Leucocytozoon Haemoprpteus

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 A protozoan parasite of avian

erythrocytes transmitted by the
'blackfly' Simulium spp.
 Infection causes the disease
 The parasites were first seen by
Danilewsky in 1884 in blood from an
 There are over 100 species in this genus.
Scientific Classification
Kingdom Protista
Phylum Apicomplexa
Class Sporozoea
Order Eucoccidiida
Family Plasmodiidae
Genus Leucocytozoon

Species Smithi, Simondi,

Hosts & Vectors
Definitive host
 Ducks
 Turkey
 Geese
 Swans
 Similar waterfowl and Chickens

Black Fly(Simulium spp)
Major Species
 There are over 100 species in this
genus, but the 3 most important species
that’ve infected the most common
domestic birds are;
 Leucocytozoon caulleryi(chickens)
 Leucocytozoon smithi(turkeys)
 Leucocytozoon simondi(ducks and
Geographical Distribution

 In Thailand, India, Taiwan, Japan, Burma, Sri

Lanka, the Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia,
Indonesia, China, and Korea, USA, Canada
and Africa most cases have been reported.

 Acute outbreaks of leucocytozoonosis have

been reported in chickens, turkeys,
waterfowl and wild birds worldwide.
 Leucocytozoon use Black flies (Simulium
species) as their vector and Birds as their
definitive host.
 Over 100 species of birds have been recorded
as hosts to these parasites.
 Leucocytozoon does not threaten human
populations in terms of potential infection,
infected poultry is not pathogenic in humans.
 Still, the parasite's economic impact could hurt
poultry farmers' revenue as mortality rates are
extremely high, especially among young birds
Transmission in Host
 Leucocytozoon's involves a fly vector (the
blackfly) which carries the parasite from
one avian host to another.
 When the blackfly vector bites a bird,
perhaps around the unfeathered eye
area, sporozoites are released in the
vector's saliva and into the bird's
circulatory system.
Vector & transmission, avian pathology, avian malaria, leucocytozoonosis
Vector & transmission, avian pathology, avian malaria, leucocytozoonosis

Video :
 Five days post infection:
 Many schizonts develop in hepatocytes
 Cells rupture
 Seven days post infection:
 Megaloschizonts begin to appear in spleen
 Also appear in Lymph and other tissues
 Gametocytes accumulate in liver
 12+ days post infection
 Hemorrhagic scars from rupturing
Area of Infection
 Leucocytozoon’s infect the

 Heart
 Liver
 Lungs
 Spleen
 Brain
Clinical signs/symptoms
 The majority of birds affected with
leucocytozoonosis exhibit no clinical
 Visibly affected show mild to severe
signs of anorexia, luekocytosis,
weakness, anemia, emaciation, and
have difficult breathing.
 Young birds manifest in appetence,
weakness, dyspnea, and sometimes
death within 24hrs.
 Signs in adults appear less abruptly and
consist of listlessness and a low
mortality rate.
 The mortality in adult birds occurs as a
result of debilitation and increased
susceptibility to secondary infection.
 Granulomatous and lymphocytic lesions are
seen in the lungs, heart, brain and
peripheral nerves. Large gametocytes can
block capillaries of the lungs.
Spleen Lungs

Leucocytozoon in
A diagnosis can be made by
 The demonstration of gametocytes in blood
 Histopathological examination of the liver,
spleen and brain can show developing
 Necropsy may reveal an enlarged spleen and
 Since the majority of birds are sub clinically
infected with Leucocytozoon, other causes of
death must be ruled out even with the presence of
Leucocytozoon gametocytes in peripheral blood
Treatment and Control
 Treatment usually is not effective,
control of the Leucocytozoon in
domestic avian species has, until
recently, been limited to control of the
blackfly vector.
 Preventive medication using
Pyrimethamine(1 ppm) and
Sulfadimethoxine(10 ppm) combined in
the feed controls it.
* Quinine may be useful in early stage
before gamatocyte appear
 Clopidol (0.0125%–0.025%)
controls invertebrate vectors are helpful.
 Quinacrine hydrochloride or
Trimethoprim/Sulfamethoxazole solution
have been used i;e parasitemia is
reduced, but the infection is not cleared.
Vaccines based on TRANSGENIC plants
* Vector repellant and separation of infected
bird is useful


 Parasites of birds and reptiles (snakes or
 Sexual phases in insects other than mosquitoes

 Exoerythrocytic schizogony is in endothelial


 Merozoites enter the RBC in circulating blood

Scientific Classification

 Kingdom: Protista

 Phylum: Apicomplexa
 Class: Sporozoea
 Order: Eucoccidiida
 Family: Plasmodiidae
 Genus: Haemoproteus
• Genus created was by Kruse in 1890
• Greek : Haima - blood
• Proteus - a sea god (who had the power of
assuming different shapes

• Synonyms of Haemoproteus:

• Intracellular parasites - erythrocytes

• Pseudomalaria similarities with Plasmodium
Haemoproteus columbae
• Host : Pigeon (Columba livia), doves.
• Vector : Pseudolynchia canariensis -
louse flies (Hippoboscidae)
 Parasite of pigeons

 Host and vector are ectoparasitic flies that inject
sporozoites with the bite
 Merozoites can develop from schizont or the
schizont can break up into cytomeres
 At first resemble the ring stages of plasmodium but
grow into macro- and microgametocytes in 5-6 days
 Macrogametocytes have dark brown pigment granules,
small nucleus and curves around RBC nucleus
 Microgametocytes are less curved, less pigment granules
and exflagellation results in 6-8 merozoites
H. Columbae

 In the stomach of the fly, oocyte makes many
sporozoites that go to the salivary glands,
remains infectious over the winter and can
infect the young in the spring

Usually no sign of disease in pigeons with

occasional l ss of appetite, lungs congested,
some anemia and spleen/liver enlargement
• Gametocyte
partially surrounds
the cell’s nucleus
• Multiple, refractile,
particles of
hemozoin pigment.
Pseudolynchia canariensis - louse flies

Life cycle

salivary glands of vector

sporozoite Infective stage bites a new host

Endothelial cells of blood vessels & lung, liver and spleen

asexual reproduction schizonts

Numerous merozoites penetration erythrocytes

Mature either macrogametocytes or microgametocytes

Another blood-sucking insect

Life cycle – cond.
ingested by another blood-sucking insect

sexual reproduction in the midgut of the insect

to produce oocysts

rupture and release numerous sporozoites

invade the salivary gland

subsequent infection for another host

Life cycle


 To produce subclinical infections
 Enlarged gizzards.
 Enlargement of the spleen, liver and kidneys
 May appear chocolate-brown due to hemozoin
 Infected birds may suffer from reluctance to move,
 Ruffled appearance,
 Prostration And Death.
 Include Parasitemia And anemia.
 Large megaloschizonts may be present in skeletal
 Particularly those of the thighs and back.
• Peripheral & Cardiac Blood smear
• Liver & spleen impression smear were
stained by Giemsa
• It shows a typical Halter shaped Gamonts in
• PM – Examination
Treatment and Control

 Antimalarial drugs - chloroquine may be useful
 Control
 By eliminating the vector population
 Habitat management
 Application of insecticides
 Use of ventilation fans

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