Huber Connectivity For Circulators

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Inspired by temperature

Data communication solutions for temperature control devices

2 Inspired by temperature
Table of contents

Overview matrix ...............................................................................................................................................................4 - 5

Device groups, interfaces, protocols

Available parameters ......................................................................................................................................................6 - 7

Only valid for devices with Pilot ONE, depending on the E-grade

Interfaces & protocols .....................................................................................................................................................8 - 17

RJ45 Ethernet (RJ45)...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................8
RS232 ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................10
Mini-USB data communication ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................12
USB-RS232 Converter.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................13
ComG@te (LEVEL / POKO / AIF / ECS / RS232) ..................................................................................................................................................................................14
Profibusgateway 2nd Edition........................................................................................................................................................................................................................16
Profibusgateway 3rd Edition.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................17

Software Data communication ...................................................................................................................................18 - 19

Pilot Remote Software / PyCommand ...................................................................................................................................................................................................19

Connection / Accessories...............................................................................................................................................20 - 23
Remote operation standard variant ........................................................................................................................................................................................................20
Remote operation example variant .........................................................................................................................................................................................................22 3
Overview matrix
Device groups, interfaces, protocols
Controller Device series Interface included Interface optional Protocol

RS232 9 pin Sub-D – Huber: PP, LAI

Immersion Mini-USB – Huber: PP, LAI

Pt100 sensor connection
– none
optional (only at the factory)

RS232 9 pin Sub-D – Huber: PP, LAI

Mini-USB – Huber: PP, LAI

2. RS232 9 pin Sub-D

Minichiller – Huber: PP, LAI
OLÉ Optional (only at the factory)
– none
Optional (only at the factory)

Pt100 sensor connection

– none
Optional (only at the factory)

– Huber: PB, PP, LAI

Pilot ONE
all RS232 15 pin Sub-D Profibus DP-V0
Profibus DP-V1

Ministat, CC,
RS232 9 pin Sub-D – Huber: PB, PP, LAI

Huber: PB, PP, LAI

Modbus TCP
Pilot ONE alle RJ45 Ethernet –



Pilot ONE alle USB – Huber: PB, PP, LAI

Analogue interfaces
Pilot ONE alle – 1 input, 3 outputs none
4 mA - 20 mA / 0 V - 10 V

Digital interfaces
Pilot ONE alle – none

4 Inspired by temperature
E-grade Basic Exclusive Professional Explore DV-E-grade OPC UA

Cat.No. Standard #9495 #9496 #10495 #9943 #10561

Additionally required hardware Required E-grade level

Designation Cat.No. Designation

none – none

none – none

Pt100 sensor connection for KISS (only measurement, no control) #10688 none

none – none

none – none

2. RS232 interface OLÉ #10726 none

Interface module for units with OLÉ controller #10689 none

Pt100 sensor connection for OLÉ controller

#10519 none
(only measuring, no control)

none – from Basic

RS232 to Profibus DP Gateway SE (Second Edition) #10074 from Basic

RS232 to Profibus DP Gateway 3E (3rd Edition) #10503 from Basic

none – from Basic

none – from Basic

none – from Basic

none – OPC UA

Ethernet to Profinet Gateway #10965 from Basic

Ethernet to EtherCAT Gateway #10966 from Basic

– – from Basic

Com.G@te external for Unistats #6915 none

Com.G@te internal for all other temperature control units

#31217 none
(except CC)
POKO / ECS Interface for Unistats as standard
– none
2. POKO / ECS with Com.G@te external

Internal POKO / ECS interface for all other temperature control units #10003 none

Com.G@te internal for all other temperature control units

#31217 none
(except CC) 5
Available parameters
only valid for units with Pilot ONE®
Basic Exclusive Profes- DV / OPC UA /
Description sional Explore
Standard #9495 #9496 #9943 / 10561 / 10495

00 Setpoint temperature controller Ù Ù Ù Ù

01 Internal temperature Ù Ù Ù Ù
02 Return flow temperature – – – Ù
03 Pump pressure (absolute) Ù Ù Ù Ù
04 Current output – – – Ù
05 Fault report Ù Ù Ù Ù
06 Warning report Ù Ù Ù Ù
07 Process temperature (Lemosa) Ù Ù Ù Ù
08 Actual value specification internal temperature – – – Ù
09 Specification process temperature – – – Ù
0A Status of the thermostat Ù Ù Ù Ù
0B Activate the Blow-Down slider Ù Ù Ù Ù
0C Activate Blow-Down slider heating Ù Ù Ù Ù
0F Fill level Ù Ù Ù Ù
12 PID parameter automatic temperature controller Ù Ù Ù Ù
13 Temperature control mode – Ù Ù Ù
14 Temperature control Ù Ù Ù Ù
15 Operating mode compressor Ù Ù Ù Ù
16 Circulation Ù Ù Ù Ù
17 Operating lock Ù Ù Ù Ù
18 Mode actual value specification internal temperature – – – Ù
19 Mode actual value specification process temperature – – – Ù
1A Freeze protection Ù Ù Ù Ù
1B + 1C Serial number Ù Ù Ù Ù
1D Kp of the internal controller Ù Ù Ù Ù
1E Tn of the internal controller Ù Ù Ù Ù
1F Tv of the internal controller Ù Ù Ù Ù
20 Kp of the jacket controller – Ù Ù Ù
21 Tn of the jacket controller – Ù Ù Ù
22 Tv of the jacket controller – Ù Ù Ù
23 Kp of the process controller – Ù Ù Ù
24 Tn of the process controller – Ù Ù Ù
25 Tv of the process controller – Ù Ù Ù
26 Pump speed Ù Ù Ù Ù
2C Cooling water inlet temperature – – – Ù
2D Cooling water pressure – – – Ù
2E Network connection conditions – – – Ù
30 Minimum setpoint Ù Ù Ù Ù
31 Maximum setpoint Ù Ù Ù Ù
33 Over-level limit Ù Ù Ù Ù
34 Sub-level limit Ù Ù Ù Ù
35 Setting the digital level output Ù Ù Ù Ù
3A Process temperature – Ù Ù Ù

6 Inspired by temperature
depending on the E-grade®
Basic Exclusive Profes- DV / OPC UA /
Description sional Explore
Standard #9495 #9496 #9943 / 10561 / 10495

3C Status of the thermostat Ù Ù Ù Ù

3D Interference variables – – – Ù
3E Pressure in return (absolute) Ù Ù Ù Ù
3F Status Blow-Down Ù Ù Ù Ù
40 Watchdog (Fault) Ù Ù Ù Ù
41 Watchdog (2nd setpoint) – – Ù Ù
42 2. Setpoint – – Ù Ù
43 PMA Mode – – – Ù
44 Specify PMA output – – – Ù
48 Setpoint pump speed Ù Ù Ù Ù
49 Setpoint pump pressure Ù Ù Ù Ù
4A VPC bypass operating mode Ù Ù Ù Ù
4B VPC bypass target position Ù Ù Ù Ù
4C Cooling water outlet temperature – – – Ù
4D Thermal fluid volume flow – – – Ù
4E Setpoint thermal fluid volume flow – – – Ù
4F Setpoint Delta-T control – Ù Ù Ù
50 Alarm limit Delta-T – Ù Ù Ù
51 Upper alarm limit internal temperature Ù Ù Ù Ù
52 Lower alarm limit internal temperature Ù Ù Ù Ù
53 Upper alarm limit process temperature Ù Ù Ù Ù
54 Lower alarm limit process temperature Ù Ù Ù Ù
55 Setting of heating overtemperature protection Ù Ù Ù Ù
56 Setting of overtemperature protection expansion vessel Ù Ù Ù Ù
58 Start temperature control program – Ù Ù Ù
59 Specify ramp duration – Ù Ù Ù
5A Start ramp – Ù Ù Ù
5B Specify Blow-Down operating status Ù Ù Ù Ù
5C Days until maintenance Ù Ù Ù Ù
5D Days to F-Gas check Ù Ù Ù Ù
5E Create service packet Ù Ù Ù Ù
5F Change program status – Ù Ù Ù
62 Pressure of the VPC bypass Ù Ù Ù Ù
69 Mode actual value specification thermal fluid volume flow – – – Ù
6A Specification thermal fluid volume flow – – – Ù
6B Control mode of the pump Ù Ù Ù Ù
6C External POKO control – – – Ù
6D POKO status – – – Ù
6E Current output (high bytes) – – – Ù
6F Ventilation Ù Ù Ù Ù
70 Emptying Ù Ù Ù Ù
71* Setpoint temperature controller Ù Ù Ù Ù

*same meaning / function as address 0. Is required for some OPC UA applications.

You can find more information in the “Data Communication handbook” on our website 7
RJ45 Ethernet (RJ45)
Standard LAN connection, no driver required.
The following components are used for an Ethernet setup:
• Cable with RJ45 connector TCP-IP Setup
• Commercially available switch -> when connecting several Pilot ONEs Modbus TCP Setup
OPC UA Setup

Standard Ethernet Switch

8 Inspired by temperature
only for units with Pilot ONE®

Computer or PLC with Ethernet interface

Bus system: Fast Ethernet 10/100

Cable type: Standard Ethernet100 Base-TX
CAT5 10/100 RJ45

Communication via: TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)  Port 8101

Modbus TCP  Port 502
OPC UA  Port 4840

Additionally required Additional

Protocol Cat.No.
hardware E-grade
PB, PP, LAI none command dependent see page 6/7
Modbus TCP none command dependent see page 6/7
OPC UA none OPC UA E-grade #10561

You can find more information in the “Data Communication handbook” on our website 9
RS232 Pilot ONE®-Controller

Known standard interface

Point-to-point connection
Various Sub-D connectors: 15 pin on the service socket or 9 pin on the ComG@te


Control line RS232

9 pin / 15 pin

The standard interface on the top of the Unistat

ONE can be positioned differently depending on
the device, see respective operating instructions.

Additional Additional
Protocol Controller Socket type
hardware E-grade
Huber: PP, LAI KISS, OLÉ 9 polig Sub-D* none none
Huber: PB, PP, LAI Pilot ONE 15 polig Sub-D none command dependent
Huber: PB, PP, LAI Pilot ONE 9 polig Sub-D* none command dependent
*unit dependent

10 Inspired by temperature
KISS®- / OLÉ-Controller

PLS RS232 Pt100

Controller 9 pin to PC 9 pin



Control cable Length Cat.No.

3m 55018
Serial data transfer from device 15 pin Sub-D connector
5m 55018-5
to PC / Notebook 9 pin Sub-D socket
10 m 55018-10

Serial data transmission from device / 3m 6146

Com.G@te 9 pin Sub-D connector to PC / 5m 6146-5
Notebook 9 pin Sub-D socket 10 m 6146-10

You can find more information in the respective operating instructions on our website 11
Mini-USB data communication
With a direct USB connection, a driver must be installed for the Pilot ONE or for KISS/OLÉ that installs a virtual COM port
on a Windows PC. This virtual COM port behaves like an RS232 port and is selected accordingly in communication soft-
ware (e.g. SpyControl) also as an RS232 port (e.g. COM 5).
You can find the drivers on our website in the Service & Download --> Software area.

PC USB Type A- to Mini USB

PLS Type B interface on
Pilot ONE controller

PC USB Type A- to
Mini USB Type B
on KISS controller

RS232 Pt100

PC USB Type A- to Mini USB

Type B interface on
OLÉ controller

Mini-USB cable for Pilot ONE

Length 3 m, #54949

Additional Additional
Protocol Controller Socket type
hardware E-grade
Huber: PP, LAI KISS, OLÉ Mini-USB none none
Huber: PB, PP, LAI Pilot ONE Mini-USB none command dependent

Control cable Length Cat.No.

Serial data transfer from controller Pilot ONE, KISS and OLÉ to PC / notebook, USB Type A 3m 54949

12 Inspired by temperature
USB-RS232 Converter
When using a USB-RS232 converter, a virtual COM port is also installed on Windows PCs. This virtual COM port can also
be used like a normal hardware RS232 port. Drivers are available from corresponding converter manufacturer.

Important: The converter must not be connected directly onto Huber devices - neither with Pilot ONE nor
with KISS/OLÉ. A null modem cable (crossed cable), e.g. # 6146 must always be used between converter and
Huber device.


USB-RS232 Converter

#6146 RS232 Pt100

KISS controller

You can find more information in the respective operating instructions on our website 13
The Com.G@te provides connections according to the NAMUR standard. It expands devices with Pilot ONE with addi-
tional interfaces and connection options. The following interfaces are integrated: RS232 (bidirectional), ECS external
control signal (programmable), POKO potential-free contact (programmable), AIF analogue interface 0/4-20 mA or 0-10
V (bidirectional).


Com.G@te external interfaces:
ƒ RS232

Com.G@te internal interfaces:

ƒ RS232

POKO, AIF, ECS, RS232 can be built into:

Ministat, Petite Fleur, Grande Fleur, Unichiller, CCs
ab CC-4xx

Interface module Description Cat.No.

Com.G@te intern 31217

Com.G@te extern 6915

Control cable Length Cat.No.

POKO – End open 3m 9490

ECS Standby – End open 3m 9491
LEVEL – End open 3m 9492
AIF – End open 3m 9353

14 Inspired by temperature
only for units with Pilot ONE®

POKO connector ECS

(Potential-free contact) alarm (External Control Signal) Stand-by
Signal contact for external monitoring. Control signal for activating a function. The functionali-
Note the functional options that POKO offers you in ty of the ECS is determined by the “Interfaces” category,
the “Interfaces” category. The switching behaviour can e.g. the release signal ECS (external control signal) can be
be set in the Pilot ONE, e.g. “Fault”. The potential-free used to start/stop the temperature control.
contact (POKO) signals the status of the temperature
control unit via the contact position. A closed normally The control takes place via a potential-free contact. ECS
open contact means operational readiness. In the event becomes electronically active when E1 and E2 are con-
of a fault or error, the normally open contact is opened nected by an external potential-free contact. Contact
(this applies to the closer contact between pin 1 and specification: min. 0.1 A/24 V DC.
pin 2).

AIF Reg-E-Prog RS232

The analogue interface has a programmable input chan- This socket offers a connection via an RS232 interface, a
nel and 3 output channels 4 - 20 mA. PLC or a distributed control system (DCS) so that remote
The analogue interface of the Com.G@tes is program- control of the controller electronics can be connected.
med in the “Interfaces” category.

2 output channels are fixed: When using the interface, the specifications of the
Output 1 Setpoint generally applicable standards must be observed.
Output 2 Supply line temperature
Output 3 Freely configurable

This connection is only available with an external Com.G@te and offers the possibility of connecting an external float
switch (#6152), which is positioned in the inspection glass, for level monitoring of an externally closed application. The
control takes place via a potential-free contact.

i The interface is specified as a digital input. Do not apply voltage or current!

AIF #9353 ECS #9491 POKO #9490 LEVEL #9492

You can find more information in the respective operating instructions on our website 15
Profibusgateway SE
Preconfigured parameter list for cyclic Profibus communication.
Profibus master must support Profibus DP-V0.
Only for devices with Pilot ONE®.


Profibus Gateway SE
Profibus Gateway 3E



16 Inspired by temperature
Profibusgateway 3E
Configurable parameters via acyclic Profibus communication.
Profibus Master must support Profibus DP-V1.
Only for devices with Pilot ONE®.

DCS with Profibus connection


Profibus Master (e.g. PLS/SPS)

Profibus cable, not available from Huber

Gateway Description / Requirement Cat.No.

SE Parameter fix (Profibus DP) 10074

3E Freely configurable parameters (Profibus DP-V1) 10503

You can find more information in the respective operating instructions for the gateway on our website 17
Data communication

SpyControl is a software solution for Windows PCs for de- temperature values and other process data can be recorded
vice control as well as for the visualisation and documen- and saved as a CSV file. Using a programmer function with a
tation of process-relevant data. Communication with the user-friendly graphic editor, an automatically running tem-
temperature control unit takes place via RS232, USB or TCP/ perature profile can be specified (for max. 1 channel).
IP. Recorded data are displayed over time, with the axes of
the diagram being freely scalable. A zoom function simpli- SpyControl is available as a downloaded from the Huber
fies the graphic evaluation of individual time segments. website. The free version is included in the download (max.
1 device) as well as a 30-day trial version of the paid full ver-
The free version allows the control of a maximum of one sion (max. 10 devices). If you want to continue using the full
device. The paid full version (license key required) can com- version after the test period has expired, you will need to
municate with up to 10 devices at the same time and of- purchase a license key.
fers additional functions. A setpoint specification, a start/
stop function and a switchover between internal and pro-
cess temperature control are possible for each channel. The

Description Cat.No.

SpyControl full version license key (10 channels) 66108

18 Inspired by temperature
Pilot Remote Software
The Pilot Remote software enables complete remote con-
trol of Huber temperature control units with Pilot ONE via
any PC/laptop with Microsoft Windows. The familiar Pilot
ONE user interface is displayed on the PC, i.e. identical op-
eration on PC and temperature control unit.
Communication takes place via an Ethernet network con-
nection with secure authentication and encryption. The
software runs on Microsoft Windows 7/8/10 (32/64 bit).
When purchasing the software, a hardware dongle is in-
cluded in the scope of delivery; this is required to operate
the software.

Description Cat.No.

Pilot Remote Software 10645

Pilot Remote Software, ATEX-Version 10646

This Python programming example makes it easier to famil-
iarise yourself with the subject of interface communication
(Ethernet, RS232, USB) with Huber temperature control de-
vices. The components Python 2.7.4 and pySerial 2.6 from
the runtime package are required.

PyCommand is a graphic program as an aid for Huber com-

mand sets. With the software, individual commands can be
sent to Huber devices and commands can be tried out with-
out having to program. The program can be used with the
interfaces RS232, USB and Ethernet.

 Free download on

You can find more information in the download area on our website 19
Connection / Accessories
Remote operation

Standard variant
Modules that are connected as accessories to devices with Pilot ONE communicate via an internal CAN bus. For remote
operation, please note that the RS232 interface can only be used in conjunction with a special cable. The interfaces on
the Pilot ONE (USB / Ethernet) can be used without restrictions.

Service socket with RS232:

Can be used with #56196,
cannot be used with #16160

25 m

Control ONE

20 Inspired by temperature
via internal CAN bus - only for units with Pilot ONE®

Cable for CAN connection

Item Length Cat.No.

Extension cable for controller Pilot ONE for using the controller 3 m (Standard) 16160
as remote control 5 m (Optional)
10 m (Optional)
15 m (Optional)
20 m (Optional)
25 m (Optional)
30 m (Optional)

RS232 only possible with 0,5 m (Optional 56196

1 m (Optional)
3 m (Standard)
5 m (Optional)
6 m (Optional)
10 m (Optional)

 Note:
If only the Pilot ONE is remote, no CAN switch is necessary.
However, this can be retrofitted at any time if necessary.

You can find more information in the “Flow rate measurement handbook” on our website 21
Connection / Accessories
Remote operation

Example variant
The Pilot ONE is used in remote operation and expanded with a Com.G@te and a VPC bypass for pressure con-
trol. A CAN switch is required for this.

via Com.G@te


Com.G@te external #6915 #16160-3


Service socket with RS232

not available

25 m (included)

Control ONE

22 Inspired by temperature
USB and Ethernet can both
be used without restriction


CAN Switch #10243

Fixed cable on the VPC bypass 3 m


You can find more information in the “Flow rate measurement handbook” on our website 23
Inspired by temperature
designed for you

Peter Huber Kältemaschinenbau AG

Werner-von-Siemens-Str. 1 · 77656 Offenburg / Germany
Phone +49 (0)781 9603-0 · Fax +49 (0)781 57211 ·

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