Kim Mun

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May 31

Kim Mun
widespread regions can
GUIZHOU understand each other without
•Guilin too much difficulty.3
YUNNAN Liuzhou
VIETNAM History: For centuries the Kim
LAOS Mun were oppressed by greedy
landlords. They migrated in
0 KM 400
large numbers south and west
Population in China: in search of their own land.
200,000 (1990) “Legend has it that the
258,000 (2000)
332,800 (2010)
forefathers of these two
Location: Yunnan, Guangxi, branches of Yao [Kim Mun and
Hainan Island Iu Mien] were brothers who
Religion: Daoism separated during migration,
Christians: 300
thus forming two groups.”4

Overview of the Customs: The Kim Mun are

Kim Mun famous for their many
Countries: China, Laos, Vietnam, ingenious customs and
Myanmar, Switzerland, USA
inventions,5 including the
Pronunciation: “Gehm-Moon”
tradition of making paper from
Other Names: Gem Mun, Juim
roots and leaves.6 Until
Dwayne Graybill

Mun, Man, Lanten, Lowland Yao,

Jim Mun, Shanzi Yao, Lantien, recently, a young Kim Mun man
Kem Mun, Jinmen, Hainan Miao,
Miao of Hainan Island, Landian
taking a wife had to pay a price.
Population Source: 200,000 “Betrothal was actually a
(1995 Wang Fushi – 1990 figure); negotiation of the bride price,
Out of a total Yao population of Location: More than 250,000 speakers of which was divided into five different grades,
2,134,013 (1990 census);
8,500 in Laos (1999 AMO); the Kim Mun language live in China.1 The depending on such natural qualities as the
Also in Vietnam, Myanmar, majority are located in the Jinping area of girl’s beauty and health. The girl’s parents
Switzerland, USA southeastern Yunnan Province, in addition would not let the man take their daughter
Location: SE Yunnan;
Hainan Island; Guangxi
to parts of Guangxi. Approximately 50,000 away until the price had been paid in full.
Status: Officially included
people living on Hainan Island are officially The five different grades ranged from 72 to
under Yao, except those on included as part of the Miao nationality, but 12 ounces of silver.”7 During courtship, Kim
Hainan Island who are officially they speak the same language as the Kim Mun youth sing romantic songs to each
included under Miao
Mun on the Mainland who are included as other. “If a girl falls in love with a boy, she
Language: Hmong-Mien,
Mienic, Kim Mun part of the Yao nationality. More than 8,500 bites his arm as a token of her love for
Dialects: 0 Kim Mun live in two subgroups within him.”8
Religion: Daoism, Polytheism, northern Laos, and an unspecified number
Ancestor Worship, Christianity live in Vietnam. In Laos the Kim Mun Religion: The Kim Mun believe that when
Christians: 300 population is decreasing because of bad people die they go to a terrible place,
Scripture: None
rampant drug addiction. their perception of hell — a thick, dark
Jesus film: None
forest with no villages or clearings. It is
Gospel Recordings:
Lanten #03122; Yao: Lantien; Identity: Most of the Kim Mun in China are believed that good people will go to one of
Miao: Tongjia also known as Lantien and are counted as several levels of heaven, depending on how
Christian Broadcasting: None part of the Yao nationality. Those on Hainan much care their eldest son gives the spirit
ROPAL code: MJI00 Island, however, have been included as of his dead parent. Men without sons,
part of the Miao (apparently at their own therefore, do whatever it takes to procure a
Status of Evangelization insistence), although linguists agree that son, since their soul will be lost without
84% they speak Kim Mun.2 The name Lantien is one. The Kim Mun worship their ancestors
a Chinese term meaning “those who make by sacrificing pigs three times each year to
dye.” Kim Mun means “the people in the honor them.
forest.” To complicate matters further,
1% some Kim Mun are also referred to as the Christianity: The Kim Mun are an
Shanzi Yao by the Chinese, meaning unreached people, although there are tiny
A B C “mountaineer Yao.” pockets of believers scattered throughout
A = Have never heard the gospel southern China, including several confirmed
B = Were evangelized but did not
become Christians Language: Despite the distances between believers in Mengla. The Kim Mun have no
C = Are adherents to any form of some of their locations, the Kim Mun Bible in their language, and few ministries
language is quite uniform. Speakers from are reaching out to them.


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