HOOSHPCR046B Horticulture Production

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Horticulture Production Level 6

Produce Ornamental Plants
3 Hours


Answer ALL questions in sections A and any THREE questions in section B.


Answer ALL questions in this section.

1. Define the term postharvest as applied in ornamental plant production (2 Marks)

2. Identify four soilless pot media used to grow ornamentals. (4 Marks)

3. Outline three types of ornamental plants (3 Marks)

4. List four characteristics of ornamental plants selected for hedging. (4 Marks)

5. Give four tools used when training ornamental plants. (4 Marks)

6. List five planting materials used in ornamental plants production. (5 Marks)

7. Highlight three importance of ornamental plants in landscape gardening. (3 Marks)

8. List three advantages of vegetative propagation in ornamentals production (3 Marks)

9. Outline two methods of collecting soil samples before planting ornamentals (2 Marks)

10. State three factors considered when sourcing ornamentals planting material (3 Marks)

11. Highlight three benefits of growing ornamental plants in a greenhouse. (3 Marks)

12. Outline four importance of pruning ornamental plants. (4 Marks)

Answer any three questions from this section.

13. a) Discuss five factors to consider when selecting a site for ornamental plants. (10 Marks)

b) Explain five benefits of training ornamentals. (10 Marks)

14. a) Describe five cultural ways of controlling weeds from ornamental plants. (5 marks)
c) Explain five problems experienced during acclimatizing in-vitro plants. (10 marks)

d) State five benefits of growing ornamental plants in Kenya. (5 marks)

15. a) Explain five methods you recommend for managing ornamental plant diseases. (10marks)

b) Discuss five challenges faced by ornamental plants growing farmers (5 marks)

c) Highlight five benefits of mulching field with ornamental plants. (5marks)

16 a) Describe five benefits of primary cultivation during establishment of ornamental plants.

(10 marks)

b) Describe good agricultural practices (GAP) in relation to:

i. Sourcing planting materials for ornamentals (5 marks)

ii. Application plant protection products for ornamentals. (5 marks)

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