Rheumatoid Hand
Rheumatoid Hand
Rheumatoid Hand
– 4 of 7:
5. rheumatoid nodules
6. seropositive RF
7. radiographic findings
– RF positive in 70-80%
– Anticitrullinated peptide antibody (anti CCP) has high specificity for RA
Surgical Intervention:
– Synovitis of the wrist joint weakens bot the intrinsic and extrinsic wrist
ligaments which leads to deformities such as ulnar translocation of the
carpus, DRUJ disruption and ulnar dislocation, ECU tendon attenuation
– This results in the “Caput ulnae” deformity (*ulnar head dislocates
dorsally) results in DRUJ incongruity and impaction of the distal ulna on
the carpus which can lead to arthric changes and PAIN
Total wrist fusion can achieve stable wrist and decrease pain. This is used
with a combination of pins or plates.
Classic finding – these patients will not be able to actively extend digits at
MCP on their own but if you passively extend them they are able to hold
MCPS in extension. This limitation is due to this radial saggital band rupture
and subluxation of the extensor mechanism. When they are passively
corrected this centralizes the extensor mechanism and they are then able to
hold in extension. — ASKED PREVIOUSLY on exam
Treatment: arthrodesis vs arthroplasty. Arthrodesis rarely performed
because of arc of motion of the fingers is initiated at the MCP joint
One way to address this MCP deformity with a “cross intrinsic transfer”
where the ulnar lateral band to a digit is divided and transferred to adjacent
digit radial saggital band, alternatively could preform only a “intrinsic
1) abrasion of the tendon over bony prominences (eroded distal ulna or distal
pole of scaphoid)
MCP: subluxation of the joint and extensor tendon mechanism can result in
ulnar intrinsic tendon tightness
Thumb Deformities: