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Value Stream Mapping Literature Review A

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Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2011) 53:799–809

DOI 10.1007/s00170-010-2860-7


Value stream mapping: literature review and implications

for Indian industry
Bhim Singh & Suresh K. Garg & Surrender K. Sharma

Received: 13 July 2009 / Accepted: 27 July 2010 / Published online: 13 August 2010
# Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010

Abstract Value steam mapping (VSM) is a lean manufac- in process inventory and manpower requirement at
turing technique and it has emerged as the preferred way to individual stations are noticed
support and implement the lean approach Grewal (Int J
Manuf Technol Manag 15:3–4, 2008); Singh and Sharma Keywords VSM . Takt time . Current and future state map .
(J Measuring Business Excellence 13:58–68, 2009). VSM Lead time . Station cycle time
is different than conventional recording techniques, as it
captures the information at individual stations about
station cycle time, up time or utilization of resources, 1 Introduction
set-up time or change over time, work in process
inventory, man power requirement and the information Value stream mapping is an enterprise improvement tool to
flow from raw material to finish goods. It covers both help in visualizing the entire production process, representing
value adding as well as non-value-adding activities. This both material and information flow. Defined value stream as
paper covers the review and classification of literature on collection of all activities value added as well as non-value
VSM, as there is hardly any paper on literature review of added that are required to bring a product or a group of
VSM, so it will be very beneficiary for both academician products that use the same resources through the main flows,
and industry people. Applications of VSM are also from raw material to the end customers [33]. A very important
presented by a case study of a small manufacturing Indian part of the value stream mapping process is documenting the
industry and reduction in lead time, processing time, work relationships between the manufacturing processes and the
controls used to manage these processes, such as production
scheduling and production information. Unlike most process
B. Singh (*) mapping techniques that often, only document the basic
Department of Mechanical Engineering, product flow, value stream mapping also documents the flow
Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology, of information within the system, where the materials are
Greater Noida, UP, India
stored (raw materials and work in process, WIP) and what
e-mail: bhimsingh_ncce@rediffmail.com
triggers the movement of material from one process to the
S. K. Garg next are key pieces of information. In this paper, an attempt
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, has been made to review and classify the literature in to four
Delhi Technological university,
categories (1) conceptual work (2) empirical/modeling work,
Bawana Road,
Delhi, India 110042 (3) case studies, (4) survey articles and then 23 attributes of
e-mail: skgarg63@yahoo.co.in value steam mapping (VSM) are identified form the available
literature. These identified attributes are discussed according
S. K. Sharma
to importance given to them by various authors. Finally, the
Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIT,
Kurukshetra, Haryana, India 136119 applications of VSM are shown with the help of a case study
e-mail: sksharma49nitk@yahoo.com of an Indian industry and key findings are highlighted.
800 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2011) 53:799–809

2 Related work actions, lack of linkage to corporate strategy and wider

market environment, lack of review of other key processes in
This paper covers available literature published in refereed different business and supply chain environment such as new
journals, conferences and books on VSM and its applications product development and in order to avoid “shop floor
in different areas all over the world from 1990 and classified it myopia”, lack of understanding about human resource issues
according to classification scheme given by [13] in to four such as the appropriate internal or external culture, language,
categories (1) conceptual work, (2) empirical/modeling and relationships required by organizations [19]. It was
work, (3) case studies, (4) survey articles as shown in Fig. 1 noted that VSM may not serve the purpose when it is used to
map a production line which produces different types of
2.1 Conceptual work product families that are having different processing times
and set-up times for each processing step apart from different
Value stream refers to those specifics of the firms that add number of shifts [28]. It was rightly argued that whenever
value to the product or service under consideration and it is there is a product for a customer, there is a value stream. The
necessary to map both inter- and intra-company value-adding challenge lies in seeing and working on it. VSM can be done
streams [45]. The rate at which value is added to a single in the same way for practically any business activity and
product from the raw material stage through dispatch and expanded upstream or downstream. This powerful tool not
delivery to the customer and changing view of organizations only highlights process inefficiencies, transactional and
towards improvement to processes is discussed [4]. A new communication mismatches but also guides about the
scheme of classifying operations into three generic catego- improvement [33]. Anything other than the minimum
ries as non-value adding (NVA), necessary but non-value amount of equipment, effort, materials, parts, space, and
adding and value adding is suggested. This scheme proved time that are essential to add value to the product was
to be more generic and was extended to different areas [31]. defined as waste. They also told that waste takes many forms
Individual tools to understand different value streams maps and can be found at any time and in any place. It may be
and regarding their overlapping nature and use were found hidden in policies, procedures, process and product
developed [23]. The five tenets of lean manufacturing were designs, and in operations [34]. The use of value stream
enumerated and it was emphasized that VSM has to be mapping to the field of accounting to determine the process
carried out as the first step towards lean implementation [44]. costs of a value stream was extended. The information
A classification scheme about seven new mapping tools contained in value stream maps can be used to calculate
(namely, process activity mapping, supply chain response current and future state process costs and create value stream
matrix, production variety funnel, quality filter mapping, profit-and-loss statements [27]. A classification scheme to
demand amplification mapping, decision point analysis and serve as a link between manufacturing waste problems and
physical structure mapping) and their applications areas were lean manufacturing tools was proposed. A manufacturing
suggested [20]. It was shown that unnecessary inventory, organization can match its manufacturing wastes with the
defects, inappropriate processing and transportation were the appropriate lean manufacturing tools. This classification
most serious wastes in the system, further suggested to adopt scheme systematically organizes lean manufacturing tools
five of the VSM tools: process activity mapping, supply and metrics according to their level of abstraction,
chain response matrix, quality filter mapping, demand appropriate location of application of the tool in the
amplification mapping, and decision point analysis [24]. A organization, whether it addresses management waste or
new approach for VSM in detail including a summary of the activity waste, the type of resource waste it addresses, and
previous VSM approach and its weaknesses was described. whether it identifies waste, measures waste, eliminates
The new approach involves a strategic review of a business waste, or a combination of the three [32]. Value stream
or supply chain's activities, the delimitation of key processes maps for determining the beliefs, behaviors, and compe-
and the mapping of these processes. It also highlighted tencies possessed by business leaders were described and
limitations of VSM and categorized them under main heads with the help of current and future states map, the
such as: limitations related to VSM method: VSM did not ineffectiveness of most senior managers as well as
take care about other wastes such as wasted energy or traditional leadership development programs were high-
wasted human potential, areas of overlap between value lighted [12]. Practical issues like how to calculate Takt
streams were not covered such as finite capacity planning. time, where to place supermarket, where can we use
Limitations of VSM related to general environment use: lack continuous flow processing, what process improvements
of understanding of what becoming lean means, lack of can be done, and how to handle different product families
formal education step in the process at either senior level or while mapping job shop operations using a standard VSM
operational levels, lack of understanding of a particular were explored and it was also explained that while
firm’s position in a supply chain and the implications of their drawing a standard VSM in job shop operations, all
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2011) 53:799–809 801

pertinent information should be collected from the last to manufacturing strategies, second—product, process, and
the first operation in contrast to other production system volume, third—there cannot be one single “holy grail
where all information are collected from the first to the [21].” A model to implement lean manufacturing initia-
last operation, lastly as in job shop operation the future tives was developed and VSM was used to evaluate the
demand is not certain, so the average demand in the effectiveness of this model. It reduced and eliminated the
previous years should be considered for mapping a non-value-added time in a particular value stream. It also
particular product family [7]. Braglia et al. pointed out in revealed the percentage reduction in lead time, waiting
his article that VSM is basically a paper-and-pencil-based time, and inventory [15]. VSM was used for the process
technique, so, the accuracy level is limited, and the sector as a main tool to identify the opportunities for
number of versions that can be handled is low; in real various lean techniques and a simulation model to contrast
situations, many companies are of a “high variety–low the before and after scenarios in detail was developed in
volume type”, this requires many value streams and order to illustrate to managers potential benefits such as
cannot be addressed by simple VSM. They also proposed reduced production lead time and lower work in process
an alternative and innovative framework for a structured inventory [1]. A simulation model to study the impact of
application of VSM to products requiring nonlinear value certain lean principles was built for enhancing the flow of
streams, based on the preliminary analysis to identify the construction material and found that the lesser the time
longer critical production path using the temporized bill of spent in the value stream, the leaner is a process [2]. The
material. After identification of the critical path, possible application of VSM-based simulation generator was discussed
improvements were searched and then all sharing with in a manufacturer of poultry and pig raising equipments for
secondary paths were considered as further constraints. feeding, drinking, feed storage, and feed transportation systems
Finally, when the main value stream got improved, a new [26]. Discrete event simulation quantified through a detailed
path became the critical one. Thus, the analysis proceeded VSM exercise was used to model the current system’s
iteratively until the optimum is reached or the WIP level functioning and to identify operational inefficiencies in
has decreased under the desired level [47]. Singh et al. warehouse-receiving process at a large food distribution
suggested industries to apply VSM techniques to find center, which comprises of trucks with goods reaching the
money drain points in their balance sheets and also apply destination warehouse, unloading and finally putting away the
these techniques to cut down operational cost to save contents to the specific aisles [14]. A new cycle time
business during recessionary times [42]. performance tracking matrix derived from the factory physics
queuing model was introduced to explore a systematic way to
2.2 Empirical/modeling work structure the hierarchical cycle time key performance indica-
tors framework and also to define the right owner to improve
A simulation model was used in conjunction with VSM to those measurements. Further, VSM was used to reduce
improve the performance of British Telecommunications factory variability [46]. A stabilization problem for a
PLC and demonstrated the transportation from current state nonlinear multiple time-delay large-scale system was con-
to future state for service industry [10]. A simulation to sidered and neural-network (NN) model to approximate each
answer questions that could not be addressed was used subsystem was employed. They established linear differen-
using only the static view provided by value steam tial inclusion (LDI) state-space representation for the
mapping and described both the current state and the dynamics of each NN model and a robustness design of
future state for the product line, as well as the analysis and fuzzy control is proposed to overcome the effect of modeling
results obtained from simulation [28]. The use of rough set errors between subsystems and NN models. Finally, a set of
theory was demonstrated after the current state VSM to fuzzy controllers is synthesized to stabilize the nonlinear
identify where lean control is required and also developed multiple time-delay large-scale system [48]. The Takagi–
a simulation model in arena to model a factory of Taiwan- Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy model representation was extended to
funded enterprise in Mainland China that produces oval analyze the stability of interconnected systems having time
gear flow meters to understand the effect of implementing delays in subsystems. They used LDI state-space represen-
lean control approaches in the factory [22]. A simulation tation to represent the fuzzy model and employed the linear
model in arena was developed to demonstrate the matrix inequality optimization algorithm to find a common
production system of Orient Hand bag limited, a high- solution and then guarantee the asymptotic stability [49].
variety batch manufacturer [8]. A conceptual model
identifying the key factors that determine the responsive- 2.3 Case studies
ness of a supply chain system was developed and three
dimensions of responsiveness were identified: first— The steps used to produce the ‘Value analysis Time Profile’ by
simple logic that aligns itself to a wide range of a case study from within the LEAP project (automotive
802 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2011) 53:799–809

Fig. 1 Available literature on


supply chain) was explained and the methodology to highlight output per person, reduction of work in process, and finished
the role of this tool as a simulation device to quantify the goods inventory [38]. Value stream analysis (VSA) was used
impact of improvement activities was illustrated [5]. The and significant opportunities to improve to a complete
application VSM to the development of a supplier network supply chain for a food product from farm to consumer
around a prominent distributor of electronic, electrical, and were highlighted [43]. VSM technique as the first stage of
mechanical components was described. This involved analysis was used and planning of the improvement project
mapping the activities of the firm, identifying opportunities on the sheet metal cutting line and reduced the number of
for improvement and then undertaking with the firm an sheet metal formats from 160 to 40 (75%) and changed the
improvement program by involving around 50 key suppliers average supply period from 7 to 3 days and managed to
across eight product category areas [18]. The concept of reduce the average raw material stock by 37.5% [36]. Food
value stream management to solve the problems of a UK- value chain analysis (FVCA) on eight value chains in the
based American-owned computer manufacturing company UK red meat industry was applied based on lean paradigm
was implemented. Current state and future state maps are and evaluated FVCA on four subsystem- goals and values,
drawn in order to identify and eliminate the causes of the logistics, human resources and management structure.
problems [17]. The application of the mapping tool across Positive potential logistics benefits were finally found along
the whole supply chain—from steel, through steel service the chain, but identified two key implementation issues;
centers, to first-tier component manufacturers was explained. inter-company alignment of other subsystems and chain
Current and future state maps have been highlighted to organizational stability through time [7]. Practical issues in
illustrate the benefits of a lean system pictorially and a job shop using a standard VSM were explored and how an
method of constructing an action plan has been discussed improved VSM can eliminate some limitations of old VSM
[6]. With the help of current state and future state maps of was explained [11]. Data with VSM from assembly line of a
how work flows throughout the design, procurement, and
fabrication phases of pipe supports and highlighted value-
added and non-value-added times, lead times and improve-
ment areas was explained [3]. A case study of a steel
company with the help of VSM was presented and
production cost can be reduced 8% of turnover and capital
equivalent to 3.5% of turnover can be released only through
the removal of inventory were claimed [9]. VSM technique
was used to achieve productivity improvement at supplier
end for an auto industry and reported gain in production Fig. 2 Category wise percentage of the available literature on VSM
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2011) 53:799–809
Table 1 Frequency of VSM attributes in literature
Author VSM attributes discussed

Bottle Continuous Current Cycle Electronic Finished Flexible Future Kaizen Kanban Lead Proximity Pace Reduction Raw Setup Small Suppliers Takt Value Waste of WIP Zero
necking improvement state time information goods supplier state burst time of maker in material time shipment involvement time addition transportation defects
map Reduction inventory map reduction suppliers process manpower inventory reduction size

Abdulmalek and * * * * * * * * * * *
Rajgopal (2007)
Al-Sudair (2007) * * *
Arbulu et.al (2003) * * * * * * *
Brker (1993) * * *
Brunt, (2000) * * * *
Chitturi et. al (2007) * * * *
Comm and Mathaisel * * * * * * *
Dhandapani et. al * * * *
Disney et.al (1997) * * * * * * *
Dennis et. al (2000) * * * *
Domingo et. al (2007) * * * * * *
Emiliani and stec * * * * * * * *
Gopakumar et al. * * * * * * *
Grewal (2008) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Grewal and Sareen * * * * * * *
Hines And Rich (1997) * * * * * * *
Hines et.al (1998) * * * * * * * * * *
Hines et.al (1999) * * * * * *
Hines P. (1999) * * * * * * * * * * * *
Holweg (2005) * * * *
Huang and Liu (2005) * * * * * *
Jessop and Jones * * * * * * *
Jones et al. (1997) * * * * * * * * * *
Lasa et. al (2008) * * * * * * * * * *
Lian and Landeghem * * * *
Maskell (2001) * * * * * * * * * *
McDonald et.al (2002) * * * * * * * * * * * * *
McManus and Millard * * * * * *
Melvin and Baglee * * * * * * * *
Monden (1993) * * *
Pavnaskar et.al (2003) * * * * * *
Rother and Shook * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Russell and Taylor * * * * *
Sahoo et al. (2008) * * * * * * * * *
Serrano et. al (2006) * * * * * * * *
Serrano et. al (2008) * * * * * * * * * * * *
Seth et. al (2008) * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Seth and Gupta (2005) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Table 1 (continued)
Author VSM attributes discussed

Bottle Continuous Current Cycle Electronic Finished Flexible Future Kaizen Kanban Lead Proximity Pace Reduction Raw Setup Small Suppliers Takt Value Waste of WIP Zero
necking improvement state time information goods supplier state burst time of maker in material time shipment involvement time addition transportation defects
map Reduction inventory map reduction suppliers process manpower inventory reduction size

Simonsa and Taylora * * * *

Singh and Sharma * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Singh et.al (2009) * * * *
Taylor (2005) * * * *
Womack and Jones * * * * * * *
Womack et. al (1990) * * * * * * *
Zheng et. al (2008) * * * * * *
Total papers per 14 21 20 16 14 17 7 20 11 11 20 11 12 6 14 14 10 9 25 32 23 15 15

Table 2 Attributes in accordance to their decreasing order of importance in the literature

VSM Value Takt Waste of Continuous Lead time Current Future Finished Cycle Zero WIP Setup Raw Electronic Bottle Pace Proximity Kanban Kaizen Small Suppliers Flexible Reduction
attributes addition time transportation improvement reduction state map state map goods time defects time material information necking maker of suppliers burst shipment involvement supplier in
discussed inventory Reduction reduction inventory process size manpower

Percentage 64 50 46 42 40 40 40 34 32 30 30 28 28 28 28 24 22 22 22 20 18 14 12
received in

Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2011) 53:799–809

Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2011) 53:799–809 805

Spanish Bosch factory was identified and lean metrics, such the application phases [25]. Application of VSM in forging
as dock-to-dock time and lean rate, milk run to improve industry for identification and elimination of waste and its
materials flow were used [40]. VSM techniques as lean sources were discussed. A noticeable reduction in set-up
implementation initiatives were used in small manufacturing time and WIP inventory level is substantiated [35]. VSM is a
firm and claimed 33.18% reduction in cycle time, 81.5% versatile tool for lean implementation by a case study of an
reduction in changeover time, 81.4% reduction in lead time Indian manufacturing industry was shown and 92.58%,
and 1.41% reduction in value-added time [16]. How VSM reduction in lead time, 2.17% reduction in processing time,
can be applied to the food and drink industry to identify 97.1% reduction in WIP and 26.08% reduction in manpower
areas of waste and how these can be reduced and/or requirement was witnessed [41].
eliminated from the value stream were studied [30]. Multiple
case study approach was used and concluded that VSM can 2.4 Survey articles
be used as redesign tool for manufacturing apart from
enumerating the differences between theoretical concepts The application of VSM to the development of a supplier
proposed by VSM and real world applications [37]. Various network around a prominent distributor of electronic,
wastes in the processing side of the supply chain of the electrical, and mechanical components was described. This
Indian cottonseed oil industry were addressed using VSM involved mapping the activities of the firm, identifying
and individually attacked all wastes to reduce or eliminate opportunities for improvement and then undertaking with
them from the system [39]. The VSM is a valuable tool for the firm an improvement program and involved around 50
redesigning the productive systems according to the lean key suppliers across eight product category areas [18]. The
system and it was found that there are some key points for concept of value stream analysis and mapping (VSA/M) as
the establishing teams that have to take into account, as applied to product development (PD) efforts was explored.
follows: the time and training resources spent, the use of They visited nine major US aerospace organizations to
suitable information systems and a suitable management of gather data on the sophistication of the three tools used in

Fig. 3 Current state map

806 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2011) 53:799–809

Fig. 4 Future state map

PD as process improvement efforts, the lean context of the proposed. The method uses modified process mapping tools
use of the tools, and success of the efforts by interviews, to analyze and improve process [29]. Observations and
discussions, and participatory events. It was found that all interviewing techniques with open-ended questions were
three factors were strongly correlated; suggesting that used to understand the processes involved in the value
success depends on both good tools and lean context. chain of the cottonseed oil industry. VSM techniques were
Finally, a general VSA/M method for PD activities is applied to identify and remove NVA activities and found
that there is an excess cumulative inventory of 244 days in
the whole supply chain [39].

2.5 Analysis of literature reviewed

After classification and analysis of available literature on

VSM, it has been found that 38% of total available
literature is published as case studies, 32% as conceptual
work, 24% as empirical/modeling work and rest 6% as
survey articles as shown in Fig. 2. Further from the
available literature, 23 attributes of VSM are identified
and as per the importance given to a particular attribute by
the various authors, frequency of occurrence of these
attribute per paper/author is presented in Table 1. After
analysis of Table 1, the attributes are presented in Table 2 in
accordance to their decreasing order of importance in the
Fig. 5 Comparison of WIP in current and future state map literature. From Table 2, it is found that value addition,
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2011) 53:799–809 807

Fig. 6 Cycle time comparison

with Takt time in current and
future state map

continuous improvement, lead time reduction, current state manufacturing, a few modifications are made in the current
map, future state map, talk time and waste of transportation state. With consideration of proposed modification, a future
are frequently discussed in the literature but suppliers state map is prepared and improvements achieved are noticed.
involvement, flexible suppliers, and manpower reduction
are given little importance and rest of the attributes are 3.1 Preparation and analysis of current state map
moderately discussed.
Current state map is prepared keeping in view of the lean
manufacturing principles as discussed by [33, 38]. All the
3 Application of VSM in a manufacturing industry: data required for this map is taken from the shop floor of the
a case study selected industry followed by discussion with workers, super-
visors and managers of the industry. A few assumptions are
Case study demonstrates the application of VSM in XYZ also made for preparation of current state map. From past
Manufacturing Industry located in Patiala, Punjab, India. It is sales data at the industry under study, it is assumed that
a small manufacturing industry and manufactures the various maximum demand of piston may reach up to 8100 per month.
components used for maintenance of railway engines and in The current state map captures information at a particular
the present case, piston pin manufacturing line is selected for instance, which may vary from shift to shift. For the sake of
study. With the help of VSM technique current state map of analysis, the shift and operator-wise variation (which may be
piston pin manufacturing line is prepared and various gap there) is not considered. Effective numbers of working days
areas have been identified. To address these gap areas and to are 27 per month, number of shifts per day is two and
bridge the gap between current state and proposed state of working hours per shift are seven. Available working time per
day is 50,400 s. As per [33], Takt time can be calculated
Takt time={(Available working time per day (seconds)/
customer demand per day (units)}={(50400/(8100/27)}=
168 s. Current state map is shown in Fig. 3. The demand
comes from the customers to planning department of the
industry, then planning department send its requirement to
different suppliers by manually or by electronics media.
Industry keeps raw material inventory of 15 days in their
store, material moves from raw material store to finished items
store through a number of processes/machines turning,
drilling, heat treatment, bore grinding, OD grinding, Magna-
flux, piston pin assembly and hydraulic testing. Details
regarding inventory, cycle time, lead time, up time and
number of shifts are shown in Fig. 2 against every machine.
Actual processing time or the real value-adding time for the
Fig. 7 Lead time at individual stations of production line in current existing process is 611 s, whereas production lead time is
and future state map 210.0 h. High work in-process inventory of 653 piston pins
808 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2011) 53:799–809

and total inventory of 6,053 piston pins are there at factory categorized as (1) conceptual work, (2) empirical/modeling
end. Total manpower required in existing state of piston pin work, (3) case studies, (4) survey articles. Vast literature on
manufacturing line is 12 persons/operators. value stream mapping and its growing adaptation in developed
and developing countries indicate the interest shown in this area
3.2 Future state map by researchers and practitioners. Results of the case study
conducted in XYZ Indian Industry shows that VSM is a very
Working on the gap areas identified by the VSM of the current effective technique for identification and reduction of various
state of piston pin manufacturing line, some modification are types of wastes. The reduction in work in process inventory by
proposed as indicated in Fig. 4. Store persons are asked to 80.09%, finished goods inventory by 50%, product lead time
fulfill hourly demand instead of supplying shift-wise. It by 82.12%, station cycle time by 3.75%, change over time by
requires a high degree of information flow and coordination 6.75% and manpower required by 16.66%.
to fulfill hourly demand. To track hourly demand, a Kanban Based upon the literature reviewed in this paper on
system is proposed. It is suggested that withdrawal Kanban VSM, few areas need further scrutiny.
should flow from planning department to dispatch. Similarly,
1. There is a need to discuss cost–benefit analysis of
the production Kanban is suggested flowing from dispatch to
proposed changes made in future state map while
raw material store, as shown in Fig. 4. The Kanban system
applying value stream mapping technique for any specific
brought the necessary schedule and delivery discipline. It is
also observed that inventory was high in the production line.
2. Little work has been done with the help of this
Industry was holding 15 days’ inventory in the store because
technique in the area of vendor management.
of poor communication and a play-safe tendency. Electronic
3. Effect of changes done in current state during VSM
information flow is proposed for the suppliers. It helped in
implementation has not seen yet on human factor
reducing order quantity and inventory at raw material stores.
4. Comparison of this technique with other waste reduc-
This also helped in making whole supply chain lean and
tion techniques can also be made
flexible. It is observed that change over time is very high at
turning operation and piston pin assembly operation, to
synchronize station cycle time with Takt time single-minute
exchange of die is proposed at these stations. References

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