Reformer Start Up Requisites
Reformer Start Up Requisites
Reformer Start Up Requisites
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Operations WI.O.A2/A.11.302
Start-up for U-12 & U-13 ( REFORMER UNIT & CCR UNIT) March 21
This work instruction covers the guidelines to in safely and properly Start up for U-12 & U-13
-The purpose of the Reformer unit (U-12) is to maximize the production of the valuable high octane
reformate stream and to ensure the production and consistent quality of hydrogen rich gas.
Byproduct LPG is to be sent to Deethanizer unit.
-The purpose of the CCR (Continuous Catalyst Regeneration) Unit (U-13) is to regenerate the
continuously during the normal operation of the Reformer unit (U- 12) and so to maintain a steady
coke level in the reactors, and optimum operating conditions for the Reformer Unit.
These operating conditions are almost constant except for the catalyst end of life.
This Work Instruction provides the guidelines for the Shift team leader, Control room operator and
Field Operator.
Override of Safety Devices
Health and Safety Rules – Refinery and Marine Terminal
Environmental Operating Criteria
Protective Clothing and Equipment
Law No. 4/1994 The Environmental Law and its Executive Regulation of Egypt
All A2A Operation Team Work
❖ Prerequisites prior unit start-up
❖ Unit status
❖ Unit start up
1. Preparation of chemical injection packages.
2. Preparation of steam generation section (D-1207).
3. Preparation of stabilizer section C-1201.
4. Pressurization of unit.
4.1. Nitrogen loop section pressurization.
4.2. Regeneration section pressurization.
4.3. Reaction section pressurization.
4.4. Reduction section pressurization.
5. Preparation of CCR washing Drum (D-1308).
6. Preparation of catalyst transfer.
7. Reformer Unit conditions before Oil in.
8. CCR conditions before Oil in.
9. Reformer unit & CCR unit is ready for Oil in.
10. Startup regeneration section.
• Use caution when opening bleeders and vents.
• Use caution when energizing electrical circuits to any equipment.
• Use caution when opening valves on live utility systems.
•• Operators must use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) during all operating activities.
❖ Unit status
- The leak test has been successfully completed.
- The unit has been purged with nitrogen to be oxygen free, (less than 0.2% vol.) and is now
under a slight positive pressure.
-The reforming unit will be started when naphtha from NHT (U-11) is on specifications. The
specifications of the feed acceptable for the start-up are similar ASTM distillation than design
feed and impurities according the following:
Poisons Source
Poisons Max.level(wt) Source
Arsenic 5ppbmax CrackedNaphthas
Lead 5ppbmax Recycledslops
Copper <detectionlimit COIToSion
Mercurv 5ppbmax Naphtha-condensates
Iron <detectionlimit COITosion
Silicon <detectionlimit Additives(foaming)
Nickel <detectionlimit Corrosion
Chromium <detectionlimit CoIToSion
Organicnitrogen 0.5ppmmax
Totalsulfur 0.5ppmmax
Halogens 1ppmmax
Waterandoxygenated Lowerthan10ppm
products (startuponly)
❖ Unit start up
1. Preparation of chemical injection packages.
2- UV-0001 to be closed.
6- Line up (4"-P-121006) & (4" -P- 121301) to D-1205 (two isolation valve on P-1202 discharge to
9- Put PIC-0083 AUTO mode0 @ 7 bar & PIC-0069 AUTO mode @ 7.5 bar.
- EHS-0011LC to be released
12- P-1202 suction valve to be fully open & discharge valve to be cracked open.
13- P-1202 min flow FIC-103 to be online and 50% open (MAUNAL).
16- Start P-1202 to R-1206A/B to C-1201 by opening discharge valve full open and adjust FIC-0103
AUTO mode @ 34.1 NM3/hr.
-To start P-1202A/B, UV-0011 to be open & LT-00014 (D-1205) not low
17- Open FV-0019 in manual mode and adjust the flow to C-1201
20- Stop P-1202 and close Isolation valves of startup Bypass line.
-To open UV-0013, C-1201 level not low (LT-0018) & EHS-0013LC to be released.
22- P-1204A suction valve to be fully open & Discharge valve cracked open.
23- Open FV-0022 A/B 30% then start P-1204A circulation on H-1205.
-To start P-1204A/B, UV-0013 to be open & C-1201 level not low (LT-0018).
25- Adjust the flow of FIC-0022 to be 177.4 M3/hr. AUTO mode cascaded with FIC-0022A/B.
- EHS-1205AL to be released.
- EHS-1205BL to be released.
- SOS (HS-0022RBY)( FALL-0022)to be ON (if required) till flow stabilized, never start H-1205
without flow in heater passes.
29- If level appear in D-1206 (LT-0022) , Put C-1201 total reflux by start P-1203 & open FV-0020.
-To start P-1203A/B, UV-0014 to be open & D-1206 level not low (LT-0022).
4. Pressurization of unit
- E-1303 to be online
- D-1306 to be in service.
- E-1304 to be online
- D-1307 to be on service
3- To start K-1301:-
- Compressor to be 0% load.
- Lube oil pressure to be not low PT-5015 (1.5 bar).
6- Select HS-0107 to start up mode & put PIC-0108 AUTO mode @ 2.2 bar.
7- Line up nitrogen to 1 lift pot and put FV-0017 online and in close position.
8- Line up CTP (3"-CA-131202) to 1 upper hopper (D-1310).
12- Line up nitrogen to 5 lift pot and put FV-0027 online and in close position.
- HS-0103 to be NORMAL.
- Note: HS-0102RBY it is not required to use because the pressure (PT-0103) is achieved.
- Line up seal gas system with FI-1301F @0.22 NM3/hr. &adjust PCV-1301F1 @ 6.4 bar
- Put FIC -0036 AUTO mode @ 1455 NM3/hr. (The flow to be adjusted according to fines
23- Start BL-1301 & put it in remote mode with cold mode by adjusting the speed to 1980 PRM
via HIC-1301.
In normal operation the temperature will be increase to 150 C, so the BL-1301 will be change to
hot mode by adjusting the speed to 2250 PRM via HIC-1301.
- Nitrogen line (2"-N-130301) which injected to suction & discharge line of K-1302A/B
- PDV-0038B
3- To start up K-1302A/B.
A- HS-0053R to be normal.
B- EHSK-5113A/B to be released.
C- EHS-0053L to be released.
- Compressor to be 0% load.
4- Put FIC-0007 Auto mode @ 3285 NM3/hr. & PIC -0013 AUTO mode @ 6.5 bar.
5- Put FIC-0009 AUTO mode @ 154NM3/hr. & FIC-0010 AUTO mode @ 159 NM3/hr.
6- Select HS-0012 to start up mode & put PIC-0038 AUTO mode @ 4.5 bar.
10- Line up DR -1301 by opening the inlet valve & keep the bypass valve open.
11- Start UP DR-1301 (Follow DR-1301 start up procedure) then slowly close the bypass valve.
- EHS-1302L to be released.
- Note: HS-0018RBY it is not required to use because the flow (FT-0008) is achieved.
13- Switch on EH-1302 (from field & select RUN from DCS) to 300 C (TIC -1302) at the rate of 40
C/ hr.
- EHS-1303L to be released.
- Note: HS-0022RBY it is not required to use because the flow (FT-0012) is achieved.
15- Switch on EH-1303 (from field & select RUN from DCS) to 300 C (TIC -1303) at the rate of 40
C/ hr.
- EHS-1304L to be released.
- Note: HS-0023RBY it is not required to use because the flow (FT-0013) is achieved.
17- Switch on EH-1304 (from field & select RUN from DCS) to 300 C (TIC -1304) at the rate of 40
C/ hr.
The resulting nitrogen in these sections is about 25 vol. % which is favorable for a steadier
catalyst circulation. It will also be helpful for the oil-in. Indeed molecular weight of recycle gas
has an impact on the lifting of liquid in the Packinox exchanger. If pure H2 is used, the lifting
will be more difficult. N2 will increase Molecular weight and consequently ease start-up
operation. However, N2 content is the recycle gas must never exceed 30vol%.
- Inlet H.N feed UV-0001 to be closed & isolate upstream UV-0001 isolation valves.
- UV-0003, UV-0004, UV-0006, UV-0008 & UV-0010 are in close position. (need to be reset)
- R-1205A/B to be by passed.
- X-1201 inlet & out let process lines to be isolated & by pass line to be opened.
- E-1201 to be online.
- H-1201.02,03,04 to be online.
- R-1201,02,03,04 to be online.
- EA-1201 to be online.
- E-1202 to be online.
- EHS-0003LC to be released.
- EHS-0003RC to be released.
- EHS-0054L to be released.
- EHS-0010LC to be released.
- UV-0010 to be opened.
- EHS-0052L to be released.
5- Start Reaction section pressurizing to 3 bar on K-1201 discharge line by using start up
hydrogen line from PSA (2"-P-132203).
6- Put PIC-0026B AUTO mode @ 3 bar & PIC-0026A & PIC-0036 AUTO mode @ 3.5 bar
7- Put PIC-0044 MANUAL mode @ 50% (PV-0040 & PV-0041 in close position).
8- To start up K-1201:-
- Primary seal gas supply diff pressure (not low)….. PDAL-9004 (more than 0.5 bar)
- Primary seal gas supply diff pressure (not low)….. PDAL-9013 (more than 0.5 bar)
- Lube oil rundown tank level (not low)….. LAL-9001 (more than 57%)
- Control oil supply header pressure (not low)..... PAL-9005 (more than 4.6 bar)
- Lube oil header pressure (not low)….. PAL-9002 (more than 0.9 bar)
- Lube oil supply header temperature (not low)….. TAL-9039 (more than 21 C)
C- EHS-0051L to be released.
D- EHS-0051R to be released. (Auxiliary console)
- Push compressor start (12-HSK-9004ST) from local panel (UV-0005, governor valve will open
&ASV FX-0025 will be energized).
- Adjust the K-1201 discharge flow (FT-0003) by adjusting ST-1201 speed (12-HIC-9001).
- EHS-1211L to be released.
- EHS-1201L to be released.
- K-1201 to be running.
- EHS-0050L to be released.
- PT-0099 of hydrogen inlet from HPU to be not low or push SOS ( HS-0099RBY) to be ON.
4- Reset PV-0091 by push (RHS-0091R) on DCS & put PIC-0091 in AUTO mode @ 3.8 bar.
6- To switch on EH-1301:-
- EHS-1301L to be released.
- PT-0099 of hydrogen inlet from HPU to be not low or push SOS (HS-0099RBY) to be ON.
- Note: HS-0032RBY it is not required to use because the flow (FT-0032) is achieved.
7- Switch on EH-1301 (from field & select RUN from DCS) to 400 C (TIC -1301) at the rate of 40
nd rd th
8- Line up 2 , 3 & 4 lifting lines as follow:-
After reformer produce hydrogen and the unit become stabilize, Line up hydrogen lifting line
from reformer (3”-P-121212) instead of PSA line (2”-P-132108)
- Line up 2 lift line & put FIC-0021 AUTO mode @ 586.1NM3/hr.
2- E-1307 to be online.
3- P-1302 suction valve to be full open & discharge valve to be cracked open.
6- HS-0051 to be normal.
7- Fill the water section of D-1308 by Start P-1302 and follow LT-0001 till the level 40% then close
FIC -0001.
- To start P-1302, D-1308 level not high (LT-0004) & HS-0051 to be normal.
8- Fill the Caustic section of D-1308 by line up (1 ½" – DW-130205) with full open the valves
& P-1301 suction valve to be close, till the level 50% then adjust the FT-0003 at normal flow =
0.174 M3/hr.
- HS-00050 to be normal.
14- P-1301 suction valve to be full open & discharge valve to be cracked open.
16- Start P-1301A & open discharge valve then put FIC-0002 AUTO mode @ 3.1M3/ hr.
- To start P-1301,( HS-0050 to be normal, D-1308 level not low(LT-0003) & SOS (HS-0006RBY)
to be ON).
1- To reset UV-0007:-
- HS-0006 to be Normal.
2- To reset UV-0009:-
- HS-0060 to be Normal.
3- To reset UV-0011:-
- HS-0010 to be Normal.
- HS-0006 to be Normal.
* TT-0016 not high (1 burning outlet).
* TT-0023 not high (2 burning outlet).
* HS-0055 to be normal.
* EH-1302 to be running.
* K-1302 to be running.
- EH-1301 to be running.
- HS-0060 to be Normal.
- HS-0010 to be Normal.
9- Adjust the levels in upper hoppers to be 40%-50% (LT-0018, LT-0020, LT-0022 & LT-0024)
by using (PDV-0053, PDV-0061, PDV-0067, PDV-0074 & PDV-0083) manually then to be in
close position.
10- During adjusting the levels in upper hoppers LT -0008(R-1301) need to be loaded, so we have
to operate lock hopper sequence manually as follow:-
- Make level in D-1302 by equalizing the pressure between D-1301& D-1302 Push UV-0004
BYPASS & open UV-0004.
- Catalyst will be loaded to D-1302, then close KV-0004, after 10 Sec close KV-0003.
- Close UV-0004.
- Pressurize D-1302 to be near to the R-1301 pressure by Push UV-0006 BYPASS & open
UV-0006 then close it.
- Make level in R-1301 by equalizing the pressure between R-1301& D-1302 Push UV-0003
BYPASS & open UV-0003.
- Catalyst will be unloaded to R-1301 , then close KV-0002 , after 10 Sec close KV-0001
- Close UV-0003.
C- Lock hopper (PT-0050) should be higher than Upper surge drum (PT -0051).
D- If PT-0050 is not higher than PT-0051.(PT-0050< PT-0051- 0.15 bar), lock hopper can not be
- Push UV-0006 BYPASS & open UV-0006 to increase PT-00050 above PT-0051 then close it.
2- R-1201,02,03 &04 inlet temperatures (TIC-0021, TIC-0027, TIC-0033 & TIC-0039) are 440 C
( for fresh catalyst , RITs are 400C)
3- H-1201,02,03,04 fuel gas controllers are in manual mode (PIC-0121, PIC-0124, PIC-0127
& PIC-0130)
- Compressor to be 0% load.
B - EHS-0053L to be released.
D - EHS-1202AL/BL to be released.
Note:- to reset reaction section (IS-01 & IS-02 )to be cleared ( it cleared before H-1201.02.03.04
- F-1201A/B to be online.
- E-1207 is bypassed.
- EA-1203 is online.
- E-1210 is online.
2-K-1301 is running.
4- Select HS-0107 to be in normal mode & put PDIC-0107 AUTO mode @ 1.3 bar.
5- Select HS-0012 to be in normal mode & put PDIC-0039 AUTO mode @ 0.67 bar.
- Line up D-1305.
9- To start K-1303:-
A - HS-0072R to be Normal.
C- EHSK-5189A/B to be released.
- Compressor to be 0% load.
E - UV-0014 to be open (HS-0070 to be normal & IS-07 to be cleared) then reset RHS-0014R.
11- Catalyst levels for all upper hoppers are steady @ 40%-50%.
1- Introduce feed to reaction section with 60% capacity (56 M3/hr.)((@RITs = 440 C))
- Start Sulfiding agent injection to the feed & adjust the dosing rate of X-1202-P1A/B which
achieve the sulfur = 0.2 - 0.3 ppm @ 12-SC-002.
- Monitor the H2S @ hydrogen recycle gas (12-SC-003) to be 3 ppm during startup.
- Monitor the HCL @ hydrogen recycle gas (12-SC-003) to be 5 ppm during startup.
3- Monitor carefully D-1201 level (LIC-0002) & when level not low, open UV-0002
To open UV-0002
- EHS-0002LC to be released.
7- D-1205 level increase (LT-0014) till 50%, Open UV-0011 (opened before).
8- Start P-1202A/B & Put FIC -0103 AUTO mode @ 34.1 M3/hr.
9- Put LIC-0015 AUTO mode cascaded with FIC-0019 & put PIC-0079 AUTO mode @15.5bar.
- FV-0012 to be online & in close position. (Never open FV-0012 before D-1204 pressure
become near to normal)
- When K-1202 start & before increase the load to 25%, Push RHS-0042R from DCS, so
UV-0042 will open & UV-0043 will close.(IS-05(overfilling) is cleared before).
- D-1204 level (LT-0012) will increase till become not low, open UV-0009 by push RHS-
0009R from DCS.
- Open FV-0012 manually to adjust D-1205 level, and then put it in cascade mode with
- Monitor carefully D-1204, D-1205 & C-1201 levels during switching, to avoid any levels
11- Put LIC-0017AUTO mode cascaded with FIC-0017 to off spec line.
14- C-1201 pressure will increase; change PIC-0083 set point @11.5 bar & PIC-0069 set point
15- D-1206 level (LT-0022) will increase & when level become not low, open UV-0014
To open UV-0014
- EHS-0014LC to be released.
17-Adjust C-1201 top temperature Ti-0077 around 64 C & TI-0075(tray 9) around (77 Cto90 C)
by adjusting reflux flow rate FIC-0020.
18- Put LIC-0022 AUTO mode cascaded with FIC-0021 to LPG off spec line (2"-P-121719).
19- Monitor carefully D-1201 pressure PIC-0026B to flare, If PV-0026A/B wide open. Ready to
start K-1202 as follow:-
- Hydrogen rich gas to PAS (PV-0101) to be online. (Auto & in close position)
- Hydrogen Rich gas to F.G header (PV-0062) to be online. (Auto & in close position)
- Start K-1202 (follow startup K-1202 procedure )& keep the capacity 50% (Monitor carefully D-
1201 pressure PIC-0026B)
- increase K-1202 capacity according to PIC-0026A/B opening , if PV-0026A/B is still open proceed
K-1202 loading , But if PV-0026A/B close , keep the K-1202 capacity as it is.
- Adjust PIC -0026A/B set point @ 2.3 bar & PIC-0036 set point @ 2.2bar
20- Monitor H2/H.C ratio which will be high than normal value 1.5 (feed at 60% & recycle gas at
full capacity).
21- Stabilize RITs @480 C & capacity 60% & keep this temperature as long as the moisture
content in hydrogen recycle gas ( 12-SC-003) is high than 200ppm vol.
22- When moisture content in hydrogen recycle gas (12-SC-003) is falls under 200 ppm vol. & H2S
below 3 ppm vol. , increase RITs temperature till 495 C by 2 C/hr.
23- When moisture content in hydrogen recycle gas (12-SC-003) is falls under 30 ppm vol. & H2S
is normal 1 ppm vol. , increase RITs temperature up to the required value to obtain the desired
RON 2 C/hr.
24- Adjust chloride injection rate during startup the unit according to moisture content in
hydrogen recycle gas (12-SC-003) as follow:-
200-100ppm 10ppm
30-100ppm 5ppm
If Less than 30ppm adjust injection to keep HCL in Recycle gas (1-3ppm)
• During normal operation there is no need for chloride injection into the feed.
- Chloride injection into the feed may be required if water upset in the feed (upset of NHT or
water contamination in the storage should be correct) or stop chloride injection in CCR. (Max
allowance water in the feed is 4 ppm).
- If the Recycle gas moisture above 100 ppm, lower RITs to 460 C with decreasing the unit
severity & inject chloride 5ppm related to the feed.
- If the Recycle gas moisture 50-100ppm , lower RITs to 480 C with decreasing the unit severity
& inject chloride 2ppm related to the feed.
- If the Recycle gas moisture 35-50 ppm, inject chloride 2ppm related to the feed.
- If Less than 30ppm adjust injection to keep HCL in Recycle gas (1-3ppm).
• During normal operation sulfur content in the feed is lower than 0.5 ppm which
corresponds to H2S lower than 1 ppm in recycle gas which corresponds to 5 ppm in C-1201 off
- when the H2S level reaches to 5 ppm in recycle gas , RITs must be lowered to 480 C & the
reformer feed must be reduced to maintain RON
- The high severity operating conditions can be only resumed when the H2S content in recycle
gas is lower than 1ppm .
26- Sample to be taken form C-1201 bottom product (12-SC-007) & when the sample result is
on spec as following, Route reformate to on spec line (6"- P-121407).
27- If RON is not achieved, increase RITs by 1 C to 3 C & other sample to be taken .
28- Sample to be taken form C-1201 top product (12-SC-011) when the sample result is on spec as
following, Route LPG to U-23.
29- If LPG spec not achieved, adjust C-1201 condition (Reflux ratio) &other sample to be taken.
30- When moisture content in hydrogen recycle gas sample (12-SC-003) become below 30 ppm,
Refrigeration package (X-1201) is ready to start.
- Check Chiller(E-1207), inlet & outlet valves of tube side in close position & bypass valves are
fully open.( before start Refrigeration package, open bypass valve(1") of inlet isolation valves
tube side(E-1207) for pressurizing, after that open outlet isolation valves full open, then open
inlet valves full open& slowly close by pass valve till suction pressure of compressor more than
suction pressure set point, start Refrigeration package , with increasing suction pressure more
than set point , increase compressor capacity load.
34- Increase the feed by 4.5 M3/hr. with rise RITs at the rate of 1 C-2 C /hr. in order to maintain
the reformate RON.(( A flow increase must be always be achieved prior to temperature increase ))
35- During startup & after unit stabilized, monitor the following:-
Now the reformer unit produce on spec reformate & the unit capacity is 56 M3/hr. with required
-It is preferred to increase unit capacity to normal (93.3 M3/hr.) after CCR unit run as white
burn mode to maintain unit performance.
- HS-00067(IS-15) to be normal.
3- Spent sample (AP.7 -006) to be taken from D-1302 & check Coke%
1- Before burning start, caustic injection to be start & keep total salt content (expressed in
total sodium) not excessed 3% (13-SC-002) &P (AT-0001) to be 7.5 and less than 8.5 .
- HS-0069 to be normal.
- D-1208 level not low (LT-0004).
- P-1301 is running. ( HS-0050 to be normal, D-1308 level not low(LT-0003) & SOS (HS-
0006RBY) to be ON).
5- All oxygen analyzer to be online ( AT-0002 , AT-0003, AT-0004, AT-0005, AT-0006 & AT-
6- Increase 1 burning inlet temperature to 480 C by TIC-1302.
7- Put TIC-0022 AUTO mode @ 480 C to adjust 2 burning inlet temperature.
8- Open slowly FV-0011 (MANUAL mode) & monitor carefully 1 burning zone bed
Temperature (TI-0019A-I) & 2 burning zone bed Temperature (TI-0025A-I).
9- Increase oxygen content carefully (AT-0003) to avoid any rapid increase in bed
10-When bed temperatures become stable & start decreasing , we observe increasing in
st nd
oxygen content in 1 & 2 out let burning zones (AT -0004. AT-0005& AT-0006), this
indicates there is no coke in the burning zone.
- Select HS-0008 black burn mode then put it in AUTO mode (AT-0003 AUTO mode
cascaded with FIC-00011)
- Put AT-0003 set point 0.4%- 0.8% according to burning bed temperatures & inlet - out
let ∆T not exceed 40 C
- Regen. Catalyst sample (AP.7-0007) from D-1310 to be taken after 8-10hr & according to
catalyst circulation rate (100% rate = 7 hr.).
- If coke % is lower than 0.2%, CCR is ready to run as white burn mode. If not, continue
run as black burn till the sample become below 0.2%.
- HS-00056 to be normal.
13- Just HS-00056 become normal, HS-0008 will change automatically to white mode ( AIC-
0003 AUTO mode cascaded with AIC-0007 cascaded with FIC-0011)
- HS-0063 to be normal.
17- Start water & chloride injection to oxychlorination zone& adjust the dosing rate of X-
1302-P1A/B & X-1303-P1A/B which achieve the chloride = 1% - 1.1% @ AP.7-0007
18- Stop chloride injection pump X-1203-P1A/B in reformer feed after 8-10 hr. from
switching to white burn.
During CCR unit normal operation, monitor carefully the following:-
➢ Monitor Regenerator ∆Ps which can indicate screen plugging or flow distribution
problems in the generator which may affect catalyst regeneration.
Note: This printed copy is for information only. Consult Company server for valid updated copy.