluted water and was taken to hospital. From his hospital' The water was often impure. People used it in his
bed, he decided to create a new borehole* which could village.
provide the people in the village with clean water. He took . The water (which/that) people used in his village was
the money that he was planning to use for his high school
often impure.
fees and set up the borehole on some nearby farmland.
He sent some samples to a chocolate buyer. He
Over one hundred people came to collect water from it
each day and the rates of infection from thought he would be interested.
polluted water in the village dropped He sent some samples to a chocolate buyer (who/that)
dramatically. he thought might be interested.
But now Joel had no money to pay Relative clauses with 'where
his school fees. He needed to raise
He moved the chocolate-making operation into his •
money, and so he started to think
about using the rain as a source
parents' garage. There was more space there.
of drinking water he could sell. He moved the chocolate-making operation into his
This was the beginning of Joel's parénts' garage where there was more space.
business, Skydrop Enterprises. He
borrowed $5,000 from a rich farmer
who lived nearby and bought a water
·1 Which relative pronoun is used only for things?
purifier which could be used for rainwater. whial
The rainwater was then bottled and sold as drinking water. 2 Which relative pronoun is used only for people?
Joel admits he got the idea from other companies, like
Coca-Cola, who have done something similar.
3 Which relative pronoun is used only for places?
Skydrop Enterprises now sells thousands of bottles of water
each month and the profits have allowed him to pay school
4 When is it possible to leave out the relative
fees for himself and for his brothers, as well as feed his
pronoun? ..
family. He employs five full time workers at his production
plan! and the bottled water is sold as far away as Uganda. S Find another example of subject and object
relative clauses in the two texts.
* borehole: a deep hole made in order to get water out of
the ground
Startingup 95
2 The following letter was written to the owner of a 4 The training is for members of staff work in the
cake shop which specialises in southern European customer services department.
products. Read the letter, and then rewrite the pairs S 1 am writing to complain about the service 1
of sentences in italics (1-5), joining them with a received.
relative pronoun. Do not use that. 6 There was a short delay occurred because of a
computer failure.
Company background
1 HW~.H.~~ ~H.I1~ ...ºº!YlP~!J..\'Jbi,c,l1..?p~s.~?H
.... .. Kalido is a company which provides software for data manage-
ment. It has offices in the USA, the UK and India. Its clients include
.iA:1...~.~ ...pr:o~<:-t4mgf.(;,r.~.HP~?t.r:~?:H .. Shell and Unilever.
1 Work in pairs. Read the first paragraph of the text
and discuss the question below.
96 Starting up
2 Skim the rest of the article to find the paragraph 4 Skim the article again to see íf it contains any
that gives the reason. useful collocations and record them in your
notebook .
3 Andy Hayler worked for Shell, the petroleum Having a great idea is not enough to start up a new
giant, in the UK. While he was there, he spotted business. You need to 1$pen~. a great deal of time
the need for a new data management package. on market research and deciding who your customers
Shell also realised that they needed a system that will be. Ooing this properly will 2 both time
and money later. The most important thing is often
could monitor the vast amounts of data from their
belief. You need to believe in your product enough to be
many different businesses, and so they agreed to
prepared to 3 'nn time, effort and, ves, your own
act as venture capitalists and invest in his idea. money in making it work.
For two years, they pumped money into Hayler's And if the idea is not a success? Oon't feel you have to
new software venture within Shell. 4.. . time and money on something of no
benefit. You may be able to go back to your original idea
4 Hayler had to identify a market to tap into and
later and change it or use parts of it for something else.
produce a detailed business plan, just as if he
was obtaining funding from anywhere else. The
main difference was in the amount of funding that 2 Look back at the text and underline the
Shell provided. The first funding to launch the prepositions used after the following verbs.
company was an astonishing $11 million.
1 spend 2 waste 3 invest
5 As a result, Kalido expanded very quickly indeed
compared with most new ventures. lust ayear 3 Verbs which usually describe water are also often
later, Kalido opened its first sales office in the used to talk about money or markets. Cashflow is
USA.Then two years after starting up, it broke an example of this. Look at paragraphs 3 and 4 of
its ti es with Shell. Kalido's software is now used the text and underline two more water verbs.
by many large organisations including Unilever,
Philips and Proctor and Gamble. 4 Complete the following sentences (1-4) with a water
verb from the box. Change the tense of the verb if
6 'Kalido was something of an unusual case in
getting its initial funding from a large corporation,'
Hayler admits. 'However, what we did was dry up flood pumplpour tap into
concentrate on a real customer problem and
develop software directly to meet that need. Other 1 The company hasP()(.(re4/pl,Ar:op~ a lot of money
companies starting up could do the same thing.' into their South American venture.
Starting up 97