Light Pollution
Light Pollution
Light Pollution
Light Pollution
All too often, light pollution, much better called sky glare or skyglow, is a totally
underrated problem. And for a quite simple reason it’s underrated, as most
people live in a brightly lit urban environment where they think this light level
is normal because that is all they ever experience. Of all the glows considered in
this book the glare from urban and road lighting has become the only one to be
guaranteed of a good showing each and every night.
The problem doesn’t stop there in isolated country situations. The recent
obsession with safety has led to a major industry in the so-called “security
lighting.” It is rather sad that this lulls the owner into a false sense of security.
Most of the safety lights installed are much too bright and become counterpro-
ductive by blinding anyone outside the glare who might otherwise see an intruder
up to no good.
Fortunately the public perception of the general problem of light pollution is
swinging into a better realization of the real situation. The impetus for change
started in several countries at the same time, but by far the biggest of these was
the campaign run by “Sky & Telescope” in the early 1990s, and from the United
Kingdom by the British Astronomical Association.
Astronomers are not asking for a total light switch-off but correctly designed
installations. This not only saves energy, but also directs a lot more (effective)
light, where it does the real job.
Governments have already passed light pollution Laws, and others are also
considering Legislation to curb the nuisance aspects of light pollution, and quite
a number have already done so in the way roads and motorways are lit, the
12 Lights in the Sky
2.3 Glare
Again, we can think of this as anything arising from either or both these main
sources. It’s light going directly into your eye from a bulb brilliant enough to
interfere with your vision.
The light doesn’t have to be unusually bright to create this effect. I’m lucky
and chosen to live on a small island where the streetlights are few and reasonably
Light Pollution 13
well designed, and I’ve always preferred to walk without torchlight to preserve
night vision. Still keeping in excellent condition well into my dotage.
Even at a mile away (well over a kilometer), the car park or security light from
my home apartment block creates dazzle and I cannot spot any road surface
unevenness, a distinct hazard. Walking down the final 100 yards or meters of road
without walkways/pavements is a completely frightening business since none of
the road surface is seen. And that’s from a single modern low-power bulb of just
a few watts. In a normal urban road that bulb would hardly be noticed, so the
glare problem boils down to one of the ambient environment itself. The better
the environment, the more obtrusive the glare becomes.
Glare creates an ugly, uncomfortable, sometimes a dangerous environment.
The bulb is being shielded, and as the compromise arrived at is that it goes
off at midnight, I cannot object to that bit of common sense. The compromise
permits real sky studies from nearby when nobody else is about, for the rest of
the dark hours.
2.4 Skyglow
Skyglow is the culmination of all these factors and is increasingly not just a
totally urban problem. It is defined as artificial light scattered back down toward
the ground from the atmosphere.
This problem is linked with atmospheric pollution because the worse the muck
in the air the worse it becomes, and is considered in more depth in Chapter 3.
The only entirely natural skyglow arises from light reflected back from cloud
cover. We’re all familiar with that.
One saving grace from the hype about Global Warming and unsettled political
crises is the upward spiral in energy costs. That helps us in two ways. First, by
encouraging more efficient lighting systems, or even to switching off altogether;
and, second, by creating situations where the energy supply is inadequate, leading
to power cuts.
Perhaps it’s wishful thinking, but here’s to the next power cut with everyone
out looking at their new and totally dark sky. Even with some natural light
‘pollution’ from the Moon you’ll still get a beautiful experience of what you’ve
been missing, as Figures 2.1 and 2.2 demonstrate, and Figure 2.3 shows pollution
where it isn’t supposed to be, and 2.4 where it can be absent in good nights.