Ares 2 Chapter Ii - RRL
Ares 2 Chapter Ii - RRL
Ares 2 Chapter Ii - RRL
I. Conceptual Framework
-A conceptual framework illustrates the expected relationship between your variables. It defines
the relevant objectives for your research process and maps out how they come together to draw coherent
-It is also called a conceptual model or research model. Different variables and the assumed
relationships between those variables are included in the model and reflect the expectations. This
framework is a tool that is used prior to a study. This makes a conceptual framework an analytical tool. It
is used to make conceptual distinctions and bring together different ideas. Strong conceptual frameworks
lead to an actual realization of the intended objective.
Note: You should construct your conceptual framework before you begin collecting your data. Conceptual
frameworks are often represented in a visual format and illustrate cause-and-effect relationships. You can
start conceptualizing this as you determine your relevant paper, thesis, or dissertation topic.
We demonstrate this using basic design components of boxes and arrows. Here, each variable
appears in a box. To indicate a causal relationship, each arrow should start from the independent variable
(the cause) and point to the dependent variable (the effect).
Step 4: Identify other influencing variables
It’s crucial to identify other variables that can influence the relationship between your independent
and dependent variables early in your research process.
Some common variables to include are moderating, mediating, and control variables.
1. Moderating variables
- Moderating variable (or moderators) alter the effect that an independent variable has on a
dependent variable. In other words, moderators change the “effect” component of the cause-
and-effect relationship.
Example: Moderator
We expect that the number of hours a student studies is related to their exam score—
i.e., the more you prepare, the higher your score will be.
Let’s add the moderator “IQ.” Here, a student’s IQ level can change the effect that the
variable “hours of study” has on the exam score. The higher the IQ, the fewer hours of study
are needed to do well on the exam.
We expect that the “IQ” moderator moderates the effect that the number of study
hours has on the exam score.
2. Mediating variables
- Now we’ll expand the framework by adding a mediating variable. Mediating variables link
the independent and dependent variables, allowing the relationship between them to be
better explained.
Example: Mediator
The mediating variable of “number of practice problems completed” comes between
the independent and dependent variables.
Hours of study impacts the number of practice problems, which in turn impacts the
exam score.
3. Control variables
- Lastly, control variables must also be considered. These are variables that are held constant
so that they don’t interfere with the results. Even though you aren’t interested in measuring
them for your study, it’s crucial to be aware of as many of them as you can be.
Example: Control variable
It is very possible that if a student feels ill, they will get a lower score on the exam. However,
we are not interested in measuring health outcomes a part of our research.
This makes “health” a good candidate for a control variable. It still impacts our results, but
we aren’t interested in studying it.
2. Foreign Studies
- These are manuscripts, theses researches and dissertations conducted in other countries.
- It is composed of news, knowledge blogs, and papers from other countries or from other
countries that offer great importance to your work or analysis. Global studies are international studies,
articles, dissertations, surveys, or some other analysis techniques.
- Studies in international literature include systematic literature work in the language of the
nation in which it was published that involves the analysis of the geographical and historical
circumstances in which it was published.
- Studying some international literature involves learning the language in which literature has
been translated
- History and International Studies seek to have the strongest breadth of detailed human
interactions in liberal arts schooling. It provides the ability for students to research the history, not only
for their own sake but for the insights it gives to the present.
Chapter 2
Review of Related Literature and Studies
In this chapter the following proposed systemthis study aims to come up with an
enrollment system for a high school which also includes information pertinent data such as
name, year, section,miscellaneous fees etc.this system is design for the use of the staff to enable them
to produce information required by different people.
2.1 Related Literature
2.1.1 Local Literature
Sandoval Aldrian Ace
Enrollment System is useful especially when the school retrieves the important
information from the student the school can trace what is the the standing of the students. lack of
enrollment system in a school can lead to chaos and troubles. students will be confused on what
they should do to be able to enroll. it is extremely useful in the school in the way of working
processes of enrolling become much easy.