lonic Equilibria
in Aqueous Solutions
chemical equilibria
In tonic equilibvs, te eslewlaton for concentrations of the dissolved
substances from the esilibrium constant expresions is heguently canon oe
by the use of valid approximations which isnot a comanOn preckes ie
chemical equilibriun (Chapter 3) Such approximations become nectar te
«ase the business of solving problems asthe systems generally pase theoegh
simultaneous equilibrium reactions. The appronimations carried out can be
verified by the exact treatment of ionic equlloria by considering the mater or
smass balance and charge balance equston in addition to equilibrium constant
In chemical equilibrium, we usd th equlitium constant both in termsol
Ky and Kz but ‘here, in ionic equilib, only Ke is used in citioest
terminologies. For example, acd disorston,conetant (K,). and. bese
dissociation constant (Ky) for weak acs and weak bases roopectively, fone
product of water (Kyy)in selfionisation of water and hydrolysis constant (Ry)
hydrolysis of salts areal different forms ofthe equilbriu constant, K Hence,
like K,, each of them depends only on temperature
‘There are various types of ionicequlibrinin aqueous solutions but most of
them involve acids and bases. So we need to know frst how do the acids and the
bases behave,
arene sn
‘yt wroup and produces OW hone Inangeoarecetng
tg Rie wales
fetaion HO" fort ncuallyreprncna "canes ho ease
runberof water molecules, However, inviting tana! ctnoal neon,
thenetation HO" fsimply epresnted ar a) because thereon
later demical equations with extamclenen water
Bransted-Lowry Concept
Bose onthe fact that H” exists as HO" in agacous solos appt he
lat abroad view of acids and bases than alot by the Acrharte coe
‘Seecesany Bronsted and Lowry presented loge exerion nthe Aer
conceptof acids and bases.
species having a tendency to secept or gains prt ne presence of water of
bayer protonic solvent. Acording to Brod and Lowy ie mow reine
Totapeesnt the dissociation of HA ae
sates han HA eH
Thus, a substance act as an acid only nthe presence fabase and acts
‘se aly inthe presence ofan aid. HA donates 3 proton to HyO since HA ts
anacd, and HO is a base as it accepts te proton. For the reverse reaction,
yO" and A~ acts an acid and a base respectively Since HA and A and also
(Bronsted Lowry),
+ ethan14y9" and HO. dilfor only by a protons th
got an He Suter ly BY 9 roto, they ae led cng ac-base
gate acid-base panne
HICO5~COs", CHsCOOH-CH,COO™ “and Nit
[ily An acid-base reaciion isthe wane af proton noosa
“Ths there sa relationship between an acd and bse songerthenta aoe
‘siteconjgate bate and vie versa, ——
Let us now see how the Bronsted-Lowry concept of ais an sen
grater scope ban the Atheros concept. ae
1, According to Bronsted and Lowry, a bas is ay species that accepts
roto; Arshenius says, OF ions the ony example of abse
2 Acids and bases ean be in molecu form an alsin ok form.
3. Some species can behave either as an aid ora bate depending on the
tate othe other seactant oclven)
|. Acd-base reactions are not retriced to aqueous elution cy
Relative strengths
f ocide and bates
‘According tothe Brensted-Lovrry concept th sent of nade governed
‘yt tendency to transfers proton to's mois of sven Surly, te
Sltenginofe base is govesned by ts tendency to accept» proton oma slven
More ceuly. te strength of tn acid depends botivon tne tendency ofthe ao
[Mara protonandthatof the salvent to accept that proton. Snay the tenth
tia bgedapend both on ts tendency tosccept proton and that ofthe solvent
tw donate that proton. °
strong odds ond strong bares _ The acids such 5 HCL Hi 804, HNOs ad
MGou aqueous medium dissodate completely becsure both te tendency of
thse cede oloee a proton and that of the solvent watercecle to ecept thst *
Moton are very sung, These acids are thus termed a tong acd ad Neer
rane sung in water (Leveling effec), tet srengis cannot be
vg agueous medium. However, ve acd ean na est
co Og: whch has a ch Tess tendency tacept proton than
such 35 Soe Spealed.stcong acids would dsp pasty to afferent
rates te cosines atrengihe may be compared 1 interesting t0 note tat
ete pave as eon acids in water and as weak ais in acetic 2
wm “The solvent pays the sn cle in dang the
ote srergs of bse slo inthe sre way and lve we ae png
‘de dcuanon on the vole of solvent inte coo buses
‘Asin be Breated-Lowry concept the solvent sally water ow
foes our dacsion on th elative steno wank cde and wea ssn
Weok ods and weok bores Une he song asin water ics a
Ide ete, tre are substances sich ss sete a ome add and
hydrofluse aid which dsocate partly in water Such subiners ae
‘own 5 weak acd. Serlary, he substances, such ammonia danse
ad imiduzol nie, having much laser tendency tan he tg oes to
tect poton donated bythe ooivent wate, ace hnwnas weak es Hence,
{be retve sng ofthe weak ace and week tows be enue
1 the ease of wen ade, say HE, the Sid srngh i ven by ald
ein const Ry
BPS HO o +r
gh the ale of Ky higher i he aod sang Inthe ese of weak
nes Ny tease stent shown noo mae
‘Acorn th Brat Lowry cancer
Niy+ He Mi + OFF
Stn >
(Greate Lowey)
-tocod ere base constant and not bie issocatn constant
However acing to the Ahenis conepteeson septa a
socio of HOH:
(anes),Modern Approach te Mya Cie Yt
pce pect Wate i sdf amp
‘san both donate and accept protons,
avon 64 snd 631201 nt nd see etre 404
seat pun > Ka
‘Tne because proton in sleaned mare edly by an aid molecule than 2
sinegatve fon. Thus protons ere mainly produced in the fist step of
‘dascation ofa polyprotieacid Proton concentatin centatbuted By the second
‘dition in therefore often neglected in the edation of foal proton
‘oncentetion in an aqueous solution os plyprotc ci In fhe case of 54055
sidnuch a HS0,, the ret diseociatoniralmost complet and ence H;50, is
2 song acid but ISO isa weak ai
‘Note (1) The values of Ky for strong aie are ot iste fa Table 6: 2 thet
reactions with water do no tan equllcum in practic sense Such
‘cide undergo almost complete divacaon and their Ky values are
‘xttemely high On the sume grounds the values of trong Bases have
‘Also not Been inched in Tab 2.om Maer go he Chany Ve
(2) Fora poypot i nly eit dado co
strength of the aad at Ryo Say, for tase WH ny
‘rotors i mult-p ote akan canta Ry ves step
Slthebere an oo hee ae
Lets consider weakly, HA fr which weave he equi
were Cis the nil concentration of HA and is degree of ds
‘Applying the lw of masacon we have nessa
x, 25°C, Ky >1.0010" and py <1,
and at T<25 °C, Ky <1.0%10" and py >.
Hence, both pH and pOH can be even grester than 14 but the maxinnm
value of py is 14 at 25 C. However, pkiy cn be greater than or ler than i
temperature is less or greater than 25 °C respectively.
BUMPLES Calculate the pH ofthe following aqueous saltions at 25°C.
K,(CHjCOOH)= 1810"
Ts HCI = HO") 20-10,
Inthe presence of HCL te dato 10s upped by
‘he crs ie 30" da w Hf wl Reto oe
‘ey smal ac cn be rghead companion 10
(9 CAACOOH iw weak ce (10 de dinoltion of
CHS cOOH canto caeunes ty ei ae 7
SOO Ho weH,600"+ 1,0"
hee tthe dere of donate sco
ky -IGRcoo wo
rare =
oe a= PEE = gaeeto? ane
Via .
THO"1= 10.107 a = o.6? x00 = 424-10-4
PH = log H,0"}= eg tater
2AM alae he pH of 210-10? M50 sn ng
Sotuion 1 S04)= 10-107
THj071= 20.10 Mt
tog (20%30°)
MENS NaOitanchange tts pltby one eit
‘ion Wel calculate the plo 00 MNGOH,
NOH = [OH] = O001= 10510" A
POH ~1og OF"
pleaRoghOt = M=10=-410H-1 = NOH = 19510-W
Wino niole =m mV ea) of NAOT
imimeltet ear nt natant 801-001
Non = C01 Boon
ne Te )
su, (0080.00 es
or P2818 mt
vollme of HCI added = 438 mt.
EXAMPLE 12 Calcot the pH of 3.0120"
Solution {HICH} = #150") 1010-2 4
INoOF= [OHI ~ 3.0% 10-2 04
lower than those produced by the eelelonsaion of water tats,
EXAMPLES What Ic the pit of # 10%10°° M solution of ‘NAOH at 257
Solution For a solution having a very low concentration of OH” ons, we
cannot neglect the OH concentration due tothe dissociation of
water. Let us first ealculate [OH™] due to wate in the presence of
1010" MNaOH. Let it be + M.
HO + H,0 #0" + OHM
ee e.o0 dram nso)
Ky = (Hs0°UOH7] by using Equation 612
or 10x10" = 2-(24 (1.010%)
or x=95<10"9M
‘Thus, POH = ~log [OH] = —log 2.510% 1010)
or pOH= 698.
pH = 14-698-702
tan lian Aqueous Soins
WosHOe HO", vole
CO rete
= 4g9" HOH
Pits og HyO"b= log (95 10°" + 1.0-10°%)
or piwame.
ett te tg
Te us cae the lt (as we did in the cate of CH3COOH
(Game) stuming GHeOF asthe oly source of Hy fons.
Initially, aaa? : :
GiHJOH + HO = CyHO" + H50"
1, eIGHRONIHQO") _ 2.010%
+ euOHT zo=107
oe anto =20%10%a?
or an 25sa30°,
[H4j0"]= 20.20 x@55~10")= S210 M.
pH =p 6104) = 73.
But pH of a acd caret be greater than 7 and hence hs vale of
PH not valid TRisinomect result isd to the very dilute sauton
of avery weakacd (very love K, value)-To calculate pH corset we
‘Should not follow the method adopted for CHyCOOH.
‘We see that [H,0"] calculated is comparable to [Hy0°I produced
by the disocton of HO. So we have to consider the fllowing
qlibria exiting simeltaneousl.
GAWOH +10 CHO” = Kyo"
and H,0+#1,0 2 Hy0" + OH”respectively ategliiam: SABE AMON ag
For thes eqn, we have
ran0 2,
sys 26s) »
‘Alco Ay =[F1j0°HOH"]= 1010"!
or nes10s10"
‘There are three unimown quantities and two equations. We
segues thd eyaton to lve these and oo Sl ae
oS. ig ne
Scent nth conavon of chon
HO") = 684061087
ee reyes iS
Now:eetisingy rm a= om in. we et
. - 110? M
snd pH = “tog H30"1= ~log (1.121077)
or pHa ass.
Un charge balan, the total number of positive charge ina claton is
‘qual tothe lta numberof negative charges (lecrnestall)]
So far we have discussed aqueous solutions of pure weak acid and weak bases.
‘The acidities of euch solutions were lao determined. Now we goto deal with
Ue solutions which contains weakacid and ts salt and alco a weakbase andi
salt. These solutions are known as buffer solutions.
‘A buffer solution sess changein pH when a small amount ofan aid ora
base is added toi
Buffer solutions are very important in chemical and biological ystems. The
[pH of blood plasma is maintained at about 74 by several bulfer system inthe
Fody, the most important of which isthe HyCOy-HCOs system. There are
many other uses of buffers in industry.
sod iors ar propre ymin)
[e400 5 went baw ade
[ulfer Solution of @ Weak Aeid ond its Salt
CSepenntnansrenr ogc
ei at co
neg pend yw cnn nen che
none Sig a ie aces
satiety Thane
Sos Soon cpt copra
Siesoe a ee oe
ieee anne taneee pe ee
sepehicroryeanieemeereet soars:
ass ee
HCOOH + gr c,COO" = 140
CHCOo + Ho" + cH,COOH- H.0
cpa” Adaliuad
“Thus, athe added acd or the bce ie intataneously removed the pol
the bulfler solution doesnot hangs nts cic fer. CHsCOOM chee the
pH from rising whereas CHjCOO” ches the PH tor aling
pH of an addi butler solution
‘Lets consider the acdc bulfer CH, COOH-CH,COONa Forth equlibiam,
[At equilibria, the concentration may be denote 29
{[CH,COOM aah (ex
or OK gcoo
Kecompas eels seo contin CHsCOON wih done mon
mir of moles of CHyCOO™ lone
‘fee EHSCOOH may be supp te be
Tn tome tone
the denon eee AY Me por cnn CHCOO™ fon rom
Equation 6.16 becomes “
UHs0°1 K, {COOH
Denoting the inital concentrations ofthe aid snd
sea and theslt as (Alana (5}
wH01- x, 4)
. . wi cox
STE 16 salt should be the concentation of the
‘Taking log ofboth sides ofthe equation,
log 0"I= og K+ tog SAD
of “leg fH30"}= 10g, ~1og 14)
or pHl=pk, + tog (SL
bs BAL
Equation 6:18 called Hlenderson-Hassetbalch equation
‘As the salt and the acid are presentin the same volume ofthe solution, we
can write Equation 6.18 a2
pk, + log BUMBEE of moles (or mullimoes) ofthe salt (o19)
PH= PK +126 number of moles (or milimeles) ofthe ace ae
‘As the salt CHjCOONa dissociates almost completely, 50
ICHCOON] = [CH COO], Thus Equation 6:18 may also be written os
= pk, +log CHSCOO.
PH PKs +195 iCHigCOOH)
‘Amore general form of this equation is
a conjugate base)
saa! (620)
K+ log
se Equation 6.8 show tat epota
0 myc an ation Hence pH of lle slaton an
2 nar of he mane se HSER
Fc dy teal CH{COONS, aso the nt
eee caution shall not consume each oer
utter Solution of a Weak Base and Its Salt
Leos now Znsider abasic bufer solution that contains» weak bast 298
LAI MTclin nearly equimolar amounts, This basi Du sane
aa ic ble des in maintaiug constant
an othe strong dacrolyte NHC] which dissociates almost completly,
ge daatn of Ny exiting in water a» NHL,OHD is repressed consider ly
Be dete on ele (NiEy + HigO == Ng + OFF) The commoncion
Si sn may now be mspponed to contain the base NH alt
SE it cad NIQj Crome are also present inthe olution but does no
SEettig er a ns an anion of a Strong seid. Than in general,» butter
‘SiSson can be sepresened ae = ase-oalt or base-conjupate acid. The Base
TaN Sf awit te acid aded andthe aid component reacts withthe
Nit, + HOT + NU +O
“Thus both H,0* and OH fons added are removed instantaneously from
the solution a resultofwhich the pH remains TInthie Dani baler,
[Nilychecks the pl fom falling whereas NIM checks the pH from Hsing.
Hof @ borle butler solution.
‘rus considera basic bulfer solution NH(NHOH)-NHg
For the equibsum
or (Orr ny Naa,
Lots IN JequitibeiamMare Approch to Physi Chemis V1
In the prosence of» sto
song lectrolyte NHYCI wie dso
‘completely to give the sue mer of mole of x
‘remains practically undlsoiaied,
lorry Ky SMa
TNFa ey
a. oo
vez {51 (dent te il concentrations ofthe si (noc,
{Tecmo of te aang lo) ante ae epee, Noe
thera S/o} 2 etameas ther ca eC tb)
POH = py + 10g
Justas the strength ofboth an acid and bases expressed by PK, cry. the
‘basicity of basic butler solution i also expressed by pH. To get Equation 622
In terme ofp, let us real he following equation:
PH pOH = pw spin Equation 63
PK + Ky = Pw se Equation 67
Substituting pOH from Equation 615 and. pK fom Equation 67 in
Equation 622, we get
: )
= PK, + (623
pH= pK, +108 {5 eo)
Each of the Equations 621, 622 and 623 is known a
Hendesee-Hascibald equation which, ke Equation 619, cn be
represented as
number of motes (or millimoles) of the base,
pk, +log RUmbEE of moles (or milinces of he Bas,
pH = pK +105 Sof mole (or mimo) ofthese 629
“The most general form ofthese equations is
_{basel__— (62)
PH=pKa * 195 [conjugate acd]
as(S]= (NHC
INH']= loonjugate acid of NHS}
ae Egle Aqueous Slaton
tect of Temperature on the pH of Buffers
“rnp expression fr bles Hderson-Hssebalch equation conta the
ey anon ws epeanotengrnte Hs
eal ined bene chreceo Re change wh durging epee
reparation of « Buller Solution with a Specific pH.
bela arovpamapnianeneeene
ne let ean ye
eee ta ea Oe es
com Equation 618-og SL wo
from Ba a5 = oan
yuation 62: og
from Ea og 0
snd hence,
pits PK.
rust prepare bur sltion ofa requied pH, we work bacoward
‘est we choose mach a weakacid Uo preparing a aid llr or eae
Cepteparnga bese lle) hone pe, value is love to de denied pH The
ane vals of pond pk in Equntions 613 and 629 rac nd
CEDRUS Sipcoecly. tt ect Ow aso (51/(Al for ac ater and
Tai toltos tase ater Now wesan prepare teller sluion of deeply
(Ringe alana thea cthrbaeandthesaltineaieusted oink
foauriese The sqm egtns
MeCs0y+ OHO" + HCOG: Ky 956-8
MgPOqe OHO" HHGPO, 7K, = 6910
HcOOKATjOe HO" + HCO Ky =12 «10
o wien conjgate pir wosld be the best choice For epning 2
Daler sada PGES"
0 Yoweeatee teeta meses
Sottion —_() Wefintaiatetbe pK values
RAH 04) = ~log OP
RH POD = —1og (69 *107manna at
etc tro
tc ee moons
Buffer Capacity
A good butler solution must contain appreciable amounts ofboth a weak acid
and its salt ora weak base and its salt so tha they are abe to modify the effect of
an added acid or a base. This isthe origin of the term buffer. The larger the
amount the greater isthe buffering capacity, thats, the effectvends of butler
solution to sexist a change in pH.
Batfer capacity is defined as the number of moles ofthe sido
when added tone litre of a buffer solution, changes is pH by ne unit.
‘The condition for maximum butfer capacity i thatthe rato [S]/(A] or
[BY/IS] should be unity. A buffer solution generally lores its usefulness vehen
‘one component of the Buffer pair isles than about one-tenth ofthe other. Weak
{Sas and thei salty are better nu buffers for pH <7 weak Bases anc helt sls
sre better as bullers for PH > 7
AMPLE? The pil of bloodatream it maintained by «proper balance of H3COs
and NaHCO concentrations, What volume of 5 M NaHICOs solution
Should be mixed witha 10 ml sample of blood whichis2 Min FigCOs,
in onde to maintain a pH of 74? K, for HCO in blood is78 «107
,COs-HCO} isan acid buller. Let the volume of NaFICOy sation
tobemixed be » mt.
es of {E05 = 2
voy Henderson Hiasebalch equson.
PH Bs + en of ACOs
Dplitercis a0")
oe pOH = og (15107) + log gS
(ore ye 19-30
‘A023 g sample af an unknown bar is isolved in water and tated
Sithals8ht 1c elation. Alter the aiion of 835 mothe aca
‘Bite ater the advan of 39.62 mL of HC WHY?
‘Letthe molar mass of the base be M.
“otal numberof male of the base = 222,
mm of HC added = 0.135 «1825 = 247
[Asthebace and the acid combine in 1:1 ratio,2.4772 mom of HCL shall
‘peblie24772 mom of the Bact produce 24772 mm of the sl
“The solution snow a butfer of a weak base and its sat. We apply the
expressionSy ine Fain 2p ‘Aes applying Equation 618, we have
“tog Ks + tog eNotes pit tag 10°)» hog 232
oo | Scie eran taceatecsunakocpesaier ee
| Ripeceereeet ae rtmnsacibton ictsoutchermn tose
en a Ee nce ancora
Sitted with sutable mamples as follows,
CH,COOH-GM | HCadded | , [NAOH: use Equations 614 and
2 = 005M a3
and 29 =50M.
‘Now, on mixing bufers X and Yin equal volume the concentration NHAOH—GM_ | Hcladded | <<, |NHJOH—NHCt we Egon
Of HHA remains same, that i 05M; but concentration of Na willbe NH,CL—CaM~ |_ {623 for bute
theaverage of = and 2, Ths, forthe mixture ofthe buffers Sey [NMACH st ydtolysi, we
lal~ 05M , [7 equation 4
2M, >, [ML use Equation 613"|
‘or many meso Neb eginae prepare eof
Sout] cr hecor etic cea
eign af Nec ones
solution of HCN and NACN. Batti mportant vo note Dat es
Jens than O01 mole of NSGN because HCl wth > OO mole il nt
Eos asceneem enemies mes |
moles of HCN
and moles of NSCN = (08
PH = py + Ing olsen
85 = og (41 -10")og 20
soles ofsat
by using Equation 618
or tog 28!
oF 196 aging O88
Taking ang,
ag 77sn= 0008
Moles of HCI = 0.0088 mote perlite.
“The dissociation constant of an aid HA at 25 °C is 1.34 x10" How
lt ofthis acid should be added to onelitreofan
{002 mol of this acid to obtain a buffer
pH of the solution fthe amount of
‘mol and (i) 0028201?
‘many moles of
aqueous solution conta
Solution of pH4732 What willbe the
TiC aed otis buffers () 001 mol 0.015:
Let the amount of NaA added be x mol I
eee ee by sing ean <
ptt pe oc :
tants 04
twats 0a oot~ 003M
nese apn ation 9,
pile pK 1 (Sa
oe pte “log (13010) +108 5
aed, twill combine with the whole
‘Sore mot of HA. Ths the
zr ODIs) mol of the weak
ipl of the solution.
oe ps4.
(4) When g1s mol of HC
Sais mal of NAA proton
aera coat
Wwe gas
[Bey = o0nsa = 0605 ~195410 = 6825 «10+
tog (6825 "10°
or pH esa.
‘When 0.025 mo of His ade, the whole of 0.015 mol of NAA
nos with O15 molof HCL, and 0.01 mol (0.025 ~ 0.015) of
he 001 MHI determines the pH of the
HCI remains. Here
pH =-log(000)=2Modem Appronh Py Cems Vet 1
HYDROUSIs: acio-eas
Wehave discussed the ait ands fpr ed an ba
‘awe als discussed the acy and bs of ie slant
cs and thei salts, and base and the als
‘base propertin of al solutions
any Now
1h salt may be regarded ae an
ienie compound cbtsined
‘eatalisation tention between anal and ase ale ca theo
“tere types, namely slot) song ate and von bares Core
‘rnb 0) am ash and wah toy a 1) wet ha
eree process of cid-bannealasdan ted hat i 2 eeathen
proces, Beto hydro te ruling sluton may be aide bane re
thay remain neutfal, When a sal undergaes hydrolyse een oy
10 +14,008110"« on
vfs toward ight Because HO" or Oo eth get anne An ne
cesar ibe oe conan Te tame can sn be rape! ty te
Chunar principle Thashyarabys pta te 130" 701 blanc nwt
Aconding tthe rose awry corps and en, en
scr bois aldsand bses On fast oy as of aon
cee a ers of aid oe hay oH nda or
reve consider hydrlyat ntonsonly,myCR fms ACN anaes
ate pan 6 oming tonya dN
CN +1408 HEN + OFF
1 the OFF ton ea psu slat brome as, HCN. big
een OE la agar dos notion
ae nye onto, soy NN dre, ANNI on
na Han mang ts congate bse NH
fo son ts pret the ston Booed The roe
: sk base, does not ionise readily
nase NE, ang 2 08
athe ean fan om with water 0 posit
juga base and HO"
vd and OH am orth
tence hn »”
esr dete hydra frye But bere tat we
suc nmanter he fllaming import ft
‘The ane of wk ai a bak weith owe wes On the ter
and trans of son oils hae any bearers hence Dey
‘Teint Fr amp ean Gof Hh pty
(CF +#40-+ normcion
‘recto of wk bane ae acc wth ow y ales, The cations of
soa as ov the oe hand, hve yay al hare td hence
SEEING Hydinigee For stamp, te catlon No" of NOH does ot
‘Pyne with water.
1st of Strong Acids and Strong Boxes
‘lovnuhaaR, Ktand KNO3 contin ean fastongbaseand anion
SIDED nd ence thee etna a nn vey ay ise ane
‘SiR ey ey eo om sth
10 1,08 HO" Om
beer nat ata sures by he presente anc as
‘anaes ofthe type Nil Nether Na ofthese ase vO. noe
cr aitengaci HCL erat opecvey wihOH and 1,0" prodiced
ty descent of water The gO /OH banrisnotpst and 0 he
creatine ype ofall remain neutl hep etch sitions will?
mcr 8S
Ho + 0 —
2. ats of Week Acids and Strong Boset
sree cajcOOnSs ad KNO, proscar be
‘ot te pe eur new COON Seen EAN
ser yay maaan rk mS
Seep dosnt hye nthe cbt_Meden Approtch to Phycal Chemistry Vol
SHSCOO-. to comugate tae ofthe weak acid HCOOH an
wate ea em HO" on remeed tom the ston ening mene
rng tndan cree acGHr butt Sotemtonetth asa
‘erycoons "°F Gsco0
Dearee of hydrolysis and hydrolysis constant
‘Now, a ony the anions of ea hyrolye the equine acon
Equllbtumconconon ett) ay 8
‘Hore ka the degre of hry of CHCOO™ ln whlch ie dein he
{ction ofthe tans undergoing yaya
ky is known as hydrolas constant In fat ydolysiconstat (fy) for he
hydrolyse ofthe anion CHjCOO” isthe same asthe base constant (K) forthe
Conjugate bse CHyCOO- ote wok acd CHSCOOH.
pees (28
ae (628
the dogree of hydrolysis his very smal,
Kye or ho [Ae
Note that if i not that small to be neglected, Equation 6.28 has to be
Jered. Also, Ky, is an equilibrium constant and hence depends only
Tn addition to the anionic hydrolysis equilibrium (Equation 626), thre
‘exists the equilibria for the dissociation of CHCOOH and HO:
(CHjCOOH + 1,0 «* CHjCOO™+ H30",
Anse quiet in Aaqurnts Setons ~ ¢
i Fa [EH;COOMT am
| 10+ HO= HO" + OFF
ra eter 08 an
rm th Bee. on 60-0
Bit sy
Ky (hoe CH,COC) from Equation
owing tat on bye)
az Nuno 631 bein os
eo BIE oe Keke Kor
hich i vali for any crotch a
“These an ee Ry fr CH,COT “hydro from the K vale of
curjcooma sco} smaaprie ace
era tate ae
Now ubtaing yom Eatin 631 Equation 286, we get
ain Equation 56,
be oom
ation 632 at
(0 weaker hci hats smaller the valu of Ky) highrise degre
(3) lowe the concentration hati ore the Aon) higher the dese
| (ay Righer the temperature higher isthe deren of drys. This
‘erase forthe same Hein temperature, Ky increses more rpily
than Ky
pH calculation
‘The equlbciam for he hy of CH COO” represented as
CH;COO™ + HyOet CHJCOOH + OF,Mader Appr to Phy! Chey Vet 1
We see that
wana ees
“Taking og
“og 1g y+ og
og «)
or pie okg ork +e 3)
[Note that eis the concentration of CH,
[sCOO™ lon whichis same as thao
the salt, CHjCOONe But if the salt is of the
‘concentration ¢ the concenraton of the lactate lon
3. Sal
fof Strong Acids and Weak Bases
type Callas),
wuld be 22, te
A salt ike NEf{Ctor NH4NOs produces an acidic olution. The cation of sich
salt isthe conjugate acid ofa weak base which hydrolyate For example NM
the conjugate acid of the weak base NH in the salt NCL, interacts wilt
‘OFT, thereby increasing HO" concentration and making the Slaton sce
‘On the other hand, as the anion CI” is of trong acd Ht doesnot combine
with HO, that is, dose not hydrolyse. Thus the equlibum for
self-donisation of water shifts towards right due to hydrolyse of NH on. Le
CChateier’s principe says so.
nua —%2
Degree of hydrolysis and hydrolysis constant
“The equilbvium for NH; hydrolysis may be represented as
NH! + H,0 «NH + 1,0"
“Atequileium: (1-)) ot
nt stat Ago Slatons
Fy PELTEO' font ea
aig) eta >
‘Te yds constart For hydrolysate fore
congo ea Nis tthe weak oe
seh ery ea,
Kyo? or he (62)
Inaditon othe outa Eqution 634 tee eis heer
Ni + Oe NHS «OFF,
0+ H,0=1,0"- oF,
Ke = MOLE (on
From th Equations 635,637 an 638, we get
5 (69
Knowing that Kj (for ction harass) = K, (lor NH) fom Egon
635, Equation 639 canbe waten as
ole sinogutent
leh i valid fr any coagate ai-base pais
“Thus we can calclste Ky for NHj-Bydelysis frm the Kp vale of
NH, @.8-10°),
Ky 1210" 56.0%.
Be a Re oF
Now, subtitling Kf Equation 639 in Equation 636, we get
ne [= (6a
Kyeane ONG sia Eyton and cea nero
M cotealoton
‘The hydrops for NH fon teprsent
or eho fB - BeF
ag -gK+6 9
oe pita Hep Pilg 0 eat
Pei epee oe te se it
sland highly crged tal cats chs A Cr Fe ae a
aie aecian ne
men ye a aii
significantly acidic. The AI** ion gets strongly hydrated as AI(H,O),°", whichis
Suyunrtnteclscoar etn nt piste
Silenced wet ett ing
cima ma mei
SMITE ae i pine poor
‘AH, 012"(ag) + Hs00) + ANOHYEH:0} 09) + 50°C)
hate san cen mo iin ot NE
4. Sots of Weok Acids and Weok Bases
sn sta of weak acs and weak iss he CHACOON, NHN, so
igen. bot te can and he anon ere The ting sotons
een tee neu depending ene renive ai ue Seg oft
eesti her conjugate parts For esanpie heaton of CHyCOON,
owl Bsn
(NHN 6 x10) = RCHCOO HEH.
Fa rh 819) = RACHSCOOHNI BIT. m
™ TKS (INH 15.610") > KF 141"),
sanig-Nis and EGF arco item
rantyysset®)< Rye
[CNis basic becuse
revlon oN
| Ngee vas 1049 Bi
Ae HeN-EN and NN ae consi D PS
ears o hyaysis ond yale constant
aaa aera CH{COONH, bth eos ol wh rly
Ge G00" + Ni + HHO = CHICOOH® NH + HO
Reogutoumeeem)e-F) ee
re an ae degrees of iyi of HCO” and NH fons
| ping lw of mast action we ge
| wy HCOOH
Ins sal soton he following equa abe
1g, = [CHsCOO-HOH
% = [ex COOH)
Ny + Oe NERY + OFF
j een
ee INES)
Ky =[Hj0°08).
Ke a (47)
| for which
(646)‘Now, applying the law of mas action in Equation 642 we pst
Sebotiuting Ki, rom Equation 647 in Equation 649, we get
a (650)
Equation 6.50 ells us thatthe degree of holy f the salt of weak sid
and a weak base does not depend on the concentration of the solution
“Moreover, weaker the acid and weaker the base, ore wilthe salt Ryarolyse
“The Equations 6.47 and 6.50 have been expressed in terms of equilibrium
constants f, (CHsCOOH) and K;, (NF) These oquationscanalso be expressed
{terms of the equilibrium constants of their conjugate part, that i, Kp
(CHyCOO? and Kz (NEI) reopectively
For the conjugate acid-bare pair CH,COOI-CH,CO™
KeKiaKw or Ke asin Equation 66
and for conjugate acid-base pals NHZ-Ni
KeKysky of Kyo Kit atin Bquation
pH coleuta
‘To derive an expression for pH, wecan start either from the equilibrium for the
sneak acid of that of the weak bce. Assuming the salt tobe CH;COONHg, We
tart here from the equilibrium
‘Modern Approach to Physical Chemisty Vol. y
teoeor mers
B orien, Sengcooe
Tovctometyaii esto
Cypae Mit om caepOH «ray
mote Kg
THO"]-K. JE (653)
oe unos ER,
io Htpke Pk) an
Now, to getthe pH expressions in terms of and Kj forhydralysing NH
sed CH{COO™ ions, substitute Ky and Ky fom Equations 66 and 651
‘eepecively in Equation 653.
kia ECEE
wore BSi
Ry > Kp, < pki pH <7: aide
UK, pK: pH>7: bane
TEKS = Ri pK; = pis pH = 7: newt t
[EXAMPLES Calculate the pl of an agonous setin of 0M amienium oma
SSRIS ge ego pt omit
tm eno west wa on Hot,
P= At P-)
aby ng Eguaton |
on pHad
or pass,
aqueous NaCh salon py of NHET
What inte p Hof 850M
NST amoare
pen ea
pK (HCN) =
ote Hee
by sing Basten
cc pit Fete 93+ 505)
or pH= ms.
ie soe vter, the remington
Me say ae de 10 yack of he dried
‘ANH O}?" + #0 ANOHN(HO” + 30"
sn pl we pole, wicca bese yet
K(ANHHgOnd") = 14 «10°.
pres -tg (4) 4854
espe ern
pty oft
oe t= Huta logan
lution of an acid-base mixture depends
Song o weak and also on thelr relative
pot an aid anda base (3
«(edule amounts hati, the number of equvalnt of
pete Lt denote strong acid strong bese, Weak
Tops 0, WA and WS respectively for converse.
by using Equon 64
‘Themethod of calculating hepa
nether the acid and the Base ae
mounts, We Kove fom the lwo equivalence
twoeectants eat
‘eal sequalto
Aidan weak base1 Appr toPayaiatChemiary Yo
69015436 o WB
PH tog
— | | eeauation i)
srotsa Be
"C00" i,
(Guna sractare (Sinkinson)
Fautomeric transformation of methyl orange can be explained se
6 5-{ pf )a8 tat
Quinonoa structure
(odin acide solution)
[EXAMPLE R® A SL siguat of 0.01 M solution of HCOOH was ated with
[NsOHL Predict the pH of the solution
atthe beginning ofthe reaction,
i atthe haléequivatence point
(Ge after TO mt ofthe base a ben aed
(x, dtco0H = 178 ~10-4
fers quit in Aqueous Solutions
cn ngdonrenicgor ott.
pr}a en 00tx0:304 = 1396102.
pit= tog (1
ee pita aHog 1.3410)
ce pike 288
(9 Te widand tebe retin 1 ola
Mile (na of HCOOH = 001 «50= 05,
‘in alegivalene point,
mot NaOH added = 00125 = 025.
‘hs 025 um of NaOH evils 025 mm of HCOOH to
SEES mot NCOONa te seiton wi iin Si
Frtch ef HCOOH an HCOONe which = bail mitre
pil pk + log BE OLESE . byusing Eaton 6a?
or pik = tog (2.78 10-4) +g 2
or piteazs,
(uy Abe cqlnce pint 0 mm of HCOOH i psd Oy
isis Noort producing 08 mm of HCOON wich
teres byes
Now tsHCOOH snd NaOH rctin 1:1 molto
tam of HCOOH = mot NaOH
ce antss0= 9 +03,
toatolumesttheegurin po ata 80+
mmol Of
IY oFHCOONS = eae Gal)” 5
‘Now. appying the expression for pin he yay alt
__ oleae and a strong base we ave
Pe Hops pk log) by tgtnn
14 10g 0.78% 10- og $2)(6) Alar the egutvatence pointe atonal NAOH adn wey
maom fone) = 225
ront= tog (585) = 20
—— Ee
{Letus consider asituaion in which a polyprotic aii aitation aginst abase
liberates protons in succession. For example, easbonc sid, COs dooce
HyS0y° Ox HCOS+ HO": Ky, 44007
HCO} HOM COR + HO K,, #47 10
Thus carbonic acd i actualy a mixture of two aide: HCO, and COS
‘As Ka, >> Kags the pi ofthis solution cam be cnculted by the fast ep
Keg ABD)
“ gibi > Kagt6B0 > Kool
dose sgn > 3)
ce equ slulein wer ;
Nott A a
Payee eran
eae eg fB50) > Kf AB2CIOO
tao 7
pie becuase 9 SAS
ve Re Fay ro et
Bork rat awe merce em
rectors Influencing Selbility
rare bch muy prods and solbilty depend on embers
aan epandsenly on termperatace whereas subiity My
tsa Per aces Ike pH of the solution. commonon eet and
aplocion formation
tet fat
trang soy ewer we
set nd id sco
PODS ace wer mato aataneoesy,
io a iba mast nected when more ton on
Suelo beasonerbe compos
eae tec nns ect whe M40" oe wh ay
Saar ay cama, Coir vo sgl cll sl
se rica elm thes wo as ae shown
excos Beats co?
have assumed only the equilib
spound and is tne inthe solution. But
‘we have to consider Is
nL a HLS added. As
\Mode Approach to Fhyaical Chenty Vat
1302-1 decrease and both the sgt
{Let hestuiy of B50, be x mot
Kyte? I502°), |
or 220510 mat Lt |
Fo 20610 mat |
or inet eosge ss, 289
oe we BON 2239 og gt i
e136 p00 |
atc ne staiyprpductongsGi0e38'Citeeamceon |
Seine NonsintsS Fade spt saonabaaneao ;
fg -tae'FtGO2)
Tasty ptt of AGC 3% Te iran ca
gC) «Be vagy c-
TAgoeay ro Ags 28
14-104, Cate Hay UAB.
Wagtimcnerrn a e-20™
fiagchoys wr ciageaeiecr 7
ange ao
passes ane” =
LEoRAe SN To unc hon equnsne ant
= -
Coane akg ar 0081
anger nny 20°85 (shat)
Conese wangmin SK = aap
ns ng an (2a (0
TRasoveane TRE
Ecakener semanas
reer reer mm ety tein
Pete Per I
gee?Let the souby of TO
FeOtD ey 208
Ke at HO
C2040) BB a* C07
Gh: toward loft due tothe increase in{Ca?*| pea ei
Ezrlaton of CAC30, fm te mata due she eee ee
by taturs pn Ne
ty equa jst a8 ft docs Yo oh
Selatan Before HCI is dae ete slpide lon concentration be =.
EB oemos
ny «HOt
or 10.19 = Gas
or x= 107 00M
for [S*TbeforeHCIis added « 1.07.10"
a am fect esl the dere)
ets Tin he presence of HCH 4
ORY canom mes
2 te
of HCL 5) cme frm 10710" M to
43: complexion formation
Just acid ae ued to lower the concentration of anions in a solution the
| Sptoing ents are ued in some casero lower the concentration of xtons
| Nira toa saturted sotuson of AgCLitfors complexions. {Ag Tin
| eesti,
gc BE age +r
‘ereduced and 2o the equim sits towards ight in accordance with Le
CGnters principe. Im other words, slut of AgCL increases due to
compieion formation. AgCI fs gute aolble concentrated ammonia
Ag" (age NH RACINE 9),
_Ag( NF) (ag) « NHs (05) 2S. ANH) ig
|| __ ere he formation constant or stabi constant ofthe complex in,
| sei tie denotes by Ry cd into oat oy
‘ovat of the complex on
| tn solving sumesicl problems involving compton or precipitation
atoms he rntons shou be fit smelt gotcompltion an then the
| Sets solving proces should be coirModern Approach 19 Physical Chemistry Vo. 1
vpn Mt xa
Ve pivevsayeht
‘Consider the disocaton equtirum
ABENIZ eAg™620N-
ence a
~ Ky 0015 “56x10!
for x=268410- Mag"
KAAgOSH gta asia") EE RantRRD= 20 = 10° ant
Solution 04 moleof AgCI diesolves to give 01 mole ofAg® and 0: mole of
0.4 mole of Ag" is frm supposed to combine with 9 mole of Nilo
form Di mate of he compos Aa wh te dso
{he solution isle
‘Let us fist ealculate[Ag"]érom the Ky vale of AgCL
‘AgCils) Ag 6 CI-
Let the intial concentration of NH bey moles per ire, ut of which
(0.2 M combines with 0.1 mole of Ag" the remaining NHg would be
(y=0.2) moles per lire.
Now, consider the dissociation equllbrium of Ag(NF3)
ene ~ son? w “amon on
site eS
1 oso%y-03? 1
ee ‘ar Tax?”
y= 27 MINH iia
‘atin eae ny ing
ta ain 2on mc n Tamneen cee
"oe etn Aqua ee
‘Agtagh 505 tn gaya 74108 a
‘Mt iOu) gh 540 F pe gy! tage 1
Int meta tgp T=
a tact t= 0
Sic 1:0f I> tee! a be et some
ceed nh ton ang mg ate em
hs emnren ecu maybe mont 0 ae
TOF Tequal 0 286 M.
of 290304 M ARSON
ets nove sonar he Dat
re eee ap hema beverg amano
agsogt OAC SOE
Atequlibriom 27 iy) UP een
- Gat eset
Kem [agt&20502 1
for (Ag = 1881019418305121 43020
ev cee ARO), cmler the fst compen
Ateguivam yMB* SQE A Ano B= 7400
1 AE:0501 25410 date L1sI0-™ Me
PAS prcpates but ZS remains ineslton.
nett] com MGis I> 12-10%
Seal precipitated and ZnS sare preci,
Now we cau [P47] when 2 js stars procping.
[Shen Za ant tarts pring = 110°
Ky = PIS
oe 258007 =I PATIO,"=P Chama Yay
FET the station = 256107
Ths perce Tt 227192,
aR 0 PH noe 270
$100 000095,
Piaget |
Solubility ultram of Ca inter maybe
cane 2,
Kop = 1a? M0 F = (nay? «4?
AS Care ight soluble compound he coeation of
Golubie sts wil pracuealy bese watntcop =a
‘Again, considering the solubility the equim in the 13360
solution, we have
cane SES Gr |
Kyp= Ica" F
emer hat Ka ems
ap Er?
: wie
sen imate sy fai Te
Sey a a |
shan that of Ca ana ine |
os the Kup VE
product values of
“The Key value of Sais
golutich is practically om
SiSery, assuming that [F 1érom
exaurue ae
such larger
ety, We calculate (FT
Caf negigble
wo Looe
Taps OUT P= aa 2 297107
Toa Rast pene
can oa
fen of Caf ey) a6 Se 075)
kg rlPtnrh = 5 10810
3 Sd, a 3
aay "08107
oot ie
nse “Tusprobemeanaboteclvedby considering hectare baarcremnton,
fea eis l= FT
ne steiny of Cath in lle slain comin,
aM BCOOH and 02M NCOONE, (Ry Cah)= MA
is MB ore cgoube tse ome Hume
eon evra" th burton Wears
perks ys Boab
oe pttenkg 7 0" +oe
cago" 34078
JegltigQ*l= 3.4178 = 45822
coe “tjo"T= 5210,
‘Now we cel (HF rom ts vase
HF +H,08 N30"
OCH _ ¢s.<104
o Keae Tonkc Equilibria in Aqucoss
a nee = than 14 at 25 C,
yale an acid maybe rete Shore nay be
Ty entot Fe i mand ato diferent coneentations may be compu
oe state aay Tt Dereengholin
ae ee enka ieee wit he increase in cONCEntaton
= om 2h een pt sole With onl en many
in he ay of a, we i ng | a ymin HO,
aaaee eee ne namel CH Omtand EHNA a
‘Soc tn an cmc es we onl
Sa mb 5 te ele A dig | soph
SORTA S tzimete cl tan ic | he pofanaquens oon canbe
‘Pod ont Sh marble unwed eae