Lto Reviewer

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1. A public utility vehicle can be driven by a another, which driver must yield.

A driver of
holder of a Professional License the vehicle that arrived last
2. The holder of a driver’s license shall entitle 2. Upon approaching an intersection, what
him/her to operate: Motor vehicle/s specified in should you do if you found out that the road
the license only beyond is blocked with traffic? Stop before the
3. When may you lend your driver’s license? intersection and wait until the traffic ahead moves
Under no circumstances on
4. The Temporary Operator’s Permit (TOP) 3. After passing or overtaking another
authorizes the apprehended driver to operate vehicle, you can safely move back into your
motor vehicle for a period not exceeding: 72 original lane if: you can see in the rear-view
hours mirror the overtaken car
5. An applicant for Professional driver’s 4. Parking is allowed if the vehicle is beyond 4
license should be at least 18 years old meters of a fire hydrant
6. What is the penalty if a driver is found to 5. Drivers moving slower than other motorists
have a face or counterfeit license? should use the: outer lane
His/her driver’s license shall be confiscated and 6. Passing seems easy, but it takes
he/she shall be disqualified from being granted a judgement of time, distance and the
driver’s license and driving a motor vehicle for a performance of your car. Which area is
period of one (1) year from the payment of usually not allowed to pass? On a curve
monetary fine 7. We must remember that driving on the
7. What is the penalty if a driver is convicted shoulder of the road is prohibited. When
of a crime while using a motor vehicle? driving going to the same direction, you may
The DL will be revoked and the driver will be pass to the right of a moving car if: The
perpetually disqualified from applying for a license highway has two or more lanes moving towards the
plus monetary fine. same direction
8. How many days do you need to settle 8. Upon approaching an intersection marked
traffic violation with LTO? Within 15 days with yield sign, you are required to slowdown,
9. Who is Professional Driver? Any driver who then enter the intersection when the way is clear.
has a qualification to drive a Private or For Hire 9. At an intersection without stop or yield
Vehicle signs, two cars approach at right angles to
10. When The Land Transportation each other at almost the same time. Which
Commission was abolished and two offices driver must yield? The motorist on the left
were created, namely the Land 10. If you encounter an emergency vehicle
Transportation Office (LTO) and the Land (ambulance, fire trucks, police) with sirens
Transportation Franchising and Regulatory on, what should you do? Pull over to the left or
Board (LTFRB). June 30, 1987 to Present right side of the road and give way.
11. A driver while on a highway shall yield the
1. What does the law require you upon right of way to: Pedestrian crossing within a
approaching an intersection with a STOP crosswalk
sign? Stop and proceed when it is safe 12. A U-turn is used to reverse direction.
2. The traffic sign means “Yield the right of Ideally, which of the following is permitted?
way” Inverted triangle. If a vehicle approaching on the other side is no
3. What is the main purpose of the traffic closer than 60 meters
laws, rules and regulations? To put order on the 13. What does the law require you to do upon
road approaching an intersection with a STOP
4. Flashing yellow light means: Slowdown and sign? Stop and proceed when it is safe.
proceed with caution 14. What is the best safety rule when driving
5. When do you have to make a complete full a motor vehicle? Never insist on your right of way
stop? At a red traffic light 15. Which of the following is not a safe place
6. The proper hand signal for a right turn is: to overtake? When approaching a crest or upon a
Left arm held pointing upward curve and at an intersection
7. Single white broken line on a 2 way road
means: Passing or overtaking can be made 13. Whenever you are driving and you have to
anytime make or answer a call without a hands-free
8. Some signs are called “lane-use”. They device, you should: Pull over to the side of the
appear to direct you into the correct lane as road at a safe location and make the call.
you reach the actual intersection. They are 14. Where should you turn your wheels when
usually seen: before an intersection parking downhill with a curb? Into the curb or
towards the side of the road
1. At an intersection with no traffic lights, to
cars approach at right angles to each
15. If you are parking on an uphill road skill of the driver and the roadworthiness of the
without a curb, turn the wheels toward the: motor vehicle and weather condition
Edge of the road. 3. Road crash can be avoided if the drivers
follow traffic signs and pertinent traffic rules and
1. Night driving is difficult. We should do the regulations
following when a vehicle comes towards us at 4. Driving in heavy rains can be extremely
night: Dim your lights by switching to low beam. dangerous due to limited visibility. What
2. When you intend to slow down or stop, you should you do? When you cannot see more that
should: Step on your brakes lightly to turn on your 20 meters in front of you, turn on your hazard
brake lights. lights/headlights and look for a safe place to park.
3. What should you do when another vehicle 5. Your accident emergency kit should at
is following you too close? Slow down gradually least include: First aid, Flash light and Early
and give him the sign to overtake you warning device
4. What should you do when an oncoming 6. Your car is experiencing:
vehicle deliberately crosses the centreline to Steer out of traffic, away from buildings,
pass another vehicle? Be alert and be ready to people, and other cars.
slow down or stop if necessary. Have all occupants leave the car immediately
5. Upon approaching n intersection, what and move-away.
should you do if you found out that the end Do not open the hood
road way beyond id blocked with traffic? Stop Turn off the ignition then get out quickly
before the intersection and wait until the traffic Engine fire
ahead moves on 7. Your car is experiencing:
6. Before changing lanes in traffic, aside from Look – where you want to go
giving signal and checking your side and rear- Steer – where you want to go
view mirrors, what else do you need to do? Off pedals – release the brake or accelerator
Turn you head to check other vehicles beside your to maintain rolling traction
car. Never give up – maintain constant attention
7. When approaching a sharp curve of the to steering until the vehicle is back under
highway, you should: reduce speed before control. Use trail braking if needed.
entering the curve Skid/traction lost
8. What is the main purpose of traffic laws, 8. The vehicle you are driving is stalled on
rules and regulations? To put order on the road the two way (opposite direction) highway,
10. Sometimes, a driver passes through a you should place the early Warning Device
busy street with so many pedestrians. Which (EWD)
of the following should a driver do? Slowdown 4 meters at the back and front of the stalled
and check for safety when passing through vehicle.
11. Disregarding traffic lights during late
hours of the night could: involve you in a fatal 1. Drinking alcohol before driving is one of
road crash the major causes of vehicular road crash
12. Passing seems easy, but it takes because when a driver is drunk, he/she is:
judgment of time, distance and the Arrogant, talkative and doesn’t have the judgment
performance of your car. Which area is and the reflexes to perform things safely.
usually not allowed t pass? On a curve 2. What is the main purpose of traffics laws,
13. On a long drive, you should be awake and rules and regulations? To put order on the road
alert. What should you do if you are tired or 3. Whenever you are driving and you have to
very sleepy? Park at a safe area and take a few- make or answer a call without a hands-free
minutes nap device, you should: Pull over to the side of the
14. If you encounter an emergency vehicle road at a safe location and make a call
(ambulance, fire trucks, police) with sirens 4. What should you do whenever you are
on, what should you do? Pull over to the left or driving on a highway with a lot of potholes?
right side of the road and give way. Reduce speed.
15. After passing or overtaking another 5. On a long drive, you should be awake and
vehicle, you can safely move back into your alert. What should you do if you are tired or
original lane if: You can see in the rear-view very sleepy? Park at a safe area and take a few-
mirror the overtaken car minutes nap
6. Eating, drinking, reading, or doing
1. In case of a road crash resulting to physical anything that may take your attention from
injury, the first duty of the involved driver is driving is: never allowed.
to: Attend to the injured person and call for help 7. A driver of a private motor vehicle with a
2. Your speed while driving at night should gross vehicle weight not exceeding 4500kg. A
depend on: The physical, mental condition and BAC level of ___ or higher shall be conclusive
proof that said driver is driving under the 15. A driver while on a highway shall yield the
influence of alcohol. 0.05% right-of-way to: pedestrian crossing within a
8. It refers to an act of penalizing person crosswalk
under the influence of alcohol, dangerous 16. Name a physical condition that will
drugs, and similar substances, and for other adversely affect your reaction time and
purpose. RA 10586 decision making abilities fatigue
9. According to the Philippine Clean Air Act of 17. When parking downhill, you must: turn
1999 (R.A. 8749) Every citizen has the right to your wheels toward to the road
breathe clean air. 18. One good rule to observe when you
10. It refers to standardized tests to initially cannot see clearly when driving in adverse
assess and determine intoxication. Field weather conditions is to move to a safe spot,
Sobriety Test stop and switch on the hazard lights.
11. A good driver must meet one’s social 19. Motorcycle riders must exercise safety
responsibilities of caring others by: Exercising and care at all times. To do so, they are
care for other pedestrian and vehicles around required to wear: standard protective helmets
12. Under RA 8750, children must be properly 20. How high and low should the foot be
restraint if they are: 6 years old and below raised during a ‘One-Leg Stand’ test? 6 inches
13. In driving, the important sense the driver high for 30 seconds
needs is seeing. 21. What should you do whenever you are
driving on a highway with a lot of potholes?
LTO PH Decrease speed
1. Which is a correct road discipline? Knowing 22. This action can cause you to skid and lose
and abiding the traffic rules and regulations control when you make an abrupt move
2. What is the primary responsibility of a especially on a wet and possibly slippery road
driver in times of a road crash? Aid the victim Improper braking
3. What are the uses of PAVEMENT ARROWS? 23. Signs that are triangular in shape and
Used for lane control and in white color with a red colored border are called warning
4. Staying safe on the road is about more signs
than just driving skills and road conditions. 24. You should not drive across solid
To avoid playing role on a road rage, what yellow/white line except when you have to:
shall a driver do when another driver follows turn left
with aggression? Drive to the nearest police 25. What may be the adverse result of having
station an eye contact with and annoyed driver? The
5. What is the advisable speed on a crowded annoyed driver may be provoked
street? 20 kph 26. Who are required to be properly secured
6. Are you allowed to turn right at a red in a child restraint system or car seat?
signal? Yes, you can but only if a sign permits you Children ages 12 years old and below
to do so. The signal may be TURN RIGHT WITH 27. A pedestrian runs across the street when
CARE ON RED SIGNAL AFTER A FULL STOP you are about to move off from a red light.
7. This action can cause you to skid and lose What should you do? Wait until the pedestrian
control when you make an abrupt move crossed
especially on a wet and slippery road. 28. What is the meaning of double solid
Improper braking yellow line? NO overtaking and NO crossing
8. Is it prohibited to park in someone else’s 29. When you want to change or shift gear to
driveway? Yes, at all times higher level to speed up, and a car in the
9. A vehicle that enters a roadway from a opposite direction crosses quickly on your
driveway, alley, or a private road: must stop lane, what will you do? Be alert, stop and gve
and yield the right-of-way to traffic on the roadway way to car crossing.
and pedestrians. 30. Who are required to use seat belt devices
10. At what circumstances should you blow in a vehicle of running engine? Driver and Front
your horn? When you give a safety warning seat passenger
11. Which of the following helmets is 31. The driver of any motor vehicle
prohibited for use while operating a motor overtaking another vehicle shall pass at a safe
vehicle? A repainted helmet. distance to the left thereof
12. If there are no pavement markings, you 32. Normally, who are allowed to use the 3rd
should drive: near the right-hand side of the road lane of an expressway? Trucks and Buses
13. What should be the color of the blinkers 33. What is your violation if you drive less
for a slow-moving long vehicle? Yellow/amber than the speed requirement? Disregarding
14. What are rumble strips on the road for? traffic sign
To be aware of the speed approaching obstructions 34. You approach an intersection with a set of
or intersections traffic signals. The signals are blank. What
should you do? Treat the intersection as you school service within a 50m radius from school
would if there were STOP signs in all directions premises.
35. If the policy on advance renewal is to be
applied, the earliest schedule to register the
motor vehicle with the plate number XYZ910
could be: On the 1st week of August
36. Which place should you NOT overtake
without a clear vision of at least 20 feet
ahead? Before a curve
40. Who has the right-of-way when more than
one driver arrives at a four-way stop? The first
driver to stop should be the first to go
41. The dual highway you are turning right
onto is a narrow road. You should: wait until
the road is clear in both directions
42. You may cross over a double line on the
road to overtake another car of the line on
your side is broken line
43. DOTR Joint Administrative Order 2014-01
prohibits operators of public utility vehicles
from employing discourteous or arrogant
driver. What is the penalty for the 1st offense?
Fine of PhP 5,000
44. A U-Turn is used to reverse direction.
Which of the following is permitted? If no
vehicle approaching on the other side that may
result to obstruction or worst accident
45. At an intersection with a traffic light,
make a left turn only when: the left arrow green
light is on
46. Under RA 11229, what is the allowable
age that a child may sit in front passenger
seat of a car? More than 12 years old
47. What are the Driver’s License (DL) Code
for non-professional light vehicle driver’s
license? A, A1, B, B1, B2
48. The choice of the speed may depend on
the: skills of the driver and roadworthiness of the
motor vehicle being driven
49. A student-driver in NOT allowed to: drive
WITHOUT student-driver’s permit
50. What is the correct hand signal when
turning left? Left arm held sideward
51. What is the use of turn signal lights? To
make your intentions known to drivers and other
road users around you
52. What do you mean by ‘double white line’
line? Separating lanes of traffic moving from
opposite direction
53. What is the minimum safe following
distance under normal conditions? A minimum
of 2 seconds is the recommended following
distance under most conditions.
54. This refers to the ability of a driver to
make sound judgment that is required while
driving. Mental fitness
55. A penalty of P30,000 and suspension of
driver’s license shall be imposed to violators
of the Anti-Distracted Driving Act under the
following circumstance: Operating public utility
vehicles, haulers of toxic/flammable materials or

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