Chapter 5 The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands (Gr. 4)

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Language: Comprehension (Questions 2-4, 15-17, 26-28, 33-34, 37-38):____

Language: Composition (Questions 32, 36): ____

Social Studies (Questions 1, 5-14, 18-25, 29-31):____
Social Studies Assessment (Questions 35, 39): ____

Grade 4 Social Studies: Many Gifts 4

Unit 1: Canada’s Regions
Chapter 5: The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands (pp. 62-73)

All answers, unless otherwise specified, must be in complete sentences and in your own
words. Use part of the question to begin each response.

Before Reading

1. Look at the map on pp. 10-11. Locate Matthew, his location, and the Great Lakes-St.
Lawrence Lowlands region.

a) Based on the map, what provinces are part of this region?




2. Read Matthew’s message and the caption for the photograph on p. 62.

a) What do you think are some reasons that cities grow?




b) How do you feel about cities spreading out into natural areas?




3. Read the “Big Question” and “Learning Goals” section on p. 62.

a) What do you already know that can help you answer the Big Question for this chapter?




Grade 4  Many Gifts

1 Unit 1: Canada’s Regions
Chapter 5: The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands
4. Read the “Our Faith” section on p. 62.

a) Why do you think is the meaning of the Biblical passage? How does it connect to
Matthew’s message?





During Reading

5. Read the paragraph, the “Landforms” box, and examine the map on p. 63.

a) Fill in the Vocabulary Chart on p. 22 of this handout for #1-4 (sloping, moraine,
escarpment, glacier).

b) What landforms cover most of the region?




c) The Québec portion of the St. Lawrence River widens in three places, forming stretches
of open water large enough to be considered lakes; the five Great Lakes and their rivers
form the largest surface freshwater system in the world. How do facts like these make
you feel about living in Canada? For what else can you be grateful?





d) Do you think the region is good for farming? Explain.





Grade 4  Many Gifts

2 Unit 1: Canada’s Regions
Chapter 5: The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands
6. Read the paragraph on p. 64.

a) Fill in the Vocabulary Chart on p. 22 of this handout for #5 (tornado).

b) Summarize the climate of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands region in your own





c) Why might some areas in the region not experience flooding?





d) What effects can bad storms have in summer? In winter?





7. Use the map of the “Climate Zones of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands” on p. 64 to
answer the questions below:

a) What are the names of the climate zones?



b) In what climate zone is Québec City? Sarnia?



Grade 4  Many Gifts

3 Unit 1: Canada’s Regions
Chapter 5: The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands
c) How are the climate zones similar?





d) How are the climate zones different?





8. Use the two climate graphs on p. 64 to answer the questions below:

a) Which place is warmer in April?



b) How much precipitation does Québec City get in January?



c) How much precipitation does Sarnia get in January?



d) What conclusions can you draw from comparing the precipitation in Québec City and Sarnia?




Grade 4  Many Gifts
4 Unit 1: Canada’s Regions
Chapter 5: The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands
9. Read the caption for the photograph on p. 64.

a) What do you think is the main summer activity on the Rideau Canal? Why?




10. Create a summary statement to describe the climate in Sarnia or Québec City throughout
the year.





11. What activities do you think people in this region enjoy in different seasons? Fill in the four-
seasons graphic organizer below in point form.

Activities During the Four Seasons in the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands Region
Spring Summer Fall Winter
• • • •

Before Reading

12. Do you think this region has a large population or not a very large population? Explain why
you think so.




Grade 4  Many Gifts

5 Unit 1: Canada’s Regions
Chapter 5: The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands
During Reading

13. Read the two paragraphs on p. 65.

a) Fill in the Vocabulary Chart on pp. 22-23 of this handout for #6-9 (rural, urban, urban
development, urban sprawl).

b) How might the First Nations peoples who first lived in the region have been affected by
the region’s physical features (see p. 63)?





c) What are the reasons many people live in the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands





d) What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of living in rural and urban
areas? Fill in the chart below in point form.

Rural Area Urban Area

• •

• •

Grade 4  Many Gifts

6 Unit 1: Canada’s Regions
Chapter 5: The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands
e) Reread the last paragraph of Matthew’s message on p. 62. What might be some effects
that urban development has on people and the environment? Fill in the chart below in
point form.

Effects of Urban Development…

On People On the Environment
• •

f) What ideas do you have about how cities could grow without spreading out into rural





14. Examine the photos and read the captions on p. 65.

a) What are some of the advantages of shopping at farmers’ markets?





b) Based on the two photos, which of the industry sectors (i.e., primary, secondary, tertiary,
quaternary) are represented? Explain.




Grade 4  Many Gifts
7 Unit 1: Canada’s Regions
Chapter 5: The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands
15. Read the “Faith in Action” box on p. 65.

a) Why do you think Oliver and Piper came up with the idea of the garden?





b) What do you think makes people take action?





c) Describe, briefly, a time when you helped out.






16. Farming is a career that sometimes spans generations. What other careers are like that?
Why do you think that is?







Grade 4  Many Gifts
8 Unit 1: Canada’s Regions
Chapter 5: The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands
17. What are the benefits and challenges of running a family farm? Fill in the chart below in
point form.

Running a Family Farm

Benefits Challenges
• •

18. Read the two paragraphs under the “Farming” section and captions for the photograph on
the left-hand side on p. 66.

a) Fill in the Vocabulary Chart on p. 23 of this handout for #10 (fertile).

b) Why is the region good for farming and raising animals?





c) How many products can you think of that are made from tomatoes?





d) The ketchup factory in Leamington was closed in 2014 (after the textbook was
published), putting over 700 people out of work. How would this closure have impacted
people in Leamington and the surrounding communities?




Grade 4  Many Gifts
9 Unit 1: Canada’s Regions
Chapter 5: The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands
e) What could community members do to resolve problems related to a factory closing?





19. Read the paragraph under the “Manufacturing” section and caption for the photograph on
the bottom on p. 66.

a) Fill in the Vocabulary Chart on p. 23 of this handout for #11 (manufacturer).

b) What are some jobs related to manufacturing?





20. Read the paragraph under the “Transportation” section and the caption for the photograph
on the right-hand side on p. 67.

a) Fill in the Vocabulary Chart on p. 23 of this handout for #12-13 (seaway, canal).

b) What benefits do you think manufacturers in this region have that they would not have in
the Arctic or Interior Plains?





c) How does shipping connect to the primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary




Grade 4  Many Gifts
10 Unit 1: Canada’s Regions
Chapter 5: The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands
21. Read the paragraph under the “Producing Energy” section and caption for the photograph
on the bottom on p. 67.

a) What are some specific reasons why the region needs so much energy?





b) What are some energy sources? Include ones listed on p. 67 and others.





c) What do you already know about wind energy?




d) What does the photo tell you about wind energy?




22. What might be the benefit for a company that builds a manufacturing plant near the St.
Lawrence Seaway?




Grade 4  Many Gifts
11 Unit 1: Canada’s Regions
Chapter 5: The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands
23. What jobs would be involved in getting a tomato from a seed in Leamington to a plate in
another part of the world? Fill in the flow chart below by describing the job and identifying
the industry sector (i.e., primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary) for each step.

Tomato Industry in the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands Region

Industry sector

Industry sector

Industry sector

Industry sector

Industry sector

Industry sector

Industry sector

24. Read the heading, first paragraph, and steps on p. 68.

a) Fill in the Vocabulary Chart on pp. 23-24 of this handout for #14-22 (interpret, analyze,
information, inquiry, data, topic, resource, pattern, connection).

25. Read the “Thinking about Patterns and Trends” box on p. 68.

a) Fill in the Vocabulary Chart on p. 24 of this handout for #23-24 (trend, extinct).

b) What do you think might be causing the trend of the growing number of plants and
animals in danger?





Grade 4  Many Gifts

12 Unit 1: Canada’s Regions
Chapter 5: The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands
26. Read “The Urban Raccoon” section on p. 68 and the “Canadian Species and Urban
Development” chart on p. 69.
a) What is the purpose of Matthew’s research?




b) What part of the chart is most useful for his purpose? Why?




c) How does the information from the article connect to the chart information about





27. Read the paragraph under the chart and the caption for the photographs on p. 69.

a) What do you notice about the photos?





b) How might Matthew use the information from the photos to answer his inquiry question?




Grade 4  Many Gifts
13 Unit 1: Canada’s Regions
Chapter 5: The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands
28. Use the four steps on p. 68 to analyze the information Matthew has collected. Summarize
your analysis in the graphic organizer below.

Steps in Interpreting
and Analyzing Your Notes About Matthew’s Article, Chart, and Aerial Photos

1) Look over the
material. Are
resources on topic?
Do they answer the
inquiry question?
Why or why not?

2) Figure out if any
information is
missing. What
information might
Matthew need?

3) Look for patterns
and connections in
the material. How
is the information
similar? How is it

4) Reflect on new •
understanding after
reading and viewing
the material. What
understandings do
you have after
reading Matthew’s

Where might Matthew look for more information?





Grade 4  Many Gifts

14 Unit 1: Canada’s Regions
Chapter 5: The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands
29. Read the paragraph and examine the map on p. 70, as well as the one on pp. 10-11.

a) Look at the map on pp. 10-11. What is the other large region that covers Ontario and



b) What is the other region that is in part of Ontario and a small eastern part of Québec?



c) If you were in Toronto, in what direction would you travel to get to Montréal?



d) In the small map on p. 70, why does Ottawa have a different symbol than Toronto and
Québec City?




e) Why are Toronto and Québec City included on the small map on p. 70?




f) Are Ontario and Québec provinces or territories?



30. Read the captions for the photographs on pp. 70-71.

a) Fill in the Vocabulary Chart on p. 24 of this handout for #25 (multicultural).

Grade 4  Many Gifts
15 Unit 1: Canada’s Regions
Chapter 5: The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands
b) What are some differences between Toronto’s downtown and Québec City’s downtown?





c) What do you think is important to remember for the Québecois?





31. Read the information in the charts on pp. 70-71.

a) Is Ontario or Québec bigger?



b) What do Toronto and Québec City have in common? How are they different?







c) What information in the charts surprised you? Why?




Grade 4  Many Gifts
16 Unit 1: Canada’s Regions
Chapter 5: The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands
32. Write a brief role-play showing a family discussing whether to move from a rural area to a
large city such as Toronto, Ottawa, or Montréal (or a family discussing whether to move from
a large city to a rural area). What questions might each family member ask?

Write the family member’s title (e.g., mom, dad, son, daughter, etc.), then a colon (:), and
the dialogue. Skip a line when a different person speaks.
SAMPLE Dialogue

Dad: Guess what, I got a job in Toronto! We’ll be moving there next month!
Mom: Wow, so fast? But Toronto is such a large much traffic, noise. I really like the peace and quiet here in Kochin.
Daughter #1: But I’m so excited! It’s so boring here and there’s nothing to do. Dad, is it true that it snows for half the year?
Dad: [laughs] Not quite, but yes, there’s a lot of snow. Good thing that Toronto can deal with snow and remove it from the roads
pretty quickly.
Daughter #2: [whines] Mom, Dad, what about my friends? I won’t get to see them again! And it’s so safe in Kochin. We get to
play outside but I heard that cities are really dangerous and you can’t go outside without your parents.
Mom: Toronto is safer than most cities. We will see if you can play outside without us watching you.













33. Reread Matthew’s message on p. 62. Then read his message on p. 72.
a) What is Matthew’s concern?




Grade 4  Many Gifts

17 Unit 1: Canada’s Regions
Chapter 5: The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands
b) What was Matthew’s grandpa trying to teach Matthew about cities?





34. Read the caption of the photograph on p. 72.

a) How can “building up” help protect animal habitats?





35. Read the “Father Mike Explains” box on p. 72.

a) What is one thing you could do or stop doing that would help preserve or be more
respectful of nature?






b) See: Are your classes growing or shrinking? What does that tell you about how your
community is changing?






Grade 4  Many Gifts

18 Unit 1: Canada’s Regions
Chapter 5: The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands
c) Reflect: How can a city grow and still respect the gifts of God?






d) Act: Research the actions you can take to make habitats for plants and animals in urban
spaces. For example, by planting milkweed, people can help migrating Monarch
butterflies. What single action can you take to help?






After Reading

36. Read the “Summarizing” box on p. 73.

a) Select a topic from this chapter for your word collage (i.e., Physical Features, Climate,
People of the Region, Industries [Farming, Manufacturing, Transportation,
Producing Energy], Urban Development and Raccoons, Ontario vs. Quebec, Urban
Sprawl). Write it in the brainstorm web below.

b) Use the web to list as many words from this chapter on your topic. Choose words that
focus on the main idea of the topic.

Chapter 5

c) Create your word collage using the website Use colour, different
letter sizes and fonts. Email or share it with the teacher.
Grade 4  Many Gifts
19 Unit 1: Canada’s Regions
Chapter 5: The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands
37. Read the “Making Connections” box on p. 73.

a) What have you noticed or heard about wildlife habitats or urban developments in your






38. Read the Biblical passage on p. 73.

a) How is the Biblical passage similar to the “Father Mike Explains” box on p. 72?






39. Read the “Chapter Inquiry” box on p. 73.

a) Brainstorm a list of topics from this chapter that help answer the Big Question (see p. 62)
using the brainstorm web below. Come up with at least 8 topics.

Chapter 5

b) Circle the one topic that you think would help you answer the Big Question: Why is it
important to include green space when planning the growth of cities?

c) Fill in the right-angle graphic organizer on the next page by using information in this
chapter and your own research. Note. Your opinions and reactions should be based
on the facts (e.g., Opinion 1 is for Fact 1, etc.)
Grade 4  Many Gifts
20 Unit 1: Canada’s Regions
Chapter 5: The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands
Chapter Inquiry: Right Angle Organizer
SAMPLE Response for Right Angle Organizer
Topic: Green space in cities prevents flooding.
1. Roots of plants hold soil together which prevent soil from being washed or blown away.
2. Having soil provides an area for precipitation to soak into like a “sponge” instead of collecting on hard roads, sidewalks, etc. or
overflowing sewers.
3. Precipitation can be used to help plant life grow which in turn will reduce further floods.
Opinions and Reactions:
1. If soil is blown or washed away, this could lead to desert-like condition which would reduce the number of species that could
2. It’s especially important to have green space so that people’s basements do not get flooded. If the ground acts like a “sponge”,
this prevents water from getting into the foundations of homes.
3. Having green space in cities is a “win win” because plants can survive in areas where there is enough precipitation and provide
many benefits to cities.

Topic: ______________________________________________________________________________


1. ______________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________

Opinions and Reactions

1. _____________________________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________________________

Grade 4  Many Gifts

21 Unit 1: Canada’s Regions
Chapter 5: The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands
Vocabulary: Creating a Personal Glossary
40. As you encounter each vocabulary word, write the definition in your own words (see Glossary on pp. 204-211), provide an example from the
textbook or your own life to show how the word is used, and draw a simple sketch to help you remember its meaning.

Vocabulary Found Example from the Textbook or

Definition in My Own Words Simple Sketch
Word On… My Life

1. sloping p. 63

2. moraine p. 63

3. escarpment p. 63

4. glacier p. 63

5. tornado p. 64

6. rural p. 65

7. urban p. 65

8. urban p. 65

Grade 4  Many Gifts

22 Unit 1: Canada’s Regions
Chapter 5: The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands
Vocabulary Found Example from the Textbook or
Definition in My Own Words Simple Sketch
Word On… My Life

9. urban
p. 65

10. fertile p. 66

11. manufacturer p. 66

12. seaway p. 67

13. canal p. 67

14. interpret p. 68

15. analyze p. 68

16. information p. 68

17. inquiry p. 68

Grade 4  Many Gifts

23 Unit 1: Canada’s Regions
Chapter 5: The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands
Vocabulary Found Example from the Textbook or
Definition in My Own Words Simple Sketch
Word On… My Life

18. data p. 68

19. topic p. 68

20. resource p. 68

21. pattern p. 68

22. connection p. 68

23. trend p. 68

24. extinct p. 68

25. multicultural p. 70

Roles For Group Work

• Facilitator: makes sure everyone stays focused and has a turn to speak (calls on people to read/answer questions)
• Questioner: reads the questions; asks group members questions about their ideas
• Researcher: looks for important information in the textbook
• Explainer: summarizes the main ideas; makes sure each person understands what they have to do

Grade 4  Many Gifts

24 Unit 1: Canada’s Regions
Chapter 5: The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands

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