Factsheet YaSM Process Map
Factsheet YaSM Process Map
Factsheet YaSM Process Map
YaSM ® applied by organizations of any nature, the process model describes in the
no matter if they provide IT services or form of a diagram the activities to be
„ Y et another
other types of services. performed, the required inputs and the
Servi ce Management
resulting outputs.
Model“ Keeping YaSM as lean as possible was
important to us because we wanted to
The basic idea behind YaSM is to
ensure the model can be adapted to Benefits of using
provide a streamlined service
the specific needs of organizations of the YaSM ® Process Map
management process model based on
all sizes: In our experience it is almost
established best practices and The graphical and navigable represen-
impossible to simplify a complex
standards, such as ITIL® and ISO 20000. tation of the processes makes it easy to
system - while starting with something
This has been achieved by keeping the simple and adding more sophistication understand the YaSM processes and
YaSM process structure simple and where needed is relatively easy. their interrelationships.
clear, so that it is easy to understand The YaSM® Process Map is thus a very
the purpose of each process.
The Y aSM Process Map
® cost-efficient way of giving everyone in
your organization a good understanding
A process model for YaSM is not presented as an extensive of service management best practice.
everyone in the business of theoretical work, but as a set of
What is more, introducing best practice
providing services process diagrams and document
in your organization typically means
templates - the "YaSM® Process Map".
YaSM‘s pragmatic and effective designing and documenting improved
approach to managing services can be For each service management process, processes.
Set the
ISO 20000 compatibility
Improve Design
the new or changed
services services YaSM is a perfect fit for ISO/IEC 20000:
© IT P roces s Map s Gb R yas m.com | YaSM ® – Yet anot her Service Management Model
Contents of the ̶ The YaSM data object model pro-
RACI matrix
YaSM ® Process Map vides a complete overview of the
key relationships between the
The core of the YaSM model is a set of YaSM documents and records.
process diagrams in three levels of
̶ The responsibilities of the YaSM
roles in the various service
management processes are
Flowchart diagram on level 3 described in a RACI matrix.
̶ 95 checklists or document
templates in Microsoft Word™
format exemplify the structure of
the data or information contained
in the various documents, policies
More about
and records produced in the YaSM
YaSM service management
For more details about the YaSM
For a complete list of the components
products and services please refer to
included in the YaSM® Process Map,
the YaSM web site at yasm.com.
please visit yasm.com.
If you are looking for an introduction
License holders are also entitled to
to YaSM in general, our free YaSM
maintenance and support services such
̶ The top-level process diagram Service Management Wiki is the best
as product updates and technical
presents an overview of the YaSM place to start.
service management processes.
The Wiki includes an overview of the
̶ 19 overview diagrams on detail YaSM processes, a YaSM glossary, and
level 2 show for each YaSM main details on how YaSM is related to other
process how it is related to the other V ersions and platforms service management frameworks and
processes and what sub-processes it standards, such as ITIL® (ITIL 4 and V3),
The YaSM® Process Map is currently
contains. ISO 20000, COBIT®, FitSM, VeriSM™
available in English or German for
and SIAM®.
̶ On detail level 3, 102 flowchart Microsoft Visio®, BIC / BIC Process
diagrams provide a detailed account Design® and the ARIS Process
of the process activities. Platform™.
YaSM stands for "Yet another Service Management Model". - YaSM® is a registered trademark of IT Process Maps GbR. ITIL® and IT Infrastructure Library® are registered trademarks of AXELOS Limited. -
"VeriSM™" is a registered trademark of IFDC. "SIAM®" is a registered trademark of EXIN. COBIT® is a registered trade mark of ISACA (Information Systems Audit and Control Association). FitSM is
published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license. ARIS™, ARIS Process Platform™ and IDS Scheer™ are registered trademarks of Software AG. Microsoft®, Word™,
Excel®, SharePoint® and Visio® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp., BIC Process Design® and BIC Platform® are registered trademarks of GBTEC Software AG.
© 2024 IT Process Maps GbR