New PR Intro
New PR Intro
New PR Intro
ICT has become an umbrella term in many parts of the world as digital
communication links replace analog links -- and the demand for professionals
who have the knowledge and skills to manage the convergence of these links
To that end, ICT employees can expect to work in positions where the focus
of their job includes improving digital literacy, data literacy and using
emerging technologies to optimize legacy communication channels.
Laar, E. van, van Deursen, A. J. A. M., & Haan, J. de. (2020, January 24). Determinants of 21st-
Century Skills and 21st-Century Digital Skills for Workers: A Systematic Literature
Ict integration
Integration has a sense of completeness or wholeness (Earle, 2002), by which all essential elements of a
system are seamlessly combined together to make a whole. In education, simply handing out to
students a collection of websites or CD-ROM programs is certainly not ICT integration. In a properly
crafted ICT integrated lesson, ICT and other crucial educational components such as content and
pedagogy are molded into one entity. Putting these two words together, ICT integration in this paper is
broadly defined as a process of using any ICT (including information resources on the web, multimedia
programs in CD-ROMs, learning objects, or other tools) to enhance student learning (Williams, 2003). It
is more of a process rather than a product. A simple placement of hardware and/or software will not
make integration naturally follow. This basically refers to use of technology in communication, data
processing and data storage to impact the knowledge on learners. ICTs help to achieve the goals of
educational programs for several reasons. The benefits of ICT seem suitable for coping with the issue of
basic literacy and technological literacy, even among the poorest population sectors. Computer Based
Learning (CBL) and teaching makes learning more efficient and more interesting to learners thus
improving the quality of education. The knowledge deepening approach has a greater impact on
learning. Its policy goal is to increase the ability of learners, to add value to education. ICT offers
increased possibilities for codification of knowledge about teaching and for innovation in teaching
activities through being able to deliver learning and cognitive activities anytime and anywhere.
DepEd Computerization Program (DCP) Orientation Handbook (Mark Anthony Llego, 2010)