Class 12 Customizing and Embedding Multimedia Notes
Class 12 Customizing and Embedding Multimedia Notes
Class 12 Customizing and Embedding Multimedia Notes
Customizing & Embedding
Multimedia components in
You will learn
Browser Support
The first web browsers had support for text only, limited to a
single font in a single color. Later came browsers with support
for colors and fonts, and even support for pictures!
The support for sounds, animations, and videos is handled
differently by various browsers. Different types and formats
are supported , and some formats require extra helper
programs (plug-ins) to work.
Method 1
3. You'll add 4 parameters to the object. The first is "src" that tells the browser where to find
the sound file. In this example, the sound file is eureka.wav and is found in the same
directory as the Web page:
<param name="src" value="eureka.wav" />
4. If you want the sound file to play immediately after it's loaded, make the autostart parameter
"true" otherwise make it "false":
<param name="autostart" value="true" />
5. The parameter autoplay is similar to autostart, just used by other browsers, set it the same as
the autostart parameter:
<param name="autoplay" value="true"/>
6. Use the controller parameter to tell the browser if a controller should be displayed to give
your readers more control over the sound:
<param name="controller" value="true" />
8. Add the following four attributes that are the same as the parameters to the object:
<embed src="eureka.wav" controller="true" autoplay="true" autostart="True" />
9. Add the correct MIME type for your sound file into the type attribute:
10. Add the plugins page attribute so that people who don't have the correct plugin for your sound
file can go download it. For WAV files, recommended QuickTime:
11. When you're done, your HTML should look like this:
<param name="autostart" value="true">
<param name="src" value="eureka.wav">
<param name="autoplay" value="true">
<param name="controller" value="true">
<embed src="eureka.wav" controller="true" autoplay="true" autostart="True"
type="audio/wav" />
Method 2
Make a hyperlink directly to the audio file using the following code (change
"audiofilename.wmv" to your own file name):
A link is created like this: Click here to listen audio. When the end user clicks this hyperlink,
their Windows Media Player will open and load the audio file for playing.
2. Create your video as a .mov or .mp4 file - and then upload it to your Web server
3. Write down the full URL to your video file - you'll need it when you write your HTML.
There are two attributes that you need to include to get the video to play correctly:
Class id="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B"
5. You'll also want to set the width and height of the object - set the width to the width of
the movie and the height to the height plus 15-20 pixels extra to include the controls.
8. The only parameter that you need is the src parameter - this tells the browser where to
find the movie to play. Set the src attribute to the URL of your movie:
9. Some other parameters that can be useful to control your video and make it more user-
friendly are:
controller - this can be true or false. Remember that most people get very
frustrated if they cannot control multimedia elements on Web pages that they visit.
So I strongly recommend setting this to true.
autoplay - this can be true or false. Autoplay also annoys customers. They want to
decide when and whether to watch the video. So I strongl recommend setting this
to false.
10. Inside the <object> tag, place the following parameters:
If it is very important to you that all your pages validate, then you should not include this
section. But remember that only people with some browsers like Safari and Opera will
be able to view your video.
The embed tag should look like this. Note that all the fields are the same as the :
Embedding Flash File.
Method 1: Using Dreamweaver to insert SWF file to webpage
Dreamweaver is a visual HTML editor with built-in objects that allow you to easily insert Flash
content. The required HTML tags are automatically inserted by Dream weaver.
1. Copy the SWF file to the same folder as the HTML document.
2. In Dreamweaver, select the location of the page where you wish to add the Flash content
(including inside a div, table cell or frame).
3. Click the Insert Flash button in Dreamweaver's Object palette, or choose Insert> Media >
Flash. Browse to and choose the SWF file.
4. Upload both the SWF and HTML files to your Web server, placing them in the same directory.
If you need to incorporate the flash slideshows created by Photo Slideshow Maker into an
existing HTML or other type of webpage document, a better way is manually adding the proper
Web page must contain tags that reference the actual Flash movie file to be opened and
played. These tags are the <OBJECT> and <EMBED> tags.
The OBJECT tag is used by Internet Explorer on Windows and the EMBED is used by
Netscape Navigator (Macintosh and Windows) and Internet Explorer (Macintosh) to direct the
browser to load the Macromedia Flash Player.
2. Copy the HTML code included in the <object> and <embed> tags (see example below) and
paste it into the existing HTML document. This should contain the <OBJECT> and <EMBED>
<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"
codebase=",0,0,0" width="777" height="528" id="tech" align="middle">
<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
<param name="movie" value="showcase/flash/fashionshow.swf" />
<param name="quality" value="high" />
<embed src="showcase/flash/fashionshow.swf" quality="high" width="777"
height="528" name="tech" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain"
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pluginspage="" />
In this case, showcase/flash/ is the folder directory, while the fashionshow.swf is the SWF file
3. Open the existing webpage page, and paste the <object> and <embed> tags into the
desired location in the body of the document. This can also be pasted into a table cell or
Change the height and width parameters to match the height and width of the movie
5. Upload the HTML and SWF files to the same folder on the Web server.
1. Multimedia comprises text, sound, graphics, image and video. Multimedia comes in many
different formats.
2. Pictures, music, sound, videos, records, films, animations are example of multimedia.
3. The first web browsers had support for text only, limited to a single font in a single color.
4. Plug-ins are the extra helper program of web browser.
5. MPEG, AVI, and WMV are example of common video format.
6. MIDI, RealAudio, and WMA are example of audio format.
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s to
A. Fill in the blanks:
i. Multimedia comprises text, sound, ___________, image and video.
v. _____________ is visual HTML editor with built in objects that allow you to easily
iv. Plug – ins are extra format to play audio in web page.
v. WMA is example of audio format.
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In the lab
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1. Create a web page which has information on Mr. Amitabh Bacchan with one link to the audio
of him. When user click on the given link, it should play Mr.Bacchan voice.
2. Create a web page on “Save Tiger” which has some information on tiger with one link to the
video. When user click on the given link, it should play video on Save Tiger.
3. Create a web page which has link to the download the missing Plug –ins for the web page.