Biology Learn Malawi Form 2
Biology Learn Malawi Form 2
Biology Learn Malawi Form 2
Form 2
Chapter 1
By the end of this chapter, the student should be able to:
1 plan investigations
2 carry out investigations
3 analyse data
4 draw conclusions
• Planning investigations
o identifying aim of the investigations
o formulating hypotheses
o identifying variables
o designing investigations
• Carrying out investigations
o carrying out investigations systematically
o making observations
o recording data
• Recording and analyzing data
o presenting data in table and graphic forms
o analysing data
▪ looking for qualitative and quantitative mathematical
• Drawing conclusions
o interpreting data and drawing conclusions
o writing reports
Other auxiliary things that a plan should contain are notes on any
anticipated problems, ethical issues, and how they can be managed.
1. Observation
2. Research problem
For example, a student may observe that his friend is tall. His question
might be - Why is my friend so tall? The aim is derived from the research
problem. The aim must start with the word “To”: To observe; To
investigate; To examine; To analyze; and so on. In this example, the aim
is “To know why my friend is tall”.
formulating hypotheses
Hypotheses often also include an explanation for the educated guess. For
example, the hypothesis that the friend is tall because he drinks a lot of
milk can be explained by the reason that milk is good for your bones.
Similarly, the hypothesis that the friend is tall because his parents are tall is
explained by the reason that he inherited tall genes from his parents.
Identifying variables
A variable is any part of the experiment that can vary or change during the
experiment. Typically, an experiment only tests one variable and all the
other conditions in the experiment are held constant.
To test various leaves for the presence of
Where starch is present, iodine reagent
will turn green areas of the leaf to blue
• Eye protection
• Bunsen burner
• Tripod and gauze
• Heatproof mat
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• 250ml beaker
• Boiling tube
• Forceps
• White tile
• Iodine
• Ethanol
• Variegated leaf
All the apparatus that you will need for the investigation needs to be listed.
Method or procedure
This is where you test your hypothesis (or prediction). Guidelines for a
method are as follows:
The results can be recorded in charts, graphs or tables. Scatter plots and
line graphs are used to graph numerical data.
This stage is about examining the results and involves the following:
• making summaries
• observing trends
• looking for trends and relationships.
The aim of analysis is to either support the hypothesis or prediction or
falsify it.
Some statistical summaries that might be made include the mean, range,
Trends and relationships
Some data may exhibit an increasing trend, a decreasing trend, a constant
trend – neither increasing or decreasing. Correlation is used to check if
datasets are related. The relationship can be any of the following: ratio,
proportion – you can have a direct proportion or an inverse proportion.
Ratios compare values, while proportions compare ratios.
When you compare two ratios, you use proportions. You are asking if the
first ratio is the same, less than, or more than the second ratio. If ration
are not qual, then they are not proportional. Proportional relationship are
either direct or inverse.
A proportional relationship is one in which two quantities vary directly with
each other. We say the variable y varies directly as x if:
The conclusion needs to link the results to the aim and hypothesis. In a
short paragraph, write down if what was observed is supported or rejected
by the hypothesis by restating the variables that were tested. If your
original hypothesis does not match up with the final results of your
experiment, do not change the hypothesis. Instead, try and explain what
might have been wrong with your original hypothesis. What information did
you not have originally that cause you to be wrong in your prediction?
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By the end of this chapter, the student should be able to:
1 describe structure and functions of plants
2 describe the process of photosynthesis
• Functions - leaves, stems, roots
• Internal structure of flowering plants
o Internal structure of the leaf
▪ cuticle, epidermis, stomates, mesophyll, veins
▪ Distribution of stomates on the upper and lower sides of
the leaf
o Internal structure of the stem
o Internal structure of the roots
• Photosynthesis
o Food making in green plants
▪ Word equation
▪ Chemical equation
o Raw materials for photosynthesis
o Conditions necessary for photosynthesis
o Investigations on conditions necessary for photosynthesis: light,
carbon dioxide, chlorophyll
The main parts of a plant include: Roots, Stem, Leaves, Flowers, and Fruits
(see figure x.x)
This is a layer of cells that lies on the upper and lower surfaces of the leaf.
These cells do not contain chloroplasts. The epidermis gives the leaf its
shape and protect the inner cells of the leaf: prevent bacteria and fungi
from getting into the leaf, secrete wax that forms the cuticle. On top of the
epidermis lies a thin waxy layer called cuticle. The cuticle helps with the
The cells are quite transparent and permit most of the light that strikes
them to pass through to the underlying cells. most of the stomata
(thousands per square centimeter) are located in the lower epidermis.
Although most of the cells of the lower epidermis resemble those of the
upper epidermis, each stoma is flanked by two sausage-shaped cells called
guard cells. These differ from the other cells of the lower epidermis not
only in their shape but also in having chloroplasts. The guard cells regulate
the opening and closing of the stomata. Thus, they control the exchange of
gases between the leaf and the surrounding atmosphere.
These are openings on the surface of the leaf. The singular for stomata is
stoma. In most dicotyledons (plants with broad leaves e.g bean leaves),
stomata are on the lower side of the leaf. In monocotyledons (plants with
narrow leaves e.g grass), stomata are on either side of the leaf. Each
stoma is surrounded by a pair of guard cells. Guard cells control the
opening and closing of stomata. Guard cells, unlike other cells in the
epidermis, do contain chloroplasts.
When the stomata are open, they allow carbon dioxide to diffuse into the
leaf where it is used for photosynthesis. If the stomata close, the carbon
dioxide supply to the leaf cells is virtually cut off and photosynthesis stops.
This is a layer of cells that is between the epidermis. It is divided into two
parts: the upper palisade mesophyll and the lower spongy mesophyll.
The palisade cells are usually long tightly packed and contain many
chloroplasts and carry on most of the photosynthesis in the leaf.
The spongy mesophyll cells vary in shape, but usually rounded and loosely
packed, with several air spaces between them. They also contain
chloroplasts as such they make food through photosynthesis. Their main
functions are to act a temporary storage of sugars and amino acids
synthesized in the palisade layer and to aid in the exchange of gases
between the leaf and the environment.
Vascular bundle
They run through the petiole, midrib and veins. Vascular bundles consist of
two different types of tissues, called xylem and phloem. The xylem
vessels are long thin tubes with no cell contents when mature. They have
thickened cell walls, impregnated with a material called lignin, which can
form distinct patterns in the vessel walls, e.g. spirals. Xylem carries water
and salts to cells in the leaf. The phloem is in the form of sieve tubes. The
ends of each elongated cell are perforated to form sieve plates and the
cells retain their contents. Phloem transports food substances such as
sugars away from the leaf to other parts of the plant.
Changes in the turgor and shape of the guard cells can open or close the
stomatal pore. Stomata are open during the hours of daylight but closed
during the evening and most of the night (Figure 6.21).
Distribution of stomata
Usually the lower surface of a dicot leaf has a greater number of stomata
while in a monocot leaf they are more or less equal on both surfaces. In
most of the floating plants, stomata are found only on the upper epidermis.
Ground tissue helps support the stem and is called pith when it is
located towards the middle of the stem and called the cortex when it is
between the vascular tissue and the epidermis. Pith is a central area for
storage & support. Cortex is storage area between cambium and
The cortex consists of parenchyma cells. These cells are large to store
water and food. They also facilitate the movement of water from the root
hair cells on the outside to the xylem on the inside.
Photosynthesis in plants
• light intensity
• carbon dioxide concentration
• temperature
• The amount of chlorophyll also affects the rate of photosynthesis:
• Potted plant that was in the dark
• Aluminium foil strip
• Clips
• Iodine solution
• White tile
• Methylated spirit
• Water in the beaker
1. Detach a leaf and test for starch
2. Cover a portion of the leaf of the potted plant with an aluminum foil
or black carbon paper
3. Use a paper clip to secure the foil to the green leaf. see figure x.x
5. Detach the leaf that was covered with aluminium foil from the plant
to test for start
6. Record the results
The following can be observed. The covered portion of the leaf remains
yellow as it does not perform photosynthesis. The area of the leaf that
was uncovered performed photosynthesis and will have starch, therefore
turned blue-black with iodine solution. This proves that light is necessary
for the photosynthesis.
1. Place potash or soda lime into a small plastic container. Place the
container onto the pot that is having one of the two plants.
2. Cover the whole plant with the transparent polythene bag
3. Tie the opening of the with an elastic band
Activity x.x:
• Variegated leaf
• Tripod stand
• Wire gauze
1. Detach a variegated leaf
Variegated leaves have pale parts (white or yellow), which do not contain
chlorophyll. The green parts of the leaf contain chlorophyll and are
control. Only the green parts of the leaf react with iodine and turn blue-
black. The pale areas do not produce start as such are yellow brown.
By the end of this chapter, the student should be able to:
1 explain the process of blood donation
2 discuss the role of Malawi Blood Transfusion Service
• Types of blood donors
o Family replacemenet donors
o Voluntary non-renumerated donors
• Process of blood donation
o pre-donation counselling
o eligibility criteria
o venipuncture
o post-donation counselling
• Role of Malawi Blood Transfusion Service (MBTS)
o MBTS activities –
▪ district campaigns
▪ open days
▪ static clinics
▪ mobile clinics
pre-donation counselling
eligibility criteria
1. The age of the donor- the donor should be middle aged, between 16
and 65 years old.
2. Donors must be health to ensure that there are no disease-causing
pathogens in their blood
3. Donors must not have diseases that are easily transmitted through
blood e.g: HIV AIDS, Syphilis, and hepatitis B and C.
Eligibility also include health checks like blood pressure and haemoglobin
content. the blood pressure must be normal and the haemoglobim must
be the recommended amount.
This is the process where a needle is inserted into a vein to collect blood.
The following steps are used during venipuncture
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1. The donor must sit on a donor chair
2. Vein identification - A technician identifies the vein on which to
collect blood from. A technician may tie an elastic band on the upper
part of the arm to help with vein identification as it increases blood
pressure in the vein. In some cases, a donor is asked to squeeze an
object in the hand to increase blood flow to the targeted vein.
3. Cleaning – the technician cleans a small area on the skin of the arm
using antiseptic
4. Inserting the needle – the technician inserts the needle into the vein
to collect the blood. The needle used is large to avoid damaging the
red blood cells. Blood flows from the arm of the donor to the blood
bag. A donor can donate about 450mls of blood. This can be done at
intervals or 3 to 5 months.
5. Resting- After venipuncture the donor is given some refreshments
and is allowed to rest for 10 to 15 minutes
post-donation counselling
The results of the tests are confidential and are then communicated to the
MBTS activities
The MBTS carries out the following activitites: Village campaigns, district
campaigns, open days, static clinics, and mobile clinics.
Static clinics – blood is collected from donors. Blood is collected during
weekdays from 7:30 to 4:30. Static clinics are open to the general public.
To ensure a sustainable supply of blood, the general public, especially
students are encouraged to join club25. Members of club25 donate blood
every 3 months. Static clinics are in Blantyre (Odala center mount
pleasant), Balaka, Lilongwe (mzimba street, close to Kamuzu central), and
Mzuzu (along Chipembere highway).
Mobile clinics – the staff from static clinics go into different localities to
collect blood from people who cannot manage to go to static clinics. The
staff are in two groups, 1) the medical team and 2) the public relations and
counselling team. The role of the medical team is o collect blood. The role
of public relations team is to invite people to donate blood. The role of
counselling team is to prepare the donors psychologically for blood
donation exercise.
By the end of this chapter, the student should be able to:
1 state the components and functions of the respiratory system in humans
2 explain the breathing mechanism
• Parts of the respiratory system and their functions
• Breathing mechanism
o demonstrating the breathing process using a lung model
o discussing the breathing process using the lung model
o discussing limitations of lung model
o discussing the importance of breathing through the nose
• Composition of exhaled air
o discussing the composition of the air breathed out
o demonstrating the presence of water vapour and carbon
dioxide in air breathed out
• Artificial ventilation
o demonstrating how to carry out artificial ventilation using
models (mouth to mouth and mouth to nose)
o discussing how artificial ventilation works
Tracheal systems: The main features of the tracheal systems are the
spiracles, the trachea, and the tracheoles. the spiracles are openings for
entry and exit of gases. The trachea is larger tube that carry air for
gaseous exchange. Small tubes that carry air for gaseous exchange are
tracheoles (see figure).
Gill system: most of Organisms that live in water obtain oxygen from the
water through gills. Gills are thin tissue filaments that are highly branched
and folded. Water passes over gills in one direction. When water passes
over the gills, the dissolved oxygen in water rapidly diffuses across the gills
into the bloodstream. Similarly, carbon dioxide diffuses from the gills to the
water. In the fish water enters from the mouth and exits via operculum
(gill cover).
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Figure x.x: gill system
Lung system: the lung system is made up of three major parts: airways,
the lungs, and the muscles of respiration. Just like in the gill system, a
complex circulatory system transports oxygen throughout their entire body.
The airway, which includes the nose, mouth, pharynx, larynx, trachea,
bronchi, and bronchioles, carries air between the lungs and the body’s
exterior. The lungs act as the functional units of the respiratory system by
passing oxygen into the body and carbon dioxide out of the body. The
muscles of respiration, including the diaphragm and intercostal muscles,
work together to act as a pump, pushing air into and out of the lungs
during breathing.
Breathing mechanism
Breathing (or ventilation) is the process of moving air into and out of the
lungs. There are two parts to the process of breathing - takin air into the
chest, known as inhalation and breathing air out again, called
exhalation. The chest cavity is effectively a sealed unit of air, with only
one way in or out - through the trachea. Breathing involves a series of
pressure changes in the chest cavity that in turn bring about movements of
the air.
bronchioles and alveoli (air sacs). The volume of the thoracic cavity will
increase when the external intercostals muscle contract to cause the ribs
and sternum to move upwards and outwards. Also the diaphragm
contracts by pulling downwards and flattens. This will lead to a decrease in
the pressure around the lungs. Atmospheric pressure forces air into the
lungs through the nostrils. In the breathing out process, the movements
described for the breathing in are reversed. We will illustrate breathing via
a lung model.
The model is composed of the bell jar with a Y-tube to which balloons have
been attached and a rubber sheeting seals the bottom.
• Bell jar
• Two balloons
• Rubber stopper with a hole
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• Glass tube (Y shaped)
• Rubber sheet
• Rubber band
The tube represents the trachea. The Y branching of the tube represent
the bronchus. The balloon represents the lungs. The bell jar represents the
chest cavity. The rubber sheet represents the diaphragm. As the rubber
sheet is pulled down, the volume of the cavity increases. This causes the
pressure to fall. Air rushes in to equalise the pressure causing the balloons
to inflate. As the rubber sheet is pushed up, the volume of the cavity
decreases, the pressure rises, and the air rushes out of the balloons
causing them to deflate. When the tube is closed, the lungs do not inflate
as the rubber sheeting is moved down.
• The experiment also shows that only the diaphragm and not the
intercostal muscles, are responsible for the increase in volume in the
thoracic cavity during inhalation/decrease in volume of thoracic cavity
during exhalation. In reality both diaphragm and intercostal muscles
• Does not show air passing through nostrils where dust particles and
foreign particles are trapped and the air is warmed and moistened in
the mucous membrane
• the ribs (represented by the jar) are unable to move
Table 12.2: The composition of the gases in the human gas exchange
%inspired %alveolar %expired Reason
air air air
The temperature of expired air is greater than inspired air since expired air
is warmed by the body heat whilst within the body.
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• mirror
• cobalt chloride paper
What changes did you observe on the mirror and the cobalt chloride
When you blow out air onto the mirror, the mirror becomes opaque due to
water vapour. The vapour forms liquid droplets. When a cobalt chloride
paper is placed on the surface of the mirror, it absorbs the liquid droplets
and it turns pink which shows that exhaled air contains moisture.
• conical flask
• L shaped glass tubes
• Cork
• Lime water
• Clock
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1. Take two tubes and put them in two holes on the cork
2. Put about 5ocm3 of lime water in a conical flask and close it using
the cork. Make the flask airtight as shown in the following figure
3. Make sure that one tube is dipped into the lime water.
4. Breathe in heavily. Then as you breathe out blow your exhaled air
into the tube dipped in limewater.
5. Remove your mouth from the tube and breathe in again. Blow in
your inhaled air again into the tube.
6. Repeat the procedure observing what happens to the lime water.
7. Record your results.
What happens to the lime water when you breathe in and breathe out?
The experiment shows that exhaled air contains a lot of carbon dioxide.
Carbon dioxide makes clear lime water form a white suspension which
looks cloudy or milky.
Artificial ventilation
Artificial ventilation is a first aid practice that is carried out on individuals
who are having difficulties in breathing. Breathing difficulties may be
caused by accidents, fainting, or health complications. This is also called
artificial resuscitation or artificial respiration.
Artificial ventilation is done by blowing air using ones mouth into the mouth
of the patient. The person carrying out the first aid places their mouth onto
the mouth of the patient and lows in air into the patient as such it is called
the kiss of life.
Should the breathing fail after 20 trials, rush the person to the nearest
health facility.
Mouth-to-mouth - This involves the rescuer making a seal between his or
her mouth and the patient's mouth and 'blowing', to pass air into the
patient's body. Mouth-to-nose - In some instances, the rescuer may need
or wish to form a seal with the patient's nose.
By the end of this chapter, the student should be able to:
1 describe structure and functions of eye, ear and skin
2 outline the defects of eye and ear
• drawing and labelling parts of the eye, ear and skin
• Parts of the eye, ear, and skin and their functions
• discussing how the eye, ear and skin work
• Defects of the eye and ear and their correction
o discussing how to take care of the eye, ear and skin
o discussing the common defects of the eye and ear
o discussing corrective measures of defects of the eye and ear
Sense organs
The human body experience two types of senses: general senses and
special sense. General senses include pain, temperature, light touch,
pressure, and a sense of body and limb position. Special senses include
taste, smell, vision, hearing, and balance. Most of the general senses will
be from receptors within the skin, internal organs, bones, joints, and
muscles. Most of the special senses will be from sophisticated sensory
organs such as the eye, ear, nose, tongue. Table x.1 gives examples of
sense organs and their stimuli.
The skin senses temperature, pressure, touch, pain. Receptors will detect
the energy, convert the energy into an impulse. Receptors in the eye will
convert light energy into the electrical energy of a nerve impulse.
Receptors in the ear will convert the energy in sound vibrations into nerve
impulses. The sensory receptors are in five categories:
Mechanoreceptors, Thermoreceptors, Nociceptors,
Chemoreceptors, Osmoreceptors, Photoreceptors.
The eye
The human eyes are spherical organs located in the orbits or eye
sockets of the skull. The eyebrows, eyelids and conjunctiva are adapted
to provide mechanical protection for the eye. The lacrimal gland is a
specialized organ for producing the tears. Tears are constantly produced by
this gland to lubricate the conjunctiva. Tears drain away via tiny channels
called canaliculi to the nasolacrimal duct (tear duct), and thence to the
nose. This is why a watery discharge from the nose frequently
accompanies an episode of crying.
The human eye consists of three distinct layers: the outer layer – consists
the sclera and cornea; the middle layer consists of choroid, ciliary body,
and iris; the inner layer has the retina.
Part Function
Lens Focus image on retina
Vitreous humour Holds retina and lens in place
Aqueous humour Supplies nutrients to structures in contact with the
anterior cavity of the eye
The choroid is a thin middle coat that lies between the sclera and retina.
It has an extensive network of blood vessels as such it supplies nutrients to
the eye. It has a black pigment that prevents the scattering of light.
Towards the very front, the choroid becomes the iris. The iris is the
colored (pigmented) portion of the eye visible through the cornea. The
hole in the center of the iris is called the pupil. The pupil allows the light
to penetrate the eye. The pupil looks black because all the light entering
the eye is absorbed by the black pigment in the choroid. The iris contains
smooth muscle cells. The smooth muscle of the iris regulates the diameter
of the pupil. Opening the pupil lets more light in, and narrowing it reduces
the amount of light that can enter. The pupils open and close reflexively in
response to light intensity. This reflex is an adaptation that protects the
light-sensitive inner layer, the retina.
Towards the front of the choroid but behind the iris, the choroid forms the
ciliary body. The ciliary body contains smooth muscle fibres, which
control the shape of the lens thereby focusing the light. The lens is
attached to the ciliary body by suspensory ligaments and divides the eye
into two cavities. Everything in front of the lens is the anterior cavity;
everything behind the lens is the posterior cavity. The posterior cavity is
filled with a clear, gelatinous material called the vitreous humor. The
vitreous humor holds the retina in place and supports the lens. The
vitreous humour is Formed during embryonic development and remains
throughout the life of the person. The anterior cavity is filled with a clear,
watery fluid called the aqueous humor. Small amounts of aqueous
humor are continually produced each day. The aqueous humor provides
nutrients to the cornea and lens and carries away cellular wastes. In
normal. healthy individuals, aqueous humor production is
The innermost layer of the eye is the retina. The retina has two layers –
the outer pigmented layer and an inner layer that contains
photoreceptors and associated nerve cells. Two types of photoreceptors
are present in the retina: rods and cones. The rods, so named because
of their shape, are sensitive to low light Rods function at night and produce
grayish, somewhat vague black-and-white images. The cones, also named
because of their shape, operate only in brighter light. They are responsible
for visual acuity-sharp vision-and color vision.
Rods and cones are found throughout the retina, but the cones are most
abundant in a tiny region of each eye lateral to the optic disc. This spot is
called the macula lutea, meaning “yellow spot.” In the center of the macula
is a minute depression, about the size of the head of a pin, known as
the fovea centralis; meaning central depression). The fovea contains
only cones. The sharpest vision occurs at the fovea because it contains the
highest concentration of cones and because the bipolar neurons and
ganglion cells do not cover the cones in this region as they do throughout
the rest of the retina. The number of cones in the retina decreases
progressively from the fovea outward, whereas the number of rods
increases. Thus, the greatest concentration of rods is found in the
periphery of the retina.
Sensory fibers from the retina form the optic nerve, which takes nerve
signals to the visual cortex of the brain. The optic nerve leaves at the optic
disc, or blind spot, so named because it contains no photoreceptors and is
therefore insensitive to light – vision is not possible. You can prove this to
yourself by putting a dot to the right of center on a piece of paper. Use
your right hand to move the paper slowly toward your right eye, and make
Tear glands under the top eyelid produce tear fluid. This is a dilute
solution of sodium chloride and sodium hydrogen carbonate. The fluid is
spread over the eye surface by the blinking of the eyelids, keeping the
surface moist and washing away any dust particles or foreign bodies. Tear
fluid also contains an enzyme, lysozyme, which attacks bacteria.
In vision, light enters the eye and forms an upside image of the retina.
1. Light refracts – light is reflected off an object and enters the eye via
the cornea. The cornea bends the light rays so that it passes through
the pupil.
2. The muscles of the iris adjust the pupil to control the amount of light
entering the eye – The iris, the colored or pigmented part of the
3. The light rays pass through the pupil into the aqeuos
humour. The aqeous humour refracts light towards the lens
4. The ciliary muscle adjusts the lens to focus the image on the retina
(accommodation) - The lens changes shape to accommodate near
or far targets. The ability of the eye to change the shape of its lens
to maintain its focus is known as accommodation. When light is
coming from a distant object, ciliary muscles relaxes, tension (force)
of the sensory ligaments is increased which pull the lens to be
flattened. When light is coming from a nearby object, ciliary muscle
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contract, sensory ligaments are compressed (tension is relaxed), the
compression of ligaments pushes the lens to bulge (become more
• injuries
• diseases
• pathogens – bacteria and viruses
• inherited abnormalities
• natural changes associated with aging.
• Wear protective eye wear. To prevent eye injuries, you need eye
protection when playing certain sports, working in jobs such as
factory work and construction, and doing repairs or projects in your
• Avoid working or reading in dim light. Dim light causes strain to the
The ear
The ear consists of three regions: the outer ear, the middle ear, the inner
Outer ear - The outer ear consists of auricle, earlobe, and external
auditory canal. The auricle (pinna) is an irregular shaped piece of
cartilage covered by skin. The earlobe is a flap of skin that hangs down
from the auricles. The external auditory canal (ear tube or ear
canal) is a short tube which transmits airborne sound waves to the middle
ear. The lining of external auditory canal has skin containing modified
sweat glands that produce earwax. Earwax contains antibiotics that
reduce ear infections and traps foreign particles such as bacteria
Middle ear -the middle ear lies entirely within the temporal bone of the
skull. The eardrum (or tympanic membrane), separates the middle ear
cavity from the external auditory canal.
The middle ear cavity opens to the pharynx via the auditory tube, or
eustachian tube. The eustachian tube serves as a pressure valve.
Normally, the eustachian tube is closed. Yawning and swallowing, however,
cause it to open, allowing air to flow into or out of the middle ear cavity.
This equalizes the internal and external pressure on the eardrum
Inner ear
The inner ear occupies a large cavity in the temporal bone and contains
two sensory organs, the cochlea and the vestibular apparatus. The
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cochlea is shaped like a snail-shell and houses the receptors for hearing.
The vestibular apparatus consists of two parts: the semicircular
canals and the vestibule. The semicircular canals are three ring-like
structures set at right angles to one another. They house receptors for
body position and movement. The vestibule is a bony chamber lying
between the cochlea and semicircular canals. It also houses receptors
that respond to body position and movement.
Cochlea - cochlea has three fluid filled canals: Vestibular duct (canal),
Cochlear duct (canal), Tympanic duct (canal). The basilar membrane
separates Cochlear canal and tympanic canal. The basilar membrane
supports organ of Corti (spiral organ). Organ of corti is the receptor organ
for sound, it contains receptor cells, the hair cells, and the gelatinous
material called the tectorial membrane. The hair cells sit on the basilar
membrane, and their stereocilia are embedded in the tectorial membrane.
The auricle Funnels sound waves into external auditory canal. The Ear lobe
and external auditory canal Directs sound waves to the eardrum. The
eardrum vibrates when struck by sound waves. When the membrane is
struck by sound waves, it vibrates. This causes the malleus to rock back
and forth. The malleus, in turn, causes the incus to vibrate, which causes
the stapes, the stirrup-shaped bone, to move in and out against the oval
window which in turn vibrates and transmit sound waves vibrations to the
cochlea. The ossicles amplify the magnitude of the vibrations of sound
waves. When sound waves are transmitted from the middle ear to the
inner ear, they create pressure waves in the fluid in the vestibular canal.
The fluid pressure waves created in the vestibular canal pass through
vestibular membrane into the cochlear canal. From cochlea canal, pressure
waves pass through the basilar membrane into the tympanic canal.
Pressure is relieved by the outward bulging of the round window
Because the semicircular canals are set in all three planes of space,
movement in any direction can be detected. By alerting the brain to
rotation and movement, the semicircular canals contribute to our sense of
dynamic balance- balance while moving.
Dizziness – When we spin, the cupula slowly begins to move in the same
direction we are spinning, and bending of the stereocilia causes hair cells
to send messages to the brain. As time goes by, the cupula catches up to
the rate we are spinning, and the hair cells no longer send messages to the
brain. When we stop spinning, the slow-moving cupula continues to move
in the direction of the spin and the stereocilia bend again, indicating that
we are moving. Yet the eyes know we have stopped. The mixed messages
sent to the brain cause us to feel dizzy.
The skin
Your skin is the largest organ in your body. It stops you drying out, repels
invading microbes, protects you from physical damage, tells you about
your environment, helps to regulate your body temperature and acts as an
excretory organ. The skin has a complex structure because it has so many
functions. The skin is made up of two layers, the epidermis and the dermis
(Fig. 5.x)
The epidermis is the dead outer surface of your skin. You are losing the
dead cells of the epidermis all the time. Clearly, if the outer surface is
being worn away, new cells are needed to replace those lost.
granular layer - the germinative layer surrounds the hair follicles and
sweat glands and gives rise to the granular layer. The granular layer is
characterized by the following:
• their nuclei are breaking down, which in time leads to the death of
the cells
• the tough, strong protein keratin is formed in the cells of this layer
• the cells become flatter
• melanin is destroyed.
horny layer- The granular layer gives rise to the horny layer. This
keratinised layer makes the skin strong and waterproof, thereby protecting
the body against water loss, injury and infection. The horny layer is
characterized by
• dead cells
• Contain a high proportion of keratin
• Cells are gradually shed.
The efficiency of the horny layer is helped by an oily secretion from the
sebaceous glands. secretion is called sebum. Sebum has the following
The dermis is the jelly-like layer lying below the epidermis. It has strong
inelastic and elastic fibres running through it. The elastic fibres give the
skin flexibility. The dermis contains adipose cells (fat cells), hair follicles,
sweat glands, blood capillaries, nerve endings, lymph vessels, hair erector,
muscle sensory organs and sebaceous glands. The dermis has two
important functions: temperature control and sensitivity.
Temperature control
• illness (fever)
• exercise (muscle contraction produces heat)
• wearing too many clothes
• high air temperature.
When temperature of the body changes, the changes are passed to the
blood. When this blood passes through the hypothalamus of the brain, the
temperature regulation mechanism of the body is stimulated. When
temperature is high, the regulation mechanisms of the skin that are
stimulated are sweating and vasodilation. When temperature is low,
vasoconstriction is stimulated. Figure x.x, shows vasoconstriction and
1. Bath every day using clean water and soap to open the pores of
the skin.
2. Protect the skin from the sun by wearing protective clothing,
seeking shade, using sun screen
3. Moisturize dry skin. If your skin is dry, use a moisturizer that fits
your skin type.
4. Drinking plenty of water helps keep your skin hydrated.
5. Eat a healthy diet – eat food that is rich in vitamin C for a soft skin.
6. Avoid smoking - Smoking makes your skin look older and
contributes to wrinkles.
• Parts of the skeleton
• Bone structure and functions
• muscles
o Types of muscles and their functions
▪ Voluntary
▪ Involuntary
▪ Cardiac (heart muscle)
o Antagonistic muscles
• joints
o Types of joints
▪ movable joints (eg, hinge, ball and socket, gliding)
▪ immovable joints (eg, satures)
• Injuries to bones and joints
o Injuries to bones: fractures - simple and compound
o Injuries to joints - sprains, strains, dislocations
o First aid for injuries to bones and joints
Human endoskeleton
The human skeleton is an endoskeleton that consists of 206 bones in the
adult. It has following main functions:
• Axial skeleton.
• Appendicular skeleton.
Axial skeleton
The axial skeleton forms the long axis of the body. It consists of the
skull, the vertebral column, and the rib cage. It also includes a small bone
in the neck known as the hyoid bone where the tongue is attached.
The Skull - The skull consists of 22 bones. some of the bones make up the
face. Others form the cranium, which houses the brain. The lower jaw and
upper jaw contain the teeth that allow us to tear apart and grind food we
Ribs and Ribcage –There are 12 pairs of ribs. ribs are connected to the
vertebrae in back. all ribs except the bottom two are connected to the
breastbone or sternum in front via cartilage.
Appendicular skeleton
upper limb (Arms) - the bones of the upper limbs consist of the humerus
(in the upper arm), radius and ulna (in the lower arm), bones of the wrist
(carpal bones), and bones of the hand (metacarpals) and fingers
Figure x.x: a upper limb and pectoral girdle b. pectoral girdle in khaki color
Pectoral girdle - The humerus is connected to the axial skeleton via the
scapula (shoulder blade). Scapula is connected to the clavicle or
collarbone. The scapula and clavicle form the pectoral girdle.
Lower limb (leg)- the lower limb contains one large long bone in its
upper section, the femur, which is found in the thigh. Two smaller long
bones form the lower portion of the lower limb, known as the tibia and
fibula. They form the skeleton of the lower portion of the lower limb,
technically referred to as the leg.
The ankle contains small bones just like the wrist, known as the tarsals.
These bones articulate with metatarsals. They are equivalent to bones of
Figure x.x: The ilium, ischium, and pubis join at the acetabulum (hip
socket) to form a coxal bone. The pelvis is completed by the addition of the
sacrum and coccyx. The femur (thighbone) and tibia and fibula (shinbones)
form the leg. Tarsals, metatarsals, and phalanges construct the foot.
Pelvic Girdle – the lower limb is attached to the hip bone ( coxal
bone). The pelvic girdle (hip girdle) consists of two heavy, large coxal
bones (hip bones). Each coxal bone has three parts (or bones): the ilium,
the ischium, and the pubis, which are fused in the adult (and appear as
one bone). The hip socket, called the acetabulum, occurs where these
three bones meet. The ilium is the largest part of the coxal bones, and our
hips form where it flares out. We sit on the ischium, which has a posterior
spine, called the ischial spine, for muscle attachment. The pubis, from
which the term pubic hair is derived, is the anterior part of a coxal bone.
The two pubic bones are joined by a fibrocartilaginous joint called the
pubic symphysis .
The following tables gives a summary of the parts of the human skeleton.
The human skeleton ha the following tissues and organs: the bones,
cartilage, ligaments, and tendons.
Bones are hard due to the calcium salts (mainly calcium sulphate) which
form part of a matrix (70% of bone). The matrix is secreted by bone cells
and perforated by Haversian canals. The canals contain blood vessels.
Bone-secreting cells form concentric circles around the canals. Bone
marrow lies in the central cavity of the bone and continues into the bone,
giving a spongy appearance.
Cartilage (or gristle) is present at the ends of long bones and has a clear
smooth structure. It is elastic in nature, owing to protein fibres secreted by
its cells. It acts as a shock absorber and reduces friction at the joints.
Bone Tissue
Bones are considered organs because they contain various types of tissue,
such as blood, connective tissue, nerves, and bone tissue. There are two
types of bone tissue: compact and spongy.
Compact bone forms the hard-external layer of all bones and surrounds
the medullary cavity, or bone marrow. It provides protection and strength
to bones.
spongy bone forms the inner layer of all bones. The red bone marrow of
the femur and the interior of other large bones, such as the ileum, forms
blood cells. Spongy bone reduces the density of bone and allows the ends
of long bones to compress as the result of stresses applied to the bone.
Spongy bone is prominent in areas of bones that are not heavily stressed
or where stresses arrive from many directions.
Cartilage is not as strong as bone, but it is more flexible. Its matrix is gel-
like and contains many collagenous and elastic fibers. Cartilage has no
nerves. Cartilage also has no blood vessels and relies on neighboring
tissues for nutrient and waste exchange. This makes it slow to heal. There
are three types of cartilage which differ according to the type and
arrangement of fibers in the matrix: Hyaline cartilage, Fibrocartilage,
Elastic cartilage.
Elastic cartilage is more flexible than hyaline cartilage, because the matrix
contains mostly elastin fibers. This type of cartilage is found in the ear flaps
and the epiglottis.
Muscle cells are specialized for contraction. Muscles allow for motions such
as walking, and they also facilitate bodily processes such as respiration and
digestion. The body contains three types of muscle tissue: skeletal muscle,
cardiac muscle, and smooth muscle
Smooth muscle tissue occurs in the walls of hollow organs such as the
intestines, stomach, and urinary bladder, and around passages such as the
respiratory tract and blood vessels. Smooth muscle has no striations, is not
under voluntary control, has only one nucleus per cell, is tapered at both
ends, and is called involuntary muscle.
Smooth muscle
Cardiac muscle
While one skeletal muscle or a set of skeletal muscles on one side of the bo
ne. The other skeletal muscle or set is relaxed or stretched on the other si
de of the bone. the skeletal muscle that contracts on one side of the bone
while causing relaxation of another muscle on the other side of the bone is
called agonistic muscle. the skeletal muscle that is relaxed on one side of t
he bone due to the contraction of another skeletal muscle on the other side
of the bone is called an antagonistic muscle
Types of Joints
Joints can be grouped into movable and immovable. Movable joints allow
free movement of bones to occur. Examples of movable joints are hinge
joint, ball and socket joint, gliding joint and peg and socket joint.
Immovable joints do not allow movement of bones to occur. They are also
called fixed joints. Example of a fixed joints are sutures
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Movable joints
Ball-and-socket joints
Hinge joint -
In hinge joints, the slightly rounded end of one bone fits into the slightly
hollow end of the other bone. In this way, one bone moves while the other
remains stationary, like the hinge of a door. The elbow is an example of a
hinge joint. The knee is sometimes classified as a modified hinge joint
Gliding joint
Sutures are found only in the skull and possess short fibers of connective
tissue that hold the skull bones tightly in place. They have no movement.
Sutures are found between bones of the skull or pelvic girdle.
Sprains occur when a ligament, the connective tissue that holds our joints
together, is stretched or torn. Sprains are usually the result of an acute
injury, such as a sudden twist of the limb or a fall onto your outstretched
arm. Sprains most often occur in the ankles, knees, and wrists. Sprains are
graded based on the severity of the injury.
• Grade 1 sprains are the most mild type of sprain. The ligament fibers
are stretched and may be slightly damaged, but there is no tearing.
• Grade 2 sprains are moderate. The ligament is partially torn, and
there may be a feeling of looseness in the joint when moving it in
certain directions.
• Grade 3 sprains are the most severe. In this case, the ligament is
completely torn, resulting in loss of joint stability and function.
Some sports put athletes at a higher risk for a particular type of strain. For
instance, racquet and throwing sports tend to cause elbow strains, while
hand sprains are common in sports that require extensive gripping,
including gymnastics, tennis, rowing, and golf.
Symptoms can vary depending on the severity of the strain, but may
include pain, muscle spasm, muscle weakness, swelling, inflammations,
and muscle cramps. Many strains can be treated with rest, ice,
compression, and elevation, but serious tears may require surgical repair.
• Diarrhoea and diarrhoeal diseases
o cholera, dysentery, typhoid
• Cholera
o Causative agents
o Mode of transmission
o Signs and symptoms
o effects in the body
o Prevention and control
o Treatment
▪ ORS e.g. home ORS
▪ Antibiotics
• Dysentery
o Causative agents
o Mode of transmission
o Signs and symptoms
o effects in the body
o Prevention and control
o Treatment
• Typhoid
o Causative agents
o Mode of transmission
o Signs and symptoms
o effects in the body
o Prevention and control
o Treatment
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Diarrhoea and Diarrhoeal diseases
Diarrhoea is condition whereby an individual passes out loose watery stool
frequently due to an infection of the alimentary canal. The colon fails to
hold food to allow digestion to take place. Subsequently food and water
are continuously passed out of the alimentary canal. The intestines do not
get time to digest the food or even to absorb the water. Diarrhoea is a
symptom of diseases that affect the alimentary canal. Examples of
diarrhoeal diseases include:
1. Cholera
2. Dysentery
3. Typhoid
Cholera is an acute enteric infection caused by the ingestion of bacterium
Vibrio cholerae. Vibrio cholerae can live in the water for sometime until
they find host.
Cholera Spread is transmitted via faecal contaminated water of food. The
possibility of transmission increases with insufficient access to safe water
and poor sanitation. Poor sanitation includes – poor faecal matter
disposal, poor sewage treatment. House flies may transfer the bacteria
from faeces to food. Food may also be contaminated if washed in
contaminated water. Vegetables and fruits may be contaminated if they
are watered with contaminated water from rivers and streams.
Effects in body
• giving oral rehydration solution (ORS).
o ORS has the following mixture:
• severe diarrhoea
• A bloody stool
• Abdominal pain
• Cramping of the abdomen
• tenesmus (feeling that you need to have a bowel movement, even if
you've already had one)
• Fever
• Nausea
• vomiting
• Mucus in stool
• fatulence
• taking oral rehydration solution.
• for Amoebiasis appropriate use of antibiotics and anti-protozoal
medication. Some of the the drugs used are metronidazole or
• For bacillary dysentery antibiotics such as are ciprofloxacin (or similar
fluoroquinolones) and azithromycin may be used.
Cause by bacterium salmonella typhi. It infects the intestines and blood of
Infection occurs when a healthy person consumes contaminated food and
water and Direct person-to-person transmission is also possible.
Contamination can be through faecal matter or urine. Bacteria are shed in
the stools during an acute infection. Flies may contaminate food if they
were in contact with faecal matter of an infected person. Typhoid
epidemics are usually water-borne and caused by contaminated drinking
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water. Foods that are favor the spread of salmonella type are milk and its
products, meat, salads and fruits.
The typhoid organism entering the body through the alimentary tract. The
bacteria multiply in the intestinal tract and can spread to the bloodstream.
In the sick individual the organisms are usually found in the spleen, bone
marrow, lymphoid tissue associated with the gut (Peyer’s patches), and
almost always in the gall bladder. Much of the pathology and the
symptoms of typhoid are the result of endotoxin which is released upon
lysis of the bacteria. The typical incubation period is 7–14 days. Mortality in
untreated cases is about 10%; 75% of these have intestinal hemorrhage or
perforation. About 3% of clinically recovered patients still excrete the
typhoid organism in the feces after 1 year and are designated as carriers.
• antibiotics
By the end of this chapter, the student should be able to:
1. describe various STIs
• meaning of STI
• STIs– gonorrhea, syphilis, candidiasis, warts (genital warts), HIV and
o Causes
o Modes of transmission
o Signs and symptoms
o Prevention
o Treatment
• Misconceptions about HIV and AIDS
• Effects of STIs including HIV and AIDS
o Individual
o Family
o Nation
• Caring for people with HIV and AIDS
Candidiasis or "yeast infection" is caused by fungus called Candida
albicans. This organism is found on on our skin, in our mouth, in our
gastrointestinal tract (gut), and in the vagina.
Modes of transmission
For women You don't catch candidiasis. The yeast is already there. The
yeast when in small numbers, you don’t know that it exists. When the
yeast grows, you start having symptoms.
Men do not usually have it, but they may have it when having sex with a
female partner who has a vaginal yeast infection. Yeast infection can
• urethra (the tube that drains urine from the urinary bladder)
• eyes
• throat
• vagina
• anus
• female reproductive tract (the fallopian tubes, cervix, and uterus)
Modes of transmission
Gonorrhea is transmitted almost exclusively by sexual contact. Persons
under 25 years of age who have unprotected sexual intercourse with
multiple sexual partners are at highest risk.
Signs and symptoms
• abstain from sexual intercourse
• always use a condom
• Limit your number of sex partners. Being in a monogamous
relationship in which neither partner has sex with anyone else can
lower your risk.
• Be sure you and your partner are tested for sexually
transmitted infections. Before you have sex, get tested and share
your results with each other.
• Don't have sex with someone who appears to have a sexually
transmitted infection. If your partner has signs or symptoms of a
sexually transmitted infection, such as burning during urination or a
genital rash or sore, don't have sex with that person.
Antibiotics can relieve symptoms and may cure gonorrhea infections, as
long as they’re taken as prescribed. Treatment will begin as soon as a
diagnosis is made.
Syphilis can be classified into stages: Early syphilis and late syphilis.
classification of syphilis is based on the infectious period; the early stage is
infectious and at the late stage the infection is not transmittable. Early
syphilis can be divided into primary, secondary and early latent infection,
depending on clinical presentation.
The cause of syphilis is a bacterium called Treponema pallidum
Modes of transmission
Syphilis develops in stages, and symptoms vary with each stage. But the
stages may overlap, and symptoms don't always occur in the same order.
You may be infected with syphilis and not notice any symptoms for years.
Primary syphilis
The first sign of syphilis is a small sore, called a chancre (SHANG-kur). The
sore appears at the spot where the bacteria entered your body. While most
people infected with syphilis develop only one chancre, some people
develop several of them.
The chancre usually develops about three weeks after exposure. Many
people who have syphilis don't notice the chancre because it's usually
painless, and it may be hidden within the vagina or rectum. The chancre
will heal on its own within three to six weeks.
Secondary syphilis
Within a few weeks of the original chancre healing, you may experience a
rash that begins on your trunk but eventually covers your entire body —
even the palms of your hands and the soles of your feet. This rash is
usually not itchy and may be accompanied by wartlike sores in your mouth
or genital area. Some people also experience hair loss, muscle aches, a
fever, a sore throat and swollen lymph nodes. These signs and symptoms
may disappear within a few weeks or repeatedly come and go for as long
as a year.
If you aren't treated for syphilis, the disease moves from the secondary
stage to the hidden (latent) stage, when you have no symptoms. The
latent stage can last for years. Signs and symptoms may never return, or
the disease may progress to the third (tertiary) stage.
Tertiary syphilis
About 15% to 30% of people infected with syphilis who don't get
treatment will develop complications known as late (tertiary) syphilis. In
the late stage, the disease may damage your brain, nerves, eyes, heart,
blood vessels, liver, bones and joints. These problems may occur many
years after the original, untreated infection.
At any stage, syphilis can spread and, among other damage, cause
damage to the brain and nervous system (neurosyphilis) and the eye
(ocular syphilis).
Congenital syphilis
Babies born to women who have syphilis can become infected through the
placenta or during birth. Most newborns with congenital syphilis have no
symptoms, although some experience a rash on the palms of their hands
and the soles of their feet. Later signs and symptoms may include
deafness, teeth deformities and saddle nose — where the bridge of the
nose collapses.
However, babies born with syphilis can also be born too early, be born
dead (stillborn) or die after birth.
When diagnosed and treated in its early stages, syphilis is easy to cure.
The preferred treatment at all stages is penicillin, an antibiotic medication
that can kill the organism that causes syphilis. If you're allergic to
penicillin, your doctor may suggest another antibiotic or recommend
penicillin desensitization. Both the patient and their partner should be
genital warts
Genital warts are soft growths that appear on the genitals . It is also called
condyloma acuminatum cause by human papillomavirus (HPV)
Genital warts a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by human
papillomavirus (HPV)
Modes of transmission
• By sexual contact - having unprotected vaginal, anal, or oral sex.
• By skin-to-skin contact (handshakes or hugs).
• Vaccines can protect against many genital-wart-causing strains of
• avoid sex with someone if you see warts on their genitals or anus
• Using protection like condoms – only lowers the risk of getting it
• Always tell your sexual partners that you have genital warts before
you have sex
• prescription medication applied directly to the warts
• surgically removal of warts
Modes of transmission
The virus can be transmitted through contact with infected blood, semen
or vaginal fluids.
Signs and symptoms
Within a few weeks of HIV infection,
• flu-like symptoms such as fever,
• sore throat and
• fatigue can occur.
Then the disease is usually asymptomatic until it progresses to AIDS. AIDS
symptoms include
• weight loss,
• fever or night sweats,
• fatigue and
• recurrent infections.
• abstinence (not having sex),
other effects
• anxiety, frustration, depression and hopelessness
• stigma and discrimination
o Many nations have regulations that control the travel, entry and
residence of persons living with HIV/AIDS e.g denial of entry
into a country or stay for less than 3 months only
Nutrition education has a place alongside other advice and support directed
at promoting well-being and positive living. General recommendations for
taking care of yourself are given below.
• The body needs extra rest. Try to sleep for eight hours every night.
Rest whenever you are tired.
• Try not to worry too much. Stress can harm the immune system.
Relax more. Relax with people you love, your family, your children
and your friends. Do things you enjoy, e.g. listen to music or read a
newspaper or a book.
• Be kind to yourself. Try to keep a positive attitude. Feeling good is
part of being healthy.
• Take light exercise. Choose a form of exercise that you enjoy.
• Find support and get good advice. Ask for advice from health
workers. Many medical problems can be treated.
• Ask for help and accept help when it is offered.
• Stop smoking. It damages the lungs and many other parts of the
body and makes it easier for infections to attack your body.
• Alcohol is harmful to the body, especially the liver. It increases
vulnerability to infection and destroys vitamins in the body; under the
influence of alcohol you may forget to practise safe sex.
• Avoid unnecessary medicines. They often have unwanted side-effects
and can interfere with food and nutrition. If you do take medicines,
read the instructions carefully.
• Spend time with the person living with HIV/AIDS. Discuss the foods
they need to maintain and gain weight and manage their illness. Get
to know what kind of foods they like and do not like. Involve them in
planning their meals.
• Keep an eye on their weight. If possible, weigh them regularly and
keep a record. Look out for any unexpected weight loss and take
• Check the medicines they are taking. Read the instructions to find
out when they need to be taken, what foods to be avoided and any
• Be encouraging and loving. If people want to have food of their
choice at any time of the day, try to get it for them. They may
suddenly stop liking a food, refuse what has been prepared and want
something different. They are not trying to be difficult. These sudden
changes in taste are a result of their illness.
• Be firm about the importance of eating and encourage them to eat
frequently, but do not force them to eat. Giving them too much food
at one time may cause them to refuse.
• If they are too sick to leave their beds, make sure that they have
something to drink and a snack nearby.
• Keep a watchful eye. Look around to see if the house is clean, that
there are no hygiene problems and there is enough food.
By the end of this chapter, the student should be able to:
1 list the main groups of micro-organisms
2 describe the structure of 5 main groups of micro-organisms
3 explain the conditions for growth of micro-organisms
4 describe the role of micro-organisms
• Micro-organisms
o Groups - bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, algae
• Bacteria
o distribution in nature
o structure diagram and description
▪ coccus, bacillus, spiral
o conditions for growth
• Fungi
o distribution in nature
o structure diagram and description
▪ moulds
▪ yeast
o conditions for growth
• Protozoa
o distribution in nature
o structure diagram and description
o conditions for growth
• Algae
o distribution in nature
o structure diagram and description
o conditions for growth
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• Viruses
o distribution in nature
o structure diagram and description
• culturing microorganisms
• Role (importance) of micro-organisms
o Parasites
o Decomposers
o Symbionts
o Biotechnology
o Preservation and storage of food and other substances
▪ Methods of food preservation - drying, salting,
It is notable that despite the prefix “micro”, there are some members of
these groups which are in fact macroscopic and visible to the naked eye.
So, for example, while many fungi (e.g. yeasts) are microscopic for their
entire life cycle, others have large macroscopic fruiting bodies (mushrooms
and toadstools); it is paradoxical that the largest living organism (certainly
in terms of its area) is probably a fungus, Armillaria ostoyae, which is
known to grow to over 1,500 acres in size. Similarly, many algae are
relatively large (e.g. some of the seaweeds such as kelp), and although
most protozoa are microscopic, some are visible to the naked eye (e.g.
Amoeba proteus which can reach 0.75–1mm in length).
Groups of microorganisms
Bacteria are the simplest of creatures that are considered alive. Most
bacteria are named after their shape. Figure x.x shows common shapes of
They are very simple cells that fall under the heading prokaryotic.
prokaryotic means that bacteria do not have an organized nucleus. Bacteria
are small single cells whose whole purpose in life is to replicate.
Types of bacteria
Bacteria are often described in terms of their general shape. There are
three basic shapes of bacteria:
Reproduction in bacteria
Bacteria reproduce mainly by fission (Figure x.x). Sometimes, under
unfavourable conditions, they produce spores. They also reproduce by a
sort of sexual reproduction by adopting a primitive type of DNA transfer
from one bacterium to the other.
Bacteria are everywhere. They are in the bread you eat, the soil that plants
grow in, and even on humans. They have a wide range of metabolic
capabilities and can grow in a variety of environments, using different
combinations of nutrients.
Some bacteria are Heterotrophic. These are the most abundant group of
bacteria in nature.
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• Some heterotrophs are decomposers.
• Some heterotrophs are helpful in making curd from milk.
• Some heterotrophs are helpful in production of antibiotics.
• Some heterotrophs fixing nitrogen in legume roots, etc.
• Some are pathogens causing damage to human beings, crops, farm
animals and pets. Cholera, typhoid, tetanus, citrus canker are well
known diseases caused by different bacteria.
• Some bacteria even live inside the stomachs of cows to help them
break down cellulose. Cows on their own can digest grass and plants
about as well as we do. They don't get many nutrients out of the
plants and can't break down the cellulose. With those super bacteria,
the cellulose can be broken down into sugars and then release all of
the energy they need.
Culturing bacteria
A fungus is neither a plant nor an animal. It is similar to a plant, but it has
no chlorophyll and cannot make its own food like a plant can through
photosynthesis. They get their food by absorbing nutrients from their
surroundings. They are multicellular organisms.
Types of fungus
• Club fungi: example of club fungi are mushrooms and puff balls. In
the early stages club fungi are strands living underground called
hyphae. Hyphae grows by decomposing leaves, or rotting bark on the
ground. When it's time to reproduce, they develop a stalk and cap.
The mushroom that you see popping out of the ground. It's only one
part of the fungus. On the bottom of that cap are a set of gills that
have little clubs with fungus spores.
Most fungi are aerobes, although there are some strict anaerobes. A
number of anaerobic fungi play an important role in digestion of herbage in
the rumen and caecum of herbivores.
Protozoa is a phylum within the Protista kingdom. protozoa are
unicellular organisms. The group includes members of the Kingdom
Protista that do not have chloroplasts and therefore have no color.
Protozoa is diverse largely because it is based on non-taxonomic
classification. Protozoa do not have a cell wall.
Types of protozoa
Protozoa are divided based on their mechanism of motility into Sarcodina, Mastigophora,
Ciliophora and Sporozoa.
Sarcodina (amoebae) – they are motile vie pseudopods. These are unicellular. They gather food by
surrounding it with the cell membrane through the use of pseudopods. Therefore, pseudopods are used
for both locomotion and acquiring of food. Examples include Amoeba, Entamoeba (e.g. E histolytica, E.
hartmanni, E. coli, E. polecki ), Radiolaria; Naegleria.
Mastigophora are motile through the use flagella. Since mastigophore is a geeral term for all types of
flagellates, the flagellates that belong to protozoa phyla are called Zoomastigophora. They are
unicellular, and can use one or more flagella for movement. Example include Trypanosomes that cause
sleeping sickness, Leishmania, Giardia, and Trichonympha
Reproduction in protozoa
Some protozoa form cysts or oocysts as part of a complex life cycle.
Giardia, for example, produces cysts that persist under environmental
conditions until transmission to an animal host occurs, at which point the
Some protozoa are free-living, and some are involved in symbioses (e.g.
some anaerobic ciliates are symbionts in the rumen, while cellulose-
degrading flagellates are important symbionts in the guts of wood-eating
termites). Parasitic protozoa cause diseases. Some of the diseases are
given below:
Organism Disease
Entamoeba histolytica Amoeboid dysentery
Trypanosoma brucei African sleeping sickness
Plasmodium Malaria
Trichomonas vaginalis Vaginitis
Eimeria Coccidiosis (in birds)
Algae is a phylum within the Protista kingdom. Algae are photosynthetic
eukaryotes with the cells containing chloroplasts. Algae are autotrophic
cell morphology - Algal cell walls surround cytoplasmic membranes and are
thin and rigid but vary in their composition. They generally contain
cellulose with a variety of other polysaccharides including pectin, xylans
and alginic acid. Some walls are calcareous containing calcium carbonate
deposits. Chitin may also be present in some algae.
Types of algae
Examples of viruses
viruses are known to parasitize all forms of life including animals, plants,
fungi, protozoa and bacteria and even other viruses. Viruses that attack
bacteria are called bacteriophages. Viruses that attack other virus are
called virophages.
Reproduction in viruses
The replication of a virus can be described in five steps:
1. adsorption
2. penetration
3. replication
4. maturation
5. release
All viruses begin infection by adsorption to the host via specific receptors
and injection of the nucleic acid or uptake of the total virus particle into the
cell. The cycle then goes into what is known as the eclipse phase, a period
of time during which no virus particles can be detected because of release
and incorporation of the nucleic acid in the host cell machinery. Finally,
new viral components are produced, assembled and released from the host
by disruption of the cell or budding at the cell membrane surface. The
latter release mechanism is less destructive to the host cell and may
support a symbiotic condition between the virus and the host. The
replication cycle is shown in figure x.x:
when the virus invade host cells their components are separated and
become interspersed within the host cytoplasm. The infecting virus remains
devoid of a defined structure until the point when new virus components
are constructed and assembled by the host cell. These new viruses can
then be released by the host cell and will serve to infect other host cells.
Culturing microorganisms involves five steps:
1. Inoculation
2. Incubation
3. Isolation
4. Inspection
5. Identification
As the microbes grow, they will form visible masses or groups of cells
called colonies. Isolation is the separation of different microorganisms (or
colonies of microorganism) from each other.
Microorganisms are either pathogenic (disease causing) or non-pathogenic
(don’t cause any disease). The non-pathogenic microorganisms can be
used for several things.
Food poisoning – food poisoning is a food borne illness that occurs
suddenly after you consume a contaminated food or drink. Food may be
contaminated by microorganisms or by toxins of microorganisms. Food will
likely be contaminated due to poor hygiene like contact with contaminated
water, utensils, hands or leaving food in the open.