English Assignment
English Assignment
English Assignment
How are electric vehicles part of the solution to reducing our enormous
carbon footprint and overall emissions? That is the question we can
answer with our actions. With a large amount of our population driving ICE
(internal combustion engine) vehicles (petrol and diesel cars), it is
harming our environment and needs to be stopped.
ICE vehicles emit greenhouse gases, and they are the main cause for
global warming and climate change. These harmful gases include carbon
dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. According to National Geographic,
these gases allow sunlight to enter the earth’s atmosphere but makes it
hard for the heat to escape. ICE vehicles also produce air pollutants which
harm the environment, humans and animals.
According to CNN, China, USA, India and the EU are the countries which
produced the most emissions in 2022 with a whopping 83% of total global
Replacing ICE vehicles with electric vehicles will significantly improve our
air quality and reduce our enormous carbon footprint.
This graph is perfect proof that even though producing an electric vehicle
might emit carbon, it doesn’t produce any other emissions after the
production, unlike ICE vehicles.
In 2040 the world would be rid of ICE vehicles, and electric vehicles will be
the main method of transport. The old ICE vehicle engines would have
been recycled and used for other eco-friendly purposes, ensuring that
nothing was wasted.
However, to achieve this, we need to start now! Here’s what you can do,
opt for an electric vehicle over an ICE vehicle, replace your ICE engine
with an electric battery and spread the word about the problems of ICE
Acela.org. (2020). Fuels & Emissions -. [online] Available at:
%20emissions%20are%20the%20product [Accessed 12 Apr. 2024].
James, R. (2023). Carbon Footprint Face-Off: A Full Picture of EVs vs. Gas
Cars. [online] www.recurrentauto.com. Available at:
[Accessed 12 Apr. 2024].
Lakeh, H. (2021). What are the Pros and Cons of Renewable Energy?
[online] www.greenmatch.co.uk. Available at:
disadvantages-of-renewable-energy [Accessed 12 Apr. 2024].
Nert, T.D. (2023). INSIGHTS: 15 charts that show why electric vehicles are
the future of transportation and what other technologies are coming.
[online] Appian Capital Advisory LLP. Available at:
technologies-are-coming/ [Accessed 12 Apr. 2024].
Ritchie, H. (2023b). Electric cars are better for the climate than petrol or
diesel. [online] www.sustainabilitybynumbers.com. Available at:
[Accessed 12 Apr. 2024].
Canva (2013). Canva. Available at: https://www.canva.com/ [Accessed 12
Apr. 2024].
The purpose of my video was to educate and inform teenagers on how ICE
vehicles are harming the environment and how electric vehicles are part
of the solution to reducing our enormous carbon footprint and total
emissions. Replacing ICE vehicles with electric ones will help significantly
as electric vehicles do not produce any emissions after the production of
it, unlike ICE vehicles, which are constantly emitting extremely harmful
gases. A sense of logos was conveyed in the video through the statistics
and graphs that were displayed. There were 2 graphs throughout the
video, both providing evidence supporting the main message. The first
graph was about the total global emissions in 2022 and the countries that
had the largest impacts, and the second graph was displaying how ICE
vehicles emit more gases than electric vehicles. The use of these statistics
and graphs appealed to the audience’s sense of logic as it was evidence
that suggested the accuracy behind the video and its main message.
Furthermore, the various forms of modality throughout the video are an
example of pathos being conveyed. There were high modality
images/videos and low modality graphics, both serving as a visual aid for
the audience helping them keep up. Additionally, the images were
engaging the audience by showcasing the fact that if nothing is done now,
it will be extremely damaging towards our planet and our home. The
images displayed the potential effects of what would happen if nothing
was done and prompted the audience in wanting to do something positive
to help. For example, the video of the planet ablaze and crumbling apart
was demonstrating the potential hazards awaiting us. In addition to this,
another example of pathos being used in this video was the language
used throughout the video. The use of the words ‘our’ and ‘you’ are
directly involving the audience in the video, engaging them and making
them feel a sense of responsibility and guilt. These words have been used
effectively and repeatedly to emphasise the point, mainly in the
introduction and closing remarks. The message I hoped to convey through
this digital story is the negative effects of ICE vehicles and how electric
vehicles are a better option and should be taken into consideration. I
listed ways on how this could be executed and backed them up with
research and evidence. My digital story informed the audience about the
main topic and educated them on ways that this could be achieved.