International Conference On Environmental Research and Technology (ICERT 2017)

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International Conference on Environmental Research and Technology (ICERT 2017)



Nadia Razali1,*, Raja Nur Farhana Raja Aris2, Nadlene Razali3 and Khairul Faizal Pa’ee4
Section of Environmental Engineering Technology, Universiti Kuala Lumpur - Malaysian Institute of Chemical and
Bioengineering Technology, 78000 Alor Gajah, Melaka
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, 76100 Durian Tunggal, Melaka
Section of Food Engineering Technology, Universiti Kuala Lumpur - Malaysian Institute of Chemical and Bioengineering
Technology, 78000 Alor Gajah, Melaka


The widespread adoptions of alternative binder in concrete formulations are playing an increasing role in carbon dioxide
footprint reduction. With the development of green technology in construction, opportunities have been established in using
waste materials as partial or full substitution of construction material that could save the production cost and exhibit a
similar characteristics as its conventional counterpart. In this research, an investigation on the performance of calcined
mussel shells (Perna viridis) as partial binder replacement in concrete has been carried out. Specimen cubes (40mm x 40mm
x 40mm) with different replacement percentages (10%, 20%, 30%, and 40%) by volume were produced. Primary concrete
parameters such as pH, carbonation depth, compressive strength and sorptivity (capillary absorption) were studied for 56
days. From the investigation, all modified concrete formulations performed better in carbonation depth, compression
strength and sorptivity than control specimens on all testing days. It was been observed that the higher the replacement
percentage, the better carbonation depth and sorptivity values. However, the opposing trend was detected in compressive
strength; in which the higher the replacement percentage, the less strength the concrete possessed. The aragonite
polymorphs contribute to the low strength development due to its different symmetry and crystal shapes to calcite thus
leading to poor bonding properties of the concrete matrix. These outcomes were meaningful for our understanding on the
modified concrete formulation, specification and product design of cement materials and the revalorization of aquatic

Keywords: Cement, concrete, mussel shells, partial replacement.

Concrete has been widely used as the main construction material because of its excellent compressive strength,
versatility, availability, fire resistance and economical values [1, 3, 4]. It made a prominent progress since the introduction of
reinforced concrete (RC) and Integrated Building System (IBS) [5]. Cement, the main component in concrete that act as a
binder is made from calcium carbonate (CaCO3) material such as limestone, marl or chalk [2]. Due to a continuous demand,
the cement making industry intensify and aggravated the environmental problems such as deforestation, land mining,
depletion of non-renewable resources, contaminations and air pollution [6, 7]. Therefore, the establishment of the green
movement is not only intended to protect natural resources but also aims to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and
energy saving [8]. With concrete being so pivotal material in construction activities, finding alternatives to improve its
properties or maintain them while managing a lower production costs would be extremely beneficial and lucrative. For
example, industrial by-products such as oil palm shell, glass, fly ash and bottom ash are widely used in construction industry
as an additive and/or admixture for concrete to decrease the cost while reducing the amount of waste. Most of the waste and
by-products mentioned were commonly disposed in landfill without any pre-treatment because it was perceived as useless
and has no commercial value even though some composite by-products has a fracture toughness 3000 times greater [9].

Mussel Shells as an Alternative Binder

Living in a coastal nation, Malaysian consumed approximately 1.6x10 6 metric tons of seafood annually with trading
worth of RM4.2 million [10, 13]. Apart from being delectable shellfish, mussel is also an ideal bivalve mollusc species for
aquaculture activities. This is due to its high growth rate and non-weather dependant reproductive capability [11]. In
Malaysia, the most common species to be cultured is Asian green mussel (Perna viridis) [12].
Even though the mussel breeding industry has impressively contributed to the development of fisheries economy
especially in Southern Malaysia region, mussel shells wastes have becoming an alarming environmental problems. This is
apparent in areas with high numbers of canning factories and seafood restaurants. Martínez-García et al. [14] reported that
amounting 1 million tonnes of mussel shells worldwide have becoming an environmental concern and impending issue in
disposal management. The improper disposal method can effecting the water quality thus obstructing the growth of other
aquatic lives [15]. In addition, mussel shells waste that has been discarded and/or untreated for extended amount of time can
be a source of unpleasant odour as a results of the decay of the mussel meat or the microbial decomposition of salts into gases
such as ammonia, hydrogen sulphide and amines [16, 17].
Usually, mussel seashells are perceived as waste and carrying no commercial values [18]. In contrast, chemical and
microstructure analyses revealed that mussel shells composed approximately >90% of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) as shown
in Table 1 [19, 20].

International Conference on Environmental Research and Technology (ICERT 2017)

Table 1. Mineral compositions of mussel shell [20]

Mineral CaO K2O SiO2 SrO SO3 MgO Al2O3
Composition (%) 95.7 0.5 0.9 0.4 0.7 0.6 0.4

The applications of using seashell by-products as construction materials have been established since hundreds of years
ago in coastal regions due to unavailability of limestone and aggregates [26, 27]. The most prominent establishment is tabby
construction; a cementitious greyish-white colour material made from calcined seashell by-products (that acts as lime), water
and sands [30-32]. With the development of green technology that is widely promoted in the past few years, many
researchers had come across using seashell waste as sophisticated composite material in the construction practices [21, 22].
The chemical composition similarity to limestone powder makes seashell as practicable options for binder and aggregates
replacements [23, 24]. In addition, Razali & Forster [25] stated that modified concrete formulations with seashells can
improve its workability, hardening and strength characteristics.

This study was set out to investigate the correlation of calcined mussel shells powder (MSP) replacement rate with
concrete performances. The laboratory test procedure were based on BS EN 12350-1:2009, BS EN 12350-2:2009 and BS EN
12350-6:2009. The chemical reaction during reversible calcinations carbonation process of mussel shell is represented by the
following equation [33];
CaCO3 ↔ CaO + CO2
(Equation 1)
According to Wang et al. [34] calcination is described as a five-step process which involves (i) heat transfers from the
surrounding environment to the boundary layer of CaCO3; (ii) heat transfers through the porous lime layer to the reaction
interface; (iii) CaCO3 decomposition; (iv) diffusion of CO2 produced at the reaction interface to the particle surface through
the product layer and (iv) CO2 evaporation from the surface of the particle to the surrounding gas flow. Furthermore, the
calcination process was fixed at their optimum conditions. Moreover, during the capture of CO2 by lime considerable amount
of heat is evolved and the decomposition of calcium carbonate is an endothermic reaction [35].
The control and modified concrete specimens were manufactured by using YTL Ordinary Portland Cement (Type I) as
shown in Table 2, river sand as fine aggregates (specific gravity of 2.5 and size of 0.4 mm), local harvested mussel shell and
distilled water. Distilled water was used to ensure salts and other impurities were removed.

Table 2. Chemical composition of OPC Type 1

Type of compound CaO SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 MgO SO3 K2O LOI
Amount (%) 64.67 18.59 4.62 4.17 2.35 3.32 0.92 1.03

In this study, Asian green mussel (Perna viridis) and procured from local seafood vendor in Pantai Remis, Kuala
Selangor. The preparation of calcined mussel shells powder (MSP) was adopted from Adewuyi et al. [35] and Islam
[36]. The shells were washed with tap water to remove dirt and boiled for 2 hours to remove the odour and remaining traces
of organic substance. After the washing process was done, the mussel shells were air dried for 12 hours. The shells then
calcined at the temperature of 550°C for 2 hours [37]. The calcined mussel shells then crushed and sieve in according to BS
EN 933-1:2012.
The concrete rheological properties were obtained through slump test. Slump test is an empirical test to get an ideal
amount of water during mixing process to achieve standard consistency and good workability of concrete (BS EN 12350-
2:2000). The standard slump test mould has been used; 30 cm (height), 20 cm (bottom diameter) and 10 cm (top diameter).
The raw materials were mixed together by using 1:2:3 ratio. Study by Dennis & Pacciani [7] pointed out that low humidity or
insufficient water amount in the pores hindering CO2 to form carbonic acid and react with the alkaline cement hydrates. As
the humidity becomes low, the diffusion rate of CO2 will also decreased.
In the experimental method for modified concrete, the MSP were directly substituted for the cement at 10%, 20%, 30%
and 40% (R10, R20, R30 and R40 respectively) by volume. Equation obtained from the slump test was used as the reference
for modified formulations. Challenges faced during the process especially to accurately substitute cement powder and MSP.
Due to variations of material density, the replacement percentages were calculated by using Relative Bulk Density (RBD)
principles established by Razali [39]. This was to ensure accurate volume of specimens were produced between control and
modified concretes. Table 3 shows the mix proportions of the specimens.

Table 3. Relative bulk density of modified concrete

Sample Sand Water OPC Omitted MSP Replacement (g)
(g) (mL) (g) OPC (g)
Control 1000 1203.7 833.3 0 0
R10 1000 1203.7 833.3 83.3 89.5
R20 1000 1203.7 833.3 166.6 179.0
R30 1000 1203.7 833.3 250.0 268.4
R40 1000 1203.7 833.3 333.2 357.8

The concrete mixtures were casted in 40mm x 40mm x 40mm of polystyrene mould. The mould then been tampered for
a few times to eliminate bubbles. The specimens were demoulded 24 hours before set to curing in water. Testing days were
conducted on 7th, 14th, 28th and 56th days. Concrete’s strength increases with age (time) through hydration process that

International Conference on Environmental Research and Technology (ICERT 2017)

require moisture (water) and a favourable temperature. Curing assists the cement hydration reaction to progress steadily and
develops calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) gel, which binds the aggregates leading to a rock solid mass, makes the concrete
denser, decreases the porosity and enhances the physical and mechanical properties of concrete. According to Uddin et al.
[40], concrete properties are significantly influenced by curing since it greatly effects the hydration of cement. A proper
curing maintains a suitably warm and moist environment for the development of hydration products and thus reduces the
porosity in hydrated cement paste and increases the density of microstructure in concrete. As cement hydrates, strength
increases and permeability decreases. When hydration stops, strength gain ceases. Therefore, proper hydration of the cement
is important in the development of strong durable concrete. Most concrete mixes contain an adequate amount of the mixing
water for complete cement hydration.
After 28 days of casting, typically 90% of the final strength is reached and continuously developed [41]. The
conversion of calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) in the concrete into calcium carbonate (CaCO3) from absorption of CO2 over
several decades further strengthens the concrete and makes it more resistance to damage. However, the carbonation reaction
lowers the pH of cement pore solution and can corrode the reinforcement of reinforced steel in concrete [42].
In this study, wet curing was selected as curing method. This method fulfil all the requirements of curing, which
involving promotion of hydration, elimination of shrinkage and absorption of the heat of hydration. It is pointed out that even
if the membrane method is adopted, it is desirable that a certain extent of water curing is done before the concrete is covered
with membranes. Water curing was done in the way of total immersion of concrete cube in the container.

The pH value was used to determine the changes during the hydration process. For fresh mixed concrete, the pH strips
were dipped into the mixture. For hardened concrete (7 days and above), the method applied by Rasanen & Penttala [43] was
used. The concrete specimens were manually cut and then were crushed into a powder. 15g of powder were mixed with 15g
of distilled water. The pH of the solution then was measured by using pH meter (Mettler Toledo).

Carbonation Depth
The depth of carbonation was investigated upon each mortar sample at 7, 14, 28 and 56 days. The samples were
sprayed with phenolphthalein solution (Fisher Chemical) [44]. The resulting pink stained on the indicated the carbonation
activity. The average carbonation depth was measured by digital calliper (to the nearest 0.01 mm).

Compressive Strength
The concrete strength is influenced by numerous factors such as void ratio, water-cement ratio, alite and belite contents,
additives, aggregate size and aggregate-cement ratio. Due to variation of replacement percentage in formulations, the
modified concrete will be estimated to have variable strength as well. Therefore, the interaction of the MSP and OPC is
critical to ensure the positive rate of strength growth and the final strength. The specimens were tested for compressive
strength in accordance with BS EN 12350-1:2000 - Testing Fresh Concrete & Sampling by using INSTRON Floor Mounted
Material Testing System. The data produced illustrates the stress in the specimens up to failure state.

Sorptivity (Capillary Absorption)

For this study, sorptivity test was conducted by adopting the direct gravimetric method [45]. Prior to this, the specimens
were oven dried for 1 hour before sorptivity test. Then, they were placed into 5mm of distilled water in a container. The
specimens were then weighed to determine the changes in weight over specified time frame of 1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 30 minutes. A
minimum of 5 measured weight gain points were then plotted onto a graph with the water absorption measured in g/m2
against the square root of time t1/2. The sorptivity was then determined from the gradient of the slope [46].
The capillary suction of the modified concrete interface relates to the sorptivity process, but having a discontinuous
contain pores which are discontinuous and do not allow water movement by capillarity, and hence do not contribute to
sorptivity [47]. Factors that influence the sorptivity of the water into concrete structure are the pore size of the concrete.
Larger pore size of the concrete gives higher diffusion of water through capillary action gravitational force.


Increasing day of curing reduce the pH of concrete due to the carbonation process [28]. From the results, that there are
no significant different of pH between MCs and Control specimens but evident trend can be established. All fresh mixed
cements have a pH of 12. However, once the carbonation reaction takes places, pH reading becoming neutral (pH 7).
Carbonation progressively lowers the pH in mortar with maximizing the amount of Ca2+ ions. The pH variations could be
attributed to differences in materials characteristics and their properties with a corresponding influence on the extent of
carbonation of the concrete.

Carbonation Depth
As can be seen in Figure 1, carbonation depth increased with respect to time. This is due to the reaction of atmospheric
CO2 with the Ca(OH)2 inside the cement structure producing CaCO3. This reaction keep continuously undergoes inside the
concrete structure until they completely carbonated. This reaction reduced the pH of concrete in increasing of carbonation
time. Other study by Chang [29] shows the same evidence where the concrete that exposed to atmosphere in long period of
time will reduce the pH of concrete.
It were apparent that all formulations had carbonated throughout the duration of the study. It was observed that
carbonation depths are directly proportional to the amount of replacement. The higher the replacement percentages, the
higher carbonation depth detected. Control specimens only carbonated from 6.7 mm on day 7 to 9.7 mm on day 56. Whilst
the highest carbonation depth detected at R40 specimens in which it carbonated 8.8 mm at day 7 to 11.9 mm at day 56. This

International Conference on Environmental Research and Technology (ICERT 2017)

observation is consistent with the carbonation principles that carbonation depth increases with time. During carbonation
process, the CO2 in surrounding environment is enough to make calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH) 2) reacted as explained based on
Equation 2;
Ca(OH)2 + CO2 → CaCO3 + H2 O
(Equation 2)
Study by Somerville [31] found that the normal concrete will only carbonated about 5 - 50 mm annually. The
application of MSP in addition to cement as binding materials produced more Ca(OH) 2 in the concrete composition hence
reacting more with atmospheric CO2 to be carbonated [33]. This resulting in all Ca compounds dissolving and finally forming
calcium carbonate. The porosity of the concrete also influences the carbonation depth. Increase in proportion of MSP shows
higher carbonation depth due to the pore size of the concrete that allow diffusion of CO2 in concrete structure through the
water in a form of carbonate ions that will react with the Ca ions of the pore water [7]. The higher the carbonation depth, the
higher the amount of CO2 absorbed. The absorption of CO2 inside the surface of the concrete was influenced by the amount
of the atmospheric CO2 inside the concrete, the humidity and also the temperature during the curing process.

Carbonation (mm)


0 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56
Age (days)

Control R10 R20 R30 R40

Figure 1: Carbonation depth of concrete vs. curing time

Compressive Strength
The compressive strength results of the modified concretes (MCs) are presented in Figure 2. Overall, the MCs were
indicated to be able to resists load better than Control specimens. All MCs reached rapid strength development for the initial
14 days of test. On day 14, the highest compressive strength was achieved by R10 at day 14 (12.68 N/mm2). However, the
anomalies trend of strength development were noticeably identified between day 7 and day 28. There were no significant
strength developments of MCs occurred after 28 days although the Control specimens kept on increasing its strength in small

Compressive strength (N/mm2)


0 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56
Time (day)

Control R10 R20 R30 R40

Figure 2: Compressive strength of concrete

This results indicates that the strength of the MCs were depending on the amount of replacement in which less
replacement percentage yielded higher strength. Poor bonding properties of the concrete matrix is identified as the major
contributing factor. The aragonite polymorphs from MSP influenced low strength development due to its different symmetry
and crystal shapes to calcite (from cement). On the other hand, MCs with low amount of sand leads to segregation and
bleeding of concrete. Adding larger quantity of sand makes the concrete denser and stronger. Apart from that, excessive
amount of sand used causes high consumption of cement in concrete. The failure of the concrete at certain age depending on
the breakdown bond between the binder and the paste. Therefore, there might not be enough bond between MSP particles and
cement paste to produce sufficient bond strength and ultimately sufficient compressive strength of the concrete. Study from
Mindess et al. [38] has highlighted that material with rough textured surfaces will improve the mechanical component of the
bond. It is justified since too much of MSP which means higher effective surface area, would lead to insufficient proportion
of cement thus leading to poor bonding properties of the matrix with aggregates thus exhibit lower strength. These results
seemed to be consistent with other research which found that the stability of the binder and aggregates influence the concrete
strength [47]. The different characteristics in cement hydrates products which is calcium silicate hydrates (C-S-H) in MSP

International Conference on Environmental Research and Technology (ICERT 2017)

and cement also influenced the longer-term stability of the concrete as hhigher surface area of the hydrate cement product
gives higher in strength development of concrete [48].

Sorptivity (Capillary Absorption)

According to Hall & Hoff [49], the sorptivity of concrete is influenced by the materials behaviour, with regards to
variations in composition and curing conditions, in a rational way. Figure 3 presents the data of average sorptivity value of
MCs in different period of curing in which the Control specimens has the higher sorptivity values that indicated higher
porosity value than MCs. MCs also exhibited decreasing sorptivity values. MCs with higher replacement percentages were
more compact and have less capillary suction activity due to the less size of pore. This is due to the accelerated carbonation
activity of the MCs throughout the testing period.

Sorptivity (g/mm2.min0.5 x 103)

0 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56
Time (day)

Control R10 R20 R30 R40

Figure 3: Sorptivity

R40 yielded the lowest sorptivity value due to the less presence of pore on the surface of cross sectional area. This
proves that feature of the matrix structure of concrete that relates to the transport of water is pore system of cement paste,
particularly on the aggregate-paste interface environment. This is supported by water movement in concrete predominantly
controlled by the bulk of the hardened cement paste, which is the continuous phase in concrete. The low volume of cement
presence contain in the hardened concrete gives lower sorptivity activity of water throughout the concrete surface.

The most obvious finding to emerge from this study is that the modified concretes with MSP replacement performed
better than Control. These results are consistent with each tests in which the modified concrete performances are strongly
depending on the replacement rate. Higher replacement percentage is beneficial for acceleration rate of pH, carbonation and
compressive strength. However, in compressive strength, the modification is only efficient at lower replacement rate. This is
because the extra amount of MSP as led to imbalance proportion of binder thus leading to poor bonding properties of the
concrete matrix. Modification is not required if the specifier is looking for the increase of sorptivity performance. These
outcomes have important implications for future applications and the adaptability of alternative binder through the
understanding on the modified concrete formulation, specification and product design of cement materials and the
revalorization of aquatic wastes.


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