Konev-Mathematics Preparatory Course Trigonometry and G1
Konev-Mathematics Preparatory Course Trigonometry and G1
Konev-Mathematics Preparatory Course Trigonometry and G1
V.V. Konev
Томского политехнического университета
UDС 517
V.V. Konev. Mathematics, Preparatory course. Trigonometry and
Geometry. Textbook. Tomsk, TPU Press, 2009, 55 pp.
The textbook consists of two parts: 1) Trigonometry; 2) Geometry.
The section “Trigonometry” includes the following basic topics:
– degree and radian measures of angles;
– properties of the trigonometric function;
– identities for the trigonometric functions;
– graphs of the trigonometric functions;
– inverse trigonometric functions.
The section “Geometry” includes the following basic topics:
– relationships of parts of geometric figures;
– relationships among geometric figures;
– relationships among sets of special quadrilaterals;
– the properties of triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons, circles, parallel
and perpendicular lines;
– the Pythagorean theorem;
– computation of perimeters, areas, and volumes of two-dimensional
and three-dimensional figures;
– the law of sines and the law of cosines.
1. Introduction ................................................... 5
2. Angles .......................................................... 5
2.1. Geometric and Trigonometric Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2. Measurement of Angles ..................................... 6
2.2.1. Degree Measure ..................................... 6
2.2.2. Radian measure ..................................... 7
1. Introduction
Trigonometry is the study of how the sides and angles of a triangle are related to each
other. For instance, if one side and two angles are given in a triangle, then the other two
sides can be easily determined by using trigonometric methods.
The subject of trigonometry is based on measurement of angles, i.e. trigonometry operates
with angle measurement and quantities that are determined by the measure of an angle. It
would seem that traditional geometry also deals with angles as quantities, but in geometry
the angles are not measured, they are just compared or added, or subtracted.
Initially trigonometry was developed for astronomy and geography, but later it was used
for other purposes too, for example in navigation and engineering.
Now trigonometry has many applications. We can hardly imagine the mathematical
methods of modern natural sciences without using trigonometry. Thus, all branches of
physics and related fields without exception use mathematical methods that include
trigonometry; quantum theory, electromagnetism and wave optics can be mentioned as a
few examples. Trigonometric functions are perfectly suitable both for mathematical
description of wave processes and periodic phenomena, as well as for making models of
cyclic and oscillating processes.
Of course, trigonometry is used throughout mathematics: in mathematical analysis, linear
algebra, statistics and other fields of mathematics.
2. Angles
2.1. Geometric and Trigonometric Definitions
Let us start in the first instance from the geometric interpretation of an angle.
Definition: An angle is a geometric figure that is formed by two rays having the same
endpoint. The endpoint is called the vertex and the rays are called the sides of the angle.
This geometric definition of the angle is very visual
but it contains some indeterminacy, and thereto it is
not quite complete. Really, in Fig. 1 we can see two
angles, α and β , that are formed by a pair of rays
having a common endpoint. However, there is a more
important problem that arises when we deal with
cyclic processes. for example one of the rays changes
its position. For example, let a ray make a complete
rotation and go back to its initial position. As a result
we get the same geometric figure as before rotation,
and hence, the same angle by geometric definition, but we have no information about
Therefore, the geometric definition of an angle is not suitable for description of dynamic
processes, when a side of the angle makes some revolutions about the vertex. In similar
cases it is necessary to operate with a more precise and general definition. Such definition
can be based on the using of the concept of rotation. In this way we interpret an angle as a
geometric figure that is formed by rotating the ray from its initial position OA to a terminal
position OB (see Fig. 2).
If the rotating ray makes one or a few revolutions before stopping in the terminal position
then we have the same geometric figure but a different name for the angle.
Trigonometry: Angle
An angle is called positive if it is formed by counter‐clockwise rotation of a ray from its
initial position to its terminal position.
A negative angle is the angle that is formed by the clockwise rotation.
The concept of an angle that is based on rotation is perfectly suitable for mathematical
description of cyclic processes.
Indeed, when a ray makes regular complete revolutions, every time it goes back to its initial
position, i.e. the cycle is completed and recommenced again.
Trigonometry: Angle
2.2.2. Radian measure
A radian is the other common measurement for angles that is commonly used in calculus
and modern applications.
Let us look at the drawing where a circle with center O and radius r is shown.
Trigonometry: Unit Circle and Trigonometric Functions
Note 1: As a rule the word “ radians” is omitted in mathematical expressions and one
usually writes, for example, “ θ = π 2 ” instead of “ θ = π 2 radians”.
Note 2: A straight angle is an angle that is formed by one half of a revolution. A straight
angle contains π radians and equals double the right angle.
Note 3: If 0 < θ < π 2 , then θ is called an acute angle; i.e. the acute angle contains more
than zero and less than π 2 radians.
Note 4: If π 2 < θ < π , then θ is called an obtuse angle, i.e. the obtuse angle contains more
than π 2 and less than π radians.
A sine is defined as the vertical coordinate of the point on the unit circle:
sin θ = y (4)
A cosine is defined as the horizontal coordinate of the point on the unit circle:
cosθ = x (5)
Trigonometry: Unit Circle and Trigonometric Functions
Both functions, tangent and cotangent, are defined as the ratio of Cartesian coordinates:
tan θ = if x ≠ 0 (6a)
cot θ = if y ≠ 0 (7a)
It is clear that tan θ and cot θ can be also expressed in terms of sin θ and cosθ using the
above definitions:
sin θ
tan θ = (6b)
cos θ
cot θ = (7b)
sin θ
We see that the tangent is reciprocal of the cotangent and vice versa:
tan θ =
cot θ
cot θ =
tan θ
A reciprocal of a cosine is known as a secant:
1 1
secθ = = if x ≠ 0 (9)
cos θ x
Trigonometry: Basic Properties of Trigonometric Functions
Trigonometric Domain
sin θ any θ ∈ R
tan θ θ ≠ π 2 + πn , n ∈ I
cot θ θ ≠ πn , n ∈ I
Table 1
The square of this distance 12 is equal to the sum of squares of coordinates by the
Pythagorean Theorem:
x2 + y2 = 1
In view of definitions (4) and (5) we get the fundamental trigonometric identity:
sin 2 θ + cos 2 θ = 1 (13)
Corollary. For any θ the following inequalities are valid:
| sin θ |≤ 1 | cos θ |≤ 1
Problem 1: Prove the following formula:
1 + tan 2 θ = (14)
cos 2 θ
Trigonometry: Basic Properties of Trigonometric Functions
Solution: This identity is a direct corollary of the fundamental trigonometric identity.
Indeed, if cosθ ≠ 0 , then both sides of identity (13) can be divided by the square of cosine,
so we get the above identity.
Problem 2: Prove the following formula:
1 + cot 2 θ = (15)
sin 2 θ
Solution: If sinθ ≠ 0 , then one can, as above, divide the identity (13) by sin 2 θ .
Formula (15) is one more corollary of the fundamental trigonometric identity.
4.2. OddEven Properties
Let us recall the definitions of odd and even functions.
A function f (θ ) is said to be an odd function if f ( −θ ) = − f (θ ) for any θ in its domain,
while if f ( −θ ) = f (θ ) , then a function f(θ ) is said to be an even function.
Most functions are neither odd nor even, but it is important to know whether the function
has the odd‐even property.
Let us go back to the unit circle once again and let ( x, y ) be some point on the unit circle.
This point determines the central angle θ that is measured in the counter‐clockwise
direction from the positive x ‐axis.
The reflection of the point ( x, y ) to the other side of the x ‐axis makes it into a point with
the same x ‐coordinate but an opposite y ‐coordinate. From the symmetry of the circle
across the x ‐axis it follows that this mirror point ( x,− y ) also lies on the unit circle and
generates the angle ( −θ ) , i.e. the terminal side of the angle ( −θ ) crosses the unit circle at
the point ( x,− y ) . One can say that the opposite angle ( −θ ) is the same angle as θ , except
that it is on the other side of the x ‐axis.
A cosine by definition is equal to the x ‐ coordinate of the point on the unit circle, but the x‐
coordinate remains the same. Hence, the point ( x,− y ) gives the same value of the cosine as
the point ( x, y ) :
cos( −θ ) = cos θ (16)
Trigonometry: Basic Properties of Trigonometric Functions
We can see that a cosine is the even function of the angle.
A reciprocal function of an even function is an even function too. Hence, a secant is also the
even function of the angle:
sec θ = sec( −θ ) (17)
A sine is defined as the y ‐coordinate of the point on the unit circle. Hence, the points ( x, y )
and ( x,− y ) give the values of the sines opposite to each other:
sin( −θ ) = − sin θ (18)
That means, a sine is the odd function of the angle.
As above, a reciprocal function of an odd function is an odd function too. So we can conclude
that a cosecant is the odd function of the angle:
csc θ = − csc( −θ ) (19)
Now we can easily prove that both functions, tangent and cotangent, are odd functions of
the angle:
sin(−θ ) − sin θ
tan(−θ ) = = = − tan θ (20)
cos(−θ ) cosθ
sin(−θ ) − sin θ
tan(−θ ) = = = − tan θ (20)
cos(−θ ) cosθ
1 1
cot(−θ ) = =− = − cot θ (21)
tan(−θ ) tan θ
Summary: The only even functions among trigonometric functions are cosine and secant,
whereas all the rest of them are odd functions.
Trigonometry: Basic Properties of Trigonometric Functions
These points, ( x, y ) and ( − x, y ) , give values of the sines equal to each other but the opposite
values of the cosines:
sin(π − θ ) = sin θ
cos(π − θ ) = − cos θ
It follows from above that
tan(π − θ ) = − tan θ
cot(π − θ ) = − cot θ
sec(π − θ ) = secθ
csc(π − θ ) = − cscθ
Now let us consider the pair of points ( x, y ) and ( − x,− y ) . They both lie on the unit circle
and are symmetric to each other relative to the origin. The point ( x, y ) corresponds to the
angle θ while the point ( − x,− y ) generates the central angle (π + θ ) .
One can easy prove in a similar way the following identities:
sin(π + θ ) = − sin θ
cos(π + θ ) = − cos θ
tan(π + θ ) = tan θ
cot(π + θ ) = cot θ
It is clear that similar identities are also valid for secant and cosecant.
4.4. Periodicity
Now let us suppose that the terminal side of the angle θ makes complete revolutions, i.e.
rotates until it coincides with the position before. Then the angle of the entire rotation
( ±2π ) is added to the primary angle θ . The sign depends on the direction of rotation: minus
is taken when the terminal side rotates in the clockwise direction.
We can imagine any number of such rotations, and each of them adds the value ( ±2π ) to the
angle. That means the point P ( x, y ) on the unit circle generates the infinite set of angles,
θ + 2πn ( n ∈ I ), such that each one taken separately corresponds, just as θ , to the same
point P ( x, y ) .
Therefore, we can conclude that for any θ the following identities are valid:
sin(θ + 2πn) = sin θ
cos(θ + 2πn) = cos θ
We can see that the sine and cosine are periodic functions because for all θ there exists a
positive number T such that sin(θ + T ) = sin θ and cos(θ + T ) = cos θ . The value T = 2π is
the smallest positive value for which these equations are valid. Therefore, the functions
sin θ and cosθ have period 2π .
The other trigonometric functions are also periodic because they are defined through the
periodic functions cosine and sine.
The periodic functions secθ and cscθ have the same period 2π :
sec(θ + 2πn) = sec θ
csc(θ + 2πn) = csc θ
The periodic functions tan θ and cot θ have a different period that is equal to π as that
follows from identities (24):
tan(θ + πn) = tan θ
cot(θ + πn) = cot θ
Trigonometry: Triangle-Definition of Trigonometric Functions
Summary: All the six trigonometric functions are periodic functions of the angle. The
tangent and cotangent have period π while the other functions have period 2π .
Example: Calculate the sine of the given angle θ = 2070° .
Solution: sin(2070 °) = sin( 6 ⋅ 360° - 90°) = sin( −90°) = − sin 90° = −1 .
Trigonometry: Triangle-Definition of Trigonometric Functions
The last statements are known as right triangledefinition of trigonometric functions.
Example: There are given sides a = 2 and b = 5 in the right triangle. Let a be the opposite
side to the angle θ . Find the values of all trigonometric functions of the angle θ .
Solution: Let us denote the hypotenuse of the triangle by c .
1) Find the hypotenuse using the Pythagorean Theorem:
c = a 2 + b 2 = 4 + 25 = 29
2) Calculate trigonometric functions using the right triangle‐based definitions:
sin θ = a c = 2 29 cos θ = b c = 5 29
tan θ = a b = 2 5 cot θ = b a = 5 2
sec θ = 1 cos θ = 29 5 csc θ = 1 sin θ = 29 2
Now let us look at Fig. 9 where a right triangle with a hypotenuse of an arbitrary length c is
shown. The sides in the right triangle are denoted by a and b .
Trigonometry: Triangle-Definition of Trigonometric Functions
It follows from the equilateral triangle ABD that BD = AB = c and BC = .
BC 1
1) sin 30° = cos 60° = =
AB 2
2) AC = ( AB ) 2 − ( BC ) 2 by the Pythagorean Theorem.
3) Using the above equalities we get AC = c 3 2 .
AC 3
4) sin 60° = cos 30° = =
AB 2
sin 30° 1 3
5) tan 30° = cot 60° = = =
cos 30° 3 3
sin 60°
6) tan 60° = cot 30° = = 3
cos 60°
1 2 2 3
7) sec 30° = csc 60° = = =
cos 30° 3 3
8) sec 60° = csc 30° = =2
cos 60°
Problem 2: Find the values of trigonometric functions of the angle 45° .
Solution: Let us consider the isosceles right triangle that is shown in Fig. 11.
1) Both sides in the triangle are equal to each other
and denoted by a .
The hypotenuse is denoted by c ; it can be found by
using the Pythagorean Theorem: c = a 2 + a 2 = a 2 .
2) sin 45° = cos 45° = a c = 1 2 = 2 2.
3) tan 45° = cot 45° = a a = 1 .
4) sec 45° = csc 45° = 1 sin 45° = 2 .
Trigonometry: Addition Formulas for Sine and Cosine
The values of trigonometric functions of special angles in the radian and degree
measurements are placed into the following table:
θ θ sin θ cosθ tanθ cot θ
radian degree
0 0o 0 0 1 0 Undefined
π 30o 1 1 3 3 3
6 2 2 2 3
π 45o 2 2 2 1 1
4 2 2 2
π 60o 3 3 1 3 3
3 2 2 2 3
π 90o 1 4 0 Undefined 0
2 2
Table 2.
Note: The set of the sine data is represented by the two columns, where the second column
0 1 2 3 4
attracts your attention to the simple pattern of the quantities: , , , ,
2 2 2 2 2
and prompts us a simple way to memorize the table above.
Naturally, you can always go back to the usual form: 0 2 = 0 , 1 2 = 1 2 and 4 2 = 1 .
The column that includes the cosine data set is inverse to that of the sine one.
Trigonometry: Addition Formulas for Sine and Cosine
3) Let us denote OQ by r . Since the values x1 and y1 are coordinates of the point Q , so
they can be written by definition as follows:
x1 = r cosα
y1 = r sin α .
4) Let us consider the right triangle PQR with the hypotenuse PQ = c .
The sides in this triangle are denoted by a and b ; they are equal to ( y − y1 ) and ( x1 − x) ,
respectively. As follows from the definition:
( x1 − x) = c sin α
( y − y1 ) = c cosα
5) From the right triangle OPQ with the hypotenuse OP = 1 it follows that c = sin β and
r = cos β .
Trigonometry: Addition Formulas for Sine and Cosine
6) Now we can substitute the expressions obtained into the above to get formulas of prime
importance that are called addition formulas for sine and cosine:
sin(α + β ) = sin α cos β + sin β cos α (30)
cos(α + β ) = cos α cos β − sin α sin β (31)
These worthwhile formulas are the most important trigonometric formulas in every
• They are valid for any values of α and β .
• One can derive all trigonometric formulas and properties using addition formulas for
sine and cosine only.
For instance, subtraction formulas for sine and cosine can be obtained from the above by
substituting β for (− β ):
sin(α − β ) = sin α cos β − sin β cos α (32)
cos(α − β ) = cos α cos β + sin α sin β (33)
Finally, we can combine addition formulas and subtraction formulas into one pair of
addition and subtraction formulas for sine and cosine:
Advice: Try to get into the habit of checking whether the given formula is correct.
• Attempt to reproduce the already known results by fitting a suitable proportion
between variables.
• Analyze and investigate special or singular cases.
• Make a selection check by substituting some numbers for variables.
2. The above identities are very helpful. One can use and read them both from left to right
and from right to left. In the last case formulas (42) and (43) have to be transformed to a
form more convenient for use.
Let us substitute α 2 for α and then divide both sides of these identities by number
two. So we get the following half‐angle formulas:
cos 2 (1 + cos α )
= (44)
2 2
α 1
sin 2 = (1 − cos α ) (45)
2 2
These half‐angle formulas relate the values of a sine and cosine at α 2 to their values at α .
Trigonometry: Other Trigonometric Identities for Sine and Cosine
2. Let us transform formulas ( 46)–(48) making change of variables:
α + β =ϕ
α − β =θ
One can easily get that
ϕ +θ
2 (50)
ϕ −θ
Now we get the formulas that are suitable for transformation of the algebraic sum of
trigonometric functions to their product:
ϕ +θ ϕ −θ
cos ϕ + cos θ = 2 cos cos (51)
2 2
ϕ +θ ϕ −θ
cos ϕ − cos θ = −2 sin sin (52)
2 2
ϕ +θ ϕ −θ
sin ϕ + sin θ = 2 sin cos (53)
2 2
ϕ −θ ϕ +θ
sin ϕ − sin θ = 2 sin cos (54)
2 2
Trigonometry: Trigonometric Identities for Tangent and Cotangent
Then, by using the identities sin(πn) = 0 and cos(πn) = ( −1) n we get formulas (55).
Then we can repeat this cycle retracing the path of the point on the unit circle again; so the
graph repeats itself indefinitely (see Fig.14).
Trigonometry: Graphs of Trigonometric Functions
We can see that the sine is a periodic function of the angle θ and has the period 2π ; i.e. one
can take the curve and slide it 2π either left or right, then the curve falls back onto itself.
Note: Both sine and cosine graphs are within one unit of the y ‐axis.
Trigonometry: Graphs of Trigonometric Functions
Next let us look at the graphs of the secant and cosecant functions.
The secant function is not defined for the following values of its angle: θ = ± π 2 , ± 3π 2 , ...
One can see that the secant becomes very large numerically as the angle θ approaches
these values. When θ jumps over these values then the secant changes its sign and makes
jumps from large negative to large positive values (or from large positive to large negative
values). In this case it is said that the graph of the function has vertical asymptotes; they are
shown in Fig.16 by dotted lines.
The graph of the cosecant behaves in a similar fashion, but now the following values fall out
of the domain of the cosecant function: θ = 0, ± π , ± 2π , ...
Trigonometry: Graphs of Trigonometric Functions
The graphs of the tangent and cotangent functions are shown in Figs.18‐19.
The graph of the tangent has the vertical asymptotes θ = ± π 2 , ± 3π 2 , ... , while the graph of
the cotangent has the vertical asymptotes θ = ± π 2 , ± 3π 2 , ...
Trigonometry: Graphs of Trigonometric Functions
arcsin x π sin(arcsin x) = x
Inverse sine | x |≤ 1 | arcsin x |≤
sin −1 x 2 sin(sin −1 x) = x
arccos x
Inverse cosine cos(arccos x ) = x
cos −1 x | x |≤ 1 0 ≤ arccos x ≤ π
cos(cos −1 x) = x
arctan x
Inverse tangent any x ∈ R
π tan(arctan x ) = x
tan −1 x | arctan x |<
2 tan(tan −1 x) = x
cot −1 x any x ∈ R 0 < cot −1 x < π cot(cot −1 x) = x
The inverse cosecant and inverse secant are determined by the analogy with the above.
The graphs of the inverse functions are shown in Figs. 20‐21.
Fig. 2021.
Geometry is the branch of mathematics that deals with the nature of space and the size,
shape, and other properties of figures as well as the transformations that preserve these
properties. Some assumptions in geometry are postulated without proof as a basis for
reasoning or arguing.
Postulates are propositions that require no proof, being self‐evident, or that are assumed
true and used in the proof of other propositions.
Theorems are theoretical propositions, statements or formulas that need to be proven first
from other propositions or formulas before they can be used in a consequent proof. Every
theorem consists of a hypothesis, i.e. the statement of the given facts, and a conclusion, i.e.
the statement of what is to be proved.
Postulates and theorems are used to prove geometric ideas.
A proof can include a sequence of steps, statements, or demonstrations that leads to a valid
An indirect proof is such method when one assumes temporarily that the conclusion is
false and reasons logically until a contradiction of the hypothesis or another fact is reached.
QED is abbreviation for quod erat demonstrandum, used to denote the end of a proof.
The intersection point of a line with a line or plane is called the foot of the line.
A locus is the set of all points that satisfy some specified requirement.
A normal is the same as a perpendicular.
The term “to bisect” means the same as to cut in half.
• Through two distinct points only one line can be drawn.
• Two straight lines can intersect in only one point.
• A point divides a line into two infinite subsets of points of the line.
Each part of the line is called a halfline, and the dividing point is called the endpoint of
each half‐line. If a half‐line contains its endpoint, it is said to be closed; if it does not, it is
said to be open.
• A straight line divides the plane into three subsets of points: two half planes and the line
• The intersection of two planes is a line.
• If two points are in a plane then the line through the points is in that plane.
• In a plane, one and only one line can be drawn through a point, either outside or on a
given line, perpendicular to the given line.
• Through any three points, there is at least one plane, and through any three non‐
collinear point there is exactly one plane.
• A line contains at least two points, a plane contains at least three points but not all in
one line, and space contains at least four points, but not all on one plane.
• The shortest distance between two points is the length of the line segment joining them.
• A geometric figure can be moved without altering its size or shape.
Simple theorems:
The intersection of two lines is exactly at one point.
If a line and a point not on the line are existent, then a plane contains both figures.
If two lines intersect, then a plane contains both of them.
• A line segment is the part of a line between two given distinct points on that line
(including the two points).
Segment AB consists of points A and B and all points in between A and B .
A point C is said to be a point on the segment AB if
AC + CB = AB . The points A and B are said to be
endpoints of the segment AB .
• The ray AB is a set of points that originate from the point A and extend indefinitely in
the direction to the point B .
• Two rays, AB and AC , are said to be opposite rays if they have a common endpoint and
extend indefinitely in opposing directions.
• The bisector of a segment is a line, plane, ray or another segment that intersects the
segment at its midpoint.
• A perpendicular bisector of a segment is a line, ray or another segment that is
perpendicular to the segment at its midpoint.
If a point lies on the perpendicular bisector of a segment, then the point is equidistant
from the endpoints of the segment, and vice versa, if a point is equidistant from the
endpoints of a segment, then the point lies on the perpendicular bisector of the segment.
2. Types of Angles
Angles are geometric figures formed by two rays having the same endpoint. The two rays
are called the sides of the angle, and their common endpoint is called the vertex of the angle.
An angle is often denoted by the symbol ∠ , followed by a
letter or three letters. If an angle is named using letters,
the middle letter denotes the vertex of the angle, while the
others refer to the points on the sides of the angle; if there
is only one letter, it then refers to the vertex.
The angle shown can be referred to as ∠B , ∠ABC or θ .
Angles can be classified by their measure:
A right angle is an angle formed by two perpendicular lines, i.e. an angle that measures 90°
(or π 2 radian). Right angles are often indicated by squares.
An angle that is not 90° is called an oblique angle.
An acute angle is an angle that measures between 0 and 90°.
An obtuse angle is an angle that measures between 90° and 180°.
3. Parallel Lines
Parallel lines are lines that do not intersect and are coplanar.
Skew lines are lines that do not intersect and are not coplanar.
• A line and a plane are parallel if they do not intersect.
• If two parallel planes are cut by a third plane, then the lines of intersection are parallel.
A line that intersects two or more coplanar lines in different points is called a transversal
The two non‐adjacent interior angles on opposite sides of the transversal are called the
alternate interior angles.
∠3 and ∠6 are alternate interior angles.
∠4 and ∠5 are alternate interior angles.
The two interior angles on the same side of the transversal are called the sameside
interior angles.
∠3 and ∠5 are same‐side interior angles.
∠4 and ∠6 are same‐side interior angles.
The two angles in corresponding positions relative to the two lines are called the
corresponding angles.
∠1 and ∠5 are corresponding angles.
∠2 and ∠6 are corresponding angles.
∠3 and ∠7 are corresponding angles.
∠4 and ∠8 are corresponding angles.
• If two parallel lines are intersected by a transversal, then the corresponding angles are
• If two lines are intersected by a transversal and their corresponding angles are
congruent, then the lines are parallel.
Simple theorems:
If two parallel lines are intersected by a transversal, then the alternate interior angles
are congruent.
If two parallel lines are intersected by a transversal, then the same‐side interior angles
are supplementary.
If the transversal is perpendicular to one of the two parallel lines, then it is
perpendicular to the other one as well.
If two lines are intersected by a transversal and their alternate interior angles are
congruent, then the lines are parallel.
If two lines are intersected by a transversal and the same‐side interior angles are
supplementary, then the lines are parallel.
In a plane, if two lines are perpendicular to the same line, then the lines are parallel.
Through a point not on the line, there is exactly one line parallel to the given line.
If two lines are parallel to a third line, then they are all parallel to each other.
If three parallel lines cut congruent segments off a transversal, then they cut off
congruent segments on every transversal.
4. Squares and Rectangles
A quadrilateral is a geometric figure with four sides.
Two geometric figures are similar if their sides are in proportion and all their angles are
the same.
• The area of a square is the square of the length of a side: S = b 2 .
• If two figures are congruent, then their areas are equal.
• The area of a region is the sum of the areas of its non‐overlapping parts.
Theorem: The area of a rectangle equals the product of the length of its base b and the
length of its height h :
S = bh
The proof can be based on the idea that is represented by the drawing below: the rectangle
is divided into squares, no matter how many the squares are taken, so that its area equals
the sum of areas of the squares.
5. Parallelograms
A quadrilateral with both pairs of opposite sides parallel is called a parallelogram.
• Opposite sides of a parallelogram are congruent.
• If two lines are parallel, then all the points on one line are
equidistant from the other line.
• Opposite angles of parallelograms are congruent.
• If both pairs of opposite sides of a quadrilateral are congruent, then the quadrilateral is
a parallelogram.
• If both opposite sides of a quadrilateral are both parallel and congruent, then the
quadrilateral is a parallelogram.
• If both pairs of opposite angles of a quadrilateral are congruent, then the quadrilateral is
a parallelogram.
• The diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other.
• If the diagonals of a quadrilateral bisect each other,
the quadrilateral is a parallelogram.
Theorem: The area of a rhombus equals half the product of its diagonals.
Proof: The area of the rhombus is equal to the area of the rectangle with sides d1 2 and d 2 ,
i.e. it equals d1d 2 2 .
6. Triangles
A triangle is a geometric figure with three sides.
A right triangle is a triangle that contains a right angle.
A triangle that is not a right triangle is called an oblique triangle.
A triangle that contains an obtuse angle is said to be an obtuse triangle.
A triangle with two equal sides is called an isosceles triangle.
A triangle with three equal sides is called an equilateral triangle.
Theorem: The measured angles of a
triangle sum up to 180°.
Proof: The sum of the measured angles
of the triangle is half the sum of the
measured angles of the parallelogram.
Since half of 360° equals 180°, so the
theorem is proved.
• Corollary 1: If two angles of a triangle are congruent to two other angles from another
triangle, then the third angles are congruent.
• Corollary 2: The individual measured angles of an equiangular triangle are 60°.
• Corollary 3: In a triangle, at most, there can only be one right or obtuse angle.
• Corollary 4: In a right triangle the acute angles are complementary.
Simple theorems:
If three sides of a triangle are congruent with three sides of another triangle, then the
triangles are congruent.
If two sides and the included angle of a triangle are congruent with two sides and the
included angle of another triangle, then the triangles are congruent.
If two angles and the included side of a triangle are congruent with two angles and the
included side of another triangle, then the triangles are congruent.
If two sides of a triangle are congruent, then the angles opposite those sides are
If two angles of a triangle are congruent, then the sides opposite the angles are
If two angles and the non‐included side of a triangle are congruent to two angles and the
non‐included side of another triangle, then the triangles are congruent.
A median of a triangle
is the segment from a
vertex to the midpoint
of the opposite side of
the vertex.
An altitude of a
triangle is a segment
from a vertex and it is
perpendicular to the
opposite side of the
The foot of an altitude is the intersection point of an altitude of a triangle with the base to
which it is drawn.
Theorem: The segment
whose endpoints are the
midpoints of two sides of
a triangle is parallel to
the third side; its length is
half the length of the
third side.
Therefore, this point is equidistant from the three sides of the triangle ABC .
However, if the point is equidistant from the sides AB and BC , then it lies on the bisector
CD of the angle C . The theorem is proved.
Theorem: The perpendicular bisectors of
the sides of a triangle intersect at a point that
is equidistant from the three vertices of the
Proof: According to the property of the
bisector of a segment any point that lies on
the perpendicular bisector of a segment is
equidistant from the endpoints of the
Hence, the point of intersection of the bisector OE of the segment BC and the bisector OF
of the segment AC is equidistant from the pairs of the angles: ∠A and ∠C , and ∠B and
∠C .
Therefore, this point is equidistant from the three vertices of the triangle ABC .
However, if the point O is equidistant from the endpoints of the segment AB , then this
point lies on the perpendicular bisector OD of the segment AB . The theorem is proved.
Theorem: The lines that contain the altitudes of a
triangle intersect at one point.
Proof: Consider the triangle ABC . Let a point O be the
point of intersection of the lines CO and EO that
contain altitudes CD and EB respectively. Let us also
draw the line AO . We have to prove that AO⊥CF , i.e.
the line AO contains altitude AF .
1) From the triangle AFC it follows that
∠AFB = ∠AFC = 180° − (∠ACF + ∠CAF ) .
2) Since ∠OBF = ∠EBC = 90° − ∠ACF , so we get from
the triangle OBF
∠BFO = 180° − (∠FOB + ∠OBF ) ⇒
∠AFB = 180 ° − (∠CAB + ∠BAF + ∠ACB ) = 180° − (∠CAF + ∠ACB )
Theorem: The area of a
triangle is equal to half the
product of its base and
height: S = bh / 2
Proof: The area of the
triangle is equal to half the
area of the parallelogram
with the same base and height.
Theorem: The area of a triangle with sides a, b and c can be calculated by using the
following formula:
S = p( p − a)( p − b)( p − c) ,
where p = (a + b + c) 2 is half the perimeter of the triangle.
Similar Triangles
• If two angles of a triangle are congruent with two angles of another triangle, then the
triangles are similar.
• If an angle of a triangle is congruent with another angle of a different triangle and their
sides including the angles are in proportion, then the triangles are similar.
• If the sides of two triangles are in proportion, then the triangles are similar.
• If a line parallel to one of the sides of a triangle intersects the other two sides, then the
line divides those sides proportionally.
• If a ray bisects an angle of a triangle, then it divides the opposite side of the angle into
segments proportional to the other two sides.
7. Right Triangles
In right triangles, the side opposite the right angle is called the hypotenuse, and the other
sides are called the legs.
• If one side and the hypotenuse of a right triangle are congruent with the hypotenuse and
one side of another right triangle, then the right triangles are congruent.
Theorem: The area of a triangle is the product of half the length of its base and the length of
the height: S =
Proof: It is clear from the above drawing that the area of a rectangle equals twice the area
of a triangle on the one hand, and it equals the product bh of the length of the base and the
length of the height on the other hand.
The Pythagorean Theorem: In a right triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the
sum of the squares of the legs. c 2 = a 2 + b 2 .
Proof: It follows from the drawing that the
area of the square with the sides ( a + b) is
equal to the sum of areas of the right
triangles and the square with the sides c .
The area of the right triangles with the
legs a and b is equal to .
However, according to the above postulate
the area of the square is the square of the
length of its side. Therefore,
4 ⋅ + c 2 = ( a + b) 2 ⇒
2ab + c 2 = a 2 + 2ab + b 2 ⇒
c2 = a2 + b2
• If the square of one side of a triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the other
sides, then the triangle is a right triangle.
• If the square of the longest side of a triangle is greater than the sum of the squares of the
other two sides, then the triangle is an obtuse triangle.
• If the square of the longest side of a triangle is less than the sum of the squares of the
other two sides, then the triangle is an acute triangle.
8. Polygons
Polygons are made by coplanar segments such that:
• Each segment exactly intersects two other segments, one at each endpoint,
• No two segments with a common endpoint are collinear.
A Convex polygon is a polygon that has no side in the interior of the polygon.
A polygon all of whose sides are equal is called an equilateral polygon.
A polygon all of whose interior angles are equal is called an equiangular polygon.
Polygons are named according to the number of sides they have. A triangle is the simplest
polygon. The terms that apply to triangles can also be applied to polygons.
The area of a polygon means the polygon itself and its interior.
A diagonal of a polygon is a segment that joins two non‐adjacent vertices.
In the above drawing the dotted lines represent the diagonals of the polygon.
• The number of sides of a triangle equals three.
Therefore, (n − 2)180° = (3 − 2) 180° = 180° .
• The sum of the measured angles of six‐sided polygon is equal to (6 − 2) 180° = 720° .
9. Trapezoids
A quadrilateral with exactly one pair of parallel sides is a
The parallel sides of a trapezoid are called bases, and the
other sides are called legs.
triangle, then the third side of the first triangle is longer than the third side of the second
• If two sides of a triangle are congruent with two sides of another triangle, but the third
side of the first triangle is larger than the third side of the second triangle, then the
included angle of the first triangle is larger than the included angle of the second
11. Circles
A circle is a set of points in a plane that are equidistant from a fixed point.
The fixed point is called the center and the
distance from the fixed point to the set of
points is the radius.
A segment that joins two points on a circle
is called a chord.
A chord that passes through the center is
called a diameter.
A secant is a straight line that intersects a
curve in two or more points.
The diameter of a circle is twice the radius.
Congruent circles are circles that have congruent radii.
Concentric circles are circles in the same plane with the same center and different radii.
A circle is said to be circumscribed about the polygon, if the
circle is drawn around a polygon and the vertices of the polygon
are touching the circle
A polygon is said to be inscribed in a circle, if the polygon is
drawn inside the circle and the vertices of the polygon are
touching the circle.
meets a smooth curve at a single point and does not cut across
the curve.
A minor arc is the arc that is formed by the
interior ∠AOB and the points on the
circle between points A and B .
The remaining part of the circle is called
the major arc.
Major arcs and semicircles are denoted by
three points on the circle.
12. Angles and Segments
An inscribed angle is an angle whose vertex is on the circle and the sides contain chords of
the curve.
Theorem: The measure of the angle formed by a
chord and a tangent is equal to half the measure of
the intercepted arc.
The proof is based on the last theorem and clear
from the drawing.
Theorem: The area of a regular polygon is equal to the perimeter of the polygon and half
the apothem.
Proof: Let us divide n‐sided regular polygon into n equal triangles (as the above drawing).
Since the base of the triangle is b and the height is equal to the apothem of the polygon a ,
so the area of the triangle equals ah / 2 . Therefore, the area of the polygon is
S = nab 2 = Pa 2 ,
where P = nb is the perimeter of the polygon. The theorem is proved.
Problem 1: Calculate the circumference of a circle of the radius r .
Solution: It is known from TRIGONOMETRY that the arc length of a central angle θ is equal
to the product of the angle in radian units and the radius of the circle:
C arc = θ r
The measure of a circle is the central angle of 180° or 2π radians. Therefore, the
circumference of a circle is equal to the product of two times π and the radius:
C = 2π r
Problem 2: Calculate the area of a circle of the radius r .
Solution: As it noted above, a regular polygon can be inscribed in the given circle, no matter
how many sides the polygon has. Let the number of sides of the polygon inscribed in a circle
grow without limitation. In this way the interior of the polygon tends to the circle, then its
perimeter tends to the circumference of the circle 2π r and its apothem tends to the radius
Pa 2π ⋅ r
⇒ = π r2
2 2
Hence, the area of the circle is equal to the product of π and the square of the radius:
S = π r2
Corollary: The area of a sector can be calculated making use of the following formula:
θ r2
S= ,
where θ is the central angle in radian units.
h = a sin θ and S = bh = ab sin θ .
Corollary: The area of a
triangle is equal to half the
product of its sides and the sine
of the angle between them:
S = ab sin θ
Theorem: For a given triangle with
the sides a, b and c the ratio
between the sine of an angle and the
opposite side is a constant value:
sin A sin B sin C
= =
a b c
Proof: Let h be one of the heights of
the triangle (see the drawing). Then, by definition sin A = h b , sin B = h a . Therefore,
sin A sin B
b sin A = a sin B ⇒ =
a b
sin A sin C
In a similar way, as above, we can conclude that = . The theorem is proved.
a c
Theorem: For a given triangle with the sides a, b
and c the following formulae are valid:
a 2 = b 2 + c 2 − 2bc cos A
b 2 = a 2 + c 2 − 2ac cos B
c 2 = a 2 + b 2 − 2ab cos C
Proof: The area of the triangle ABC is equal to the sum of the areas of the triangles
ABO, BCO and CAO , whose heights are equal to the radius r . Therefore,
r r r r
S= a + b + c = ( a + b + c) = rp .
2 2 2 2
14. Solids
Geometric solid is the bounding surface of a three‐dimensional portion of space.
A volume is the amount of space, measured in cubic units, that a solid occupies.
• The volume of a cube is the cube of the length of its side:
V = b3
• If two figures are congruent, then their volumes are equal.
• The volume of a figure is the sum of the volumes of its non‐overlapping parts.
14.1. Prisms
A prism consists of two bases and lateral faces. The bases of the prism are congruent and lie
in parallel planes.
14.2. Pyramids
A pyramid is a solid having a polygonal base, and triangular sides that meet in a point.
A quadrangular pyramid is a pyramid whose base is a quadrilateral.
A section of a pyramid between its base and a plane parallel to the base is called a
truncated pyramid.
The segment perpendicular to the base from the vertex is the altitude and its length is the
height of the pyramid.
A pyramid is called a regular pyramid if its base is a regular polygon and the lateral faces
are congruent isosceles triangles. In this case, the height of a lateral face is called the slant
height of the pyramid.
All lateral edges of the regular pyramid are congruent and the altitude intersects the base at
its center.
The lateral area of a regular pyramid is equal to the product of the area of one of the lateral
faces and the number of sides the base has.
The volume of the pyramid can be found by using the following formula:
V = Sh
where S is the area of the base and h is the height of the pyramid.
Cylinders are like prisms, the only difference is that instead of having polygons for bases
they have closed loops.
In a right cylinder, the perpendicular segment that joins the two circular bases at its centers
is called the altitude. The length of the altitude is called the height of the cylinder. The
radius of the base is also the radius of the cylinder.
The volume of a cylinder is equal to the product of the area of the base and the height:
V = Sh
In a right cylinder the area of the base equals π r 2 so that the volume is
V = π r 2h
The lateral area of a right cylinder is equal to 2π r h .
Cones are similar to pyramids, the only difference is that instead of having a polygon for a
base the base of a cone is a closed loop.
A circular cone is a cone whose base is a circle.
In a right cone the altitude of a cone is a segment that is perpendicular to the base from the
vertex to the center of the base. The length of the altitude is called the height of the cone.
The slant height of a cone is the segment from the vertex to the edge of the base.
The volume of a cone can be found making use of the following formula:
V = Sh
If a cone is a right cone, then its volume is
V = π r 2h
The lateral area of a right cone equals π rl .
14.4. Spheres
A sphere is a locus of points in three‐ dimensional space that are equidistant from a fixed
point (called the center).
The terms used for circles are also used for spheres.
A solid of revolution is a solid formed by rotation a plane figure about an axis in three‐
1. D. Cohen. Precalculus. Minneapolis/St. Paul, N.Y., Los Angeles, San Francisco. 1997.
2. V.V. Konev, The Elements of Mathematics. Textbook. Tomsk. TPU Press, 2009, 140p.
3. V.V. Konev. The Elements of Mathematics. Workbook, Part 1. Tomsk. TPU Press, 2009,
4. V.V. Konev. The Elements of Mathematics. Workbook, Part 2. Tomsk. TPU Press, 2009,
5. V.V. Konev. Mathematics: Preparatory Course. Textbook. Tomsk. TPU Press, 1998, 104p.
Valery V. Konev, Associate Professor of the Higher Mathematics Department,
TPU, Ph.D.
Reviewed by: V.A. Kilin, Professor of the Higher Mathematics Department. TPU,