Auto Start Stop

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Starting and operating/Auto Start Stop system 7-57

Auto Start Stop system (if stopped by depressing the brake pedal
with the select lever in the “D” position, the
equipped) engine will be automatically stopped.
If you release the brake pedal with the
The Auto Start Stop system is designed to select lever kept in the “D” position, the
automatically stop and restart the engine engine will be automatically restarted.
when the vehicle is stationary for a short
period of time (while waiting for a traffic
light or in a traffic jam, etc.) after the engine
has warmed up. The system operates in
order to reduce fuel consumption and
exhaust emissions, as well as undesired
idling noise.
Auto Start Stop indicator light (green)
& System operation (type B) 7
If the engine is temporarily stopped by the
CAUTION system, the Auto Start Stop indicator light
on the combination meter will illuminate in
The Auto Start Stop system is de- green. This indicator light will turn off when
signed to automatically stop and Auto Start Stop indicator light (green) the system restarts the engine.
restart the engine for a short period (type A)
of time during idling. Do not use the NOTE
system when parking the vehicle . After starting the engine, if the
normally. vehicle is left idling without being
driven, the Auto Start Stop system will
So that it can be used safely and comfor- not operate.
tably, in addition to driver operations, the . Your vehicle is equipped with a
Auto Start Stop system is designed to special high-performance battery.
constantly monitor the vehicle conditions When replacing the vehicle battery, be
as well as the environment inside and sure to replace it with a genuine
outside the vehicle, in order to control SUBARU battery (or equivalent) de-
stopping and restarting of the engine. signed specifically for use in a vehicle
After the vehicle has been completely

北米Model "A1410BE-B" EDITED: 2020/ 9/ 16


7-58 Starting and operating/Auto Start Stop system

equipped with the Auto Start Stop under the following conditions. . When the vehicle is at an altitude of
system. For details, we recommend – The vehicle is stopped on a road more than approximately 10,000 ft (3,000
that you consult your SUBARU dealer. with a steep slope. m)
– The vehicle is stopped by hard . When the CVT fluid is not sufficiently
! Operational conditions warmed up
S07BH0105 braking.
The Auto Start Stop system will automa- – Negative pressure in the brake . When the temperature of the CVT fluid
tically stop the engine when all of the booster is not sufficient. is abnormally high
following conditions are met. . After the vehicle is stopped, the . When the vehicle battery is not in good
. The engine is sufficiently warmed up. engine may not automatically stop if condition
. The engine hood is closed. the brake pedal is not fully depressed. . When using the climate control system,
. The driver’s door is closed. Make sure to depress the brake pedal the temperature difference between the
. The driver’s seatbelt is fastened. firmly when stopping the vehicle. setting temperature and the temperature
. The malfunction indicator light (Check . In the following cases, it may take inside the vehicle is significant
Engine light) is off. some time for the Auto Start Stop . When using the climate control system,
system to operate. the amount of air flow is significant
. Airflow mode selection is set to a mode
other than “ ” mode. – The battery is discharged be-
. The rear window defogger is not in use.
cause the vehicle has not been used NOTE
for a long period of time, etc. The Auto Start Stop system may not
. The X-MODE has been turned off (if – The coolant temperature is low. operate if the malfunction indicator
equipped). – The battery terminals have been light (Check Engine light) or other
After the vehicle is stopped, the engine will reconnected after replacing the bat- warning lights on the combination
be automatically stopped when the follow- tery, etc. meter are illuminating or flashing.
ing conditions are met. ! Non-operational conditions ! Engine restart operational condi-
. The steering wheel is in the straight S07BH0106
ahead position. In any of the following cases, the Auto S07BH0107
Start Stop system will not operate. In any one of the following cases, the
. The steering wheel is not being oper-
. When the Auto Start Stop warning light/ engine will be automatically restarted even
Auto Start Stop OFF indicator light (yellow) if the brake pedal is kept depressed.
NOTE is illuminating or flashing . When slightly releasing the brake pedal
. After the vehicle is stopped, the . When the malfunction indicator light on road with a steep slope and the vehicle
engine may not automatically stop (Check Engine light) is illuminating begins rolling
. When the engine hood is opened

北米Model "A1410BE-B" EDITED: 2020/ 9/ 16


Starting and operating/Auto Start Stop system 7-59

. When further depressing the brake even if you keep the brake pedal ! Auto Start Stop warning light
pedal depressed. S07BH0109

. When depressing the accelerator pedal – When the battery is discharged

. When you move the select lever to the – When the negative pressure in
“R” position the brake booster has lowered
. When turning the steering wheel . In the following cases, the length of
. When airflow mode selection set to time that the engine is temporarily
“ ” mode stopped by the Auto Start Stop system
may be shorter.
. When the climate control system can
no longer maintain the set temperature – When the climate control system
is in operation
. When unbuckling the driver’s seatbelt
– When the outside temperature is
. When opening the driver’s door high, or when it is low (because the
. When turning on the X-MODE climate control system can no long-
. When activating the rear window de- er maintain the set temperature) Auto Start Stop warning light (yellow) 7
fogger – When consumption of electricity (type A)
! Engine restart non-operational by electrical components is high
conditions . When the engine is automatically
To ensure safety, the engine will not be restarted by the Auto Start Stop sys-
automatically restarted if you open the tem, the power provided via the acces-
engine hood when the Auto Start Stop sory power outlet will be reduced.
system is in operation, even if you release Depending on the connected appli-
the brake pedal. In this case, check the ance, the power of the appliance may
surrounding area and restart the engine by temporarily turn off.
normal operation.
. When the Auto Start Stop system is
in operation, the brake pedal may feel Auto Start Stop warning light (yellow)
stiff. However, this is not a malfunction. (type B)
. In the following conditions, the en-
gine will be automatically restarted

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7-60 Starting and operating/Auto Start Stop system

The Auto Start Stop warning light will ! Auto Start Stop OFF switch
illuminate in yellow when initially turning S07BH0104

the push-button ignition switch to the “ON”

position. The light will turn off after the
engine has started.
The Auto Start Stop warning light will flash
when the Auto Start Stop system is
malfunctioning. We recommend that you
contact your authorized SUBARU dealer
for an inspection.

If the Auto Start Stop warning light Auto Start Stop OFF indicator light (yel-
does not turn off after the engine has Auto Start Stop OFF switch
low) (type B)
started, the Auto Start Stop system If the Auto Start Stop OFF switch is
may be malfunctioning. We recom- pressed, operation of the Auto Start Stop
mend that you contact your author- system will be disabled. The Auto Start
ized SUBARU dealer for an inspec- Stop OFF indicator light on the combina-
tion. tion meter will then illuminate in yellow. If
the switch is pressed once more, the Auto
Start Stop system will turn on again. The
Auto Start Stop OFF indicator light will then
turn off.
While the engine is temporarily stopped by
the system, if the Auto Start Stop OFF
switch is pressed, the engine will be
restarted even if you do not release the
Auto Start Stop OFF indicator light (yel- brake pedal.
low) (type A)

北米Model "A1410BE-B" EDITED: 2020/ 9/ 16

Starting and operating/Auto Start Stop system 7-61

NOTE & System warning

. If the engine is restarted when the So that it can be used safely and comfor-
Auto Start Stop system is not opera- tably, the Auto Start Stop system is
tional and the ignition switch has been designed to constantly monitor the vehicle
turned to the “LOCK”/“OFF” position, conditions as well as the environment
the Auto Start Stop system will turn on inside and outside the vehicle in addition
again. to driver operations, and to provide various
. Be sure to turn the ignition switch to warnings to the driver via the warning light
the “LOCK”/“OFF” position when leav- and/or indicator light illuminating or flash-
ing the vehicle. Failure to do so could ing and a buzzer sounding. For details
result in the battery discharging. about the warning light and indicator light,
refer to “Auto Start Stop warning light/Auto
! Auto Start Stop No Activity Detected Start Stop OFF indicator light (yellow)”
Auto Start Stop No Activity Detected
indicator light indicator light (type B) F3-32 and “Auto Start Stop indicator light
(green)” F3-33.
If the operational conditions are not met
when the vehicle is stopped, the engine ! Warning buzzer
does not stop and the Auto Start Stop No The buzzer will sound when the engine
Activity Detected indicator light will illumi- hood is opened while the engine is
nate. It will turn off when the vehicle begins stopped by the Auto Start Stop system.
to drive. When this occurs, the buzzer will stop
sounding when the following operations
& Displaying the Auto Start are performed.
Stop system status . The engine is restarted by normal
Approximate indications of the time that operation (refer to “Preparing to drive”
the engine has been stopped by the Auto F7-9).
Start Stop system and/or the amount of . The ignition switch is turned to the
Auto Start Stop No Activity Detected fuel saved can be displayed on the multi- “LOCK”/“OFF” position.
indicator light (type A) function display (black and white) or
combination meter display (color LCD).
For details, refer to “Auto Start Stop time”
F3-46 or “Basic screens” F3-38.

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