Materi Ke-5 Rights and Responsibilities

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Nama : Rochmad Nur Kholis

Nim : 23710463

Fakultas : Hukum

Program Studi : S1 – Ilmu Hukum

5Th meeting
Read the text below, then answer the question!


The right and responsibilities that make up a democratic system are not unlimited, of
course. Some restrictions are necessary. There are limited of fair play, of common sense, of
safety. While people in democracy are free, they may not injure the health or the good name of
others. Recognizing these necessary limits, let us examine the substance of democracy.
First of all, there is freedom of speech and the press. This means that all citizens have the
rights to speak their minds without fear of punishment. A person who can not speak think freely.
Citizens in a democracy may join a meeting or convention to support their government
and to debate a policy. They may argue, pass resolutions, or send petitions to the mayor or to the
Sovereignty is the heart of democracy. It means that the people are supreme, not king, not
a leader, not a clique of despots, but the people. The have no heredatery rights in their jobs. They
may not hold office by force or fraud. Citizens in a democracy may belong to the party or their
Civil rights include the right to vote, to hold office, to have a fair trial to enjoy the
priveleges of full citizenship.
1. Are the rights and responsibilities of a citizen in a democratic state limited? Explain your
• No, they aren’t. Because citizens has freedom of speech and the press. Beside that
they may join a meeting or convention to support their government to announce
their argue or petitions like as their opinion

2. What is meant by freedom of speech and press?

• This means that all citizens have the rights to speak their minds without fear of

3. What is the central idea of paragraph 4?

• Sovereignty is the heart of democracy it means that the people are supreme

4. What is meant by the motto “the people are supreme”

• People who have the highhest position. Their jobs and hold office can not give the
impact more than the people.

5. In which article of the 1945 constitution do we find the ideas of paragraph 4 above?
• Yes, we do. We can find that ideas in fourth aline of UUD 1945 constitutions

6. What are the civil right according to the text?

• Civil rights include the right to vote, to hold office, to have a fair trial to enjoy the
priveleges of full citizenship

7. They may argue, pass resolution........(par 3) what does the word “they” refer to?
• Citizens in a democracy

8. What is the meaning of sentence: they have no heredaty right in their jobs?
• Their work will not affect and hinder their sovereign freedom as a people

9. What are the right of Indonesia citizens according to the 1945 Constitution?
• The right to work and a decent living: "Every citizen has the right to work and a
living that is worthy of humanity" (Article 27 paragraph 2).
• The right to live and defend life: "everyone has the right to live and the right to
defend his or her life and livelihood" (Article 28A).
• The right to form a family and continue offspring through a legal marriage"
(Article 28B paragraph 1).
• The right to survival. "Every child has the right to survive, grow and develop."
The right to develop oneself and fulfill one's basic needs and the right to receive
education, science and technology, arts and culture in order to improve the quality
of one's life for the welfare of human life." (Article 28C paragraph 1)
• The right to advance oneself in fighting for one's rights collectively to develop
one's society, nation and state." (Article 28C paragraph 2).
• The right to recognition, guarantees, protection and fair legal certainty as well as
equal treatment before the law.” (Article 28D paragraph 1).
• The right to own private property. The right to life, the right not to be tortured, the
right to freedom of thought and conscience, the right to religion, the right not to
be enslaved, the right to be recognized as a person before the law, and the right
not to be prosecuted on the basis of laws that apply retroactively are human rights
that are not can be reduced under any circumstances.” (Article 28I paragraph 1)

10. What are the responsibilities of Indonesian citizens according to the 1945 Constitution?
• Must obey the law and government. Article 27 paragraph (1) of the 1945
Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia reads: "all citizens have equal status
under the law and government and are obliged to uphold the law and government
without exception."
• Must participate in national defense efforts. Article 27 paragraph (3) of the 1945
Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia states: "every citizen has the right and
obligation to participate in efforts to defend the country."
• Must respect the human rights of others. Article 28J paragraph 1 says: "Everyone
is obliged to respect the human rights of others."
• Must comply with restrictions stipulated by law. Article 28J paragraph 2 states:
"In exercising his rights and freedoms, every person is obliged to comply with
restrictions determined by law with the aim of ensuring recognition and respect
for the rights and freedoms of other people and to fulfill fair demands in
accordance with moral considerations and values. religious values, security and
public order in a democratic society.”
• Must participate in national defense and security efforts. Article 30 paragraph (1)
of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia states: "every citizen has the
right and obligation to participate in national defense and security efforts."

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