women into history and
keeping his jokes up to date
Northern Ireland
Laura Hackett on two books
published 25 years after the
Interview Good Friday agreement
Metallica are keeping going l With the name Peter
into their sixties and pumping O’Toole, the star of
up the noise Lawrence of Arabia was
History always regarded as a son
From ballet dancers to trans of Ireland. He claimed he
pilots: the secret history of hailed from Galway, carried
Art the Second World War an Irish passport and once
Waldemar Januszczak gives it said his Irish identity was
up for his favourite movement “almost the centre of my
being”. Actually the actor
The Sunday Times came from Leeds and only
Bestsellers one parent was Irish.
Film TV & Radio, p47
Hugh Grant has found his
happy place — as a villain l Britain’s songbirds
over a million skylarks since
the 1980s. Books, p26
© Times Media Ltd, 2023. Published and licensed by Times Media Ltd, 1 London Bridge Street, London SE1 9GF (020 7782 5000). Printed by Prinovis UK Ltd, Liverpool. Not to be sold separately.
9 April 2023 3
ccording to Terry Deary, there
are three kinds of writers.
Artists like “your JK Rowlings,
Philip Pullmans and Julia
Donaldsons, who write for
the world”. Amateurs, such as
JRR Tolkien, who “write for themselves
and sometimes find an audience”. And
then there are “the artisans”. People
who write “for the trade”. This is the cat-
egory in which the creator of Horrible
Histories places himself. “The reason
why I’ll never be acknowledged as a
great author like Philip Pullman is
because I’ve written 338 books.”
Yet as Nasty Napoleon (or was it
Satanic Stalin?) said, quantity has a
quality all of its own. And Deary’s
achievements in the 30 years since the
first two books in his “history with the
nasty bits left in” are on a grand scale.
He has sold somewhere north of
35 million books, he tells me over a cup
of tea overlooking the River Thames,
where the Horrible Histories interactive
boat ride goes up and down (always
sold out whenever I try to get tickets
for my nine-year-old son). He has fed
an empire of spin-offs, including that
boat ride, a West End show and the
Horrible Histories CBBC show — the first
children’s show to win an adult com-
From Vile Victoria to Bolshy Boudica, Terry Deary has riled our rulers
edy award (the Romantic Poets boy-
band sketch is exquisite). Not bad for a stupid or cruel but most of them have Deary looks a little forbidding, with author pulled out, which he had to turn
boy from “a terribly poor background been both.” He scoffs when I ask him close-cropped hair and lean physique around in eight days. It was more of a
in Sunderland” who wanted to be a about our new king. And don’t get him — he is about to do his 25th Great North case of “Terry Deary’s just written a
country singer. started on politicians, teachers and Run — but he has a musical way of speak- Father Christmas joke book, let’s get
Deary, 77, who has travelled down Ofsted inspectors. He gets particularly ing that betrays his former career as a him in”.
for the day from his home in Co Dur- irate about the honours system. “Knight- drama teacher. His aversion to authority The first two books in the series —
ham, is quick to deflect credit: he ing people who’ve done bugger all, in all its forms is deep-seated. It comes Terrible Tudors and Awesome Egyptians
heaps praise on his long-term collabo- while the people who look after their “from being beaten, bullied and abused — were released in 1993, but sales
rator, the cartoonist Martin Brown, and ageing parents like carers or nurses get at school by the teachers — not the picked up with the 50th anniversary of
stresses that the series was not his idea. no recognition at all. It breaks my heart.” pupils”. He has described himself as a VE Day in 1995, when Blitzed Brits
Be that as it may, he has done what the very angry person (I wonder what he’d became a bestseller. He followed it up
best children’s writers do: created a be like if he didn’t run). But he tempers with Woeful Second World War and,
world that children want to return to this with bursts of kindness. When I well, it went on and on. He claims that
again and again. His gory stories — arrive with my son’s dog-eared copies he has only managed three weeks’ hol-
decapitations, massacres, torture and You need populist of Awful Egyptians, Groovy Greeks and iday in 45 years, something his “long-
all — have served as an entry point to Vile Victorians, as well as Deary’s latest, suffering” wife of 48 years, Jenny, has
countless history obsessions. And — authors and that’s The Worst in the World (The Best Worst had to endure (the couple have a
again, like the best children’s writers what I am Bits of History), he insists on signing daughter, Sara, and 11-year-old twin
— Deary knows whose side he is on, each one with a personal message (“To granddaughters).
and it is not the side of authority. Fight the power Terry Deary with the Terrific Teddy, to Terrible Teddy”). Indeed, he was so much at the cul-
When pushed to name his favourite cartoonist Martin Brown Horrible Histories came about, as he tural vanguard that he was having argu-
historical figure, he says: “Mr and Mrs tells it, because of a gap in the market ments about historical revisionism a
Peasant.” He believes a million peasants in the early 1990s. “There was this god- couple of decades ago. Barmy British
are more important than “one bloke awful national curriculum imposed on Empire (2002) did not shy away from
stuck on a column in Trafalgar Square”. schools, and publishers very sensibly revealing the horrors of the slave trade,
Deary is hard pushed to name the said, ‘Let’s fill this niche by doing or from presenting the British Empire
“worst” period in history. “How can something entertaining.’” as a bad idea. “I got a lot of abuse from
you say that people suffered more in Deary spent the early part of right-wing people,” he says. “I’m now
the Thirty Years’ War, allegedly the his career as a theatre-in- suddenly in fashion. People are saying,
worst war in history, than the education practitioner, writ- ‘Yeah, actually you’re right. The British
people in Ukraine today? All ing plays for schools, before Empire was one of the worst things
periods of history are horrible drifting into children’s pub- ever to happen to the world.’”
if you’re poor.” lishing. He reckons he wrote He believes history as it is taught in
He has no favourite mon- about 50 books before Hor- schools is too Anglocentric. “If we’ve
archs. “Every king and queen rible Histories, including one got people who are nationalistic and
in history has been either on sharks when the original Brexiteers, it’s because they’ve been
4 9 April 2023
updating his books or not? “That’s
their choice. If they want to update
Roald Dahl, they can. But they
shouldn’t be doing it because of the
pedants, you know?”
Having conquered the world of chil-
dren’s non-fiction, he is now seeking
new frontiers. “Do you know the Rob-
ert Service poem about you get to the
top of a mountain and what do you
see? Another mountain.” He is mulling
over an adult history book about “the
British Empire and where Britain sees
itself in the world and why, and what
we can do about it”.
He is also deep into a crime story.
“It’s called Actually I’m a Murderer.”
Later his publisher will ask him if he’s
sure he wants to reveal the title, which
is like a red rag to a bull because he only
doubles down. The book is set in 1973
and it has three narrators: a hapless
young actor, a policewoman (“I shouldn’t
say policewoman, should I? Police
officer who happens to be female”) and
the killer. He reckons he might find
himself accidentally on trend again.
portal into that dark and tormented
am not sure how it happened, how time of our history when blackness was
I got suckered into watching The a virtue and the roads were full of mud.
Last Kingdom. One minute I barely Dreymon also puts his finger on why
watched television, the next — such the series was such a success: a terrific
are the sad depths of my fandom cast who worked together for seven
— I have an Uhtred beer mat and an years. David Dawson is rather wonder-
almost lifesize cardboard cutout of the ful as a pious, Machiavellian and per-
evil, but not unattractive, witch Skade petually sickly Alfred; Eliza Butter-
in my study. Next I’ll be going to con- worth stretches beyond her years to
ventions dressed in stinking furs with a portray Alfred’s frankly ghastly wife;
wolf ’s rib bone in my beard. and the fine Scottish actor Mark Rowley
It is true that my wife suggested we — one of the favourites of The Last King-
try a Netflix series because everybody dom’s vast fan club — is Uhtred’s BFF,
else was doing it and we might be miss- the Irishman Finan.
ing out — that was the start. We tried Rowley and Dreymond add a wel-
loads, almost all of them involving seri- come mischief to the characters as
ous, angst-ridden people going through depicted in Cornwell’s books. (By and
a time portal (everybody really hates large the series improves the more it
the present right now, don’t they? Can’t drifts away from those novels, and
say I blame them). They were all kind there are occasional winks to viewers
of awful and terribly self-important or, that the whole thing should not be
worse, boringly “edgy”. taken too seriously, just seriously
Then my sister-in-law, noting our enough that it holds your interest.)
despair, suggested The Last Kingdom. I Of course it is not without one or
was doubtful. Lots of people fighting in two little problems. We watch in awe as
period costume? But we tried it and Uhtred wins a battle in Essex, then
from episode three we were hooked. turns up an hour or two later to kill
We watched all five seasons, bang, like someone in, say, Chester — and this all
that. Then we looked for another series Kingdom comely Alexander Dreymon somewhat portentously, as “I am took place before HS3. And Uhtred’s
to watch, couldn’t find one — so as Uhtred in Seven Kings Must Die. Uhtred, son of Uhtred” — who wins all fashionable disdain for the non
watched all five seasons again, all the Below: Thea Sofie Loch Naess as those battles for Alfred and even sequiturs of Christianity is undermined
way through. Every night, with a cup of Skade in the original series reminds him to get those cakes out of by his credulousness at Norse magic.
tea. And a Twix. the fire. Being an Angle brought up by But these are quibbles. It is a pleasure
The Last Kingdom has its cake and exist and is distantly related to Danes allows the principal character to to watch and, as Rowley testifies, the
eats it. Drawn from the novels of Ber- Cornwell, but lived 200 years after the straddle the political divide, and the actors loved it too: “It was so much
nard Cornwell, it supposedly depicts time in which The Last Kingdom is set winning thing is that it also brings into fun . . . you know we all go on holiday
real history — you know, facts and stuff. and probably didn’t have appealing what would otherwise be a rather hor- with each other? I took a bunch to Scot-
Principally King Alfred’s attempts to hair extensions like those sported by rible history, comprised of people land and we’re going to Scandinavia.”
unite our country and subjugate the the excellent German-American Alex- chopping off one another’s heads, a Series five ended with Uhtred stab-
irritating, hirsute but competent Dan- ander Dreymon. certain vulnerability and humour. bing people in the throat, throwing his
ish invaders, all of whom have bad This allows the series a certain lee- More to the point, though, we can feel nephew off a precipice and capturing
table manners. And so, up to a point, it way with the truth, for it is Uhtred — a little more comfortable identifying with the castle of his birth, Bebbanburg —
does this faithfully. Almost all of the who always announces himself, Uhtred. The Middle Ages, you better known to us as Bamburgh. But
characters existed, the battles men- see, were not especially woke. such was the disappointment at the
tioned took place roughly where histo- Those social justice warriors series ending that we now have a full-
rians believe they happened, and the who wish to cancel Winston length feature film to watch, entitled
outcomes are correctly rendered. Churchill ought to have a Seven Kings Must Die. Neither Dreymon
Except that into this compressed look at Sweyn Forkbeard’s nor Rowley would tell me what hap-
and bloody Anglo-Saxon chronicle We watched attitudes towards criminal pens (although I assume seven kings,
Cornwell drops an almost entirely ficti- all five seasons, justice, or King Alfred’s er, die), but that’s OK because I want to
tious, handsome, sword-wielding Geor- muscular brand of Chris- be on the sofa, with Skade, Twix in
die thug who is essentially politically every night, with tianit y. Uhtred, hand, enjoying every gory moment. c
unaligned and thus able to fight for
whomsoever he pleases. This is the
a cup of tea though, has a defi-
nite aversion to Seven Kings Must Die is on Netflix
central character, Uhtred — who did and a Twix slavery and from Friday
6 9 April 2023
say, ‘Come on, look how successful you
couple of weeks ago I listened are!’ But success doesn’t change you.
to the latest Metallica album For better or worse you carry formative
turned up to 11. The riffs years with you and I’m more aware of
are relentless. One track is the darkness than before. When
called You Must Burn! The younger I was in such a hurry — hell-
lyrics to another go: “Demon- bent on the next stimulation and the
ised, liquefied, tranquillised, prophe- next beverage. I never slowed down
sied!” So far, so heavy metal. But there enough to understand what was going
are also a lot of melodies and choruses.
You do not sell 125 million albums THE SINGER THE GUITARIST on around me. But, as you age, that
becomes more obvious.”
without being able to surprise — and James Hetfield, 59 Kirk Hammett, 60 Ulrich sips his tea. The heavy drink-
write a hook. Hetfield spends his spare time The oldest member of the band ing is over. He quit cocaine years back.
Later I meet Lars Ulrich, Metallica’s keeping bees, but kills animals too loves to snuggle up with a comic People change. Now Ulrich collects art.
drummer and band spokesman, given — loving to hunt “insane elk”. He is book or go surfing. Hammett owns Hetfield is a beekeeper. The drummer
that the singer James Hetfield is stage- a devoted collector of classic cars a ranch where he rides horses and, is at home in San Francisco, the band’s
loud but interview-shy. The pair turn and even does some carpentry. He when not playing riffs, finds respite base. Ulrich was born in Copenhagen,
60 this year, so I start by asking if their makes a good table. in his horror memorabilia. before he moved to California in 1980
pummelling, punishing music is not for to pursue a tennis career that soon lost
younger . . . “Let me confirm,” Ulrich out to a different kind of racket.
interrupts, laughing, “that the idea I’m All this seems a world away from
sitting here at 59, talking about our 12th Metallica’s 1983 debut album, Kill ’Em
record, 41 years after we started, is All (originally they wanted to call it
obviously preposterous.” Metal up Your Ass). Their ascent was
These days the band embrace age- fast and furious and studded with Spi-
ing. “Saggy skin? Double chins? What- nal Tap moments: Grammy-nominated
ever! None of this fazes me. I don’t have in the 1980s, they played the first open-
a need to put on a crazy tight leather air gig in the former Soviet Union in
jacket, dye my hair and convince the 1991. The cover art on their 1996 album
world I am 30. I’m comfortable in my Load was made from squishing blood
body and have no desire to chase the and semen between glass slides. They
fountain of youth,” Ulrich says. even went on to make albums with the
No wonder he feels settled. Metallica San Francisco Symphony.
are the 36th bestselling act in history, Then in 2004 the band had a docu-
above Prince and the Bee Gees. They
are a remarkably stable group, formed THE DRUMMER THE BASSIST mentary of their own: Metallica: Some
Kind of Monster. It focused on the band
by Ulrich and Hetfield in 1981, with the Lars Ulrich, 59 Robert Trujillo, 58 inviting a therapist to deal with issues
guitarist Kirk Hammett on board since The richest member of Metallica Roberto Agustín Miguel Santiago during the making of their album St
1983 and the bassist Robert Trujillo for filled his lockdown with hiking and Samuel Trujillo Veracruz was Anger. It is a riveting watch: a proto-
20 years. The so-called Black Album biking, but Ulrich is an avid art fan brought up on flamenco guitar. type for the Beatles’ Get Back, where a
(1991), with the single Enter Sandman, and businessman. His collection is Married with two kids, the Santa group falls apart in front of the cam-
was their monster hit, but that barely valued at $25.4 million and he sold Monica-born musician is a keen eras. Yet Metallica are still here. How?
scratches the surface. Master of Pup- a Basquiat for $13.5 million. hiker and a mean surfer and skater. “We all would rather be in Metallica
pets, their “eight-minute super-heavy than not,” Ulrich says. “Ultimately it’s
metal song from 1986” was recently a about preserving the mothership.
Spotify download topper after featur- a deeper bond with their fans. Sure, the ferocity of Metallica’s music nor their Think of what we’ve been through!
ing in Stranger Things on Netflix. The hair has changed — Ulrich and Hetfield penchant for singing about darkness We’ve played, what, 3,000 concerts?
band headlined Glastonbury in 2014 used to wear it below their shoulders, and depression. After a mellow(ish) Age helps, but it is pure love for the
and the millennial pop star Phoebe both now style it like a pair of edgy car phase at the turn of the century, the other fellows. We know each other’s
Bridgers covered them. salesmen — but that aside, if it ain’t band have returned to thrash metal trigger points so well. But none of us
Ulrich is the group’s celebrity. broke, don’t play it quieter. (heavy metal but faster). have the energy to make a record the
Friends with Bono and Noel Gallagher, “When we’re in a room together it’s Hetfield says that 72 Seasons — the way we did 30 years ago. I can still
he’s the prophet who first pointed out not radically different to 1981,” Ulrich number of seasons in our first 18 years wind James up in 12 seconds, but know-
that, maybe, giving away music online explains. “Are there better micro- — is about “sorting out childhood as an ing what it takes gives you the chance
was not a sustainable business model. phones? Newer cymbals? More ampli- adult”. Via email he says: “There are to stay clear of it.”
More on that later, but first the new fiers? Of course. But the enthusiasm some things you can’t unsee and are Being part of a heavy metal band
album, 72 Seasons. Few musicians have has not changed.” Neither has the with you for the rest of your life.” is a weird job. Any of us can have a
8 9 April 2023
ONSTERS OF MAYHE result was bankruptcy
for Napster. Music fans blamed
Ulrich for being very rich and
supporting, boo hiss, “the Man” and
the record labels.
He remembers the first time the
internet had an impact — it was 1995
and Metallica were in London. “The
day after a gig,” he says, “our tour man-
ager said, ‘Do you want to see what
people thought?’ He went to the com-
puter. You could hear that dial-up tone.
Half an hour later we were looking at
some forum where 20 fans were talk-
ing about the show the night before. I
went, ‘What the hell?’
“That changed everything. Back in
the day you’d put a song out and only
weeks later read a review. Today, after
five minutes you have 37,000 reviews.”
Times have changed so much that
Metallica previewed a recent single on
TikTok. But the question, raised by
Ulrich during the Napster furore, was
about the value of music. Why would
people happily spend £15 on three
beers, but quibble at spending that on
a CD with music that would last years.
“That is the core of the issue,” Ulrich
says. “What is it about music — more
than other intellectual property — that
made people think it could be free?
Maybe because we first listened to it on
the radio? Certainly, at the start of the
internet, there were so few laws that
everything online represented free-
dom. I don’t know if, 20 years on,
there’s any new clarity.”
I suggest it is simply that people
were happy not to pay for music just
because they could. Ulrich agrees. “We
all want to intellectualise it, but the
answer may just be, ‘It was there.’ More
than anything [music piracy] was
about the ease of it.”
The repercussions are still being felt.
The collapse of physical music sales
means that record labels do not have
Modern Art. Same truth. dynamism and sensitivity. forced to race from location to
Different packaging. Why is all this different location, it never settles.
The beginning is truly from what came before? Why That said, the ending with
thrilling. The big guns of is modern art being invented? Picasso and Braque inventing
post-impressionism have been The catalogue huffs and puffs cubism and Mondrian’s
given a wall or two on which in the search for answers journey to abstraction is a
to impress us and some fine before finally settling on the lurch on to a higher plane. We
loans have been called in. divergence we are seem once again to be in the
Cézanne’s gorgeous witnessing here presence of artistic giants.
portrait of his wife in between art as So it’s a sandwich of a show.
a red dress, the one
in which he turns THE a vehicle for
description and
Good beginning. Good end.
A muddle in the middle. c
her into a modern
Madonna oozing
CRITICS art as a vehicle
for conveying After Impressionism: Inventing
quattrocento calm, attitudes and Modern Art, National Gallery,
has been borrowed emotions. Until the London WC2, until Aug 13
10 9 April 2023
before the grand final on May 13. It
s first days at work go it was includes a “blue and yellow submarine
pretty good. No sooner had parade” and a sea-themed disco, involv-
Martin Green started as the ing British and Ukrainian designers and
BBC’s managing director of musicians and a glitterball jellyfish; the
the Eurovision Song Contest transformation of Liverpool Cathedral
than he found himself on into a railway carriage by the Ukrainian
The One Show, handing his hero, artist Katya Buchatska to replicate the
Graham Norton, the envelope that journey of escape from Izyum, in east-
revealed Liverpool as the host city. ern Ukraine, to the Polish border;
“If, like me, you are gay, Eurovision and a simultaneous rave in Liver-
is very much part of your cultural life,” pool and Kyiv.
Green, 51, says. He is a fanatic: 41 years However, it is unlikely that
after watching his first contest, he can President Zelensky or his wife,
still sing the British duo Bardo’s 1982 Olena, will attend because of how
entry and remembers how it was the European Broadcasting Union has
beaten by Nicole, who won Germany’s always run the contest. “The EBU are
first title with Ein bisschen Frieden. rightfully very committed to it being a
But Green isn’t just a Eurovision fan- neutral space, but also a fair competi-
boy — he’s the go-to man for organising tion for 37 countries. That’s very pre-
Britain’s biggest events: he transformed cious. We know that all our Ukrainian
the unloved Millennium Dome into the friends are very respectful of that too.”
buzzy O2 arena, was head of ceremo- Green’s 2012 Olympic ceremonies
nies for the 2012 Olympic and Paralym- were praised for bringing the country
pic Games, and turned Hull into the together. Since then politics has
UK’s City of Culture five years later. polarised the nation and the pandemic
He has just finished parallel stints has caused untold misery. “I think
running the Birmingham Common- we’ve been through quite a lot since
wealth Games cultural programme and 2012. What major events help you do is
Unboxed, the “festival of Brexit” that is get your mojo back,” Green says. “We
seen by most people as an expensive, love being outside, standing right next
taxpayer-funded failure. to someone and hugging them and
Isn’t it odd to go from overseeing cheering not only our team but
Theresa May’s much-maligned Brexit Signed on The hosts Alesha Dixon and time to put on a show that will be everybody else’s team too.
jamboree to hosting the most Europhile Hannah Waddingham. Below: Martin watched by more than 160 million “Eurovision is like those big global
party possible? “I don’t recognise that Green. Right: the UK entry Mae Muller people. After a lot of “chasing our own sporting events: you can plot your life
term,” Green says sternly when we meet tail”, he reckons they are on track. by it.” But given the UK’s dreadful
at the BBC’s White City headquarters. Everyone is at pains to emphasise recent record — coming last in two of
“I produced a festival called Unboxed.” that the UK is hosting it “on behalf of ” the past three contests —
That first day with Norton was the Ukraine. There is a Ukrainian flag in Green never thought he
easy bit for Green — in just five weeks’ the “V” of the Eurovision logo and the would have the chance
time he’ll be throwing the largest party colour scheme is all yellows and blues. to work on it.
and biggest TV event of the European Green says everything has been done “What is the Eurovi-
calendar. And that task is uniquely in collaboration with the Ukrainian sion Song Contest if it’s
challenging this year. public broadcaster UA:PBC and not 37 countries coming
For the first time since 1980 the It’s 37 countries Volodymyr Zelensky’s government. together and saying that
contest will not be held in the winning coming together Norton will be hosting alongside the we can all live together,
country of the previous year. Organis- Ted Lasso actress Hannah Waddingham live well together and
ers decided that Ukraine could not to say that and the singer Alesha Dixon, as well as enjoy each other? I
host the show because of the Julia Sanina, the frontwoman of the don’t see any differ-
Russian invasion. The BBC was
we can all Ukrainian rock band the Hardkiss. The ence in that space
asked to step in after the run- live well “postcards” — short videos showing the from this year to
ner-up, Sam Ryder, delivered host country’s culture — are expected any other year.” c
Britain its best result since together to be from Ukrainian cities, something
Katrina and the Waves won in and enjoy on which Green declines to comment. EuroFestival takes
1997. Green started in Octo- In his second week Green flew to place across
ber, giving him half the usual each other Warsaw to meet his Ukrainian counter- Liverpool, May 1-14
9 April 2023 11
They owe it
all to Fleabag
The dramedy queens Lily Allen and Daisy May
Cooper deliver hot messes, toxic relationships and
smutty jokes — thanks to Phoebe Waller-Bridge
built up like sandbanks. Sharon and had to deal with being worth watching is that he’s
Horgan is the producer, and down in suddenly and extremely enormously, irresistibly funny.
although Dreamland isn’t as famous. All this was, He joked about the strains of
pitch black as Bad Sisters (her one go understandably, disorientating. living with his mum and dad:
12 9 April 2023
So will Ken be a hit?
The Radio 2 favourite has gone — and taken his best assets
telephoned Mayo’s Drivetime national commercial radio
Saved by the
Forget Hugh Grant the rom-com king —
he’s at his best as a Cockney sleazebag
in Notting Hill also won the
to a feudal system
ruled over by WEEK and calculation.
Dan Cairns
Higher Than Heaven HH Blondshell HHHH
Polydor Partisan
Stravinsky String Quartet here. In the COGHLAN Royal Scottish National Orchestra.
Remarkably, the gala’s third soloist is
Violin Concerto, Chamber former, Faust and Les Siècles another Young Musician alumnus. The Nicola
Works HHHH combine to wondrous pianist Benjamin Grosvenor was a sol- Benedetti
Isabelle Faust (violin), effect, the sweetness and he cellist Sheku Kanneh-Mason emn little boy of 11 in the 2004 final and Sheku
Les Siècles, cond sinuousness of the violin remembers the time he when Benedetti triumphed with shim- Kanneh-
François-Xavier Roth contrasting with the became aware of BBC Young mering soundscapes that never seemed Mason
Harmonia Mundi grain and depth of the Musician of the Year. He was to touch the ground.
accompanying strings in the only five, watching the compe- Talk about a classical supergroup.
A revelatory second aria. This is a stellar tition at home with his family, Where most concertos put a single
recording of and enveloping account. when a 16-year-old girl called Nicola artist in the spotlight, the glory is
the 1931 violin No less absorbing are the Benedetti dazzled everyone with Szy- shared in Beethoven. Far from another
concerto by Three Pieces, where the four manowski’s Violin Concerto No 1. battle royal, the three former Young
the supremely performers are more like “I don’t think I’d ever seen that level of Musician finalists will come together
gifted Stravinsky interpreter wilful individuals than a playing before,” he recalls. in a mutual celebration of their
Faust and Roth’s period- cohesive quartet — a It was Kanneh-Mason’s turn to make three instruments.
instruments players scenario Faust and her fellow history when aged 17 he became the The concerts will be a timely
is juxtaposed with the performers audibly relish. first black winner of the BBC title seven reminder of the cultural value of the
subversive and satisfyingly A variation from Apollo is as years ago. Now he is preparing to step biennial BBC Young Musician competi-
bizarre Three Pieces for tantalising as it is lovely. DC on stage alongside Benedetti for two tion at a moment when its future is
gala performances of Beethoven’s unclear. Launched in 1978, it has a list
16 9 April 2023
of alumni that reads like a Who’s Who of
British classical music. Stephen Hough,
Tasmin Little, Thomas Adès, Nicholas
whose reach and profile are just as
important as its content — perhaps
even more so. And it comes when the
route into classical music for many.
Benedetti herself launches her first sea-
son as the artistic director of the Edin-
Daniel, Alison Balsom, Jess Gillam: all BBC’s commitment to classical music is burgh International Festival in just a
started here, careers forged in real time in question — last month it announced When BBC4 goes digital few months.
as viewers watched, right across the closure of the BBC Singers, only to it will be a cliff-edge BBC Young Musician is woven into
the country. perform a U-turn after a public outcry. the fabric of UK classical music at every
A lot has changed since then. The Grosvenor says: “It’s not just about moment for musicians level, an engine of collaborations and
tailcoats and old-fashioned formality of giving a platform to the performers initiatives, a breeding ground for con-
the early shows have been swept away, who take part, it’s also a source of Harry’s wedding. Handpicked by certgoers and radio-listeners. And it
but so has the public visibility. The inspiration for so many young musi- Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, he needs no special pleading. Year after
competition started on BBC1, and even cians at home.” You don’t get the clas- played music by Fauré, Von Paradis year it delivers some of the most
regional heats were given valuable air- sical audiences — let alone the and Schubert, watched by millions. scream-at-the-television, edge-of-the-
time, but its coverage has shrunk — and performers — of tomorrow, without If pop’s many television competi- seat extraordinary moments — from a
shrunk again. It was pushed out to the first finding them and showing them tions are suffering from over-satura- soloist’s string snapping in the middle
smaller audiences of BBC2 in 1986, and what’s possible. tion, the same doesn’t hold for Young of a concerto to a hall suddenly
then banished to BBC4. Its viewing fig- Kanneh-Mason’s first encounter with Musician. Last year’s winner, the live- plunged into darkness (in both cases
ures have fallen from a peak of 13 mil- the competition led him to his local wire percussionist Jordan Ashman (still the performance continued).
lion in the competition’s first year to a concert hall in Nottingham, where win- only 18), is already becoming a visible The BBC insists it’s committed to the
measly 210,000 last year. ners would regularly perform. The champion for his instrument. Young Musician of the Year. But it could
Now there are plans for BBC4 to go cellist Guy Johnston made a particular And the BBC Young Musician com- do a lot worse than head up to Scotland
online-only in two years’ time. It’s a impression. “He played the Saint-Saëns petition doesn’t just generate perform- next month to hear some Beethoven
cliff-edge moment for a competition Cello Concerto, and I was in the front ing stars. Participants such as Adès and before it weighs the contest’s future. As
row, right underneath his spike. It was Mark Simpson have gone on to make rivals, Benedetti, Grosvenor and Kan-
incredible, and just had such an impact their name as composers, or like Steph- neh-Mason were powerful; as allies and
on me.” anie Childress become a conductor. It advocates they are unstoppable. c
A Top 20 album (all but unheard of has inspired future artistic and festival
The alumni list reads for a classical release), an MBE (aged directors as well as broadcasters like Royal Scottish National Orchestra’s
like a Who’s Who of just 22) and international fame fol-
lowed for Kanneh-Mason, climaxing in
the saxophonist Gillam, whose award-
winning radio show and podcast This
all-star gala concerts are at Usher Hall,
Edinburgh, May 26, and Glasgow Royal
British classical music a coveted slot to perform at Prince Classical Life offers an effortlessly joyful Concert Hall, May 27;
9 April 2023 17
of the skies
A joyful appeal for
us to stop and listen
to the birdsong
Twitter @TheTimesBooks l Instagram @thetimesbooks l Facebook Times First Edition
In search of
England’s soul
Stuart Maconie’s grumpy state-of-the-nation ramble
takes him from Stormzy in a Cotswolds tearoom
to 20-a-side football, sex shops and ‘potter’s rot’
It’s all grist to Maconie’s Bristol
BOOK OF THE WEEK not-so-dark or satanic mill.
Everything is copy.
Victoria Segal Everything is copied too — celebrations
at least structurally speaking. in the West
The Full English The Full English uses JB Country,
A Journey in Search of a Priestley’s 1934 travelogue 2019. From
Country and Its People English Journey as a guidebook, Photo
by Stuart Maconie Maconie following the London
HarperNorth £20 pp352 Bradford writer — a staunch 2023, Martin
liberal, with uncomfortable Parr: Recent
“When did every corner of lapses into anti-Irish sentiment Works, at
England start to reek of — to the Potteries and the Somerset
dope?” Stuart Maconie asks, Black Country, Newcastle and House,
wandering through Leicester Norwich. Maconie seeks May 11-14
town centre on one of the parallels between present-day
gentle fact-finding missions that turbulence and the “backdrop
make up The Full English. On of global recession and
other notebook-in-hand strolls menacing political
around towns and cities he demagoguery” of Priestley’s
betrays mild bemusement at time, testing the country’s
austere new vegan staples post-pandemic, Brexit-age
jackfruit and aquafaba, temperature through
entertains a small revenge conversations with strangers
fantasy of “[heaving] a brick” and the state of various high
at a kid racing around on a streets. Current affairs intrude own reasons, or is a fool, and absurd. (On the Birmingham impressed he has crowbarred
noisy trials bike and recoils in market towns and train very possibly all three.” Megabus, the man in front Love Island and Schoenberg
from “shrivellingly carriages: Ukraine, the nuclear Maconie is not unhappy in reclines his seat so far “he is into one paragraph he
anaphrodisiac” sex shops threat, an MP’s murder. the grey areas, ensuring this almost lolling in my lap like a praises himself in a lovably
on grim corners. In Bristol Maconie discusses book isn’t an I-Spy Book of courtesan in a Manet study of nerdish footnote.
Part of the writer and the fall of Edward Colston’s Easy Answers to Hard a Montmartre brothel”.) His Despite his enthusiasm for
broadcaster’s persona is that of statue and Black Lives Matter; Questions. Nor is it all cosy frame of reference underlines apparently unpromising
a slightly grumpy old flâneur, in Stoke-on-Trent, he talks observational comedy and his rangy curiosity: his locations, Maconie’s journey
his catalogue of punning pre-welfare state Britain and whimsical digression, even antennae twitch to Stormzy is rarely sentimental. He finds
British travelogues — Pies and the lives ruined by the lung if Maconie is such a funny, playing in a Cotswolds tokens of modern poverty in
Prejudice and Adventures on disease “potter’s rot”. Boston astute writer, alert to the tearoom, or a street that burning skips and detects “a
the High Teas among them triggers his deepest dive into evokes the postpunk band vague, grudging expectation
— raising what is traditionally immigration — “You will hear Sleaford Mods. Lightly worn that this is the way things are
known as a “wry eyebrow” at that most famous tenet of research directs his seemingly now”. He is no firebrand
England, at the things it values, cognitive dissonance, that casual roaming: not just his polemicist — in one tellingly
the things it lets go. A group of
Jewish boys playing 20-a-side
immigrants are both stealing
‘our’ jobs and ‘sponging’ on
He meets a commentary on Priestley, but
his information that Kenneth
English scene he huffs
under his breath at red-
football in Gateshead? A
homeless man called Cider in
benefits, and, not for the first
time, I think that anyone who
homeless man Clarke, Jake Bugg and Harold
Shipman were Notts County
trousered Cotswolds yeomen
talking stupidly about race
Stockton? Vegetarian curry claims to know the truth called Cider supporters, or the details of but avoids confrontation.
houses and pubs where a soft about all this is either a liar, Leicester’s Balloon Riot of Yet the fact he is not prone
drink order is suspect? has an axe to grind for their in Stockton 1864. At one point he is so to raging against the machine
20 9 April 2023
The lives of
Londoners How the rich really live
Diana Evans returns This tale of wealthy New York cliques is an ideal poolside read
with another strong parents would mind more are just the perfect thing for
but subtle novel FICTION about his race if he weren’t so
rich: a bad feeling. Georgiana
all kinds of bits and bobs —
off-season footwear, hats,
27 India Knight is in her mid-twenties and
naive; the only men she knows
anything with a brim that you
don’t want crushed.” The
Pineapple Street are the children of her parents’ house is full and there is no
by Jenny Jackson friends or the brothers of girls room for Sasha.
Hutchinson £14.99 pp320 she went to school with — a Things unravel. Sasha is
pool so small and familiar that troubled by Cord always
Here’s an unusual thing: a entering it feels akin to incest. putting his parents and sisters
novel about the one per cent She works for the kind of NGO first. Malcolm loses his job
that isn’t a satire or an insane that is based in a charming and Darley feels unable to tell
potboiler. It’s about the private house and run by anyone. Georgiana falls in
Stocktons, New York property people who play tennis a lot. love with her boss. Her friend
squillionaires. They are Everyone plays tennis a lot, Sebastian throws an “Oligarch
old money, discreet and except Sasha. Chic” party at a Russian dance
self-possessed: “They flew The family home is on hall, where the regulars are
coach unless the flight was Pineapple Street in Brooklyn not wearing their clothes as
really long, they drove their Heights, and as the book a joke. A fellow guest spells
cars until the clanking noise opens Tilda and Chip have it out for her: “You think it’s
became unbearable, and they downsized and given it to cool that a bunch of rich white
never, ever redecorated.” Cord and Sasha. It remains kids who met at private school
This doesn’t stop them saying fully and oppressively are dressed up in costumes to
such things as: “Oh no! I left furnished and crammed to ridicule an immigrant group
my Cartier bracelet in Lena’s the gills with ancient Stockton in their own neighbourhood?”
BMW and she’s leaving soon family memorabilia — tennis Georgiana, it turns out, is
for her grandmother’s house trophies, childhood art worth upwards of £30 million
in Southampton!” Although I projects, “high-school (“And you have two trust
am unfairly quoting the only ephemera”. Sasha and Cord accounts,” Chip says. “One
clunky line of dialogue in the sleep in his parents’ old from Geegee and Deedee and
book. But you get the idea. marital bed, making it hard one from Pip and Pop”).
Are they happy? Yes and for her to achieve orgasm. Pineapple Street, which is
no, partly because the When Sasha mentions often very funny, is about
younger ones are reasonably rejigging a tiny section of the more than simply “Are the
self-aware. They know, for bedroom wardrobe, Tilda rich not people? Do they not
instance, that very rich says: “Oh no, sweetie. You bleed?”, thank goodness: as
people stick together for two shouldn’t take those out. They well as class and money, it’s
reasons: because it avoids about family and love,
embarrassment — “they didn’t specifically married love, and
have to worry about the the particular guilt that comes
difference money made in from having everything and
their lives . . . Their friends
could all keep up” — and
The rich stick still not being happy.
The Stocktons are nice
because of “the secret lurking
worry that other people were
together; they people — perhaps too nice:
I could have done with more
using them. Using them for share a fear bite here and there — and easy
their weekend homes, their to like, as is this blissfully
good alcohol, their big of being used enjoyable novel. One to pack
apartments, their parties, for summer, whether you’re
their internships, their closets, On the money The author headed for the Hamptons or
makes the book’s coda more gleaming with steel. “It was their, well, their money”. Jenny Jackson in Brooklyn the Norfolk Broads. c
powerful, Maconie revealing holding Abba parties.” Both of these factors make for
he lost both parents during It echoes an unusually claustrophobic lives, smaller
the pandemic. They did not rousing passage earlier in the than they should be.
die of Covid, but his contact book. In Coventry’s transport The Stocktons are
with them was tragically museum a woman exclaims: exceptionally tightly knit.
limited by lockdown. “While I “Oh, this country used to Chip and Tilda have three
did all this, and maybe you be great! We could be great adult children: Cord (a man),
did too, Downing Street was again.” Anger breaks through Darley (a woman) and
having Wine-Time Friday,” he his fair-minded writing. Georgiana. Cord is newly
writes, his easy tone suddenly “How about forgetting about married to Sasha, a
being great?” he asks. “How normal person from Rhode
about being happy? How Island, which is a tough
about being competent? How gig in this setting. After
for an account of what different languages and vote into a ghetto.” This is now a
followed. for different political parties. predominantly Catholic area,
Among Others is a splendid The shooting of an off-duty becoming more staunch the
sequel. Convinced that “more police officer is probably deeper you go. Memorial
than anything else . . . it’s the behind the recent raising of gardens and murals
other human beings in our the Northern Ireland-related proliferate. O’Doherty sums it
lives who make us who we terrorism threat from up: “Gruff, potentially violent
are”, Frayn assembles “substantial” to “severe” by sectarianism is working class.”
22 9 April 2023
an abandoned flat, with big
nights out the only reprieve
from their depressing
existence. “You’re stuck in this BOOK OF THE WEEK
hole with the same three or
four faces for the rest of your NICOLETTE JONES
life, drinking, taking gear,
hanging around the local until
there’s no one left to talk to.”
Very quickly things get
worse. Sean gets in a fight and
is charged with assault and
given 200 hours of community
service and a £600 fine. He
gets fired, then the flat is
repossessed and he has to
move back in with his mother.
“I had done all the things I
was supposed to do. I had
stayed on in school, gone to
university. Got my degree.” It Adventure Mice:
doesn’t matter: with sucking Otter Chaos by Philip
inevitability Sean is drawn Reeve and Sarah McIntyre
back into a world he thought David Fickling Books
he had escaped. £6.99, age 5-7
Community service means
cleaning gravestones in the Stories for children aged five
rain with a ragtag group of to seven are usually short
other convicts. One graveyard and often slight, but this
has no headstones: it is the new series by a celebrated
poor ground, filled with team crams in a lot. It
80,000 people who couldn’t follows a mouse who seeks
afford to buy plots. A fellow adventure and finds a crew
worker, the terrifying Fra, dedicated to just that.
links the area to the plight Illustrated with precise,
of “the Disappeared” of the charming and expressive
Troubles: people killed by pictures worth poring over,
the IRA and buried secretly. it takes us into the detailed
“They wanna know where all dwellings of a delightful
those people are when they’ve mouse community.
been disappearing people Philip Reeve is an expert
themselves for years and storyteller and swiftly
years, and they’re right here,” involves us in his lively
Fra says. “They’re under this characters, who are
grass.” And in this strange practical and brave, as a
conspiracy theory lies a dangerous otter threatens
kernel of truth: the evil at the mouselets in a sailing
heart of sectarian violence is contest, and our hero
Second World War a British service, Danton went off much of this approach to his
Army captain called Henry to train as a dancer and take on the war. Instead of
Danton became lost on ended up at Sadler’s Wells, lionising the “Captain Tom”
Salisbury Plain. Danton was performing throughout the generation as stoic, heroic
commanding a troop of men, war, even as V-1 flying bombs and vanilla, Turner argues presents a colourful cast
four lorries and several buzzed overhead. One of his that “even for the most selected to show wartime
artillery pieces. To lead them few gripes from this time superficially ‘normal’ white, Britain’s fighting men warts
all into the middle of nowhere
was not just an embarrassing
was being addressed as
“boy” by the choreographer.
heterosexual man in the
British military of the
One captured and all — or, rather, genital
warts and all.
mistake, it was the final
straw. Shortly afterwards
“I’d been in charge of a group
of four guns with men on each
Second World War, there was
no one way of being. They
pilot lost 50lb We meet, for example,
Colin Spencer, who joined
he was retired from active
service and later discharged
gun, you know.”
This unusual career is one
had their private lives, their
desires, their discomfort at
and survived the Medical Corps and
volunteered to treat
from the army.
Danton had already
of dozens compiled by the
journalist Luke Turner in
their physical selves, the
dread of shame, worry at not
by eating cats VD sufferers “because it
presented him, a bisexual
shown signs he was not cut Men at War, a blended work doing their best, a potential man, with the opportunity to
out for service. He hated of cultural history and for cowardice and bravery . . .” see ‘a lot of cocks’”. There’s
discipline, bayonet practice personal memoir that In pursuit of his thesis Turner Peter de Rome, whose war
week top 10 week in top 10
1 Friendaholic — 1
1 Atomic Habits 2 84
l Every duke has his day... 2 Outlive/Peter Attia and Bill Gifford
(Vermilion £22) Replacing outdated frameworks
with a new, proactive strategy for longevity (4,080)
— 1
2 Values, Voice and Virtue/Matthew Goodwin
(Penguin £10.99) On the seismic changes sweeping
through British politics during the past decade (2,535)
— 1
10 10
and are taken from the TCM for The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse: The 8 19 This Much Is True/Miriam Margolyes 8 39
the week ending 01/04/23. Animated Story/Charlie Mackesy (Ebury Press £20) (J Murray £9.99) The Bafta-winning star of stage
Figures shown are sales for An adaptation of Mackesy’s original fable (1,620) and screen reflects on her life and career (1,300)
the seven-day period.
24 9 April 2023
also, Turner writes, cigarettes with an oversexed
“encountered the usual
transvestitism and sexual
pal called “Wanker Bill”.
Turner weaves between
fluidity that so many these tales memories of OF THE WEEK
[PoWs] wrote about in their his own family members
memoirs”. (The running joke who served, worked or
was “home before Christmas conscientiously objected Good Intentions
or homo before Easter”.) during the war. (One by Kasim Ali
After the war, a course grandfather worked as an 4th Estate £8.99
of Freudian psychiatry army engineer in Sierra
revealed to Cowell that he Leone, where he was beaten Twenty-five-
was not Robert but Roberta. up, left for dead and awoke year-old Nur
Pioneering surgery, including beside his own coffin.) panics about
the first British vaginoplasty, Turner also writes about introducing
carried out in 1951, gave his own bisexuality and his Pakistani
Roberta the body she felt his loathing of games at parents to
matched her true self. school; of his lifelong his black
More heteronormative obsession with Airfix planes girlfriend,
but no less hair-raising is the and his squeamishness Yasmina, in this clever novel
career of JH Witte, the author at modern displays of about vulnerability and
and antihero of One That patriotism rooted in victimhood. Beneath the
Didn’t Get Away, a memoir wartime stereotypes. poignant romance it is a
describing Witte’s escapades Occasionally these “me” cautionary tale about what
was “not just a fight against Lathered up The 2nd Battalion after joining the Territorial passages are poignant, but happens when you get
Hitler, but a quest for the Dorsetshire Regiment Army in 1936 because he they are by far the least so caught up in your own
perfect cock”. De Rome enjoying a bath. They were in was bored. In Jerusalem interesting parts of Turner’s vulnerability that you forget
lathered up comrades in France in 1940 as part of the Witte frequented a brothel book, and when they lapse about others.
the showers and, during British Expeditionary Force called Madam Rose’s; in into Gen Z-facing solipsism Johanna Thomas-Corr
Operation Overlord, hooked Cairo he met a barber who and textbook north London
up with a Mauritian called Cowell, a racing driver turned showed him porn and had a chatterati snobbery they are
Papillon, spending an “idyllic RAF pilot who was shot young lad masturbate him outright annoying. ST DIGITAL
afternoon” shortly after D-Day
naked in an orchard near
down over enemy territory,
captured and sent to the
under a sheet. Captured by
the Nazis and sent on a
Still, this tribute to the
outliers and oddballs of the
Bayeux “while the muffled Stalag Luft I prisoner of war forced march through Second World War is a CHOICE OF THE BEST OF 2023,
sound of gunfire rumbled camp, where he lost 50lb Germany, Witte found a dead reminder that, in the very GO TO THESUNDAYTIMES.
from the front line”. (23kg), caught scabies and man’s wallet full of smutty best of ways, not all men are CO.UK/CULTURE
We encounter Robert survived by eating cats. He photos and swapped it for created equal. c
5 5
A Most Intriguing Lady/Sarah Ferguson — 1 Never Never/Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher 6 5 week Clare Andrews
(Mills & Boon £14.99) A handsome war veteran and a (HQ £8.99) High-school sweethearts seek clues about 3 (M Joseph £20)
duke’s timid daughter form an unlikely alliance (2,030) their lives after unexplained memory loss (7,885) Weeks Easy breakfast, midweek
in top 10 meal, dessert and cake
6 6
The Bullet That Missed/Richard Osman 5 29 Wrong Place Wrong Time/Gillian McAllister 5 5 7 recipes (4,360)
(Viking £20) The Thursday Murder Club investigates (Penguin £8.99) A mother travels backwards through
the death of a journalist ten years ago (1,850) time to stop a murder committed by her son (7,525) 4 The Kitchen Prescription
Last Saliha Mahmood Ahmed
7 A Secret Garden Affair/Erica James
(HQ £14.99) A woman flees London for the Suffolk
countryside after discovering her fiancé’s affair (1,630)
— 1
7 It Ends With Us/Colleen Hoover
(Simon & Schuster £8.99) A first love’s reappearance
threatens a woman’s relationship (6,895)
8 83
(Yellow Kite £25)
Weeks collection of everyday
8 8
Countdown/James Patterson and Brendan DuBois — 1 Daisy Jones & the Six/Taylor Jenkins Reid 12 4 in top 10 recipes that ensure good
(Century £20) A CIA undercover officer has seven (Penguin £9.99) The legendary rise and irrevocable 1 gut health (2,475)
days to thwart a terror attack on US soil (1,405) fall of an iconic rock band in the 1970s (6,620)
5 Air-Fryer Cookbook
9 So Close/Sylvia Day
(M Joseph £20) A widower is consumed by grief until
he spots a woman who resembles his wife (1,390)
— 1
9 Escape/James Patterson and David Ellis
(Penguin £8.99) Detective Billy Harney leads the
hunt for a kidnapper preying on teenage girls (6,100)
4 3 Last
Jenny Tschiesche
(Ryland, Peters & Small
4 £16.99) Nutritionist’s
Weeks collection of tried-and-
10 Someone Else’s Shoes/Jojo Moyes
(M Joseph £22) Two strangers’ lives become
intertwined after a bag mix-up at the gym (1,280)
6 9
10 How to Kill Your Family/Bella Mackie
(Borough £8.99) A woman avenges her mother’s death
by bumping off her father and his family (5,535)
7 47 in top 10
tested air fryer recipes
9 April 2023 25
extroverts, they say. (If I make
Find your
to find and describe eight waves are bent away from the they are tormented by the
British birds known for the relatively warm air towards infinite inbox (tick!) because
songs they sing — and he does the cooling night ground). “every unanswered email feels
not shrink from the challenge. There is one character in like someone you’re letting
Skylarks are “a sense of
the air above the field
trembling”. The lapwing’s
“peewit” cry is “two
squeezed, desolate notes”.
the book: Lockhart’s great-
grandfather, the Scottish
naturalist Seton Gordon, who
would “be utterly dismayed
and shocked by the
superpower down”. Granneman and Sólo
suggest that when we sensitive
flowers are feeling angry,
stressed or deeply upset
we should “activate” our
And Manx shearwaters? acceleration in losses” of Does being a ‘sensitive person’ really “cognitive brain” with some
Lockhart hears “a muffled, Britain’s birds. The statistics make you a natural-born leader? facts to counterbalance the
coughing gurgle, like a thick are beyond dismaying. The message (and strength) of
soup bubbling and spurting nightingale: down 90 per cent our emotions. And we should
beneath me, as if the hill were in the past 40 years. The Powers of the mind Eleven “set healthy boundaries”.
releasing something gaseous”.
This is bravura prose. But
skylark: a population
diminished by half since the
PSYCHOLOGY and Mike in Stranger Things Apparently, it’s OK to say:
“That doesn’t work for me.”
just as in his debut, Raptor, a early 1980s — a loss of more Christina Patterson sensitive, they argue, makes Their aim, it seems, is to
refined study of Britain’s birds than a million pairs. The you more likely to be do for sensitive people what
of prey, Lockhart is never lapwing: down by 89 per cent Sensitive The Power of a empathetic and creative, Susan Cain did for introverts
self-indulgent. A literary agent since 1987 in Northern Thoughtful Mind in an gives you greater sensory with her global bestseller
in his day job, he may be the Ireland, and the numbers Overwhelming World intelligence and enables you Quiet. They want to “put
archetypal “lone enraptured elsewhere will be similar. by Jenn Granneman and to feel, and process, things sensitive people in leadership
male” (to quote Kathleen Wild Air is anything but a Andre Sólo more deeply. Sensitive people roles, and watch the problems
Jamie’s acerbic epithet about depressing read, though. It Penguin Life £18.99 pp272 “think like military strategists, solve themselves”. Their book
the sort of middle-class man is both joyful and mindful, a considering all the angles to will certainly help people
who has colonised nature powerful argument for being As a child, Andre Sólo used to maximise the chance of a win”. who have struggled with the
writing) but he comes across still and listening. Lockhart hide in a sewer pipe. He cried If, like me, you have often downsides of what they now
as a respectful guest. Lockhart doesn’t make the point when he saw other children been called “too sensitive”, know is a superpower.
is committed to understanding explicitly, but I think he being bullied and started “too emotional” or (an old Written with journalistic
each one in its habitat, and to would say that these songs, skipping school when he was favourite for women) verve, it’s a pacey, easy read.
capturing that sense of place and these creatures, are bullied himself. Years later “hysterical”, by now you But I question the concept,
in the song. Watching a dipper beautiful in themselves, he met a young woman, Jenn may be feeling a warm glow. or perhaps I should say the
on a rock in a Welsh stream, it and that beauty alone Granneman, who also skipped We’re the true leaders! Bring genre, where there is always
seems “like the dipper sang to justifies protecting them and school, hid from her friends on our quivering sensibilities, a “surprising advantage”
the river, and the sound and enjoying them and had to cut the straps from our deep hearts and our love that becomes a manifesto to
movement of the water — and writing her clothes so the fabric didn’t of nuance. If this is a club, spark a revolution.
inflected its about them. At the rub her skin. They fell in love. where do I sign up? Can’t highly sensitive
song”. close of the book, They started a website. And If it is a club, the rules aren’t people just be slightly different
Lockhart is he passes a fellow now they have written a book entirely clear. All sentient to other people, rather than
knowledgeable enthusiast in the about “the hidden power of beings are sensitive to a point, morally superior? Does every
too. Nightjars turn dark out listening the highly sensitive person in so where do you draw the newly identified and previously
their bodies with for nightingales. a loud, fast, too-much world”. line? At about 30 per cent of underrated group have to be a
It’s “just “We believe they [sensitive the population, apparently. special tribe that will now solve
Repertoire A extraordinary”, people] are the leaders, But you can’t be diagnosed as everything? Is everything, in
nightingale the man says. healers and visionaries that “highly sensitive”. And it isn’t other words, about identity?
has 250 The book is pretty our world needs the most the same as introversion; Or perhaps this is sour
distinct extraordinary right now,” the couple say in about 30 per cent of highly grapes because I didn’t tick
phrases too. c the introduction. Being sensitive people are actually quite enough of the boxes. c
26 9 April 2023
west London “massacre eight years after Ordinary
FOR THE LOVE OF The Graduate
Monday, BBC2, 10.30pm
PAUL O’GRADY Mike Nichols’s 1967 comedy
about a 20-year-old (Dustin
Today, ITV1, 8pm Hoffman) seduced by an older
woman (Anne Bancroft) is a
FOR THE LOVE product of its era’s youthful
artistic spirit, but it is too
smart to valorise its young
hero. He may resist the
Thursday, ITV1, 8.30pm consumer society — a world
(not STV) the film sums up in a famous
one-word line: “Plastics” —
Loved by dogs, loved by but he too has a touch of
humans — there can be few plastic in his soul.
better obituaries than that.
Paul O’Grady, who died on
March 28, once said that DEMAND PICK
letting him loose in Battersea
Dogs & Cats Home was like OF THE WEEK
“putting an ex-drug addict in The Marvelous Mrs Maisel
a cocaine factory” and as the Prime Video, from Friday
new series of Paul O’Grady And so the curtain falls on one
— For The Love Of Dogs of the true originals of the
again emphasises, the Peak TV era, Midge Maisel
comedian and presenter had (Rachel Brosnahan), hustling
a special bond with animals, for meaningful stand-up
able to win over the shyest comedy spots and taking to
chihuahua and calm the most the stage for the final time
boisterous terrier. in this fifth series. The end
Returning to his beloved begins with an astonishing
Battersea for an eleventh opening scene, before
series, this first episode switching to more familiar
follows O’Grady as he gently territory and an unconsidered
coaxes a nervy bichon frisé career opportunity for Midge.
out of her shell, falls in
love with Peggy, a giant
Newfoundland, above right, in RADIO PICK
need of major surgery and
desperately resists the lure of Palladium — you suspect he wig: social worker, gay OF THE WEEK
yet another canine adoption. would be quite happy to be rights activist and light Dementia — Unexpected
While O’Grady racked up a commemorated by these entertainment maven Stories Of The Mind
dazzling array of accolades as delightful visits. among them. Monday-Friday, Radio 4, 1.45pm
both himself and his Rightfully, however, Victoria Segal Neurologist Jules Montague
formidable old-school Sunday night also features a and William Miller (son of
“blonde bombsite” drag
alter-ego Lily Savage —
tribute documentary, For The
Love Of Paul O’Grady, where
THE WEEK AHEAD Jonathan, who died after
suffering Alzheimer’s) visit
stints on Blankety archive footage and testimony MasterChef people with rare dementias.
Blank and The Big from those close to him (Monday, BBC1, 8pm) In the first episode they
Breakfast, prime- promise to stand as a Stacey Dooley — meet Geraint and his wife
time chat shows, reminder of all the hats he Ready For War ? Jacqui, who live with his
panto at the wore on top of his famous (Wednesday, BBC3, 9pm) frontotemporal dementia.
9 April 2023 29
30 9 April 2023 1G
Last Woman On Earth It may be the end of the
(BBC2, 9pm) road for Wild Isles on BBC1
A travelogue in which the tonight, but that doesn’t
comedian Sara Pascoe larks mean this natural-history
about. Trying out unusual and journey needs to end for
increasingly rare jobs might you quite yet. Switch to BBC
seem like fun, but — much like iPlayer for Saving Our Wild
the Athenian bell-makers she Isles (from 8pm) narrated
meets here — it often strikes by David Attenborough, an
a dolorous note. In Greece, RSPB, WWF and National
a country struggling with Trust-commissioned show
the aftermath of economic sharing stories of people
crises, a declining birth rate across the nation working
and a brain drain, Pascoe to bring nature back from
meets those protecting the brink. Last month, this
disappearing traditions: the programme was at the centre
final monk in a monastery, a of a media storm when it
woman who “embroiders” was reported that a “sixth
bread for rural celebrations, episode” of Wild Isles had
an outdoor cinema manager been “pulled” from TV due
and the teacher of an island’s to fears of a political backlash
language of whistles. It’s — it turned out it was never
unclear if Pascoe is the ideal intended for BBC1, but those
keeper of this melancholy with an interest in climate
flame, but the scope for change, unsustainable fishing
comic mishap doesn’t cancel and the plight of species in
out the poignancy. peril should definitely watch.
Victoria Segal Earning her dough: Sara Pascoe with bread embroiderer Yiota (BBC2, 9pm) Tim Glanfield
Pompeii — The Discovery Saturday Night Takeaway — Tenebrae — Bach To The Sound Of Music (BBC1,
(C5, 9pm)
Pompeii doesn’t need a clever
Behind The Screens
(ITV1, 7pm)
MacMillan (BBC4, 8pm)
The BBC shows it loves choral
FILM CHOICE 1.50pm; Scotland 2.50pm)
Robert Wise’s film of the 1959
spin or dramatic new angle Facing the alarming prospect music after all — but overlooks Rodgers and Hammerstein
to be fascinating, but this of a gap between Ant and Dec its own choir, the doomed Eternal Beauty show will always have
documentary does take a series, ITV adds a postscript then reprieved BBC Singers (BBC2, 10pm) mockers, but it also keeps
slightly different route around to the recent Takeaway run. — with an Easter programme Sally Hawkins’s gift for winning fans. Its tale of a
its volcanically preserved Apparently inspired by F1 hit filmed in a London church. playing fragile souls makes governess ( Julie Andrews)
streets, showing how initially Drive To Survive, it promises to The Tenebrae Choir perform her a comforting presence shielding children from the
treasure-hunters, then “lift the curtain” on the highs three Bach motets and James for viewers, and she is on rise of Nazism is delivered
archaeologists, unearthed its and lows of making the MacMillan’s setting of a poem top form in this tale of a with incontestable flair. (1965)
wonders over 300 tumultuous Geordie duo’s live show. by Henry Vaughan. woman with schizophrenia. Edward Porter
years. Dan Snow and a cast of Craig Roberts’s movie
historians in blue linen shirts Why Didn’t They Ask Evans? describes serial changes in the
introduce viewers to each (ITV1, 9pm) character’s outlook, including
remarkable new urban Previously on BritBox, this an upswing inspired by a new
landmark — the house of Julia Easter treat is Hugh Laurie’s boyfriend (David Thewlis).
Felix, the gladiator barracks, adaptation of an Agatha This variety cues a jumbled
the “pain and suffering” Christie mystery. After Bobby film that ranges from useful
captured in casts of human (Will Poulter) spots a dying black humour to jarring
remains — and discuss the man beneath cliffs, he and cutesiness. The director’s
epiphanies and setbacks his old flame, Frankie (Lucy attention to style helps keep
that marked the city’s slow Boynton), try to solve the the whole thing together, but
re-emergence into the crime. Continues tomorrow. the most vital constant in the
modern world. VS Boynton and Poulter (ITV1, 9pm) John Dugdale mix is Hawkins’s skill. (2019) Sally Hawkins (BBC2, 10pm)
Gladden, a solar contractor Rev (BBC iPlayer) Hullraisers (All4) Cocaine Bear
ON DEMAND from San Diego, California — a
genuine member of the public
Make an early start on this
sublime comedy and before
Resting actress Toni (Leah
Brotherhood), housewife
(Buy as stream/download)
The box-office success of
who is unaware he is at the the evening you’ll reach the Paula (Sinead Matthews) and Elizabeth Banks’s violent
Jury Duty (Freevee) centre of a complete fiction. third series finale, which takes copper Rana (Taj Atwal) are a comedy no doubt owes a lot
It’s not unusual to see footage A cross between The Truman place on an Easter Sunday and raucous and spiky crew who to the film’s enticing up-front
from a courtroom in America, Show and The Office, this mirrors events within the New live, love and cause chaos concept: a drug-addled bear
but what’s different about this carefully crafted series is a Testament. Tom Hollander in Hull. Family life and on a rampage. The tale itself
docu-style comedy is that genuinely inventive concept (the show’s co-creator and motherhood may be testing, might not give you the
everyone involved in the trial in an age where it feels like co-writer) heads an impressive but instead of moping there nonstop, ever-rising buzz you
is an actor, except one juror. everything has been done — cast as Reverend Adam is an energetic zest for life’s would like: the movie is more
A high-concept experiment and is as fascinating in its Smallbone, with co-stars glorious messiness in this a series of highs and lows;
starring James Marsden, we construction as it is amusing including Olivia Colman and joyous comedy. still, those highs are good for
follow the fortunes of Ronald in its outcomes. TG Ralph Fiennes. Toby Earle several giggles. (2023) EP
9 April 2023 31
32 9 April 2023 1G
6.00 Cristo Morning update. 6.00 The Guest Wing Insights. SKY SPORTS MAIN EVENT RADIO 4 EXTRA
7.00 Penny Smith Discussion. 8.00 Fish Town Documentary. 6.30am News 7.00 Goals On Sunday PICK OF THE DAY 10.00 Desert Island Discs Long-Play
10.00 Peter Cardwell The latest 9.00 House Of The Dragon 8.00 The Masters. All the morning 11.00 Poetry Extra 11.30 Jane Eyre
news from parliament. Back-to-back episodes. news from Augusta National at the 87th 12.40 Inheritance Tracks 12.50 Ship Of
1.00 Trisha Goddard A look 3.00 House Of The Dragon Masters tournament 11.00 LIVE SPFL: Lies 2.00 Harry Worth In Things Could
through the week’s stories. Rhaenyra navigates continued Dundee United v Hibernian. Coverage Be Worse 2.30 Something To Shout
4.00 Kevin O’Sullivan Tackling of the Scottish top-flight match at About 3.00 Desert Island Discs Long-
speculation about her Tannadice. Kickoff at 12.00 2.00 LIVE
the big stories of the day. children. (6/10) 4.10 House Play 4.00 625Y 4.30 Cold Blood 5.00
Super Sunday: Leeds United v Crystal Poetry Extra 5.30 Jane Eyre 6.40
7.00 The Sunday Night Club Of The Dragon King Viserys Palace. Coverage of the Premier
Mark Saggers reflects on the Inheritance Tracks 6.50 Ship Of Lies
calls for an end to infighting League match at Elland Road. Kickoff at 8.00 Harry Worth In Things Could Be
sporting weekend and more. between members of the 2.00 4.00 LIVE Super Sunday: Worse 8.30 Something To Shout
10.00 The Unexplained Howard Great Houses. 5.20 House Of Liverpool v Arsenal. Coverage of the About 9.00 Desert Island Discs
Hughes investigates The Dragon Rhaenyra tries to Premier League match at Anfield. Long-Play 10.00 The Hudson And
more of life’s mysteries. strike a bargain with Rhaenys. Kickoff at 4.30 7.00 LIVE The Masters. Pepperdine Show 10.30 Chain
12.00 That Was The Woke That Coverage of day four of the first Major Reaction 10.55 The Comedy Club
6.40 House Of The Dragon of the year, held at the Augusta
Was Andre Walker quizzes Alicent enlists help to track Interview 11.00 Safety Catch 11.30-
National in Georgia 12.30-6.00 News 12.00 Lemn Sissay’s Origin Stories
an opinionated panel.
1.00 Vanessa Feltz A guide
down Aegon. 7.50 House Of
The Dragon Rhaenyra tries EUROSPORT 1 Private Passions LBC
through the big stories. desperately to hold the realm 6.00am Olympic Games: Breaking
2.00 Jeremy Kyle Discussion. Barriers 7.00 British Superbikes 8.00 Radio 3, noon 10.00 David Lammy 1.00 Ali Miraj. The
together. (Last in series) Mountain Biking 8.30 Cycling. The day’s events 4.00 Ben Kentish 7.00
3.00 Friday Night With Nadine 9.00 Succession Connor tries to The BBC’s Russia editor
Paris-Roubaix 9.30 LIVE Cycling. Natasha Devon 10.00 Nick Abbot 1.00
4.00 The Best Of The Talk Steve Rosenberg, above,
make the most of his wedding Coverage of the Paris-Roubaix men’s Richard Spurr 4.00 Ian Payne
5.00-6.00 James Max Update. rehearsal dinner. (S4, ep 2) almost as well-known for
one-day race, which is run over a RADIO 3
Available on Sky 522; Freeview 237; 10.10 Dreamland Comedy series course of 256.6km from Compiègne to
Virgin 606; Freesat 217; YouTube, his piano playing as his
about sisters from the Roubaix 5.15 Cycling. The Paris-Roubaix 9.00 Sunday Morning 12.00 Private
connected TVs and smart devices 6.15 Cycling. The Tour of Flanders 6.30
journalism, shares favourite Passions. With Steve Rosenberg 1.00
seaside town of Margate. (1/6)
Trans Sahara Marathon 7.00 Triathlon. music with Michael Berkeley. Lunchtime Concert. A recital by the
10.40 Big Little Lies Bonnie ponders
The Super League Arena Games 8.00 The Reunion (Radio 4, mezzo Fleur Barron and the pianist
a solution to her mother’s
Cycling. The Paris-Roubaix 9.00 British 11.15am) brings together Kunal Lahiry (R) 2.00 The Early Music
suffering. (Series 2, ep 6) Superbikes 10.00 Athletics. The Paris Show (R) 3.00 Choral Evensong. Live
11.40 True Detective Cohle visits Marathon 11.00 Cycling. The Paris- people involved in 1998’s from Chester Cathedral on Easter Day
6.00pm A Discovery Of Witches preacher Joel Theriot for Roubaix 1.00 Cycling. The Basque Tour Good Friday Agreement, 4.00 Jazz Record Requests 5.00 The
Matthew is near death as information about the Tuttle 2.00 Cycling. The Paris-Roubaix 3.00 including Jonathan Powell, Listening Service. Music that reflects
he is slowly tortured by schools. (Series 1, ep 6) Athletics. The Paris Marathon 4.00- British wildlife and wilderness 5.30
6.00 Snooker. The world championship Monica McWilliams and Words And Music. Featuring works on
Benjamin. (Series 3, ep 7, R) 12.45 I Know This Much Is True
7.00 An Idiot Abroad Karl Drama series. (3/6)
Bertie Ahern. Groovemaster the theme of Eastertide, spring and the
BT SPORT 1 Passover (R) 6.45 Sunday Feature.
Pilkington travels to Africa to 2.00 Succession (Series 4, ep 3) 7.00am Reload 7.30 Joe Cole Cast
Bill Nighy (6 Music, 4pm)
sits in for Iggy Pop. Roger Law examines the life and work
spend time with gorillas. (R) 3.15 True Detective (S1, ep 7) 8.00 LIVE AFL: West Coast Eagles v of Roger Lacey, who painted, sculpted,
8.00 Seal Team A missed 4.15-6.00 The Guest Wing Melbourne Demons. Bounce-up at 8.20 Clair Woodward created films and installations 7.30
opportunity deepens the 11.00 Premier League Stories 11.30 Drama On 3: Bess Loves Porgy. Musical
mistrust between Jason and ESPN FC 12.00 T20 Cricket Highlights adaptation of Edwin DuBose Heyward’s
1.00 Films 2.30 LIVE Champions Cup: RADIO 4 novella, set in south London with
Omar. (Series 6, ep 5, R) La Rochelle v Saracens. Coverage of
9.00 Swat The team races to stop original music by Swindle and a script
the quarter-final match at Stade Marcel 10.00 The Archers (R) 11.15 The
a gunman targeting rehab by Roy Williams (R) 9.20 Record
Deflandre. Kickoff at 3.00 5.15 Reunion. Kirsty Wark reunites some
Review Extra. The recommended
centres and those he Champions Cup Highlights 6.15 T20 of those behind the Good Friday
version of Britten’s Peter Grimes 11.00
considers responsible for his Cricket Highlights 7.15 Immortals Agreement 12.00 News 12.01 (LW)
Viola — The Unsung Hero. New series.
brother’s death. (S6, ep 12, R) 7.30 LIVE Ligue 1: Lorient v Marseille. Shipping 12.04 Just A Minute (R) 12.30
The violist Ruth Gibson champions
10.00 NCIS: Los Angeles Kensi and The French top-flight match at Stade The Food Programme 1.00 The World the overlooked and underestimated
du Moustoir. Kickoff at 7.45 9.45 Uefa This Weekend 1.30 Behind The Crime. instrument 12.00 Sounds Connected
Fatima are drugged and
Europa League & Conference League A man who who spent the best part of 12.30 Through The Night
kidnapped. (Series 14, ep 12) Magazine 10.45 Immortals 11.00 20 years in and out of prison 2.00
11.00-12.50 TV’s Greatest Baseball Tonight 12.00 LIVE MLB: Gardeners’ Question Time (R) 2.45 CLASSIC FM
Gameshows Roy Walker is Atlanta Braves v San Diego Padres. The Opening Lines. Ian McEwan’s 1997
joined by celebs and past complex thriller Enduring Love 3.00 9.00 Aled Jones. Continuing the Hall
National League match. Start-time at
of Fame countdown 12.00 Lucy
competitors to explore what 12.08 3.30 ESPN Films Presents Drama: Enduring Love. Kate Clanchy’s
Coward 3.00 John Brunning 6.00
makes gameshows great. (R) Amy Powney (Sky Docs, 9pm) 5.00-6.00 ESPN Classic Boxing dramatisation of Ian McEwan’s novel.
Myleene Klass 9.00 David Mellor
With Blake Ritson and Hattie Morahan
10.00 Karthi Gnanasegaram 1.00
4.00 Open Book 4.30 Between the
Bill Overton 4.00 Lucy Coward
Ears — A Society of Recordists (R)
YESTERDAY 9.00 Trafficked. Mariana Van Zeller 1.10 Premier League Legends 1.40 5.00 File On 4 (R) 5.40 Profile (R) 5.54 RADIO 2
6.10am Forbidden History 7.10 works her way inside two American What’s My Name — Muhammad Ali 5.00 Shipping 6.00 News 6.15 Pick Of The
Week 7.00 The Archers 7.15 Angela 9.00 Steve Wright 11.00 The Michael
Restoration Workshop 8.00 WW2 — street gangs 10.00 Air Crash Lancaster 7.10 The September Issue
Barnes — You Can’t Take It With You Ball Show 1.00 Elaine Paige 3.00
Battles For Europe 10.00 The World At Investigation. Violent hijackers take 9.00 Fashion Reimagined. The work of
(R) 7.45 More Chronicles Of Burke Sounds Of The 70s 5.00 Rob Beckett
War 12.00 Anthony Bourdain: Parts over a Bulgarian airliner 11.00 To Catch the fashion designer and environmental
7.00 Tony Blackburn 8.00 Sunday
Unknown 3.35 Great British Railway A Smuggler 12.00 Atlas Of Cursed activist Amy Powney 11.00-12.00 Shaq Street. Tammy’s Story, by Ingrid
Persaud 8.00 Feedback (R) 8.30 Last Night Is Music Night (R) 10.00 Radio 2
Journeys 4.05 Bangers And Cash 8.00 Places 1.00-2.00 Paranatural Unwinds 12.00 Ellie Brennan 3.00
SKY NATURE Word (R) 9.00 Money Box (R) 9.25
One Foot In The Grave 10.00 The 6.00am Ol Pejeta Diaries 8.00 Extreme Alternative Sounds Of The 90s With
DISCOVERY Appeal (R) 9.30 Analysis (R) 10.00
Architecture The Railways Built Animals — One Wild Day 9.00 Secret Dermot O’Leary 4.00 Owain Wyn Evans
6.00pm Expedition To The Edge. The The Westminster Hour 11.00 Loose
11.00-1.00 Bangers And Cash Life Of The Tasmanian Devil 11.00
Infinity crew is on its way to Dutch Ends (R) 11.30 Something Understood VIRGIN RADIO
DAVE Harbour but a storm approaches 7.00 The Bachelor King 12.35 David (R) 12.00 News 12.15 Thinking
6.00pm Gavin & Stacey 8.00 Not Alaska — Homestead Rescue. The Attenborough’s Natural History Allowed (R) 12.45 Bells (R) 12.48 9.30 The Graham Norton Radio
Going Out. Geoffrey reluctantly allows Raneys meet their match on a Museum Alive 2.00 Land Of The Far Shipping 1.00 World Service Show 12.30 Stu Elmore 4.00 Tim
Lee to help clean up his new kitchen homestead in Idaho 9.00 Sewer Divers. North 4.00 David Attenborough’s Cocker 7.00 Sunday Special 8.00
extension 8.40 Gavin & Stacey 10.00 In Mount Vernon, a clog backs up a Conquest Of The Skies 7.00 New Kids TIMES RADIO Bam 12.00 My 80s Playlist 1.00 Sean
We Are Not Alone. Stewart tries to broker downtown neighbourhood’s sewer line In The Wild. New run. Experts test the Goldsmith 4.00 Steve Denyer
10.00 Diesel Brothers. Auction day is limits with a jaguar cub 8.00 Chasing 6.00 Kait Borsay And Calum
peace 10.40 Meet The Richardsons. Jon TALKSPORT
here 12.00-4.00 Naked And Afraid The Rains. Discovering the clever way Macdonald With Easter Sunday
has a midlife crisis as his 40th birthday
elephants dig wells 9.00 Secret Life Of Breakfast 10.00 Matt Chorley’s Very 9.00 Jonny Owen And Friends 11.00
looms 11.20 Gavin & Stacey. The day of
PBS AMERICA The Tasmanian Devil 11.00-12.00 Wild Big Thing 1.00 Alexis Conran 4.00 Warm Up 1.00 Sunday Session 5.00
the wedding arrives 12.00 Red Dwarf
5.15pm The First World War 6.20 The Crusades — The Monkey Diaries Carole Walker. Today’s headlines Boot Room 8.00 A Talksport Special
1.55-4.00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? USA
Spying Game 9.45 The Ottoman and tomorrow’s front pages 7.00 9.00 Trans Europe Express 12.00
DISCOVERY HISTORY Highlights From Times Radio 8.00
Empire. Examining the slow decline of A Talksport Special 1.00 Extra Time
the Ottoman Empire in the face of 6.00am Mysteries Of The Missing 9.00 Stories Of Our Times. The Times’s
Russian expansion 10.55-12.00 Combat Dealers 12.00 Greatest Events daily podcast 8.30 Best Of Matt
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Flood In The Desert. Exploring the Of World War II 6.00 Lost World Of The Chorley 9.00 Highlights From Times RADIO 4 FM 92.4-94.6 MHz
6.00pm Secret Lives Of The Apostles. 1928 St Francis Dam collapse Colosseum 7.00 Mummy King Mystery Radio 10.00 Darryl Morris 1.00 LW 198 kHz (1515m), MW 720 kHz
The lives of Jesus’ 12 apostles following — Rameses. Zahi Hawass examines the Highlights From Times Radio LBC FM 97.3 MHz
his death 7.00 Car SOS. Tim Shaw and SKY DOCUMENTARIES pharaoh warrior dynasty 8.00 Expedition RADIO 3 FM 90.2-92.4 MHz
Fuzz Townshend take on the challenge 6.00am Discovering Rod Steiger Unknown — Hunt For Extraterrestrials To get in touch with the Times Radio CLASSIC FM FM 100-102 MHz
of restoring a 1953 Riley RMF 8.00 7.00 Discovering Gina Lollobrigida 9.00 Expedition Unknown — Hunt studio, text TIMES plus your message RADIO 2 FM 88-90.2 MHz
Airport Security — Peru. An arrested 8.00 Music Box 10.00 Leonard For The Yeti 10.00-12.00 The to 87222. Texts cost your standard TALKSPORT MW 1053,
cocaine carrier tells a tragic story Cohen — I’m Your Man 12.00 Shaq Strangest UFO Stories Of All Time message charge. 1071, 1089, 1107 kHz
9 April 2023 33
34 9 April 2023 1G
MasterChef (BBC1, 8pm) Dustin Hoffman became a
Series 19 begins with the star in 1967 when he played
first of five batches of nine the anxious hero of The
contestants put through the Graduate (BBC2, 9.45pm).
“audition round” process All these years later, the film
introduced last year. The still has a claim to be his
initial task for tonight’s most enjoyable, but he has
hopefuls, who range from a also shone in plenty of other
chief executive to a delivery roles. You can see him on
driver and a supermarket boss Sky Cinema Greats tonight as
to an “anti-piracy manager”, a divorced dad in Kramer vs
is cooking a family favourite, Kramer (9.55pm) and facing
and Caribbean, Italian, Laurence Olivier’s villain in
Malaysian, Scottish, the thriller Marathon Man
Venezuelan and Yorkshire (1.40am). The bleak drama
dishes are on the menu. The Midnight Cowboy and
best three win aprons, and the cross-dressing comedy
then the so-so six remaining Tootsie (both available to
compete for four places rent or buy) are among his
in the “invention test”. well-known gems, and a
Worryingly, John Torode and newer film that deserves to
Gregg Wallace have to eat 15 be in that company is 2017’s
meals (most of them spicy The Meyerowitz Stories
mains) in just one heat. Is (Netflix), a Noah Baumbach
there a doctor — or at least a comedy with Hoffman as
digestion expert— in the a father to Adam Sandler
house? and Ben Stiller.
John Dugdale Batch cooking: John Torode and Gregg Wallace assess nine aspiring chefs (BBC1, 8pm) Edward Porter
Ross Kemp — Deep Sea B&B By The Sea Jamie’s £1 Wonders Emily The Criminal
Treasure Hunter
(Sky History, 9pm)
(BBC2, 6.30pm)
Businesswoman and veteran
(C4, 8pm)
The final episode of the
FILM CHOICE (Sky Cinema Premiere,
After earlier lives as an Dragon Deborah Meaden is millionaire chef’s generous Aubrey Plaza drops her
EastEnders hardman and the first well-known face to attempt to cook like common The Lavender Hill Mob usual deadpan style to give a
a risk-addicted reporter, check in to a Victorian villa people finds him once again (BBC2, 10am) more open performance in
Kemp is now a “qualified nestled on the wild Northern leaning heavily on chicken If you’re a believer in cosy old- this thriller. Her character, a
commercial diver”. This Irish coast, where host Sharon thighs for protein. Will he fashioned bank holidays, an would-be artist who turns to
equips him for the deeper ensures that all guests come persuade time-poor families Ealing comedy might appeal, crime to pay off her student
and longer dives required in away from the 19th-century to make their own barbecue and BBC2 has two on offer debt, is too beleaguered to
a series in which he explores B&B with new skills and a sauce? Or that onion shavings today. Passport To Pimlico stay cool. Dir: John Patton
historically significant fresh perspective. have any place in a coleslaw. (11.20am), the 1949 tale of Ford (2022) EP
shipwrecks around the world. Londoners creating their own
But first he visits Portsmouth Blue Lights (BBC1, 9pm) state, follows this endearing
harbour, where Henry VIII’s Writers Adam Patterson and version of a heist movie, the
flagship, the Mary Rose, sank Declan Lawn have been smart story of a bank clerk turned
in battle in 1545 and was to set this police procedural in robber. That character (played
raised on live TV in 1982. The their native Northern Ireland, by Alec Guinness) is a mild-
ship’s huge bow castle is still a place that endured the mannered gent who nurtures
on the seabed, however, and Troubles and is left with its big ambitions, and something
Kemp and his colleagues hope own unique tensions. Tonight, similar is at work in the film
to find bits of it buried in the an unforgettable opening itself. Within the form of a
silt. He also visits the Mary demonstrates just how nice little comic yarn, Charles
Rose Museum and meets idiosyncratic the setting is. Crichton’s movie shows all sorts
members of the 1982 team. JD Deborah Meaden (BBC2, 6.30pm) Helen Stewart of artistic finesse. (1951) B/W See Emily play (SCP, 6.40am)
when she rekindles a high- All Aboard! The Great Anna Mann — A Sketch Home (Netflix)
ON DEMAND school friendship with work
colleague Joel ( Jeff Hiller).
Reindeer Migration
(BBC iPlayer)
Show For Depressives
This DreamWorks cartoon
about aliens colonising Earth
Through him she’s introduced A restful trot through the Colin Hoult, star of Murder in is not foreign territory for
Somebody Somewhere to a supportive, loving and Arctic Circle, this calming Successville and Being Human, children. It welcomes them by
(Now TV) often hard-partying Slow TV adventure is the plays an actor turned amateur offering zingy entertainment
There’s no wicked witch, but community. The show’s heart perfect antidote to the stresses therapist in this series of in a formulaic story: a girl
there is one tornado and is as big as the Kansas sky — of modern commuting. Bells sketches. The titular Anna, (voiced by Rihanna) befriends
many friends of Dorothy in full of understated mischief tinkle as Sami herders drive a self-regarding and passive/ a cute critter, and the two
this comedy. Set in the and simple but powerful their reindeer across virgin aggressive thespian, is full of them bounce through
peaceful Kansas city of tenderness. Everett and snow in northern Norway, of theatrical anecdotes and colourful action scenes.
Manhattan, Sam (Bridget Hiller’s chemistry is such that with the occasional dog bark her advice is probably As a bonus, Steve Martin does
Everett) is struggling with grief their frequent laughter might punctuating the relaxing best avoided. a vocal turn in a comic role.
and her splintering family well be genuine. soundtrack. Toby Earle Dir: Tim Johnson (2015) EP
9 April 2023 35
36 9 April 2023 1G
6.00 Jonny Gould News and sport. 6.00 Urban Secrets Double bill. SKY SPORTS MAIN EVENT RADIO 4 EXTRA
6.30 Peter Cardwell Reports. 7.45 Game Of Thrones Fantasy. 6.00am News 7.00 Good Morning PICK OF THE DAY 5.00 Wild Honey 6.00 Murder In
10.00 The Independent Republic 9.50 The Last Of Us Drama. Sports Fans 10.00 The Football Show Mesopotamia 6.30 Sherlock Holmes
Of Mike Graham Discussion. 2.50 The Last Of Us Joel and Ellie 11.30 Ref Watch 12.00 LIVE EFL: With Carleton Hobbs 7.00 Jane Eyre
1.00 Ian Collins Monologues. encounter the most wanted Huddersfield Town v Blackburn Rovers. 7.15 Curious Under The Stars 7.30
4.00 Vanessa Feltz Update. man in Kansas City. (5/9) Kickoff at 12.30 2.30 LIVE EFL: Lobby Land 8.00 Round The Horne
7.00 Jeremy Kyle Live Debate. Coventry City v Watford. Kickoff at 8.30 Legal, Decent, Honest And
4.00 The Last Of Us Joel and 3.00 5.00 LIVE EFL: Bristol City v
8.00 Piers Morgan Uncensored Ellie descend deeper into Truthful 9.00 We’ve Been Here Before
Middlesbrough. Kickoff at 5.30 7.30 9.30 Ring Around The Bath 10.00 Wild
Rosanna Lockwood stands in dangerous territory. 5.10 LIVE EFL: Burnley v Sheffield United.
for Piers and presents her Honey 11.00 Murder In Mesopotamia
The Last Of Us Joel fights to Kickoff at 8.00 10.30 Back Pages
verdict on the day’s events. 11.30 Sherlock Holmes With Carleton
survive. 6.15 The Last Of Us Tonight 11.00-6.00 News Hobbs 12.00 Jane Eyre 12.15 Curious
9.00 The Talk Join a panel of Ellie encounters a vengeful EUROSPORT 1 Under The Stars 12.30 Lobby Land
opinionated famous faces group of survivors. 7.20 The 1.00 Round The Horne 1.30 Legal,
6.00am Hall Of Fame: Atlanta 1996
to debate hot topics. Last Of Us Joel and Ellie near Decent, Honest And Truthful 2.00
7.00 Cycling. The Paris-Roubaix 8.00
10.00 First Edition A look at the end of their journey. Snooker. The world championship final We’ve Been Here Before 2.30 Ring
tomorrow’s news, tonight. 8.20 The Making Of The Last Of 2017 10.00 Formula E 11.00 FIA World Around The Bath 3.00 Wild Honey
11.00 Piers Morgan Uncensored 4.00 Murder In Mesopotamia 4.30
12.00 Petrie Hosken Debate.
Us Behind the scenes of
post-apocalyptic drama.
Endurance Championship 12.00
Coolangatta Gold Ironman 1.00 Go Love Yourself Sherlock Holmes With Carleton Hobbs
1.00 Vanessa Feltz Update. Cycling. The Tour of Flanders 1.15 5.00 Jane Eyre 5.15 Curious Under The
9.00 Succession Drama about a Stars 5.30 Lobby Land 6.00 Round
2.00 Jeremy Kyle Live Debate. Cycling. The Paris-Roubaix 2.15 LIVE Podcast
dysfunctional media dynasty, The Horne 6.30 Legal, Decent, Honest
3.00 Piers Morgan Uncensored with Brian Cox. (S4, ep 3)
Cycling. Coverage of the Tour of Great British Bake Off star
Mouscron women’s one-day race from And Truthful 7.00 We’ve Been Here
4.00 The Talk Discussion. 10.15 Drift — Partners In Crime Laura Adlington and Lauren
Belgium 4.15 Triathlon. The Super Before 7.30 Ring Around The Bath
5.00-6.00 James Max Update. Smith examine diet culture 8.00 Bookclub 8.30 My Dream Dinner
While Ali hides with Frida in League Arena Games 5.10 Trans Sahara
Available on Sky 522; Freeview 237; the Alps, Leo tries to uncover Marathon 5.40 Cycling. The Tour of Party 9.00 Mastertapes 9.30 The
Virgin 606; Freesat 217; YouTube, and fatphobia. Axel Kacoutié
the conspirators’ identities. Flanders 6.00 The Judo Show 7.00 Handmaid’s Tale 9.45 The Whisperer
connected TVs and smart devices Cycling. The Paris-Roubaix 8.00
looks at how we grieve In Darkness 10.00 Just A Minute 10.30
(5/10; German with subtitles)
Cycling. The Tour of Mouscron 9.00 non-romantic heartbreaks in IGod 10.45 Hamish And Dougal —
11.15 Game Of Thrones — Best
The Judo Show 10.00 Hall Of Fame: No Need To Say Goodbye You’ll Have Had Your Tea 11.00 The
Episodes Ever Episodes Now Show 11.30-12.00 Masala FM
Athens 2004 11.00 Cycling. The Tour of (Radio 4, 8pm). Earlier,
chosen by fans worldwide. Mouscron 12.00 British Superbikes
12.15 Game Of Thrones The Night Aled Jones, Anne-Marie LBC
1.00 British Superbikes Extra 2.00
6.00pm Harry Potter 20th King and the army of the dead Cycling. The Paris-Roubaix 3.00 The Minhall, Margherita Taylor 7.00 Andrew Castle 10.00 Chris
Anniversary — Return To reach Winterfell. (S8, ep 3) Judo Show 4.00-6.00 Snooker. and Alexander Armstrong Bryant 1.00 Shelagh Fogarty 4.00
Hogwarts Daniel Radcliffe, 1.45 Billions Wendy is caught in The world championship final 2012
reveal listeners’ favourite Ben Kentish. Discussion 7.00 Natasha
Rupert Grint, Emma Watson the middle. (Series 1, ep 6) Devon 10.00 Nick Abbot 1.00
BT SPORT 1 music in The Classic FM
and a selection of other cast 2.55 Billions A member of Richard Spurr 4.00 Ian Payne
6.00am LIVE AFL: Geelong Cats v
celebrate 20 years since the Axe’s inner circle turns Hawthorn Hawks. Bounce-up at 6.20
Hall Of Fame 2023 (Classic RADIO 3
franchise’s first film. (R) into an informant. 9.00 Premier League Review 10.00 FM, from 9am).
Premier League Stories 10.30 Premier 6.30 Breakfast 9.00 Essential Classics
8.00 NCIS: Los Angeles The team 4.00-6.00 Urban Secrets Clair Woodward
League — The Big Interview 11.00 12.00 Composer Of The Week: Sullivan
must quickly locate Kensi 1.00 Lunchtime Concert. Live at
and Fatima after they are Premier League 12.30 LIVE National
Futsal Series: Bloomsbury Futsal Wigmore Hall, Finnish string quartet
kidnapped while searching RADIO 4 Meta4 play works by Purcell, Amy
Women v London Helvecia Futsal Club
for a missing US navy Ladies 2.30 LIVE National League: 5.30 News 5.43 Prayer 5.45 Farming Beach, Barber and Krishna Nagaraja
lieutenant. (S14, ep 12, R) Wrexham v Notts County. Kickoff at Today 5.58 Tweet Of The Day (R) 6.00 2.00 Afternoon Concert. The Lucerne
9.00 A Town Called Malice Gene 3.00 5.15 What I Wore 5.30 ESPN FC Today 9.00 Start The Week. Ai Weiwei’s Festival Orchestra performs Dvorak’s
and Cindy use their wits to Presents — Gab & Juls 6.00 ESPN FC new exhibition at the Design Museum Ninth Symphony 4.30 New Generation
6.30 Uefa Champions League in London 9.45 Book Of The Week: Red Artists 5.00 In Tune 7.00 Classical
unify warring factions, but
Magazine 7.00 LIVE MLB: Minnesota Memory, by Tania Branigan. 9.45 (LW) Mixtape 7.30 In Concert. Alain Altinoglu
the arrival of a face from conducts the Frankfurt Radio SO in
Twins v Chicago White Sox. Start-time Daily Service 10.00 Woman’s Hour
Cindy’s past creates tension early works by Shostakovich, with
at 7.10 10.30 ESPN FC Presents — Gab 11.00 Playing With Fire (R) 11.30 Lady
between the pair. (4/8, R) & Juls 11.00 WWE Raw Highlights 12.00 Killers With Lucy Worsley. A tavern Hilary Hahn joining them for Prokofiev’s
10.05-12.00 Friends — The WWE Smackdown Highlights 1.00 LIVE owner accused of killing a customer First Violin Concerto 9.00 Ultimate
Reunion One-off special in WWE Monday Night Raw. Wrestling 12.00 News 12.01 (LW) Shipping 12.04 Calm. New run 10.00 Music Matters.
which the show’s stars get 4.15 What Went Down 4.45 What I You And Yours 1.00 The World At One Classical music’s place in British society
together to reminisce Wore 5.00 Goals Reload 5.30-6.00 1.45 Dementia — Unexpected Stories (R) 10.45 The Essay. Ellie Chan profiles
ESPN FC Presents — Gab & Juls Of The Mind. New series. A man with the life and music of the 17th-century
about the comedy. (R) Succession (Sky Atlantic, 9pm)
frontotemporal dementia 2.00 The composer Thomas Weelkes 11.00
Archers (R) 2.15 This Cultural Life (R) Night Tracks 12.30 Through The Night
3.00 Round Britain Quiz. New run 3.30 CLASSIC FM
9.00 Impractical Jokers: Inside Jokes 2.30 House Of Games 3.00-4.00 SKY DOCUMENTARIES The Food Programme (R) 4.00 The
11.00 Last Man Standing 1.00 Friends. Whose Line Is It Anyway? USA Invention Of Russia (R) 4.30 Beyond 6.00 Sam Pittis 9.00 Aled Jones
6.00am Fish Town 7.00 Discovering
Back-to-back episodes 9.00 Last Man Belief 5.00 PM 5.54 (LW) Shipping 12.00 Anne-Marie Minhall 3.00
Orson Welles 8.00 The Directors 9.00
Margherita Taylor 6.00 Alexander
Standing 10.00 Impractical Jokers 11.00
Key & Peele 12.00 Comedy Central FACTUAL Deadline Day — Football’s Transfer
Window 10.00 First Ladies 11.00 The
6.00 News 6.30 Just A Minute 7.00
The Archers 7.15 Front Row 8.00 No Armstrong 9.00 Alexander Armstrong
10.00 Karthi Gnanasegaram 1.00
Live: Doug Stanhope 12.30 Comedy Need To Say Goodbye. Axel Kacoutié
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Movies 12.00 Spitfire 2.00 Fashion Bill Overton 4.00 Lucy Coward
Central Live: Kevin Hart 1.00 South tries to navigate the landscape of loss
6.00pm Drain Alcatraz 7.00 Air Crash Reimagined 4.00 The Directors 5.00
Park 2.30 Bob’s Burgers 3.00 Beavis 8.30 Crossing Continents (R) 9.00
Investigation 8.00 Dutch Caribbean Discovering Orson Welles 6.00 RADIO 2
And Butt-Head 3.20 Key & Peele 3.45 Science Stories (R) 9.30 Start The
Coastguards. A naval vessel is involved Deadline Day — Football’s Transfer Week (R) 10.00 The World Tonight
The Comedy Bus 4.10-5.00 Friends 6.30 The Nicki Chapman Breakfast
in two thrilling drug busts 9.00 Air Window 7.00 First Ladies 8.00 10.45 Book At Bedtime 11.00 Word Of Show 9.30 Gary Davies. Kelly Jones
YESTERDAY Crash Investigation. Investigating the The Movies 9.00 Seve 11.00-1.00 Mouth (R) 11.30 Angst! (R) 12.00 News picks tracks 12.00 Tony Blackburn, Your
6.10am Extreme Railways 7.10 Monster disappearance of EgyptAir flight 804 Marathon — The Patriots Day Bombing 12.30 Book Of The Week (R) 12.48 Soul Mate 2.00 Richie Anderson 4.00
Ships 8.00 Abandoned Engineering 10.00 The Emirates From Above Shipping 1.00 As World Service Your Ultimate Queen Songs 7.00 Queen
11.00-2.00 Air Crash Investigation SKY NATURE
9.00 War Factories 10.00 The World At — The Fans’ Story 8.00 Queen At The
War 11.00 Anthony Bourdain — Parts 6.00am Ol Pejeta Diaries 7.00 Monkey
DISCOVERY Life 8.00 Wild Animal Babies 11.00 TIMES RADIO BBC (R) 9.00 The Blues Show 10.00
Unknown 12.00 Great British Railway Trevor Nelson 12.00 OJ Borg 3.00 Pick
Journeys 2.00 Bangers And Cash 4.00 6.00pm Salvage Hunters 7.00 Bitchin’ Great Parks Of Africa 12.00 Into The 6.00 Rosie Wright And Rick Kelsey
Rides 8.00 River Of No Return 9.00 Big Blue Heart 1.00 Monkey Life 2.00 Of The Pops (R) 4.00 Owain Wyn Evans
War Factories 5.00 The World At War With Times Radio Breakfast 10.00
6.00 Great British Railway Journeys Wheeler Dealers. Mike Brewer spots a Great Barrier Reef With David Carole Walker 1.00 Hannah MacInnes VIRGIN RADIO
7.00 Anthony Bourdain — Parts bargain Maserati 4200GT 10.00 Attenborough 5.00 Great Parks Of 3.00 Fi Glover And Ed Vaizey 5.00
Roadworthy Rescues. New series. Derek Africa 6.00 Into The Big Blue Heart 6.30 The Chris Evans Breakfast Show
Unknown 8.00 Great British Landmark John Pienaar With Times Radio Drive
Bieri restores non-running cars and 7.00 Monkey Life 8.00 Osprey. A 7.00 Pienaar And Friends. Informed 10.00 Eddy Temple-Morris 1.00 Jayne
Fixers 9.00 The Architecture The
gets them ready to hit the road 11.00 veteran pair return home 9.00 Wild debate with leading figures 8.00 Middlemiss 4.00 Ricky Wilson 7.00
Railways Built 10.00 Bangers And Cash
Naked And Afraid 12.00 Expedition Rockies 10.00 Into The Big Blue Heart The Evening Edition With Kait Borsay. Bam 10.00 Amy Voce 1.00 Sean
11.00 Abandoned Engineering 12.00-
Bigfoot 1.00-2.00 Wheeler Dealers 11.00-12.00 Great Parks Of Africa Engaging evening conversation Goldsmith 4.00 Steve Denyer
1.00 Great British Railway Journeys
10.00 Henry Bonsu 1.00 Stories TALKSPORT
6.00pm Taskmaster 7.00 House Of 5.00pm The Bob Hoover Project — 6.00am Combat Dealers 12.00 Highlights From Times Radio 5.00 Early Breakfast 6.00 Breakfast
Games 8.20 QI 9.00 Have I Got A Bit Flying The Feathered Edge 6.05 Battle Blowing Up History 6.00 Mysteries Of With Laura Woods 10.00 Jim White
More News For You 11.00 As Yet Untitled Honours 7.15 Napoleon 8.30 The First The Missing 7.00 Blowing Up History To get in touch with the Times Radio And Simon Jordan 1.00 GameDay Live
12.00 Would I Lie To You? With Jo World War. Documentary 9.35 The Bob 8.00 Combat Dealers 9.00 The studio, text TIMES plus your message 5.00 Drive 7.00 Kick Off: Burnley v
Brand and Simon Day 12.40 QI 1.20 Hoover Project — Flying The Feathered Mummy Detective 10.00 Expedition X to 87222. Texts cost your standard Sheffield United. Kickoff at 8.00
Have I Got A Bit More News For You Edge 10.45-12.00 Napoleon 11.00-12.00 Blowing Up History message charge. 10.00 Sports Bar 1.00 Extra Time
9 April 2023 37
38 9 April 2023 1G
Colin From Accounts Parkinson (BBC iPlayer)
(BBC2, 10pm) If you’d like to take a step
The “sit” of a sitcom is all- back in time to see the king
important, how characters of British interviews meet
are contrived to meet and the great and the good of
become trapped in each the entertainment industry,
other’s company. This you’ll be pleased to learn
charming Australian hit there are several episodes
comedy begins with a dog of Parkinson available
escaping his home and on iPlayer. A classic from
instigating a modern 1998 features Billy Connoly
“meet-cute” between Ashley discussing how he used an
and Gordon (writers and real apple to try to help him sleep
life partners Harriet Dyer and David Attenborough
and Patrick Brammall). They offers an insight into the
evidently don’t know how to sex lives of the penduline
work a photocopier in order tit. There’s a fascinating
to advertise for his owners to 1974 episode with Dr Jacob
reclaim him, and are instead Bronowski, presenter of the
lumbered with not only his landmark series The Ascent
care but some astronomical of Man, on his thoughts
veterinary bills. “Sit” duly on moving to England in
organised, the “com” derives the 1920s, science and his
from the mismatch in age philosophy, and a show from
and outlook, their “will they, 1972 where David Niven talks
won’t they?” energy and a about his reasons for moving
fondness for scatology. from Hollywood to France.
Helen Stewart And then there were three: Patrick Brammall, Harriet Dyer and Colin the dog (BBC2, 10pm) Tim Glanfield
Springtime On The Farm Miss Scarlet And The Duke Highland Cops (BBC2, 9pm) Galaxy Quest
(C5, 8pm)
Helen Skelton, Adam Henson
(Alibi, 9pm)
Fans of the excellent Enola
This unusual police
documentary follows officers
FILM CHOICE (Film4, 6.45pm)
Featuring Sigourney Weaver,
and Jules Hudson are back for Holmes may find this Victorian working Britain’s biggest beat Tim Allen and Alan Rickman
more wholesome rural drama a decent stopgap as PI as part of the Highlands And The Forgiven (Sky Cinema as actors in a Star Trek-like TV
programming as the sixth Eliza Scarlet (Kate Phillips) Islands Division. County lines Premiere, 9.50pm) show, this comedy becomes
series of this Channel 5 and Inspector Wellington drugs gangs and missing Horrible rich people being a heart-stirring sci-fi tale in
stalwart returns for the next (Stuart Martin) solve steam- persons are still problems made to suffer have been a its own right. Crucially, it
fortnight. Skelton has punkish crimes. Bustles, amid the picturesque lochs, noticeable theme in recent understands the noble ethos
cemented her place as the star bowler hats and extravagant glens and mountains; more movies. Along with The of the series that inspired it.
of the show since her thrilling facial hair enhance this case of specific to the region is the Menu and Triangle of Sadness Dir: Dean Parisot (1999)
personal revival on Strictly a missing magician. otter-related crime. came this drama about a Edward Porter
Come Dancing and it yet sour, snobbish couple (Ralph
remains to be seen if she can Rain Dogs (BBC1, 10.40pm) Fiennes and Jessica Chastain)
throw off her glittery disco Daisy May Cooper’s Costello who accidentally hit and kill a
pumps and pull on her wellies is handed a life-changing teenage boy while driving in
to reintegrate with the team. opportunity when she’s asked Morocco. You might struggle
Henson will present from the to write her own story of to care what happens to this
lambing shed of his family’s peep-show work in Cash awful duo — as the authorities
Cotswold property, while Carraway’s stylised comedy- take over, and other rich
Skelton and Hudson are based drama. Adrian Edmondson, tourists party on regardless —
with the popular Nicholson meanwhile, tackles his role but the stars are impressive,
brothers as they welcome (and indeed rolls his tackle) and the story has tense,
more than a thousand new with impressive commitment. intriguing moments. Dir: John
animals onto their farm. HS Kate Phillips (Alibi, 9pm) Victoria Segal Michael McDonagh (2021) Rickman, Weaver (Film4, 6.45pm)
Not much, it turns out, as this Pepsi, Where’s My Jet Search Party (BBC iPlayer) The Limey (Mubi)
ON DEMAND parody of children’s television
mines the bright colours and
The Pepsi Challenge for John
As one generation was defined
by the question “Who killed
As well as directing this
thriller (from 1999) in his
cheeriness of the genre for its Leonard in 1995 wasn’t a blind Laura Palmer?”, so another usual crisp style, Steven
Don’t Hug Me, I’m Scared sinister potential. The infinite taste test, it was persuading may be by the poser in this Soderbergh relishes the
(All4) possibilities of childlike worlds Pepsi to hand over a Harrier mystery-comedy: “Where’s presence of a well-chosen star.
What could be less disturbing take unpleasant turns: in one jump jet. During the 1990s Chantal Witherbottom?”. Terence Stamp’s past as a
than three colourful pals episode the trio start work at cola wars Pepsi launched a When Dory (the excellent Alia young buck in the 1960s
— puppets Yellow Guy and a factory and descend into a campaign where points could Shawkat) learns of this distant echoes through his role here:
Duck, and tall mop-headed cycle of existential dread, be used to buy merchandise, acquaintance’s disappearance, an old Cockney hoodlum.
humanoid Red Guy — learning which echoes the final scenes with one ad valuing a Harrier she starts a search. Where this Mubi is adding other
valuable life lessons together of 2001: A Space Odyssey. A at 7 million points, and this leads over five series truly Soderbergh films to its
and singing songs about their brilliant and psychotic set of recounts his own cola war. cannot be predicted. line-up, beginning with 2012’s
educational experience? grim fairytales. Toby Earle Mel Clarke Magic Mike on Friday. EP
9 April 2023 39
40 9 April 2023 1G
6.00 James Max Morning update. 6.00 Urban Secrets Documentary. SKY SPORTS MAIN EVENT RADIO 4 EXTRA
6.30 The Julia Hartley-Brewer 7.45 The Affair Double bill. 6.00am News 7.00 Good Morning PICK OF THE DAY 5.00 Wild Honey 6.00 Murder In
Breakfast Show Debate. 9.55 Gomorrah Crime drama. Sports Fans 10.00 The Football Show Mesopotamia 6.30 Sherlock Holmes
10.00 The Independent Republic (Italian with subtitles) 12.00 News 3.00 LIVE Indian Premier With Carleton Hobbs 7.00 Jane Eyre
Of Mike Graham Insights. 11.55 Game Of Thrones Fantasy. League: Delhi Capitals v Mumbai 7.15 Curious Under The Stars 7.30
1.00 Ian Collins Monologues. 1.20 True Detective Four people Indians. Coverage of the T20 match at Cleaning Up 8.00 The Goon Show
4.00 Vanessa Feltz Opinions on Arun Jaitley Stadium, Delhi 7.00 News 8.30 For Better Or For Worse 9.00 The
become wrapped up in a 10.30 Back Pages Tonight 11.00 News
the big stories of the day. murder inquiry. (S2, ep 1) 2.25 Motion Show 9.30 No Commitments
11.30 TNT Pre-Game Show 12.00 LIVE 10.00 Wild Honey 11.00 Murder In
7.00 Jeremy Kyle Live Discussion. True Detective The details of NBA Basketball. Coverage of a match
8.00 Piers Morgan Uncensored Mesopotamia 11.30 Sherlock Holmes
Caspar’s death are revealed. from the play-in tournament, as two
The host presents his verdict With Carleton Hobbs 12.00 Jane Eyre
3.30 The Affair Noah receives a teams vie for a place in the play-offs 12.15 Curious Under The Stars 12.30
on the day’s global events. worrying phone call. (Series 2.30 LIVE NBA Basketball. Coverage of
Cleaning Up 1.00 The Goon Show 1.30
9.00 The Talk Frank opinions 5, ep 7) 4.35 The Affair Noah a match from the play-in tournament
For Better Or For Worse 2.00 The
on the latest topics that 5.00-6.00 Inside The NBA
seeks guidance on handling Motion Show 2.30 No Commitments
everybody is talking about. allegations made against him. EUROSPORT 1 3.00 Wild Honey 4.00 Murder In
10.00 First Edition Headlines. 5.40 Gomorrah The Forcella boys 6.00am Hall Of Fame: Sydney 2000 Mesopotamia 4.30 Sherlock Holmes
11.00 Piers Morgan Uncensored With Carleton Hobbs 5.00 Jane Eyre
12.00 Petrie Hosken Discussion.
resort to desperate measures
to survive. (S4, ep 7) 6.40
7.00 Cycling. The Tour of Mouscron
8.00 Snooker. The world championship Uncanny 5.15 Curious Under The Stars 5.30
1.00 Vanessa Feltz Opinions. final 2018 10.00 Formula E 10.55 FIA Cleaning Up 6.00 The Goon Show
Gomorrah An unexpected 6.30 For Better Or For Worse 7.00 The
2.00 Jeremy Kyle Live Debate. World Endurance Championship 11.55 BBC Sounds
event drags Genny into the Cycling. The Paris-Roubaix 12.50 LIVE Motion Show 7.30 No Commitments
3.00 Piers Morgan Uncensored past. (Italian with subtitles) King of the supernatural
Cycling. Coverage of stage one of the 8.50 Inheritance Tracks 9.00
4.00 The Talk Discussion. 7.40 Game Of Thrones After the Danny Robins returns with
Tour of Sicily men’s race, won last year Mastertapes 9.30 The Handmaid’s
5.00-6.00 James Max Update. a new series of real-life Tale 9.45 The Whisperer In Darkness
Battle of Winterfell, Jon and by Damiano Caruso 2.46 Cycling. The
Available on Sky 522; Freeview 237; Daenerys look to the south of Paris-Roubaix 3.00 Snooker. Highlights 10.00 You Heard It Here First
Virgin 606; Freesat 217; YouTube, stories of encounters with
Westeros. (Series 8, ep 4) of the world championship final 2016 at 10.30 Innes Own World 11.00 The
connected TVs and smart devices the Crucible Theatre in Sheffield 5.00
the paranormal, including (Almost) Accidental Adventures
9.00 Dreamland Comedy series
Mountain Bike Enduro World Series the 1980 Rendlesham Forest Of Bell And Todd 11.15 Fabulous
about four sisters from
Show 5.30 The Cycling Show 6.00 incident, the most famous 11.30-12.00 Old Harry’s Game
Margate. With Lily Allen. (1/6)
Curling World Championships. The case in British UFO history
9.30 Perry Mason The lawyer LBC
men’s final in Ottawa 8.00 Cycling.
tries to overcome his shaky Action from stage one of the Tour of which occurred at a US 7.00 Nick Ferrari 10.00 James O’Brien
6.00pm Stargate SG-1 Thor asks start at Emily’s trial. (6/8) Sicily 9.00 The Cycling Show 9.30 air force base in Suffolk, 1.00 Shelagh Fogarty 4.00 Tom
for help. (Series 6, ep 12, R) 10.40 Gangs Of London Crime Mountain Biking. Action from Western above. Jolyon Jenkins Swarbrick 7.00 Iain Dale. Debate
7.00 Stargate SG-1 drama, with Sope Dirisu and Australia 10.00 Hall Of Fame: Beijing 10.00 Ben Kentish. Discussion 1.00
2008 11.00 Cycling. The Tour of examines how techniques Richard Spurr 4.00 Ian Payne
An ancient artefact causes Joe Cole. (Series 1, ep 1)
problems for the team. (R) 12.25 True Detective Crime drama. Sicily 12.00 FIA World Endurance used in gaming are being
Championship. The 24 Hours of Le RADIO 3
8.00 The Flash Barry is forced to 1.30 The Gilded Age Drama. applied to everyday life in
Mans 2.00 Cycling. The Tour of Sicily 6.30 Breakfast 9.00 Essential Classics
make an impossible choice; 2.30 Game Of Thrones Fantasy. 3.00 World Surf League 4.00-6.00
Gamification (R4, 11am).
12.00 Composer Of The Week 1.00
and Iris is visited by an old 4.00-6.00 Urban Secrets Insights. Snooker. The world championship Clair Woodward Lunchtime Concert. Hardanger fiddle
friend. (Series 9, ep 4, R) player Nils Okland joins the Engegard
9.00 Peacemaker Murn recruits BT SPORT 1
6.00am ESPN FC 6.30 WWE NXT UK Quartet to perform Schubert’s Death
Vigilante following a RADIO 4 And The Maiden, at the Queen’s Hall in
Classics 7.30 Premier League Review
somewhat successful 8.30 AFL 10.30 National League 12.00 5.30 News 5.43 Prayer 5.45 Farming Edinburgh 2.00 Afternoon Concert. The
mission; and Peacemaker Champions Cup Highlights 1.00 V8 Today 5.58 Tweet Of The Day (R) 6.00 Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra
confronts his past. (4/8, R) Supercars Highlights 3.00 National Today 9.00 The New Gurus (R) 9.30 play Richard Strauss’s Ein Heldenleben
10.00 Freddie Down Under Andrew Futsal Series 5.00 ESPN FC 5.30 Magic Consultants 9.45 Book Of The — A Hero’s Life, with conductor Vassily
Premier League Review 6.30 Best Foot Week 9.45 (LW) Daily Service 10.00 Petrenko 5.00 In Tune 7.00 Classical
Flintoff plans a surprise for
Forward 7.00 LIVE Uefa Champions Woman’s Hour 11.00 Gamification. How Mixtape 7.30 In Concert. Nicholas
Rob Penn at Sydney Harbour Collon conducts the BBC Philharmonic
League: Manchester City v Bayern gaming techniques are being introduced
Bridge, before the pair pay a in Strauss’s An Alpine Symphony and a
Munich. Coverage of the quarter-final into everyday life 11.30 The Girls In
visit to Melbourne Cricket first-leg encounter at Etihad Stadium. The Pictures — Joan Eardley And The world premiere by Tom Coult, and
Club. (Series 3, ep 5, R) Kickoff at 8.00 10.45 The Football’s On Samson Children. Audrey Gillan meets Francesca Chiejina joins them for
11.00-12.00 Swat The team races 11.45 Premier League Reload 12.00 the girls of Joan Eardley’s paintings Berg’s Seven Early Songs 10.00 Free
to stop a vengeful gunman WWE NXT Highlights 1.00 LIVE WWE 12.00 News 12.01 (LW) Shipping 12.04 Thinking. Robert Blyth, Joan Passey
who is targeting rehab NXT. Wrestling 3.15 Ariel Helwani Meets Call You And Yours 1.00 The World At and Michael Talbot join Anne McElvoy
3.45 Goals Reload 4.00-6.00 AFL One 1.45 Dementia — Unexpected to talk about piracy in fact and fiction
centres. (Series 6, ep 12, R) London Hughes (Dave, 10pm)
Stories Of The Mind. Dementia with 10.45 The Essay. Sabina Dosani reflects
Lewy bodies 2.00 The Archers (R) 2.15 on loss and mourning rituals for
Drama: The Lion, by Martin Algus 3.00 unborn children who die 11.00 Night
Short Cuts 3.30 Costing The Earth Tracks 12.30 Through The Night
11.00 Last Man Standing 1.00 Friends
9.00 FILM: Twister. Stars Helen Hunt FACTUAL 8.00 The Movies 9.00 The Beatles —
Eight Days A Week: The Touring Years 4.00 Word Of Mouth. The dialogue
between a psychiatrist and a patient
and Bill Paxton. 11.20 Impractical Jokers 11.10-1.10 Lennox — The Untold Story
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 4.30 Great Lives. Frederick the Great 6.00 John Humphrys 9.00 Alexander
11.55 Most Ridiculous 12.55 South Park
2.20 Bob’s Burgers 2.50 Beavis And 6.00pm Lost Treasures Of Egypt 7.00 SKY NATURE of Prussia 5.00 PM 5.54 (LW) Shipping Armstrong 12.00 Anne-Marie Minhall
Butt-Head 3.25 Key & Peele 3.45 Air Crash Investigation 9.00 Car SOS 6.00am Ol Pejeta Diaries 7.00 Monkey 6.00 News 6.30 You Heard It Here 4.00 John Brunning 7.00 Zeb Soanes
The Comedy Bus 4.10-5.00 Friends 10.00 Ice Road Rescue 11.00 Air Crash Life 8.00 Wild Tales From The Farm First 7.00 The Archers 7.15 Front Row 10.00 Margherita Taylor 1.00
Investigation 12.00 Lost Treasures Of 9.00 Orangutan Jungle School 10.00 8.00 File On 4 8.40 In Touch 9.00 Bill Overton 4.00 Lucy Coward
YESTERDAY Arabia 1.00-2.00 Ice Road Rescue Dawn To Dusk 11.00 Monkeys — An Troubled Water (R) 9.30 The New
6.10am Monster Ships 8.00 Abandoned Amazing Animal Family 12.00 Into The RADIO 2
Gurus (R) 10.00 The World Tonight
Engineering 9.00 War Factories 10.00 DISCOVERY Big Blue Heart 1.00 Monkey Life 2.00 10.45 Book At Bedtime 11.00 Please 6.30 The Zoe Ball Breakfast Show
The World At War 11.00 Anthony 6.00pm Salvage Hunters 7.00 Bitchin’ Wild Tales From The Farm 3.00 Use Other Door (R) 11.30 Angst! (R) 9.30 Gary Davies 12.00 Jeremy Vine
Bourdain — Parts Unknown 12.00 Great Rides. A damaged 1932 Ford 8.00 Orangutan Jungle School 4.00 Dawn 12.00 News 12.30 Book Of The Week 2.00 Scott Mills 4.00 Sara Cox 7.00
British Railway Journeys 2.00 Bangers River Of No Return 9.00 Gold Rush — To Dusk 5.00 Monkeys — An Amazing (R) 12.48 Shipping 1.00 World Service Jo Whiley 9.00 The Jazz Show 10.00
And Cash 4.00 War Factories 5.00 Parker’s Trail 12.00 Expedition Bigfoot Animal Family 6.00 Into The Big Blue Trevor Nelson’s Magnificent 7 10.30
Secret Nazi Bases 6.00 Great British 1.00-3.00 Gold Rush — Parker’s Trail Heart 7.00 Monkey Life 8.00 Animal TIMES RADIO Trevor Nelson’s Rhythm Nation
Railway Journeys 7.00 Anthony Empires 9.00 Big Beasts 10.00 Into 12.00 OJ Borg 3.00 Pick Of The
Bourdain — Parts Unknown 8.00 The PBS AMERICA The Big Blue Heart 11.00-12.00 5.00 Anna Cunningham With Early
4.55pm Saints And Sinners — Pops (R) 4.00 Owain Wyn Evans
Architecture The Railways Built. A look at Monkeys — An Amazing Animal Family Breakfast 6.00 Rosie Wright And
how two competing companies shaped A Millennium Of Monasteries 6.05 Luke Jones With Times Radio VIRGIN RADIO
Lincoln 9.00 Bangers And Cash 11.00 Battle Honours 7.10 Napoleon 8.30 DISCOVERY HISTORY Breakfast 10.00 Patrick Maguire 1.00
The First World War 9.30 Saints 6.00am Combat Dealers 7.00 Tony Mariella Frostrup 3.00 Fi Glover And 6.30 The Chris Evans Breakfast Show
Abandoned Engineering 12.00-1.00
And Sinners — A Millennium Of Robinson’s Wild West 8.00 UFO Ed Vaizey 5.00 John Pienaar With 10.00 Eddy Temple-Morris 1.00 Jayne
Great British Railway Journeys
Monasteries 10.45-12.00 Napoleon Witness 9.00 Combat Dealers 10.00 Times Radio Drive 7.00 Pienaar And Middlemiss 4.00 Ricky Wilson 7.00
DAVE Mysteries At The Castle 11.00 Friends 8.00 The Evening Edition Bam 10.00 Amy Voce 1.00 Sean
6.00pm Taskmaster 7.00 House Of SKY DOCUMENTARIES Expedition Unknown 12.00 Mysteries With Kait Borsay 10.00 Henry Bonsu Goldsmith 4.00 Steve Denyer
Games 8.20 QI 9.00 Have I Got A Bit 6.00am Fish Town 7.00 Discovering Of The Missing 1.00 Combat Dealers 1.00 Stories Of Our Times. The
8.00 The Directors 9.00 Deadline Day TALKSPORT
More News For You 10.00 Alan Davies 2.00 HMS Ark Royal 3.00 Blowing Up Times’s daily podcast 1.30 Red Box
— As Yet Untitled 11.00 Meet The — Football’s Transfer Window 10.00 History 4.00 Mummies Unwrapped 2.00 Highlights From Times Radio 5.00 Early Breakfast 6.00 Breakfast
Richardsons. Jon has a midlife crisis First Ladies 11.00 The Movies 12.00 5.00 UFO Witness 6.00 Mysteries Of With Laura Woods 10.00 Jim White
11.40 Would I Lie To You? 12.20 QI XL The September Issue 1.50 Lancaster The Missing 7.00 Blowing Up History To get in touch with the Times Radio And Simon Jordan 1.00 Hawksbee
1.20 Have I Got A Bit More News For 4.00 The Directors 5.00 Discovering 8.00 Combat Dealers 9.00 The studio, text TIMES plus your message And Baker 4.00 Drive With Andy
You 2.30 House Of Games 3.00-4.00 6.00 Deadline Day — Football’s Mummy Detective 10.00 Expedition X to 87222. Texts cost your standard Goldstein And Darren Bent 7.00 Kick
Whose Line Is It Anyway? USA Transfer Window 7.00 First Ladies 11.00-12.00 Blowing Up History message charge. Off 10.00 Sports Bar 12.00 Extra Time
9 April 2023 41
42 9 April 2023 1G
Stacey Dooley — Ready For In 2008 Stacey Dooley
War? (BBC3, 9pm) appeared as one of six young
Since the outbreak of the consumers who travelled to
war in Ukraine, the British India to work in the clothing
Army have been training industry for BBC3’s Blood,
Ukrainian civilians to become Sweat And T-Shirts (STV
soldiers, condensing six Player). The standout star,
months of instruction into Dooley was rewarded with
five weeks. Stacey Dooley her own show, Stacey
follows one intake of men in Dooley Investigates . . .
a film that underlines how (BBC iPlayer), where she has
completely their world has tackled topics from spycam
been wrenched from its sex criminals to whaling.
moorings as florists, welders Crossing the pond in 2012,
and masseurs are suddenly Stacey Dooley In The USA
forced to learn field skills, (UKTV Play) included shows
trench warfare and how on border wars and girls
to kill. It’s a film full of behind bars and preceded
poignant moments: phone Dooley tackling a number of
conversations with family, hard-hitting subjects, from
the new trainee gently domestic abuse in Beaten
admiring the nature around By My Boyfriend (YouTube)
him while holding a gun, and Yazidi women fighting
and most of all, the palpable Isis in Stacey on the
sense of duty to those at Frontline (BBC iPlayer). It’s
home — “who will protect hard to know how she found
them if not us?” the time to also win Strictly.
Victoria Segal Preparing for war: Dooley joins Ukrainians being trained by the British Army (BBC3, 9pm) Tim Glanfield
Designing The Hebrides Made Up In Belfast The Bay (ITV1, 9pm) Gnomeo & Juliet (Sky
(BBC2, 8pm)
The smokehouses and slabs
(BBC3, 8pm/8.30pm)
BBC3’s penchant for fun firms
Jenn Townsend (Marsha
Thomason) is focused on the
FILM CHOICE Cinema Animation, 4pm)
Despite its debt to a certain
of a fish store on the Isle Of with excitable young staff attack on her home, and love story, this tale of two
Mull may not seem like the (remember Breaking Fashion Tony Manning (Daniel Ryan) Hidden Figures garden gnomes is influenced
obvious place for directional or Big Proud Party Agency?) is on his improbable fling, yet (Film4, 6.30pm) more by Pixar than by
interior design, but that’s seen again as it spotlights a somehow all the unsolved Theodore Melfi’s film tells Shakespeare. Soundtracked
not stopping Banjo Beale. Belfast cosmetics company. In crimes get solved in the end. the true story of three with Elton John hits, it puts a
The Australian winner of tonight’s double bill, the team And there’s news on whether black women who were British spin on the comic style
Interior Design Masters has work with Love Island winner the Morecambe unit (an Nasa scientists during of Hollywood animated films.
lived on the Hebridean island Ekin-Su and open stores in unsubtle metaphor for The the space race: Katherine Dir: Kelly Asbury (2011)
for eight years and is opening Dublin and Ibiza. Bay itself?) has a future. Johnson (Taraji P Henson), Edward Porter
a design business targeting Dorothy Vaughan (Octavia
commercial premises. First Married, Sikh And Wanting Spencer) and Mary Jackson
up is family business The A Baby (BBC1, 10.40pm) ( Janelle Monáe). Although
Tobermory fish shop, who After two miscarriages, Sarina its calculations include
trust Beale and his wild talk and Vik explore whether IVF, Hollywood sappiness, they
of blackened timber, porthole surrogacy or adoption would produce a successful lift-off.
windows and reclaimed be the best way of becoming The tale’s chief power comes
marble. It’s an entertaining parents. For Sikhs “infertility from the characters defiance
spin on the classic Changing is a taboo subject”, they of racism in the 1960s but the
Rooms formula, the explain — but their faith and film also applauds scientific
picturesque backdrop pairing the community are also know-how. It has what it takes
well with Beale’s vivid pop of sources of solace. to inspire budding young
energy. VS Seeking solace (BBC1, 10.40pm) John Dugdale boffins. (2016) Henson, Costner (Film4, 6.30pm)
was nominated for an Oscar in The Eric Andre Show (All4) Zen Motoring (BBC iPlayer) Blue Jean (BFI Player)
ON DEMAND 2010 for his role in The Hurt
Locker and plays the Marvel
Five series in and the
ferocious anarchy of this
There’s a strong case viewing
this mellow glide along
Rosy McEwen gives an
affecting performance in this
superhero Hawkeye, teams up talk-show parody remains as Britain’s streets should be drama about Jean, a PE
Rennervations (Disney+) with mechanics to transform intense as when it first made a section of the driving teacher in 1980s Britain. Jean
The actor Jeremy Renner was decommissioned government appeared over a decade ago. test as it seeks to provide is also a lesbian who fears
hospitalised this year after he vehicles into “mind-blowing Surreal pranks and sketches harmony among all road being outed and McEwen lets
was crushed by a snowplough creations”. A construction smash between interviews users. Our guide in this us feel her exhausting terror.
on his ranch in Nevada. He aficionado, Renner not only with celebrity lookalikes and journey to enlightenment is We are also given a clear
suffered injuries to his chest showcases some highly Hollywood stars, with Andre’s Ogmios, whose soothing tones sense of what she is up
and broke more than 30 creative projects but gives chat-show host sending up provide a comic mysticism to against. The film does a good
bones. In his documentary us an insight into the people showbiz chumminess by discourses on roundabouts job of capturing time and
series (recorded before the behind the projects. asking outrageous questions and bin lorries. place. Dir: Georgia Oakley
accident) the 52-year-old, who Jake Helm and crossing boundaries. Toby Earle (2022) EP
9 April 2023 43
44 9 April 2023 1G
6.00 James Max Morning update. 6.00 Urban Secrets Documentary. SKY SPORTS MAIN EVENT RADIO 4 EXTRA
6.30 The Julia Hartley-Brewer 7.00 The Affair Double bill. 6.00am News 7.00 Good Morning PICK OF THE DAY 5.00 At Freddie’s 6.00 Murder In
Breakfast Show Debate. 9.10 Gomorrah Crime drama. Sports Fans 10.00 The Football Show Mesopotamia 6.30 No Place To Hide
10.00 The Independent Republic 11.20 Game Of Thrones Fantasy. 12.00 News 3.00 LIVE Indian Premier 7.00 Jane Eyre 7.15 Curious Under The
Of Mike Graham Insights. 12.45 True Detective Double bill. League: Chennai Super Kings v Stars 7.30 A Trespasser’s Guide To The
1.00 Ian Collins Monologues. 2.55 The Affair Controversy swirls Rajasthan Royals. Coverage of the T20 Classics 8.00 Hancock’s Half Hour 8.30
4.00 Vanessa Feltz Opinions on match at M.A. Chidambaram Stadium, 21st Century Blues 9.00 It’s Not What
around Noah. (Series 5, ep 9) Chennai 7.00 News 10.30 Back Pages
the big stories of the day. 4.20 The Affair Helen and You Know 9.30 Big Broadcast 10.00 At
Tonight 11.00 News 12.00 LIVE NBA Freddie’s 11.00 Murder In Mesopotamia
7.00 Jeremy Kyle Discussion. Noah are forced to evacuate Basketball. Coverage of a match from
8.00 Piers Morgan Uncensored 11.30 No Place To Hide 12.00 Jane Eyre
the city as wild fires threaten the play-in tournament, as two teams
Rosanna Lockwood stands 12.15 Curious Under The Stars 12.30 A
residents in Los Angeles. vie for a place in the play-offs 2.30 Trespasser’s Guide To The Classics 1.00
in for Piers Morgan. 5.30 Gomorrah The Capaccios LIVE NBA Basketball. A match from the Hancock’s Half Hour 1.30 21st Century
9.00 The Talk Frank opinions strike out at Sangue Blu. play-in tournament 5.00-6.00 News
Blues 2.00 It’s Not What You Know 2.30
on the latest topics that (Series 4, ep 9) 6.30 Big Broadcast 3.00 At Freddie’s 4.00
everybody is talking about. Gomorrah Patrizia faces up 6.00am Hall Of Fame: Athens 2004 Murder In Mesopotamia 4.30 No Place
10.00 First Edition Headlines. to a life-changing decision. 7.00 Cycling. The Tour of Sicily 8.00 To Hide 5.00 Jane Eyre 5.15 Curious
11.00 Piers Morgan Uncensored Under The Stars 5.30 A Trespasser’s
12.00 Petrie Hosken Discussion.
(Italian with subtitles)
7.30 Game Of Thrones Daenerys
Snooker — World Championship: 2019
Final 10.00 Formula E 10.55 FIA World Free Thinking Guide To The Classics 6.00 Hancock’s
1.00 Vanessa Feltz Opinions. Endurance Championship 11.55 Half Hour 6.30 21st Century Blues
brings her forces to King’s 7.00 It’s Not What You Know 7.30 Big
2.00 Jeremy Kyle Debate. Cycling. The Tour of Sicily 12.50 LIVE
Landing. (Series 8, ep 5) Radio 3, 10pm Broadcast 8.00 Southern Journeys
3.00 Piers Morgan Uncensored 9.00 Succession Drama about a
Cycling. Coverage of stage two of the
Tour of Sicily men’s race 2.30 LIVE Matthew Sweet and guests 9.00 Short Cuts 9.30 The Handmaid’s
4.00 The Talk Discussion. dysfunctional media dynasty, Cycling. Coverage of the men’s La look at the life and career Tale 9.45 The Whisperer In Darkness
5.00-6.00 James Max Update. 10.00 Ellie Taylor’s Safe Space 10.30
with Brian Cox and Sarah Flèche Brabançonne one-day race 4.45
Available on Sky 522; Freeview 237; Snook. (Series 4, ep 3) The Masters. A review of the Major at
of actress and dancer Daphne Sounds Expensive 11.00 Alex
Virgin 606; Freesat 217; YouTube, Augusta National 5.45 The Power Of Ginger Rogers, above. Horne Presents The Horne Section
10.15 Perry Mason The lawyer
connected TVs and smart devices Sport 6.15 Showjumping 7.16 Cycling. In A Very British Cult 11.30 Kieran Hodgson’s Earworms
tries to overcome his shaky
The Paris-Roubaix 7.30 The Cycling 11.45-12.00 Jelly Mountain
(BBC Sounds) Catrin Nye
start at Emily’s trial. (6/8)
Show 8.00 Cycling. The Tour of Sicily
11.20 Dreamland Comedy about leads an investigation LBC
9.00 Cycling. The La Flèche
four sisters from Margate, Brabançonne 10.00 Hall Of Fame: into a life-coaching company 7.00 Nick Ferrari 10.00 James O’Brien
with Lily Allen. (1/6) London 2012 11.00 Cycling. The Tour 1.00 Shelagh Fogarty 4.00 Tom
that takes people’s money,
6.00pm Stargate SG-1 O’Neill is 11.50 The Gilded Age Edison’s Of Sicily 12.00 FIA World Endurance Swarbrick. Discussion 7.00 Iain Dale.
accused of assassinating a illuminating electricity Championship 2.00 Cycling. The Tour takes over their lives and Debate 10.00 Ben Kentish 1.00
politician. (Series 6, ep 14, R) demonstration sparks of Sicily 3.00 Cycling. The La Flèche tears their families apart. Richard Spurr 4.00 Ian Payne
7.00 Stargate SG-1 O’Neill conversation. (7/9) Brabançonne 4.00-6.00 Snooker Extraordinary Lives
— World Champs Final 2014 RADIO 3
and Maybourne are 12.55 Treme Drama series. (LADbible podcast) talks to
marooned on a moon. (R) 2.00 In Treatment Drama. BT SPORT 1 6.30 Breakfast 9.00 Essential Classics
people with amazing stories. 12.00 Composer Of The Week 1.00
8.00 Swat The team race to stop a 2.30 Game Of Thrones Fantasy. 6.00am ESPN FC 6.30 Premier League Clair Woodward
Stories 7.00 WWE Monday Night Raw Lunchtime Concert. At the Queen’s
gunman targeting rehab 4.00-6.00 Urban Secrets
9.30 Best Foot Forward 10.00 Hall in Edinburgh; Quatuor Ébène play
centres. (Series 6, ep 12, R) Schumann’s String Quartet No 3, and
9.00 Seal Team The members Champions Cup Highlights 11.00
Badminton 1.00 Fishing — On The Bank the Van Baerle Trio perform Fauré’s
of Bravo return home from RADIO 4 Piano Trio in D minor 2.00 Afternoon
2.00 Ligue 1 Highlights 3.00 Premier
Syria and are caught up in an League Stories 3.30 Premier League 5.30 News 5.43 Prayer 5.45 Farming Concert. The Metropolitan Opera
unexpected and personal 5.00 ESPN FC 5.30 Films 7.00 LIVE Today 5.58 Tweet Of The Day (R) 6.00 Orchestra perform Beethoven’s Fifth
mission. (Series 6, ep 6) Uefa Champions League: Real Madrid v Today 9.00 Life Changing 9.30 Please Symphony; and the BBC Philharmonic
10.00 A Town Called Malice Gene Chelsea. Action from the quarter-final Protect Abraham (R) 9.45 Book Of The play Svendsen’s Carnival In Paris 4.00
first-leg tie at the Bernabeu. Kickoff at Week 9.45 (LW) Daily Service 10.00 Choral Evensong 5.00 In Tune 7.00
and Cindy use their wits to
8.00 10.30 Uefa Champions League Woman’s Hour 11.00 No Need To Say Classical Mixtape 7.30 In Concert.
unify warring factions, but The London Sinfonietta and Sound
Tonight. A look back at all the key Goodbye. Axel Kacoutié attempts to
the arrival of a face from Intermedia perform at the Royal
talking points from the quarter-final navigate the landscape of loss (R)
Cindy’s past creates tension first-leg ties 11.30 LIVE MLB: Baltimore 11.30 A Very British Cult 12.00 News Festival Hall, featuring music by Julia
between the pair. (4/8, R) Orioles v Oakland Athletics. Start-time 12.01 (LW) Shipping 12.04 You And Wolfe, Julius Eastman, Mira Calix, Anna
11.05-12.05 Strike Back Leatherby at 11.35 3.00 Down The Clubhouse Yours 1.00 The World At One 1.45 Clyne and Steve Reich 10.00 Free
attacks Kamali’s home 4.00 Reload 4.15 Badminton Unlimited Dementia — Unexpected Stories Of Thinking. Matthew Sweet and guests
and kidnaps his teenage 4.30 Goals Reload 5.00-6.00 The Mind 2.00 The Archers (R) 2.15 discuss Hollywood icon Ginger Rogers,
Champions Cup Highlights Drama: Life Lines, by Al Smith. A call currently the subject of a season of
daughter. (Series 4, ep 4, R) Wedding Valley (W, 9pm)
handler for the ambulance service is films at the BFI, focusing on her
cool and collected at work — but her dancing, comic timing and her
home life is a different story (R) 3.00 ‘sass’ 10.45 The Essay. Louise
Money Box Live 3.30 Troubled Water Creechan examines ‘stupidity’
8.00am Most Ridiculous 9.00 FACTUAL 8.00 The Movies 9.00 Shaq
10.00-12.00 Fashion Reimagined (R) 4.00 Thinking Allowed 4.30 The
Media Show 5.00 PM 5.54 (LW)
in the Victorian era 11.00 Night
Tracks 12.30 Through The Night
Impractical Jokers 11.00 Last Man
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SKY NATURE Shipping 6.00 News 6.30 Ellie Taylor’s
Standing 1.00 Friends 9.00 Live At The CLASSIC FM
Apollo 10.00 Jimmy Carr — Stand Up 6.00pm Lost Treasures Of Egypt 7.00 6.00am Ol Pejeta Diaries 7.00 Monkey Safe Space 7.00 The Archers 7.15
11.35 Live At The Apollo 12.30 South Air Crash Investigation 8.00 Alaska — Life 8.00 Wild Tales From The Farm Front Row 8.00 Behind The Crime (R) 6.00 John Humphrys 9.00 Alexander
Park 2.20 Bob’s Burgers 2.50 Beavis The Next Generation. Temperatures rise 9.00 Orangutan Jungle School 10.00 8.30 Derry Boys (R) 9.00 Costing The Armstrong 12.00 Anne-Marie Minhall
And Butt-Head 3.25 Key & Peele 3.45 and predators wake 9.00 Snakes In The Dawn To Dusk 11.00 Monkeys — An Earth (R) 9.30 The Media Show (R) 4.00 John Brunning 7.00 Zeb Soanes
The Comedy Bus 4.10-5.00 Friends City 10.00 Dutch Caribbean Coastguards Amazing Animal Family 12.00 Into The 10.00 The World Tonight 10.45 Book 10.00 Margherita Taylor 1.00 Bill
11.00 Air Crash Investigation 12.00 Big Blue Heart 1.00 Monkey Life 2.00 At Bedtime 11.00 Jessica Fostekew Overton 4.00 Lucy Coward
YESTERDAY Car SOS 1.00-2.00 Ice Road Rescue Wild Tales From The Farm 3.00 — Sturdy Girl Club 11.15 Nurse (R)
6.10am Monster Ships 8.00 Abandoned Orangutan Jungle School 4.00 Dawn RADIO 2
11.30 Angst! (R) 12.00 News 12.30
Engineering 9.00 War Factories 10.00 DISCOVERY To Dusk 5.00 Monkeys — An Amazing Book Of The Week (R) 12.48 6.30 The Zoe Ball Breakfast Show
Secret Nazi Bases 11.00 Anthony 6.00pm Salvage Hunters 7.00 Bitchin’ Animal Family 6.00 Into The Big Blue Shipping 1.00 As World Service 9.30 Gary Davies 12.00 Jeremy Vine
Bourdain — Parts Unknown 12.00 Great Rides. Designing a Mustang car 8.00 Heart 7.00 Monkey Life 8.00 New Kids 2.00 Scott Mills 4.00 Sara Cox 7.00
British Railway Journeys 2.00 Bangers River Of No Return 9.00 Gold Divers In The Wild 9.00 Chasing The Rains. TIMES RADIO Jo Whiley 9.00 The Folk Show. With
And Cash 4.00 Nazi Hunters 5.00 11.00 Moonshiners 12.00 Expedition How elephants dig wells 10.00 Into Mark Radcliffe 10.00 Trevor Nelson
Secret Nazi Bases 6.00 Great British Bigfoot 1.00-3.00 Gold Divers The Big Blue Heart 11.00-12.00 5.00 Anna Cunningham With Early 12.00 OJ Borg 3.00 The Rock Show
Railway Journeys 7.00 Anthony Monkeys — An Amazing Animal Family Breakfast 6.00 Rosie Wright And (R) 4.00 Owain Wyn Evans
Bourdain — Parts Unknown 8.00 PBS AMERICA Luke Jones With Times Radio
Bangers And Cash 9.00 Inside The 4.50pm Saints And Sinners 6.05 Battle DISCOVERY HISTORY Breakfast 10.00 Patrick Maguire 1.00 VIRGIN RADIO
Factory 10.00 Bangers And Cash 11.00 Honours 7.15 Napoleon 8.25 The First 6.00am Combat Dealers 7.00 Wild Mariella Frostrup 3.00 Fi Glover And
World War. The use of spies 9.30 Saints West 8.00 UFO Witness 9.00 Combat Ed Vaizey 5.00 John Pienaar With 6.30 The Chris Evans Breakfast Show
Abandoned Engineering 12.00-1.00
And Sinners 10.45-12.00 Napoleon Dealers 10.00 Codes And Conspiracies Times Radio Drive 7.00 Pienaar And 10.00 Eddy Temple-Morris 1.00 Jayne
Great British Railway Journeys
11.00 Expedition Unknown 12.00 Friends. Informed debate 8.00 The Middlemiss 4.00 Ricky Wilson 7.00
DAVE SKY DOCUMENTARIES Mysteries Of The Missing 1.00 Combat Evening Edition With Kait Borsay Bam 10.00 Amy Voce 1.00 Sean
6.00pm Taskmaster 7.00 House Of 6.00am Fish Town 7.00 Discovering Dealers 2.00 HMS Ark Royal 3.00 10.00 Henry Bonsu 1.00 Stories Of Goldsmith 4.00 Steve Denyer
Games 8.20 QI 9.00 Have I Got A Bit 8.00 The Directors 9.00 Deadline Day Blowing Up History 4.00 Mummies Our Times 1.30 Red Box 2.00 TALKSPORT
More News For You 10.00 Outsiders. —Football’s Transfer Window 10.00 First Unwrapped 5.00 UFOs Over Phoenix Highlights From Times Radio
A new camp pitches up 11.00 QI XL Ladies 11.00 The Movies 12.00 Everton 6.00 Curse Of The Bermuda Triangle 5.00 Early Breakfast 6.00 Breakfast
12.00 Would I Lie To You? 12.40 QI — Howard’s Way 2.05 I Am MLK Jr 7.00 Blowing Up History. The lost city To get in touch with the Times Radio With Laura Woods 10.00 Jim White
1.20 Have I Got A Bit More News For 4.00 The Directors 5.00 Discovering of Tikal 8.00 Combat Dealers 9.00 The studio, text TIMES plus your message And Simon Jordan 1.00 Hawksbee
You 2.15 House Of Games 2.45-4.00 6.00 Deadline Day — Football’s Murder Castle 10.00 Expedition X to 87222. Texts cost your standard And Jacobs 4.00 Drive 7.00 Kick Off
Whose Line Is It Anyway? USA Transfer Window 7.00 First Ladies 11.00-12.00 Blowing Up History message charge. 10.00 Sports Bar 1.00 Extra Time
9 April 2023 45
46 9 April 2023 1G
Peter O’Toole — Along The Saxondale (Sky/Now)
Sky Road To Aqaba Such has been the success
(Sky Arts/Now, 9pm) of Alan Partridge for
Ten years on from his death, Steve Coogan that some
the star of Lawrence Of of his other works can get
Arabia and much else is overlooked. Near the top
celebrated in a joyous of that list is this sitcom,
documentary by a splendid first shown on the BBC in
line-up of thespian grandees. 2006-07 and starring Coogan
Besides O’Toole’s wife as Tommy Saxondale, an ex-
Siân Phillips, they include roadie turned pest controller
Brian Blessed, Kenneth with anger management
Branagh, Brian Cox, Anthony issues living a life of rebellion
Hopkins and Derek Jacobi, in Stevenage. Thanks to his
who provide a mixture of more level-headed girlfriend
affectionate anecdotes and Magz (Ruth Jones), owner of
insights into what set his a T-shirt shop, Tommy just
acting apart. As Jim about manages to function
Sheridan’s film advances between outbursts that see
through his career, O’Toole’s him back in therapy. With
insistence on his Irishness appearances from Mark
(though he came from Leeds, Williams, Greg Davies, Ben
and only one parent was Miller and Matt Berry, this
Irish) is invoked throughout is a comedy with serious
to explain his private flaws, credentials in which Coogan
his rebellious streak and his again makes an unlikable
electric presence. character likeable.
John Dugdale Electric presence: Peter O’Toole’s life is celebrated by fellow thespians (Sky Arts, 9pm) Tim Glanfield
Rabbit Hole (C5, 10pm) Limitless With Chris Annika (Drama, 9pm) The Burnt Orange Heresy
Making a one-off appearance
on terrestrial TV, Paramount’s
Hemsworth (National
Geographic, 9pm)
It’s never a chore to watch
Nicola Walker at work, so this
FILM CHOICE (Film4, 9pm)
In this tasteful crime thriller,
thriller stars Kiefer Sutherland This series finds director repeat of 2021’s Scottish an art critic (Claes Bang)
as John Weir, a corporate Darren Aronofsky challenging adaptation of the lively Butch Cassidy And The and his girlfriend (Elizabeth
spy whose speciality is actor Chris Hemsworth to Radio 4 police show is a Sundance Kid (BBC4, 9pm) Debicki) try to steal a painting.
fabricating illusions. It walk across a narrow crane in welcome addition to the Before showing a full-blown Giuseppe Capotondi’s film
combines the twistiness of Sydney. The actor, who is said Drama schedule. Each episode cowboy comedy in the form is unsurprising in its overall
Sutherland’s counterterrorism to be taking on fewer roles is self-contained and this one of Mel Brooks’s Blazing layout, but it has diverting
saga 24 with the deep-fake after discovering he is more features Paul McGann, to Saddles (10.45pm), BBC4 splashes of colour, including a
conspiracy theme of BBC1’s likely to get Alzheimer’s, is whom our quirky heroine offers a western that adds role for Mick Jagger. (2019)
The Capture, and adds a sense eager to please. takes an immediate shine. flashes of humour to a tale of Edward Porter
of fun that those shows lack. rugged exploits. Glamorising
In this opening episode, Weir Taskmaster (C4, 9pm) its outlaw heroes, George Roy
gets up to his habitual tricks Canadian comedian Mae Hill’s film operates as a buddy
(simulating a stock market Martin continues a competent movie on horseback. It has
crash, falsely incriminating a run this week as the others rollicking action scenes, but
client’s rival) only to find the lose their minds collecting the duo’s nonchalant banter is
tables turned as enemies potatoes (and, crucially, not just as big a part of the myth-
hatch a plot to frame him for plastic animals) in specially making. Paul Newman and
murder(s), mimicking his own designed hats. Frankie Boyle, Robert Redford are the ideal
use of deception. A strong whose New World Order was stars for their roles. Not only
supporting cast includes cancelled by the BBC, involves do they both have high-grade
Charles Dance, Meta Golding his children, who beat him up. charisma, they also share a
and Enid Graham. JD Frankie Boyle (C4, 9pm) Helen Stewart smooth rapport. (1969) Elizabeth Debicki (Film4, 9pm)
There’s no reason to hold Betty Boothroyd — Call Me Between The Lines (Mubi) Moonage Daydream
ON DEMAND back in this thriller, where
disgraced ex-cop turned
Madam (BBC iPlayer)
A viewing of this documentary
There’s no one who doesn’t
want to see Jeff Goldblum
Put together from a huge
Philadelphia gangland muscle from 2000 is in order, order, dancing and wearing a snazzy selection of footage, Brett
Florida Man (Netflix) Mike Valentine (Edgar after Boothroyd’s death in red and black bomber jacket, Morgen’s documentary on
Type “Florida man” into Ramírez) heads back south to February at the age of 93. One a scene in this 1977 comedy- David Bowie honours its
Google and the crime-related his home state to find his line from Boothroyd about drama forming a season of subject’s artistic methods in
news headlines which pop up boss’s missing moll Delly eschewing the Speaker’s films by director Joan Micklin its swirling arrangements of
seem to have been written by (Abbey Lee), only to be drawn traditional wig says much Silver. Centred around the clips. You don’t have to be
a random word generator into a hunt for a missing about her: “I think I have a staff of a Boston newspaper as a Bowie nut to enjoy this
losing its artificial mind. What fortune. Problem is, Mike and sense of humour, and I don’t it faces a takeover, there’s the passionate biography. That
a playground Florida is, then, Delly are sweet on each other feel you could have a good sense of a party coming to an said, the film is bound to
for a writer when anything, no and it’s not long before he’s, laugh if you’ve got a full- end. convert some casual admirers
matter how weird, is possible. well, swamped by trouble. bottomed wig on.” Toby Earle into worshippers. (2022) EP
9 April 2023 47
48 9 April 2023 1G
6.00 James Max Morning update. 6.00 Urban Secrets Dublin. SKY SPORTS MAIN EVENT RADIO 4 EXTRA
6.30 The Julia Hartley-Brewer 7.00 The Affair Drama series. 6.00am News 7.00 Good Morning PICK OF THE DAY 5.00 Father And Son 6.00 Murder In
Breakfast Show Discussion. 9.30 Gomorrah Double bill. Sports Fans 10.00 The Football Show Mesopotamia 6.30 No Place To Hide
10.00 The Independent Republic 11.30 Game Of Thrones (S8, ep 5) 12.00 LIVE PGA Tour Golf. Coverage of 7.00 Jane Eyre 7.15 Curious Under The
Of Mike Graham A look 12.55 True Detective Double bill. day one of the Heritage at Harbour Stars 7.30 On The Rocks 8.00 The
through the newspapers. 3.05 The Affair (Series 5, ep 11) Town Golf Links in South Carolina 3.00 Burkiss Way 8.30 The World As We
1.00 Ian Collins Monologues, LIVE Indian Premier League: Punjab Know It 9.00 The Unbelievable Truth
4.35 The Wire (Series 1, ep 1) Kings v Gujarat Titans. The T20 match
debates and time for calls. 5.40 Gomorrah Mickey is forced 9.30 The Right Time 10.00 Father And
at Punjab Cricket Association Stadium Son 11.00 Murder In Mesopotamia
4.00 Vanessa Feltz A guide to make the ultimate choice. 7.00 LIVE Darts. Coverage of the
through the big stories. 11.30 No Place To Hide 12.00 Jane
(Series 4, ep 11; Italian with 11th night of the Premier League
7.00 Jeremy Kyle Live Taking on Eyre 12.15 Curious Under The Stars
subtitles) 6.40 Gomorrah tournament at Brighton Centre 10.45 12.30 On The Rocks 1.00 The Burkiss
the issues that really matter. The time comes for everyone Back Pages Tonight 11.00-6.00 News
Way 1.30 The World As We Know It
8.00 Piers Morgan Uncensored to make some big decisions. 2.00 The Unbelievable Truth 2.30 The
9.00 The Talk Discussion. 7.40 Game Of Thrones Daenerys Right Time 3.00 Father And Son 4.00
6.00am Hall Of Fame: Beijing 2008
10.00 First Edition A look at declares her intentions for 7.00 Cycling. The Tour of Sicily 8.00 Murder In Mesopotamia 4.30 No Place
tomorrow’s news, tonight. Westeros. (Series 8, ep 6) Snooker. The world championship To Hide 5.00 Jane Eyre 5.15 Curious
11.00 Piers Morgan Uncensored Under The Stars 5.30 On The Rocks
12.00 James Whale Commentary.
9.00 Dreamland Mel takes Trish’s
sons, Jordan and Cayden, to
10.00 Formula E 10.55 FIA World
Endurance Championship 11.55 British Scandal 6.00 The Burkiss Way 6.30 The World
1.00 Vanessa Feltz Opinions. Cycling. The Tour of Sicily 12.50 LIVE As We Know It 7.00 The Unbelievable
the amusement park. (2/6) Truth 7.30 The Right Time 8.00
2.00 Jeremy Kyle Debate. 9.30 Billions Axe receives a tip
Cycling. Coverage of stage three of Wondery podcast
3.00 Piers Morgan Uncensored the Tour of Sicily 2.45 Cycling. The In the new series, Alice Steve Penk’s Radio Nightmares 9.00
about a mole inside his Paris-Roubaix 3.00 Snooker. The world Great Lives 9.30 The Handmaid’s
4.00 The Talk Debate and chat. company, throwing the US Levine and Matt Forde tell
championship 5.00 Triathlon. The Tale 9.45 The Whisperer In Darkness
5.00-6.00 James Max Update. the story of spies Kim Philby, 10.00 Susan Calman Makes Me Happy
attorney’s case into jeopardy. Super League Arena Games 6.00 The
Available on Sky 522; Freeview 237; (Series 1, ep 8) 10.35 Billions Masters. A review of the Major at 10.25 The Comedy Club Interview
Virgin 606; Freesat 217; YouTube, above, and Guy Burgess.
A sudden and mysterious Augusta National 7.00 Cycling. The La 10.30 Radio Five 11.30-12.00
connected TVs and smart devices Flèche Brabançonne 8.00 Cycling. The
Assignment (BBC World A Look Back At The Nineties
disappearance sends both
Tour of Sicily 9.00 Triathlon. The Super Service, 9.30am) looks at
Axe and Chuck spinning. LBC
League Arena Games 10.00 Hall Of a highway being driven
11.40 I Know This Much Is True
Fame: Olympics 11.00 Cycling. through Latin America’s 7.00 Nick Ferrari 10.00 James O’Brien
Lisa Sheffer works with The Tour of Sicily 12.00 FIA World 1.00 Shelagh Fogarty 4.00 Tom
Dominick to prepare for Endurance Championship 2.00 Cycling. Gran Chaco forest, large Swarbrick 7.00 Iain Dale 10.00 Ben
6.00pm Stargate SG-1 The team Thomas’s hearing. (3/6) TheTour Of Sicily 3.00 Triathlon. The parts of which have already Kentish 1.00 Clive Bull 4.00 Ian Payne
hears a disturbing report. 12.50 Drift — Partners In Crime Super League Arena Games 4.00-6.00 been cleared for farming, RADIO 3
(Series 6, ep 16, R) 7.00 While Ali hides with Frida in Snooker. The world championship
and the effect it could
Stargate SG-1 Foreign the Alps, Leo tries to uncover BT SPORT 1 6.30 Breakfast 9.00 Essential Classics
ambassadors learn of the the conspirators’ identities
have on the ecology and 12.00 Composer Of The Week 1.00
6.00am ESPN FC 6.30 Serie A — Full
Stargate programme. (R) (5/10; German with subtitles) Impact 7.00 Premier League Reload
population. Is this worth the Lunchtime Concert. At the Queen’s
8.00 An Idiot Abroad Karl 1.50 Game Of Thrones (S8, ep 6) 7.15 WWE NXT 9.00 Goals Reload 9.30 economic benefits? Hall in Edinburgh, the Van Baerle Trio
The Football’s On 10.30 LIVE AFL: perform Brahms’s Piano Trio No 2 in C,
Pilkington travels along 3.15 -6.00 Urban Secrets Clair Woodward
Adelaide Crows v Carlton Blues. and Quatuor Ébène play Dubugnon’s
America’s Route 66. (R) Secular Suite for String Quartet
9.00 A Town Called Malice Coverage of the match at Adelaide
Oval. Bounce-up at 10.40 1.30 EuroCup 2.00 Afternoon Concert. The SWR
Gene’s mettle is tested RADIO 4 Symphony Orchestra play Stravinsky’s
Basketball 2.30 National Futsal Series
during business negotiations 3.30 Badminton Unlimited 3.45 Goals 5.30 News 5.43 Prayer 5.45 Farming The Firebird; plus Coleridge-Taylor
in Morocco; and Cindy is Reload 4.15 Premier League Stories Today 5.58 Tweet Of The Day (R) 6.00 from the BBC Philharmonic, EJ Moeran
forced to take drastic action 4.45 ESPN FC 5.15 ESPN FC Presents Today 9.00 In Our Time 9.45 Book Of from the Ulster Orchestra and music
to protect Eddie. (5/8) — Gab & Juls 5.45 Premier League The Week 9.45 (LW) Daily Service from Latin America 5.00 In Tune 7.00
Reload 6.00 The Football’s On 7.00 10.00 Woman’s Hour 11.00 Crossing Classical Mixtape 7.30 In Concert.
10.05 Resident Alien Harry travels
LIVE Uefa Europa League: Manchester Continents 11.30 Great Lives (R) 12.00 Ryan Wigglesworth conducts the BBC
to the Ute reservation to help Scottish Symphony Orchestra in music
United v Sevilla. The quarter-final News 12.01 (LW) Shipping 12.04 You
Asta’s grandmother, and from Messiaen’s opera St Francis of
first-leg match at Old Trafford. Kickoff And Yours 12.30 Toast 1.00 The World
soon he learns what it means at 8.00 10.30 Uefa Europa League At One 1.45 Dementia — Unexpected Assisi, alongside Beethoven’s Sixth
to belong. (Series 1, ep 4, R) Highlights 11.30 Premier League Reload Stories Of The Mind. Jules Montague Symphony 10.00 Free Thinking. Topics
11.00-12.00 The Force — 11.45 Reload 12.00 LIVE MLB: New and William Miller meet a woman who under discussion included Enrico
Manchester Documentary York Yankees v Minnesota Twins. has a rare type of dementia called PCA Caruso, Elsie Houston and new opera
following the work of Greater Start-time at 12.05 3.30 National Futsal 2.00 The Archers (R) 2.15 Drama: Life Blue at ENO 10.45 The Essay. New
Series 5.30-6.00 Joe Cole Cast Lines (R) 3.00 Open Country 3.27 Generation Thinker Jim Scown traces
Manchester police. (R) Billy Connolly (Gold, 9pm)
Appeal (R) 3.30 Open Book (R) 4.00 the lineage of ideas about nature and
Princess. Exploring the tale of the farming into more fascist projections
Icelandic matriarch Aud the Deep of who has claim to the land 11.00 The
Minded 4.30 Inside Science 5.00 PM Night Tracks Mix. A sonic journey for
8.00am Most Ridiculous 9.00 FACTUAL 5.00 Discovering 6.00 Deadline Day
— Football’s Transfer Window 7.00 First 5.54 (LW) Shipping 6.00 News 6.30
Susan Calman Makes Me Happy (R)
late-night listening 11.30 Unclassified
(R) 12.30 Through The Night
Impractical Jokers 11.00 Last Man Ladies 8.00 The Movies 9.00 Dettori
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 7.00 The Archers 7.15 Front Row 8.00
Standing 1.00 Friends. Back-to-back 11.20-1.40 Bowling For Columbine CLASSIC FM
6.00pm Lost Treasures Of Egypt 7.00 The Briefing Room 8.30 Fallout —
episodes 9.00 South Park 11.20 Beavis Air Crash Investigation 8.00 Car SOS SKY NATURE Living In The Shadow Of The Bomb. 6.00 John Humphrys 9.00 Alexander
And Butt-Head 11.50 Key & Peele 12.50 9.00 CHOICE Limitless With Chris 6.00am Ol Pejeta Diaries 7.00 Monkey Memories of atomic tests that took Armstrong 12.00 Anne-Marie Minhall
South Park 2.20 Bob’s Burgers 2.50
Hemsworth. New series. (See Critics’ Life 8.00 Wild Tales From The Farm place at Emu Field, southern Australia, 4.00 John Brunning 7.00 Zeb Soanes
Beavis And Butt-Head 3.20 The
choice) 10.00 Lawless Island 11.00 Air 9.00 Orangutan Jungle School in 1953 (R) 9.00 Inside Science (R) 10.00 Margherita Taylor 1.00 Bill
Comedy Bus 4.10-5.00 Friends
Crash Investigation 12.00 Car SOS 10.00 Dawn To Dusk 11.00 Monkeys 9.30 In Our Time (R) 10.00 The World Overton 4.00 Lucy Coward
YESTERDAY 1.00-2.00 Ice Road Rescue — An Amazing Animal Family 12.00 Tonight 10.45 Book At Bedtime 11.00
6.10am Monster Ships 8.00 Monkey Life 2.00 Wild Tales From The RADIO 2
My Teenage Diary (R) 11.30 Angst! (R)
Abandoned Engineering 9.00 Nazi DISCOVERY Farm 3.00 Orangutan Jungle School 12.00 News 12.30 Book Of The Week 6.30 The Zoe Ball Breakfast Show
Hunters 10.00 Secret Nazi Bases 11.00 6.00pm Salvage Hunters 7.00 Bitchin’ 4.00 Dawn To Dusk 5.00 Monkeys — (R) 12.48 Shipping 1.00 World Service 9.30 Gary Davies 12.00 Jeremy Vine
Anthony Bourdain — Parts Unknown Rides 8.00 Gold Divers 9.00 Naked An Amazing Animal Family 6.00 2.00 Scott Mills 4.00 Sara Cox 7.00
12.00 Great British Railway Journeys And Afraid 12.00 Expedition Bigfoot Monkey Life 8.00 Mysteries Of The TIMES RADIO Jo Whiley 9.00 The Country Show
2.00 Bangers And Cash 4.00 Nazi 1.00-3.00 Naked And Afraid Mekong 9.00 Coastal Africa 10.00 10.00 Trevor Nelson 12.00 OJ Borg
Hunters 5.00 Secret Nazi Bases 6.00 Monkey Life 11.00-12.00 Monkeys — 5.00 Anna Cunningham With Early 3.00 Sounds Of The 90s With Fearne
PBS AMERICA Breakfast 6.00 Rosie Wright And
Great British Railway Journeys 7.00 An Amazing Animal Family Cotton (R) 4.00 Owain Wyn Evans
4.55pm Saints And Sinners — A Luke Jones With Times Radio
Anthony Bourdain — Parts Unknown.
New series 8.00 Bangers And Cash Millennium Of Monasteries 6.10 Battle DISCOVERY HISTORY Breakfast 10.00 Patrick Maguire 1.00 VIRGIN RADIO
9.00 Bangers & Cash — Restoring Honours 7.20 Egypt’s Sun King — The 6.00am Combat Dealers 7.00 Wild Mariella Frostrup 3.00 Fi Glover And
Mystery Tombs 8.30 The First World War West 8.00 UFOs Over Phoenix 9.00 Jane Mulkerrins 5.00 John Pienaar 6.30 The Chris Evans Breakfast Show
Classics 10.00 Bangers And Cash 11.00 10.00 Eddy Temple-Morris 1.00 Jayne
Abandoned Engineering 12.00-1.00 9.30 Saints And Sinners — A Millennium Combat Dealers 10.00 Codes And With Times Radio Drive 7.00 Pienaar
Of Monasteries 10.50-12.00 Egypt’s Conspiracies 11.00 Expedition And Friends. Informed debate 8.00 Middlemiss 4.00 Ricky Wilson 7.00
Great British Railway Journeys Bam 10.00 Amy Voce 1.00 Sean
Sun King — The Mystery Tombs Unknown 12.00 Curse Of The Bermuda The Evening Edition With Kait Borsay
DAVE Triangle 1.00 Combat Dealers 2.00 10.00 Henry Bonsu 1.00 Stories Of Goldsmith 4.00 Steve Denyer
6.00pm Taskmaster 7.00 House Of SKY DOCUMENTARIES World War One 3.00 Blowing Up Our Times 1.30 Red Box 2.00 TALKSPORT
Games 8.20 QI 9.00 Have I Got News 6.00am Fish Town 7.00 Discovering History 4.00 Mummies Unwrapped Highlights From Times Radio
For You 10.00 Meet The Richardsons 8.00 The Directors 9.00 Deadline Day 5.00 Wings Of War 6.00 Curse Of The 5.00 Early Breakfast 6.00 Breakfast
10.40 Mock The Week 12.00 Would I Lie — Football’s Transfer Window 10.00 Bermuda Triangle 7.00 Blowing Up To get in touch with the Times Radio With Alan Brazil 10.00 Jim White And
To You? 12.40 QI 1.20 Have I Got News First Ladies 11.00 The Movies 12.00 History 8.00 Combat Dealers 9.00 The studio, text TIMES plus your message Simon Jordan 1.00 Hawksbee And
For You 2.25 House Of Games 2.55- Music Box 2.00 Leonard Cohen — Murder Castle 10.00 Expedition X to 87222. Texts cost your standard Baker 4.00 Drive 7.00 Kick Off
4.00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? USA I’m Your Man 4.00 The Directors 11.00-12.00 Blowing Up History message charge. 10.00 Sports Bar 1.00 Extra Time
9 April 2023 49
50 9 April 2023 1G
The Last Kingdom — Seven As the final season of The
Kings Must Die (Netflix) Marvelous Mrs Maisel
It’s time to find out if destiny begins today (see Demand
is all, as Uhtred, son of Pick of the Week) we say
Uhtred, tells his final tale. farewell to an award-winning
Bernard Cornwell’s book is comedy, but also a window
narrated by the elderly man, into the 1960s. The decade
but Netflix know better than has brought us the best of
to recast the preternaturally British from Morse prequel
beautiful Alexander Dreymon Endeavour (2012-2023,
so we find him with greying ITVX) and Jeremy Thorpe’s
dreadlocks and a flagon of dirty linen aired in A Very
ale, happily ensconced in his English Scandal (2018, BBC
Bamburgh home. A warlord’s iPlayer) to Heartbeat (1992-
gotta do what a warlord’s 2010, ITVX) and Call The
gotta do, however, so when Midwife (2012-, BBC iPlayer).
King Edward dies, he and his The Queen’s Gambit (2020,
motley crew ride out to save Netflix) made a star of Anya
England. Often compared Taylor-Joy as a 1960s female
to Game of Thrones, this chess master, while The
magnificent historical drama Wonder Years (1988-1993,
has more in common with Disney+) and Julia (2022, Sky/
the finest westerns in scale, Now) show us 60s USA. But
ambition, landscape and the greatest show set in that
old-fashioned masculinity. decade? Surely Jon Hamm
No dragons required. as Don Draper in Mad Men
See feature, page 6 (2007-2015, Prime Video)?
Helen Stewart On the warpath: Alexander Dreymon as Uhtred and Arnas Fedaravicius as Sihtric (Netflix) Tim Glanfield
Project Home (C4, 8pm) The Hunter (All4) Unreported World DC League Of Super-Pets
It’s not clear which certificates
former Radio 1 morning host
The third series of this Italian
crime drama begins in
(C4, 7.30pm)
In Lebanon, more than a
FILM CHOICE (Sky Cinema Premiere,
and Celebrity Gogglebox’s high-speed, engine-revving million people have been This animated movie is simple
Nick Grimshaw holds that style and doesn’t really locked out of their savings The Quatermass Xperiment fun, combining two staples of
qualify him for an interior- slow down from there as by new banking regulations — (TPTV, 9.05pm) children’s films: superheroes
design role in this new prosecutor Saverio Barone pushing ordinary citizens Professor Quatermass (Brian and cute talking animals.
property show, but his (Francesco Montanari) towards revolutionary acts. In Donlevy) is the organiser of Superman’s dog, Krypto, leads
smooth-tongued charm is battles with vicious finger- this brisk account of the crisis, an ill-fated rocket mission that a bunch of critters suddenly
required to broker a peace breaking mafioso Vito Vitale Krishnan Guru-Murthy meets returns an astronaut to Earth gifted with superpowers.
between Scott and Caroline, (Paolo Ricca). Think Line of top-level officials and the in the form of a monster. Part Dir: Jared Stern (2022)
who are struggling to agree Duty, Palermo-style. surprising bank raiders. of the appeal now possessed Edward Porter
on plans for their Edwardian by Val Guest’s film comes
house. The USP (though Have I Got News for You from it being a loveable British
hardly unique) is that (BBC1, 9pm) antique: here is your chance
homeowners are taken to Host Charlie Brooker presents to see Thora Hird and Gordon
a “virtual reality studio” to the opening episode of the Jackson in a sci-fi movie. Yet
experience the wall-smashing 65th series of this veteran there is still proper nerve-
options created for them by satirical panel quiz. As ever, tingling entertainment to
“property expert” Kunle it’s unlikely there will be a be had from the vivid, grisly
Barker. They’re too coy about shortage of political inanities, storytelling that made the
how the tech works, which is cruelties and outrages for Paul film a hit in its day. This was
a lost opportunity, but the Merton and Ian Hislop’s teams the movie that put the studio
results are undeniably to pull apart this week. Hammer on the path to its
spectacular. HS Charlie Brooker (BBC1, 9pm) Victoria Segal horror classics. (1955) B/W Pet power (SCP, 10.20am/6pm)
bag stuffed with cash in her The League Of Gentlemen Jane (Apple TV+) Knock At The Cabin
ON DEMAND school locker. Moodiness
abounds in this adaptation
(BBC iPlayer)
You never truly leave the town
Swimming-pool rules are clear
— no running, no diving, no
(Buy as stream/download)
M Night Shyamalan’s films
of Laura Dave’s bestselling of Royston Vasey if you’ve polar bears. Yet the local pool have to be judged mainly on
The Last Thing He Told Me 2021 novel, where Hannah visited before, so you may as of keen environmentalist Jane their sting-in-the-tail endings,
(Apple TV+) ( Jennifer Garner) and her well dive back into the three (Ava Louise Murchison) doesn’t and in that regard his latest
There is little more annoying standoffish stepdaughter chilling and devilishly funny count on her vivid imagination, movie is one of his shakier
than your husband vanishing Bailey (Angourie Rice) seek series of the award-winning which brings creatures to life efforts. Still, there is a lot to
when you’ve spent the day an explanation for the sitcom. Few comedies have in all sorts of places. Jane like in its build-up, which has
preparing a delicious meal, disappearance of Owen such a high bodycount, Goodall is the inspiration a group of mystifying oddbods
then discovering his place (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau). but then few comedies have for this children’s series (led by Dave Bautista) visit a
of work has been raided by In a cute touch, the first two such an array of dangerous that’s sure to inspire a new woodland house to terrorise
the FBI and your teenage episodes air on the same day grotesques, such as the two generation of eco-champions. the occupants with a bizarre
stepdaughter finding a duffel and month the story begins. murderous shop owners. Toby Earle request. (2023) EP
9 April 2023 51
52 9 April 2023 1G
6.00 James Max Morning update. 6.00 Urban Secrets Liverpool. SKY SPORTS MAIN EVENT RADIO 4 EXTRA
6.30 Jeremy Kyle Discussion. 7.00 The Affair (Series 5, ep 11) 6.00am News 7.00 Good Morning PICK OF THE DAY 5.00 Father And Son 6.00 Murder In
10.00 The Independent Republic 8.30 The Wire (Series 1, ep 1) Sports Fans 8.00 LIVE Super Rugby: Mesopotamia 6.30 No Place To Hide
Of Mike Graham Opinion. 9.35 Gomorrah Double bill. Moana Pasifika v Queensland Reds 7.00 Jane Eyre 7.15 Curious Under The
1.00 Ian Collins Monologues. 11.40 Game Of Thrones (S8, ep 6) 10.00 The Football Show 11.00 LIVE Stars 7.30 The Gambler 8.00 Steptoe
4.00 Vanessa Feltz Discussion. 1.00 True Detective Double bill. NRL: Manly Warringah Sea Eagles v And Son 8.30 Babblewick Hall 9.00
7.00 Plank Of The Week Panel Melbourne Storm. Kickoff at 11.00 1.00 The Museum Of Curiosity 9.30 Trevor’s
3.40 The Wire D’Angelo Barksdale LIVE PGA Tour Golf. The Heritage
show, with Mike Graham. is questioned after a witness World Of Sport 10.00 Father And Son
3.00 LIVE Indian Premier League: 11.00 Murder In Mesopotamia 11.30 No
8.00 Friday Night Nadine Dorries in his trial is murdered. Kolkata Knight Riders v Sunrisers
chats with topical guests. Place To Hide 12.00 Jane Eyre 12.15
(Series 1, ep 2) 4.45 The Wire Hyderabad 7.00 News 7.30 LIVE EFL:
9.00 What Just Happened? Curious Under The Stars 12.30 The
The detail raids D’Angelo’s Middlesbrough v Norwich City. Kickoff Gambler 1.00 Steptoe And Son 1.30
With Kevin O’Sullivan crew at Franklin Terrace. at 8.00 10.30 Back Pages Tonight
Babblewick Hall 2.00 The Museum Of
9.30 The Royal Tea Opinions. 5.50 Gomorrah Genny’s war 11.00 News 11.30 TNT Pre-Game
Curiosity 2.30 Trevor’s World Of Sport
10.00 The Best Of The Talk Show 12.00 LIVE NBA Basketball.
against the Levantes resumes. 3.00 Father And Son 4.00 Murder In
Debating the latest topics. Coverage of a match from the play-in
(Series 5, ep 1; Italian with Mesopotamia 4.30 No Place To Hide
11.00 Friday Night Nadine Dorries tournament 2.30 LIVE NBA Basketball.
subtitles) 6.50 Gomorrah 5.00 Jane Eyre 5.15 Curious Under The
Coverage of a match from the play-in
chats with topical guests. Stars 5.30 The Gambler 6.00 Steptoe
12.00 James Whale Opinion.
Genny and Ciro meet again.
7.50 Game Of Thrones Lord
tournament 5.00-6.00 News
The List Of And Son 6.30 Babblewick Hall 7.00
1.00 Vanessa Feltz Discussion.
2.00 Plank Of The Week Debate.
Eddard Stark is asked to
serve at the side of King
6.00am Hall Of Fame: London 2012 Absolutely The Museum Of Curiosity 7.30 Trevor’s
World Of Sport 8.00 Back To Front
3.00 Friday Night Topical guests.
4.00 The Best Of The Talk
Robert Baratheon. (S1, ep 1)
7.00 Cycling. The Tour of Sicily 8.00
Snooker — World Championship Final Everything That 8.30 A Good Read 9.00 The Curious
Cases Of Rutherford & Fry 9.30 The
5.00-6.00 Cristo Update.
9.00 Der Pass Yela is sent to
Austria as a liaison officer,
2021 10.00 Formula E 10.55 FIA World
Endurance Championship 11.55
Might Kill You Handmaid’s Tale 9.45 The Whisperer
In Darkness 10.00 Angela Barnes —
Available on Sky 522; Freeview 237; where the investigation Cycling. The Tour of Sicily 12.50 LIVE You Can’t Take It With You 10.30
Virgin 606; Freesat 217; YouTube, Podcast
into the murder of a young Cycling. Coverage of the fourth and Beauty Of Britain 10.55 The Comedy
connected TVs and smart devices final stage of the Tour of Sicily 2.45
Matt Edmondson and Adam Club Interview 11.00 The East Coast
woman is beginning to
Cycling. The Paris-Roubaix 3.00 Kay list the everyday items Listening Post 11.15 Lenny Henry —
stagnate. (Series 2, ep 3;
Snooker. The world championship 5.00 that have proved fatal, from Rogue’s Gallery 11.30-12.00
German with subtitles) Arthur Smith’s Balham Bash
Triathlon. The Super League Arena lawnmowers to feather boas,
10.05 The Wire Carcetti makes a Games 6.00 Showjumping 7.00 World
deal with Senator Davis. and rank their deadliness. LBC
Surf League 8.00 Cycling. The Tour of
6.00pm Stargate SG-1 The team (Series 5, ep 8) 11.10 The Sicily 9.00 Triathlon. The Super League Craig Charles (6 Music, 7.00 Nick Ferrari 10.00 James O’Brien
helps the crew of a stranded Wire Greggs tells Daniels Arena Games 10.00 Hall Of Fame: 1pm) asks listeners to create 1.00 Shelagh Fogarty 4.00 Tom
ship. (Series 6, ep 18, R) 7.00 about McNulty’s part in the Tokyo 2020 11.00 Cycling. The Tour of Swarbrick 6.00 Lewis Goodall
Sicily 12.00 Formula E 2.00 Cycling. a playlist of the best B-sides. 9.00 The Consumer Hour 10.00
Stargate SG-1 Teal’c suffers fake serial killer case.
from recurring dreams. (R) 12.20 Boardwalk Empire Drama. The Tour of Sicily 3.00 Triathlon. The CrowdScience (BBC World Nick Abbot 1.00 Clive Bull 4.00
Super League Arena Games 4.00-6.00 Service, 8.30pm) investigates Leading Britain’s Conversation
8.00 Rob & Romesh vs Cricket 2.30 Game Of Thrones (S1, ep 1)
Snooker — World Champs Final 2016
— South Africa Rob Beckett 3.35 In Treatment (Series 1, ep 1) the idea of alien life in space. RADIO 3
and Romesh Ranganathan 4.05-6.00 The Guest Wing BT SPORT 1 Clair Woodward
6.00am ESPN FC 6.30 The Football’s 6.30 Breakfast 9.00 Essential Classics
go to Cape Town to see 12.00 Composer Of The Week 1.00
England play a Test. (R) On 7.30 Inside Serie A 8.00 LIVE AFL:
Fremantle Dockers v Gold Coast Suns. Lunchtime Concert. Quatuor Ébène
9.00 Strike Back The team RADIO 4 perform Ravel’s String Quartet in F;
Bounce-up at 8.10 11.00 LIVE AFL:
captures Mairead McKenna Richmond Tigers v Sydney Swans. 5.30 News 5.43 Prayer 5.45 Farming and the Van Baerle Trio play Mozart’s
before she ambushes an Bounce-up at 11.10 2.00 The Football’s Today 5.58 Tweet Of The Day (R) Piano Trio in B flat 2.00 Afternoon
arms shipment. (S4, ep 5, R) On 3.00 WWE NXT 4.45 Reload 5.00 6.00 Today 9.00 The Reunion (R) 9.45 Concert. The SWR Symphony Orchestra
10.00 Peacemaker Christopher ESPN FC 5.30 The Football’s On 6.30 Book Of The Week 9.45 (LW) Daily perform Stravinsky’s ‘Rite of Spring’,
Scottish Football Extra 7.00 LIVE Service 10.00 Woman’s Hour 11.00 with conductor Teodor Currentzis; and
confronts his past after
Premiership Rugby Union: Bristol Bears v The Briefing Room (R) 11.30 Ability the Ulster Orchestra performs Britten’s
learning that the team put his Piano Concerto 4.30 The Listening
Sale Sharks. Kickoff at 7.45 10.00 Sport 12.00 News 12.01 (LW) Shipping 12.04
father in prison. (4/8, R) Service (R) 5.00 In Tune 7.00 Classical
In Focus 10.30 Uefa Champions League The British Bhangra Explosion (R) 1.00
11.00 Never Mind The Buzzcocks Magazine 11.00 WWE NXT Highlights The World At One 1.45 Dementia — Mixtape 7.30 In Concert. At London’s
With Richard Ayoade, DJ 12.00 WWE Smackdown Highlights 1.00 Unexpected Stories Of The Mind 2.00 Wigmore Hallu, with music by
Majestic and Mollie King. (R) LIVE WWE Friday Night Smackdown The Archers (R) 2.15 Drama: Who Killed Shostakovich and Franck, featuring the
11.45-12.45 Seal Team The 3.00 UFC Fight Camp 3.30 UFC Main Aldrich Kemp? 2.45 Understand — Belcea Quartet and the pianist Bertrand
members of Bravo return Event 4.30 UFC Fight Flashback The Economy (R) 3.00 Gardeners’ Chamayou 10.00 The Verb. With Ruth
5.00-6.00 Down The Clubhouse Question Time 3.45 Short Works. Padel, Vik Sharma, Caroline Bergvall
home from Syria. (S6, ep 6, R) Gene Hackman (Sky Docs, 5pm)
Where Life Starts, by David Park. and Will Burns 10.45 The Essay. How
A woman moves back to the village the boxer Len Johnson fought against
where she was born in search of a racism outside the ring 11.00 Late
new purpose in life 4.00 Last Word Junction 1.00 Composed With Devonté
8.00am Most Ridiculous Ever! 8.35 FACTUAL 7.10 First Ladies 8.00 Shaq 9.00 Tony
Hawk — Until The Wheels Fall Off. 4.30 Feedback 5.00 PM 5.54 (LW)
Shipping 6.00 News 6.30 The
Hynes 2.00 The Music & Meditation
Podcast 3.00 Through The Night
Katherine Ryan’s Most Ridiculous 9.00 A look at the skateboarder’s career
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Now Show 7.00 The Archers 7.15
Impractical Jokers 10.00 Last Man 11.30-1.20 Hurst —The First And Only CLASSIC FM
6.00pm Lost Treasures Of Egypt 7.00 Screenshot 8.00 Any Questions?
Standing 1.00 Friends 9.00 Live At The Air Crash Investigation 8.00 Snakes SKY NATURE 6.00 John Humphrys 9.00 Alexander
8.50 A Point Of View 9.00 National
Apollo 10.00 FILM: American Pie — In The City 9.00 Banged Up Abroad 6.00am Pridelands — Wilderness Armstrong 12.00 Anne-Marie Minhall
Health Stories. Recalling improvements
Uncut 11.55 South Park — Post Covid 10.00 21st Century Sex Slaves 11.00 Reborn 7.00 Monkey Life 8.00 Wild 4.00 John Brunning 7.00 Zeb Soanes
in the care of the mentally ill, and the
1.15 Beavis And Butt-Head 1.45 Live At Air Crash Investigation 12.00 Car SOS Tales From The Farm 9.00 Orangutan evolution of the ‘modern hospice’ 10.00 Margherita Taylor 1.00 Katie
The Apollo 3.35 The Comedy Bus 4.00 1.00-2.00 Ice Road Rescue Jungle School 11.00 How Animals Talk movement (R) 10.00 The World Breathwick 4.00 Sam Pittis
Beavis And Butt-Head 4.10-5.00 Friends To Each Other 12.00 Osprey 1.00 Tonight 10.45 Book At Bedtime 11.00
DISCOVERY Monkey Life 2.00 Wild Tales From The RADIO 2
YESTERDAY Americast 11.30 Angst! (R) 12.00 News
6.00pm Salvage Hunters 7.00 Gold Farm 3.00 Orangutan Jungle School 12.30 Book Of The Week (R) 12.48
6.10am Monster Ships 7.10 6.30 The Zoe Ball Breakfast Show
Rush: Parker’s Trail 9.00 Mystery At 5.00 How Animals Talk To Each Other Shipping 1.00 As World Service
Underground Worlds 8.00 Abandoned 9.30 Gary Davies 12.00 Jeremy Vine
Blind Frog Ranch 10.00 How The 6.00 Osprey 7.00 Monkey Life 8.00 2.00 Scott Mills 4.00 Sara Cox 7.00
Engineering 9.00 Nazi Hunters 10.00 Universe Works 11.00 Naked And Afraid Chasing The Rains 9.00 Kenya Wildlife
Secret Nazi Bases 11.00 Parts Unknown TIMES RADIO Michelle Visage 9.00 The Good
12.00 Expedition Bigfoot 1.00-2.00 Diaries 10.00 Osprey 11.00-12.00 Groove 11.00 The Rock Show 12.00
12.00 Great British Railway Journeys Mystery At Blind Frog Ranch How Animals Talk To Each Other 5.00 Anna Cunningham With Early
2.00 Bangers And Cash 4.00 Nazi Romesh Ranganathan — For The Love
Breakfast 6.00 Chloe Tilley And Of Hip-Hop 1.00 Sounds Of The 80s
Hunters 5.00 Secret Nazi Bases 6.00 PBS AMERICA DISCOVERY HISTORY Calum Macdonald With Times Radio
Great British Railway Journeys 7.00 5.05pm Frontline 6.20 Battle Honours 6.00am Combat Dealers — Reloaded Mastermix 2.00 Sophie Ellis-Bextor
Breakfast 10.00 Patrick Maguire 1.00
Parts Unknown 8.00 Train Truckers 7.30 Egypt’s Sun King — The Mystery 7.00 Blood And Fury — America’s Civil Ruth Davidson. Michael Morpurgo on VIRGIN RADIO
10.00 Bangers And Cash 11.00 Tombs 8.35 The First World War War 8.00 Wings Of War 9.00 Combat his new book 4.00 Rick Kelsey With
Abandoned Engineering 12.00- 9.40 Frontline 10.50-12.00 Egypt’s Dealers 10.00 Codes And Conspiracies Times Radio Drive. Headlines and 6.30 Chris Evans 10.00 Eddy
1.00 Great British Railway Journeys Sun King — The Mystery Tombs 11.00 Expedition Unknown 12.00 Curse discussions 7.00 Ed Vaizey. The Temple-Morris 1.00 Jayne Middlemiss
Of The Bermuda Triangle 1.00 Combat former MP gives his take on the 4.00 Ricky Wilson 7.00 Ben Jones
DAVE SKY DOCUMENTARIES Dealers 2.00 Tony Robinson’s World day’s news 10.00 Henry Bonsu 1.00 10.00 Rich Williams 1.00 Olivia Jones
6.00pm Taskmaster 7.00 House Of 6.00am Fish Town 7.00 Discovering War One 3.00 Blowing Up History 4.00 Stories Of Our Times 1.30 Red Box TALKSPORT
Games 8.20 Red Dwarf 9.00 Red Dwarf Gene Hackman 8.00 The Directors Mummies Unwrapped 5.00 Wings Of 2.00 Highlights From Times Radio
— The First Three Million Years 10.00 QI 9.00 100 Foot Wave 10.10 First Ladies War 6.00 Curse Of The Bermuda 5.00 Early Breakfast 6.00 Alan Brazil
XL 12.00 QI 12.35 Would I Lie to You? 11.00 Shaq 12.00 Fashion Reimagined Triangle 7.00 Blowing Up History 8.00 To get in touch with the Times Radio 10.00 Jim White And Simon Jordan
1.15 Red Dwarf — The First Three Million 2.00 The Kid Stays In The Picture 4.00 Combat Dealers 9.00 The Murder studio, text TIMES plus your message 1.00 Hawksbee And Jacobs 4.00
Years 2.15 House Of Games 2.45- The Directors 5.00 Discovering Gene Castle 10.00 Greatest Events Of World to 87222. Texts cost your standard Drive 7.00 GameDay Countdown
4.00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? USA Hackman 6.00 100 Foot Wave War II 11.00-12.00 Blowing Up History message charge. 10.00 Sports Bar 1.00 Extra Time
9 April 2023 53
6.00 Children’s Shows Fun. 6.20 3rd Rock From The Sun (R) 6.00 Milkshake! Fun for children.
8.25 News; Weather Reports. 7.10 The King Of Queens (R) 10.15 Spongebob Animation. (R)
8.30 Oti Mabuse’s Breakfast 8.25 Everybody Loves Raymond 10.25 Entertainment News Gossip.
Show New chat series. Family comedy series. (R) 10.40 Friends American sitcom. (R)
9.25 James Martin’s Saturday 9.50 The Simpsons Cartoon. (R) 11.40 A Game Of Cat And Mouse
Morning With the singer- 12.15 Couples Come Dine With Me — An Aurora Teagarden
songwriter Freya Ridings. Parties in Manchester. (R) Mystery Whodunit, with
11.35 John And Lisa’s Weekend Candace Cameron Bure. (R)
1.20 FILM: The Next Karate Kid
Kitchen Meals that can all be 1.25 FILM: Splash Stars Tom
Stars Pat Morita and Hilary
made in around 30 minutes. Hanks. Comedy. (1984, PG)
Swank. Wise mentor Mr
12.40 James Martin’s American
Miyagi helps a teen to hone 3.25 A Year In Kew Gardens (R)
Adventure In Fort Worth. (R)
her martial-arts skills. Heavy- 5.00 Beyond The Yorkshire Farm
1.40 News; Weather Reports.
handed sequel. (1994, PG)
2.00 Racing Coverage of day — Reuben & Clive (R)
three of the Grand National 3.25 Four In A Bed Contest. (R) 6.00 My Cornwall With Fern
festival at Aintree. 4.30 6.00 Old House, New Home Britton At Halton Quay. (R)
Racing Coverage of the George Clarke returns to a 6.55 News; Weather Reports.
prestigious Grand National, Victorian villa in Ormskirk. (R) 7.00 Countdown To The
which gets under way at 5.15. 6.55 News; Weather Reports. Coronation — Inside
6.15 News; Weather Reports. 7.25 Charles — Our New King Westminster Abbey The
6.25 Regional News Update. Documentary about the new work of the team looking
Homecoming concert: Carole King in Central Park, 1973 (BBC2, 9.30pm) 6.30 In For A Penny Stephen British monarch. (1/2, R) after the coronation chair. (R)
Mulhern sets challenges to 8.25 Fortress Britain Examining 8.25 Zara & Mike — The People’s
the public in Edinburgh. how William the Conqueror Royals A profile of Zara
7.00 In With A Shout Families tried to change from invader and Mike Tindall. (R)
from Edinburgh and to ruler. (Last in series) 9.25 Kate — Our Perfect Princess
6.00 Breakfast The latest reports. 6.40 Children’s Shows Kids’ fun.
Rochdale compete. 9.25 Lyra Documentary about the Of Wales? The princess’s
8.00 Britain’s Got Talent New run. journalist Lyra McKee, who time in the royal family.
10.00 Saturday Kitchen Live 10.00 World Snooker
With the chefs Nathan Championship Live coverage
Ant and Dec return with the was murdered in 2019. 10.25 Britain’s Favourite Songs:
nationwide talent search. 1993. Memorable videos.
Outlaw and Alison Roman. as the tournament gets under
9.25 The 1% Club New run of the 11.00 FILM: Passengers Stars
11.30 Nadiya’s Everyday Baking way on day one at the 12.25 Funniest Celeb Reality TV
Jennifer Lawrence and Chris
Recipes. (Last in series, R) Crucible Theatre in Sheffield.
quiz, hosted by Lee Mack. Ever! With Ore Oduba. (R)
10.25 News; Weather Reports. Pratt. Two travellers on a
12.00 Football Focus Discussion. 11.30 Gymnastics The fifth day of 1.15 The LeoVegas Live Casino
10.40 The Murder Of Molly spaceship are woken 90
1.00 News; Weather Headlines. the European championships, Show Interactive gambling.
McLaren — Social Media years before the end of
1.15 World Snooker live from Antalya in Turkey. 3.00 Friends American sitcom. (R)
Murders Documentary. (R) their colonisation mission.
Championship Coverage of 2.00 Women’s Six Nations: Wales 4.15 Cruising With Jane
Misjudged sci-fi. (2016, 12)
11.40 English Football League McDonald The Danube. (R)
the afternoon session on day v England. The opening
Highlights Recent action. (R) 1.05 FILM: Sicario 2 — Soldado 5.05 House Doctor Advice. (R)
one, live at the Crucible match in the third round of
1.30 Teleshopping Goods. Stars Josh Brolin and Benicio 5.35 Children’s Shows Kids’ fun.
Theatre in Sheffield, featuring fixtures, held live at Cardiff
3.00 Unwind Daily relaxation. Del Toro. Thriller. (2018, 15) 6.00 Milkshake! Fun for children.
two first-round matches. Arms Park. Kickoff at 2.15.
4.15 Love Your Weekend (R) 10.00 The Smurfs Cartoon.
4.30 Final Score Football scores. 4.30 World Snooker 3.10 Unreported World (R)
6.00 Children’s Shows 10.10 Spongebob Animation. (R)
5.25 News; Weather Reports. Championship Further live 3.35 Hollyoaks Chester soap. (R)
8.25 News; Weather Reports. 10.20 Entertainment News Gossip.
5.45 Mastermind Charity edition. coverage of the afternoon
8.30 Laura Whitmore’s Breakfast 5.35 Work On The Wild Side (R)
6.15 The Weakest Link With session on day one at the 10.25 Friends American sitcom. (R)
Show New chat series. 6.00 3rd Rock From The Sun (R)
Fern Britton, Owain Wyn Crucible Theatre in Sheffield. 7.15 The King Of Queens (R) 11.50 FILM: Cocoon Stars Wilford
9.25 Love Your Weekend Action.
Evans and Naga Munchetty. 5.00 Match Of The Day — Brimley and Jessica Tandy.
11.20 Love Your Garden (R) 8.30 The Simpsons Cartoon. (R)
7.00 Blankety Blank Adjoa Andoh, Women’s FA Cup: (1985, PG; ends at 2.10)
11.50-12.00 News; Weather 9.30-12.30 Sunday Brunch Chat.
Martine McCutcheon and Manchester United Women
Jimmy Carr take part. (R) v Brighton & Hove Albion
7.35 Pointless Celebrities Quiz Women. Live action from the
semi-final at Leigh Sports FILM4 TALKING PICTURES TV
show, with Mari Wilson, J
Ruthie Henshall, Carrie Grant Village. Kickoff is at 5.15. 11.00am Carry On Cabby (1963, PG) 2.45pm Treasure Of The Golden
and Nicola Stephenson. 7.30 Inside The Factory Gregg 12.50 Lemony Snicket’s A Series Of Condor Historical adventure. (1953, U)
8.25 Casualty Jan is shocked to Wallace visits the Vale of Unfortunate Events (2004, PG) 4.35 House Of Blackmail (1953, 12)
6.50am Boonie Bears — Back To
recognise a homeless drunk Mowbray pork pie factory in 2.55 Ice Age — Collision Course 6.00 Sea Of Sand Adventure. (1958, U)
Earth Animated adventure. (2022, PG)
Northallerton, Yorkshire. (R) Animated sequel. (2016, U) 8.00 Maigret Mystery drama.
patient suffering from trench 8.45 Beast Stars Idris Elba. (2022, 15)
8.30 Carole King And Her Songs 10.35 Tad The Lost Explorer And The 4.45 Jumanji Fantasy. (1995, PG) 9.00 The Four Just Men Crime drama.
foot as her ex-husband.
At The BBC A collection of Curse Of The Mummy (2022, U) 6.55 Pacific Rim — Uprising A war 9.30 Tight Spot A key murder witness
9.15 Magpie Murders Susan is
performances of hits by the 12.20 Minions — The Rise Of Gru hero’s son leads giant robots against a is put under police protection, but she
under pressure to make wave of alien creatures. (2018, 12)
decisions about her future, singer-songwriter, both by Animated comedy prequel. (2022, U) still finds herself in danger. (1955, PG)
2.05 The Portable Door (2023, PG) 9.00 The Grey Eight stranded oil-rig 11.25-1.15 Harpur And Iles (1997, 12)
but is still determined to find King herself and other artists.
4.15 DC League Of Super-Pets workers encounter a pack of ferocious
the missing last chapter of 9.30 Carole King — Home Again: wolves in the Alaskan tundra. (2011, 15)
Live At Central Park The Animated comedy. (2022, PG)
Alan Conway’s book. (3/6) 6.15 Minions — The Rise Of Gru 11.15 Rose — A Love Story The arrival
10.00 News; Weather Reports. singer-songwriter’s May 1973
8.00 Beast Details as 8.45am. of a stranger shatters a couple’s
10.20 Match Of The Day Highlights concert on the Great Lawn of 9.40 The Black Phone In 1970s Denver, secluded, fragile refuge. (2020, 15) ITV2
of the latest matches. New York City’s Central Park. detectives try to catch a predator 1.00-3.15 Border Drama. (2018, 15) 12.25pm FILM: Peter Pan 2.45 FILM:
10.50 Carole King — Natural Ella Enchanted 4.40 FILM: Madagascar
11.45 MOTD Top 10: Greatest nicknamed The Grabber. (2021, 15)
Woman A profile of the 6.25 FILM: Dawn Of The Planet Of The
French Premier League 11.40 Death Pursuit After stealing a
singer-songwriter. (R) Apes. Stars Andy Serkis and Jason
Players. Countdown. fortune from a criminal, a thief finds a
Clarke. Sci-fi thriller sequel 9.00 FILM:
11.45 World Snooker stowaway in his getaway car. (2022, 15)
12.15 FILM: The Place Beyond The Championship Highlights. 1.15 The Estate Comedy. (2022, 15)
Ride Along. Stars Ice Cube and Kevin
Pines Stars Ryan Gosling Hart. Comedy 11.05 Family Guy 12.00
12.35 World Snooker 2.55 Emily The Criminal (2022, 15)
and Bradley Cooper. Superb American Dad! 1.00 All American
Championship Extra Action. 4.35-6.25 The Independent (2022, 15)
crime drama. (2012, 15) 1.55 Hell’s Kitchen 2.50-3.00 Unwind
2.35-3.35 Pilgrimage — The Road SKY CINEMA SELECT
2.35 Joins BBC News Update. Through Portugal Insights. (R) ITV3
2.35pm The Patriot (2000, 15)
4.50pm Midsomer Murders. With John
6.00 Breakfast The latest reports. 6.05 Gardeners’ World Advice. (R) 5.25 Jurassic World — Dominion
Nettles. A mischievous trickster is killed
7.30 Match Of The Day Action. (R) 7.05 Countryfile Rural reports. (R) Four years after Isla Nublar was 6.55 Midsomer Murders. The collapse
9.00 Sunday With Laura 8.00 Beechgrove Garden (R) destroyed, Biosyn operatives try to of a family business leads to murder
Kuenssberg Politics. 8.30 Landward Rural issues. locate Maisie Lockwood. (2022, 12) 9.00 Midsomer Murders. A depressive
10.00 Celebration Kitchen Food. 9.00 Capability Brown’s 8.00 Dune The son of a noble family is gambler is killed 11.10 Poirot. An
Unfinished Garden (R) entrusted with the protection of the
11.00-12.00 Homes Under The aristocrat’s wife is stabbed to death
galaxy’s most valuable asset. (2021, 12) 1.10 Scott & Bailey 2.10-2.30 Unwind
Hammer Properties. (R) 10.00 World Snooker
10.40 Inception A hi-tech thief enters
Championship The morning a corporate heir’s mind. (2010, 12) ITV4
SCOTLAND 4.30 Sportscene Results. session on day two, live. 1.10 Once Upon A Time In The West 9.00am Racing — The Opening Show.
11.45 Sportscene. 12.45 MOTD 11.00-1.30 Gymnastics The final A hitman is hired to kill a widow by a A look ahead to the Grand National
Top 10: Greatest French Premier day of the European tycoon who wants her land. (1968, 15) 10.35 Great Racehorses 10.55 The Big
League Players. 1.20 BBC News. championships in Turkey. 4.00-6.00 Rio Grande (1950, U) Idris Elba in Beast (SCP, 8pm) Match Revisited 11.55 FILM: Lawman
54 9 April 2023 1G
7.00pm World Snooker 6.00 Cristo Morning update. 6.00 Urban Secrets Double bill. 11.25 The Last Detective (S1, ep 2)
Championship Live coverage 7.00 David Bull Discussion. 8.00 The Affair Drama series. 1.00 Pie In The Sky Crime drama. PICK OF THE DAY
of the evening session on day 10.00 Peter Cardwell Opinions. 2.05 Gomorrah The seizure of a 4.00 Inspector George Gently
one in Sheffield, featuring 1.00 Trisha Goddard A look cocaine shipment threatens Mystery. (Series 5, ep 3) Night Watch
more first-round action. through the week’s stories. to throw the clans into war. 6.00 The Brokenwood Mysteries
9.00 Lost — Those Who Kill 4.00 Claudia Liza The stories of (S4, ep 5) 3.10 Gomorrah The charred remains of a BBC Radio 4 Extra,
A search of Pelle’s home the day that matter to you. Nicola tries to regain boss body are discovered in a Midnight
uncovers truths about Bjorn’s 7.00 Saturday Night Talkaway Patrizia’s confidence. 4.15 burned out shed. (S8, ep 6) Celebrating this month’s
past. (3/8) 9.45 Lost — Those Andre Walker gives his take Gomorrah The cocaine 8.00 Father Brown The amateur 75th anniversary of Terry
Who Kill Another crime on the week’s top stories. shipment delay forces the sleuth tries to protect those
leaves Frederik is convinced
Pratchett’s birth, a Discworld
9.00 That Was The Woke That Forcella boys to resort to closest to him. (S6, ep 2)
that Bjorn is responsible. Was Andre Walker quizzes desperate measures to novel dramatisation starring
9.00 Silent Witness A tricky case
(Danish with subtitles) the opinionated panel. survive. 5.20 Gomorrah An leads Jack and Nikki into the
Philip Jackson and Paul
10.30 Ripping Yarns A public 10.00 James Whale Commentary. unexpected event drags world of underground Ritter. Dermot O’Leary
school pupil rises in status. 1.00 Vanessa Feltz Opinions. Genny’s new company into boxing. (Series 24, ep 4) (Radio 2, 8am) is joined by
(Series 1, ep 1) 11.00 Ripping 2.00 Jeremy Kyle Discussion. the spotlight. 6.25 Gomorrah 11.10 Annika The team take on Blur bassist Alex James to
Yarns The story of the 3.00 Friday Night With Nadine The Capaccios strike out at the task of solving the death discuss the band’s reunion.
world’s most boring man. 4.00 The Best Of The Talk Sangue Blu as they set out to
of a man who was thrown Nikki Bedi takes The Arts
11.30 As Time Goes By Jean meets 5.00-6.00 Cristo Morning update. conquer Forcella; and Enzo
Lionel’s eccentric father. in a river from a party boat. Hour On Tour (BBC World
Available on Sky 522; Freeview 237; risks not only losing his turf,
12.00 Whatever Happened To (5/6) 12.15 Annika A young
Virgin 606; Freesat 217; YouTube, but also his men’s loyalty.
woman is murdered on the
Service, 8pm) to Budapest to
The Likely Lads? Sitcom. (Italian with subtitles) meet the creatives shaping
connected TVs and smart devices Glasgow docks. (Last in series)
12.35 Restoring The Earth — The 7.30 Game Of Thrones The Night
Age Of Nature Documentary. 1.20 The Secret Diaries Of the city’s arts and culture.
King and the army of the
1.25 The Secret Life Of Waves dead reach Winterfell, and an Miss Anne Lister Drama, Clair Woodward
2.25-3.25 The Classical epic battle between the living with Maxine Peake.
Collection: JS Bach. and the dead begins. (Series 3.10-4.00 Doctor Finlay (S4, ep 2)
6.00pm Hawaii Five-0 McGarrett RADIO 4
and Danny are kidnapped by 8, ep 3) 9.00 Game Of
a fugitive. (Series 4, ep 14, R) Thrones After the Battle of 5.30 News 5.43 Prayer 5.45 Please
Winterfell, the Great War to Protect Abraham (R) 6.00 News And
7.00 Rob & Romesh vs Cricket
gain control over the Papers 6.07 Open Country (R) 6.30
— South Africa Rob Beckett Farming Today This Week 7.00 Today
and Romesh Ranganathan go mythical land of Westeros
9.00 Saturday Live 10.00 Your Place
continues as Jon and
to Cape Town to see England Or Mine 10.30 You’re Dead To Me.
Daenerys look to the south. Greg Jenner and his guests delve into
play a Test match. (R)
10.25 Game Of Thrones the life of Mary Wollstonecraft 11.00
8.00 Rob & Romesh vs Cricket
Daenerys brings her forces Soul Music (R) 11.30 From Our Own
— The Test Rob Beckett and
to King’s Landing as the Correspondent 12.00 News 12.01 (LW)
Romesh Ranganathan watch explosive final battle for the Shipping 12.04 Money Box 12.30 The
England play South Africa. (R) Iron Throne begins. 11.55 Now Show (R) 1.00 News 1.10 Any
9.00 Freddie Down Under Andrew Game Of Thrones Daenerys Questions? (R) 2.00 Any Answers?
Flintoff and Rob Penn visit declares her intentions for 2.45 Drama: Word Scrubs, by Mark
Sydney and Melbourne. (R) Westeros. 1.25 Game Of Lawson (R) 3.30 All The Names You’ve
10.00 Never Mind The Buzzcocks Ever Called Me (R) 4.00 Weekend
Thrones First episode
With Richard Ayoade, DJ Woman’s Hour 5.00 Saturday PM 5.30
of the fantasy drama, with Toast (R) 5.54 Shipping 6.00 News
Majestic and Mollie King. (R) Sean Bean. (Series 1, ep 1) 6.15 Loose Ends. Clive Anderson and
10.45 A Town Called Malice Gene’s 2.30 Big Little Lies (Last in series) George Egg are joined by John Cooper
mettle is tested. (5/8, R) 3.35 In Treatment (Series 1, ep 1) Clarke and Harry Hill 7.00 Profile 7.15
Victim: Lyra McKee (C4, 9.25pm) 11.50-12.55 An Idiot Abroad (R) 4.05-6.00 Urban Secrets Insights. Britain’s Got Talent (ITV1, 8pm) This Cultural Life. John Wilson talks to
reggae poet Linton Kwesi Johnson
about his influences 8.00 Archive
On 4: The Other F Word 9.00 The
2.00 Goodwood Members Meeting. YESTERDAY SKY ARTS
Corrupted, by GF Newman (R) 9.45
Live coverage 4.00 The Best Of The 70s 6.10am Forbidden History 7.10 6.00pm Guy Garvey — From The Vaults. Short Works. Where Life Starts, by
4.15 FILM: The Shootist 6.20 FILM: Restoration Workshop 8.00 Bangers Performances from 1988, featuring David Park (R) 10.00 News 10.15
MacArthur. Stars Gregory Peck 9.00 And Cash 1.00 Abandoned Engineering Sinead O’Connor, Tracy Chapman, SKY SPORTS MAIN EVENT Screenshot (R) 11.00 Round Britain
English Football League Highlights 11.05 4.00 Great American Railroad Journeys Pixies, Public Enemy, Run-DMC and 6.00am News 7.00 Good Morning Quiz (R) 11.30 Uncanny 12.00 Midnight
FILM: Behind Enemy Lines. Stars Gene 10.00 Porridge. Classic comedy series Happy Mondays 7.00 The Moody Blues Sports Fans 8.30 LIVE NRL 10.30 News 12.15 Between The Ears (R) 12.48
Hackman and Owen Wilson 1.15 Minder 12.00-1.00 Bangers And Cash — Days Of Future Passed. The band Soccer AM 12.00 LIVE EFL: Sheffield Shipping 1.00 As World Service
2.10 The Protectors 2.40-3.00 Unwind perform their landmark album at the United v Cardiff City. Kickoff 12.30
DAVE Sony Centre in Toronto 9.30-12.30 3.00 LIVE Indian Premier League: RADIO 3
E4 6.00pm Would I Lie To You? The Unseen Classic Artists: The Moody Blues Lucknow Super Giants v Punjab Kings
5.10pm FILM: Peter Rabbit 7.00 FILM: 7.00 Breakfast 9.00 Record Review
Bits 6.40 Would I Lie To You? 8.00 Not 5.00 LIVE SNF: Manchester City v 11.45 Music Matters 12.30 This Classical
The Greatest Showman. Stars Hugh Going Out 10.00 As Yet Untitled 11.00 PBS AMERICA Leicester City. Kickoff at 5.30 7.45
Jackman, Zac Efron and Michelle 5.10pm The Vietnam War. Richard Life (R) 1.00 Inside Music 3.00 Sound
QI XL 12.00 Have I Got A Bit More News LIVE EFL: Blackburn Rovers v Hull City. Of Cinema 4.00 Music Planet 5.00
Williams. Musical drama 9.00 Celebrity For You 1.00 Comedians Giving Nixon wins the presidency 7.30 The Kickoff at 7.45 10.15 LIVE PGA Tour
Gogglebox 10.00 Gogglebox 12.10 Vietnam War. President Nixon begins J To Z. Marking the 100th anniversary
Lectures 1.40 Whose Line Is It Anyway? Golf: The Heritage 11.00 LIVE USFL of the birth of Tito Puente 6.00 Opera
First Dates 2.20 Celebrity Gogglebox USA 3.30-4.00 Beat The Internet withdrawing American troops 9.50 12.30 LIVE USFL 3.30-6.00 News
3.15 Below Deck — Mediterranean Edible Insects 10.55-12.00 Egypt’s On 3: Der Rosenkavalier. Simone Young
4.05 Modern Family 4.30-6.00 Sun King — The Mystery Tombs EUROSPORT 1 conducts the New York Metropolitan
Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA
FACTUAL 6.00am Hall Of Fame 7.00 Cycling 8.00
World Snooker Championship 10.00
Opera Chorus and Orchestra in a
performance of Richard Strauss, with
MORE4 Lise Davidsen (soprano, Marschallin)
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC LIVE World Snooker Championship.
5.50pm Come Dine With Me 6.55 Matt and Günther Groissböck (bass, Baron
6.00pm-2.00 Air Crash Investigation. Day one 1.00 Cycling 2.00 The Power
Baker’s Travels In The Country — USA Ochs) 10.30 New Music Show. New
Back-to-back editions of the series Of Sport 2.30 LIVE World Snooker
7.55 Britain’s Most Luxurious Train music performances, including Vimbayi
Championship 5.30 World Snooker
Journeys 9.00 24 Hours In A&E. Staff DISCOVERY Kaziboni conducting the BBC Phil in
and patients talk about the importance Championship 6.45 LIVE World Emily Howard’s Antisphere 12.00
6.00pm Wheeler Dealers. Mike Brewer Snooker Championship 10.00 LIVE
of family support 10.00 24 Hours In spots a bargain supercar, a Maserati Freeness (R) 1.00 Through The Night
A&E. A 40-year-old man injured in a Showjumping 12.15 Discovery Golf
4200GT, for under £10,000 7.00 Gold 12.45 Cycling 1.00 Formula E 2.00
bike crash may require emergency Divers. A key crew member abandons
surgery 11.05 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Cycling 3.00 Showjumping 4.00-6.00 TIMES RADIO
Kris as he tries to hold onto the Mistress World Snooker Championship
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