GR 11 T4 Study Skills Content Summary
GR 11 T4 Study Skills Content Summary
GR 11 T4 Study Skills Content Summary
Study Skills
Term 4: Week 3-6
Lesson 1: Revise and implement a study plan by including and applying time management
skills & examine how learning takes place and reflect on effectiveness.
Lesson 2: Study styles as a preferred way of approaching tasks and study strategy to
approach a specific task in the light of perceived demands.
Visual Learners remember and learn what they see the most. This could include videos and
pictures. Visual learners do well with spatial reasoning, charts, graphs, etc.
Often, visual learners “see” words as pictures or other objects in their head,
and they often use their right brain to process information. A visual learner can
take in and retain a lot of information quickly because they prefer this
processing method that humans are already very good at. When taking notes,
these students are more likely to organise their notes into visual patterns. They might use
charts or diagrams; they might separate their page of notes into different sections. Many visual
learners also do well with colour coding their notes with different coloured pens or highlighters.
Auditory Learners learn best by hearing and carefully listening. This can include hearing
things from external sources, as well as hearing themselves talk. They are very likely to
volunteer to answer questions and to actively participate in classroom discussions. Auditory
learners have a great advantage in the classroom because they are not afraid to speak their
mind and get answers to their questions. While reading/writing learners might not even realise
they have a question until they’ve had time to go back and process their notes, auditory
learners learn by listening and speaking, so they process through information very easily right
there in the classroom.
Reading/Writing Learners learn best by, well, reading and writing. Verbal input can often go
in one ear and out the other for these types of learners. For them, seeing notes on the board
or on a PowerPoint is important, as is taking their own notes. These students learn best from
books, lists, notes, journals, dictionaries, etc. Some things these students might do to
intuitively help themselves learn include rewriting their notes, using flash cards, adding notes
to pictures or diagrams, choosing a physical book over an audiobook, and using closed
captions on videos.
Kinaesthetic Learners learn best by going through the motions or doing something. When
they are actively moving their body and combining that with what they are learning, it is much
easier for them to internalise the information. They also learn best from seeing something first
hand, watching live videos, and going on field trips. Even just combining a physical motion
with a piece of information can help them. They might fidget while they’re listening in class,
and they are much more likely than those with other learning styles to talk with their hands.
Lesson 4: Apply goal-setting skills: Personal development goals regarding study, health
and fitness.
Improving your skills is a practice known as personal development and it does not happen by
itself. Some personal development can be a matter of being in the right place at the right time,
and simply taking up opportunities. But consistent, effective personal development across a wide
range of skills requires deliberate and focused effort.
What is REVISION and why is it important?
Revision is when content is revised and the process of re-reading content that is previously done
to extend or improve your knowledge on a subject. Revision is usually taken up with the sole
purpose of preparing for examinations. The importance of revision can be seen in the fact that
without revision, learners often score low grades in examinations. That is why revision is important
for learners. It enables you to be more thorough in the subject matter.
If learning is a process for acquiring knowledge or skills; then memory is a means to retrieve
that information in the present. Consolidation is a process of committing learning to memory.