Numen Host Handbook V2.0

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Section 5: The Works of Conflict

Section 1: The Cosmic
I. Armies
- Foreword
II. Wars
III. Personal Combat
I. Gods
II. The Elder Gods
III. Divine Perspective
IV. Divine Points
V. Divine Powers Section 6: Appendices
VI. Domains
VII. Pantheons I. Domain List
VIII. Eras II. Alignments Chart image
III. Prosperity Spending Chart
IV. Tech Examples categories
Section 2: The Great Works

I. Avatars
II. Artifacts
III. Sanctums
IV. Laws
V. Planes
VI. Miracles & Catastrophes
VII. Blessing & Curses
VIII. Events

Section 3: The Mortal Works

I. Mortal Races
II. Alignment
III. Traits, Boon, & Banes
IV. Technology
V. Prosperity
VI. Travel & Trade
VII. Forts

Section 4: The Lesser Works

I. Heroes
II. Sects
III. Monsters
IV. Prophecies

Player Dynamics and Narrative
Foreword: Engagement
Dawn of Worlds was posited originally as a system to The nature of this game makes it ideal for players who
bridge the divide between world building exercises and appreciate the nuances of role-playing and the
table-top roleplaying games, opting for a system where intricacies of a well-crafted story. It is less about
potential Game masters, players, authors, and all "winning" in the traditional sense and more about
manner of roleplaying aficionado’s can come together participating in a shared creation of an evolving world.
to collaboratively and (more importantly) cooperatively To this end, certain play styles may find this
engage in an exercise to build a world together. environment challenging:
Originally, this meant some measure of short-lived use
as the world played over during a game of DoW would Conflict Avoidant: Players who are uncomfortable
go on to be used in fantasy TTRPG games such as with any form of confrontation may struggle, as conflict
Dungeons and Dragons. is a driving force in narrative development.
s_game_1_0Final.pdf. Murderhobo/Maliciously Antagonistic: This
style, characterized by causing havoc or engaging in
The Numen Host conflict without narrative purpose, disrupts the
Welcome to The Numen Host, a systematically storytelling aspect and detracts from the collective
overhauled Divinity game based on Dawn of Worlds experience.
base rules. A game of divine intrigue, heroic quests,
and cosmic manipulations where the primary goal is to Power Gamer/Mechanical Maliciousness:
weave compelling narratives through the actions of Utilizing game mechanics to exploit unintended
gods, their avatars, and mortal heroes. This game is loopholes or to dominate other players in ways that
designed to encourage storytelling and the creation of break the game's balance or spirit. This behavior is
intricate narratives that explore the vast spectrum of contrary to the ethos of the game, which values
interaction—from deep conflicts to meaningful narrative depth over mechanical exploitation.
At its core, this game balances the elements of
antagonism and cooperation to foster a rich, dynamic
story environment. Conflict drives the plot forward, Mechanical Maliciousness
introducing challenges that characters must overcome, Defined
whether they are heroes striving against odds or gods
manipulating from the shadows. Yet, cooperation Mechanical Maliciousness refers to the use of game
provides the framework for complex relationships and mechanics in ways that intentionally disrupt gameplay
alliances, crafting narratives that are not only about balance or the intended experience. This can include:
confrontation but also about collaboration and
collective problem-solving. ● Exploiting Loopholes: Using ambiguous rules
Conflict and cooperation are not merely game or unforeseen interactions between game
mechanics but are integral to the evolution of the story. elements to gain an unfair advantage.
● Rules-Lawyering: Rigidly adhering to the letter
Game Ethos: of the rules to the detriment of the game’s flow
This game encourages players to think creatively and spirit.
within the framework of the rules, promoting actions ● Narrative Disruption: Taking actions that
and decisions that enhance the story and the significantly derail the planned story arcs or
experience for everyone involved. Players are urged to other players' enjoyment, under the guise of
consider the impacts of their decisions not just on their "playing the character."
own character or storyline but on the broader game

Section 1: The Cosmic - Xulpesh Yokhegdetl, the God of Time
Xulpesh is the mighty beast of the timeless void
outside creation, his body languishing in uncreation
I.Gods and the ethers of the Void. Existing beyond the
stretches of time, Xulpesh has reached into reality
God-Players are divine beings in the cosmos, each through the dreams of mortals through the Unwaking -
possessing control over specific domains such as the upper reaches of the timeless voids where mortal
Time, Creation, Deceit, or the Present. They interact minds stray in their sleep.
with the mortal world and each other through a - Aeriel , The Father of Darkness
complex interplay of power, influence, and divine The Purveyor of shadows, the monster under your
machinations. Their actions can alter the course of bed. Aeriel draws strength from all that is not light and
history, shape civilizations, and influence the daily lives alive, preferring the idea of a darker verse bereft of all
of the world's inhabitants. of this teeming life which grows abundant and bright.
Unlike conventional mythologies like the hellenistic - Zypharion, Lord of Nature
Greek mythos, the God-Players aren’t tangibly physicalA maker, an architect, a shaper and planner. Zypharion
deities, rather they represent universal constants. makes with his will a great array of artifacts and
More like Gaia or Chaos, they are so large and so monstrous races, known as the Harbinger of
great that to a mortal they are fundamentally challenges in every form he seeks to bind Mortal
incomprehensible in scope, but still capable of focused heroes to his cruel and unusual trials which torture in
consciousness to drive and direct their power upon the every form.
world. The Death Gods
Destruction and Death, twin brothers hand-in-hand that
Creating your god: would see the world bound to the cycle of life and
When creating a god, you must consider a couple of afterlife. Orderly and subservient to their balefire
basic features: dominion.
- Their Name - Et, The God of Death
- Any additional titles The Ruler of Death, Et oversees control of the afterlife
- Their intended Domain/s, Major and Minor and all practices surrounding the passage of a soul
- A description/backstory of them from their body into his dominion, the Beyond.
- A generally accepted appearance/manifestation - The Thing that Lurks
which they reliably appear as The Great Destroyer, He who Laughs, This one is a
great beast devout upon destroying and decimating as
Ib. The Elder Gods much of creation as possible, having already attacked
multiple gods in the first Age.
There were a generation of Deities born at the
The Undeclared
beginning of time, who shaped the primordial elements
Although formally undeclared, many of these neutral
of the world. The Elder gods represent a generation of
gods belong to an informal categorization known as
deities who have spent the first age of the world
‘The Young Gods’, a group dedicated to shepherding
shaping it, and the first mortal races to walk across it.
mortal life and building grand civilizations.
They can be recognized in a couple of groupings.
- Madei, Earth-Mother
Mother of the Deng, Madei embodies all of the earth
The Old Gods including her mountains and the vastness of her body.
A triumvirate of Elder gods that have no love for many - Gwyn Ap Nudd, Lord of Order
mortals, preferring the dark quiet of a universe before The Autumn Lord oversees the balancing of the natural
creation. They are far from friendly, and the only order, A Warrior and Hunting God, he grants great
mortals who seek favor with them are desperate, or boons to those who are deserving of his will, and may
mad, or both. if invoked in the name of protecting that natural
balance, grant a boon to any hero if he so desires it.
- Pholon Pnigon, Father Harvest God: The Omnipotent Observer
The God of Shapes, The Tallyman, and the Shaped
One. The Father-harvest is the god of agriculture and Characteristics
the harvest and all things which involve the cultivation
of floral life. Father to the Bruon and Thallon, he is a ● Omniscience: Gods possess near-complete
great protector of their sovereignty. knowledge of the universe and its events, past,
- Ciyja, Goddess of Civilization present, and future.
The Goddess of Civilization, she is Mother to the ● Indirect Influence: Typically, Gods influence
Earthen and the Merfolk, a powerhouse of culture and the world through broad, sweeping powers like
sophistication even in the earliest days of the world. events or miracles, but they rarely engage
- Deveg, God of Space directly.
The God of Space, Deveg has fathered a curious
genus of avian, the Gannet Harpy. Showing a knack Roleplaying Considerations
for inspiring explorers and wayfinders the world over,
Deveg has a vested interest in exploring the unknown. ● Limited Communication: Despite their vast
- Moirian, Lord of Stories knowledge, Gods cannot directly transfer their
The Lord of Stories has, to date, made his presence omniscient insights to their Avatars or Heroes
mostly unknown throughout the ages. The purveyor of due to the incomprehensible nature of their
the higher mysteries and the constructor of the knowledge, which is bound by their divine and
bindings of fate through his cryptic prophecies, Moirian eldritch essence.
has foretold a great many things. Some, which have ● Strategic Gameplay: Players roleplaying as
come to pass, and others which as of yet have not Gods must consider how to strategically use
eventuated. their knowledge to influence the game
- Rahel, Monarch of Light indirectly, setting events in motion that align
The Luminous Lord, Rahel has shown mastery over with their divine plans without overt
the skies and all of the monstrous beasts which inhabit intervention.
it. More cryptic than many of his divine brethren, Rahel ● Prophecies: Communication with Avatars and
has contributed greatly to the skies and atmospheres Heroes is often limited to cryptic prophecies or
of the world over. signs that require interpretation, adding a layer
- Erra, The Mainframe of Knowledge of challenge in ensuring their divine will is
An unusual god hailing from a dead world in another understood and acted upon correctly.
verse, the machine rendered divine by the energies
and arts of a civilization long gone. The father to the Avatar: The Deity Incarnate
Automaton Talos, Erra shows unusual vigor in his
efforts to shape and shield his mortal creations, Characteristics
possessive of his children as would be a father.
● Vastly Superhuman Abilities: While not
omnipotent, Avatars possess exceptional
abilities and senses far beyond those of mortals
II. Divine Perspective but still operate under significant constraints
compared to their divine creators.
In the world of divine games, players may take on the ● Direct Interaction: Avatars interact with the
roles of Gods, their Avatars, or mortal Heroes, each world more directly than Gods, engaging with
with distinct capabilities, perspectives, and limitations. individuals, communities, and battles.
Understanding these differences is crucial for effective
roleplaying, as it shapes how each character interacts
with the world and the information they can access and
act upon.

Roleplaying Considerations

● Perception Limits: Unlike Gods, Avatars do
not inherently know everything. Their actions
III. Divine Points:
should be based on the information available to The Primary means by which a god interacts with the
them through their interactions and world is the points they accrue from turn to turn. At the
observations within the world. beginning of a turn, the god-player rolls a set of dice to
● Executing Divine Will: Avatars must navigate determine their accrual for that turn, and from there
the complexities of interpreting and can determine how to spend it.
implementing the cryptic directives received Accrual:
from their God, which can lead to conflicts or At the start of a turn, a player rolls 3d6 to determine
misunderstandings based on limited their Divine Points (DP) income.
● Mortal Interactions: Players roleplaying as Debt:
Avatars need to balance their divine nature with - A god can spend up to -50 points, accumulating
the necessity to engage with mortals in a those 50 points as a debt. If a player starts a turn in the
meaningful and influential way. negative after rolling their turns income, they are
unable to perform any divine/god acts and can only act
through Avatars or Heroes.
At the end of each Era, all debt is forgiven to ensure
Hero: The Mortal Protagonist the game proceeds on fair footing.

Characteristics Inactivity Bonuses:

A god may find that they need more points than the
● Mortality: Heroes are fundamentally mortal
base income can provide to perform their intended
and possess no inherent knowledge of divine or
actions. If this is the case, after 1 turn of inactivity, the
cosmic intricacies unless revealed through
following roll will involve a +12 flat bonus of points to
divine intervention or study.
help assist in saving up the required amount.
● Limited Scope: Heroes act within a much
narrower scope than Gods or Avatars, often
After 3 turns of inactivity, on the turn roll of the 4th turn
focusing on more immediate and personal
they will receive a +1 dice, coming to 4d6+12 to help
resolve inactivity spells with additional income.

Roleplaying Considerations
Pantheon rules:
● Reliance on Gods or Avatars: Heroes may If in a pantheon, gods may freely pool points to one of
depend on guidance from higher powers, which their members for the completion of a task, additionally
can come in the form of visions, prophecies, or they may trade points freely for the purposes of one
divine quests. Interpreting these signs correctly member saving up.
is crucial for their path. If a player is inactive and gaining inactivity bonuses,
● Human Perspective: Players roleplaying as they may give their points to a Pantheon member for
Heroes need to engage with the world from a the purpose of completing an action without ending
mortal perspective, dealing with limitations in their inactivity bonuses, however they may not freely
knowledge, power, and lifespan. trade their points without an assigned purpose.
● Influence and Impact: Despite their
limitations, Heroes can profoundly impact their
world through bravery, leadership, and pivotal
actions in critical events.

IV. Divine Powers Command City/Civilization - Influence a
civilization as a whole, or a specific city directly or
The following powers are available to all players (with indirectly with manifestations of divine will and
certain domain exceptions): inspiration.
Shape Land - Shape, add, remove, or Alter Terrain, 10 6 5
geological features, such as mountains, plains,
oceans, or cliffs. Create Order/Sect - Plant a specific code of belief
of your origin and design in the members of a mortal
4 7 10 race, creating an organized religious movement of
Shape Climate - Shape the climate of a map tile some denomination.
including biomes, vegetation, atmospheric conditions, Note: Any other divine entities commanding your sect
habitat conditions, local natural POI’s, or species of will be recognized as foreign influence, and vice versa.
wildlife. 12 10 5
Note: Species of wildlife can not contain any significant
strengths, anomalous traits, or outward esoteric Create Prophecy/Omen - Generate a fate-bound
capability. Any species that fall outside of this category prophecy using a Target, Trigger, and Outcome format,
are to be considered Monstrous. forcing fate to at least bend itself around these events
to make them much more likely.
3 6 8 Note: Gods can not directly claim prophecies with
Create Life - Create a Mortal Species. Designate a action, nor can it be claimed the same turn as creation.
spot for their cradle or first city, 3 traits which help 8 11 14
determine their mechanical function, and a name and
description for this species. Creating a City - Bid the construction of a new
Traits for a new mortal species can include esoteric,
settlement for a species/culture.
biological or psychological functions. Outside of these
traits only base functions are assumed.
Note: Select a point on the map that can be traveled
48 9 18 to from an existing city.
Shape Life - Modify an existing form of life. This can 20 8 10
be used to add traits to existing Mortal races, or to Advance Civilization - Inspire a civilization to
create an offshoot/Subrace.
invent or uncover a new cultural, governmental,
Subraces are given a new cradle, 3 traits (inheriting
technological, or esoteric discovery, adding it as a
minimum of 1) and a new name description for the
technology to their civ techs provided they have the
pre-requisite research points accrued and available.
20 6 15 Note: Advance civ not limited to one advance at a time
as long as precursors are met.
Create Monsters - Create a unique or anomalous
species of life, monstrous or otherwise. Designate a 18 10 8
place for their cradle territory, 3 traits, a strength rating Shift Alignment/Purification & Corruption
where 10 is a normal human, and any divine
Purify or corrupt a civilization’s ideals by shifting its
alignment by a single point of a single axis (hostility
18 5 11 agreeability or logic sentiment)
Note: Uses can stack
Create Artifact - Generate a unique divine artifact 7 5 4
imbued with a singular defining function or trait within
Event - Generate an in-universe law obeying event
the domain of the creating god.
of political, geological, biological, tactical, or otherwise
12 8 6 mundane act.
20 17 19

Note: Gods that aren’t the creator of the sect are
recognized as foreign influence.
Create Avatar - Create a Minor
Deity/Avatar/Extension of your will in the world capable 8 6 3
of independent action and direct intervention. Create Blessing/Curse - Create a
mortal/location-bound/monster-bound or artifact-bound
Note: Avatar's actions do not cost divine points.
blessing or curse which adheres to universal laws but
21 18 15 may affect monsters, heroes, or mortals.
Divine Intervention (Miracle/Catastrophe) - 8 12 16
Perform a reality-bending law-breaking such as divine Create Hero - Create a mortal representative of a
manifestations, raising the dead, or killing an Avatar.
god with a divinely imbued trait on top of their racial
Note: Avatar’s or Heroes casting this are weakened
traits. They can perform independent actions that don’t
versions of the power.
cost points.
25 25 25
9 8 6
Create Bloodline - Establish a bloodline of mortals Create Sanctum - Imbues a designated space
descending from a progenitor such as a Hero or
with divine energy, transforming it into a space which
legendary figure, containing 1 imbued divine trait of
can adopt the traits and nature desired by the creating
god, be it as an extradimensional pocket world or a
12 9 6 divinely consecrated space that can resist intrusion.
Creating a Plane - Facilitates the creation of a 15 20 40
new plane of existence or world. Points of access will Incursion - An Avatar power for breaching a foreign
need to be created with ‘miracle’ feat, with one granted
Sanctum against its will.
for free upon the creation of the plane to be placed on
another map. n/a n/a n/a
Legitimize Sect - Attempt to turn an uncontested
Note: Can contain designated biomes, terrain, etc
Sect into the ruling body of a mortal city or species,
upon creation.
resulting in the creating and managing god shifting
180 200 220 away from the race's creator.

Shaping Reality - Empower and shape a law of n/a n/a n/a

existence or reality, a base fundamental weaving of Guard Location - A hero action for selecting a
reality which is irrefutable and only deniable by direct location and guarding it against intrusion, attack, or
divine intervention. incursion.
200 200 200 n/a n/a n/a
Create Pantheon - Create a bonded group of Support/Denounce Sect - A hero action for
divine entities with common purpose, allowing divine trying to push the agenda of a Sect, or deny one and
pooling of points to achieve common tasks. its control over the local populace.
10 (+5 for every 10 (+5 for every 10 (+5 for every n/a n/a n/a
god after 2) god after 2) god after 2)
Attune to Pantheon - Join an existing pantheon, Proliferate Monsters - Like creating a mortal city,
except creating a new den/lair/territory for a monster
only with their consent.
15 15 15
9 4 7
Command Order/Sect - Command a sect and
Purge Territory - Hero’s or Avatar’s may lead an
order them to perform an action of some kind.
army to clear a territory of Monsters, rolling against

them, the strength of the monster species will operate
a modifier on base army dice. Within a Pantheon, gods can fluidly exchange
energies and engage in direct communication for
n/a n/a n/a
strategic planning and collective acts of creation. This
Tame Monsters - Hero’s may cast this power if system not only fosters greater divine cooperation but
their culture has the technology for creating also amplifies the reach and impact of their efforts
appropriate mounted/monstrous unit types, rolling for across the cosmos.
n/a n/a n/a

V.Domains VII.Eras
All gods begin as Pluripotent in all spheres in terms of Era’s/Age’s/Period’s are the three principle dividing
power usage, but in order to maintain a competitive segments into which the game is divided.
atmosphere and a degree of growth for the players, Era 1, or the First Era, concerned the moment of
domains open up at the beginning of the second age. creation (Turn 0) in which the shape of the overworld
What is a domain? and its continents was collaboratively determined, and
It is a sphere of influence that characterizes and then the proceeding 10 turns of actions from
flavors all of the powers of a god (God of fire, God of player-gods.
Light, God of Life, etc) but also limits it conditionally.
The Three Era’s
During the first age, when the world is young, the gods The First Era is meant to concern the shaping of the
have powers across all domains but none of the world, its terrain, and the biomes of it. This era has
potency of specialization. As they achieve acts and already elapsed and passed by.
actions during the first age, the winds of fate will shape
their divine domain for them based on the actions they The Second or Middle Age is meant to concern the
perform. At the close of the First Age of Young Gods, a coming of mortals and a diaspora of life across the
review of each set of divine actions will yield which surface of the world or worlds.
titles (using a first-come first-served rule) belong to
which god, with multiple mantles resulting in The Third or Late Age is meant to concern a focus and
homogenized groupings (I.E God of War/Crafting ). emphasis on politics and mortal affairs.

By the play of the Second Era, Gods will be more Powers and their cost in divine points will fluctuate
limited and less pluripotent as the larger part of the alongside other tangential mechanics from Era to Era
energies have already been expended into the world, based on this focus, so creating life and managing
explaining why larger displays of power become hardercivilizations in Era 1 while terrain is obscenely cheap to
(expense changes from era to era), resulting in defined change is contra-incentivized by the high prices on
playstyles around the acts that the young gods (era 1) those powers.
chose to partake their essences in.
Era Length
Each turn is meant to last a minimum of 6 turns, after
VI.Pantheons the 6th turn all turns will be democratically voted on
Gods possess the capability to intermittently exert whether to proceed or end the Era, with a majority vote
influence on each other’s creations. However, such making the decision.
actions require a baseline expenditure to align with Turns
another god’s domain. This foundational cost can be A turn comprises a single round of actions from all
circumvented within the structure of a Pantheon, which god-players, whether it be inactivity or expenditure.
facilitates a more seamless and collaborative
interaction among aligned deities. At the start of a turn, power points may be rolled to

determine your Divine-Point income for the turn.
A Avatar may have 1 Divine trait assigned upon
A turn lasts roughly 4 days in real time, aiming for 2 creation, ideally being broad in definition to help define
sets of 48 hours which allows all time zones which their nature and style of interaction with the world, be it
players may be in to reflect and make their as a warrior, manipulator, leader of mortals, maker, etc.
action-posts in the turn channel. Upon creation, an Avatar is assumed to have the
following Traits:
At the 3 day mark, a second-to-last call for actions will
be made, and at the 12 hour mark a last call will be 1) Allspeak / Telepathy
made. If you make it known with a message that you
will post soon and a rough idea of when, the end of a ● Description: This trait grants Divine Avatars
turn can be suspended to wait for you but the supernatural ability to communicate across
communication is paramount. any language barrier, enabling them to speak
and understand all spoken languages and
dialects. Additionally, it includes telepathy, the
Section 2: The Great capacity to communicate mentally with Heroes
over vast distances, without the need for verbal
Works or written means. This allows them to influence,
guide, and interact with aligned heroes
seamlessly, regardless of cultural or linguistic
I. Avatars
2) Divine Being / Immortal
Avatars represent a present deity in the physical world,
having a corporeal body of sorts and an ability to ● Description: As divine entities, these avatars
directly interact with the mortal realm. are immortal, not bound by the physical laws
that govern mortal life. They do not age, suffer
Whether a Minor god in their own right or a projection from disease, or die from natural causes. Their
of a larger player-god like a manifestation, the Avatar immortal nature often means they are seen
is an independent entity with its own actions every both as guardians and judges, embodying
turn, being able to perform up to 2. eternal divine principles.

Unlike a God, they do not need to spend points for Creator of Life
their actions but they do have limited scope to manifest
their spark of divinity with. ● Description: This trait enables Divine Avatars
to create life forms or alter existing ones. They
When creating an Avatar, the following must be can bring forth new species, restore life to
considered: barren places, or even resurrect the dead
1) Name/Titles under certain conditions. Their creative power
2) Their form/appearance is a reflection of the divine energy that flows
3) if they embody a specific asset of their creator-god through them, manifesting in the ability to foster
4) Their assigned Divinity/Divine Trait biodiversity and manipulate biological
Divine Traits
Leader of Mortals
Divine traits are characteristics or abilities that set
divine avatars apart from mortal beings, aligning them
● Description: This trait embodies the avatar's
with specific aspects of the universe, such as nature,
role as a leader and guide for mortal beings.
time, morality, or the elements. These traits not only
They possess charismatic authority and the
define the avatar's powers but also their divine
divine mandate to lead, making them natural
purpose and the nature of their interaction with the
leaders who can inspire and direct large groups
game world and its inhabitants.

of people. Their leadership is not only strategic
but also moral and spiritual.
II. Artifacts
Divine Artifacts, generally created directly by
Avatars and Create Life
Player-Gods, are objects of some kind imbued with a
Avatars, upon creation, have the ability to use Create
minor spark of divinity which perform a divinely imbued
Life once free of charge, founding their cradle city with
function of some kind.
the Avatar’s aid. This is to facilitate the creation of
This is litigated by the selection of a Trait which
elder races and devout worshippers of each deity, as
determines its divinely enhanced or imbued function,
well as diversity in mortal species.
be it a blade which can cut through anything or a shield
which deflects the first hit in every combat encounter.
Ib.Avatar Power List:
Things to consider when creating an artifact:
Not being true gods, the Avatars have access to a very - Name/Title
limited list of Powers, some of which don’t work - Appearance
analogously to their divine counterparts. - Divine Trait
- Command City/Civilization - Who is wielding it
In the case of raising armies, the use of Command
City/Civilization offers the first army for free, after Artifact Possession:
Like bearer bonds, the Artifact is only in possession of
which point 50% of the divine points cost is paid
the one who actively wields it, without this unless its
per army simultaneously raised.
trait is passive it is considered inactive or dormant.
- Advance civilization If an Avatar or Hero wielding an artifact is killed, the
- Purification/Corruption foreign actor (hero or avatar) can then claim those
- Event Artifacts clearly unless their traits include functions
which preclude other users from accessing them.
- Catastrophe/Miracle
A Avatar’s Catastrophe/Miracle is limited to the The only other means of separating a wielder from
City-Scale or locale regional scale, unable to affect their artifact is duplicitous means, though unlikely to
larger portions or directly invert natural law. They can fail, stealth or theft may be tangible if unlikely means to
operate manipulations of the fabric of reality but not separate the two.
directly defy it, being lesser deities.
- Direct combat (Rough) Artifact Categories:
- Create Order/Sect - Regalia/Adornments
- Weapons/Arms
- Command Order/Sect
- Armour
- Can lead armies - Transportation/Mounts
As long as they march together, An avatar can lead - Scrolls/Tomes/Knowledge
any number of massed and coordinated military units. - Tools or Instruments
- Reliquaries
- Familiars/Minor Companions
- Purge Territory
An Avatar will also require the presence of Military
units or Heroes to help clear out a monster territory.

acting as a shielded fortress against designated
III.Sanctums threats.
6. Divine Revelation/Imparting Visions: The
The power to Create Sanctum represents a divine sanctum can be a site of prophecy or divine
ability to consecrate and transform spaces into sacred communication, where deities impart visions,
sites that reflect the will and essence of their deity. This guidance, or prophetic dreams to those within
sanctification process not only imbues the area with its bounds.
divine energy but also grants it properties that can 7. Avatar Residence: It can act as a protected
significantly alter the dynamics of divine interaction, residence or lair for an avatar, providing a
protection, and influence within the mortal realm. secure base of operations or a retreat.
8. Reliquary for Artifacts: The sanctum can
Mechanical Overview
serve as a safe storage location for divine or
● Functionality: The power to Create Sanctum sacred artifacts, where their powers are
allows a deity or divine avatar to designate a enhanced or protected from outside
physical space or structure as consecrated interference.
ground. This space then gains attributes and
abilities that are supernatural in nature. IIIb.Incursions:
● Costing:
○ Early Age: 15 points Should a God-Player wish to breach another's
○ Middle Age: 20 points Sanctum and it is sealed and/or guarded, simple force
○ Late Age: 40 points The escalating cost can not overcome this divine construction. An avatar
reflects the increasing strategic under their rule must commit to an Incursion action.
importance and power of such sites as
the ages progress. Incursions refer to any attempt physical or mental
against the wishes of the occupant/creator to breach
Potential Properties of a Sanctum: the seal of a Sanctum for any purpose, unless
otherwise sanctified by its possessor/creator.
1. Holy Ground: The area becomes inherently
holy, repelling evil entities and purifying When an Incursion action is made, a d100 role by the
corruption. This can be pivotal in scenarios perpetrating player is required, with the outcomes
where dark forces are prevalent. determined as follows:
2. Extradimensional Refuge/Pocket
Dimension: The sanctum can serve as a (0-25) - Fail to breach, waste action
refuge or a hiding place, existing partially
outside the regular dimensions. It provides a (25-50) - Fail to breach, get a new action
safe haven, accessible only through specific
divine or arcane means. (50-75) - Successfully breach, but defenders get
3. Non-Euclidean Spaces: Spaces within the favorable odds so they can initiate combat with penalty
sanctum can defy conventional geometry, free attack and/or initiative
allowing for larger interiors than the external
(75-100) - Successfully breach on equal footing to
dimensions would suggest, or creating
labyrinths that only the creator can easily
4. Divine Restoration/Healing Waters: Areas
within the sanctum might possess restorative
properties, such as healing waters or an
ambiance that accelerates healing and
5. Protection Against Evil or Specific Warding:
The sanctum can offer protection against
specific types of creatures, forces, or magic,
Foundation of a Universal Reality Law:
● Example: "Time flows backward for one day
"Shaping Reality" stands as one of the most profound
every year."
powers a deity can wield within the cosmic hierarchy.
● Implication: This could lead to unique cultural
This power goes beyond mere alteration or influence; it
traditions, changes in how history and memory
involves rewriting the fundamental laws that govern
work, or novel adaptations in daily life and
existence and altering the nature of existence. By
survival strategies.
enacting a new law of magic, technology, or the nature
of reality, a deity embeds their essence and will
permanently into the fabric of the universe, creating
Things to consider when designing a law:
lasting changes that can define or redefine the nature
of their role, domain, or the capabilities of all gods. - Purpose and Intent: What is the purpose
behind this Law? What is the intended effect?
A consistent cost of 200 points across 3 ages reflects - Scope and Impact: How will this impact the
the immense energy and divine commitment required broader world or specific targets? Does it alter
to shape reality. This high cost ensures that the power fundamental physics, change magical rules,
is used judiciously and only in circumstances of great affect living creatures, or redefine more
need or strategic importance. abstract elements?
- Mechanical considerations: How is your
The changes implemented by this power are
law going to be policed if it needs to be? Where
permanent unless countered by interventions of a
do you draw the line on what is affected?
similar magnitude. This sets the stage for high-stakes
Ensuring that your law isn’t going to negatively
divine interactions and conflicts, where other deities
affect overall game balance is a legitimate
may seek to oppose or defy the established laws
consideration to make.
through their own acts of power.
- Narrative Opportunities: Introducing
conflict and tension in a narratively appropriate
Example Applications: way by designing it to naturally oppose certain
Creation of a Magic Law: gods, mortal societies, etc creates opportunities
for story beats that can be extended into fuller
● Example: "All spells cast must first draw from
the Warpstuff plane corresponding to their
nature." - Consistency of Design: Ensure the Law
● Implication: This law could redefine how magic is internally consistent and also consistent to all
is practiced, requiring mages to form alliances other established rules in the universe, avoid
with Spatial or cosmic beings or alter their contradictions outright unless they serve a
training to accommodate this new connection. distinct purpose. Providing a clear mythological
explanation about the laws' nature or origin is
Establishment of a Technological Law: useful for grounding context. This context you
provide with the law allows other player-gods to
● Example: "Technology cannot advance beyond build off of either in opposition or support.
a point where it threatens the divine balance."
● Implication: This law might prevent certain
dystopian outcomes or cap the level of
technological advancement to ensure that
deities maintain control over the world.

Catastrophe Example Uses:
The divine power to create a new plane is an 1) Introducing a Bane to a Racial or
extraordinary ability that allows a deity to expand the Civilization Trait/Tech:
boundaries of existence by forming a completely - Gods: Can curse an entire race or civilization
separate realm. This new plane functions as an with a bane that fundamentally weakens their
entirely distinct 'map,' offering endless possibilities for abilities or corrupts their technologies.
adventure, conflict, and exploration. This power not - Avatars: Might introduce more localized banes
only showcases a deity's immense strength but also affecting a specific community or region.
their creative vision, as they can tailor the plane to - Mortal Heroes: Limited to cursing a single
serve specific purposes or embody particular aspects lineage or small group.
of their dominion.

Things to consider when designing a

2) Plagues and Weather Events:
plane: - Gods: Can unleash plagues or enduring
- Thematic alignment (if any) weather phenomena that affect large parts of
- Altered laws of physics/magic/etc the world.
- Planets overall climate - Avatars: Typically cause smaller-scale plagues
- Geography/Landmasses or storms that impact a single locale or city.
- Biomes (up to 4 primary biomes) - Mortal Heroes: Influence minor natural
- Major wildlife forms (up to 3) anomalies or localized disease outbreaks.
- Major Floral forms (up to 3)
- Location of primary access point
- Any additional access points (separate
power) 3) Astrological events and Volcanic
Planar Travels - Gods: Trigger catastrophic meteor storms or
Something to consider is that unless it is through massive volcanic eruptions that can reshape
accepted access points (portals, etc), Planes can not coastlines.
routinely be traveled between except under specific - Avatars: Cause significant but more regionally
examples. localized natural disasters.
- Artifacts with specific travel functions may serve as - Mortal Heroes: Might predict or minorly
means to hop planes in a directed manner. influence such events through prescience or
- Avatars casting Miracle/Catastrophe may affect intervention.
interplanar travel, carrying mortals with them as they
see fit.

4) Empowering Monsters or Destroying

VI.Miracles & Catastrophes Artifacts:
● Gods: Empower beasts to singular sub-avatar
"Divine Intervention," previously categorized under levels or destroy powerful entire sets of artifacts
Miracles and Catastrophes, encompasses the in one hit.
profound abilities of deities to enact significant ● Avatars: Dismantle singular artifacts if
changes within the world through either benevolent uncontested or empower monsters to heroic
miracles or destructive catastrophes. These actions levels.
are extraordinary, going beyond the scope of normal ● Mortal Heroes: can’t damage artifacts, may
divine acts by fundamentally altering reality at a grand create unique minorly empowered monsters.

Miracle Uses While the monster acts independently, general
behavioral patterns or objectives can be encoded
1) Introducing a Boon to a Racial or during the empowerment process, guiding its actions
on a macro level.
Civilization Trait/Tech:
- Gods: Bestow powerful boons that enhance
the capabilities or prosperity of entire races or Things to consider:
civilizations. - Name/Title
- Avatars: Grant boons that benefit specific - Species
communities or groups. - Place/Location
- Mortal Heroes: Inspire or lead the discovery of - Boons on Traits
minor enhancements or technologies. - Appearance/Form

Roll Table for Empowered Monster Actions:

D100 performed each turn that the creator-god wants
2) Mass Healing or Raising the Dead: to direct their monster somehow, outcome per table
- Gods: Perform miracles that heal thousands or below:
bring back many from the dead.
- Avatars: Heal groups of people or resurrect Roll Action Needs:
key figures. 1-10 Rest/Recover n/a
- Mortal Heroes: Save individuals or small
groups through heroic efforts. 11-15 Patrol Territory Select Tile

16-25 Set Ambush Select tile

26-30 Create new Monster select location

3) Creating Portals or Smiting: Brood (Same breed)
● Gods: Open permanent gateways between
planes or banish Avatars from the world. 31-40 Guard Lair n/a
● Avatars: Create temporary passage between
41-45 Seek Artifact Select target
planes or kill heroes.
● Mortal Heroes: Might create rifts between two 46-55 Scout nearby mortals Select Target
points in the same plane.
56-65 Hoard treasure Lair +5P
VIb. Empowered Monsters 66-70 Hunt Select Tile

Empowering Monsters, a divine act solely in the power 71-75 Forge alliance with Select Mortal
scale of Gods often classified under the broader nearby town Fort/City
category of Catastrophes, involves imbuing a creature
76-85 Hunt Hero Select Target
with extraordinary powers that elevate its capabilities
to rival or surpass those of mortal heroes. Unlike 86-90 Dark Ritual Select Target
heroes, who operate under direct divine or mortal for Hero-scale
guidance, Empowered Monsters act according to their Cataclysm
instincts, guided by the unpredictable whims of fate
91-95 Strengthen Defenses +1 defense
represented through RNG mechanics.
point to Lair

Besides improved and superior versions of the 95-100 Evolve +1 trait

baseline species traits, an Empowered Monster can
have boon’s placed freely upon any or all of their traits
during the process of catastrophe.

- Curse a location with unending storms,
VII.Blessing & Curses affecting local climate, agriculture, and living
"Create Blessing/Curse" is a divine power that allows conditions.
deities to bestow specific beneficial enhancements 3. Artifact of Misfortune:
(blessings) or detrimental afflictions (curses) on - Curse an artifact to bring bad luck to its bearer,
mortals, heroes, monsters, locations, or artifacts. causing minor misfortunes or major calamities.
Unlike broader Divine Interventions, this power is more
VIII. Events
focused, typically affecting individuals or specific sites
rather than altering the fabric of reality on a large
scale. The 'Events' power is a divine tool that enables a deity
While Divine Intervention can alter the course of to subtly influence the world through the orchestration
history or reshape entire landscapes, the Create of significant occurrences. Unlike direct divine
Blessing/Curse power is more localized and personal, interventions such as Blessings/Curses or
affecting specific targets rather than widespread areas Catastrophes/Miracles, 'Events' are characterized by
or fundamental laws. their indirect nature, shaping the world in ways that
Divine Interventions may defy or alter natural laws, appear natural or coincidental to its inhabitants. This
creating or destroying in ways that are supernaturally power is instrumental in driving narrative
profound. In contrast, blessings and curses operate developments, altering the course of civilizations, and
within the bounds of existing reality, enhancing or introducing both challenges and opportunities without
impairing in ways that are extraordinary but do not overtly revealing divine involvement.
fundamentally change how the world works.

Differentiation from Other Divine Powers

Events are designed to mimic the randomness and
unpredictability of life. They are perceived as natural
Blessing Example Uses occurrences, or random chance, or the result of mortal
actions, thus maintaining the mystery and sanctity of
1. Heroic Fortitude:
divine intervention.
○ Bless a hero with enhanced endurance
or strength, allowing them to perform
Narrative and World-building
heroic feats beyond normal human - Events serve as narrative catalysts, creating
capabilities. scenarios that require adaptation and response
2. Sanctuary Creation: from civilizations, unlike Blessings/Curses or
○ Ward a specific location against specific Catastrophes/Miracles, which provide
evil, making it a safe haven for mortals immediate and recognizable divine effects. This
against supernatural threats or direct allows for a more nuanced development of the
divine interference. game world’s history and the stories of its
3. Fertility of Land: Inhabitants.
○ Bless a region's land to be
extraordinarily fertile, boosting
agricultural productivity and sustaining a Strategic Deployment
larger population. - Events can be strategically deployed to test
civilizations, initiate new plotlines, or resolve
Curse Example Uses existing ones in a manner that feels organic
and dynamic. They provide a way for the Gods
1. Vampirism Plague: to guide the game’s progression without direct
- Curse individuals with vampirism, transforming meddling, preserving player agency and the
affected mortals into creatures of the night with integrity of the game’s status quo without
a thirst for blood. reshaping continents or civilizations directly.
2. Perpetual Storms:

Event Examples:
Natural Events Mystical Events

Great Storm: Can reshape coastlines, destroy fleets, orRegional Malaise or Wellness: A vague but powerful
rejuvenate a land through the water it brings. sense of doom or blessing that affects the inhabitants
of a region, influencing their morale and productivity.
Astrological Phenomena: Might include rare celestial
alignments that inspire or terrify populations, Behavioral Shift in Monsters: Sudden changes in
influencing cultural or religious developments. monster behavior, such as increased aggression or
retreat, which can alter local ecologies or population
Technological Events dynamics.

Loss of Technology: A sudden regression, such as the

loss of the ability to produce a vital resource, which
can cripple an economy or military. IX. Intrigue & Events
New Boon/Bane for Technology: Discovery or
The Intrigue Mechanic introduces a layer of covert
innovation that transforms an existing technology,
operations, espionage, and political manipulation to the
potentially sparking an industrial or scientific revolution.
divine gameplay, allowing avatars, and mortal heroes
Additionally, side effects not previously considered or
to influence the world in subtle yet powerful ways.
downsides not previously realized may be considered
The focus of this mechanic is on indirect influence,
for existing technology.
mirroring the overarching themes of prophecy, destiny,
and divine intervention, while maintaining the game's
Social Events
emphasis on storytelling and cooperative or
Cultural Renaissance: A flowering of arts and science competitive interaction.
that revitalizes a civilization and leads to golden ages.
Intrigue events sit in their own category entirely, and
Population Boom: Rapid increase in population that can be performed via either Event or Command
can lead to economic growth or strain resources, Civilization with the appropriate units created as
requiring new solutions and adaptations. required.

Economic Events
Economic Recession: A downturn that tests the
resilience of a civilization’s economic structures, ● Function: Espionage involves gathering
perhaps leading to political or social reforms. intelligence on rival civilizations, uncovering
secrets, or monitoring the actions of other gods,
Trade Wind Shift: Changes in trade routes that can avatars, and heroes. This can include stealing
shift economic power centers, benefiting some regions technological advancements, discovering
while disadvantaging others. hidden plots, or exposing weaknesses.
● Impact: Successfully gathering intelligence can
Military Events provide critical insights that shape strategic
decisions, inform divine actions, or even
Major Battle: A decisive confrontation that can alter the blackmail other players into cooperation.
balance of power, often remembered and studied for ● Mechanical use: Perform event power after
generations. creating either Scout or Commando units, or a
stealth related Hero with a D100 determining
Legendary Strategic Maneuver: A brilliant military tactic
overall success at GM’s discretion of the
that changes the course of a campaign or war, studied
in military academies across the world.
Section 3: The Mortal
● Function: Sabotage allows players to disrupt
the operations of rival civilizations or other
players. This can involve causing technological
regressions, economic downturns,
disabling/damaging Projets, or military failures
● Impact: Sabotage can weaken opponents
I. Mortal Races
without direct confrontation, creating "Create Life/Mortal Race" is a divine power granting
opportunities for advancement or reducing the deities the extraordinary ability to bring forth new life
threat posed by rival entities. forms, specifically the progenitors of a new race.
● Mechanical use: Use Command Civilization
after recruiting Scouts, Commando’s, or Things to consider:
Guerilla units to perform Sabotage actions.
- A map location for the species Cradle/first city
- 3x Racial Traits (biological, magical,
Deception and Misdirection psychological, etc)
- Starting Alignment
● Function: Deception allows players to plant
- A physical description and/or artwork
false information, create diversions, or mislead
- A species name
others about their true intentions. This can be
used to mask Sect actions and hide the true
target of a prophecy. Ib. Mortal Definition
● Impact: Successfully deceiving opponents can
lead to significant strategic advantages, Self-Procreation and Reproduction
allowing execution of plans without
interference or to manipulate the actions of ● Requirement: A species must be capable of
others for their benefit. self-reproduction through natural biological
● Mechanical Use: Utilize Command Sect to processes without the necessity for external
twist the details of a prophecy in that divine or magical intervention.
civilization's eyes.
Societal Development
● Requirement: Species must have the capacity
● Function: Assassination allows for Military to support and develop complex societies that
units to be deployed covertly to assassinate a can engage in activities such as researching
mortal target, such as a Hero or other new technologies, organizing military forces,
significant figure. and constructing developed settlements.
● Impact: Disruptions in military command, ● Details: This implies the presence of a
sects, or social structure could be routine structured social system capable of long-term
prelude to war, or a significant balance shift planning and communal effort. The species
within the confines of one. should demonstrate the ability to innovate and
● Mechanical Use: Utilize command Civilization adapt, reflecting a dynamic culture that
after recruiting Assassins or Commando’s and progresses over time through improvements in
target an enemy hero within travel range of that technology, military organization, and urban
turn. development.

Defined Lifespan Prosperity Actions include:
- Building new cities
● Requirement: To qualify as mortal, a species - Building Forts
must have a defined upper limit to its lifespan, - Raising Armies
establishing a natural conclusion to individual - Researching Advances
life cycles. - Obtaining additional RP
● Details: This limitation ensures the presence of - Constructing Projects
generational turnover and the continuous
evolution of societal norms and knowledge. The- Directing Military Action
lifespan cap should be consistent within the
species, dictating the natural aging process and- Establishing Laws/Practices (requiring relevant
the eventual death from old age or natural legalist tech first for actual laws)
- Inspiring Cultural movements
Capability of Language and Communication
- Encouraging Exploration
● Requirement: Species must be capable of
sophisticated language use or other forms of - Fostering political and/or cultural views
complex communication between individuals.
● Details: Effective communication is essential - Proliferating a Prophecy
for the functioning of advanced societies,
facilitating everything from daily interactions to - Extending a Trade Agreement offer to another
the transmission of complex ideas. Language applicable civilization
may include verbal speech, written elements, or
other symbolic systems that allow detailed and
nuanced sharing of information and cultural
Ic. Construction Projects
expression. Construction projects within a civilization are
monumental undertakings that not only demonstrate
Moral and Ethical Reasoning the civilization’s architectural and organizational
prowess but also provide significant mechanical
● Requirement: Species must be capable of benefits that can alter the course of its development.
moral and/or ethical reasoning, providing a Projects can only be constructed within city limits and
basis for societal norms and personal behavior are categorized by their scale, each appropriate to the
that can be recognized as aligning with specific city's size and importance.
moral or ethical codes.

Ib. Commanding Civilizations

Project Sizes
"Command City/Civilization" is a divine power that
allows a deity or divine entity to exert direct influence 1. Minor (Town Scale)
over the societal, cultural, and political development of
a city or an entire civilization. This power is crucial for ● Example: A small fortified wall or gatehouse
shaping large-scale human activities and ensuring that that provides basic defense capabilities to a
the divine will is manifested in the mortal realm. town.
● Benefits: Increases town's defense
capability slightly, making it tougher against
Examples of use: small-scale raids or natural disasters.

- Performing an action costing Prosperity (see

relevant appendices for exhaustive list)

2. Large (City Scale) Governmental Buildings: Mechanical Benefit:
Allows 'Edict' type technologies to be socketed,
● Example: A municipal university or college providing civilization-wide mechanical bonuses. Each
that enhances the city’s academic output. size scale of the project adds +1 edict slot, starting at 1
● Benefits: Doubles the RP (Research Points) for Minor projects, which enhances the administrative
output of the city, fostering faster and legislative capacities.
technological or cultural advancement.
Industrial Projects: Mechanical Benefit: Adds +5
3. Grand (Capital Scale) prosperity points to that city’s accrual per turn,
accelerating economic growth and industrial
● Example: A grand palace or capitol building
productivity within the city.
that serves as the seat of government.
● Benefits: Allows multiple edict-type
technologies to be implemented, enhancing Temple Projects: Mechanical Benefit: Can be
the governance and administrative designated as a place of worship by a Sect, the
efficiency of the civilization. Creator-God of the Sect receives +1DP if their Sect
controls the temple. If a Sect is successfully
4. Megascale (Megastructure) denounced, it can be driven from the temple, requiring
a second successful denouncement to remove them
● Example: A colossal monument or a from the city entirely. This dynamic fosters religious
massive industrial complex that dominates competition and conflict within the city.
the landscape.
● Benefits: Provides substantial boosts to
prosperity or other city functions, becoming
a centerpiece of economic or cultural life.

Categories of Projects

Fortifications: Mechanical Benefit: Adds +1 defense

point to any forts or cities in the same tile as the city
possessing the project, bolstering military defense
capabilities against attacks.
What is alignment?
Funerary Sites: Mechanical Benefit: Generates 3 Alignment refers to the prevailing cultural and social
Divine Points (DP) per turn if a dead hero is entombed mindset of your culture, outliers might exist individually
there via event; +6 DP per turn for a dead avatar or within sects, but the Alignment is the default
entombed via event. These points accrue to the mentality of an entire civilization/culture/species.
civilization’s creator-god, enhancing their divine
influence. The alignments system utilizes two co-axial sets of
values, Logic/Sentiment and Hostility/Agreeability
Academic Sites: Mechanical Benefit: Doubles the which all represent quadrants of combined values that
city’s RP output (e.g., increasing from 1.5 to 3 in Era express different styles of social values. This is a step
2), significantly boosting the civilization’s ability to away from binary evil and good and towards political
research and develop new technologies and doctrines. complexity, that doesn't mean evil or good races can't
exist, just that they aren't the default.

Logic/Sentiment Axis

- Logic: Represents a society's reliance on ● Skeptical (2H)
reason, evidence-based decision-making, ● Secular (1H or 1A)
and technological advancement. Traits ● Stoic (2A)
aligned with logic emphasize rationality, +4 Logic
innovation, and practical problem-solving. ● Innovative (2H)
● Makers (2A)
- Sentiment: Represents a society's reliance +5 Logic
on emotions, traditions, and spiritual ● Rational (1H or 1A)
beliefs. Traits aligned with sentiment
emphasize compassion, mysticism, and
adherence to cultural customs.

Sentiment Scale: +1 Logic or Sentiment :

Hostility/Agreeability Axis
● Cruel (5H)
- Hostility: Represents a society's tendency
● Predatory (3H)
towards aggression, competition, and
● Opportunistic (2H)
assertiveness. Traits aligned with hostility
● Merciful (5A)
include ambition, martial prowess, and
● Pure (3A)
predatory behaviors.
● Principled (2A)

- Agreeability: Represents a society's

tendency towards cooperation, +2 Sentiment
compassion, and peace. Traits aligned with
● Bloodthirsty (4H)
agreeability include pacifism,
● Individualist (3H)
communalism, and mercy.
● Anarchist (2H)
● Idealistic (1H or 1A)
● Apathetic (2A)
IIb. Alignments List: ● Scholarly (3A)
● Political (4A)
Logic Scale: +1 Logic or Sentiment :
+3 Sentiment
● Cruel (5H)
● Hedonist (2H)
● Predatory (3H)
● Mystical (1 H or 1A)
● Opportunistic (2H)
● Naive (2A)
● Merciful (5A)
● Pure (3A) +4 Sentiment
● Principled (2A) ● Luddite (2H)
+2 Logic: ● Traditions (2A)

● Warmonger (4H) +5 Sentiment

● Martial (3H) ● Zealous (1H or 1A)
● Ambitious (2H)
● Pragmatic (1H or 1A)
● Lawful (2A)
● Communalist (3A)
● Pacifist (4A)
+3 Logic
● Metallurgy Bane: Extensive mining required
III.Traits, Boons, & Banes for metallurgy results in environmental
A trait is a core, defining characteristic of a species or degradation like groundwater pollution and
civilization that is inherently neutral. These traits can atmospheric smog.
be biological, spiritual, technological, or cultural, and ●
they fundamentally shape how entities interact with
their environment and society. The distinction between
the traits of a civilization/culture and those of a specific Why Boons & Banes?
race or subrace is crucial, as it influences their The purpose behind the nuanced approach to traits,
development and interactions within the world. boons, and banes is to foster both collaborative and
antagonistic interactions in gameplay. This system
Examples of Traits: allows for easier modifications through the addition or
adjustment of boons and banes rather than altering the
● Biological Trait: Amphibious - Allows a trait itself, which maintains the identity and uniqueness
species to inhabit both aquatic and terrestrial of each race or civilization.
● Technological Trait: Mastery of Metallurgy - Examples Demonstrating the Interplay of Traits,
Enables a civilization to produce superior tools Boons, and Banes:
and weapons.
● Cultural Trait: Communal Living - Influences 1. Advanced Metallurgy
the societal structures, promoting shared ○ Boon: Enables the production of
resources and collective decision-making. advanced, durable military gear.
○ Bane: Leads to environmental issues
such as pollution, affecting health and
IIIb. Boons & Banes sustainability.

Boons and banes are modifiers that directly impact the

2. Agricultural Revolution
utility of a trait, adding layers of complexity and ○ Boon: Boosts food production
consequence. They enhance (boons) or complicate significantly, supporting rapid population
(banes) a trait, providing specific benefits or growth.
challenges. ○ Bane: Causes soil exhaustion and
degradation, leading to long-term
agricultural decline.
3. Mastery of Seafaring
○ Boon: Enhances dietary richness and
trade via abundant seafood and new
trade routes.
○ Bane: Increases risks of maritime
Boon Examples:
disasters and conflicts with pirates.
● Amphibious Boon: Comfort in humid climates 4. Amphibious
enhances survivability and prosperity in tropical ○ Boon: Access to diverse environments
regions. increases survival flexibility.
● Metallurgy Boon: Creation of durable armor ○ Bane: Higher susceptibility to
and weapons enhances military capabilities. dehydration on land challenges
expansion into dryer areas.
Bane Examples: 5. Night Vision
○ Boon: Provides tactical advantages in
● Amphibious Bane: Inability to survive in
nocturnal hunting and activities.
freshwater environments restricts habitat range
○ Bane: Daylight sensitivity requires
and access to resources.
adaptations for daylight activities.
6. Enhanced Strength
○ Boon: Improves efficiency in labor and ● Impact: Plays a critical role in scenarios
combat. involving stealth, affecting the success rate of
○ Bane: Higher caloric needs make the espionage activities and secretive maneuvers.
race vulnerable during food scarcities. ● Examples: Stealth technologies, spy
networks, encryption methods, and covert
communication techniques.
The technology system in the game serves as a 3. Industrial
fundamental mechanism through which civilizations
advance their capabilities across various domains.
● Purpose: Industrial technologies boost a
Using Research Points (RP), which accrue at a civilization’s economic output and efficiency.
specified rate per city, civilizations can invest in They are key to increasing productivity and
technological advancements that enhance their military prosperity.
prowess, economic output, stealth abilities, magical ● Impact: Determines the prosperity income,
capabilities, and governmental structures. with each technological advancement
Research Points base accrual is 2.5 / 1.5 / 0.25 points potentially increasing the economic benefits
per city relative to each era. This is to simulate the derived from industrial activities.
decreased length of terms in each era as politics ● Examples: Advancements in manufacturing
become more important to the gods. processes, resource extraction methods,
Besides a base technology list with basics, techs may transportation infrastructure, and automation.
require DM input to appropriately price to maintain
balance. 4. Esoteric

● Purpose: Encompasses the study and

IVb. Technology Categories application of magical or arcane arts. These
technologies unlock new magical abilities and
1. Military enhance existing powers.
● Impact: Grants access to powerful magical
- Purpose: Technologies in this category and arcane research trees, which can be
enhance the effectiveness of a civilization’s pivotal in both combat and non-combat
military. They are crucial for combat operations situations.
and influence the outcomes of battles by ● Examples: Development of magical artifacts,
improving equipment and tactics. enhancement of spellcasting capabilities,
- Impact: Directly affects what unit types and discovery of new magical realms, and arcane
fortifications can be field by a civilization. research.
Greater Military technology allows for better ●
- Examples: Development of advanced armory 5. Executive
techniques, siege equipment, tactics
improvement, and specialized military training ● Purpose: Includes technologies that shape
programs. government, law, and social structure. These
are fundamental for establishing and
2. Intrigue maintaining the civil order and efficiency.
● Impact: Influences how a civilization is
● Purpose: Focuses on stealth and covert governed and can lead to different social and
operations as well as politics and diplomacy. governmental structures that provide various
These technologies are essential for passive benefits or challenges.
civilizations that prioritize espionage, sabotage, ● Examples: Formulation of governmental
politicking, manipulation, and intelligence edicts, establishment of civil edicts,
improvements in legal frameworks, and
bureaucratic efficiencies.
Economic Edicts
IVc. Edicts
● Example Bonuses: Could involve tax relief,
Edicts represent a type of executive or governmental incentives for certain industries, trade tariffs, or
technology that plays a crucial role in shaping the economic reforms aimed at boosting growth
policies and strategic direction of a civilization. As and stability.
legislative or directive measures, Edicts provide
asymmetrical bonuses that are uniquely tailored to the Social Edicts
needs and goals of a civilization, as determined by the
● Example Bonuses: Might encompass public
Game Master (GM) and players. These bonuses,
health initiatives, education reforms, housing
however, only become active and confer their benefits
projects, or social welfare programs designed
when the Edicts are socketed into an appropriate
to improve quality of life.
Governmental Construction project within the city.
Diplomatic Edicts
Edicts are developed as part of a civilization’s
technological and cultural progression. They can be ● Example Bonuses: Could include diplomatic
crafted to address specific challenges or opportunities immunity laws, treaties enforcement, foreign
faced by the civilization. aid allocations, or espionage regulations.

The specific bonuses provided by an Edict are Environmental Edicts

determined based on the civilization's current
circumstances and strategic objectives. This ● Example Bonuses: May cover sustainability
customization allows players to creatively address practices, wildlife conservation mandates,
complex scenarios that their civilization encounters. pollution control measures, or urban green
space requirements.

Prosperity represents a civilization's economic and
Types of Edicts and Their Potential developmental health, quantified into points. This
Bonuses metric is crucial for sustaining and expanding a
civilization's influence and capabilities. Prosperity
Defense Edicts points accrue based on the number of industrial
technologies a civilization has researched, reflecting
● Example Bonuses: May include mobilization their capacity for growth and innovation.
of reserve forces, fortification enhancements, or
emergency protocols for civilian protection Prosperity points are generated each turn, with the rate
during sieges or attacks. directly linked to the number and sophistication of
industrial technologies a civilization possesses. Each
industrial tech contributes to an increase in the
prosperity points accrued, symbolizing the
technological advancements fueling the economy.

The total number of industrial technologies acts as a ● Defense Strategy: Forts play a critical role in
multiplier for prosperity generation, encouraging protecting key locations and reinforcing a
civilizations to invest in their industrial base to fuel their civilization’s power projection and borders.
expansion and military endeavors.
5. Create Masterwork Item
Vb. How to use Prosperity Points:
● Usage: Points can be spent to create
Prosperity points serve as a versatile resource for masterwork items, which are non-divine yet
civilizations, enabling them to undertake significant highly crafted pieces akin to weaker versions of
actions that contribute to their growth and security divine artifacts.
without solely relying on divine intervention. Here are ● Craftsmanship: These items, while not
some key uses: holding divine power, possess exceptional or
unique quality and can confer significant
1. Raising Armies advantages in combat, diplomacy, or other
areas of civilization life.
● Usage: Prosperity points can be allocated to
recruit and maintain military forces. This Vc. Accruing Prosperity
includes the cost of training, arming, and
supporting troops. With some idea of how to use the Prosperity Points (P)
● Strategic Importance: Allows civilizations to now, let's discuss how to accrue them.
respond swiftly to threats or opportunities
without the immediate need for divine power. - Industrialization
For every Industrial technology you have researched,
2. Building New Cities +1.5P

● Usage: Points are spent on expanding a - Conquering a foreign city

civilization’s territory through the establishment If engaging in a war and successfully storming,
of new cities. This includes the costs of disabling the defenses of, and occupying a foreign city,
planning, construction, and initial infrastructure. the conquering Civilization will gain 50P, however for
● Impact: Directly contributes to a civilization's this to count battle must take place and not diplomatic
territorial expansion and resource access, parley or an agreement of any kind.
bolstering its long-term sustainability.
- Cleansing Monster Territories
3. Researching New Advances If successfully cleansing a monster territory, that
civilization will gain 10P.
● Usage: Prosperity points can supplement or
fully cover the cost of researching new
advances, accelerating a civilization’s
technological progress. VI.Travel & Trade
● Benefit: Facilitates rapid development and
can give a civilization a competitive edge in VIb. Exploration and Travel
Exploration and travel are critical components of
4. Building Forts empire expansion, trade, military operations, and
cultural exchange. This section outlines the
● Usage: Points are used to construct defensive fundamental mechanics governing the movement of
structures, enhancing a civilization's security naval vessels and land convoys within the game,
against invasions and raids. emphasizing the strategic importance of logistical
planning in sustaining these activities.

Basic Naval Travel These agreements ought to be come to between
parties in an encounter of some kind, likely between
- Travel Capacity: Early naval vessels are speaker figures representing each executive body.
capable of traveling up to three tiles on the
game map before requiring a resupply. This Trade Routes:
limit reflects the historical limitations of early For Trade to be successful, a path between cities of
naval technology, including storage capacity each respective power needs to be clear without
and the durability of the ships. obstacles, with no distance longer than the maximum
- Resupply Requirements: After traveling safe travel without resupply, if over sea then 3 tiles, if
three tiles, ships must stop at a port or a fort to over land then 2 tiles.
resupply. Resupply points include:
○ Cities: Established ports within the
civilization’s territory or allied territories VII. Forts
where ships can dock, refuel, and
restock provisions. Forts serve as minor settlements that are strategically
○ Forts: Strategic outposts equipped with built to include a key fortification, such as a keep,
docks can also serve as temporary walled fort, or tower spire. These structures play a
resupply points, especially in newly critical role in regional defense and support, acting as
explored or contested areas. both military bastions and safe havens for travelers.
- Foreign Ports: Vessels can also resupply at
foreign ports if diplomatic relations allow. This To build A Fort:
may involve negotiations or payment.
Location: Forts must be constructed within two tiles of
Basic Land Travel a city or an existing fort to ensure they function as
effective forward bases and logistic hubs, maintaining
close ties to urban centers for supplies and
Convoys and Individual Travellers
● Travel Capacity: Land-based travel units, such
Garrisoning: Upon creation, each fort must be
as convoys or individual travelers, can move up
immediately garrisoned with at least one unit. This
to two tiles before needing to stop for resupply.
requirement ensures the fort is operational and
● Resupply Points: Essential stops include:
defended from the outset.
○ Cities: Major urban centers where
travelers can resupply.
○ Forts: Strategic outposts equipped with
docks can also serve as temporary
resupply points, especially in newly
explored or contested areas.

VIc.Trade Functions of Forts

Trade constitutes any agreement come to by mortal Defense: Forts provide a defensive stronghold in the
powers which involves a trading of the following: region enemy armies must first capture all the forts
within 2 tiles of a city before it can be besieged.
- The Service of Military Units
- The Service of heroes Travel Aid: One of the primary functions of a fort is to
- Access to Technologies (as long as agreement lasts) aid in rapid movement across the realm. Any traveling
- Prosperity Points trade delegation, allied army, or Hero reaching a fort
- Divine Intervention/Blessings by the righteous can venture immediately to the nearest city, regardless
- Possession of Artifacts of distance. This can be strung together with
consecutive Forts in reach of each other.
Surveillance and Reconnaissance: Equipped with Wisdom of the Ages: Provides extraordinary
watchtowers and other surveillance facilities, forts can wisdom and foresight.
monitor surrounding areas for enemy activity and
gather intelligence, increasing regional security. Any Charm of the Divines: Offers unparalleled
enemy is spotted and that information is relayed back persuasive powers.
to the nearest city for planning purposes once they are
within 1 tiles of a foreign fort. Examples of ways to use Heroes/Styles of
Training Grounds: Forts could also serve as training Hero:
facilities where new military units can be trained,
enhancing their combat readiness and effectiveness.
1. Epic Quests

Section 4: The Lesser ● Purpose: Heroes often undertake epic quests

that are central to the narrative of a campaign.
Works These quests could involve recovering lost
relics, defeating formidable adversaries, or
discovering new lands.
I. Heroes 2. Catalysts for Change
"Create Hero" is a divine power that allows deities to
manifest a mortal hero imbued with extraordinary ● Influence: Heroes can act as catalysts for
capabilities. This power gives deities the opportunity to social or political change within a civilization,
influence events on the mortal plane through a leading revolutions, reforms, or cultural
champion who embodies their will and values. Heroes renaissances.
serve as pivotal figures in legends, wars, and quests,
profoundly impacting the historical and cultural 3. Defenders or Destroyers
landscape of the game world.
● Military Role: Depending on their divine
A hero is created with a unique divine imbuement or imbuement, heroes might serve as defenders
trait that distinguishes them from ordinary mortals, in of the weak or destroyers of the corrupt,
addition to their inherent racial traits. shaping the military landscape.

Heroes are constrained to perform one significant

action per turn, emphasizing tactful use of their power.

IIb.Heroic Legacies
Things to consider when making a Hero:
Creating a hero in the game involves not only crafting
a singular character with divine traits but also planning
- Identity/Background
for their legacy. Given the mortal nature of heroes,
- Name
especially in the early eras where longevity is limited, it
- Divine Trait
becomes essential to devise ways to perpetuate their
- Role/Purpose
influence and ensure their deeds and powers
- Location (City/Region/Culture if applicable)
transcend their lifespan. This section explores the
mechanisms and strategies for establishing and
Examples of Divine trait: continuing heroic legacies through bloodlines,
prophecies, and artifacts.
Strength of the Titan: Grants supernatural strength.

B2. Bloodlines B4.Divine Resurrection

● Direct Intervention: Gods possess the power

● Foundation: When a hero is created, players to resurrect heroes directly, bypassing the
have the option to establish a bloodline, setting normal succession or prophecy mechanisms.
the stage for successors who can inherit the This resurrection grants the hero a new life
hero's mantle via a system similar to without the undead drawbacks, but at a
primogeniture. significant divine cost.
● Succession Mechanics: Upon the hero’s
death, a dice roll determines the success of the B5.Artifacts
bloodline in producing a worthy successor.
○ 0-20 Critical Failure: The bloodline ● Legacy Artifacts: Certain artifacts might be
dies out, leaving no successors. created specifically to bind with a hero’s soul,
○ 21-40 Minor Failure: A successor offering a pathway for resurrection under
arises but the bloodline dies out before specific conditions.
the next generation can be guaranteed.
These artifacts can interact uniquely with the
○ 41-60 Minor Success: A new hero
hero’s legacy, providing mechanisms for revival
emerges 2 turns after the predecessor's
that might involve quests or fulfilling certain
○ 61-80 Major Success: A successor is
ready at the start of the next turn.
○ 81-100 Critical Success: The new hero IIc.Exhaustive Hero Power list
inherits the previous traits and gains an
additional trait slot. Successive critical Command City/Civilization - Influence a
successes can result in a hero with civilization as a whole, or a specific city directly or
multiple enhanced traits. indirectly with manifestations of divine will and
B3.Prophecies Advance Civilization - Inspire a civilization to
invent or uncover a new cultural, governmental,
● Creation: Alongside or following the creation of technological, or esoteric discovery, adding it as a
a hero, players may also establish a prophecy technology to their civ techs provided they have the
foretelling the hero's return or emergence underpre-requisite research points accrued and available.
specific circumstances. Note: Advance civ not limited to one advance at a time
● Fulfillment Process: Similar to bloodlines, the as long as precursors are met.
success of a prophecy is determined by a dice
Shift Alignment/Purification-Corruption
○ 0-20 Critical Failure: The prophecy - Purify or corrupt a civilization’s ideals by shifting its
fails completely; the hero does not alignment by a single point of a single axis (hostility
return. agreeability or logic sentiment)
○ 21-40 Major Hindrance: The hero Note: Uses can stack
returns after 2 turns. Create Bloodline - Establish a bloodline of
○ 41-60 Minor Hindrance: The hero mortals descending from a progenitor such as a Hero
returns after 1 turn. or legendary figure, containing 1 imbued divine trait of
○ 61-80 Minor Fulfillment: The hero choice.
returns immediately. Legitimize Sect - Attempt to turn an uncontested
○ 81-100 Major Fulfillment: The hero Sect into the ruling body of a mortal city or species,
returns at the start of the next turn with resulting in the creating and managing god shifting
a new divine artifact to aid their mission. away from the race's creator
In addition, the god regains their initial
prophecy cost in points.

Create Order/Sect - Plant a specific code of Orders and sects can wield significant influence within
belief of your origin and design in the members of a their societies, affecting cultural norms, ethical values,
mortal race, creating an organized religious movement and social behaviors.
of some denomination. Politically active orders, like knightley Brotherhoods or
Note: Any other divine entities commanding your sect religious sects, can sway governmental policies,
will be recognized as foreign influence, and vice versa. command armies, and influence leaders.
Command Order/Sect - Command a sect and
order them to perform an action of some kind.
Note: Heroes that aren’t a creator/member of the sect IIb. Commanding Sects
are recognized as foreign influence.
The Power ‘Command Order/Sect’ refers to
Guard Location - A hero action for selecting a commanding that Order/Sect through divine or heroic
location and guarding it against intrusion, attack, or influence in some fashion.
Support/Denounce Sect - A hero action for Unless an agent of the creating god of that sect, or the
trying to push the agenda of a Sect, or deny one and creating god themselves, a Sect is liable to recognize
its control over the local populace. any attempted control as foreign. This does not mean
Purge Territory - Hero’s or Avatar’s may lead an immediate rejection, as a Sect is given an alignment
army to clear a territory of Monsters, rolling against upon creation, if the actions proposed are within their
them, the strength of the monster species will operate alignments modus operandi they will perform
a modifier on base army dice. according to the following roll:
Tame Monsters - Hero’s may cast this power if D100
(0-20) Critical fail, Do the opposite at Creator-Gods
their culture has the technology for creating
appropriate mounted/monstrous unit types, rolling for
(20-40) Significant fail, do nothing
(40-60) Neutral outcome, creating a hero attached to
this sect will cost 50% for the remainder of this turn.
II.Sects (60-80) Significant Win, Perform actions as intended
(80-100) Critical win, perform actions AND allow 1x
The divine power to create an order or sect within a Change alignment/purify and corrupt.
civilization or race is a profound tool used by gods to
shape societies and further their divine agendas. This Examples of using Command Sect:
power allows for the establishment of organized
groups such as thieves’ guilds, religious sects, orders 1. Propagation of Doctrines
of knights, bands of brigands, and pirate crews. Each
order or sect can have a lasting impact on the cultural, ● Application: Use the power to reinforce or
political, and military dynamics of the world. alter the core doctrines of the sect or order.
This could involve deepening the followers'
Orders and sects can be eternal or temporary, commitment to the deity’s tenets, introducing
depending on their established purpose, such as new practices, or even shifting the group's
fulfilling a specific mission or serving an ongoing role focus to align with the deity’s evolving
within society. objectives.
Things to consider:
2. Directing Missions
- Name
- Alignment ● Application: Command the order or sect to
- Purpose/Mission undertake specific missions that serve the
- Beliefs/Rules/Organizing Principles deity’s broader agenda. This could range from
- Function within society humanitarian missions to enhance the deity's
- Relationship to other Sects or parties reputation among mortals to covert operations

intended to undermine rival deities or secular Complex Society: Unlike mortal races, monsters are
powers. generally incapable of forming complex societies. They
● might form loose groups or tribes, especially under a
strong leader, but lack the organizational structure to
3. Enforcement of Prophecies develop advanced civilizations or any technology.

● Application: Ensure that prophecies delivered Sentience and Intelligence: While monsters can be
through oracles or sacred texts are acted upon. sentient or even intelligent, their behaviors are typically
The power can be used to clarify the meanings driven by instinct or divine influence rather than
of cryptic predictions or to mandate active stepsreasoned strategy
towards their fulfillment.

4. Expansion and Missionary Work

● Application: Direct the sect to expand its
influence, either through missionary work or by
establishing new branches in unconverted The power to "Create Prophecy/Omen" allows a deity
regions. This increases the deity's followers to influence the future by setting in motion events that
and power base. will eventually lead to significant outcomes. Prophecies
are powerful narrative tools that can shape the
destinies of individuals, bloodlines, or entire
III. Monsters civilizations. However, it’s crucial to note that
prophecies cannot be invoked the same turn they are
The divine power to create monsters allows gods to
created. Additionally, the god who creates the
inject the game world with unique, often formidable
prophecy cannot directly trigger it—prophecies are
creatures that can serve a variety of divine purposes,
designed to unfold through the actions of mortals or
from guardians of sacred sites to harbingers of doom.
other gods, following divine guidance.
This power entails not just the birth of these beings but
also their integration into the world’s ecosystems and
Prophecies serve as the sole conduit through which
gods can communicate directly with their Avatars and
Heroes, due to the incomprehensible and eldritch
Note: While Creation of Climates may facilitate species
nature of divine knowledge. The vast, omniscient
of Flora/Fauna for biomes, they can not have
awareness of a god cannot be fully conveyed or
significant anomalous, magical, or otherwise powerful
understood by mortals or even divine avatars without
traits. Anything with significant properties or traits has
fracturing their minds or overwhelming their senses.
to be monstrous in nature.
Prophecies act as a filtered, narrative-driven means of
imparting divine will, allowing gods to guide, warn, or
Things to consider: inspire their chosen without revealing the full scope of
- Cradle/Nesting Place/Territory their cosmic understanding.
- 3 Traits, including abilities, behaviors, or
physical characteristics.
- Strength Rating (see appendices)
- Alignment
- Divine affiliation (if any)

IIIb.Mortal and Monster Considerations:

To qualify as a mortal there are a distinct set of rules, ● Ambiguity: Prophecies should often be cryptic,
there are therefore specific differences required in leaving room for interpretation and making the
determining whether a species is a Mortal or a outcome uncertain until the prophecy is fulfilled or
Monster; averted.

● Consequences: Consider both the positive and ● Targets:
negative outcomes of a prophecy. The fulfillment ○ A ruler or political figure
might bring glory or disaster, depending on how it ○ A religious sect or cult
unfolds. ○ A region or city
● Timing: Since prophecies cannot be triggered the
● Triggers/Events:
same turn they are created, plan ahead. Consider
○ The appearance of a comet or eclipse
how the prophecy will develop over time and how it
will intersect with other events. (e.g., a blood-red comet signaling
○ Unusual behavior in animals or plants
Types of Prophecies (e.g., wolves gathering at city gates,
crops withering suddenly)
1. Destiny Prophecies ○ Sudden illness or death among key
figures (e.g., the unexplained death of a
Destiny Prophecies outline the fated path of a person, high priest or the king’s heir)
group, or nation. These prophecies are often grand in ● Rigid Outcome:
scope, determining the rise or fall of significant figures ○ Free Blessing/Curse: Depending on
or empires. how the prophecy is fulfilled or averted,
it may result in a blessing (e.g.,
● Targets:
protection from disasters) or a curse
○ A chosen individual (e.g., a future king,
(e.g., a plague upon the land).
hero, or villain)
○ A specific bloodline or family
3. Cyclic Prophecies
○ An entire civilization or kingdom
● Triggers/Events:
Cyclic Prophecies predict the repeating cycle of
○ The birth of a child under a specific
events, such as the rise and fall of empires or the
celestial event (e.g., a red moon, a rare
return of a long-banished evil. These prophecies
planetary alignment)
emphasize the cyclical nature of history and fate.
○ Completion of a certain ritual or rite of
passage (e.g., a coronation, a warrior’s ● Targets:
trial) ○ A specific bloodline or dynasty (e.g., the
○ The unification of scattered relics or lineage of a cursed king)
artifacts (e.g., bringing together pieces ○ An ancient evil or sealed entity (e.g., a
of a shattered weapon) demon lord sealed millennia ago)
● Rigid Outcome: ○ A recurring natural or cosmic event
○ Free Event: Once the prophecy is (e.g., a cataclysmic flood that happens
fulfilled, it triggers a significant event every thousand years)
that shapes the future, such as the ● Triggers/Events:
crowning of a new ruler, the beginning ○ The passing of a set number of years or
of a war, or the discovery of a lost land. generations (e.g., "Every 500 years, the
Dragon King shall return")
○ The breaking of an ancient seal or curse
(e.g., the unlocking of a cursed tomb)
○ A rare celestial event that occurs at
regular intervals (e.g., a solar eclipse
that happens every 300 years)
2. Omen Prophecies ● Rigid Outcome:
○ Free Miracle/Catastrophe: The
Omen Prophecies are cryptic and tied to specific signs prophecy’s fulfillment can lead to a
or negative omens that must be interpreted to avoid or miraculous event (e.g., the restoration
fulfill the prophecy. These prophecies are often of a lost kingdom) or a catastrophe
warnings, requiring careful interpretation and action.
(e.g., the awakening of a dormant ○ Free Hero/Revival: Upon fulfillment,
volcano). the prophecy may result in the rise of a
new hero or the revival of a fallen one,
4. Heroic Prophecies potentially changing the course of the
Heroic Prophecies focus on the feats of a hero or
group of adventurers, often guiding them through trials
to achieve great deeds or restore lost glory.

● Targets:
○ A hero or group of adventurers (e.g., a
band of knights on a holy quest)
○ A nation seeking to reclaim lost glory
(e.g., a fallen empire’s descendants)
○ A chosen champion or warrior (e.g., the
fabled slayer of a dragon)
● Triggers/Events:
○ The completion of each trial or
challenge (e.g., retrieving a sacred
artifact, slaying a beast)
○ The retrieval or destruction of a
powerful artifact (e.g., the Sword of
○ The defeat of specific enemies or
monsters (e.g., the slaying of the Lich
● Rigid Outcome:

Section 5:The Works of Conflicts
The creation of armies is a fundamental aspect of civilization management, allowing gods and their avatars to
project power, control territory, and engage in conflicts. Army creation mechanics are designed to reflect
technological progress, strategic needs, and divine influence, providing a structured approach to building
military forces in varying sizes and capabilities.

The size and cost of an army are determined by its unit category, which scales with the civilization's
technological level and the divine energy required to sustain it. Below is a table showing necessary tech level,
divine costs, and size/strength comparisons for the different unit/army size categories. You’ll be fielding
Warbands alone for a while, until you’re ready to produce company’s anyhow.

Unit category Fixed strengths Human comparison Tech level req Divine cost

Warband 1000 strength 100 humans(base) Primitive 6/4/2

Company 2500 strength 250 humans(base) Bronze Age 8/6/4

Regiment 5000 strength 500 humans(base) Classical 10/8/6

Battalion 10’000 strength 1000 humans(base) Medieval 14/12/10

Legion 30’000 strength 3000 humans(base) Renaissance 20/18/16

Ib.Unit Classes and Sub-Classes

Upon creation, each unit can be assigned a class, with additional subtypes becoming available as
technological advancements are made. The assignment of classes and subtypes allows for specialization of
units, enhancing their effectiveness in specific types of warfare.
For Sub-classes to be created, at a minimum equipment techs will be required, but where applicable training
advances will also be necessary to create certain classes. Very specialized classes may require multiple tech’s
in concert (Automatons for example) or esoteric tech trees (casters). .
Base Unit Class Subtype 1 Subtype 2 Subtype 3 Subtype 4

Infantry Skirmishers Heavy Infantry Pikemen Men-At-Arms

The Backbone of Skirmishers are light Heavy Infantry Pikemen are Men-At-Arms are
most races, Infantry infantry units represents the infantry units armed well-equipped and
are the on-foot basis specialized in rapid backbone of standard with long spears or versatile soldiers
for most armies. movement and armies, equipped with pikes designed to typically armored in
Trait: High Stamina harassment tactics. full armor and kit. keep the enemy at mail or plate and
performance Role: Scouting, Role: Offense, bay, they specialize carrying a variety of
Harassment, Shield Walls, in defending against weapons including
Anti-Ranger Anti-Mounted cavalry charges and swords, maces, and
infantry assaults. polearms.
Role: Defense, Role: Leadership,
Intense Combat Intense combat,
Anti-Mounted Anti-Specialist

Rangers Archers Javelinists Snipers Grenadiers
Rangers specialize in Specialized ranged Skirmishers who wield Skilled marksman Grenadiers are
long-range combat units in ranger javelins. They are trained to eliminate specialized infantry
and reconnaissance. formations, equipped effective against high-value targets equipped with
Trait: Long-Range with bows to engage lightly armored targets at a distance. explosive or disruptive
Accuracy enemies from a and can disrupt Role: Headhunter, devices, used to clear
distance. They excel at enemy formations Precision, trenches, fortifications,
delivering volleys of before close quarters. Anti-Mechanized or dense enemy
arrows to soften enemy Role: Harassment, groups.
lines. Disruption, Role: Offense,
Role: Offense Anti-Infantry Line-Breaking,
Suppression, Anti-Fortification

Mounted Light cavalry Heavy cavalry Lancers Beast riders

Mounted units use Known for speed and Armored tanks clad in Specialized form of Beast Riders refer to
mobility as their agility, typically heavy kit and often cavalry equipped cavalry units mounted
greatest asset, equipped with light armed with lance, with long lances, on creatures other
performing fast armor and ranged or sword, or mace. enabling them to than beasts of burden.
strikes, flanking light melee weapons. strike from a These units tend to
They are superior in Role: Offense, distance greater leverage unique traits.
maneuvers, and Line-Breaker,
rapid response roles that require rapid than that of typical Role: Offense,
mobility and flexibility. Anti-Infantry riders. Psychological
Role: Role: Offense, warfare, Anti-Heroic
Trait: Fast attack Scouting Armour
mobility Flanking, Penetration,
Anti-Artillery Anti-Mounted

Mechanized Siege Weapons Artillery Emplacements Automatons

Mechanical units Large, engineered These siege engines Fixed artillery set up Automatons are
incorporate devices such as are capable of hurling on battlements or mechanical or robotic
technology and trebuchets and battering large projectiles like within camps to units designed to
machinery into rams designed stones, spears, or maximize field of perform combat tasks
warfare, utilizing specifically to break incendiary materials fire and protect the autonomously or with
siege weapons, through fortifications or over significant operators from minimal oversight.
artillery, and other demolish structures distances. enemy attacks. Roles: Offense &
engineered during sieges. Roles: Headhunter, Roles: Pilots, Defense,
equipment. Roles: Support, Line-Breaker Bombardment, Psychological
Trait: Force Breaching, Anti-Infantry Anti-All Warfare, Anti-Heroic
multiplication Anti-Fortification

Heroic Individual Squad Fellowship Company

Heroic units are An Individual hero is a A small team of A Fellowship An organized military
composed of single warrior or leader heroes, each member consists of a group formation of exemplary
individuals or small renowned for bringing unique of heroes bound by warriors, trained as a
groups with extraordinary prowess, abilities, allowing common cause, unit to fight with their
exceptional skills, strategic genius, or them to focus on large who face off against superior skill and kit.
courage, or magical capabilities. targets. whole units. Roles: Leadership,
supernatural abilities. Role: Lone Wolf, Roles: Leadership, Roles:Offense, Psych Warfare,
Trait: Inspirational Specialist, Cohesion, Suppression, Anti-All
Presence Anti-Specialist Anti-Mechanized Anti-Mounted

Specialists Commandos Assassins Casters Sappers

Specialist units Elite infantry trained for Assassins specialize Casters wield Sappers are trained to
perform specific raids, recon, and in eliminating esoteric powers to perform demolitions
tactical roles that sabotage behind enemy high-value targets influence the and construction
require unique skills lines. with stealth and duties on the
beyond conventional Role: Stealth, efficiency. battlefield.
Role: Offense &
military training Headhunter Role:, Stealth, Role: Support,
Trait: Tactical Anti-Fortification, Precision Intense Combat
Flexibility Anti-Leadership Anti-All Anti-Fortification

Medics Scouts Marines Shock Troops
Medics provide critical Specialized light Specialized military Heavily armed and
battlefield medical care, infantry units trained units trained for armored soldiers used
stabilizing injuries and in recon and naval and to break through
ensuring that troops can surveillance. They are amphibious frontlines or defend
return to fight or be essential for gathering operations. critical points. They
safely evacuated. intel. Role: excel in direct combat
Role: Support, Role: Scouting, Offense and instilling fear.
Cohesion Stealth Boarding action Role: Offense
Anti-Ranger Anti-Specialist Anti-Mechanized Intense Combat

Guerillas Crewmen Support Staff Guard

Guerrillas are irregular Crewmen are trained Support Staff Guards are tasked
fighters specialized specialists include all with the protection of
operate in small groups, responsible for non-combat important locations,
utilizing hit-and-run operating various personnel who assets, or individuals.
tactics, sabotage, and types of vehicles. ensure the smooth Role: Defense,
ambushes Role: Pilots, operation of military Shield Walls
Roles: Stealth, Intense Combat, encampments and Anti-Offense
Intrigue Anti-Infantry logistics.
Anti-Fortification Role: Support,

Ic. Unit Types/Role Tags - Offense

Role tags are specific descriptors used to define Explanation: Units tagged with offense excel in
the tactical and strategic functions of military units. attacking roles. They are crucial for breaking
These tags help players quickly understand how a through enemy lines or initiating combat operations
unit can be best utilized, whether for offense, due to their aggressive tactics and combat
defense, support, or special operations. They also effectiveness.
indicate how units might interact with or counter Actions:
other types of units, providing essential insights for - Initiate Charge
planning and executing military strategies. - Breach Defenses
Essentially, role tags streamline the - Encircle
decision-making process by clearly identifying the
strengths and specializations of each unit.
- Defense
Primary Traits Explanation: Units focused on defense excel at
holding positions and protecting strategic points.
Traits which determine the base functionality of a
They are equipped and trained to withstand sieges
Unit in the context of a battle or strategy.
and repel assaults.
- Fortify
- Hold the Line
- Counter Assault

- Harassment - Support
Explanation: These units engage in tactics
designed to disrupt enemy operations without Explanation: Support units provide necessary
direct confrontation. Harassment can include services that are not directly combat-related but are
hit-and-run attacks, ambushing small enemy essential for maintaining the fighting effectiveness
detachments, and interrupting supply lines. of the force, such as medical care, ammunition
Actions: supply, or equipment maintenance.
- Ambush Vanguard Actions:
- Sabotage Supply Line
- Feint Maneuver - Field Repairs
- Resupply
- Stock up ammunition
- Scouting

Explanation: Units designated for scouting are - Headhunter

responsible for gathering intelligence on enemy
movements and positions. They typically operate Explanation: specialized in identifying and
ahead of the main forces to provide advanced neutralizing high-value targets with precision and
warning of threats and opportunities. efficiency. These units are crucial for operations
Actions: that require the removal of specific individuals or
- Recon Enemy movements key assets, such as enemy commanders,
- Pathfinding specialists, crucial communication nodes, or critical
- Determine fortifications weakness infrastructure components.

- Pilots - Precision strike

- Cripple Leaders
Explanation: Refers to units skilled in operating - Wipe out scouts
and maintaining various military vehicles, crucial for
mechanized and motorized operations.
- Lone Wolf
- Fire Support Explanation: Units with the "Lone Wolf" role
- Evacuation maneuver operate independently, often without direct support
- Blitzkrieg from other units. They excel in missions that
require self-sufficiency and strong individual
capabilities, such as deep reconnaissance, or
behind-enemy-lines sabotage.
- Leadership Actions:
- Solo Infiltration
Explanation: Units with this tag play crucial roles - Draw attention
in command and control on the battlefield. They - Bait enemy out
inspire and direct other units, potentially providing
bonuses to morale and effectiveness.

- Coordinate Assaults
- Strategic Withdrawal
- Parley
- Stealth

Explanation: "Stealth" units specialize in operating - Harass enemy Rangers
undetected. They are employed in scenarios where - Flank Shieldwalls
remaining invisible to the enemy is crucial, such as - Draw enemy Cavalry away from frontline
during reconnaissance missions, ambushes, or
covert operations.
- Bombardment
- Covert Insertion
- Stealth Attack Explanation: "Bombardment" units are capable of
- Concealed Withdrawal delivering sustained, heavy fire over a wide area.
This tag is often applied to artillery units that soften
Secondary Traits up enemy positions before an assault or provide
fire support during engagements.
Traits which determine niche actions or specialist
functions that synergize with the units primary type. Effects:

- Shield Walls - Pre-assault bombardments reduce

enemy constitution and morale
Explanation: This indicates units capable of significantly.
forming defensive formations, typically using
shields to create a nearly impenetrable barrier Actions:
against enemy attacks, enhancing their staying
power on the battlefield and establishing rigid but - Clear opposition
potent battle lines. - Target fortifications


- Resistant to Charges - Intrigue

Actions: Description: Units skilled in "Intrigue" focus on
espionage, subterfuge, and manipulation to
- Shield-turtle maneuver achieve their objectives. They work behind the
- Counter-Charge scenes to gather intelligence, sow discord among
- Advance in formation enemy ranks, and manipulate events without direct

- Flanking
- Causes confusion in enemy ranks
Explanation: skilled at swiftly moving and remain
unnoticed until they reach an advantageous Actions:
position. They often rely on speed, maneuverability,
and surprise to achieve their objectives. These - Spread Disinformation
units are usually less armored but compensate with - Create falsely inflated numbers
higher mobility, making them ideal for - Set traps
outmaneuvering slower or more heavily armored

Effects: Capable of evading and dodging


Actions: Psychological Warfare

Explanation: These units employ tactics meant to - Cut off supply Train (naval)
intimidate or demoralize the enemy, such as using - Sanctioned Piracy
fearsome war cries, displaying daunting flags, or
conducting shock tactics

Effects: - Intense Combat

- Threatens enemy morale in absence of Explanation: These units thrive in the thick of
Leadership battle, capable of sustained fighting in demanding
combat scenarios. They are often heavily armored
and trained for endurance as well as withstanding
- Taunt enemy
- False retreat
- Incredibly High Morale
- Sow terror

- Hold the Line

Cohesion - Push back
- Close Quarters Slaughter
Explanation: Indicates units that enhance the
effectiveness of other units through teamwork and
coordinated tactics, improving overall group
performance. - Disruption
Effects: Explanation: "Disruption" units are designed to
interrupt and destabilize enemy operations. Their
- Multiple Cohesion units work better
activities can range from physical disruption, such
together, amplifying effectiveness
as destroying supply lines, to electronic warfare,
Actions: aimed at impairing communications and data
- Synchronized Assault
- Organized Defense Effects:
- Concentrated Firepower
- Logistics are impaired on enemy supply

- Boarding Action
- Disrupt Signals
Explanation: Pertains to units trained for engaging - Poison water supplies
the enemy on ships or large vessels, skilled in - Scorched Earth
close-quarters combat and rapid boarding


- Can hijack and assault enemy naval

vessels directly


- Seize control of ships

- Line-Breaker - Suppression
Explanation: These units are used to disrupt Explanation: These units excel at inhibiting enemy
enemy lines during battle, often through powerful actions through sustained fire or other means,
charges or by exploiting weaknesses in the reducing their ability to return fire or maneuver
enemy's formation. effectively.

- Creates Chaos in enemy formations Effects:

when charging
- Ranged fire pins enemy units down in
Actions: place, allowing flanking.

- Synchronized Charge Actions:

- Shatter Rearguard
- - Continuous Volley
- Prevent Retreat
- Suppress enemy artillery

- Area Denial
Explanation: Capable of controlling significant - Breaching
areas of the battlefield, these units use weapons or
tactics that prevent enemy forces from using Explanation: Specialized in breaking through
certain spaces, typically through long-range fire or enemy defenses or fortifications, these units may
obstacles. use explosives, heavy machinery, or specialized
tactics to clear obstacles.
- Prevents outright retreat.
- Allows attacks directly against
Actions: fortifications, barriers, or obstructing
- Nullify enemy charge
- Create Kill-box Actions:

- Breach Gates
- Breach Walls
- Precision - Blow through shieldwall

Explanation: Indicates units capable of

high-accuracy tasks, often used for eliminating
specific targets or reducing collateral death.


- Reduces friendly fatalities in combat


- Aim at leadership
- Aim at mounts and Beasts
- Aim at Pilots and Support crews

Counters Effect: Reasonably versatile unit capable
against most unit types. Expected to still be
Tertiary traits which determine what other units this outperformed by Heroic or Specialist functions.
unit is most effective yet, perhaps to the point of
counteracting their advantages. - Anti-Infantry

- Anti-Mechanized Explanation: Equipped to specifically counter

enemy infantry, these units may use machine guns,
Explanation: Specialized in combating enemy artillery, or other weapons that are effective against
mechanized units, using tactics or weapons like grouped soldiers.
anti-tank guns, mines, or ambushes to counter
vehicles and armor. Effect: Most effective against Infantry units.

Effect: Most effective against Mechanized units. - Anti-Fortification

- Anti-Specialist Explanation: Units with this tag are equipped to

deal with enemy fortifications, using heavy
Explanation: These units are effective against weapons or siege tactics to dismantle or
enemy specialists, such as engineers, medics, or circumvent defensive structures.
snipers. They might use tactics or technologies that
specifically counter the advantages these Effect: Most effective against Fortifications or
specialists provide. in Siege Assaults.

Effect: Most effective against specialist units. - Anti-Heroic

- Anti-Ranger Explanation: Equipped to counter highly skilled or

legendary enemy figures, such as heroes or
Explanation: Units with this tag specialize in champions, either through overwhelming force,
countering enemy rangers and other light, mobile targeted tactics, or specialized weapons.
forces. They may use similar tactics or have
specific equipment to negate the advantages of Effect: Most effective against Heroic Units.
- Anti-Leadership
Effect: Most effective against Ranger Units.
Explanation: Units with the "Anti-Leadership" role
- Anti-Mounted are tasked with targeting and neutralizing enemy
leadership elements. Their operations aim to
Explanation: Specialized in dealing with enemy disrupt command and control structures, causing
mounted units, these troops either have weapons confusion and disarray within enemy ranks.
or tactics effective against cavalry, such as spears,
pikes, or strategic positioning. Effect: Most effective against Leadership units.

Effect: Most effective against Mounted units.

- Anti-All
Explanation: Indicates highly versatile units that
can effectively counter a variety of enemy types, In conducting wars, understanding the interplay of
adaptable to multiple combat situations with a different unit types and their designated roles is
broad range of capabilities. crucial for achieving strategic success.
For direct control over forces, a Hero or Avatar will
be required to direct armies as an extension of - Assassins maintain use both inside and
their creators will. outside of battles via Intrigue functions,
however for the purposes of Wars they are
Wars are, in reality, a collection of battles, armies capable of Intrigue missions to target and
moving between regions/areas, Sieges (where eliminate specific enemies.
applicable) and one or both parties ending
hostilities when terms are met to satisfy at least Sappers
one party, or neither has the strength to continue - Sappers are, besides Siege weapons, the
mustering armies. primary means of eliminating Fortifications
or allowing passage past them. Siege
Before we break down the War process step by weapons focus on conventional approaches
step, let's review special unit types which have like breaching gates or collapsing walls, but
unique functions that may affect your strategy. Sappers are engineers skilled in creative
solutions and can allow for broader
approaches like tunneling under moats, or
Strategic Units: building provisional siege towers against
particularly high walls.

Support Staff Leadership-class Units:

- Each Support Staff in your Army represents - The Parley function in particular allows for a
Quartermasters, logistics staff, Camp Battle to be temporarily averted in favor of
followers, Warsmiths, and encampment engaging in diplomatic relations between
guards, to name a few roles. Nominally an sides, either discussing the issue at hand or
Army would have the same movement attempting to come to terms if battle might
limits as a trade convoy, however for each be costly or unfavorable.
Support staff the army contains, an
additional 2 tiles can be traveled per turn
(after the initial 3).
How Wars should Function:
- Although in combat they might be vital to
managing siege weapons or other craft, Establishing Armies:
when on the move Pilots are responsible for
managing any fleets of ships or craft Recruitment: Armies are formed by recruiting
required for water transport, making them soldiers from the populace. Some thought should
vital in amphibious marches. be given to compositions of one's army once you
have amassed multiple units, and also the
purpose/nature of the campaign, as different
Medics enemies will yield to different unit types.
- After a battle, provided one is victorious,
any damaged or lost units can be restored Heroes/Avatars:
to full function at a cost of 15 prosperity per - Heroes leading the army are counted as
unit. ‘Heroic individual’ units.
- Due to the cataclysmic power they possess,
Scouts Avatars getting involved in combat is not
- Maintaining scouts within an army allows assumed, although they may choose to cast
knowledge of what the enemies first Action Miracle/Catastrophe over the battle. Avatars
will be prior to you committing to your leading the army are assumed to be in an
actions. advisory or strategist role.

Marching: prior to the outcome of the battle being declared,
be it creating monsters spontaneously or
performing a miracle/cataclysm.
Through Heroes or Avatars, directed armies once
massed can march a default of 3 tiles, provided no
terrain prevents their passage, such as sheer cliffs,
waterways, or volcanic flats. Anything hazardous to
the armies units or which would unduly hinger
movement progress needs to be considered.
In the event of lacking Pilots, waterways or oceans Sieges follow most of the conventions of a regular
can not be traversed by default. pitched battle with a few additional considerations.

Firstly, any fortifications or military-architecture

Pitched Battles related technologies will be counted as a
Fortification for siege purposes, adding a point of
When engaging in a pitched battle, Initiative must
defense to the defenders. If there are walls or any
first be decided, all involved parties/sides will first
other style of barrier the city can not be breached
roll a d100, the highest/higher number gets
without the aid of a Hero or Avatar's direct
initiative on assaulting.
intervention, or siege weapons or bombardment
When engaging in a pitched battle, keeping units
capable units. If this is the case, Siege weapons
off of the battlefield is possible so long as which
and bombardment units will by default target the
forces are kept in reserve are notated somewhere
fortifications where applicable.
in the battle post. This prevents them from getting
harmed in the course of combat, and if you lose the
Each point of defense pooled from fortifications
battle they will be given a fair opportunity to flee.
present will effectively negate 1 offensive action on
the opposite side, so 3 full fortifications on the
Each side will then select, privately, 3 actions to
defending side (level 3 fortifications) will effectively
perform in a manner similar to deck-based games
make siege impossible without direct aid or siege
during this battle which will apply as the overall
strategy of the army.
For every successfully rolled offensive action from
Siege weapons (or if divinely aided), then a single
Based on the Actions selected, a series of rolls will
point of defense will be negated, effectively
be simulated by the GM (Blackbox in actuality),
simulating a breach in the defenses allowing a
with some actions logically counteracting or
wave of attackers to enter the city.
reducing the effectiveness of others. Up until the
results and outcomes are declared, neither side
knows what the other is doing unless they have the
units/actions performed to do so (scouting, for Ending Hostilities
example). This ‘fog of war’ helps reduce active There will obviously be a point at which one, or
turn-to-turn metagaming and analysis paralysis. both, or all parties in a war are considering ending
the hostilities formally.
The GM will publish a post covering the outcome of
the battle, the victor/loser and the extent of the If both parties reach a point where no armies
casualties the loser suffers on the field (if there are remain, and/or no Avatars or Heroes have been
indeed any survivors) prior to the Victor deciding engaged in Offensive action by the end of a turn,
what to do with any remaining captured survivors. the War is ended by default.

It is worth noting that if necessary, an Avatar or If one side lacks any armies or active
God can choose to intervene in the course of the Heroes/Avatars in the conflict, and has no
battle, which should be performed as an action siege-able (fortified) cities remaining, then the

other side will be capable of setting conflict-ending Action Dice
terms without need for negotiation. Be it ceding A Hero rolls a 1d8
land, merging cultures,
A Avatar rolls 2d14

If both sides still maintain armies and/or fortified Possible actions:

cities, negotiation will have to be performed to end - Attacking (If successful, does 1 point of
the conflict, reaching terms equitable to a trade damage)
agreement or through other means, such as offers - Defending/Bracing (If successful, Nullifies
of service, confederation, etc. attack and staggering)
- Talking (Attempting to communicate with
- Fleeing (Flee the encounter if successful)
III.Personal Combat
(Avatars/Heroes) Staggering
If done has been successfully done and the
Avatars and Heroes can engage in personal duels
attacked party is next in the turn order, their turn is
or combat scenarios, separately handled to wars
and sieges.
Wounded State
When engaging in an interaction outside of a
Due to the nature of turn cycles in year length, a
battle, context will be relevant, however direct
wounded Avatar is wounded until the end of the
combat between Heroes and Avatars can meet
turn unless under the influence of other actions
each other on the battlefield during actual battles
(Miracle, Artifact)
between mortal armies.
Heroes heal between instances of Single Combat
due to being shorter lived/faster healing.
Personal combat rules:
How Combat should flow:
1) The Aggressor actor/s should roll for their action
The Imitative to act first is always given to the
attacker, not the defender, which will establish the
2) The Defender actor/s roll, the higher output is
round turn order. In situations with more than 2
the successful outcome
fighting parties or larger groups, complex turn
orders may need to be decided by a d20 roll or
3) If staggered, the Aggressor continues their
prior agreement.
actions uninterrupted. If they fail their attack, the
Defender makes an action.
Any Artifact that a Hero or Avatar contains that has
4) The Combat should end in the death of one
a combat-related purpose (Designated at its
party, flight of one party, or diplomatic resolution.
creation) gets a +1 to their roll per artifact. This is in
addition to any combat relevant effects of the
5) Winning party is allowed to perform a
Hero/Avatar action contextually appropriate to the
resolution of the fight, be it displaying trophies,
storming a city, or seizing a foe's artifacts. This is
The health values of a Hero/Avatar are 3/3 and 5/5
unless another Hero or Avatar is present to engage
respectively, upon reaching 0 the actor is
in a separate combat instance.
effectively dead or banished from the mortal plain.
Damage is dealt by successful combat rolls, there
is no degree of success and all damage is 1 point
without divine intervention (cataclysm, etc).

Section 6: Appendices
I. Domain List
Celestial Domains
Major Domain Bonus Unavailable Minor Domain Bonus

Magic/Energy Everytime a new Artifact is created by Create City Past Can pull now-destroyed Artifacts into the present at
anyone, add a second trait to it of your Purify/Corruption double cost for their own use, can create
choosing, beneficial or otherwise. chrono-copies of Heroes that died at some point.

If a Chrono-Copy is killed by the present-day

version of that Hero, both cease to exist.

Strife For every slain hero anywhere in the world Create City Present All Heroes gain 'Temporal Cognition' , allowing them
that did not involve your hand directly, Purify/Corruption to see events around them occurring. In combat, this
generate 1 army (type to be selected) at a allows them to dodge an attack that is successful
city of your choosing. once per combat instance.

Generally, Heroes and Avatars gain minor


Consumption Upon killing another Hero, Consumer Create City Silence/Absence Avatar Actions leave no trace of their
Heroes can eat their bodies to absorb one Purify/Corruption creator/orchestrator
of the other heroes traits.

Discord When Pantheons dissolve, +110DP Create City Strength Can only create 1 avatar
provided Purify/Corruption
Avatar gains +1 health for every military army/unit
Can not join Pantheons created by this gods cultures

Doom/Prophecy Whenever a foreign prophecy is fulfilled by Create City

someone other than this god/their actors, Purify/Corruption
Avatars and Heroes get +1 additional
action that turn.

Souls Dead Hero Souls from this god can be Create City Afterlife Upon death, all heroes will return to this God's
imbued in new Artifacts to give them +1 Purify/Corruption control as Wraiths
additional function or trait, or an increase
in size/scale per soul used. Wraiths are unholy/demonic and subject to rules
- this god cannot be responsible for their thereof
death Wraiths are spirits functionally and subject to rules

Wraiths lose any significant magical potency,

retaining minor remnants only

Wraiths are immortal, killing one only banishes it for

a single turn

Wraiths avoid regular terrain limitations/can cross


Entropy Heroes can Destroy Artifacts Create City Evolution If Monster army of created species destroys a mortal
Purify/Corruption city, they evolve into a new subtype (creating a
Avatars can scuttle Sanctums territory on the ruins of the city) and adopt a twisted
variant of a trait of the primary species they just

Stability If a Pantheon of more than 5 Gods exists Create City Transmutation Heroes that have killed 4 foreign Heroes can ascend
in the world, add a dice to all DP rolls. Purify/Corruption to Avatarhood themselves.

Creation Can reclaim Create City Unknown Can create Sanctums in which the mantling Avatar's
Avatars/Heroes/Artifacts/Sanctums for Purify/Corruption actions are hidden from sight (To all but the GM) so
their original point value at any time as long as they're contained within it.
long as they're alive/intact.

Sun Has minor influence over foreign Plane Create City Memory All Heroes of this god share a telepathic
creation Purify/Corruption network/hive mind of sorts, Avatar's of this god can
also partake in this network but have more
discerning control over what is and isn't shared.

Moon Heroes gain additional trait for controlling Create City Healing Heroes resurrect for 5
wildlife Purify/Corruption

Elemental Domains

Change/Transformation Mimic any other domain bonus, even Create Life Winter +75DP on turn 10 of each era
claimed ones, with this slot. Create Order/Sect
- Can't Join Pantheons or co-opt with
other Gods
Equilibrium Any god over 200DP forcibly donates Create Life Summer +75DP on turn 6 of each era
35DP to this god. Create Order/Sect

Rot Sanctums damage intruding Avatars and Create Life Spring +75DP on turn 2 of each era
Heroes by 1 point passively upon Create Order/Sect
Storms/Tempests Heroes resurrect for free if killed in the Sky Create Life Autumn +75DP on turn 8 of each era
map Create Order/Sect

Frost Avatars turn the tile they occupy on a turns Create Life Plants Miracles can turn 'shape climate' flora species into
end into arctic climate/permafrost. Create Order/Sect monstrous species or mortal species

Smoke Avatars turn intangible after taking one hit Create Life Winds Heroes can fly
of damage in a combat, invulnerable to all Create Order/Sect
conventional damages for the remainder of
the encounter.
Night Avatars and Heroes can't withstand Create Life Volcanoes/ Upon creation, Sanctums directly shape land +
sunlight Create Order/Sect Magma shape climate in the tile they're placed in
Both get +2 health
Day Avatars can immediately vanquish Create Life Blood All heroes are Immortal
Monstrous armies or territories in 1-on-1's Create Order/Sect
Bloodlines create a hero automatically upon
Rebirth/Renewal Progenitor resurrected hero gets +1 action Create Life Gems Crystillian species of mortal/monster get +1 trait
per successful rebirth prophecy or Create Order/Sect
bloodline succession
Water/Sea Create Race for aquatic species costs 4 Create Artifact Insects Insectoid species of monster get 3x territories per
Shape Life for aquatic species costs 3 Create Order/Sect 'proliferate' power, and Mortal species get 2x cities
per city creation.
Light/Purity All Heroes get the ability to use Create Life Abyss/Deeps Sanctums & Planes Don't require a physical
Catastrophe/Miracle in minor capacity. Create Order/Sect entrance

Cultural Domains
Major Domain Bonus Unavailable Powers Minor Domain Bonus
Sexuality 2x Heroes of the same species (but not Shape Land/Climate Nobility All cultures, upon creation, may choose a
necessarily same god origin) can create a Miracle/Catastrophe Government type/tech freely.
new hero together whom chooses which
trait to inherit as the next link in an
inter-hero bloodline.
Justice Upon killing them, Avatars of this god can Shape Land/Climate Murder Killing a foreign Avatar provides +45DP, Heroes
condemn mortal souls to imprisonment Miracle/Catastrophe provide +8DP,
within this gods clutches outside the world.
Smiting does not count as killing, the act must be
performed by Avatars or heroes of your own.
Strategy All Civ's get +40RP specifically to be Shape Land/Climate Tyranny/Control Denouncing foreign Sects provides +4DP
allocated to military or intrigue related Miracle/Catastrophe
Wealth Debt pool of 150DP Shape Land/Climate Domesticity When an Avatar used Event to take residence up in
Miracle/Catastrophe a city, for the duration of that living residence the city
Can spend while in debt up to 150 has tripled RP.
Mischief Heroes can perform Avatar-scale miracles, Shape Land/Climate Lust D100 roll as an outcome on any event to usurp
but only in the name of pranking or making Miracle/Catastrophe control of another gods sect
humour (0-20) Fail and lose 5DP
(20-40) Fail and lose 1DP
(40-60) Neutral effect/fail
(60-80) take immediate control of the sect
(80-100) take control of sect, perform follow-up
Legitimise sect action
Retribution Murderer of these gods heroes/avatars Shape Land/Climate Mining Subterra cities cost 50%
can't be resurrected if killed. Miracle/Catastrophe

Invention Heroes generate 1.5RP each to the culture Shape Land/Climate Science For every 10 unspent RP, accrue +2DP
of their original species Miracle/Catastrophe

Shape Land/Climate Cheaters +6 to every DP roll, stacks with other benefits


Freedom Heroes can perform Incursion like an Shape Land/Climate Traitors Heroes Can use Purify/corrupt on foreign armies to
Avatar Miracle/Catastrophe convert their allegiance to that Hero.

Beauty/Perfection Any rolls get 3 picks of dice (except DP Shape Land/Climate Criminals Heroes get 1x stealth trait, Avatars get 2x stealth
rolls) Miracle/Catastrophe trait
No combat initiative ever
Madness/Sanity Avatars operate as NPC's with random Shape Land/Climate Virtue All created non-hostile alignment civilizations get 2x
rolled actions by GM Miracle/Catastrophe RP

All other powers are at their cheapest

possible rate for the entire game
Faith/Devotion Any 'denounce sect' action committed Shape Land/Climate Compassion All heroes in Pantheon resurrect for 50% cost
against this god's sects will generate an Miracle/Catastrophe
immediate overriding 'legitimise sect'
action for free.
Courage Cities contain 3x garrisons (type chosen Shape Land/Climate Ferocity Can create Monstrous heroes
from available options) from creation Miracle/Catastrophe

Fear Heroes and Mortal armies will refuse to Shape Land/Climate Music For every hero in combat as a group after 2, each
fight Avatars of this God out of fear, fleeing Miracle/Catastrophe hero gains +1 on rolls.

If divinely compelled, they will commit

suicide rather than face the Avatar
Smithing/Forging Within their Pantheon, pooled artifact Shape Land/Climate Pain Every hit a hero takes +2DP, Avatars taking hits
creation costs 3pts Miracle/Catastrophe gives +5DP

Law Avatars can't use 1x create life, however Shape Land/Climate Sacrifice Everytime a mortal race not of your making is made
instead they get a free minor law creation Miracle/Catastrophe extinct, +80DP
Hate Pantheon's can't accept more members Shape Land/Climate Language/ Races and monsters get Allspeak
after this god joins, however; Miracle/Catastrophe Communication

Once this god joins, every god in the

Pantheon gets +1 Artifact OR +1 Hero
Exploration Heroes can go any place in any place Shape Land/Climate Truth Heroes can detect the presence or activity of Avatars
safely, voiding travel restrictions except on Miracle/Catastrophe

Hedonism/Excess Every turn in debt Avatars get +2 action. Shape Land/Climate Illusion/Deceptio Avatars can hide in nonphysical/mental form.
Miracle/Catastrophe n

War Armies raised contain 2x strength/numbers Shape Land/Climate Judgement Killing other heroes forces a 3 turn cooldown before
Miracle/Catastrophe resurrections, prophecies, or other means of return
can be triggered.
Crafting Heroes/Avatars can create artifacts of Shape Land/Climate Rage Each time a hero resurrects, +1 health to their
appropriate scale/power Miracle/Catastrophe healthbar

Mysteries Heroes actions performed don't get revealed to the

rest of the game (except for the DM) until a turn later.

Rulership Bloodlines get 1x artifact upon creation

Deceit Can create prophecies with hidden triggers (only GM

can see)
Hunting 5x Monster Armies can kill Avatars if created by this
Trickery Can command other Sects as if their creator.

Travelers All heroes gain a travel related mount (artifact)

Art Heroes of this god may use event

Nightmares Spectral or dream-related monsters cost 3/6

Torture As Avatars and Heroes are hurt in combat, they gain

1/3 wounds = additional +1
2/3 wounds = additional die +1

II. Alignments Chart

III. Prosperity Spending Chart

Action Description Cost rules Limits

Create Warband Create an army of 10P Select city of creation No tech limits
(Very Small Army) 1000 strength Select Unit type
(equivalent to 100 Select Leader (if mobile)

Create Company Create an army of 25P Select city of creation Bronze Age
(Small Army) 2500 strength Select Unit type
(equivalent to 250 Select Leader (if mobile)

Create Regiment Create an army of 50P Select city of creation Classic Period
(Medium Army) 5000 strength Select Unit type
(equivalent to 500 Select Leader (if mobile)

Create Battalion Create an army of 100P Select city of creation Medieval

(Large Army) 10000 strength Select Unit type
(equivalent to 1000 Select Leader (if mobile)

Create Legion Create an army of 300P Select city of creation Renaissance

(Massive Army) 30’000 strength Select Unit type
(equivalent to 3000 Select Leader (if mobile)

Create City Found a new city 75P Select Location Must have a capable travel route
domestically or Select Name to city location to establish in
colonially using terms of tile distance and terrain.

Convert Prosperity Convert Prosperity 20P:1RP n/a Must be performed as a Hero or
into Research at a ratio into RP. Avatar action that is associated
Points with the society.

Advance Perform an 5P , XRP Designate which techs Precursor techs (if applicable
Civilization advance expending
PP and RP.

Construct Fort Build a minor 35PP Designate location inside 2 Must have a unit on hand (or
settlement with a tiles of the nearest city. created in concert) to garrison
fortification. Designate Name fort.
Designate garrisoned units.

Create Masterwork Build a unique 25PP Designate 2x non-divine Must be performed by Hero
items. master-crafted item traits/functions of the item that Must have at least 1 industrial
made by mortal fall within the established tech researched
hands. techs of the civ (determine
which techs influence the

Solidify Trade Organize an official 50PP Designate goods or points Must have a travelable route to
Alliance trade alliance with traded, cost of alliance can be the alliance partner.
another civilization. pooled.
Designate term length

Construct Project Create a Minor 25PP Designate location/City Precursor techs:

(Minor) Project/Structure Designate class/nature - Basic Tools
Designate Name

Construct Project Create a large 50PP Designate location/City Precursor techs:

(Large) structure Designate class/nature - Basic Tools
Designate Name - Basic Architecture

Construct Project Create a 80PP Designate location/City Precursor techs:

(Grand) grand-scale Designate class/nature - Basic Tools
structure Designate Name - Basic Architecture
- Engineering
- Mathematics

Construct Project Create a 125PP Designate location/City Precursor techs:
(Megascale) mega-scale Designate class/nature - Basic Tools
structure. Designate Name - Intermediate Architecture
- Engineering
- Precision Engineering
- Mathematics
- Advanced Mathematics
- Grand-Scale Architecture

Enable Edict Socket an Edict into 15PP Designate structure Precursor tech:
a recipient Project Designate Edict - X Edict
Structure, making
its bonuses Only works on 1x edict at a
effective. time

V. Tech examples updated
(Style) indicates the selection of a style such as Blades versus Axes, or Catamarans versus Triemes, indicating the cultural and/or architectural design style and
emphasis of the civilization.

Interstitial/Basic technologies indicate base theories or advances that have no mechanical advantage, however this doesn’t mean they have no impact on your
lore or culture, it just means they are gate-ways to new branches or the roots of other techs which have mechanical effects.


Hunting Weapons - 1 Refined Bows Advanced Bows (4) Iron Weapons (type) Herbal Medicine - Basic Meterology - 1
(Style) - 1 - 1.8 1.5



Dye production - 1.8 Agri. Tools - 1 Speleological Mining Fish Farms - 1 Basic Farming - 1 Leatherworking - 2.5 Woolspinning - 3

Irrigation/Canals - 1 Land Cultivation Roadworks Metallurgy (Bronze) Metallurgy (iron) - 5 Leather Working - Carpentry - 2RP
1.5 (Gravelways) - 2 -3 2.5

Alchemical comb.
(mining) - 3.5


Arcane Chemistry - 2 Basic Sigilcraft - Circle Magic (2) Spellcasting (2.5)



Trade Planning - 5.5 Currency - 2.3 Taxation - 2.5 Sanitation Edict - Fealty Oaths -1.5 Oath of Service - 1.5


Agriculture - 1.5 Animal Husbandry Basic Masonry -2 Basic Tools - 1 Shipcraft (style) - 2 Mathematics - 2 Astronomy - 2
- 1.5

Legalism - 5 Bookmaking Basic Metallurgy - Writing -2 Cement - 2.5 Mechanics - 3.5 Engineering - 2.5

Basic Chemistry - 1 Hydraulic Geometry - 2.5 Basic Architecture - Intermediate Advanced Grand-scale
Engineering - 3.5 4 Architecture - 5 Architecture - 10 Architectre - 15

Basic Cartography - Astronavigation -

1.5 1.5


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