Ikeuchi 2003
Ikeuchi 2003
Ikeuchi 2003
Masako Ikeuchi,1,2 Atsuo Ito,1 Yoshiko Dohi,3 Hajime Ohgushi,1 Hideki Shimaoka,3 Kunio Yonemasu,3
Tetsuya Tateishi1
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Tissue Engineering Research Center
(TERC), 3-11-46 Nakouji, Amagasaki, Hyougo 661-0974, Japan
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Nara Medical University, 840 Shijo-cho, Kashihara,
Nara 634-8522, Japan
Department of Public Health, Nara Medical University, 840 Shijo-cho, Kashihara, Nara 634-8522, Japan
Abstract: Rat and human bone marrow cells (BMCs) were surface, and the addition of 100 M of free ZnCl2 (6.5
cultured on a composite ceramic of zinc-containing -trical- g/mL) to the culture medium significantly increased the
cium phosphate and hydroxyapatite (ZnTCP/HAP) with a ALP activity of the BMCs relative to the culture medium
(Ca⫹Zn)/P molar ratio of 1.60 and varying zinc contents. without the ZnCl2 addition. The maximum zinc concentra-
After a 2-week culture of the BMCs in the presence of tion required to enhance mineralization was higher in hu-
-glycerophosphate and dexamethasone, many macroscopic man BMCs than in rat BMCs. The present study demon-
mineralized areas with high alkaline phosphatase (ALP) strates the superiority of ZnTCP/HAP ceramics over TCP/
activity were seen on the ZnTCP/HAP ceramic disks. The HAP in supporting the osteogenic differentiation of BMCs,
ALP activity increased with increasing zinc content in the and thus these ceramics are safe and useful in clinical set-
ceramics. The highest ALP activity was observed when the tings, such as for bone reconstructive surgery. © 2003 Wiley
BMCs were cultured on the ceramics with 1.26 wt % zinc, Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res 67A: 1115–1122, 2003
and the ceramics released zinc ions at concentrations from
2.2 to 7.2 g/mL into the culture medium. Zinc ions were
incorporated into mineralized areas produced by BMCs. Key words: zinc; TCP/HAP; bone marrow cell; alkaline
BMCs also were directly cultured onto the culture dish phosphatase; osteogenesis
ferentiation. However, these data were obtained using was mixed with TCP and HAP powders, maintaining a
cells that cannot be applied in a clinical situation. (Ca⫹Zn)/P molar ratio of 1.60. The mixed powders were
From a clinical viewpoint of the application of ground, passed through a 75-m sieve, supplemented with
ZnTCP/HAP as bone graft substitutes, it is essential to 3 wt % poly(vinyl alcohol) and 1 wt % poly(ethylene glycol),
pressed at 98 MPa, and, finally, sintered at 1100°C for 1 h to
clarify the effect of ZnTCP/HAP on bone formation in
obtain sintered disks of ZnTCP/HAP composite ceramics.
humans. To assess the optimum zinc content, we eval- The size of the disks was 14 mm in diameter and 1 mm in
uated the effect of ZnTCP/HAP on osteogenic differ- thickness. Disks of six different zinc contents (0, 0.32, 0.63,
entiation using in vitro mouse osteoblastic cell cultures 0.88, and 1.26 wt %) were prepared.
and in vivo implantation in rabbits.4,5 However, it is
still unclear whether or not the optimum zinc content
of ZnTCP/HAP depends on animal species. Plasma
zinc concentrations are roughly the same between hu- Rat bmc preparation and culture
man and rat. Thus a comparative study of osteogenic
differentiation in human and rat cell cultures on BMCs were obtained from the bone shafts of femora of
ZnTCP and ZnTCP/HAP would provide information Fischer 344, male, 7-week-old rats. Both ends of the femora
that could verify whether optimum zinc content is were cut away from the epiphysis, and the marrow was
determined by plasma zinc concentration or by spe- flushed out using 10 mL of the culture medium with a
cies-specific factors. If the comparative study could be 21-gauge needle syringe. The released cells were collected in
performed using clinically available cells, such as hu- two T-75 flasks (Costar Co., Cambridge, MA) containing 15
man bone marrow cells, it also would determine the mL of an Eagle’s Minimal Essential Medium (MEM; Nakalai
optimum zinc content for clinical applications. Tesque, Inc. Kyoto) containing 15% fetal bovine serum (JRH
Biosciences, Lenexa, KS) and antibiotics (100 units/mL of
There are two stem cell lineages in marrow cell
penicillin, 100 g/mL of streptomycin, and 0.25 g/mL of
populations, namely, the hematopoietic and the stro-
amphotericin B, Sigma Chemicals Co., St. Louis, MO). Cul-
mal, which give rise to committed progenitors of dif- tures were maintained for 1 week until confluence in a
ferent cell lines, including osteogenic cells.7 Stromal humidified atmosphere of 95% air and 5% CO2 at 37°C.
stem cells, later termed mesenchymal stem cells, are The confluent cells were released from their culture sub-
part of cultured cells adherent to the culture dish strata using 0.25% trypsin. After trypsinization, the cells
surface.8,9 Treated with dexamethasone (Dex), these were seeded at 20 ⫻ 103 per 16-mm- Falcon tissue well
adherent cells can show osteoblastic differentiation with and without ceramic disks for subculture. Just before
that results in mineralization (in vitro bone forma- cell seeding, five different disks (ZnTCP/HAP; TCP/HAP
tion).10 The mineral consists of poorly crystallized hy- containing 0, 0.32, 0.63, 0.88, or 1.26 wt % Zn) were placed in
droxyapatite that is similar to bone mineral. the wells.
The subcultures were performed with 1 mL of the stan-
This culture technique is useful for determining the
dard medium supplemented with 10 mM of -glycerophos-
effects of various factors on osteogenesis; it is a means
phate (Merck Japan Co., Tokyo) and 82 g/mL of vitamin C
of observing biomaterials/bone tissue interactions.11 phosphate (Wako Pure Chemical Industries, Osaka) with or
And when human marrow cells are used, the culture without 10 nM of Dex (Sigma Chemicals Co.) for 2 weeks.
can be used in clinical situations.9 In the present study, The culture medium was changed three times a week. The
Dex-treated rat and human bone marrow cells (BMCs) culture conditions essentially were the same as those re-
were cultured on ZnTCP/HAP disks with a ported by Maniatopoulos et al.,10 with minor modifications.
(Ca⫹Zn)/P ratio of 1.60 and varying zinc contents in The 2-week subculture with Dex showed extensive miner-
order to clarify the effect of ZnTCP/HAP on their alization (in vitro bone formation).11
osteogenic differentiation.
The confluent cells were released from their culture sub- antibiotics) supplemented with 10 mM of -glycerophos-
strata using 0.25% trypsin. After trypsinization, the cells phate and 82 g/mL of vitamin C phosphate. The medium
were seeded at 10 ⫻103 per 16-mm- Falcon tissue well. was changed to a fresh one on days 2, 4, 7, 9, 11, and 14. At
Some experiments also were performed using a cell density each medium change, the supernatant of the old culture
of 10 ⫻103 per 16-mm- well. To determine the optimum medium was obtained, mixed with 12N of hydrochloric acid
concentration of Dex for osteogenesis in human BMC cul- solution at a volume ratio of 2% and analyzed for zinc
ture, subcultures were performed with 1 mL of the standard concentration using an atomic absorption spectrometer (AA-
medium supplemented with 10 mM of -glycerophosphate, 610S; Shimadzu Co., Kyoto).
82 g/mL of vitamin C phosphate, and 10 or 100 nM of Dex
for 2 weeks. As controls, cultures without Dex also were
To determine the effect of the ZnTCP/HAP ceramics, Effect of zinc on in vitro bone formation by rat and
subcultures at a cell density of 10 ⫻ 103 per 16-mm- well human bmcs
were performed with 1 mL of the standard medium supple-
mented with 10 mM of -glycerophosphate and 82 g/mL The rat and human primary cultured cells were seeded at
of vitamin C phosphate with or without 100 nM of Dex for 20 ⫻ 103 and 10 ⫻ 103 cells per 16-mm- Falcon tissue well,
2 weeks. The 2-week subculture showed obvious mineral- respectively, for subculture without ZnTCP/HAP disks. The
ization (in vitro bone formation).13 The ceramics were placed subculture was performed with 1 mL of the standard me-
in the medium as described in the above-mentioned rat dium supplemented with 10 mM of -glycerophosphate, 82
BMC culture. g/mL of vitamin C phosphate, 10 nM (in rat subculture) or
100 nM (in human subculture) of Dex, and 100 or 500 M of
ZnCl2 (a zinc concentration of 6.5 or 32.7 g/mL, respec-
Assessment of alkaline phosphatase (alp) activity After 2 weeks of the subculture, ALP activity was mea-
in cultures of rat and human bmcs on zntcp/hap sured as described above. Then calcium was extracted from
the mineralized areas (in vitro bone) with 0.5 mL of 20%
formic acid for 1 week at 4°C. An aliquot of the formic acid
Alp staining of bmcs extract was diluted with strontium solution. Calcium con-
centration was determined using an atomic absorption spec-
Subcultured rat and human cell layers on the disks were
washed twice with PBS, then fixed with 0.4% paraformalde-
hyde/PBS for 10 min. They then were rinsed with 56 mM of
2-amino-2-methylpropandiol (AMP) buffer (pH 9.9) and
stained with 0.5 mg/mL of naphthol-AS-MX phosphate so- RESULTS
dium salt and 0.5 mg/mL of fast red violet B in 56 mM of
AMP buffer for 10 min. After staining, the disks were rinsed Bmc cultures (primary culture)
with tap water.
Consistent cell growth was observed in the rat BMC
Measurement of alp activity primary culture, which reached confluence at 1 week.
In contrast, the extent of cell growth varied in human
Subcultured rat and human cell layers on the disks were
BMC primary culture and 10 days to 2 weeks of cul-
washed twice with PBS. A small amount (0.2 mL) of 0.2% ture was needed to reach confluence.12 Under the
Nonidet P-40 (NP-40) containing 1.0 mM of MgCl2 was primary culture conditions, the medium (standard
added to the culture well, and the mixture was incubated at medium) did not contain Dex and -glycerophos-
4°C for 1 h. The supernatant was assayed for ALP activity phate, which were added in the subsequent subcul-
using p-nitrophenylphosphate as the substrate in 56 mM of ture conditions, under which the rat/human BMCs
AMP buffer (pH 9.9) containing 1.0 mM of MgCl2, as de- showed a fibroblast-like shape and did not show min-
scribed previously.11 ALP activity was defined as the eralized areas even after confluence.
amount in mol of p-nitrophenol released after a 30-min
incubation at 37°C.
Figure 2. (A) Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) staining of rat BMCs on Falcon tissue well after a 2-week culture in the presence
(⫹) or absence (⫺) of Dex. (B) ALP staining of rat BMCs on ZnTCP/HAP disks after a 2-week culture in the presence of Dex.
Zn: 0, Zn: 0.32, Zn: 0.63, Zn: 0.88, and Zn: 1.26 indicate the cell cultures on TCP/HAP, ZnTCP/HAP with 0.32 wt % Zn;
ZnTCP/HAP with 0.63 wt % Zn; ZnTCP/HAP with 0.88 wt % Zn; and ZnTCP/HAP with 1.26 wt % Zn, respectively.
ever, zinc concentration was maintained at 2.2 g/mL creased ALP activity, the calcium content was signif-
for 14 days. icantly lower in the rat BMC culture in the presence of
100 M of ZnCl2 than in the absence of ZnCl2. There-
fore, 100 M of ZnCl2 inhibited bone matrix formation
Effect of the addition of zn ions in the rat BMC culture.
on subcultured bmcs In contrast, no inhibition was observed in the hu-
man BMC culture at 100 M of ZnCl2 (Fig. 7). In the
In both rat and human BMCs, the ALP activities presence of 500 M of ZnCl2, the ALP activities and
were significantly higher in the presence of 100 M of calcium contents in both rat and human BMCs were
ZnCl2 than in the absence of ZnCl2 (Fig. 6). This zinc extremely low. Microscopic examination of the culture
concentration corresponds to that of the culture me- revealed a very low number of cells, probably due to
dium that contained the disk of ZnTCP/HAP with the cytotoxic effect of the high zinc concentration. The
1.26 wt % Zn in the initial 2 days. Despite the in- cytotoxicity suppressed cell division, resulting in low
Figure 3. (A) ALP staining of human BMCs on Falcon tissue wells after a 2-week culture in the presence (⫹) or absence (⫺)
of Dex. (B) ALP staining of human BMCs on ZnTCP/HAP disks after a 2-week culture in the presence of Dex. Zn: 0, Zn: 0.32,
Zn: 0.63, Zn: 0.88, and Zn: 1.26 indicate the cell cultures on TCP/HAP; ZnTCP/HAP with 0.32 wt % Zn; ZnTCP/HAP with
0.63 wt % Zn; ZnTCP/HAP with 0.88 wt % Zn; and ZnTCP/HAP with 1.26 wt % Zn, respectively.
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