Bulletin 011512
Bulletin 011512
Bulletin 011512
1st visit
Name:__________________________ Address:________________________ City/State/Zip:___________________ Phone:__________________________ Email:__________________________ Birthdate:_______ Spouses:_______ Childrens Names and Birthdates:
In the Cafe
Senior Pastor Dr. Mitch Weissman Phone: 813.758.4007 Executive Pastor Brother Fred Wright Phone: 813.455.9072 Spanish Minister Brother John Foxx Phone: 813.478.5754 Communications Director Brother Kevin MacKenzie Phone: 813.704.0433 Financial Secretary Ellen Sellers Phone: 813.752.7209
NEXT Saturday, Jan. 21st 10am to 6pm A donation for admission. Chicken dinner only $8.00 Taking place at the Hillsborough Fair Grounds. Contact Bro. Mitch for more information or to sign up for this special youth event! All monies go to Frontline Prison Ministries.
CONTACT INFORMATION FBC Midway 2902 Midway Road Plant City, FL 33565 Phone: 813-752-7209 email: info@fbcmidway.org website: www.fbcmidway.org Office Hours are: Monday - Friday 9am to 5pm
for all youth, young adults & young at heart FBC Midway - Making Disciples
Doors open at 6:30pm - no admission charge
Regular Attender
Today at 2:00pm in The Chapel, learn to speak Spanish! Our very own Spanish Pastor, John Foxx will have you speaking Spanish before you can Last Week: Month To Date: say, Hola Amigos. Its FREE. Monthly Need: Every Sunday at 2:00pm!
A taste of Paradise
Dinner & A Movie! Saturday, February 11th 5:00pm in the church Caf Tickets are only $15 each on sale until February 4th
A Childrens Camp Fundraiser. Call the church office at 813.752.7209 for more information.
For more information about being Baptized call the church office at 813-752-7209
Caf Bible Study for all ages Worship Service Kidz Church (check-in 10:15) Christian Discipleship
(in the Caf with Bro. Mitch) Spanish Service (The Chapel)
Womens Bible Study
(in the Caf - dinner included)
Spanish Bible Study (The Chapel) 6:00pm
Dinner in the Caf 5:30pm Midweek Service (The Chapel) 6:30pm Youth Service 6:30pm Kidz Church 6:30pm Choir Practice 6:30pm LIFE GROUPS (off campus meetings) Small Groups meeting in homes different days, times and places. Call the church office to request more information. (813) 752-7209
is Jonah: Navigating a life Its Wear Your Favorite Team Jersey or T-Shirt Day! Interrupted. by Priscilla Shirer. Our very own, Valerie Harwell, The Personnel Committee, the Any sport welcome; is our facilitator for this Administrator and the Senior Football, Basketball, Bible study! Join us for 7 weeks Pastor have presented a job offer Hockey, Soccer, Baseball, of a great book of the Bible, to Cole Dodd as our new Worship any sport! Dont forget, fellowship with many other Pastor. He has accepted the call awesome sisters, dinner and and now the church body will be Sunday, February 5th! asked to affirm the work of the committee in todays service.
Family 5 pack $15 - check here ____ ( mix of adults & kids )
( Children are ages 12 and under ) Please make checks out to: Joe Castagno
Join us for a great Bible study and a free dinner each Monday night.
Audio and video of previous messages from Bro. Mitch are available on our church website www.fbcmidway.org
dessert, and learning and loving through everyone there! We meet every Monday night at 6:00pm for fellowship, and 6:30pm - 8:30pm study. The study books are only $12.00 so please contact Sabrina Westenbarger with questions at: (813) 758-7717 or email her at: Sabrina@fbcmidway.org Thank you and God Bless!
Reservations by phone should be no later than the close of business day on Monday. Call the church office at: 813-752-7209
To make a reservation for this coming Wednesday, please fill out this slip and drop it in the offering plate. If writing a check for dinner, do not put it in the offering plate just your RSVP slip please. Thank you.
First time visitors eat FREE! Check Here