LGR17 - Tour of Duty
LGR17 - Tour of Duty
LGR17 - Tour of Duty
A One-Round Legacy of the Green Regent Adventure for
8th-Level Characters
by Christopher Lindsay
Its winter and sickness runs rampant through Waterdeep's City Guard. You've been recruited to deliver supplies to
Swordhold, the City of Splendor's northern outpost in the Sword Mountains, but the Frostmaiden has other plans.
Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and the new
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game designed by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter
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The depth of the snow is a minor inconvenience here This is Captain Briardown, who fled from the dragon’s
under the canopy of the trees. However, it does slow lair in a different direction than his men, hoping to lead
movement down to half for small and medium creatures. the creature astray, while they covered their tracks.
Once the PCs have set up a marching order for the group Unfortunately for him, Borealis caught up with him. The
along the 5-foot wide path, allow them to make Spot gouges in the icy cliff spell out the word “THIEF” in
checks (DC 22), as the gnolls have taken 20 to hide Draconic.
themselves, and remain absolutely still as the PCs enter Development: There are a couple of possibilities
the area. If the PCs manage to hear or see any of their here for the PCs to learn more here. They can cast speak
ambushers, those PCs are allowed a standard action in the with dead on the captain, or given the proper spells, and
surprise round. If all PCs see or hear their attackers, there the diamond they may have found inside the remorhaz
is no surprise round, and combat starts normally. (or their own, if they are so equipped) they can cast raise
dead on him. If the PCs cast speak with dead, he does so
Gnolls step from behind trees, howling with glee as they willingly, forgoing his saving throw. If they raise him, he
fire their bows. accompanies them back to Swordhold, but hides during
the fight with the dragon. Either way, the captain knows
Creatures: The gnolls and flinds begin combat by the information given regarding finding the dragon’s lair
firing bows at the PCs and using the trees for cover. Once and the treasure within, and can answer questions based
the PCs close for melee, they drop their bows in favor of on that knowledge, as given in the adventure
battleaxes and flindbars. The wolf animal companions of background.
The snowfield is only 12 inches deep. However, that Scaling the Encounter
coupled with the slope, slows the PCs movement down 7th-Level Characters (EL 10)
to half when proceeding uphill toward Swordhold. After By chance the PCs are able sneak upon the duo while
they have had the opportunity to reach the shore, and are they are taunting the guards of Swordhold. Llianne ihas
ready to proceed uphill, read or paraphrase the following. no time to cast prep spells before the combat begins. The
PCs start 80 ft. away and get a surprise round.
Swordhold looks to be at peace sitting atop its rocky
perch and covered in snow and ice. The scene before you 10th-Level Characters (EL 12)
is somewhat idyllic since the sky is free of clouds on this Llianne remains unchanged; Borealis becomes an adult
fine winter day. From overhead, the sound of a huge pair white dragon. See Appendix 1.
of wings, beating against the chill air heralds the arrival
of something more sinister however, and the light from 11th-Level Characters (EL 13)
the sun dims briefly. In the air above, a large white Increase Llianne by two levels; Borealis becomes an adult
dragon circles the field, an armored rider astride its white dragon. See Appendix 1: NPCs.
back. The two pair land before the gate to Swordhold
and glance back toward you, to note your approach.
As the PCs are arriving on the scene, so does Llianne and
Borealis. They spot the PCs from above, and decide to BEFITTING A KING’S
have a bit of sport before demolishing the outpost and
taking back their possessions. However, the two have a
ways to go, giving the PCs one round to cast any Having slain the dragon and his evil mistress, you are
preparatory spells, or make other preparations prior to welcomed into Swordhold as true heroes of the North.
being set upon. Additionally, the PCs may attempt to stall The rangers are grateful for the supplies, and once you
the destruction of Swordhold a round or two by have recovered, they lead you to the former lair of the
bantering with the dragon and his mistress. However, all great white dragon, where you are free to pilfer from his
attempts to dissuade them from destroying the keep and hoard at will. Several days later, loaded down with
taking back their rightful possessions are in vain. treasure, you make you way back into Waterdeep. The
Llianne Rimewind: Female human favored soul 8 commander of Swordhold has sent you with a missive
(Auril); hp 59; see Appendix 1. for Captain Rulathol, detailing your epic battle with the
Borealis: Male young adult white dragon; hp white dragon, and you are named heroes of Waterdeep.
170; see Appendix 1.
Tactics: As they approach Swordhold, Llianne casts CONCLUSION B: IN FROZEN
several spells in anticipation of the fight. She casts shield
of faith, protection from energy (fire), and protection RUIN
from good on both her and Borealis. She then casts bear’s The day is late as you approach Swordhold from the
endurance and bull’s strength on Borealis, and freedom western path. Though, you were not expecting the ruin
of movement on herself. At highter APLs, Borealis casts that lay before you. The outpost appears to have been
shield on himself. gutted, and the rangers lay about the grounds,
Borealis begins combat by using his breath weapon
dismembered and frozen. It appears as though the party,
from the air. Llianne casts divine power on herself. On
whatever that may be, happened without you.
the second round Borealis lands on the top of the hill,
nearest the gate of Swordhold and casts true strike. He’ll
After killing the rangers, and taking back their
use Power Attack on the strongest fighter spotted on the
possessions, Llianne and Borealis return to the dragon’s
next round, giving up his entire base attack bonus for
lair where it is summarily packed up and relocated in the
maximum damage. Llianne slides off of Borealis. If things
interest of secrecy.
get tough in combat, Llianne casts obscuring mist, in an
Power-Up Suite
hp 236; AC 33 (34 at EL 14), touch 12 (13 at EL 14), flat-
footed 33 (34 at EL 14); Grp +30; Atk +25 melee (2d6+8,
bite); Full Atk +25 melee (2d6+8, bite) and +23 melee
(1d8+4, 2 claws) and +23 melee (1d6+4, 2 wings) and
+23 melee (1d8+12, tail slap); SV Fort +19, Ref +13, Will
+13; Str 27, Con 23.
Skills and Feats: Concentration +17, Swim +26.
Conjuration (Creation) [Cold]
Level: Cleric 5
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One creature/2 levels, no two of which can be
more than 30 ft. apart
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude half
Spell Resistance: Yes
You chill the air and create a layer of frost on the skin
of target creatures. The targets are entitled to a
Fortitude save; those who fail take 6d6 points of cold
damage and 2d6 points of Dexterity damage. Creatures
dropping to 0 Dexterity are frozen in a layer of ice,
shivering and unable to attack, move, or defend.
20 5 lb wheels of cheese
30 lb cure ham
200 days of trail rations
200 feet silk rope
30 winter blankets
20 flint and steel
100 tindertwigs
30 sunrods
40 pitons
40 smokesticks
20 thunderstones
400 longbow arrows
2 wooden potion cases
20 potions of cure moderate wounds
10 scroll cases
20 scrolls of endure elements
5 scrolls of neutralize poison
5 scrolls of cure serious wounds
2 wands of cure light wounds 50 charges
Chraals’ Start X
Pa To
th W
PCs’ Camp
Large Tree
Small Tree
PCs’ Start
Slope of Hill
Flind Path
s’ A
pp Swordhold
Frozen Lake