Lab 6 Partial
Lab 6 Partial
Lab 6 Partial
Laboratory No. 6
Group Members:
Mechanical compaction is one of the most common and cost effective
means of stabilizing soils. An extremely important task of geotechnical engineers
is the performance and analysis of field control tests to assure that compacted fills
are meeting the prescribed design specifications. Design specifications usually
state the required density (as a percentage of the “maximum” density measured in
a standard laboratory test), and the water content. In general, most engineering
properties, such as the strength, stiffness, resistance to shrinkage, and
imperviousness of the soil, will improve by increasing the soil density.
The optimum water content is the water content that results in the greatest
density for a specified compactive effort. Compacting at water contents higher
than (wet of ) the optimum water content results in a relatively dispersed soil
structure (parallel particle orientations) that is weaker, more ductile, less pervious,
softer, more susceptible to shrinking, and less susceptible to swelling than soil
compacted dry of optimum to the same density. The soil compacted lower than
(dry of) the optimum water content typically results in a flocculated soil structure
(random particle orientations) that has the opposite characteristics of the soil
compacted wet of the optimum water content to the same density.
Molds, Manual rammer, Extruder, Balance, Drying oven, Mixing pan, Trowel,
#4 sieve, Moisture cans, Graduated cylinder, Straight Edge
Test Procedure:
(1) Depending on the type of mold you are using obtain a sufficient
quantity of air-dried soil in large mixing pan. For the 4-inch mold take
approximately 10 lbs, and for the 6-inch mold take roughly 15 lbs.
Pulverize the soil and run it through the # 4 sieve.
(2) Determine the weight of the soil sample as well as the weight of the
compaction mold with its base (without the collar) by using the
balance and record the weights.
(3) Compute the amount of initial water to add by the following method:
(a)Assume water content for the first test to be 8 percent.
(b)Compute water to add from the following equation:
Soil mass∈grams × 8
water ¿ add (¿ ml)=
Where “water to add” and the “soil mass” are in grams. Remember
that gram of water is equal to approximately one milliliter of water.
(4) Measure out the water, add it to the soil, and then mix it thoroughly
into the soil using the trowel until the soil gets a uniform color (See
Photos B and C).
(5) Assemble the compaction mold to the base, place some soil in the mold
and compact the soil in the number of equal layers specified by the
type of compaction method employed (See Photos D and E). The
number of drops of the rammer per layer is also dependent upon the
type of mold used (See Table 1). The drops should be applied at a
uniform rate not exceeding around 1.5 seconds per drop, and the
rammer should provide uniform coverage of the specimen surface. Try
to avoid rebound of the rammer from the top of the guide sleeve.
(6) The soil should completely fill the cylinder and the last compacted
layer must extend slightly above the collar joint. If the soil is below the
collar joint at the completion of the drops, the test point must be
repeated. (Note: For the last layer, watch carefully, and add more soil
after about 10 drops if it appears that the soil will be compacted below
the collar joint.
(7) Carefully remove the collar and trim off the compacted soil so that it is
completely even with the top of the mold using the trowel. Replace
small bits of soil that may fall out during the trimming process (See
Photo F).
(8) Weigh the compacted soil while it’s in the mold and to the base, and
record the mass (See Photo G). Determine the wet mass of the soil by
subtracting the weight of the mold and base.
(9) Remove the soil from the mold using a mechanical extruder (See Photo
H) and take soil moisture content samples from the top and bottom of
the specimen (See Photo I). Fill the moisture cans with soil and
determine the water content.
(10) Place the soil specimen in the large tray and break up the soil until it
appears visually as if it will pass through the # 4 sieve, add 2 percent
more water based on the original sample mass, and re-mix as in step 4.
Repeat steps 5 through 9 until, based on wet mass, a peak value is
reached followed by two slightly lesser compacted soil masses
(1) Calculate the moisture content of each compacted soil specimen by
using the average of the two water contents.
(2) Compute the wet density in grams per cm3 of the compacted soil
sample by dividing the wet mass by the volume of the mold used.
(3) Compute the dry density using the wet density and the water content
determined in step 1. Use the following formula:
ρd =
1+ w
where: w = moisture content in percent divided by 100, and ρ = wet
density in grams per cm3.
(4) Plot the dry density values on the y-axis and the moisture contents on
the x-axis. Draw a smooth curve connecting the plotted points.
(5) On the same graph draw a curve of complete saturation or “zero air
voids curve”. The values of dry density and corresponding moisture
contents for plotting the curve can be computed from the following
ρw 1
w sat =( − )×100
ρ Gs
ρd =
w 1
( + )
100 G s
ρd = dry density of soil grams per cm3
Gs = specific gravity of the soil being tested (assume 2.70 if not
ρw = density of water in grams per cm3 (approximately1 g/cm3)
w sat = moisture content in percent for complete saturation.
Example Calculations:
Gs=2.7 (assumed)
w=1.0 g/cm3
Assumed wsat% Calculated ρd (g/cm3)
8 2.22
10 2.13
12 2.04
14 1.96
16 1.89
18 1.82
(6) Identify and report the optimum moisture content and the maximum
dry density. Make sure that you have recorded the method of
compaction used (e.g., Standard Proctor, Method A) on data sheet.