M 4 - Bio
M 4 - Bio
M 4 - Bio
These are synthetic materials whose structure, properties or function mimic those of natural
materials or living matter.
Donald Griffin discovered bats' use of echolocation in 1940, opening what he once called
a “magic well” from which scientists have been extracting knowledge ever since.
Echolocation occurs when an animal emits a sound wave that bounces off an object,
returning an echo that provides information about the object’s distance and size. It is
considered as nature’s own SONAR system.
Echolocation can be defined as a physiological process for locating distant or invisible
objects (such as prey) by means of sound waves reflected back to the emitter (such as a
bat) by the objects.
In nature, over a thousand species echolocate, including most bats, all toothed whales, and
small mammals. Many are nocturnal, burrowing, and ocean-dwelling animals that rely on
echolocation to find food in an environment with little to no light. Animals have several
methods for echolocation, from vibrating their throats to flapping their wings.
(1) Bats produce high-frequency sounds to hunt for their prey.
(2) Dolphins and other toothed whales use sound waves to locate their prey and navigate
their surroundings.
(3) Nocturnal oil birds use echolocation to navigate their surrounding, especially those
with poor lighting conditions.
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While animals like bats and dolphins have
specific sounds that they use for
echolocating, humans can pick whatever
sound they want to use as their sonar
emission. Finger snaps, mouth clicks, and
humming are some of the most common
echolocating noises. Blind people also
often use short and quick cane taps to
(i) Ultrasonography
A technique using echoes of ultrasound pulses to delineate objects or areas of different
density in the body.
Ian Donald was an obstetrician who developed ultrasound diagnostics during the twentieth
century in Europe.
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Doctors use ultrasound to a non-invasive imaging test, which detects the changes in the
appearance of organs, tissues, and vessels and to detect abnormal masses, such as tumors.
In an ultrasound exam, a transducer both sends the sound waves and records the echoing
(returning) waves.
The sound waves make echoes that form pictures of the tissues and organs on a computer
screen (sonogram).
Also known as sonography or diagnostic medical sonography, ultrasound imaging uses a
small transducer (probe) to both transmit sound waves into the body and record the waves
that echo back. Sound waves travel into the area being examined until they hit a boundary
between tissues, such as between fluid and soft
tissue, or soft tissue and bone.
It allows your health care provider to see into your
body without surgery. Doctors commonly use
ultrasound to study a developing foetus (unborn
baby), a person's abdominal and pelvic organs,
muscles and tendons, or their heart and blood
The 3 main types are
External ultrasound scan – the probe is moved over the skin.
Internal ultrasound scan – the probe is inserted into the body.
Endoscopic ultrasound scan – the probe is attached to a long, thin, flexible tube (an
endoscope) and passed further into the body.
Photosynthesis is the process by which plants use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide
to create oxygen and energy in the form of sugar.
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Photosynthesis is an endothermic
reaction. This means it cannot occur
without energy (from the Sun). The light
required is absorbed by a green pigment
called chlorophyll in the leaves.
Chlorophyll is found in chloroplasts in
plant cells, particularly the palisade and
spongy mesophyll cells. The plant
leaves are green because that color is the
part of sunlight reflected by a pigment in the leaves called chlorophyll.
It could also be viewed as a series of biochemical reactions that
photosynthetic autotrophs (wavelengths range from 350 to 800 nanometers) use to
convert the olar energy into potential energy, and it involves two stages.
(i) In the first stage, called light-dependent reactions, autotrophs capture energy from
sunlight. And in the second stage, light-independent or dark reactions, the captured
solar energy is converted into potential energy, which exists in autotrophs as chemical
bonds in macromolecules.
(ii) Most of the macromolecules synthesized from photosynthesis are carbohydrates, but
autotrophs can also produce proteins and lipids. These macromolecules are consumed
by the autotrophs in their metabolic reactions and utilized by heterotrophs as food and
other non-food products.
Eg for autotrophs- which are organisms that are capable of producing their own food.
They include archaea, prokaryotes such as purple bacteria and cyanobacteria, and
eukaryotes such as algae and land plants.
Two predominant chlorophyll species are found in plants and algae-
a) Chlorophyll a absorbs the most light at 372 and 642 nanometers, corresponding to
violet-blue and orange lights, respectively
b) Chlorophyll b absorbs the most light at 392 and 626 nanometers, corresponding to
blue and red lights, respectively.
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Photovoltaic cells
Bionic Leaf
The Bionic Leaf is a biomimetic system that gathers solar energy via photovoltaic cells
that can be stored or used in a number of different
Bionic leaves can be composed of both synthetic
(metals, ceramics, polymers, etc.) and organic
materials (bacteria), or solely made of synthetic
The Bionic Leaf has the potential to be
implemented in communities, such as urbanized areas to provide clean air as well as
providing needed clean energy.
The Bionic Leaf is an artificial leaf that interfaces a triple-junction Si wafer with
amorphous silicon photovoltaic with hydrogen-and oxygen-evolving catalysts. These are
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made from a ternary alloy, nickel-molybdenum-zinc (NiMoZn) and a cobalt–phosphate
cluster (Co-OEC).
The Co-OEC is able to operate in natural water at room temperature. Accordingly, the
Bionic Leaf can be immersed in water and when held up to sunlight, it can effect direct
solar energy conversion via water-splitting.
In natural photosynthesis, photosynthetic organisms produce energy-rich organic
molecules from water and
carbon dioxide by using solar
radiation. Therefore, the process
of photosynthesis removes
carbon dioxide, a greenhouse
gas, from the air.
Artificial photosynthesis, as
performed by the Bionic Leaf, is
approximately 10 times more efficient than natural photosynthesis. Using a catalyst, the
Bionic Leaf can remove excess carbon dioxide in the air and convert that to useful alcohol
fuels, like isopropanol and isobutanol.
Can be used for fertilizer production-new bionic leaf uses photovoltaic cells in
conjunction with Xanthobacter autotrophicus bacteria to create a plastic called
polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) which can help for the sustainable production of ammonia
and bio-fertilizers.
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The bacteria within the bionic leaf also help to remove carbon dioxide from the
environment. Thus, bionic facades can be implemented in buildings to reduce energy
consumption from cooling, absorb solar radiation, and reduce CO2 emissions.
Bird flying
Bird flight is defined as the mode of locomotion used by birds while taking off and
This is observed to be one of the most
complex forms of locomotion in the animal
kingdom. Bird flying follows aerodynamic
forces are used based on four forces: lift,
thrust, drag, and gravity.
By principle Thrust must equal Drag and Lift
must equal to Gravity (Weight) in any
straight and level flight.
The x-section of a wing of a bird resembles a teardrop shape.
When the leading edge of a streamlined wing cleaves the air, it pushes the air both up
and down so that the amount of air passing above and below the wing should be and is
the same. [Because the air molecules travel faster and over a longer distance, there is less
pressure as per Bernoulli’s Principle.] Thus the wing moves up into the area of lesser
pressure (LIFT).
But as air passes over the wing, friction is generated; the effect of this friction is to slow
the wing and it is called DRAG. If the wing is tilted upward (increased angle of attack),
the pressure on the upper part of the wing is reduced even further and lift increases; but
so does the drag.
The more the THRUST, the higher the angle of attack can be without stalling (loss of
The types of flight include two major types of modifications in their wings for gliding or
soaring are found. The shape of a bird’s tail also appears to be related to flight.
Birds long range fly is expected to follow navigation. It is expected to follow
a) Nose Knows Theory- suggests that homing pigeons may use an olfactory map.
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b) Magnetic Map Theory- suggests that birds use the earth’s magnetic field to obtain at
least a partial map of its position. The earth’s magnetic field becomes stronger as you
travel away from the equator and toward the poles. In theory, a bird might be able to
estimate its latitude based on the strength of the magnetic field.
c) The use of compass-Sun, Moon and Stars.
d) The Sunset Clue and the Landmarks clue.
Scientists have long known that the birds navigate using the earth's magnetic field. Now, a
new study has found subtle mechanics in the brain of pigeons that allow them to find their
way. This forms the basis to develop 2 important uses for mankind viz., GPS and aircrafts.
A global positioning system (GPS) is a network of satellites and receiving devices used to
determine the location of something on Earth. Some GPS receivers are so accurate they can
establish their location within 1 centimeter.
Roger L. Easton of the Naval Research Laboratory, Ivan A. Getting of the Aerospace
Corporation, and Bradford Parkinson of the Applied Physics Laboratory invented GPS.
The global positioning system (GPS) has
three parts or elements. These
components work together to make sure
that the navigation, timing, and
positioning information sent across are
consistently accurate.
GPS uses can be so listed as Location –
determining a position, Navigation –
getting from one location to another,
Tracking – monitoring object or personal movement, Mapping – creating maps of the
GPS parts are the space segment, control segment, and receivers.
It works on the basic principle of exchange of radio waves between the ground stations,
satellites, and the receivers. This transmission and reception of data prefer a trilateration (the
use of distances (or "ranges") for determining the unknown position coordinates of a point
of interest, often around Earth (geo-positioning)) mechanism of operation.
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During its working, an antenna, receives the signal, a receiver-processor unit, which
converts the radio signal to a useable navigation solution; and a control/display unit, which
displays the positioning information.
3 types of GPS are- Personal GPS, Commercial GPS and Military GPS.
GPS also provides critical data for weather forecasting, agricultural planning, and even
disaster relief efforts.
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This leads to the second property associated with lotus plants — the ability to stay
spotlessly clean. As rain falls on a super hydrophobic surface like the lotus leaf, the
water droplets roll easily off the leaf surfaces. As the droplets travel along the leaves,
they pick up any dirt or other matter they encounter along the way. This process keeps
the lotus leaves dry, clean and free of pathogens such as bacteria and fungi.
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Plant burrs (Velcro)
A bur (also spelled burr) is a seed or dry fruit or
infructescence that has hooks or teeth. The main
function of the bur is to spread the seeds of the
bur plant, often through epizoochory.
The bur of burdock was the inspiration for hook
and loop fastener, also known as Velcro.
The fastener consisted of two components: a lineal fabric strip with tiny hooks that
could 'mate' with another fabric strip with smaller loops, attaching temporarily, until
pulled apart.
Initially made of cotton, which proved impractical, the fastener was eventually
constructed with nylon and polyester.
Secure Outdoor Furniture, Equipment, and
Décor. Velcro tape works well outdoors as
long as it stays clean.
Hang Kitchen Tools.
Hang Photo Frames.
Organize a Wardrobe.
Fasten Cables Together.
Hold a Rug or Mat in Place.
Organize Garage Tools.
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It is found that the shark's skin, abundantly covered with placoid scales (dermal teeth),
is a rough surface of grooves and ridges that form “nanostructured bulges” that allow
sharks to swim with reduced resistance and prevent microorganisms from attaching to
the body. This mechanism is made use of preparing swim suits.
Swim Suits
During the designing of swim suits, people
focus on basic component of fluid dynamics.
That backward force imparted on our hand
during swimming is called as is drag in action.
One of the reasons that swimsuits are tight to
the body is to help control the shape of the
wearer's body.
It effectively helps to make them more
hydrodynamic. Added bio copying Shark skin,
the modern and advanced swim suits are
provided with denticles like structures.
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A long and narrow cone, the kingfisher’s beak parts and enters the water without
creating a compression wave below the surface or a noisy splash above. The fine
point of the conical beak presents little surface area or resistance to the water upon
entry, and the evenly and gradually enlarging cross-section of the beak keeps fluid
flowing smoothly around it as it penetrates further into the water column. This buys
the bird crucial milliseconds to reach the fish before the fish knows to flee. The length
of the beak is critical here: the longer it is, the more gradually the angle of the wedge
expands. A shorter, fatter, or rounder beak would increase the wedge angle, resulting
in a splash, a compression wave, and a fleeing fish.
This kingfisher beak inspired a bullet train. In Japan, they had these very fast bullet
trains. They were getting so fast that the typical bullet shape was causing a loud
booming sound when these trains would exit typical train tunnels. The sound was
waking up people who lived nearby. It disturbed the wildlife.
The booming, it turned out, had to do with the shape of the face of the train. This was
observed due to the cushion of air building up in front of that speeding train. To
overcome the problem, when they designed front of the bullet train like the
kingfisher’s face it moved through without creating the boom and it saved 10-15%
more energy because it was more aerodynamic. This concept was later developed to
larger extent to have the present day bullet trains.
Shortages in blood supplies and concerns about the safety of donated blood have
fueled the development of so-called blood substitutes. The two major types of blood
substitutes are volume expanders, which include solutions such as saline that are used
to replace lost plasma volume, and oxygen therapeutics, which are agents designed to
replace oxygen normally carried by hemoglobin in red blood cells.
Of these two types of blood substitutes, the development of oxygen therapeutics has
been the most challenging.
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(i) Hemoglobin-Based Oxygen Carriers (HBOCs)
Oxygen therapeutics include agents called hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers
(HBOCs), which are made by genetically or chemically engineering hemoglobin
isolated from the red blood cells of humans or
These dark red or burgundy colored blood
substitutes are often made also from RBCs of
expired human blood, cow blood, hemoglobin-
producing genetically modified bacteria, or human
HBOCs are semi-synthetic systems that utilize natural Hb as the oxygen-carrying
component, either in chemically modified cell-free suspensions or conjugated and
cross-linked with polymers along with protective enzymes, or encapsulated within
microparticulate or nanoparticulate vehicles.
Through a chemical process-
polymerization, two or more three
molecules bonded together to form a
larger HBOC molecule but HBOCs
are smaller than natural RBCs.
In the case of outdated human or
bovine RBCs, the Hb is isolated via
cell lysis, purified by sterile filtration
and chromatographic techniques and
HBOCs do not require refrigeration,
are compatible with all blood types,
and efficiently distribute oxygen to
tissues. Using cell-free (acellular)
Hb presents the advantage of
minimum antigenicity and the ability to off-load oxygen in plasma, more efficiently
because of the lack of interference by cell membrane.
Examples of HBOCs include Hemopure, PolyHeme, Hemospan, Hemotech and
Engineered Hemoglobin.
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Advantages over human blood
Long-term storage
Lack of infectious risk.