Ai-Co1 Question Bank
Ai-Co1 Question Bank
Ai-Co1 Question Bank
(2 Marks)-CO1
1.Define “data” with example?
2.What are the different stages of life cycle of data?
3.Write two types of report?
4.Difference between data and information?
5.Difference between long report and vertical report?
6.Define business intelligence?
7.Why information is important?
8.Difference between short report and financial report?
9.Define artificial intelligence?
(4 Marks)-CO1
1.Explain how to extract information from data with example?
2.Define features and trends of data warehouse ?
3.Explain the architecture of BI with diagram?
4.Explain the various classifications of data mining?
5.Explain the architecture of data warehouse with diagram?
6.Explain the relation between business intelligence and data warehouse?
(11(5+6) Marks)-CO1
1A. Explain the data life cycle stages in detail with diagram. (5M)
1B. Differentiate between Data Analysing and Data Reporting with example. (6M)
2A. Explain Data reporting Vs Data analyzing. (5M)
2B. Explain the stages of data life cycle. (6M)
6A. Write the procedure to find out a conclusion through data mining techniques from an
educational institution. (5M)
6B. Explain various data mining integration systems with database. (6M)