LGR17 - Tour of Duty

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A One-Round Legacy of the Green Regent Adventure for
8th-Level Characters
by Christopher Lindsay
Its winter and sickness runs rampant through Waterdeep's City Guard. You've been recruited to deliver supplies to
Swordhold, the City of Splendor's northern outpost in the Sword Mountains, but the Frostmaiden has other plans.

Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and the new
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game designed by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter

This game product contains no Open Game Content. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without
permission of Wizards of the Coast. To learn more about the Open Gaming License and the d20 SYSTEM license,
please visit www.wizards.com/d20

This is an official RPGA® play document. To find out more about the RPGA and to learn more on how you can
sanction and run DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game events of all sizes, visit our website at www.rpga.com.
RPGA, Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide, and Monster Manual are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast,
Inc, in the US and other countries. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America.
Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express
written permission of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. This product is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people,
organizations, places, or events is purely coincidental. © 2004 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Visit the LEGACY OF THE GREEN REGENT website at www.rpga.com
For rules questions specific to this document and the LEGACY OF THE GREEN REGENT campaign email

Tour of Duty Page 2

In order to sanction the event you must be at least an RPGA
Herald-level Gamemaster. The person who sanctions it is called the
INTRODUCTION senior gamemaster, and is in charge of making sure the event runs
and is reported in a timely manner. The person who runs this game
This adventure is optimized for 8th-level characters. This means is called the table DM (or usually just DM). Sometimes (and almost
that it is primarily designed and balanced for a group of four or all the time in the case of home events) the senior gamemaster is
five 8th-level characters. If your group deviates from this size also the table DM. You don’t have to be a Herald-level Gamemaster
and strength, each encounter features a section titled Scaling to run this adventure if you are not the Senior GM.
the Encounter so that you, the Dungeon Master (DM), can By sanctioning and then reporting this adventure you
create a more balanced encounter. If there are only four or five accomplish a few things. First, it allows the PCs that participate
PCs in your group, and all are of the same character level, it is in this adventure accumulate experience points (XP) and gold
pretty easy to use this section: just use the level entry that pieces (gp) to advance their LEGACY OF THE GREEN REGENT
corresponds with the PCs’ levels. For groups of mixed levels and character. Second, the RPGA bases future adventures on what
groups with six PCs, first determine the average character level the majority of PCs do in past ones; the PCs’ actions shape the
of the group then add a +1 modifier for groups with six players. direction of the campaign. And lastly, players and DMs gain
Treat that value as the level of the group. Use your DM’s rewards for sanctioned play if they have signed up for the
discretion, though. If the PCs are having too hard or too easy of DUNGEONS & DRAGONS PLAYER REWARDS. This adventure is
a time, feel free to increase or decrease the level of challenge. worth four points for that program.
The goal is to challenge the PCs, not overwhelm or even This adventure retires from RPGA-sanctioned play on
underwhelm them. The most enjoyable D&D games are the January 21, 2004.
ones where failure and death are a possibility, but success and If you are looking for more information about LEGACY OF
reward are attainable through daring and smart play. THE GREEN REGENT character creation and development, RPGA
Note: If you are planning on playing this adventure, stop event sanctioning, and DUNGEONS & DRAGONS PLAYER
reading now. If you read farther than this paragraph you’ll know REWARDS, see the RPGA website.
too much about its challenges, which kills the fun. Also, if you
are planning on playing this adventure at an RPGA-sanctioned
event, reading beyond this point makes you ineligible to do so.
A debilitating illness has crippled Waterdeep’s city guard,
As DM you need a copy of the three revised edition (also called
version 3.5) core D&D rulebooks to play this adventure. They leaving no one to deliver much needed supplies to the
are the Player’s Handbook, the Dungeon Master’s Guide, and city’s northern outpost Swordhold, or relive the troops
the Monster Manual. It is also recommended that you have the there.
FORGOTTEN REALMS Campaign Setting book, but it is not Meanwhile a patrol of rangers from Swordhold
necessary. You’ll also need a set of polyhedral dice, and recently stumbled onto the lair of the white dragon
something to use as the battle grid (a vinyl or laminated grid Borealis. They found the lair empty as Borealis was
usually works best, so you can use wet-erase markers to draw hunting during the discovery. Realizing what they had
battle grid features), and enough DUNGEONS & DRAGONS found, and recognizing that the creature was not long
miniatures to represent combatants on the battle grids.
Throughout the adventure, shaded boxes provide player
gone, the rangers only took a few select items from the
information for you to paraphrase or read aloud when dragon’s stash, and made their way back to Swordhold to
appropriate. Sidebars contain important information for you, report their find and muster the reinforcements they
including special instructions on running the adventure. were expecting from Waterdeep any day.
Information on nonplayer characters (NPCs) and monsters Among the items retrieved from the lair, was the
appear in abbreviated form in the adventure text. Full magic battleaxe North Wind Roars. The axe is property of
information on nonplayer characters and monsters will either Llianne Rimewind, favored soul of Auril, who left the axe
be given in an appendix of this adventure or can be found in the under the protection of her ally Borealis.
Monster Manual or FORGOTTEN REALMS Campaign Setting. Returning to discover that treasure from his lair had
At the end of this adventure you’ll also find an RPGA Table
Tracking sheet. If you are playing this adventure as part of an
been pilfered, Borealis immediately contacted Llianne,
RPGA-sanctioned event, you need to complete it and return it to who was en route to the dragon to retrieve the battleaxe.
your senior gamemaster (see below for more details). In the meantime, Borealis has already begun tracking the
rangers back to Swordhold, and plans to assault the
outpost upon Llianne’s arrival.
Alarmed to find that no help is forthcoming from
RPGA SANCTIONED PLAY Waterdeep, the rangers have come to the grim realization
Most likely you ordered this adventure as part of an RPGA event that help may not come quickly enough to save them
from the RPGA website (www.wizards.com/rpga), but you may from the wrath of the dragon.
have received a copy of it from other means. In order to play Known to be heroes of Loudwater, and yet
this adventure as part of the LEGACY OF THE GREEN REGENT unaffected by the disease crippling the city’s guard, the
campaign, a worldwide ongoing D&D campaign, you must characters are summoned to aid the City of Splendors by
sanction it as part of an RPGA event. This event could be as making the trip through snow and ice. The city knows
elaborate as a big convention, or a simple as a group of friends nothing about Swordhold’s current predicament, and
meeting at their DM’s house.
believe they are doing the rangers stationed there a favor,

Tour of Duty Page 3

by keeping them sequestered away from their afflicted
fellow guardsmen. Unfortunately, it seems as though the TROUBLESHOOTING THE
Frostmaiden has other plans.
The PCs are summoned to Troll Tower at the most
northern point of the city’s walls. There they meet Reequipping the Characters: If you are playing this adventure
Captain Rulathon, who greets them as heroes, and as part of the LEGACY OF THE GREEN REGENT campaign, players
humbly requests they assist the city guard with the small come to their event with their characters fully equipped based
task of taking supplies to Swordhold in the southern arm on their current level and gold piece value. They can reequip
of the Sword Mountains that lie just north of Waterdeep. their character when they are in a town or city by spending
Assuming the PCs agree, he provides them with a map, their Coin on Hand (CoH). They can even increase their CoH
by selling items for half their listed value.
and some necessary supplies. This is in addition to the Waterdeep is a metropolis with a 100,000-gp limit. This
supplies they are to transport to the outpost. If the PCs do means that characters can find items worth 100,000 gp or less
not agree, the adventure is over. for sale within the city. LEGACY OF THE GREEN REGENT
Once the PCs set out, they find travel through the characters also have a gp limit on which items they can buy
snow and ice challenging. Forced to stop for the night by based on their level. In Waterdeep, unlike Loudwater, there are
a powerful snowstorm, they are attacked by a quartet of more shops available to sell the PCs magic items, as the city is
chraal—evil life forces trapped in a shell of hard, bluish- one of the largest trade hubs in all of Faerûn. As the PCs go up
black ice. in level, their prestige grows and opportunities to purchase
The next morning they push on through the snow, more powerful items become available. At 7th-level, the gp limit
to purchase items is 9,500 gp, while the 8th-level gp limit is
and travel across a plain of powdery snow pocked with 13,500, and the 9th-level gp limit is 18,000 gp.
numerous large holes recently opened up by a mating In events where you will have a limited session time, you
pair of remorhaz that are hiding beneath the evening’s will want to put a limit on at-the-table equipment purchasing.
snowfall. The PCs might fall prey to the holes and No more than 15 minutes should be spent for this activity
remorhaz simultaneously, but if they manage to make it during a normal four-hour or five-hour session, and even then
across the snowfield without mishap they still manage to some groups may not finish the adventure.
rouse the hungry beasts, who see the PCs as a welcome Raising the Dead: At this point the PCs have earned enough
meal. renown, and enough gold and experience, to come back to life.
Once the PCs decide to move on, it isn’t long before Like many things that involve XP and gp cost, raise dead and
other spells worth differently in DUNGEONS & DRAGONS
they approach the frozen lake located just south of CAMPAIGNS. If a PC dies, and his or her companions are able to
Swordhold. They can choose to cross the ice or go around bring the body back to Waterdeep within 20 days after the time
the lake via a path marked on the map. The path around of death, a high-level cleric of one of various good-aligned
is the longer of the two routes, and if it is chosen, it is temples in the city is able to cast raise dead and bring the
likely that the PCs do not arrive in time to save the character back (assuming the soul is willing).
rangers from certain death at the hands of Llianne and Alternatively, because very powerful divine spellcasters
Borealis. If the PCs cross the frozen lake, they may set off dwell in the City of Splendors, it is possible to procure a
a trap set by Llianne. resurrection spell here. Only a portion of the body must remain,
If the PCs manage to save the rangers in the outpost, and the subject can be dead for as much as 130 years.
the rangers are happy to lead them to the dragon’s lair Raise dead incurs a 1,100-gp debt, and resurrection a 6,000-
gp debt per casting. The cost for each casting of either may be
where they may collect Borealis’s remaining treasure. divided up between the characters that were played during the
session. This debt is forever subtracted from the equipment
Auril’s Stitch value of the character, and reported in the “GP Debt” field of the
Auril is quite bitter about the continuing interference of Session Tracking Sheet. Additionally, the character that came
back from the dead has its experience points reduced. The
Loudwater’s heroes into the business of her clergy. In amount of experience points reduced is dependant on the
order to promote the demise of her enemies, she has put current character level (see Table LGR16-1, below) of the PC the
a stitch in the weave that prevents the PCs from using raise dead was cast on. Record the proper amount on the “XP
dimension door, teleport, greater teleport, or other Drain” field of the Session Tracking Sheet. These two costs are
conjuration (teleportation) spell for the duration of this the only costs for the raise dead (even for 1st-level characters),
adventure. PCs can prepare those spells, however they and override the rules found in the Player’s Handbook. When a
will inexplicably fail. Mystra eventually pulls Auril’s character is brought back from the dead, it is not recorded as a
stitch from the weave, but by then the adventure is over. character death (don’t mark yes); just record the gold debt and
experience drain.
Wintering in Waterdeep LGR17—1: Experience Point Drain for Raised or
This adventure is part of the Wintering in Waterdeep series. In
this series of adventures, the heroes of Loudwater are staked out Resurrected Characters
in the City of Splendors looking for Otar the Green Regent, Character Level XP Drain
7th 3,500 XP
8th 4,000 XP
9th 5,000 XP
10th 5,500 XP

Tour of Duty Page 4

lands that we protect in the interest of maintaining trade
routes into and out of the city. Our most northern
ADVENTURE START: outpost, called Swordhold is three days north into the
Sword Mountains, and in desperate need of supplies.
SUMMONS Normally I would send a city guard patrol with the
Spending the winter in Waterdeep seems to be an necessary supplies; however the winter finds the larger
adventure in and of itself; the City of Splendors truly part of the guard ill with disease. Lord Piergeiron would
lives up to its name. Even with a couple feet of snow have summoned you himself if he weren’t busy dealing
covering everything in sight, the bustling metropolis of with this matter personally. At this time of year we
Waterdeep seems grand and festive as the time till the normally send our more experienced guards, since the
Feast of the Moon grows short. mountains are particularly inhospitable given the
current weather conditions.
At this point ask each player what activity his or her PC is I understand that you all are heroes in your
engaged in mid-morning on a snow covered day in homeland, the most respected city of Loudwater, and
Waterdeep. Once each player has answered, read or hoped that you might consider transporting the supplies
paraphrase the following. for Swordhold. Normally we send fresh guards to relieve
the ones currently in the outpost, but I’ll send
However you choose to spend your time on this snowy documents with you as well, informing the current
winter day, you suddenly take note that the wind seems commander that they are to remain at their post until
to have picked up, as it rustles through your clothes and notified further.
hair. Then, you hear a voice speaking to you on the I understand that you are all on holiday, and
wind. “Captain Rulathon humbly requests you meet him wouldn’t insult you by asking you to do the job of a city
at the Troll Tower within the hour. He would ask a favor guardsman without suitable compensation. We are
befitting a hero of the northlands.” Then just as prepared to pay you each one hundred gold crowns for
suddenly as the wind had come, it is gone. accepting this brief tour of duty, and another hundred
gold coins for successfully completing the trip and
A successful Spellcraft skill check (DC 22) realizes the returning to us here at the Troll Tower. Additionally, I
PCs have just witnessed the end result of the spell can provide you with a map, as well as a sled and horse to
whispering wind. pull the supplies. What say you?
If the PCs do not know where the Troll Tower is
(PCs from the Waterdeep region do, as do character who If any PC doesn’t agree, they are excused, and the
succeed a Knowledge (local-Waterdeep) or bardic adventure is over for them. Assuming you still have at
knowledge check DC 10), asking a passerby or innkeeper least four players, the captain continue. Otherwise, the
in a courteous manner is sufficient to get directions to Captain Rulathon sadly dismisses the entire group, as
Waterdeep’s most northern tower. being insufficient for the task at hand. If enough PCs
PCs can choose not to answer the summons, but if agree, read or paraphrase the following.
they do the adventure is over.
Thank you ever so much for agreeing to this task. The
Even trudging through the snow, it doesn’t take long to horses and sled will be ready by first light. Here is a
find the Troll Tower. Expecting your arrival, the guards manifest of everything included on the sled. The
usher you into the tower and show you to a small manifest is to be signed by Captain Briardown upon
meeting room with a table and seven chairs. The table receipt. The second hundred gold crowns will be
holds a trio of large porcelain carafes, steaming with the provided to you when you return with the signed
smell of apples and cinnamon. Next to these are eight manifest. It is important that Swordhold receive all of
empty mugs. the supplies on the sled. Also, here are the orders and
other official correspondence meant for Captain
Ask the PCs what they are doing as they enter the room, Briardown. You’ll know the captain by his proud
allowing each to answer in turn. This is also a good time bearing, large stature, and flowing white hair. He is truly
for introductions if any PC is unfamiliar with the others a man of the north.
present. After each PC has had the opportunity, read or
paraphrase the following. It is possible that the PCs might be tempted to use some
of the supplies on the sled during the course of the
It isn’t long before the aging—yet imposing—Captain adventure. Note any such usage.
Rulathon enters the room. Wearing fine chainmail and a It is now the early afternoon, and the market is open
longsword at his hip, he strides to the empty seat at the for PCs who wish to avail themselves. Once the PCs have
table. A look of concern crosses his face briefly, causing had the opportunity to shop, rest, and prepare spells, and
his long silvery mustache to twitch. “Thank you for are ready to continue, proceed to A Bad Element.
answering my summons so quickly. I don’t have a great
deal of time, so I’ll get straight to the point. The city of
Waterdeep maintains outposts along the borders of the

Tour of Duty Page 5

Horse and Sled clothing. A character that is only wearing a cold weather
outfit is considered partially protected. An endure
Apples and Oranges – Heavy Warhorse (2): Large elements spell or cold resistance 5 is also sufficient
animal HD 4d8+12; hp 40; Init +1; Spd 50 ft.; AC 14 protection against both the cold and severe cold
(touch 10, flat-footed 13); Base Atk +3/+11; Atk +6 melee temperature bands.
(1d6+4, hoof); Full Atk +6 melee (1d6+4, 2 hooves) and +1
melee (1d4+2, bite); Space/Reach 10 ft./5 ft.; SA –; SQ
Low-light vision, scent; AL N; SV Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +2; A BAD ELEMENT (EL 9)
Str 18, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 6.
Skills and Feats: Listen +5, Spot +4; Endurance, Run. The journey away from Waterdeep is a quiet one. Only
Tricks: Attack, Down, Guard, Stay. the sound of the snow crunching underfoot can be
heard as the Sword Mountains loom closer and closer
Apples and Oranges are two of the more competent
ahead. The snowfall is light in the early morning, but as
steeds owned by the city of Waterdeep. They know to
the day wears on, it seems to get heavier and heavier,
move away from battle while guarding, though even they
until just before dusk, it becomes difficult to see the way
can only go so fast in the snow. They both have a sweet
tooth, and become fast friends with anyone that treat
Strange tracks are all over the area, though they are half
them well and feed him apples, or her oranges. A small
covered in the falling snow. PCs with the Track feat can
supply of apples and oranges has been provided for the
make a Survival check (DC 20) to notice the half-covered
purpose of coaxing the proud warhorses over steep
tracks of the chraals that have been moving through the
terrain while pulling their heavy burden.
area. As these creatures are not natural, it is not possible
Sled: AC 8; Hardness 5; hp 40 (wood, 4 inches for the tracking PCs to know what made the tracks
thick); Weight 300 lb (unloaded), 900 lb (loaded). without making a successful Knowledge (the planes)
It is entirely possible that the sled could be damage check DC 25. Even then, they only know that the
or destroyed in combat during this adventure. It should creatures are some kind of ice elemental.
be a constant priority for the PCs to protect the sled. The At this point, it is time for the PCs to make camp.
city expects the PCs to pay for any items on the sled that They are caught in heavy snow conditions, and the
are lost, consumed or destroyed in the course of the upcoming encounter must take this into consideration.
adventure. All Listen, Spot, and Search checks receive a -4 penalty.
Additionally, all unprotected flames are extinguished,
Manifest (see also Player’s Handout 1) and all ranged attacks receive a -4 penalty as well. The
20 5 lb wheels of cheese (20 gp, 100 lb), 30 lb cure ham falling snow obscures all sight, even with darkvision,
(18 gp, 30 lb), 200 days of trail rations (100 gp, 200 lb), 200 beyond 5 feet. Creatures further than 5 feet away have
feet silk rope (40 gp, 20 lb), 30 winter blankets (15 gp, 90 concealment (attacks by or against them have a 20%
lb), 20 flint and steel (20 gp), 100 tindertwigs (100 gp), 30 mischance).
sunrods (60 gp, 30 lb), 40 pitons (4 gp, 20 lb), 40 The snow depth in the area is approximately 20 to 24
smokesticks (800 gp, 20 lb), 20 thunderstones (600 gp, 20 inches. While moving along the ground, large and
lb), 400 longbow arrows (20 gp, 60 lb), 2 wooden potion medium creatures count each 5 feet moved as if it were
cases (50 gp, 5 lb), 20 potions of cure moderate wounds 10 feet moved. Small creatures count each 5 feet moved
(6,000 gp), 10 scroll cases (10 gp, 5 lb), 20 scrolls of as if it were 20 feet moved. It is not possible to take a 5-
endure elements (500 gp), 5 scrolls of neutralize poison foot step in combat here.
(1875 gp), 5 scrolls of cure serious wounds (1875 gp), 2 As the PCs are making camp, have each of them
wands of cure light wounds 50 charges each (1500 gp). make Listen and Spot checks (DC 10) to hear the four
Total Weight: 600 lb Total Value: 13,600 gp chraal approaching (don’t forget to apply a -4 to this
check). Any PC that succeeds in the check may act
Cold Dangers during the surprise round. If all of the PCs successfully
During the day, the PCs are considered to be in the cold make the check, then begin combat normally, with no
temperature band. Unprotected characters must make a surprise round.
Fortitude save each hour (DC 15, +1 per previous check)
or take 1d6 points of nonlethal damage. Characters who Two large powerful beings, seemingly constructed on
are wearing a cold weather outfit are safe at this magical ice, charge toward you through the heavy snow.
temperature range. Jagged spurs and spines form icy ridges along their blue-
During the evening, the PCs are considered to be in black humanoid-shaped bodies, and cold blue light leaks
the severe cold temperature band. Unprotected from their eyes, mouth, and joints. Long sharp teeth line
characters must make a Fortitude save every 10 minutes the creatures’ mouths, and their muscular arms end in
(DC 15, +1 per previous check), taking 1d6 points of wicked looking talons.
nonlethal damage on each failed save. A partially
protected character need only check once per hour. Creatures: These four chraal—dangerous icy
For complete protection against severe cold, a elemental creatures infused with the spirit of the wicked
character must be wearing a cold weather outfit and fur and depraved—sprung from a gate to the Elemental

Tour of Duty Page 6

Plane of Water, which has been opened in a cave just Whether the PCs camp out in the snow, or in the
under a mile away from the PCs’ current location. They cave, the rest of the evening passes without event. Once
are thrilled to be displaced from their home in a place they have rested and prepared their spells for the day,
filled with such “fleshy fun things to murder and proceed to “Worm Holes.”
despoil.” Not able to return home, they have nothing to
lose, and so they fight to the death, with the glee of a Scaling the Encounter
sociopath. 7th-Level Characters (EL 7)
Chraal (2): hp 85; See Appendix 1. Remove one chraal from the encounter.
Tactics: See “Combat Grid 1: Chraals’ Assault. The
chraal begin the combat with their breath weapons, 9th-Level Characters (EL 10)
attempting to catch PCs in a crossfire whenever possible. Add one chraal (hp 85) to the encounter
They then wade into melee combat, using their
remaining breath weapon uses when convenient. When a 10th-Level Characters (EL 11)
chraal is destroyed in explodes, so if a chraal believes it is Add two chraals (hp 85, 85) to the encounter.
going to be destroyed, it attempts to move into a position
that will do the most amount of damage to the greatest
number of characters. WORM HOLES (EL 8)
Development: Once the PCs have defeated the By mid-morning the next day, the PCs enter the foothills
chraals, they can either finish making camp, or if there of the Sword Mountains. A long sloping hillock gives
are PCs with the Track feat in the group, attempt to track way to a frozen mountain stream that is the gateway to
the creatures back to their cave of origin. Four successful the mountain range proper. The heavy snow from the
Survival checks (DC 22) must be made in order to previous evening has left this hillside covered in about
accomplish this, and the overland trek through the snow thirty inches of fresh powder, making it difficult for the
takes an hour. PCs to traverse its length with any kind of speed.
At this point the PCs are already tired from the day’s Medium and Small creatures move 5 feet for every 20 feet
journey, so this additional hike forces them to make a of movement taken. The DC of Tumble checks increases
successful Fortitude save (DC 10) or take 1d6 points of by 8, and it is impossible to take a 5-foot step in combat.
nonlethal damage. A character that takes nonlethal Additionally, the hillside has a veritable honeycomb
damage from this forced march becomes fatigued. of large 10-foot holes that have been obscured by the
If the PCs track the chraal back to the cave fresh snow (see Map 2: Worm Holes). Feel free to
successfully, read or paraphrase the following. describe the area to the PCs however you choose, using
the map as an aid. Read-aloud text is not provided in
Before you stands the opening to a wide-mouthed stone order to keep the players guessing whether this is an
cave that emerges from a hillside. The cave is 40 feet actual encounter or not. Any PC prodding the ground in
wide and approximately 60 feet deep. A shimmering front of them with a 10-foot or longer pole, is allowed a
light issues from a large clear blue pool of water, roughly Survival check (DC 15) or Search check (DC 25) to
35 feet in diameter that dominates the cavern floor. discover any given hole. If the PCs do not have such a
tool at their disposal, the DCs of the respective checks
The pool of water is a gate to the Elemental Plane of increase by +5.
Water’s colder regions. A successful dispel magic or
greater dispel magic performed against a 20th-level caster Trap:
suppresses the magic of the gate for 1d4 rounds, or a Camouflaged Pit Trap: CR 2; natural; DC 20 Reflex save
Mordenkainen’s disjunction destroys the gate avoids; 20 ft. deep (2d6, fall); multiple targets (first target
permanently. in each of two adjacent 5-ft. squares); Search (DC 25) or
Some rogues may be confident enough to try and Survival (DC 15) to locate. Must use a 10-foot or longer
disable the gate. It takes a practically impossible Disable pole in order to succeed this check.
Magic Device check (DC 54) to accomplish this, and
failing by 5 or more cause another chraal to immediately Any PC that falls prey to one of the wormholes is buried
enter the chamber. There is no limit to the number of in loose snow, requiring a successful Str check (DC 20) to
these creatures that can be summoned with a botched break free, and a successful Climb check (DC 20) to
attempt to disable the gate. Even if a rogue successfully extricate themselves from the collapsed hole. Otherwise,
disables the gate in this matter, it only suppresses it for other PCs can attempt to excavate their companion from
three day. the snow, requiring a minimum of 10 minutes to dig
The gate produces a variety of elementals once per them free. While buried in the snow, a PC must make a
week, during the winter only. So, assuming the original successful Fortitude save (DC 15, +1 per previous check)
four chraal have been destroyed, and no one in the party each minute or take 1d6 points of nonlethal damage. An
has botched and attempt to disable the gate, it is safe to endure elements spell or cold resistance 5 negates the
use the cave as a resting place for the evening. An open need for these saving throws. Any PC that takes damage
campfire is easily shielded from the elements within, from the snow in this fashion is subject to mild
though not from being seen from the outside. hypothermia and treated as fatigued (The PC may neither

Tour of Duty Page 7

run nor charge, and takes a -2 to Strength and Dexterity). Creatures: These dangerous snow worms fight with
This lasts until they have been healed of all nonlethal hungry abandon.
damage. Remorhaz (2): hp 73, 73; see Monster Manual
Development: This hill is the home of a pair of page 214.
remorhaz. If the PCs take longer than 20 rounds to get to Treasure: If the PCs think to cut open the defeated
the bottom of the hill, the remorhaz attack them while remorhaz, they find a veritable treasure trove of polished
they are still on the hill, using their holes, shown on the agates in one of the creature’s gizzards. In the other, they
map, to catch the PCs off their guard. If the PCs get down find a diamond worth 5000 gold pieces. If the PCs
to the frozen stream before 20 rounds have elapsed, the survive the remorhaz attack, and make it to the frozen
remorhaz attack them there, charging down the hill at stream below the snowfield, they can proceed upstream
the PCs, and losing any element of surprise, as well as any toward the lake.
advantage they might gain from the snow-impeded
movement and using their holes in combat. Either way, The frozen stream knifes into the mountains, leaving a
once the remorhaz attack, proceed to the encounter, path to either side of its bed as it winds its way upward.
“Sometimes the Worm Eats You!” Sheer stone cliffs rise up to either side of the frozen
stream, covered in ice, and heavily laden with icicles.
Scaling the Encounter
7th-Level Characters (EL 7) Trap: The icicles appear dangerous, but they are
Allow the PCs to get free and clear of the snowfield, and firmly attached to their stony outcroppings unless the
any wormholes they fell into before starting the PCs work to actively dislodge them. If that is the case,
encounter with the remorhaz. treat the dislodged icicles as a trap.
Falling Icicle Trap: CR 2; natural; proximity
9th-Level Characters (EL 9) trigger; manual reset; Atk +10 ranged (2d6/x3, icicle).
Start the encounter with the remorhaz once the PCs have If the PCs don’t stop to play with the icicles, they
taken longer than 10 rounds to get through the reach a frozen mountain lake by the evening. See the
snowfield, and past the wormholes. encounter, Heroes on Ice.

10th-Level Characters (EL 10) Scaling the Encounter

Start the encounter with the remorhaz once the PCs have 7th-Level Characters (EL 9)
taken longer than 5 rounds to get through the snowfield, Leave the encounter unchanged, except that you allow
and past the wormholes. the PCs to get clear of the snowfield prior to attacking
SOMETIMES THE WORM 9th-Level Characters (EL 11)
EATS YOU! (EL 10) Add 3 HD to each remorhaz (hp 100, 92). See Appendix 1.
When the remorhaz attack, they come up from each side 10th-Level Characters (EL 12)
of the PCs, attempting to cut them off from leaving the Add 6 HD to each remorhaz (hp 130, 120). See Appendix
snowfield. If the PCs have already left the snowfield, the 1.
remorhaz circle to opposite ends of the group, looking to
swallow the smaller members of the party (halflings and
gnomes) before engaging the rest of the group in combat. HEROES ON ICE (EL 8)
The path drops down into a wide valley and leads right
The snowfield seems to explode as a pair of huge worm- up to the shore of a large frozen lake. The sheer cliffs rise
like beasts with dozens of insectoid legs and great to either side of the lakeshore as the frozen body of
yellow, faceted eyes erupt from beneath the unpacked water bends out of sight. From here, the path continues
snow. With a tremendous screech they bear down upon up a narrow ridge, disappearing behind the cliff to the
you. west. The timberline rings the southern shore of the
lake, with the frozen stream that you’ve been walking
If the PCs are caught in the snowfield, their movement beside, knifing through the south ridge, proceeding
is reduced. Medium and small creatures move 5 feet for back toward the snowfields below. Winds whistle over
every 20 feet of movement taken. The DC of Tumble the lake, leaving its surface free of snow and debris.
checks increases by 8, and it is impossible to take a 5-foot
step in combat. However, if a PC moves into an area At this point, the PCs have a choice. They can either take
previously inhabited by a remorhaz, they may move the shorter route across the frozen lake, or then can
normally, as the great beasts pack the snow they move continue following the path up the ridgeline, and around
through. through the woods toward Swordhold. As evening has
arrived, the PCs may decide to camp before proceeding
any further. If that is the case, they rest without incident.

Tour of Duty Page 8

Once they are ready to proceed, the PCs have a grabbing it isn’t possible. Any PC standing directly
choice. If the PCs decide to follow the path up the ridge, within 5 feet of the rope is caught in the blast as well.
skip the remainder of this encounter, and proceed to You Glyph of Warding (Blast): CR 5; spell; spell
Flind Me at a Disadvantage. If the PCs decide to proceed trigger; no reset; spell effect (glyph of warding [blast],
across the frozen lake, read or paraphrase the following. 10th-level cleric, 5d8 fire, DC 16 Reflex save half damage);
multiple targets (all targets within 5 ft.); Search DC 28;
The lake appears to be quite solid as you proceed across Disable Device DC 28.
its frozen surface, though it is very slippery, forcing a If the catapult fires, the boulder breaks the ice 10
slow march. As you move out across the lake the sound feet south of where the PCs are standing, and forces them
of your unsteady footsteps echo off the sides of the cliffs to attempt to complete their journey across the frozen
rising up on both sides, and at times you are quite lake in a more hasty fashion to avoid taking a swim in
certain that you’re being followed. However, when you frozen waters. PCs attempting to outrun the breaking ice
stop to listen for your pursuers, you hear nothing which must be able to run a minimum of 120 feet per round for
gives you cause to doubt your own ears. five rounds in order to avoid falling into the ice. Every
round, each runner must succeed a Balance check (DC
The PCs must move at half speed across the ice or be 10) to stay on his or her feet. Failure means the PC falls,
forced to make a Balance check (DC 10) to remain and must take a move action the next round to get back
standing. Additionally, any PC attempting to run or on their feet. At this rate, they won’t be able to get
charge across the ice must make a successful Balance moving fast enough to avoid taking a swim.
check (DC 10) to remain on their feet as well. The DC of Falling into the lake is the same as falling into
all Tumble checks on the ice increase by 5. quickslush, and any such PC must make a DC 12 Swim
The PCs aren’t actually being pursued across the check every round to simply tread water in place, or a DC
frozen lake. The strange acoustics of the cliffs to either 17 Swim check to move 5 feet in whatever direction is
side make it sound as if someone is walking behind them desired. If a trapped character fails this check by 5 or
in the distance. Feel free to play up the tension, since a more, he sinks below the surface and begins to drown
little paranoia can be healthy. whenever he can no longer hold his breath (see the Swim
Flying: In order to protect Swordhold from flying skill description, page 84 of the Player’s Handbook, and
threats from this direction, an elder air elemental has Drowning, page 304 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide.
been bound to the area around the lake, keeping it fairly Characters swimming or submerged in quickslush
clear of flying animals, monsters, and if they choose to do are susceptible to the effects of hypothermia (The PC is
so, PCs. The elemental has been instructed to bring down treated as fatigued and may neither run nor charge,
all flying creatures that enter the vicinity. It does so using taking a -2 to Strength and Dexterity).
its whirlwind attack. Any PC that willingly lands and Characters below the surface of the quickslush may
refrains from flying over the lake earns a reprieve from swim back to the surface with a successful Swim check
the elemental’s attacks. (DC 17, +1 per consecutive round of being under the
Elder Air Elemental: hp 205; see Monster surface).
Manual page 96. Rescue: Pulling out a character trapped in quickslush
can be difficult. A rescuer needs to use a sturdy item that
As the day wears on into late afternoon, a strange site can reach the victim. Then he must make a DC 17
comes into view. A sturdy rope is stretched across the Strength check to successfully pull the victim, and the
entire width of the lake, suspended in the air victim must make a DC 10 Strength check to hold onto
approximately five feet. It appears to run along the east the item. If the victim fails to hold on, he must make a
cliff, stopping at a piton, where it is threaded to stretch DC 17 Swim check immediately to stay above the surface.
across the lake and be tied down to another piton on the If both checks succeed, the victim is pulled 5 feet closer
west cliff face. to safety.
Development: If the PCs manage to disarm the trap,
This rope holds back the spring-loaded lever of a catapult they may continue on their way without disruption. If
that is loaded and ready to fire. If any PC cuts the rope, the PCs fail to disarm the trap, but manage to escape the
the lever is released, and the catapult launches a boulder ice breaking behind them, they may continue without
through the air toward the PCs position. If a PC can make disruption. Proceed to Not a Good Sign.
a successful Reflex saving throw (DC 20) they can grab
the cut rope, and if they make a successful Strength Scaling the Encounter
check (DC 25), they can hold the rope, preventing the 8th-Level Characters (EL 7)
catapult from firing. Glyph of Warding (Blast): CR 4; spell; spell
Trap: Additionally, Llianne has inscribed a glyph of trigger; no reset; spell effect (glyph of warding [blast], 8th-
warding across the ice, just below the rope. If any PC level cleric, 4d8 fire, DC 16 Reflex save half damage);
crosses this line, without saying the password [Borealis], multiple targets (all targets within 5 ft.); Search DC 28;
the glyph explodes, destroying the rope at this end, and Disable Device DC 28.
setting off the catapult as well. If a PC sets off the glyph
of warding, enough of the rope is destroyed, that

Tour of Duty Page 9

In addition, the PCs are only required to run 120 feet the rangers wait until their respective companion is in
per round for 3 rounds to avoid falling in the water, melee combat before moving into a flanking position.
should the trap be sprung.
10th-Level Characters (EL 9) Flind Packleaders (2): Male flind ranger 7; hp
The glyph of warding remains the same as the EL 8 84, 84; see Appendix 1.
version of the encounter. PCs are required to run 120 feet
per round for 8 rounds to avoid falling in the water, Wolf Animal Companions (2): hp 31, 31; see
should the trap be sprung. Appendix 1: NPCs.
Gnoll Hunters (4): Male gnoll barbarian 2; hp 32,
11th-Level Characters (EL 10) 32, 32, 32; see Appendix 1: NPCs.
Greater Glyph of Warding (Blast): CR 5; spell;
spell trigger; no reset; spell effect (glyph of warding Development
[blast], 12th-level cleric, 6d8 fire, DC 20 Reflex save half Development: Once the PCs defeat the gnolls and
damage); multiple targets (all targets within 5 ft.); Search flinds, they may proceed on to Swordhold. However, as
DC 31; Disable Device DC 31. the way they have gone takes far too long, they cannot
In addition, PCs are required to run 120 feet per make it in time to save the rangers. Proceed to
round for 8 rounds to avoid falling in the water, should “Conclusion B: In Frozen Ruin.”
the trap be sprung.
Scaling the Encounter
7th-Level Characters (EL 9)
Remove one flind packleader plus wolf animal
YOU FLIND ME AT A companion from the encounter.
DISADVANTAGE (EL 10) 10th-Level Characters (EL 11)
If the PCs decide not to take the quick route across the Increase the gnoll hunters to 3rd-level (hp 42, 42, 42, 42).
frozen lake, they have to hike up the trail, over the ridge,
and back down into the timberline to get there on solid 12th-Level Characters (EL 12)
ground. Once the PCs are in the timberline, they Increase the gnoll hunters to 4th-level (hp 59, 59, 59, 59).
immediately attract the attention of a small hunting band
of gnolls that are under the command of a pair of flinds.
This group sets up an ambush for the PCs, in the hopes of
feeding their village, which is about two days north of Ahead in the cliff wall, bordering the frozen lake is a
Swordhold. grisly sight. What appear to be the frozen remains of city
guardsman have been stapled to the wall by a large icicle
The trail leads up and over the ridge, plunging back that appears to have been forcibly shoved through his
down into the timberline before beginning a slow head, and into the wall of ice behind him. Long, flowing
circuit north and east toward Swordhold. The snow here white hair, stained with blood, is the only clue to his
is about twelve inches deep, and relatively easy to move identity. Deep gouges in the wall beside him spell out a
through. single word.

The depth of the snow is a minor inconvenience here This is Captain Briardown, who fled from the dragon’s
under the canopy of the trees. However, it does slow lair in a different direction than his men, hoping to lead
movement down to half for small and medium creatures. the creature astray, while they covered their tracks.
Once the PCs have set up a marching order for the group Unfortunately for him, Borealis caught up with him. The
along the 5-foot wide path, allow them to make Spot gouges in the icy cliff spell out the word “THIEF” in
checks (DC 22), as the gnolls have taken 20 to hide Draconic.
themselves, and remain absolutely still as the PCs enter Development: There are a couple of possibilities
the area. If the PCs manage to hear or see any of their here for the PCs to learn more here. They can cast speak
ambushers, those PCs are allowed a standard action in the with dead on the captain, or given the proper spells, and
surprise round. If all PCs see or hear their attackers, there the diamond they may have found inside the remorhaz
is no surprise round, and combat starts normally. (or their own, if they are so equipped) they can cast raise
dead on him. If the PCs cast speak with dead, he does so
Gnolls step from behind trees, howling with glee as they willingly, forgoing his saving throw. If they raise him, he
fire their bows. accompanies them back to Swordhold, but hides during
the fight with the dragon. Either way, the captain knows
Creatures: The gnolls and flinds begin combat by the information given regarding finding the dragon’s lair
firing bows at the PCs and using the trees for cover. Once and the treasure within, and can answer questions based
the PCs close for melee, they drop their bows in favor of on that knowledge, as given in the adventure
battleaxes and flindbars. The wolf animal companions of background.

Tour of Duty Page 10

attempt to give Borealis an edge over the PCs that don’t
possess his finely tuned senses. The two are unwilling to
FAVORED OF THE flee from this combat, as they completely enraged at the
audacity of those who stole from them.
FROSTMAIDEN (EL 11) Development: If the PCs are victorious against the
The lake finally comes to an end, and nothing but a wide combined might of Llianne Rimewind and Borealis,
snowfield lay between the shoreline and Swordhold. proceed to “Conclusion A: Thanks Befitting a King’s
From the beach, Swordhold appears to be a three-story Remembrance.” If they fail, it is likely that the entire
tower fortified with a sturdy wall. The entire affair is group is dead. However, it is also likely they weaken the
constructed of wood and strengthened with iron bands. pair enough for the rangers to finish them off, and so
The snowfield leading up to Swordhold angles slightly they may be raised from the dead once they have been
upward. transported back to the city come Spring.

The snowfield is only 12 inches deep. However, that Scaling the Encounter
coupled with the slope, slows the PCs movement down 7th-Level Characters (EL 10)
to half when proceeding uphill toward Swordhold. After By chance the PCs are able sneak upon the duo while
they have had the opportunity to reach the shore, and are they are taunting the guards of Swordhold. Llianne ihas
ready to proceed uphill, read or paraphrase the following. no time to cast prep spells before the combat begins. The
PCs start 80 ft. away and get a surprise round.
Swordhold looks to be at peace sitting atop its rocky
perch and covered in snow and ice. The scene before you 10th-Level Characters (EL 12)
is somewhat idyllic since the sky is free of clouds on this Llianne remains unchanged; Borealis becomes an adult
fine winter day. From overhead, the sound of a huge pair white dragon. See Appendix 1.
of wings, beating against the chill air heralds the arrival
of something more sinister however, and the light from 11th-Level Characters (EL 13)
the sun dims briefly. In the air above, a large white Increase Llianne by two levels; Borealis becomes an adult
dragon circles the field, an armored rider astride its white dragon. See Appendix 1: NPCs.
back. The two pair land before the gate to Swordhold
and glance back toward you, to note your approach.
As the PCs are arriving on the scene, so does Llianne and
Borealis. They spot the PCs from above, and decide to BEFITTING A KING’S
have a bit of sport before demolishing the outpost and
taking back their possessions. However, the two have a
ways to go, giving the PCs one round to cast any Having slain the dragon and his evil mistress, you are
preparatory spells, or make other preparations prior to welcomed into Swordhold as true heroes of the North.
being set upon. Additionally, the PCs may attempt to stall The rangers are grateful for the supplies, and once you
the destruction of Swordhold a round or two by have recovered, they lead you to the former lair of the
bantering with the dragon and his mistress. However, all great white dragon, where you are free to pilfer from his
attempts to dissuade them from destroying the keep and hoard at will. Several days later, loaded down with
taking back their rightful possessions are in vain. treasure, you make you way back into Waterdeep. The
Llianne Rimewind: Female human favored soul 8 commander of Swordhold has sent you with a missive
(Auril); hp 59; see Appendix 1. for Captain Rulathol, detailing your epic battle with the
Borealis: Male young adult white dragon; hp white dragon, and you are named heroes of Waterdeep.
170; see Appendix 1.
Tactics: As they approach Swordhold, Llianne casts CONCLUSION B: IN FROZEN
several spells in anticipation of the fight. She casts shield
of faith, protection from energy (fire), and protection RUIN
from good on both her and Borealis. She then casts bear’s The day is late as you approach Swordhold from the
endurance and bull’s strength on Borealis, and freedom western path. Though, you were not expecting the ruin
of movement on herself. At highter APLs, Borealis casts that lay before you. The outpost appears to have been
shield on himself. gutted, and the rangers lay about the grounds,
Borealis begins combat by using his breath weapon
dismembered and frozen. It appears as though the party,
from the air. Llianne casts divine power on herself. On
whatever that may be, happened without you.
the second round Borealis lands on the top of the hill,
nearest the gate of Swordhold and casts true strike. He’ll
After killing the rangers, and taking back their
use Power Attack on the strongest fighter spotted on the
possessions, Llianne and Borealis return to the dragon’s
next round, giving up his entire base attack bonus for
lair where it is summarily packed up and relocated in the
maximum damage. Llianne slides off of Borealis. If things
interest of secrecy.
get tough in combat, Llianne casts obscuring mist, in an

Tour of Duty Page 11

6. Did the PCs rescue Swordhold?
a. Yes. They saved the rangers stationed there and
ADVENTURE QUESTIONS brought all of the much need supplies
b. Almost. They saved the ranger stationed there, but
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS CAMPAIGNS (of which LEGACY OF did not bring all of the supplies
THE GREEN REGENT is that program’s first offering) tracks c. No. The rangers perished.
character progress digitally. At the adventure’s end, you
report what the characters did, by answering a number of
questions. The answers to those questions are tallied, and
determine not only what happens in the campaign, but
also the experience points (XP) and gold piece (gp) value
increase each character gains.
At the end of this adventure, you’ll find the RPGA
Session Tracking form, tailored for this adventure. On the
section titled “Adventure Questions” fill in the bubble that
corresponds to the best answer for the questions below.
Many times the questions ask whether or not the PCs
defeated an encounter. Defeating doesn’t necessarily mean
killing all enemies, but many times such an event suffices as
defeating an encounter. Sometimes PCs merely bypass an
encounter. Through luck or circumstance a group of PCs can
avoid encounters unscathed. Does bypassing an encounter earn
the XP that defeating it would? No. The reward for getting past
an encounter without actually interacting with it is having extra
resources to bear in the next encounter. Where is the line? You
are going to have to make that decision, because you are the
For traps, PCs get experience points just for encountering
them, whether or not they have been disabled.

1. Did the PCs defeat the Chraal

a. No. The dreaded evil infusions defeated the PCs.
b. Almost. They defeated at least half of the Chraal, but
not all of them.
c. Yes. The PCs defeated all of the elemental rampagers

2. Did the PCs successfully navigate the pocked ice plain

and defeat the remorhaz?
a. No. They either never got this far or were defeated by
the pits and the remorhaz
b. Almost. They foiled the pits, but didn’t defeat the
c. Almost. The pits gave them a lot of trouble, but
they got past them and defeated the remorhaz
d. Yes. The foiled the pits and defeated the
3. Did the PCs navigate the frozen lake or the mountain
trail to reach Swordhold?
a. They navigated the frozen lake
b. They took the mountain trail, but the flinds and gnolls
defeated them.
c. They took the mountain trail and defeated the flings
and the gnolls.

4. Did the PCs defeat Llianne Rimewind and Borealis?

a. No. This duo defeated the PCs.
b. Almost. They defeated one but not the other.
c. Yes. They defeated both.
5. Did the PCs recover the remainder of Borealis’s
a. No.
b. Yes.

Tour of Duty Page 12

A Bad Element Skills and Feats: Listen +10, Spot +9; Awesome
Blow, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Natural Attack,
Chraal: CR 6; Large elemental (cold); HD 9d8+45; hp Power Attack.
85; Init +0; Spd 40 ft.; AC 21, touch 13, flat-footed 21; Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a
Base Atk +6; Grp +15; Atk +10 melee (1d8+5 plus 1d6 remorhaz must hit an opponent at least one size
cold, claw); Full Atk +10 melee (1d8+5 plus 1d6 cold, 2 category smaller than itself with its bite attack. It can
claws) and +8 melee (2d6+2 plus 1d6 cold, bite); then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA breath weapon, death provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the
throes, freeze; SQ DR 5/-, darkvision 60 ft., deflecting grapple check, it establishes a hold and can attempt to
cold, elemental traits, immunity to cold, vulnerability swallow the opponent the following round.
to fire; AL NE; SV Fort +11, Ref +3, Will +5; Str 21, Dex Swallow Whole (Ex): When a remorhaz begins its
11, Con 20, Int 9, Wis 10, Cha 14. turn with a grappled opponent in its mouth, it can
Skills and Feats: Listen +4, Search +3, Spot +4; swallow that opponent with a successful grapple check.
Improved Natural Attack (bite), Improved Natural Once inside, the opponent takes 2d8+12 points of
Attack (claw), Iron Will, Multiattack. bludgeoning damage plus 8d6 points of fire damage
Breath Weapon (Su): 60-foot cone, 3/day, 6d6 per round from the remorhaz’s gizzard. A swallowed
cold, Reflex DC 19 half. creature can cut its way out by using a light slashing or
Death Throes (Ex): When killed, a chraal explodes piercing weapon to deal 25 points of damage to the
in an immense blast of cold energy that deals 10 points gizzard (AC 15). Once the creature exits, muscular
of cold damage and 10 points of piercing damage to action closes the hole; another swallowed opponent
anything within 30 feet (Reflex DC 19 half). must cut its own way out. A Huge remorhaz’s interior
Freeze (Ex): A chraal generates so much cold that can hold 2 Large, 4 Medium, 8 Small, 32 Tiny, 128
its mere touch, including all its attacks, deals an Diminutive, or 512 Fine or smaller opponents.
additional +1d6 points of cold damage. Any metallic Heat (Ex): An enraged remorhaz generates heat so
weapon a chraal might wield in combat also conducts intense that anything touching its body takes 8d6
this cold. points of fire damage. Creatures striking a remorhaz
Deflecting Cold (Su): The magical cold radiance with natural attacks or unarmed attacks are subject to
that shines from the cracks in a chraal’s black ice gives this damage, but creatures striking with melee
it a measure of defense, providing it with a +4 weapons do not take the damage from the remorhaz’s
deflection bonus to Armor Class. heat. This heat can melt or char weapons; any weapon
Description: An 8-foot-tall, powerful being that strikes a remorhaz is allowed a DC 18 Fortitude
seemingly constructed of magical ice. Jagged spurs and save to avoid destruction.
spines form icy ridges along its blue-black humanoid-
shaped body, and cold blue light leaks from eyes,
Remorhaz, Advanced 13 HD: CR 9; Huge magical
mount, and joints of its glistening icy form. Its long,
beast; HD 13d10+65; hp varies; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.,
muscled arms end in sharp talons, and its mouth opens
burrow 20 ft.; AC 20, touch 9, flat-footed 19; Base Atk
to reveal rows of wickedly sharp teeth.
+13; Grp +29; Atk +20 melee (3d8+13, bite); Full Atk
When a particularly evil and hateful being
+20 melee (3d8+13, bite); Space/Reach 15 ft./10 ft.; SA
perishes on either the Elemental Plane of Air or the
improved grab, swallow whole; SQ darkvision 60 ft.,
Elemental Plane of Water, its life forces is sometimes
heat, low-light vision, tremorsense 60 ft.; AL N; SV Fort
captured by the planar powers and coalesced into a
+13, Ref +9, Will +5; Str 28, Dex 13, Con 21, Int 5, Wis
chraal. The chraal retains no knowledge of its past life
12, Cha 10.
and exists as a radiant cloud of cold energy trapped
inside a monstrous shell of hard, bluish, black ice.
Skills and Feats: Listen +11, Spot +11; Awesome
Blow, Dodge, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Natural
The chraal is further detailed on page 28 of the
Attack, Power Attack.
Monster Manual III. All the information you need to
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a
run this creature is in the above statistic block.
remorhaz must hit an opponent at least one size
category smaller than itself with its bite attack. It can
Sometimes the Worm Eats You then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without
Remorhaz, advanced 10 HD: CR 8; Huge magical provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the
beast; HD 10d10+50; hp varies, see adventure text; Init grapple check, it establishes a hold and can attempt to
+1; Spd 30 ft., burrow 20 ft.; AC 20, touch 9, flat-footed swallow the opponent the following round.
19; Base Atk +10; Grp +26; Atk +16 melee (3d8+12, Swallow Whole (Ex): When a remorhaz begins its
bite); Full Atk +16 melee (3d8+12, bite); Space/Reach turn with a grappled opponent in its mouth, it can
15 ft./10 ft.; SA improved grab, swallow whole; SQ swallow that opponent with a successful grapple check.
darkvision 60 ft., heat, low-light vision, tremorsense 60 Once inside, the opponent takes 2d8+12 points of
ft.; AL N; SV Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +4; Str 27, Dex 13, bludgeoning damage plus 8d6 points of fire damage
Con 21, Int 5, Wis 12, Cha 10. per round from the remorhaz’s gizzard. A swallowed

Tour of Duty Page 13

creature can cut its way out by using a light slashing or Skills: *Wolves have a +4 racial bonus on Survival
piercing weapon to deal 25 points of damage to the checks when tracking by scent.
gizzard (AC 15). Once the creature exits, muscular Tricks: Attack, Down, Stay, Track.
action closes the hole; another swallowed opponent
must cut its own way out. A Huge remorhaz’s interior Gnoll Hunters, 2nd-level: Male gnoll barbarian 2; CR
can hold 2 Large, 4 Medium, 8 Small, 32 Tiny, 128 3; Medium humanoid (gnoll); HD 2d8+6 plus 2d12+6;
Diminutive, or 512 Fine or smaller opponents. hp 32; Init +2; Spd 40 ft.; AC 19, touch 10, flat-footed
Heat (Ex): An enraged remorhaz generates heat so 19; Base Atk +3; Grp +7; Atk +9 melee (1d8+4/x3,
intense that anything touching its body takes 8d6 masterwork battleaxe) or +5 ranged (1d8+4/x3,
points of fire damage. Creatures striking a remorhaz masterwork composite longbow); Full Atk +9 melee
with natural attacks or unarmed attacks are subject to (1d8+4/x3, masterwork battleaxe) or +5 ranged
this damage, but creatures striking with melee (1d8+4/x3, masterwork composite longbow); SA rage
weapons do not take the damage from the remorhaz’s 1/day; SQ darkvision 60 ft., fast movement, uncanny
heat. This heat can melt or char weapons; any weapon dodge; AL CE; SV Fort +9, Ref +2, Will -1; Str 18, Dex
that strikes a remorhaz is allowed a DC 18 Fortitude 14, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 8.
save to avoid destruction. Skills and Feats: Listen +6, Spot +6, Survival +5;
Power Attack, Weapon Focus (battleaxe).
You Flind Me at a Disadvantage Possessions: masterwork chainshirt, masterwork
heavy steel shield, masterwork battleaxe, masterwork
Flind Packleaders: Male flind ranger 7; CR 9;
composite longbow (Str Bonus +4) with 20 arrows.
Medium humanoid (gnoll); HD 9d8+36; hp 84; Init +0;
Rage (Ex)—1/day: hp 40; AC 17, touch 8, flat-
Spd 30 ft.; AC 23, touch 10, flat-footed 23; Base Atk +8;
footed 17; Base Atk +3; Grp +9; Atk +11 melee
Grp +13; Atk +16 melee (2d4+7 plus 1d6 fire/19-20, +2
(1d8+6/x3, masterwork battleaxe); Full Atk +11 melee
flaming flindbar) or +9 ranged (1d8+4/x3, masterwork
(1d8+6/x3, masterwork battleaxe); SV Fort +11, Ref +2,
composite longbow); Full Atk +16/+11 melee (2d4+7
Will +1; Str 22, Con 20. Rage for 8 rounds than
plus 1d6 fire/19-20, +2 flaming flindbar) or +9/+4
ranged (1d8+4/x3, masterwork composite longbow);
Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA favored enemy (human +4,
elf +2), spells; SQ animal companion (wolf), combat Gnoll Hunters, 3rd-level: Male gnoll barbarian 3; CR
style (archery)*, darkvision 60 ft., wild empathy +7; AL 4; Medium humanoid (gnoll); HD 2d8+6 plus 3d12+9;
NE; SV Fort +12, Ref +5, Will +4; Str 20, Dex 10, Con hp 42; Init +2; Spd 40 ft.; AC 19, touch 10, flat-footed
19, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 10. 19; Base Atk +4; Grp +8; Atk +10 melee (1d8+5/x3, +1
Skills and Feats: Handle Animal +10, Hide +12, battleaxe) or +6 ranged (1d8+4/x3, masterwork
Listen +12, Move Silently +12, Spot +12, Survival +12; composite longbow); Full Atk +10 melee (1d8+5/x3, +1
Endurance, Manyshot, Point Blank Shot, Power battleaxe) or +6 ranged (1d8+4/x3, masterwork
Attack, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Track, Weapon Focus composite longbow); SA rage 1/day; SQ darkvision 60
(flindbar). ft., fast movement, uncanny dodge, Trap sense +1; AL
Ranger Spells Prepared (3rd-level caster); 1st – CE; SV Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +0; Str 19, Dex 14, Con 16,
endure elements, longstrider. Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 8.
Possessions: +2 mithral chainshirt, +1 heavy steel Skills and Feats: Listen +7, Spot +7, Survival +7;
shield, +2 flaming flindbar, masterwork composite Power Attack, Weapon Focus (battleaxe).
longbow (Str Bonus +4) with 20 arrows, potion of Possessions: masterwork chainshirt, masterwork
barkskin (+2). heavy steel shield, +1 battleaxe, masterwork composite
longbow (Str Bonus +4) with 20 arrows.
Rage (Ex)—1/day: hp 52; AC 17, touch 8, flat-
Wolf Animal Companions (2): Medium magical
footed 17; Grp +10; Atk +12 melee (1d8+7/x3, +1
beast; HD 4d8+8; hp 31; Init +3; Spd 50 ft.; AC 17
(touch 13, flat-footed 14); Base Atk +3; Grp +5; Atk +6
battleaxe); Full Atk +12 melee (1d8+7/x3, +1 battleaxe);
SV Fort +11, Will +1; Str 23, Con 20. Rage for 8 rounds
melee (1d8+3, bite); Full Atk +6 melee (1d8+3, bite);
than fatigued.
Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA trip; SQ evasion, low-light
vision, scent, link, share spells; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref
+7, Will +2; Str 14, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6. Gnoll Hunters (4): Male gnoll barbarian 4; CR 5;
Skills and Feats: Hide +3, Listen +3, Move Silently Medium humanoid (gnoll); HD 2d8+6 plus 4d12+12;
+4, Spot +3, Survival +3*; Improved Natural Attack, hp 59; Init +2; Spd 40 ft.; AC 20, touch 10, flat-footed
Track, Weapon Focus (bite). 20; Base Atk +5; Grp +9; Atk +12 melee (1d8+6/x3, +2
Trip (Ex): When the wolf hits with a bite attack, he battleaxe) or +8 ranged (1d8+4/x3, masterwork
can attempt to trip the opponent (+1 check modifier) as composite longbow); Full Atk +12 melee (1d8+6/x3, +2
a free action without making a touch attack or battleaxe) or +8 ranged (1d8+4/x3, masterwork
provoking an attack of opportunity. If the attempt fails, composite longbow); Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA rage
the opponent cannot react to trip him. 2/day; SQ darkvision 60 ft., fast movement, uncanny
dodge, trap sense +1; AL CE; SV Fort +10, Ref +3, Will
+0; Str 19, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 8.

Tour of Duty Page 14

Skills and Feats: Listen +8, Spot +8, Survival +7; +11, Ref +10, Will +12; Str 10, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10,
Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Weapon Focus Wis 16, Cha 16.
(battleaxe). Skills and Feats: Concentration +14, Diplomacy
Possessions: masterwork chainshirt, masterwork +11, Sense Motive +10, Survival +9; Combat Casting,
heavy steel shield, +2 battleaxe*, masterwork Diehard, Endurance, Improved Initiative, Spellcasting
composite longbow (Str Bonus +4) with 20 arrows, Prodigy, Weapon Focus (battleaxe).
potion of barkskin (+2). Favored Soul Spells Known (6/7/7/7/5/3; 10th-
Rage (Ex)—1/day: hp 52; AC 18, touch 8, flat- level caster); 0 – create water, cure minor wounds,
footed 18; Grp +11; Atk +13 melee (1d8+8/x3, +2 guidance, inflict minor wounds, light, mending, purify
battleaxe); Full Atk +13 melee (1d8+8/x3, +2 battleaxe); food and drink, read magic, resistance; 1st – cure light
SV Fort +12, Will +2; Str 23, Con 20. Rage for 8 rounds wounds, divine favor, ice slickfb, obscuring mist,
than fatigued. protection from good, shield of faith; 2nd – bear’s
endurance, bull’s strength, cure moderate wounds,
lesser restoration, remove paralysis, spiritual weapon
(+11/+6 melee [1d8+3/x3, battleaxe]); 3rd – deeper
Favored of the Frostmaiden darkness, dispel magic, glyph of warding, protection
from energy, searing light; 4th – air walk, cure critical
Llianne Rimewind (EL 10, 11 and 12 version): wounds, divine power, freedom of movement; 5th –
Female human favored soul 8 (Auril); CR 8; Medium boreal windfb (DC 19), frostbitefb (DC 19), righteous
humanoid; HD 8d8+16; hp 59; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC might.
21, touch 11, flat-footed 20; Base Atk +6; Grp +6; Atk +9 Possessions: +2 mithral breastplate, +1 heavy
melee (1d8+2/x3, +2 battleaxe); Full Atk +9/+4 melee wooden shield, +2 battleaxe, boots of the winterlands,
(1d8+2/x3, +2 battleaxe); Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA cloak of resistance +2, periapt of wisdom +4, potion of
spells; SQ cold resistance 10; AL NE; SV Fort +10, Ref barkskin (+2).
+9, Will +11; Str 10, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 16, fb
These spells are new from Frostburn. Full
Cha 16. descriptions can be found in Appendix 2: New Spells.
Skills and Feats: Concentration +12, Diplomacy Power-Up Suite (with divine power and righteous
+9, Sense Motive +10, Survival +8; Combat Casting, might)—hp 83; AC 25, touch 14, flat-footed 25; Base
Diehard, Endurance, Spellcasting Prodigy, Weapon Atk +10; Grp +19; Atk +17 melee (1d8+7/x3, +2
Focus (battleaxe). battleaxe); Full Atk +17/+12 melee (1d8+7/x3, +2
Favored Soul Spells Known (6/7/7/6/3; 8th-level battleaxe); Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SQ DR 3/good; Str
caster); 0 – create water, cure minor wounds, guidance, 20, Con 16.
inflict minor wounds, light, mending, purify food and
drink, read magic; 1st – cure light wounds, divine favor,
Borealis (EL 10 and 11 version): Male young adult
ice slickfb, obscuring mist, protection from good, shield
white dragon; CR 8; Large dragon; HD 15d12+45; hp
of faith; 2nd – bear’s endurance, bull’s strength, cure
170; Init +0; Spd 60 ft., burrow 30 ft., fly 200 ft. (poor),
moderate wounds, lesser restoration, spiritual weapon
swim 60 ft.; AC 23, touch 9, flat-footed 23; Base Atk
(+9/+4 melee [1d8+2/x3, battleaxe]); 3rd – deeper
+15; Grp +23; Atk +18 melee (2d6+4, bite); Full Atk +18
darkness, dispel magic, glyph of warding, protection
melee (2d6+4, bite) and +16 melee (1d8+2, 2 claws) and
from energy; 4th – air walk, divine power, freedom of
+16 melee (1d6+2, 2 wings) and +16 melee (1d8+6, tail
slap); Space/Reach 10 ft./5 ft. (10 ft. with bite); SA
Possessions: +2 mithral breastplate, +1 heavy
breath weapon, frightful presence, spell-like abilities;
wooden shield, +2 battleaxe, boots of the winterlands,
SQ blindsense, icewalking, immunity to cold, keen
cloak of resistance +2, periapt of wisdom +4, potion of
senses, paralysis, and sleep, vulnerability to fire, DR
barkskin (+2).
fb 5/magic, SR 16; AL CE; SV Fort +12, Ref +9, Will +9;
These spells are new from Frostburn. Full
Str 19, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 10.
descriptions can be found in Appendix 2: New Spells.
Power-Up Suite (with divine power)—d hp 67;
Skills and Feats: Hide +14, Listen +18, Move
Silently +18, Search +18, Spot +18, Swim +12; Blind-
AC 23, touch 13, flat-footed 22; Base Atk +8; Grp +11;
Fight, Flyby Attack, Hover, Multiattack, Power Attack,
Atk +12 melee (1d8+5/x3, +2 battleaxe); Full Atk
+12/+7 melee (1d8+5/x3, +2 battleaxe); Space/Reach 10
Blindsense (Ex): Borealis can pinpoint creatures
ft./10 ft.; SV Fort +12, Ref +11, Will +13; Str 16.
within a distance of 60 feet. Opponents Borealis can’t
actually see still have total concealment against the
Llianne Rimewind (EL 13 version): Female human dragon.
favored soul 10 (Auril); CR 10; Medium humanoid; HD Breath Weapon (Su): 40-foot cone once every 1d4
10d8+20; hp 73; Init +5; Spd 30 ft.; AC 21, touch 11, rounds, 5d6 damage, Reflex DC 20 half.
flat-footed 20; Base Atk +7; Grp +7; Atk +10 melee Frightful Presence (Ex): Borealis can unsettle foes
(1d8+2/x3, +2 battleaxe); Full Atk +10/+5 melee with his mere presence. The ability takes effect
(1d8+2/x3, +2 battleaxe); Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA automatically whenever Borealis attacks, charges, or
spells; SQ cold and fire resistance 10; AL NE; SV Fort flies overhead. Characters within a radius of 150 feet

Tour of Duty Page 15

must succeed on a Will save (DC 17) or become shaken
for 4d6 rounds.
Icewalking (Ex): This ability works like the spider
climb spell, but the surfaces Borealis climbs must be
icy. It is always in effect.
Keen Senses (Ex): Borealis sees four times as well
as a human in shadowy illumination and twice as well
in normal light. He also has darkvision out to 100 feet.
Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day – fog cloud (5th-level

Borealis (EL 12 and 13 version): Male adult white

dragon; CR 10; Large dragon; HD 18d12+72; hp 200;
Init +0; Spd 60 ft., burrow 30 ft., fly 200 ft. (poor), swim
60 ft.; AC 26, touch 9, flat-footed 26; Base Atk +18; Grp
+28; Atk +23 melee (2d6+6, bite); Full Atk +23 melee
(2d6+6, bite) and +21 melee (1d8+3, 2 claws) and +21
melee (1d6+2, 2 wings) and +21 melee (1d8+9, tail slap);
Space/Reach 10 ft./5 ft. (10 ft. with bite); SA breath
weapon, frightful presence, spells, spell-like abilities;
SQ blindsense, icewalking, immunity to cold, keen
senses, paralysis, and sleep, vulnerability to fire, DR
5/magic, SR 18; AL CE; SV Fort +15, Ref +11, Will +11;
Str 23, Dex 10, Con 19, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 12.
Skills and Feats: Concentration +15, Hide +17,
Listen +21, Move Silently +21, Search +21, Spot +21,
Swim +24; Blind-Fight, Cleave, Flyby Attack, Hover,
Multiattack, Power Attack, Wingover.
Blindsense (Ex): Borealis can pinpoint creatures
within a distance of 60 feet. Opponents Borealis can’t
actually see still have total concealment against the
Breath Weapon (Su): 40-foot cone once every 1d4
rounds, 6d6 damage, Reflex DC 23 half.
Frightful Presence (Ex): Borealis can unsettle foes
with his mere presence. The ability takes effect
automatically whenever Borealis attacks, charges, or
flies overhead. Characters within a radius of 180 feet
must succeed on a Will save (DC 20) or become shaken
for 4d6 rounds.
Icewalking (Ex): This ability works like the spider
climb spell, but the surfaces Borealis climbs must be
icy. It is always in effect.
Keen Senses (Ex): Borealis sees four times as well
as a human in shadowy illumination and twice as well
in normal light. He also has darkvision out to 120 feet.
Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day – fog cloud, gust of
wind (6th-level caster).
Sorcerer Spells Known (5/4; 1st-level caster); 0 –
dancing lights, ghost sound, mage hand, message; 1st –
shield, true strike.

Power-Up Suite
hp 236; AC 33 (34 at EL 14), touch 12 (13 at EL 14), flat-
footed 33 (34 at EL 14); Grp +30; Atk +25 melee (2d6+8,
bite); Full Atk +25 melee (2d6+8, bite) and +23 melee
(1d8+4, 2 claws) and +23 melee (1d6+4, 2 wings) and
+23 melee (1d8+12, tail slap); SV Fort +19, Ref +13, Will
+13; Str 27, Con 23.
Skills and Feats: Concentration +17, Swim +26.

Tour of Duty Page 16

Appendix 2: New Spells Ice Slick
Conjuration (Creation) [Cold]
Boreal Wind Level: Cleric 1
Evocation [Cold] Components: V, S, DF
Level: Bard 5, cleric 5, druid 4, sorcerer/wizard 5 Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, DF Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Casting Time: 1 standard action Area: One 20-ft. square
Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./levels) Duration: 1 round/level
Effect: Gust of wind (20 ft. wide, 20 ft. high) emanating Saving Throw: See text
out from you to the extreme of the range Spell Resistance: No
Duration: 1 round + 1 round/2 levels
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates An ice slick spell covers a solid surface with a layer of
Spell Resistance: Yes slippery ice. Any creature entering the area or caught
in it when the spell is cast must make a successful
You create a strong blast of arctic air that originates Balance check or slip, skid, and fall. Those that succeed
from your fingertips and moves in the direction you on the skill check can move at half speed across the
are facing. As a stronger form of gust of wind, this surface, or can skate or glide normally. However, those
boreal wind automatically extinguishes candles, that remain in the area must each make a new skill
torches, and similar protected or unprotected flames, check every round to avoid falling and to be able to
including lanterns. Large fires (such as bonfires, a move. The DM should adjust skill checks by
blacksmith’s coals, or even a house fire) have a 50% circumstance. For example, a creature charging down a
chance to be extinguished by the boreal wind. Forest hill that is suddenly iced has little chance to avoid the
or grassland fires are too large to be extinguished by effect, but its ability to exit the affected area is almost
this spell. assured (whether it wants to or not).
All creatures caught in the area take 1d4 points of
cold damage per caster level (maximum 15d4). A
successful Fortitude saving throw negates the gust’s
effects. Those that fail the save are pushed away from
the caster a distance of 3 feet per caster level. Creatures
that remain in the area past the first round must make
an additional saving throw each round.
A boreal wind can do anything a sudden blast of
wind would be expected to do. It can create a stinging
spray of sand or dust, overturn tents and blow down
small huts, scuttle a small boat, and blow gases or
vapors to the edge of the range.
The wind can change direction if you actively
direct it (a move action for you); otherwise, it merely
blows in the same direction.

Conjuration (Creation) [Cold]
Level: Cleric 5
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One creature/2 levels, no two of which can be
more than 30 ft. apart
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude half
Spell Resistance: Yes

You chill the air and create a layer of frost on the skin
of target creatures. The targets are entitled to a
Fortitude save; those who fail take 6d6 points of cold
damage and 2d6 points of Dexterity damage. Creatures
dropping to 0 Dexterity are frozen in a layer of ice,
shivering and unable to attack, move, or defend.

Tour of Duty Page 17

Player’s Handout 1 – Manifest

20 5 lb wheels of cheese
30 lb cure ham
200 days of trail rations
200 feet silk rope
30 winter blankets
20 flint and steel
100 tindertwigs
30 sunrods
40 pitons
40 smokesticks
20 thunderstones
400 longbow arrows
2 wooden potion cases
20 potions of cure moderate wounds
10 scroll cases
20 scrolls of endure elements
5 scrolls of neutralize poison
5 scrolls of cure serious wounds
2 wands of cure light wounds 50 charges

Total Value: 13,600 Gold Crowns


Tour of Duty Page 18

each square = 5 ft. To Gate

Chraals’ Start X



Pa To

th W
PCs’ Camp
Large Tree

Small Tree


each square = 5 ft. Concealed


PCs’ Start

Slope of Hill
Flind Path

s’ A
pp Swordhold

Frozen Lake


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